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Fandom Kingdom Hearts: Fade Into Light (Character Sheets)



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Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Please keep this thread limited only to sheets. Also, please refer to the interest check for a few rules regarding character limits.

Age: (ideally somewhere in the range of 18-25 or so)
Appearance: (Written description or drawn image)
Home World:
Light/Dark Affinity: (All Luminaries must have a light affinity)
Spells: (Two elements for now. All starting elements are at the -aga level)
Keyblade Ability: (Drive forms, shotlocks, Keyblade transformations, D-Links, Flowmotion, limit breaks, etc. All characters with Keyblades can choose one or give up their additional ability/skill for a second Keyblade ability.)
Additional Abilities/Skills: (Optional, but if you want something that ties into a characters homeworld, include it here! Each player can choose one, and if you'd like, you can give up your Keyblade ability for a second additional ability)

Keyblade Ability Rules
  • Drive Forms: You can choose one drive form to enhance your abilities in a certain regard (For example, Valor Form to increase physical strength or Wisdom Form to increase magical strength. Feel free to come up with your own ideas as well, but nothing that's just an all-around boost in every regard).
  • Shotlocks: You can start out with one.
  • Keyblade Transformation: Only one specific to your own Keyblade.
  • D-Links: Only one with a character your wielder has formed a strong bond with. You can acquire a second if your character forms a strong bond with another player's character.
  • Flowmotion: Increased movement abilities, but you won't be able to leap up tall buildings in an instant or anything like that.
  • Command Styles: These are connected to the spells you've unlocked. Using a specific spell a few times will allow you to use that element to enhance your abilities.
  • Summons: You can choose one ally (from any of the included IPs or your home world) to summon and help you in battles. Dream Eaters are included here!
  • Feel free to ask about any other KH mechanics you'd like to work in here!
Name: Jazz Bellz

Age: 22

Gender: Female



(i've had this character a long time and was lucky enough that a friend got me a commissioned artwork of her lol)

Home World: Beast's Castle

Backstory: The daughter of Belle and The Beast (while some theorize his name is Adam, it's unknown even to his daughter and wife), she grew up rather sheltered and alone, never being allowed to leave her parents' or their servants' sight. She was a lonely child growing up. Much like her mother, she had no taste for the traditionally feminine lifestyle, though her taste was physical activity over books and study. From a young age, since she often didn't have anyone her age to play with, she instead played by exploring her labyrinthine home, jumping between unrepaired sections of the floorboards and finding secret passages. That was when she could sneak away, anyway, though she seemed to have a knack for slipping away into locked rooms. This confounded her parents often, until it was discovered she had gained the power of a Keyblade. They weren't sure when or why she got it, but they were sure of one thing: they needed help. After talking on her behalf to a long-time friend and ally with experience in such things, Jazz was to be sent to The Land of Departure to be trained. Going from a suffocating life in a massive mansion to a wide-open school campus was a shock to the senses. On her first day, she made some very important friends. Her social awkwardness and lack of experience talking to people her age didn't seem to affect them... At least not too much. She became rivals and best friends with one girl in particular, Allitt. Though their rivalry started out as fun, as time went on, Allitt started growing colder and seemingly more bitter. Jazz tried to reach out to her, but to no avail; she denounced all of those with ties to the darkness and fled the campus. With her friend seemingly lost for reasons Jazz couldn't understand, she worked with Allitt's sister, Dawn, to finish her training as quickly as possible so she could go looking for her lost friend and bring her back to her senses.

Personality: A pretty cheery, feisty person. Someone who doesn't back down, doesn't give up, and doesn't surrender. Headstrong, stubborn, and not too bright, she's still figuring out really who she is since she really only just started living about eight or so years ago. She thinks she's a full tomboy, and in some ways she is, but in reality she has a gentle and loving side that she just hasn't been given a real chance to express yet.

Keyblade/Weapon: Spiteful Rose: A long, purple stone pillar with twin roses, one red and one yellow, wrapped around the body and forming the guard, the rose's petals forming two sets of teeth at the tip of the blade. The chain is shaped like a series of little spiked hearts, and the keychain is a small replica of the rose that once bound her father in a beast like form.

Light/Dark Affinity: mixed, her father's darkness rests somewhere within, but her mother's light tends to keep it at bay.

Spells: Fire, Thunder

Keyblade Ability: Formchange, her
Keyblade can transform into a set of twin whips made from the rose vines, thorns dotted about the length.
Additional Abilities/Skills: Combo Breakthrough: attacks that are blocked still do significant (though reduced) damage. (Themed off of how Divine Rose is known for good parry rates and solid damage, Rumbling Rose gives Finisher Plus which often can hit through guard, Beast's roar and other moves at times being to pierce guard, so on)
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Name: Dawn Caelum

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Appearance: Slightly wavy crow hair going down to her shoulders. Dawn's green eyes are framed by a pair of thick glasses. Dawn is tall and slender with a somewhat pale skin tone. She wears a blue charcoal turtleneck sweater with candy apple red crescent moon symbols on the cuffs and a candy apple red belt just above her waist. Dawn also wears a scarlet knee-length skirt, carmine leggings, and blue charcoal sneakers with candy apple red accents. She wears a silver crescent moon necklace and pumpkin-shaped earrings.

Home World: Radiant Garden

Backstory: Dawn grew up in Radiant Garden alongside her twin sister, Allitt. Their mother is the leader of the Radiant Garden Defense Force, an organization formed with the assistance of the Keyblade Coalition to defend the world from potential otherworldly threats. Their father is a warlock from Halloweentown (as in the Disney Channel movie, not The Nightmare Before Christmas) who their mother met while traveling for a job with the Coalition. Since the Halloweentown bus had a route between the two worlds, their father chose to go to Radiant Garden with their mother so they could be together and she could keep her job.

While Allitt wanted to follow in their mother's footsteps and join the RGDF, Dawn was far more interested in a peaceful life focused on scholarly pursuits. She dreamed of being a teacher, but those hopes of a normal life were dashed when she and her sister both summon their Keyblades at the age of 13. Their mother reached out to an old friend in the Keyblade Coalition, her position leaving her privy to knowledge of the organization's existence. Allitt excitedly prepared to head to the Land of Departure to learn to fight, but Dawn was far more hesitant to do so. Her sense of obligation to use her gift drove her to reluctantly join her sister.

Early in her training, Dawn fell short as a combatant. Her fighting abilities lagged behind her fellow students, and no matter what she did, it seemed like she could never catch up. Training alongside her sister and their friend Jazz only further highlighted how weak Dawn was compared to the other trainees. She had debated giving up and returning home, but her sister suddenly developing a strange change in behavior made her stick around and try to help. Dawn wasn't sure why, but Allitt seemed to grow more cold and distant as time passed. She eventually learned why: Allitt had determined that darkness was evil by its very nature. Allitt declared that she'd run off and join a cause that would bring true peace to the worlds by eliminating those who use the power of darkness. Dawn fought to stop her sister, but her abilities didn't match up. In a brief moment of mercy, Allitt chose to spare Dawn before retreating. From that moment on, Dawn doubled her efforts so she could grow strong enough to find her sister and bring her back home. Four years later, she's finally ready for her Mark of Mastery exam.

Personality: Dawn is the quiet, studious type, usually preferring to relax somewhere quiet with a nice book over going to a party or some other big event. That being said, if a friend drags her off to something, she'll try her best to be friendly, even if she mostly just follows that friend around like a shadow the entire time. She's occasionally sarcastic with her close friends, though she rarely cracks jokes. When it comes to working with others, she's happy to pull her weight and work hard to help the team, but she avoids taking on leadership positions. She does her best to make sure others don't know, but she's still insecure about her abilities due to how slow she was to catch up with her peers. She's haunted by her inability to stop her sister, and she hasn't gone a day without missing Allitt.

Keyblade: Bewitching Besom, a light Keyblade with long range. The blade is chestnut in color with a design identical to a wooden broomstick. The teeth look like clusters of broomcorn. The keychain is a small black cat.

Light/Dark Affinity: Dark

Spells: Fire, Aero

Keyblade Ability: Command Styles - Firestorm, Cyclone

Additional Abilities/Skills: Potion brewing - Due to her half-witch heritage, Dawn is able to brew potions and use the witch spells necessary to enchant them. She can use these potions to give temporary buffs to her allies.
Name: Orion Valouren
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Appearance: Smooth Brown hair, light skin, ultramarine eyes, wears Sora's KH2 outfit, but black and white
Home World: Traverse Town
Backstory: Having been raised in Traverse Town, Orion, under a former name, has had a mostly uneventful life. Only when he found his keyblade did life get exciting. His keyblade opened doors to new opportunites. A new life. He was later captured by Luminaries and was attempted to be forced to join them, but he was later rescued by the light and taken to his Awakening, where he chose the power of the sword, and gave up the power of the staff. He has been residing in Traverse Town since.
Personality: A kind hearted person. A little hot headed at times, but always on the ball.
Keyblade/Weapon: Finality: a keyblade with two edges: one light blue side, one dark red side. The hili is a combination of both colours, which boasts a blance of power and range (both medium)
Light/Dark Affinity: A mix, due to his keyblade giving him Dark Affinity, while he was originally light affinity.
Spells: Firaga, Blizzaga
Keyblade Ability: Keyblade Transformation: Form Of Finality: similar to the Double Form called upon by Oathkeeper and Oblivion, but with about 1.75% extra power. The keyblade will remain as one during this, but attack speed is increased
Additional Abilities/Skills: Shotlock: Shards Of Light And Dark: summons shards of light and dark energy to attack the target
Name: Alye
Age: 21
Gender: Female

Home World: Eos
Backstory: Born on the isolated world of Eos, Lady Alye was born to a noble house of one of its great nations. Within her was a pure heart and spirit, dedicated to the well being of her people and world. While it was believed she would grow to be a great diplomat and healer for the world, a scourge from beyond Eos would change her path. These heartless creatures of Darkness were loosed upon the world, stealing hearts from the population and condemning them to darkness to increase their numbers. While the armies of Eos could stall these monsters, stopping them for good seemed impossible. Thus Lady Alye engaged in a desperate, secret plan to absorb the darkness from Heartless, cleansing them of darkness and apparently returning them to normal. She did this little by little, trusting in her heart to overcome the darkness she absorbed. For a time, it worked. But though her heart was strong in light, it was not pure. On the eve of what seemed like victory for Eos, Lady Alye succumbed to darkness. She lashed out in a haze of despair and rage, forcing the heroes of Eos to attack her. Regaining some control, Lady Alye managed to call the other heartless to her before opening a door to darkness. She forced the Heartless through before sealing it behind her. A sad smile crossed her lips in hopes she had saved Eos before Darkness consumed her...
What awoke in the Realm of Darkness knew nothing of this. All she knew was loneliness. There were monsters like her, but she felt no connection to them. She wondered the Realm for a time, trying to find something she couldn't name, but felt missing. She eventually caught sight of a light in the distance. She followed it until it grew and enveloped her. The light was blinding, but she found herself on a plateform suspended in darkness. A voice spoke to her, asking her purpose and drive. In a croaking voice, she said she didn't know her purpose, but knew she still had something she must protect. The voice seemed satisfied as light stole the Heartless girl's vision once more, leaving her at the doors of the Land of Departure with a large keyblade in hand. Though initally thought to be a threat, the masters were intrigued by this Heartless who retained a since of self, but carried no malice.
Trained and cared for under close observation, Alye began to regain some of her memories. Though acceptance for her grew, the fear of what she was never seemed to leave. But she pushed on with her training because she knew that Eos was still out there somewhere and was likely still in peril. But in recent days, she has felt something else pull on her. An uneasy certainty that a missing part of her was out there. She hopes that the Coalition will allow her to go out into the worlds to find her world and herself.
Personality: Alye comes off as polite and thetrical. Her increased mobility means she is often hanging or perching on something during even routine conversations. Because of her nature, she tends to prefer shady areas, even carrying parasol around when not in the action. She is rarely seen without a smile, including times when it isn't really appropriate. She uses the smile as a mask to confuse her opponents and hopefully uplift her friends. A strong protective streak remains core to her, though her dark nature has her more willing to use questionable means to protect others.
Keyblade/Weapon: Acerbus Adagium

Light/Dark Affinity: Dark
Spells: Dark Firaga, Curaga
Keyblade Ability: Flowmotion
Additional Abilities/Skills: Scent - Connection to darkness has gifted Alye with the ability to detect and track people, and auras of light and darkness.
Name: Gaku Sakuraba

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Appearance: Adult Gaku.jpg (Early sketch courtesy of Daniel Black)

Home World: Shibuya

Backstory: Son of Neku Sakuraba and Shiki Masaki. Gaku grew up in Shibuya with his parents and lived a relatively normal life. In Gaku’s early teens however, Neku, Shiki along with their close friends disappeared into thin air. Gaku frantically looked for them everywhere in Shibuya, but even the people that knew his parents no longer have memories of them. Almost as if their existence had been erased. Years later, Gaku’s morale spiraled as he became an outcast to Shibuya. Only his love for music and the production side of it remained. Oddly, he encounters a young lady named Harmony Yasuragi who moved into his neighborhood. But due to his agonized mental state, he couldn’t fathom why she kept bothering him when he wanted to be alone with his thoughts or the fact that he’s an outcast to society.

Eventually, Gaku decided to leave the world he once loved as he felt the city turned its back on him. While walking down the Udagawa mural, he stumbled onto a peculiar young man. The young man giggled, tossed a skull shaped pin to Gaku and stated “Take the pin with you. You’re going to need it if you want to see your parents again.” While scrambling to find the words, a bright light surrounds Gaku blinding himself momentarily until he finds himself at the gates of Land of Departure. In utter frustration, Gaku screamed into the air as he gripped the pin resulting in a Keyblade to appear in his hands. Gaku became flabbergasted at the new weapon he summoned, but he oddly felt different and filled with resolve as he entered the Keyblade Coalition. Over the years, Gaku trained himself to get stronger while learning to unlock his Keyblade’s latent powers, so he can return back to his home world and find the young man who may have a solution to his problems.

Personality: Gaku’s personality is mostly anti-social. He doesn’t like hanging around groups, and he would much rather keep to himself instead of causing trouble. A man of few words with little interest in opening up his feelings in front of others, but he’d make his actions do the talking for him. Gaku is usually seen wearing headphones to close the world off from him, but ironically, he has a keen eye and ear for his surroundings. Surprisingly during his stay, Gaku gets glomped by Harmony in a one-sided tearful reunion much to his displeasure. However, he did feel a little bit at ease with a familiar face nearby him.

Keyblade/Weapon: Shibuya's Reaper - An upgraded version of Skull Noise. The Shaft is black fading to light gray towards the teeth. It is rather wide, containing red waveforms in the middle. The Keyblade Teeth is a symbol of CAT from Shibuya, a company that designs the Player Pins and O-pins. The guard consists of black tattoo-like Reaper Wings with a white hilt. The keychain is also a black chain with an actual Player Pin.

Light/Dark Affinity: Dark

Spells: Ruinga, Dark Blizzaga

Keyblade Ability: Limit Break: Reaper Overdrive - At critical points, Gaku will sprout Reaper Wings, and gain powers of the Reaper. His strength and agility increases at the cost of his defense.

Additional Abilities/Skills: Lupus Cantus - Transform into a large wolf. The wolf has pure white fur with red eyes. Attached to its body are tattoo tribal-like limbs that fade from white to purple as it goes down the limbs. It can stand and move at fast speeds almost like it's teleporting. At start, Gaku will be feral and rage-like not collaborating attacks with characters around him. Over time however with familiar faces, he will be able to let characters ride with his Cantus form to pull off combo attacks.
Name: Harmony Yasuragi

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Appearance: Adult Harmony.jpg(Early sketch courtesy of Daniel Black. Her hair should technically be silverish)

Home World: Shibuya

Backstory: Harmony came from a prestigious family that owns high end luxury brands such as Pegaso and IL CAVALLO DEL RE. Growing up, her parents would shower and spoil her with many gifts, fashionable items, etc. Harmony has a likable personality that would garner her friends and attention from others around her. Over time however, she starts to notice her parents have been constantly away from home to the point where she barely even sees them once a month. Not to mention her awareness of the plastic reality of her life as her friends began to spread mixed messages and false rumors about her lifestyle. The emptiness and melancholy began to strike Harmony as her fire within burns out, so she seeked outlets to fill the void. She dyed her hair from black to white, ditched her high end style for simpler fashion, focus less on her studies for company ownership and more on her own dreams such as becoming a musician as she frequents Towa Records. However, this did not bode well for her parents as her rebellious actions began to have an effect on their company work. To this effect, her parents forced Harmony out of their equation to maintain their reputation.

Betrayed and defeated, Harmony wandered the streets of Shibuya and found a place to stay till she could get back on her feet. Within the same neighborhood, she noticed a headphone-wearing young man named Gaku Sakuraba who oddly piqued her interest. Harmony makes attempts to connect with him, but he would always push her away. After learning from locals about Gaku and his anti-social tendencies, she would continue to work on breaking through to him much to his annoyance. A year later however, Gaku disappeared without a trace leaving Harmony in an emotional wreck. Over time, she began to resent Shibuya and desired to leave the world if it meant to see Gaku again.

Harmony would eventually cross paths with a man at a coffee shop who just so happens to know Gaku’s location. But the man warned her the journey ahead of her will be perilous and Gaku will need a guardian angel to watch over him should he stray from his path. Without hesitation, she accepted with a strong reignited heart. To this effect, her heart called forth a Keyblade to appear in her hand much to her surprise. And with a snap of the man’s fingers, she vanished within the light. Clutching tight to her Keyblade, Harmony finds herself at the gates of the Land of Departure. She would enter the Keyblade Coalition to train with her newly obtained Keyblade and eventually finds Gaku with a new resolve to help him achieve his goals.

Personality: Harmony is an outgoing lady with a vivid personality masking the scars of her previous reality. She synergizes well with anyone and her comrades who don’t get on her bad side. However, she can become a bit stubborn of sorts when things don’t seem to go her way. Harmony’s usually near or around Gaku most times, but when she isn’t, she would be working on her musical chops or training herself to get stronger to protect her friends.

Keyblade/Weapon: Shibuya’s Angel - The frame is the same as Gaku's Keyblade with notable differences. The color of the Keyblade is pure white with no waveforms in the middle. The teeth of the Keyblade looks like the towers of Shibuya (refer to twewy's box art that showcases the towers in silhouettes). The base of the Keyblade has light blue angel wings surrounding the hilt with the Reaper's decal as the keychain.

Light/Dark Affinity: Light

Spells: Curaga, Thundaga

Keyblade Ability: Limit Break: Composer’s Blessing - In a dire moment when almost all hope is lost and her companions are downed, she will activate her limit break, sprout Angel Wings and revive her fallen comrades to full health and magic with a temporary boost of strength. However, utilizing this limit break will tax her energy force if she doesn’t back out of the battle.

Additional Abilities/Skills: Scan - Ability to scan thoughts (within permission of Roleplayers at their discretion), negative auras and imprint in minds. Harmony can communicate effectively with others through internal thoughts in battle. At start however, her scan range is short. Against stronger foes, the thoughts return to her as white noise.

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