
  1. JustYourFantasy

    Realistic or Modern Fighting For What You Want~ (MxM)

    All characters are (18)+ [YC is 26 when we begin, MC is 36] Tags: Romance, Modern, Supernatural, Hurt/Comfort Pairings: MxM I would really like my RP partners to write somewhere between 3-6 paragraphs, or 300+ words. I also prefer writing in 3rd person. No offense to anyone who identifies or...
  2. elanara

    Futuristic CLOSED

  3. Wyll

    Fantasy Behind the Seal

    You are now Behind the Seal Everybody knows the seal; they know what it means. Nobody can say for certain when people started receiving blank letters secured with this seal. Some say the seal has caused the rise and fall of entire kingdoms. Others believe it is the latest in a long lit of...
  4. GojiBean

    Fantasy (Characters) Chronicles of Cre' Est

    Hoyo all! I'm here to make a character sheets thread for the RP I'm working on, Chronicles of Cre' Est! I've got two characters in mind for the moment, and am using placeholder images for them until I can commission custom images for them! The artist for the first character's current face...
  5. GojiBean

    Fantasy (Lore) Chronicles of Cre' Est

    Welcome to the Lore page for Chronicles of Cre' Est! This is gonna be a smaller RP (in terms of player count) and based on a story I've been developing since 2009... Yeah, I know. How does someone "develop" a story for that long? Well, when you start in 2009 knowing nothing about the craft of...
  6. JustYourFantasy

    Realistic or Modern Trust, Love, Death~ (MxM, Modern, Assassin's)

    All characters are (18)+ Tags: Romance, Modern, Assassin's While romance will be a big part of this plot I don't want myself or my RP partner to have firm stances regarding 'top/bottom'. I don't like the one-sidedness of that, personally. Secondly, I would really like my RP partners to write...
  7. blackadeline

    Multiple Settings Romance (MxF) literate, Medieval/Fantasy/etc

    hello !! i'm adeline some things about me (she/her): ♥ I am only looking for 18+ (i'm 20) ♥ only looking for romance ♥ tend to like dominating masculine guy characters I am more of a writer than a role-player. This means I will write a lot and I will try my best at it. I like to add complex...
  8. TanteRegenbogen

    Futuristic Skeleton Crew [Postcyberpunk/Dark/Psychological]

    Plot: It seems so empty in this large city. You only see service robots and the "custodians". It isn't that no one lives here else than the custodians, but rather almost all of the people in the city are in cyberspace and never leave their homes. The truth is, the city is rather just one...
  9. GojiBean

    Fantasy Slice of Life (with a twist)

    Hoyo peeps! So, as the title states this is a 1x1 IC focusing on a Slice of Life scenario with a bit of a twist. What's the twist? We're assassins!! Not school kids. Not working adults. Not parents to a kid (or many). Assassins. If this sounds interesting to you, please keep reading! If...
  10. Zaeya

    Multiple Settings Shapeshifter Assassins Universe {Open}

    Hello there! After gathering some interest in my recruitment thread, I thought it would be a good idea to have a thread to work out how the world works together! Of course, we are still open to more participants, but if you do plan to join us, please see the first recruitment thread {HERE} for...
  11. Zaeya

    Fantasy Shapeshifter/Assasins RP

    Hello! I've been dying to do a Shapeshifter/Assassin/Spy Rp for years now, and I'm hoping to garner some potential interest here! I really only have the basics in mind: a race of humans that had the power of shape-shifting and extended lifespans were on the brink of genocide many years ago...
  12. NeonFlow

    Fantasy That time we tried toppling a empire.

    All the world knows of dragons, even a small Dragon is considered powerful and dangerous. Many dragons of different kind exist and it is believed by many that ancient Dragons created the world in which we live. From the frozen wastes to the tropical beaches, the volcanos and magma, the water the...
  13. Vatusia

    Fantasy Just Keep Me Away from All Who Conspire (Vatusia x Callumhunter)

    It had been a sunny day in the city, but now the sun was setting and the world was starting to chill. Even in late spring, the night got chilly out. Luka was really starting to regret not bringing a hoodie out. He'd been running errands after work and now was on his way home. Like so many...
  14. PurelyLiterate

    Fantasy Dark Modern Fantasy Plot - New User (interest check)

    B L O O D B O U N D The Bloodbound: a clandestine group of mercenaries, marred by the undertones of a cult. Before it was outlawed to perform the ritual on children, Bloodbound recruits consisted of orphans pulled from the streets.... not always. Anyone believing Exxus behind the...
  15. Xenagg

    Realistic or Modern The Fog

    Good and Evil, two ends of a spectrum that dictate the world and all in it. Society seems to flow in cycles of prosperity and chaos as nations grow and overcome each other or fall into dismay. People must continue their day to day lives. Work, Eat, Sleep, Survive. It's essential to our everyday...
  16. JustYourFantasy

    Realistic or Modern Dancing Around Death (MxM, Assassin/Assassin, Open~)

    I have been RPing for a long time now and I can write between 300 and 1000 words or more; depending on muse, plot, and my partner's response. {So please be advanced or at least be able to write no less than 300 words} I do prefer writing in the third person. This is MxM, so MalexMale. Our...
  17. salem444

    Multiple Settings looking for a dc rp (centered around the batfam) or assassin rp

    hello hello! i'm salem and i joined recently in hopes of finding more partners. i'll keep this short! about me: - highly active, at least 1-2 posts per week when im more busy - friendly, love planning - okay with any pairings, heavy preference for mxf - okay with any themes, love darker rps -...
  18. Vinegar Bees

    Multiple Settings 𝐩𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬. | a 1x1 search

    ----header---- ----big title---- ----* * * title here---- paper girls ----tabs cover---- ----line---- ----buttons container---- filler! filler! filler! filler! ----tabs cover end----...
  19. a z u l a

    Realistic or Modern 𝕭𝖑𝖊𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖘 𝖈𝖘

    code by birth of venus bleeding hearts BLEEDING HEARTS. Interest Check | OOC Hello and welcome to the Character Creation thread! Here is the CS outline, please be sure to fill out everything and we love to see both creativity and detail. Let us know if you have any questions. Anything with a *...
  20. a z u l a

    Realistic or Modern 𝕭𝖑𝖊𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖘

    title body ------container------- ------left filler------ ------right filler----------end of filler container----- ------tab container------- ----credit (don't remove!)------coded by natasha. ----tabs begin------ ------tab one----- ------first image------ ------right side------...