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Fandom [Digimon: Destined Incarnations] R E B O O T [OOC]

On a whim (more so a dream urging me to) I went to try to find the tri stuff. I can't find anything though. Maybe it doesn't help I'm looking for a dubbed translation but...ehhhh.
I may have found a solution. As my google-fu was not strong enough for site finding, I'll probably just order it via amazon. Now to scrounge up fifty dollars, for infinite re-watching.
I prefer sub just because they took the story more seriously instead of toning everything down for kids.
Speaking of character death, Leomon must be sacrificed to the digimon gods. It is a law that cannot be ignored.
I can't remember exactly from the first two series, but I remember as a definite that leomon died in the series featuring guilomon...was that like...is that a thing that happens EVERY series?
I can't remember exactly from the first two series, but I remember as a definite that leomon died in the series featuring guilomon...was that like...is that a thing that happens EVERY series?

Leomon "died" in the first series, but he had the possibility of being reborn. But yeah, he died in Tamers, and there was no exact "rebirth" thing that went on in Tamers, as far as I can remember.


Yeah. It's gotta happen. XD
If we're bringing around things from past series, I request we hitch a ride inside whamon for....well because it's a giant whale taxi, obviously.

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