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This time, you decide to turn the right page instead of the left.

Statuette <— Cane

After another flash of light, you excitedly open your eyes to see-

The statue, barely changed, holding a mini-version if your cane.

Orikanyo Orikanyo
....Cheeky little git aren't you?

You examine the process of which you had done so, you pressed the figurine into the cane.. Perhaps that has a effect?

Why not attempt it again?

Statuette --> Cane

Lets see how this goes... if it does anything beyond being done once.​
After another flash, you shield your eyes, then look up to the the table.

You have created the FLAME CANE, created from wood with a glass design spiraling down the center.

It looks cool, but other than hitting harder you can’t really use the fire core without, well, magic.

Something else appears on the able.

> Out of E.P.

Orikanyo Orikanyo
Yea know, the worst thing about being the one who does things first is that you also stumble into the sad stuff first. Out of E.P, while you don't know what exactly that means you wish Medjed also explained that the combinations was finite and he'd have to collect this E.P biz.

You probably get E.P from enemies? Or maybe treasure? Or recycling stuff to make EP?

Actually, that brings up a thought...

What were the enemies like in this game? It's reasonable to assume you'd be fighting in a game like this.. You got so wrapped up in alchemy you kinda... Forgot about that...

You worry, could you really take a life so easily...? Nonetheless, the idea tires you, but you can't bring yourself to rest with one unknown factor... What was in the pub..?

Luckily, given the cane was a fire core in it, it now kinda acts like a light, in truth you could have just used the flashlight in your desk drawer but...

Flame cane!!!

Now... Time to go see Medjed and show off your new stuff! Sans the statuette.. Which you tuck away for safe keeping.

==> go outside to see Medjed and light the way forward!

MEDJED: I see you’ve figured out alchemy.
MEDJED: Or at least your upgraded your docile equipment to something at least murmuring about.

Medjed doesn’t seem very impressed by your cape and cane, but you pay it no mind.
MEDJED: May I make a suggestion?
MEDJED: It’s pretty obvious that there will be enemies about, so how about we get introduce you to those before launching into an ambush.

He floats to your left, and motions to a decrepit shack close to the church.
MEDJED: This place should be fine.
Dick: What do the enemies look like?

The young man asked, knowing full well the answer could be surmised with "not pleasant" given the general state of the world right now.
Dick: Oh, and it seems we shall need more E.P to continue alchemy... We best get some if these are not suitable enough. Actually I am not wearing armor.. I wish I had made some.. Cloak is nice but.
MEDJED: Your enemies are very varied.
MEDJED: Each one is personalized for each players domain, as well as their individual realm.

You reach the opening to the shack.
Yes, opening, as the buildings door seems to have rusted off of its hinges with age.

You hear a skittering inside.

You nearly scream when a spider the size of your foot crawls to wards you, its pincers gnashing violently.

> Combat, BEGIN!
Orikanyo Orikanyo
it's as if time stands still, your heart beat races, filling your ears before it all stops...

You stare down at the creature moving in slow motion as your body dumps literally every single bit of adrenaline into your system.

Thus stands before you, your greatest fear, your mortal enemy made manifest... You had felt rage at spiders before... But this thing... this thing before you, this horrific disgusting web producing monstrosity of nature dares come out into the light to try and fight you!?

In truth, while the narrator is putting this theatricly, the truth of the moment is much more base and simple...

Battle begins with a fury that only a man who truly, truly hates spiders could possess.

There is no attention to battle actions or even guessing game mechanics.

he simply charges forward like a enraged berzerker, cane held high and ready to come smashing down upon the creature... For indeed, this was his fear, but his reaction is his own type, rage fills him upon sight... And gods help those who play a trick on him with a toy spider like his sister did so very often...

He would not stop until that spider was mush.​
LUCI: ...yeah, i'm not the most photogenic
LUCI: even though i'm pretty sure i'm supposed to be...
LUCI: ...
LUCI: but thanks for the advice, either way.
LUCI: so...

LUCI: I guess we should get started on your Path?
She shrugs, and glances outside at the strangely big room surrounding your home.
TekSoda TekSoda

You sit back.

Your a bit jealous that your friends (though ones a bit angry at you) are having fun without you.
Or, you guess, a harrowing experience going by their entrance.

You close your eyes, and ponder...

And you fall asleep.

You awaken, but not in your home.
You look down, realizing your wearing some kind of apprentice outfit complete with an apron and gloves.
Your in some kind of strange stone room. You can hear rain outside.
A strange, phone-looking device sits next to you on the bed, with Chatterbox pulled up on it.

You wonder if you've been teleported into a Disney movie involving a long-haired girl.

Kimona Kimona

Before the spider can move, you hit its upper body, disorienting it, with your cane.

You cape distracts it just enough for you raise up your foot, and squish it.

> Congratulations!
> You've gained R.E.P. (Rage Emotion Points) and EMEP (Empathy Emotion Points)!

You can hear more skittering, and finally notice the few webs surrounding the corners of the shack.
With the moon beating down on you from the cracks in the ceiling, you begin a rampage throughout he small hut.

Orikanyo Orikanyo
The sound of curses echo out of the shack, were you able to you would likely set the shack on fire... Or perhaps not to get out more rage on the disgusting wretched little bastards.

Nothing is safe, not webs, not young, nothing.

For spiders this would become a site of a massacre, akin to finding a small cabin in the middle of the woods covered in blood and body parts. A pure messed up display of savagery against spider-kind perpetrated by an insane killer with one eye and a fire enhanced magic cane...

Somewhere, in the back of your mind, comments on the points gained, the small bit of brain who currently let the rest of the leash go and huddled in a corner as the rest of the brain runs around like a prime ape. You don't typically act THIS bad, but this is a special occasion, and alot of stress was put on your shoulders...

So... Lets call it catharsis.

Or perhaps snapping.

Like the sound between your feet, snapping. Crushing. Squishing.​
Ryou: Awaken==>

You... fell asleep?

You look around the strange room.
Where in the world were you?
And your clothes?
Not stylish at all. But they will do.
You remove the gloves. You never were a fan of gloves.

Spying the phone you pick it up, looking at it.
You really hope this works.

Message friends?==>

RR: ...
RR: Uh.... Hello?

"Nah, you're cute."

Luci's response prompts you to realize you probably should've reacted when a cool-ass table popped up out of nowhere, instead of standing there in shock. Not really shock, more a daze, while considering how the fuck a table appearing out of nowhere also involved a light emitting from the table while the table isn't even a light source... but, yeah. You should probably stop thinking about that and start with whatever you're supposed to do.

After sending the image of course.

SJ: yo dick
SJ: late af but check this out

"Let's begin."
EM: Busy killing these bastard childs of the devil, a pile of trash with eight legs. Be right back, also hey welcome to whatever this is.
Em: Lucy is cute and you you her I said so.

The carnage continues, let us take a break and listen to some calming music about peace... As Dick continues.

You hear what seem to be footsteps from outside your 'room', or wherever you are.
You get off the stone slab, and walk over to the emerald door. You crack it open, and see a long winding staircase that spiral down past your vision.

You look the other way, and you see the same stair case that ascends past your room.

The footsteps are coming from down the stairs.

The rain continues.
Kimona Kimona
LUCI: then I guess we should begin your Path.
LUCI: so...

Luci seems to be processing for a second.
LUCI: ill just say it now.
LUCI: this 'game' is really complicated.
LUCI: and I don't really know where to begin.
LUCI: can you like

LUCI: ask me about stuff?
TekSoda TekSoda

You finish your rampage, and stop, sweating from the exercise and looking like a madman with a cane.

Medjed looks on with his everlasting neutrality.
MEDJED: You certainly dislike arachnids.
MEDJED: That was a good introduction to combat though. You being a gamer should understand anyways.

MEDJED: Low-level enemies are easy to 'Grind' with.
"Um, so, I guess..."
"I'll start with like, the biggest concept or whatever, and ask more questions from there?"
"So, uh..."

You pause, picking up and fiddling with a grappling hook laying atop your shelf.

"What's the... end goal of this 'game?'"
LUCI: oh
LUCI: yeah I guess I should probably explain why you guys are here in the first place
LUCI: so
LUCI: you've probs figured out by now that this isnt really per say
LUCI: a game
LUCI: this is actually an ultimatum to an end

LUCI: the end of your world that is.

She pauses for effect.
Its extremely effective.

LUCI: those weird hentai tentacle things weren't from the game
LUCI: they were destined to happen from an event I cant say
LUCI: so this place
The Darkness
LUCI: was programmed to ready survivors of this apocalypse
LUCI: by use of your Paths.
LUCI: your whole goal I guess

LUCI: is to traverse the Paths before you and create a new world of humans
You stare, a bit shocked. You knew magical tentacles were bad news, but having news of the inevitable demise of global human civilization delivered to you by a luminescent plushie of Faith Connors was not how you were intending to spend your day, honestly, and you're not sure what to say now that you're here.


You have so many questions. Like, for example, what is a "Path"? She brings it up so naturally that it seems super obvious, and questions like that don't really get you anywhere, do you? But you already know "why is a 'Path,'" and you can't really ask how to go about traversing a "Path" without a basic understanding of what in the flying fuck a "Path" even is. Is it like, just the main story? Individual stories? Is it, like, the questline to your specific class? Is there even a class system? If a path is a class, which it kinda sounds like, it would make sense, but you're not sure."


You swallow your pride long enough to ask a goddamn question.

"What, uhm... exactly do you mean by 'Path?'"
LUCI: oh yeah
LUCI: so
LUCI: each of you guys (meaning your pals and yourself included)
LUCI: must traverse two challenges
LUCI: these challenges combined are your 'Paths'
LUCI: when you talk about all of four of them together
LUCI: you use another term like, 'oh, the players have to make it through the Fools Journey to win'

LUCI: that's the four Paths combined.
Luci looks at you again, a bit glazed in the eyes, like she's listing off information she has by heart.
LUCI: but y'see
LUCI: your Path isn't really suppose to be just
LUCI: heres a gravel path walk down it bingo new universe
LUCI: to create a whole universe, there have to be limits
LUCI: like your fears, which is kinda what this whole 'game' is based on

LUCI: theres even a cool name for each of you guys, which i'm not allowed to mention for some reason
"Ah, I get it "

You don't get it.

"So, now that the long-term goal has been established, what's the immediate goal?"

You only slightly care about that. In actually, your mind is racing. Fool's journey? Who the fuck names the creation of a new universe the fool's journey? You figure its a tarot thing. You'd Google it, but it'd be rude during conversation. Also, she has a lot she can't say. Is it a narrative suspense thing by the programmer, or is it some Eldritch knowledge which would fuck your mind from non-existent angles? Wait, the game promised combat. Do you get, like, superpowers? You're not a fighter, but you'll become one if you could stop time or someshit. Wait, what abo-

Focus, Adia.

Your first goal is to get a grip on what's happening and what should happen, and only way to do that is to absorb every word uttered from Luci's non-existent lips.

==> Get control

You are, kinda, heavily panting, red finally leaving your visions as your primal brain finally lets go of the controls like a greedy younger brother who demanded the parents tell your brain "it's his turn you play with the toy." Which the brain replies with "But it's mine, I worked hard during the gestation period in the womb to buy it." But nope, brain had to give it over or nobody gets the body and it's destroyed by spider demons things.

So the rage took over and you turned into a berserker.

Brain came back, maybe after getting a soda, got tossed the controller after possibly ruining the game but thoroughly cleared the area of all enemies and left the body with little to no energy save this intense level of dopamine flowing through.

Back in control, panting, shaking, likely having done the first bout of physical work you've done in weeks, you gaze at Medjed and only catch somewhat half of what he said.

Squish arachnids, get the good stuff.

Sounds easy.
Dick: Okay, so, give me a second.

You take a few deep breaths, fix your shirt, realign your eye patch, wipe off some of the gunk on your shoes, then say...
Dick: So... About those points. It said something in regards to rage and... Empathy? I can imagine why the first part occured but why Empathy?
Dick: Also I should... Actually look through the shack to see if anything in there.

==> Loot the shack

Loot is a easy word to use, but so inelegant, why not search? Plunder? Extrapolate items from it? See whats in there maybe?

==> Loot like the berserker you are.

Well alright then.​
LUCI: well I think its just to get through your Path first.
LUCI: each players Path is made up of two challenges, each designed for them.
LUCI: so I guess your short-term goal is to do that
LUCI: sorry if that wasn't very helpful

LUCI: apparently my guide powers are only limited and I have no idea what your Path consists of.

Luci looks saddened by this.
You know the feeling of having 'power' only to have the crushing realization that it cant be very helpful.

TekSoda TekSoda

After looking around for a bit from the glow of your cane, you find a Pool Cue, a 6-Ball, and a rusted Hammer.
After pocketing what you can, you turn back to Medjed to see what he has to say.
MEDJED: Ah yes, EP.
MEDJED: Emotion Points are essentially the currency of this 'game'.
MEDJED: You can obtain them by doing certain actions (such as combat) in a certain mindset.
MEDJED: And the reason you obtained E.M.E.P.?
MEDJED: Every part of your strange human brain is rewarded, no matter how small.

MEDJED: Which, being a spirit of the underworld, I don't quite get.
Be confused==>

You are confused as all hell.

You try one more time to message your friends.

RR: I don'y know if your getting these messages, or who's getting them for that matter.
RR: But I fell asleep and i'm not in my apartment anymore.
RR: Also I'm dressed like an apprentice, or something else, I'm not really sure
RR: It's raining, and there is a weird as heck path.
RR: So I'f I don't respond, well, uh. yeah.

RR: See you dudes on the flip side.
RR: Cause I'm totally gonna check this shit out.
RR: If your getting these messages.

Aaand that's your attempt for the day.

Ryou: Explore==>

But which way?
Emerald door, or staircase?

You decided to flip a non existent coin.
As in this phone.
Screen, emerald door, back stairs.

You flip it aannnnd-

Oh you did not think this through.
The device lands screen side up, and thankfully does not break on the slick stone floor.
You stand there for a second, and begin to ponder your idiocy.

Either way, you have a decision now. You open the Emerald Door, and walk onto the staircase.
Because they were one In the same.

You descend the staircase, and realize that you must in a tower, or maybe a spire of sorts.

As you ponder this, you realize you've reached the bottom.
Before you is a hallway lined with cages darkened with age and mysterious objects which you don't really want to examine.

The footsteps are coming from up ahead, where an oddly placed oak door sits.
Its much different the other doors you've passed through so far.

Kimona Kimona
Be relieved==>

Thank Bowie that the chatter device did not break.
You quickly retrieve it before going to examine the door.
well this was stupid.

You head down the stairs thinking further about this situation before you reach the bottom

You look down the hallway.

Examine the Cages==>

Maybe you shouldn't.

Examine the Cages and Objects==>

You feel as if you shouldn't.

Do It==>

How about no.




Gosh darn it now you really want too.

Walk to the door==>

You walk towards the door, but as you do so you take a long hard look at one of the objects.
As to satisfy your curiosity and at the same time not do that.

Listen to the footsteps==>

Yes. You do that.
You also stare at this door.

Open it.==>
Dick: So it matters how I think in each moment something is done that points are rewarded... So if I got into combat or do something sad I get sad points...?
Dick: Thats really weird.
Dick: Also, don't you got eye lazers or something as the god Medjed?

You say this as you feel the new acquisitions in your pocket, your not sure how you can use... Well... Any of this, maybe you can fashion a spear out of the pool cue for some old fashioned stabbing action? Humanity always had spears after all, ever since the first man looked at the long pointy ouch thing and said "Ughadoo." And threw it at something.

Wisdom of the ancients.

What a man he was, turn of the century, even if he didn't hit.

The hammer? Probably could make another holy cloak then transfer the holy quality to the hammer? Or it might give the hammer a cape... Or make a sweet holy hammer on a cape...? That'd be sick.

The ball...

No idea.

Who would ever need a pool ball?

==> Use pool ball as fake eye.



Definitely not, what kinda nerd would do that? Disgusting and revolting ones.
Stupid ball.
Dick: So i can use these points in alchemy? Cause It seems I ran out of E.P when making stuff earlier.

Oh... Should answer my phone...

...Oh dear...

==> Respond
Em: Sorry loves had abit of an issue, found my enemies, spiders of all things. Whatever you all do be safe and... Well fighting seems mandatory.

Keep a good hard object around, god knows what will be after you.
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