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The Purple Soul
Roleplay Availability
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The day is April 14th. Four teenagers get home from school, unaware that their lives are about to be forever changed.
Who are these four young lads and lasses?


Yeah? Who are they anyway? You remember a few of their names. None in particular are coming to you. Maybe a girl? What's a girl name? Janette? Yeah that is definitely a girl name, but not the one you are looking for. Wait, yeah of course. There was a boy...he was blonde, you're pretty sure. And his name started with an M. It was in fact the M'est name for a boy you can think of. A name so mish that one couldn't help but stop to think how fittingly M that name was whenever they hear it.

Marcus? Macy? Marzipan...mm, you're hungry. After all you didn't have lunch, so it's not like anyone could blame you. Wait, M names. Right. M. Staying on track. M...m...muhhhh....maaaahh......meemememe...

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...you swear you had it on the tip of your tongue just now! God, this is so difficult. Introductions are so difficult. And now you're sleepy. It's probably because you haven't had anything to eat in a very...very long time. In fact, where even are you right now? You only see black! How frustrating. There's nary a sandwich to be had around this void. Maybe if you take a quick nap you can figure it out later. Yeah, just a quick, brief rest of the eyes and you'll...yawn...be right on your way to saying his name. Yeah...exactly...that guy.

Oh yeah. It was

==> Wake

You snap your eyes open. Oh, looks like you fell asleep again. You doze off every once and awhile. But you don't usually ever dream of anything in particular. All that your mind can conceive of is just, well, black. You usually just quietly retreat into slumber and find yourself hours later on your bed or whatever surface was comfortable enough to doze off on. You don't get enough sleep normally, you see. And while you wouldn't call yourself much of an insomniac, you would say that you just don't have a lot going on for you to care much about things like sleeping.

==> But what's your name?

Excuse me? Oh, god that's a horrible text. You don't like it at all. It's a little too blocky, and it also just seems...rushed. Like it was punched out of a typewriter in the middle of a 1920s newsroom filled with raucous secretaries and bustling newsboys. Ready to get the latest 'scoop' or whichever colloquialism was popular at the time to refer to the latest escapade reguarding...you don't know. Whatever was happening in the 1920s that garnered media attention. A train crash? A boat crash? Man, a lot of outdated forms of transportation crashed back then. Which probably explains why they're so outdated.

Regarding the name thing, yeah. You almost lost your train of thought which was about to crash and make some newsies fucking day. Yes, your name. Sorry about that, you say as you try to gather your thoughts. You're usually not batting at a thousand whenever you're awake, because whenever you're awake you're usually more privy to being or have just been asleep. Your name is

==> Matt: introduce yourself

Your name is Matthew Burgess. Matt for short, as you seem to prefer the shortening of your name to four letters as opposed to the original seven. And although that shortening makes you feel a little more convenient whenever you're introducing yourself, even though you haven't introduced yourself to a new person in years, you can't help but feel the weight of those four letters. It feels as though bearing that nickname is like bearing the sigil of some highly accrued gaggle of heroes. And the fact that you are not actually one of them kind of makes you feel like a phony. Though you don't really do anything about that, because you feel crazy even thinking that, let alone explaining it aloud.

You're about 14 and a half. And today is like many other days preceding it. You are alone in your room after having just taken a nap. And are now about to eat a snack or go online for a little bit. You are not a fan of the OUTSIDE. It is not appealing to you, nor is capitalizing text. So you will just stress the importance in a different way. Well, saying that the outside isn't appealing suggests a lot. You see, you're agoraphobic. Which means that you are incredibly anxious to take a lot of steps outside of your home or room. Especially if those steps are amidst people. You get anxious and have a tendency to panic when you are in new places or meeting new people, and that panic forms into sort of an attack, a fun episode where you kind of lose your shit for a little while. But it's cool, you usually stop losing it and find your shit.

You actually love the outdoors. You love insects especially with their weird sort of gaunt looking features. You love looking at the stars and charting them out, both interests exhibited by your room being filled with star charts, insect taxidermy cases and your favorite telescope which peaks out of your bedroom window into the heavens. You have a fascination with nature, maybe because it's always eluded you in that special way of never having seen much of it. But also maybe because it's still. It's not like people and their cities. It isn't complicated. It isn't loud. When all is quiet and peace is at hand, the stillness of the night is always there. Stillness is what you're into. Because another big hobby of yours is photography. You often take tentative hikes outside your house just to get a few polaroids of the local flora whenever you can. You process the film in your room, whcih you use as a sort of amaterur dark room. It also helps since you have installed blackout curtains for whenever your need to pass out for a little while during the day.

Your room is littered with different photographs, but you pina couple to your bulletin board here and there when you are especially proud of the quality. That's about it for the interest you have on display for your room. Hm. You've seem to come to the end of your thoughts here. And you don't know what you'll exactly do now that your done examining your interests and things for no real reason in particular.

What will you do?

==> Matt: Be someone way cooler than you.

You are now someone way cooler than you.

==> Someone way cooler: Get to it already.

Yeah, you don't have time for these long, drawn out introductions. Sure: they're handy, but also a little unnatural. You pride yourself in being efficient, shaving as much time as you can off of whatever it is you do. And you are the BEST when it comes to being FAST.

You glance over at your HONORARY PLACRONYM that you had engraved on your 13th birthday about 2 years ago.

==> Read that shit.

It says ENID VOWLER, no doubt. That's what a cool name is, and everyone knows it. Yeah, you are pretty much as good as it gets.

==> Enid: That seemed like more words than necessary.

Yeah, sometimes you slow down, especially when it's to explain to less-cool people just how much more cool you are than them. But enough about that, You should probably examine your room to show off your cool interest.

==> Enid: nah.

You're a bit busy at the moment, so you think you'll hand the narrative over to someone else, someone less cool, but still someone worth being, you guess.
==> Enid: Be someone less cool.

You are now someone LESS COOL. Congratulations, I guess.

==> Uncool person: Introduce yourself.

Okay, jeez, you're getting to it. But, it has to be an awe-inspiring introduction. Truly something for the ages. You gotta show off to everyone just who you are in a way that's so uniquely you that everybody will be floored. All zero people currently looking at you at your unlit room, that is.

==> Uncool person: Introduce yourself awesomely.

You turn your lights on. Your HEIST PLANNING BOARD, at present entirely dedicated to delineating your denomination, makes your name apparent to the hypothetical multitudes watching this moment. ADIA PROWLER. You used to think it was a fitting, cool name, but now it sounds halfway between an action movie star and a sex offender. Behind the scenes, there's no difference, you guess.

Aside from the aforementioned awe-inspiring HEIST PLANNING BOARD, your room also contains a CONSPIRACY THEORIZING BOARD, where you've galaxy-brained your way into some semi-convincing and semi-accurate theories, a bookshelf containing, among other things, PARKOUR INSTRUCTION BOOKS and GRAFFITI ART BOOKS, and your prized GRAPPLING HOOK ARMORY. Well, it's less of an armory and more of two shelves, with one containing hooks and the other containing rope, and some spray paint cans on top, but its cool enough for you, which is to say, relatively lame. However, your SECRET BASE needs only to be functional; after all, the awesome shit can happen during one of your BIG HEISTS. You rarely actually do them, of course, because being caught and sent to prison would be a living nightmare for you, so you'd rather not risk it.

You're kind of out of things to say, so you sort of want to do something.

But what, exactly?
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==> Be Dick

Now that is awefully crass.

==> Get Dick joke out of the way.

Fair, we all get one don't we.

==>How about we skedaddle the fuck onto what we're actually here for.

Indeed, for standing before you is your impeccably cleaned room, computer sitting pristine in the corner desk. Bed is the same as the room, rectangle, rounded comforting corners, bed sheets immaculate and well placed like the bed were a man getting ready for one of those spiffy get togethers in those big houses full of pomp and finery.

Oh, and what is this? A fellow sitting atop the pillow? Why he looks like a bare foot man dressed in a bedsheet! Gazing out upon the perfect landscape of the bed like a watchful god.

==> Examine Medjed.

Medjed, one of your more family friendly and showoffable pieces was a EGYPTIAN god! Reduced to a wonderfully plush and asthetically minimalistic form! Which he was regardless but nonetheless he remains your greatest treasure and companion throughout your years alive... And seems to require abit of sewing to fix his leg... In truth you say he but the exact nature of what between this god's legs is a mystery, or even what they wish to be called.

You decide to file away that thought.

==>Examine self

A young man! Sans an eye stand in the middle of the room, triumphant in his rule over this domain of cleanliness. Youre average enough in most aspects and dress, as the kids would put it;

Hella fine.

Which you had worked hard to keep up, god knows it's hard these days and with certain family members who currently cause trouble for you in the most infuriating ways. But she is gone for the day and went off to work while you have the house, sans one room, to yourself.

==> Examine big eye on wall.

That is your artistic masterpiece, the eye of Horus painted of the wall! Sadly, not very well done, it is the best you could do with the skills you had thus it counts as your masterpiece... For the time being... Sure it looks like it's currently crying due to it's own mediocrity when compared to the source but it's fine!!

Or perhaps it is crying because just below it is your most secretive and prized collection of anime figurines that you gathered totally because they look cool and the characters are cool and not because you are a "Growing young man" like some would say. Disregard the more "interesting" models they are definitely not for the eyes of those currently peering into this room.

==> Reaffirm self and disregard degeneracy.

There is nothing to be ashamed of here, the young man thinks. For this is his room and he likes what he likes. Nobody can say anything that would detract from his worth due to this! He is, undoubtedly, still a worthy individual.

Even if these must never see the light of day...

==> Ascertain what to do next.​
==> Plot: Begin

As you stand in your room, you hear a small ping from your computing device. As you look at it, you realize you've received a notification from a certain company.
Send New Email
New Email Received
Dark Descensions Inc.
You've been chosen!
Congratulations! You have been randomly selected by our poll to receive a free copy of our anticipated game, The Darkness! You should be reciving the game soon in the mail to your location. We hope you enjoy our game!

~ Darkness Game Team

You should probably tell your friends about this...

Eidolon Astronaut Eidolon Astronaut SerbianMounted SerbianMounted Orikanyo Orikanyo TekSoda TekSoda
==> Finish reading message.

Well then, this is good news! God knows you had been awaiting this for awhile. You can't remember the moment you and your friends signed up for this but hey, winners gotta win right? Heres hoping at least one of them got a copy to, but you wonder how many people exactly joined up in the draw...

==> Comment on company name.

Well the dark part is simple, just edgy shit that many put infront of their company's name so they sound "cooler" or appeal to those chuuni teenagers who wana act all dark and mysterious... but the second word...


Thats litterally not a word! Its so damn dumb it nearly made you guffah or humph in it's general direction, much like the first time. Obviously it means multiple descents, and very much not a flock of woodpeckers...Though google is adamant it was the later of the two.

This however did not stop him from jumping up and down in excitement and hugging his good friend Medjed.

He had to bother his friends about this!!!

==> Open group chat with arguably superior chatting software.

TheEyeOfMedjed opened a group conversation with napalm001, starman62,skyjackr.
"Good morning twats, guess you just got an early code for Darkness!!!"
==> Be Adia

You are now Adia- wait, hold on, someone's messaging you.

==> Check ChatterBox

wait, what

You didn't expect them to be sent out so soon. Or, rather, you weren't really checking the date relative to when "The Darkness" released. It was hyped up, sure, but you were more keeping an eye out for the release date of several STEALTH GAMES, which you are rather good at, clearly making them worthy of capitalization. That aside, if copies of the game were sent out, its possible you received one.

==> Check Email

You generally don't email people, because texting is much faster, but you needed an email in order to sign up for a free copy of "The Darkness," which, you suppose, paid off. Not only are emails significantly cooler than texts, but you have also just received one that fulfilled the very point of creating your email in the first place. This was extremely lucky, you think to yourself, as the chances probably weren't that high, and you were afraid you were going to have to burgle the home of some unsuspecting recipient of the anticipated title. You have to tell your associates about this.

==> Message "Associates" in relatively overt group chat
holy shit i actually got the darkness
wait no that sounds like a disease B(
i got "the darkness"
like the game B)
also what the fuck is a descension
dick youd know what the fuck is a descension

==> Enid: Be you again.

You are no longer being not you.
==> Examine your room?

Yeah, fine.

You look around your room, so that we may see your rad interests.

Most notably, plastered on every available wall space are depictions of MONSTERS OF THE TUNGSTEN SCREEN, These movies were so bad, but in a good way. From lagoon-dwelling fish dudes to repetitive animal-animal combos, you have a fondness for CHEAP SCARES.
You have also jam-packed your closet with a VARIOUS WARTIME MEMORABILIA. Hanging on the closet wall are several blueprints for military vehicles: Motorcycles, Fighter Jets, you name it. Below these illustrations are your prized collection of WEAPONRY. It's mostly just big swords, old guns, and the occasional non-functional grenade. Acting as a centerpiece for the SHRINE OF BATTLE, is a defunct WARHEAD. The only thing that could possibly make it cooler is if it could actually kill you and everyone in a 5km radius.

Then you get to your... less cool interests. Look, you don't believe in any of this garbage, but you just can't help yourself. You can't stop watching PARANORMAL INVESTIGATORY SHOWS. You love the stuff. It is one of your greatest shames, the only thing that tarnishes your otherwise impeccable coolness.
==> Check trophy shelf.

These are your trophies for things like SPEEDRUNNING WORLD RECORDS, but since they don't actually make trophies for that, you just relabeled some old WORLD'S BEST SISTER junk you may or may not have received on your 13th birthday a while back.
==> Respond to your pals.

Who the fuck cares? it's just a name.
It's not even the dumbest we've talked about. remember skaianet?

That shit made no god damn sense.
How dare you fucking say that, Skaianet was the shit and you know it you filthy heathen.
And further more a descension appears to be a flock of woodpeckers. Or at leats the closest word to it is, or a multitude of descents.
Likely the later as it would be less fucking stupid.
But goodness gracious, they gave our resident wannabe hacker a copy?
The world must be ending if they didn't even screen who would be playing it... or perhaps they dare you to try and break into it, code kiddy.

Sure he was being brash, but honestly it was.. Kinda fun poking fun at the resident uber haxxor nerd. He was no better in the end, his figures gleam slightly in the corner of his eye like a hidden away sin.
==> Matt: be yourself again

You know this is really getting confusing. All this hopping around is making you confused. More than usual, anyway. Looks like you have a couple messages on your computer. Better see what all the fuss is about. You friends are...well to put it lightly kind of a lot. They have very notable personalities that you don't always agree with.
a descension is a synonym for a descent
likewise a descent is a term for a flock of woodpeckers
but i concede that i don't really think these video game companies adhere to the vernacular of birdwatchers or aviologists
moreso pander to the tastes of video game enthusiasts
but yes, i am incredibly excited as well to endeavor in this new 'gaming experience' with you all
were all of us picked for a free copy?
that does not bode well or make sense

Yes, you are definitely yourself. That is the most yourself thing you have ever heard you say. But of course it's very unnerving to think that all four of you were 'randomly' picked to receive a free new copy. You all may have applied, and your friends may have pushed you a tad since you weren't the most excited for the game as you could be, but what are the chances? Maybe it's some sort of scam being pushed by nigerian princes needing loans.

They are very sad excuses for princes, you think.
==> Be Adia

As Adia, you decide that stating who you are is a waste of time, and the arrow format is restrictive. You ditch it completely.

you absolute dick why would i even hack this
unless like it was part of some grand heist plan
wait maybe i should try just to make sure

You realize that you've ignored 7 whole lines from Matt. That's like, a whole paragraph that you just ignored, in need of a response.

ok so anyways as your resident cat-burglr im familiar with odds and this shit aint addin up
the only way for all four of us to get copies is to be bullshit lucky
that or the devs know that us four are connected
either someone close to us is a secret dev
or were bein watchd BO
that was a joke
i think
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Legitimately I doubt there is any reason why they would be watching us, they probably...
Actually I have absolutely no legitimate idea why the flipping fuck this could have happened.
The only thing watching me right now is Medjed and he/she/they would never betray me.

Indeed he was very passionate about such matters, Medjed was his protector, his friend, and a well suitable sleeping buddy at that.

Either way I'm downloading it now, I have a whole damned evening to deal with I may as well see whats going on with it.

You say, but you weren't actually downloading the game just yet, hoping one of the others would follow along while you watch and see what happened to them... Actually how DO you download this? Do you just.. press that button? Awefully easy wouldn't you say? Most certainly easy, but you have many years of back alley internet dealings to get that totally not to be hidden from all eyes "anime" you sought. there was no way you would fall for such an simple trap...





Okay why not, what will it hurt anyways?

Medjed has your back, no way you could go wrong and medjed has seen you through many a scenario such as this. Perhaps medjed has seen to much... Regardless, just.. seeing the downloading client is easy enough... Right?


Yea! You can always opt out of the download if it's fishy.


==> Download Darkness.​

see wait this started as a joke but now im fairly convinced were fucked
they said wed receive it in the mail soon at our location
like they already have our addresses
so either they skipped a few steps and this is the stupidest mothrfuckr to ever attempt a scam since this one dude tried to convince me my nonexistent mac had a virus
or this shit is legit and they know more about us than they should
which is
really concernin

"Hey, AP, somethin arrived in the mail for you!" your brother calls from across the apartment.

ok one sec

It's been a running gag in the Prowler family for generations to refer to each other as AP, as everyone in your family, including your brother Adan, has those exact initials. That aside, you decide to go over to where your brother is.
"AP, I thought I told you not to give out your address online."

"I seriously didn't tell anyone, or give it to anything shady."
"If you didn't give it to anything or anyone shady, then why was the package directly in front of our door"
"wait what"
The package is.... concerning. It contains Darkness, just as expected, but the fact that they actually have your address means that this is either a stalker or totally legit. And its shady as hell to just leave it directly in front of the door instead of going through the normal mailbox. Dangerous, too; what if someone were to snatch the package and run?

ok i got the game or w/e
it seems super fuckin shady but installin now
whats life w/out a few risks B)

Long. Life without a few risks is long.

Regardless, you wanna know exactly what's going on, so you decide that the best, no, most fun course of action is to

==> Download Darkness

goddammit i told you im not doing that arrow bullshit anymore
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Download: Begin

our computer begins to slowly update. You don't understand why this is taking so fucking long, but it is. Its not like your computer is struggling or anything. Maybe it really is bugged?

The games about half-way finished when you finish these thoughts.

Orikanyo Orikanyo
Download: Feel Insulted but Begin Anyways

he Download begins. As before, the game is extremely slow and annoying to deal with. However, you computer screen does seem to be getting darker as the bar fills up.
Maybe this is a good thing?

TekSoda TekSoda
==> Enid: Download The Darkness.

Okay, edgelord, calm down.

But yeah, you might as well get started, who knows how long these things can take sometimes. But you aren't going to download something so risky on YOUR computer, THE BEAST cost you a fortune, you wouldn't do anything to hurt it.​

==> Find nearby computer.

You decide the easiest course of action would be to make your way across your house to the hallway that as access to your attic, where you could find your old LAPTOP, it's been years since you used it, but it should be able to run a simple computer game just fine.​

==> Equip weaponry.

You don a SHEATH and stick your trusty FLAMBERGE inside, just in case it gets to hot to handle, which is never. Might as well be prepared though.

You exit your DOOR.​
==> Be somewhat disappointed

Sure it's a big game, sure your computer isn't the hyper awesome piles of way too highly priced components that certain people in your group of friends splurged on getting. You have to make due, and by no means are you a slouch...


Come on...

Why so slow...?

==> Equip phone.

Ah yes, your mobile phone, lovely thing to keep you in contact with friends on the run. You grab it from your desk and marvel at the technology in your hand... Well, everything beyond the screen, which is still cracked, usable but very much cracked.

You did drop it on a rock, cracks stretching out from the center like a star or as you may call it a bloodshot eye in your slight moments of edge...


Now what to do...​
The House is Quiet.

ou can't quite discern if this is a good thing or not, but as you exit your room, a sense of dread fills your senses.
You wonder if its from your brother Eugene.
Or from something Else.

Eidolon Astronaut Eidolon Astronaut

You Hear a Strange Noise.

ou don't know if it was pure coincidence, but it sounds a soft bell ringing.
It sounds like its coming from the shop below you somehow, but you cannot be sure.

Orikanyo Orikanyo
The sound of a bell was not quite uncommon in this world, lots of bells were everywhere, but normally one did not hear the dinging of the door bell from down below. Hardly anything at all due to the relatively quiet nature of barbery. Save the occasional buzzing of clippers and muffled lifestories being talked about.

The older gent downstairs was quiet enough on most days and the sole reason why your hair is so kept.

Your one eye examines the floor, before looking to the door. Why not go for a walk while you have time? You grab your cane, a simple wooden cane that you use more an accessory and pokeing stick. With refound purpose in killing time you stand before the door.

==> enter the hall​
The Hallway is Serene.

ou enter the pristine hallway, as impeccably clean as usual. The only other rooms close by are the stairs and... the forbidden place.

You wield your cane, as the ringing seems to change. It no longer resembles the soft ringing of a jingle bell, but the low ringing what a church bell would sound like.

56% Percent Completed.

Orikanyo Orikanyo
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==> Contemplate church bells.

There is no church in miles, or so you think, you cannot remember the last time you have been to church. Your phone isn't ringing, even so that isn't your ring tone, so thats out. Maybe the barber changed out his little dinging bells for a literal cacophony of church bells?

Not very likely.

So that leaves a few possibilities.
  1. You are dreaming, which would explain why you all got THE DORKNESS, misspelling intentional, at the same time.​
  2. This is a nightmare, and above.​
  3. You entered Silent Hill, which is likely also related to above, depending on who you ask.​
  4. Somebody with a really big pair of church bells is outside and decided to test them...​
Honestly, none of these seem correct at the moment, you only hope nothing gets WORSE. Something you are happy you didn't voice lest things actually try and get worse.

That would be just horrible wouldn't it.


==> Investigate forbidden place

Refused on account of the forbidden place being forbidden for a reason.

==> Investigate forbidden place.


==> Do it Nerd.

There is no reason to enter your sister's room, even more so if she was in there. And even even more so if the bells came from there.

Which they aren't.

They are coming from downstairs.

Which we wish to go to right?

==> Head downstairs.​
The Shop Is Empty.

ou wonder why. This isn’t usually the case, as the store needs to at least be cleaned. Even the swirly red and white thing is on outside, as if it was open.

Objects are strewn about as if someone had just been there. There was a warm sack lunch on one of the counters, meaning someone was nearby.

That’s when you realize. The bells, they’re not from down here.

They are coming from outside.

Across the street to be exact. It’s very ominous, and it seems to be maybe some kind of warning? But where are they coming from. You gaze out at the building parallel to you, looking over the at the bricks and the stonework, with the ivy growing in the side...

Hold on. There shouldn’t be Ivy there. You take a closer look, and realize that it’s not even a kind of plant. Something black and long is on the side of the opposing building, rustling in the wind. It gives you a shudder.

71% Percent Completed.

Orikanyo Orikanyo

While Darkness's installation making the screen darker is mildly amusing, it is also making your computer a pain to use, which is a shame because you put blood, sweat, and tears into stealing all the parts for it from your local Best Buy. You're gonna have to switch to your CELL PHONE, also maybe kinda stolen in the same heist.

Of course, even with your phone, you don't exactly plan on sitting around playing phone games when shit ain't adding up. You walk over to your CONSPIRACY THEORIZING BOARD and writing names. Aria. Dick. Matt. Enid. Adan. Eugene. Mavis Beacon Burgess. Miranda? The lines connecting you to each other. It all begins to come together. That was a joke, it doesn't, at all. You have the names of some siblings, lines for friendship and family, but nothing else save for butterflies in your stomach. You need more information to draw any conclusions.

Frustrated, you try and find the company website on your phone. Although you can't do any Adia-brand amateur hacking on a phone, there has to be some information. An employee directory or the like would suffice.
Staring out into the maybe ivy covered build across from you, you suddenly become reaffirmed that this, was infact, something out of Silent Hill.

Clutching to a nearby barber's chair you gazed out into the uncareing world, trying to remember what was across the street.

A flower shop, yes, thats what it was right? Maybe?

Or was it something else...?

Either way, whatever it was, was not that, definitely not that. The chances of the building currently standing beyond the road being your actual cross road neighbor is currently extremely low. So low in fact it wouldn't be normally measurable.

You'd make a joke to yourself about it possibly being halloween... But that was far off, and you would know from the sheer buttload of advertisements for such... And your anime Gacha game would come out with new halloween based stuff...
You begin typing on the group chat on your phone.

Guys, I don't think i'm in fucking Kansas anymore. Shit went Silent Hill on me, send help.
Spooky church is chiming it's bells aggressively and IDON'TFUCKINGKNOWWHATSGOINGON!!!

Abandoning his usual manner of typing in his panic, he hide behind the chair again, hoping this was a bad dream... At least have somebody else call him stupid.

...If this WAS silent hill... he better get to the goal lickety split or...


==> Return to room

==>Get Medjed plushy

==>Return to Spook town central protection chair.

Now, now you might be ready... maybe...​
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You Have A Realization

ou feel suddenly much more calm. You have no idea why, and look outside again. The day hasn’t really changed. People are walking in the sunny that is this afternoon, and all that really changed was the ‘ivy’ and the-

That’s it. The bells, what made you paranoid in the first.

They’ve stopped.

98% Percent Completed. Initializing Lockdown.

You hear the glass door click several times, locking itself.

Then you hear a scream, as a woman watches the flower shop get pulled underground by the black thing, which you can identify now.

It’s a tentacle.

Orikanyo Orikanyo

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