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Dice Coalition Wars - OOC Thread

They are both in World Book 14: New West.

I do remember that the term "Wild Weasel" gained ground in Viet Nam as some pilots were given special assignments to go after radar and AA missile sites.
They are both in World Book 14: New West.

I do remember that the term "Wild Weasel" gained ground in Viet Nam as some pilots were given special assignments to go after radar and AA missile sites.

Oh, big time! And not just pilots, but the poor former bomber crews that knew the radar signals and missiles better than the pilots! They're the ones who had to sit in the backseat of the aircraft with a pilot who often had the attitude that they were invincible. According to Dan Hampton's book, The Hunter Killers - the Extraordinary Stories of the First Wild Weasels, this is where the Wild Weasel's saying came from. When the bomber-guys in class heard that they were going to be chasing down a brand-new technology, that is, missile sites in VIetnam that were designed to shoot down their aircraft, and they get to do all their work from the back seat with some Flash Gordon wanna-be flying in the front seat, one guy heard this and said, "You gotta be shittin' me!" Thus YGBSM was born. =)
Ok, everyone! You can thank Vaneheart Vaneheart for having two new SAMAS suits to pick from at the moment; the Sidewinder and the Wild Weasel. The Super SAMAS is still not yet available to you.

I am thinking that only one WW SAMAS is needed in the squad, so if someone wants it, lay claim to that bad boy. Dannigan, if you wish, I can have the NPC use it if you want the team to have the electronic bonuses from it.

Sherwood Sherwood Purr Purr @Rykon Silanon Silanon

Thank you, Vaneheart Vaneheart !

Psychie and Sherwood, I'm going to have to look that up (I think have that book) before I make any decisions. =)
Rats. Don't have Weapon Systems or Sensory Equipment, so my Character couldn't reasonably make use of the Wild Weasel if he wanted to (darned piloting Skill packages. /vent on This is one of the reasons in Broadsword why you guys get Navigation, Sensory Equipment, and Weapon Systems for free as mecha pilots - because of stuff like this! How in the world are you supposed to be a pilot, much less one trained for "elite" combat when, according to the rules, you can't even read your own equipment? DEERRRP! /vent off)

I don't have Book 14: New West. I do have Book 15: Spirit West (which is a neat book!). Thanks for posting these new SAMAS units in the Lore section, Psychie! I'm not sure about the Sidewinder, but the Wild Weasel is terrific even without the ECM gear! =) Note to Sherwood: I believe you when you say ECM is no use against the bugs, but (as far as I know) we have no guarantees in-character that we're going to see them (in the case of my character, see them again). We just know that out-of-character, right? Hmm.
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Note to Dannigan about the skills: I briefly considered doing something similar to your game and saying that everyone had those skills, but upon further reflection, I decided not to, because the bulk of the CS is illiterate, even their military. Not like the high level of education that we all take for granted in the modern world.
Oh, no worries! I am not trying to change your game, lady.

My beef is with the Palladium rules here. I'm just saying that pilots of power armor and mecha, jet-cycles, helicopters, naval vessels, and jets themselves! In any military, I feel they must be literate. I'm not talking 1930s biplanes here. I'm talking about not being able to comprehend when your aircraft has been hit and when you're losing hydraulic fluid. What your airspeed is. How to fly by instruments alone in a helicopter. Oh, and how in God's name do the pilots know when they're finally out of fuel? Sure, the core lasts for years and years, but if you can't read a fuel gauge, you fall out of the sky onto whatever or whomever is beneath you, right?

It makes me wish that, like Mathematics, there was no Literacy, Basic Literacy, and Advanced Literacy. And that Advanced Literacy would cover college-level language skills. Or better yet, Power Armor/Mecha/Aircraft/Sea pilots were given access to a small set of Skill similar to those in Robotech: Shadow Chronicles - Expeditionary Force Marines Sourcebook. There, every Marine knew how to operate a computer (and I can see the C.S. not wanting that). They knew basic math, literacy, pilot automobile, etc.. I like that they had a Skill package for all Marines. I wish pilots had a similar package. Toss Navigation and Sensory Equipment, the basic building blocks of reading an electronic map, in there. =)

But they didn't. And I wish that Palladium had gone to some lengths to represent that. That's all! =)

But then again, maybe they wanted all that to be selectable (and thus expensive on an educational level) for non-pilots becoming pilots (like my guy). Hmm! Who knows? At least it's possible in the rules. I've never read about a Special Forces soldier who was also a combat pilot. =)

On a related note, our Characters (or at least mine) seems to know that Xiticix have been fought by elements from FOB Rico, right? What other elements besides Xiticix have been sighted/engaged in this part of America?
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Related to that - what exactly did decimate our squad? Thus far, we know that it was dangerous enough to damage our vehicle, but a lot of things could manage that.
Good question, Sil! Wish I'd thought of it! =)
All credit to you - didn't think too much about it before you posted your questions =)
Related to that - what exactly did decimate our squad? Thus far, we know that it was dangerous enough to damage our vehicle, but a lot of things could manage that.
It was a group of magic users with a pair of Cyber Knights. The Knights played havoc with your weapon systems, and it took a while to be able to bring them down, along with the evil minions that the mages were able to summon up.
On a related note, our Characters (or at least mine) seems to know that Xiticix have been fought by elements from FOB Rico, right? What other elements besides Xiticix have been sighted/engaged in this part of America?
There has been nasty fighting around Tolkeen, involving a lot of casualties on both sides - along with a lot of hard feelings towards the magic users in this sector by the survivors of the recent fight.
It was a group of magic users with a pair of Cyber Knights. The Knights played havoc with your weapon systems, and it took a while to be able to bring them down, along with the evil minions that the mages were able to summon up.
Should have guessed that those self-righteous tin cans were involved... thanks! Did they die for it, or are they still out there?
Boy, it's tough for me to imagine the Cyber-Knights as "bad guys." Xiticix? Definitely. Demons? Sure! But Cyber-Knights? Hmm.
It does - one reason why I like seeing the Coalition side for once. Don't think I've played a single Rifts character who would have been acceptable for the coalition, so I've only seen them as the bad guys thus far.
Except for in the very beginning, I've always seen the CS as mixed. If I thought they were all purely rotten - evil to their cores like the Proseks - I don't think I could have joined this particular game.

Having read Kevin Siembieda's thinking on the Coalition States, I can see why he was excited to create them. Doing so creates a lot of questions and stirs up feelings about wars that most of us alive today were lucky to not be a direct part of (World War II and the Nazi regime, for example). Sure, it's history, but it's not the same thing as living it or playing in a role-playing game around it. Today, I would like to think that most of the conflicts and wars that reach the news today, while no less fatal to the fallen, are less-encompassing than either of the World Wars. The Coalition States, in that light, is their own superpowers; a mighty regime with Nazi-like ways backed by American money and territory.

I think that's one of the reasons I want to play this partially-mad Special Forces Character, Ridge. I think some people have to be nuts to volunteer for missions like those some of the Special Forces have been given. Sure, other units in other fields sometimes see Special Forces as "priviledged" or "high and mighty," but they often get the resources they need because they're taking on missions no one else is either willing or capable of doing. So that leads to Steel Rain's mission - doing the bidding of a troubled lieutenant with a dark past holed up in her APC with her soldiers. The situation here at FOB Rico reminds me of Cameron's Aliens (my favorite of all sci-fi movies and probably Sherwood's too). That is definitely part of the draw! =)

Someday in the future, it sounds like Psychie is going to put us up against the Xiticix in such a way that we might need the D-Bees - the C.S.'s sworn enemy - just to survive. What will our Characters do when the time comes? It's one hell of a decision I'm looking forward to RPing through. But then... what happens after that?

There is no way I'm changing how I feel towards my own Characters, both past and present. I can't bring myself to not like Snowfall (my good-aligned Rifts Kitsune/Tattooed Voyager whose 2 parts "Big Trouble in Little China" and equal parts "Calvin & Hobbes" by Bill Waterson), but as of this moment, I am playing a Character who wouldn't think twice about blowing someone like Snowfall away for the sake of humanity. Snowfall, in turn, would certainly not want to harm Ridge, but if necessary, both men would and have killed to defend what they love. Both Characters firmly believe in the reasonsing of a quote from a book I'm currently reading. The quote goes like this:

“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” - G.K. Chesterson

But when Steel Rain has to someday face the possibility of joining with a lesser evil to survive against a greater one, well, that soldierly love is put to the ultimate test. I look forward to getting there with all of you! =)
Someday in the future, it sounds like Psychie is going to put us up against the Xiticix in such a way that we might need the D-Bees - the C.S.'s sworn enemy - just to survive. What will our Characters do when the time comes? It's one hell of a decision I'm looking forward to RPing through. But then... what happens after that?
<smiles innocently> I'm sure I don't know what you are talking about.
A fine answer for a GM of any game. =)

How about an answer to this - I would like for Ridge to pilot a Wild Weasel even though he can't make full use of its capabilities. This is mostly a Player desire (when else am I going to have the opportunity but in this game? I'd like to do so because Wild Weasels were history-changing life-saving brave people. Even without the jamming, the vehicle has some neat things going for it and I think it would be fun to use. And yeah, there is that bit of me that thinks it's a minor crime for Vane to know about these, Psychie to put them in the game, and no one use them! Hah!) but Lt. Ridge's heart (yes, he has one) is in this too (Never flown one. What's it like? What can I take from what I learn from it to future adventures?)

Is everyone else cool with that?

Also, Psychie? What is the Bandit 6000 Grenade Launcher and do we have access to it?

Do we, or will we in future adventures, have access to Mk. 19 Multiple Grenade Launchers?
Psychie Psychie Do you want me to create a short post with Ridge requesting King's company, preferably at the power armor hangars (or wherever the SAMAS are kept on FOB Rico)?

I'll ask this one again as it appears to have gotten lost in the mix. =)
Is everyone else cool with that?
Works for me.
Also, Psychie? What is the Bandit 6000 Grenade Launcher and do we have access to it?
That was the standard weapon to the SAMAS armor that, IMO, is far inferior to either the particle beam weapon or the missile launcher that is listed. I thought I had removed mention of it, but must have missed one.
Do we, or will we in future adventures, have access to Mk. 19 Multiple Grenade Launchers?
Which one was that one again? If it is the one I am picturing, I will say yes. I'll just need to post the details in the equipment thread.
I'll ask this one again as it appears to have gotten lost in the mix. =)
Yes, please, just say something about wanting to hunt down King and we can move that part forward.
If you do go ahead and take the Wild Weasel, make sure you pick a good hand-held weapon to go with it. You'll be woefully under gunned if you don't.
Psychie Psychie
Yeah, I was hoping to take along the Mk.25 AGL or CTT-P40 Particle Beam Rifle. Is it possible to jack that thing into the SAMAS's power core (or Ridge's) for additional ammunition?

That was the standard weapon to the SAMAS armor that, IMO, is far inferior to either the particle beam weapon or the missile launcher that is listed. I thought I had removed mention of it, but must have missed one.

Good to know!

Which one was that one again? If it is the one I am picturing, I will say yes. I'll just need to post the details in the equipment thread.

My bad! I meant the Mk.25. It's the beast that T'kar was running around with in your Southern Cross/Invid Invasion game. As I'm fond of saying, "I knew what I meant." =)

THIS is the Mk.19 (the Real Life version I confused the Mk.25 with). =)

Mk.25 40mm Automatic Grenade Launcher
Weight: 54 lbs for the weapon unloaded 24.48 lbs for a 48 round belt, 50 lbs for a 96 round belt
Range: 1,700 feet
Mega Damage: By grenade type. Common loadouts are here:
AP/F (Anti Personnel Fragmentation): 4d6 MD to a 12 foot radius for a single shot. 2d6x10 to a 24 foot radius with a six grenade burst.
HEAP (High Explosive Armor Piercing): 6d6 MD toa three foot radius for a single shot. 3d6x10 to a 8 foot radius with a six round burst.
Tear Gas: Victims roll to make a save vs non-lethal poison (16 or higher). A failed roll to save means the victims' eyes water and burn, they lose half their melee attacks and are at a -3 on initiative and -10 to strike, parry, dodge and all other combat bonuses for 3d6 rounds (half that time outdoors with a steady wind). Creates a cloud of tear gas with a 25 foot radius.
Smoke: Creates a thick cloud of smoke, 40 feet in radius. Smoke grenades come in the colors blue, red, yellow, white and black. Smoke may be used to mark a target or extraction area, or for cover. Enemies shooting into a cloud of smoke where specific targets cannot be seen is the same as shooting wild and has all the same penalties. Those inside the smoke could not protected by environmental body armor, gas masks, or other breathing apparatus suffer a penalty of -5 to strike, parry and dodge, and a -1 on initiative. Note: Infrared and thermal optics cannot penetrate smoke, but passive nightvision scopes and optics do.
Rate of fire: Each single shot or burst uses one attack
Payload: 48 or 96 40mm grenades in a disintegrating link belt.
Note: No picture available.

Yes, please, just say something about wanting to hunt down King and we can move that part forward.

Wilco! =)
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