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Futuristic Ashes and Steel - The Canteen (OoC Thread)

So, a bit of trivia:

Hyades Squad and Polaris are reused from an Ace Combat RP I made a long while back where the characters were intelligence agents.

The Hyades, while an actual constellation of five stars, are meant as a reference to The King in Yellow where Carcosa is near the Hyades.
I hope we'll get to visit the Canteen in the RP itself later down the line
Even though several members of the squad should be kept away from alcohol at all times
I hope we'll get to visit the Canteen in the RP itself later down the line
Even though several members of the squad should be kept away from alcohol at all times
I do intend to have some Back At Base moments, as well as even some Out of Mech moments.
Ah yes, relaxation scenes and other moments between missions, the true test of how well a group gets along with each other.
Sorry for taking my sweet time to make a post. I've got a big exam coming up tomorrow morning that I've been studying day and night for. Fingers crossed I pass it.
I was waiting on you (unless I missed a post, let me check).

Correction; I'm waiting on Clockwork and Animal.
Test is over and out of three classes combined, pretty much everyone bombed it. Only two people I know of passed.


Anyways, I'm back in the saddle.
I'll write my CS in the next few days. It'll probably be an engineer in a stealth sniper mech
Sorry guys, I'll have to drop out for now. Maybe I'll rejoin when I have more time and this RP is still ongoing then
Considering what’s been going on with Boeing lately, a Regulus frame Cataphract probably isn’t the safest.
How's everyone holding up? We got about 30 degrees Celsius here in Stockholm at the moment lol.
It's been an endless torrent of rain ever since summer started. I can hardly go outside because of how bad the weather's been. To say nothing of driving since even if there was just one droplet of rain, it automatically shuts off the brain of anyone behind the wheel.

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