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Dice Coalition Wars - Gear and Mecha



Princess Psychie
Personal Equipment and Weapons Thread
Dead Boy Body Armor


This Coalition armor is typically reserved for female troopers, scouts and special teams (Psi-officers, reconnaissance, Intelligence, Special Forces, etc.). The helmet is often given a plume or pony-tail of hair-like fibers to denote female officers and wilderness scouts; spikes are used for psionic officers.
Class: CA-3 light Coalition body armor.
Size: Human equivalent.
Weight: 12 pounds (5.4 kg).
Mobility: Very good to good; -5% to climb and - 10% to prowl, swim, do acrobatics and similar physical skills/performance.

M.D.C. by Location:
Head/Helmet - 70
Arms - 55 each
Legs - 70 each
Main Body - 80

Special Weapon Systems or Features: None
Market Price: Not available; exclusive to the CS military .
The standard armor is what ' s worn by most Coalition soldiers, including commissioned and non-commissioned officers. The distinguishing feature on officers' is their symbol of rank and the adornment of spikes on the helmet or a plume of hairlike fibers. High ranking commissioned officers (Captain and up) can elect to wear light or heavy armor instead of the standard. Females who can handle the weight and bulk are also allowed to wear standard "Dead Boy" armor.
Note: Most pilots and soldiers in special divisions of the army typically wear CA-3 light armor or CA-4 standard armor. The only distinguishing difference is the design of their helmet.

Class: CA-4 standard Coalition infantry body armor.
Size: Human equivalent.
Weight: 20 pounds (9 . 1 kg).
Mobility: Good; -5% to climb and -20% to prowl, swim, perform acrobatics and similar physical skills/performance.

M.D.C. by Location:
Head/Helmet - 70
Arms - 60 each
Legs - 80 each
Main Body - 100

Special Weapon Systems or Features: None
Market Price: Not available; exclusive to the CS military .
Last edited:
SAMAS and Powered Armor
Super SAMAS Powered Armor
Sidewinder SAMAS Powered Armor
Wild Weasel SAMAS Powered Armor


New "Smiling Jack" Light Assault SAMAS
The PA-07A Light Assault SAMAS is patterned after the original PA-06A as a low altitude, all environment power armor fighter. Like the PA-06A, the Smiling Jack is fast, tough, reliable and capable of infantry assaults, front line combat, surgical strikes, troop support, seek and destroy, reconnaissance, rescue, espionage and defense. It can fly, hover, make tight turns and is small enough to maneuver through narrow streets and corridors without sacrificing firepower or armor protection.
The armor styling of the Smiling Jack is similar to the new Coalition body armor but is still recognizable as a SAMAS . The helmet has a large one way glass (tough as M.D. steel) that gives the pilot optimum peripheral vision. The lower jaw portion appears to be locked in a smiling position, showing a set of broad flat teeth, hence its nickname, "Smiling Jack." The PA-07A has all the same basic features , weapons and capabilities of the old, Death ' s Head SAMAS . The only difference is its appearance, one large air intake jet above the head, less bulky but equally strong armor, mini-missile launchers built into the wings, and five lower, secondary jet thrusters to give the suit better control and mobility at altitudes above 1,000 feet (305 m).

"Smiling Jack" SAMAS Power Armor
Model Type: PA-07A
Class: Strategic Armor Military Assault Suit
Crew: One
M.D.C. by Location:
* Shoulder Wings (2) - 85 each
* Wing Mini-Missile Launchers (6 total) - 8 each
Main Rear Jets (2) - 60 each
Lower Maneuvering Jets (5) - 25 each
Intake Jet (1; top) - 40
* Ammo Drum (rear) - 35
* Rail Gun - 50
* Hands (2) - 25 each
Arms (2) - 50 each
Legs (2) - 100 each
** Head -70
*** Main Body - 250

* A single asterisk indicates a small -and difficult target to strike, requiring the attacker to make a "called shot," but even then the attacker is -4 to strike .
** Destroying the head of the power armor will eliminate all forms of optical enhancement and sensory systems . The pilot must then rely on his own human vision and senses. No power armor combat bonuses to strike, parry, and dodge!
The head is a small and difficult target to hit, shielded by exhaust tubes and weapon drum. Thus, it can only be hit when a character makes a "called shot" and even then the attacker is -3 to strike.
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the armor down completely, making it useless. Note: Destroying a wing will make flight impossible. However, even with no wing(s), the SAMAS can make jet powered leaps and hover stationary above the ground.

Running: 60 mph (96 km) maximum. Note that the act of running does tire out its operator, but at 10% of the usual fatigue rate.
Leaping: The powerful robot legs can leap up to 15 feet (4.6 m) high or across unassisted by the thrusters.
A jet thruster assisted leap can propel the unit up to 100 feet (30.5 m) high and 200 feet (61 m) across without actually attaining flight.
Flying: The rocket propulsion system enables the SAMAS to hover stationary up to 1,000 feet (305 m) or fly. Maximum flying speed is 300 mph (480 km), but cruising speed is considered to be 150 mph (240 km). Maximum altitude is 6,000 feet (1829 m; a little over one mile/l .6 km) . Higher than this, high winds and rough weather make flight both erratic and dangerous. The Smiling Jack SAMAS is still too small and light even with the additional thrusters, to safely fly at greater heights. Optimum altitude range is ground level to about 4000 feet (1200 m). Like its predecessor, the Smiling Jack is designed to be a low altitude power armor suit that can hug the ground and slip under enemy radar.
Flying Range: The nuclear power supply gives the SAMAS decades of life but the jet rockets get hot and need to cool after a maximum of 10 hours of continuous flight at speeds above cruising, 24 hours at cruising speed. It can fly indefinitely with rest stops every few hours.
Underwater Capabilities: Swimming: The SAMAS can swim using the same types of paddling leg and arm movements as a human at a maximum speed of roughly four mph (6.4 km/3 .4 knots). It can also walk along the bottom of the sea at about 25% its normal running speed. Using the jet thrusters, the SAMAS can travel on the surface of water at 50 mph (80 km/42 .5 knots), underwater at 40 mph (64 km/34 knots) or fly above the water's surface at nonnal speeds.
Maximum Ocean Depth: 1,000 feet (305 m).

Statistical Data
Height : 8 feet (2.4 m) from head to toe. The top mounted air foil adds another two feet (0.6 m) for an overall height of 10 feet (3 m).
Width: Wings down, 3.5 feet (1.06 m)
Wings extended, 12 feet (3.6 m)
Length: 4 feet 6 inches (1.4 m)
Weight: 500 lbs (225 kg) without the rail gun and ammo drum.
Physical Strength: Equal to a P.S. 30
Cargo: None
Power System : Nuclear, average SAMAS energy life is 20 years .
CS Cost: 1.8 million credits for a new, undamaged, full powered suit complete with rail gun and one full ammo-drum. None have yet fallen into the hands of the Black Market.

Weapon Systems
1. C-40R SAMAS Rail Gun (1): This is standard equipment for the "Smiling Jack" SAMAS. Other heavier rail guns can be substituted. Likewise, the new CTT-M20 missile rifle or CTI-P40 rifle can be used as an over-sized two-handed weapon.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Weight: Gun: 92 lbs (41.4 kg), One SAMAS Ammo-Drum: 190 lbs (85 .5 kg).
Mega-Damage: A Burst is 40 rounds and inflicts 1d4x10 M.D., one round does 1d4 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of combined hand to hand attacks (usually 4-6).
Maximum Effective Range: 4,000 feet ( 1 200 m)
Payload: 3,000 round drum, that's 75 bursts. A second drum can be hooked to the undercarriage of the rocket jets, but first the used drum must be manually removed by another SAMAS or character with a strength of 26 or higher before it can be replaced with the new one. Reloading a drum will take about 5 minutes for those not trained, but a mere one minute by somebody trained in the use of SAMAS power armor.

2. SJ-6 Mini-Missile Launchers: Each of the wings have three small, tube mini-missile launchers .
Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Missile Type: Any mini-missile can be used, but standard issue is armor piercing (1d4x10 M.D.) or plasma (1d6x10). Fragmentation will be used for anti-personnel operations.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type.
Range: Usually about a mile.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two, four or six.
Payload: Six total; three per wing.

3. Energy Rifles: Same as the "Death's Head" SAMAS. The "Smiling Jack" SAMAS is small enough that it can use any of the standard infantry weapons from pistols and vibro-blades to rifles. Or the CTT-M20 missile rifle or CTT-P40 rifle can also be used as an over-sized two-handed weapon.

4. Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use a weapon , the pilot can engage in mega-damage hand to hand combat. See Basic and Elite Power Armor Combat Training on page 351 -352 of Rifts® Ultimate Edition for combat bonuses.

5. Sensor System Note: The SAMAS has full optical systems, including laser targeting, telescopic, passive nightvision (light amplification), thermo-imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization. Plus all other features common to all power armor.
Sensor Bonuses: The SAMAS gets a bonus of + 1 to strike and + I to dodge in addition to the power armor target bonus and Basic or Elite Power Armor Combat Training bonuses.

New Super SAMAS
The PA-09A Super SAMAS is patterned after the original PA-06A and resembles its Light Assault brother, right down to the toothy grin. Nicknamed the "Grinning Demon;" it is a fast, tough, and reliable power armor suitable for all types of combat missions. However, it is also a heavy, high and low altitude, all environment power armor fighter designed specifically as a front-line combat and support unit.
The quad-thruster jets and heavy armor enable it to reach an altitude of three miles (4.8 km) and engage skycycles and light aircraft. In addition to a hand-held weapon (usually a rail gun or other heavy weapon), a pair of high-powered plasma ejectors and light lasers are mounted above the shoulders and mini-fusion grenades can be fired from the forearms. The forearms are also lined with three vibro-blades that are used to rake opponents or clip propellers of combat helicopters as the SAMAS flies bys.
Small thrusters in the back and in the feet help to give the power armor pilot better control and maneuverability. The speed and firepower of the Super SAMAS makes it ideal for engaging slow to medium speed aircraft, hover vehicles, enemy power armor, and flight capable creatures such as dragons, demons and troops magically empowered with the ability to fly.
In dog fights against such enemies, they are virtually unmatched, especially when dispatched in squads of 4-10 members . The only aircraft the Super SAMAS is not well equipped to handle are those that travel faster than sound (Mach One or greater). The heavily armored, fast moving power armor is also an effective weapon against Glitter Boys and tanks - again, especially when a Super SAMAS squad outnumbers the tank or G.B. two to one, or better.
If the Super SAMAS has any combat weakness, it is that, except for the rail gun, its weapon systems are limited to medium range, requiring close-combat dog fighting to be truly effective. Of course, the elite RPA SAMAS pilots (see Rifts® RPG) and RPA "Fly Boys" who pilot them, seem to relish such death-defying combat.

Super SAMAS Power Armor
Nicknames: Include the "Grinning Demon" and "Super-Sam," but it is most frequently called simply, the "Super SAMAS."
Model Type: PA-09A
Class: Strategic Armor Military Assault Suit
Crew: One
M.D.C. by Location :
* Shoulder Wings (2) - 95 each
Main Rear Jets (4) - 100 each
* Lower Maneuvering Jets (3; rear) - 30 each
Twin Air-Intake Jets (2; top) - 100 each
* Ammo Drum (1; hip mounted) - 35
* Rail Gun (1) - 50
CTT -M20 or CTT -P40 rifle (1; instead of rail gun) - 100
Dual Plasma/Laser Guns (2; shoulders) - 40 each
* Forearm Vibro-Blades (6) - 50 each
* Forearm Grenade Launchers (2) - 50 each
* Hands (2) - 45 each
Arms (2) - 1 20 each
Legs (2) - 200 each
** Head - 90
*** Main Body - 425
* A single asterisk indicates a small and difficult target to strike, requiring the attacker to make a "called shot," but even then the attacker is -4 to strike.
** Destroying the head of the power armor will eliminate all forms of optical enhancement and sensory systems. The pilot must then rely on his own human vision and senses. No power armor combat bonuses to initiative, strike, parry, and dodge!
The head is a small and difficult target to hit, shielded by the two large air intake jets and rear jet thrusters. Thus, it can only be hit when an attacker makes a "called shot" and even then he is -5 to strike.
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the armor down completely, making it useless. Note: Destroying a wing will make flight impossible. However, even with no wing(s), the SAMAS can make jet powered leaps and hover stationary above the ground. Destroying one jet thruster reduces speed by 25%.

Running: 40 mph (64 km) maximum with the flight pack attached, 60 mph (96.5 km) without it. Note that the act of running does tire out its operator, but at 10% of the usual fatigue rate.
Leaping: The fully equipped Super SAMAS is so top heavy that leaps are only possible when assisted by jet thrusters. However, the Super SAMAS can unlock and remove the huge flight pack to which the wings, jet thrusters and plasma/laser guns are attached. This lightens the power armor by 50%! The ammo drum for the rail gun can then be moved up to a modular mount on the back. This detachable flight system was designed so that "downed" flyers weren't stuck with a ton of worthless metal holding them down. It takes two melee rounds (30 seconds) to remove the huge flight pack, but requires 2D4 minutes and the help of two other power armored troops or a crane to reattach it.
Without the flight pack, the powerful legs can leap up to 20 feet (6 m) high or across unassisted by the thrusters. Using the feet thrusters, the SAMAS can leap 40 feet (12.2 m). A jet thruster assisted leap with the flight pack attached can propel the unit up to 200 feet (61 m) high and 300 feet (91.5 m) across without actually attaining flight.
Flying: The rocket propulsion system enables the Super SAMAS to hover stationary in mid-air at any altitude and fly at superior speeds. The armor clad, human missile can attain a maximum flying speed of 500 mph (804.5 km), but cruising speed is considered to be 150-200 mph (240-32 1 .8 km) .
Maximum altitude is 16,000 feet (4876.8 m) or roughly three miles (4. 8 km) . Higher than this, high winds and rough weather make flight both erratic and dangerous. Unlike its predecessor, the Super SAMAS is designed for both high and low altitude operations.
Flying Range: The nuclear power supply gives the SAMAS 20 years of life but the jet rockets get hot and need to cool after a maximum of eight hours of continuous flight at speeds above cruising, 16 hours at cruising speed. It can fly and indefinitely with rest stops every few hours.
Underwater Capabilities: Swimming : The Super SAMAS can swim by using the same types of paddling leg and arm movements as a human at a maximum speed of roughly four mph (6.4 km/3 .4 knots). It can also walk along the bottom of the sea at about 25 % its normal running speed. Using the jet thrusters, the SAMAS can travel on the surface of water at 100 mph (160 km/85 knots), underwater at 70 mph (112.6 km/59.5 knots) or fly above the water's surface at normal speeds.
Maximum Ocean Depth: 3,000 feet (910 m).

Statistical Data
Height: 10 feet (3 m) from head to toe. The top mounted air intake jets add another three feet (0.9 m) for an overall height of 13 feet (3.96 m).
Width: Wings down, 5 feet (1.5 m)
Wings extended, 16 feet (4.87 m)
Length: 6 feet (1.8 m)
Weight: 2.4 tons without the rail gun or other heavy, hand-held weapon. The flight pack weighs 1.2 tons by itself.
Physical Strength: Equal to a P.S. 38.
Cargo: None
Power System: Nuclear, average SAMAS energy life is 20 years .
CS Cost: 5.8 million credits for a new, undamaged, fully powered suit complete with rail gun and one full ammo-drum. None have yet fallen into the hands of the B lack Market.

Weapon Systems
1. SS-09 Dual Plasma & Laser Weapon System: Mounted above and behind the shoulders on the flight pack, is a dual weapon system used for aerial combat and strafing. Each weapon can be operated independently or in synchronization with each other. Both can rotate side to side 180 degrees and can move up and down to provide a 90 degree arc of fire.
Note: If each gun is turned on two different targets, each blast from each weapon counts as one of the pilot's melee attacks and NO initiative or strike bonuses apply to the attack on either one. Furthermore, the plasma gun and laser cannot be fired simultaneously; one or the other must be selected for use.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft & Anti-Power Armor.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Armor & Anti-Personnel.
Mega-Damage : Plasma: 1d6x10 M.D. per single blast or 2d6x10 M.D. per dual synchronized blasts from both plasma weapons!
Laser: The small barrel underneath the large gun is a light laser that inflicts 3D6 damage from a single blast or 6D6 M.D. per dual synchronized blast from both laser weapons.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined number of attacks of the pilot. Each single or simultaneous double blast at the same target counts as one melee attack.
Effective Range: Plasma: 1,600 feet (488 km) .
Laser: 2,000 feet (610m) .
Payload: Effectively unlimited. The plasma and laser weapons of the dual system are powered by the energy supply of the armor.

2. Forearm Grenade Launchers (2) : The top part of the bulbous forearm housing contains a rapid-fire grenade launcher that fires rifle grenades .
Primary Purpose: Anti-Glitter Boy/Anti-Armor
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel and Defense .
Mega-Damage: The weapon can fire conventional M.D. rifle grenades doing 2d6 M.D. to a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 m), but is typically loaded with the new, microfusion grenades that inflict 6d6 M.D. to a 12 foot (3.6 m) diameter blast area/six foot (1.8 m) radius.
Maximum Effective Range: 1,000 feet (305 km)
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks per melee round either one at a time or in volleys of two, four, six or eight! One volley, regardless of the number of rounds in that volley, counts as one melee attack.
Payload: 80 total; 40 per each arm.

3. Forearm Vibro-Blades (6) : Each of the arms has a set of three large, fin-like vibro-blades. These weapons are used to slash and stab (with a backhand motion) enemy power armor, robots and aircraft. They can also be used to clip the propellers of helicopters or airplanes. This tactic has a 01-45 % chance of breaking the propeller and causing the aircraft to make an emergency landing or crash (the latter if damage is sufficient to destroy the blade). However, a failed roll (46-00) means that the Super SAMAS gets caught by the blade, one of the vibro-blades is tom out of the armor, the SAMAS suffers 2d4x10 M.D. and is slung 2d4x 100 feet away from the aircraft, in any direction.
Mega-Damage: 2D6 M.D. from a single blade, 6D6 M.D. from an attack in which all three blades strike.

4. Energy Rifles or Rail Guns: The Super SAMAS does not have a standard issue hand weapon. Typically, a rail gun or the CTT-M20 missile rifle or CTT-P40 rifle is used as an over-sized two-handed weapon; actually the Super SAMAS can fire the weapon one-handed without penalty. Furthermore, the hands of the SAMAS are small enough that it can use any of the standard infantry rifles or a vibro-blade. However, the Super SAMAS often enters into combat without any additional hand-held weapons.

5. Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use a weapon , the pilot can engage in mega-damage hand to hand combat . See Basic and Elite Power Armor Combat Training on page 351-352 of Rifts® Ultimate Edition for combat bonuses . The basic bonuses and abilities of "Elite" Power Armor Training are the same with the following extra bonuses and increased damage capabilities:
+3 to pull punch.
+2 on initiative
Restrained Punch - 1d4 M.D.
Full Strength Punch - 2d4 M.D.
Power Punch - 3d6 M.D. but counts as two melee attacks.
Tear or Pry with hands: 1d4 M.D.
Kick Attack: 2d6 M.D
Running Leap Kick: 6d6 M.D.! This attack must be used at the beginning of a melee round and uses up all but one melee attack, but inflicts excellent damage.
Body BlocklTackle : 1d6 M.D.
Full Speed Running or flying Ram : 5d6 M.D. This attack uses up three attacks and inflicts 1d4 to the Super SAMAS .

6. Sensor System Note: Same as the other SAMAS .
Sidewinder SAMAS.jpg

"Sidewinder" SAMAS
Inside the Area 51 facility were volumes of information on an experimental US Air Force armored unit called the Strategic Armored Military Assault Suit or SAMAS for short. The data that was collected spoke of an advanced series II version called the VT-SAMAS or Vectored Thrust SAMAS. The official Air Force code name for this experimental, secret weapon was Project Sidewinder.
Project Sidewinder was an attempt to upgrade the original SAMAS into an even more versatile combat unit by using a vectored thrust propulsion system. The Sidewinder would also be the test vehicle for a series of upgraded combat systems like the "Big Bang" grenade launcher. In the end, the armored suit was to be the ultimate infantry assault vehicle, something the Coalition States, some 300 years later, would tweak, develop and unleash with perfection. At the time the ley lines erupted, only eight units had been created. Four were assault units and four were designed for "Wild Weasel" roles as anti-electronics and SAM target designation.
Model Type: PA-09-AVT — The Sidewinder
Class: Vectored Thrust Strategic Armor Military Assault Suit
Crew: One pilot
M.D.C. by Location:
Shoulder Wings (2) — 50 each
Shoulder/Wing Mini-Missile Launchers (2) — 60 each
* Main Turbines (2; rear) — 100 each
* Lower Maneuvering Jets (4; rear) — 25 each
* Leg Maneuvering Jets (1 per leg; lower) — 12 each
* Waist Maneuvering Jets (4) — 10 each
* Head—100
* Hands (2) — 25 each
Arms (2) — 60 each
Legs (2) — 100 each
* Forearm Guns (2) — 12 each
** Main Body —230
* A single asterisk indicates extremely small targets to hit and require a called shot at -4 to strike. Hits by missiles will generally damage the main body.
Destruction of the head will most likely kill or blind the pilot and will knock out all forms of communications, sensors, targeting, etc. The pilot must rely on his own human vision and senses; no power armor combat bonuses apply.
Destruction of even one of the main wings will force the unit to crash-land.
Destruction of the maneuvering wings will impart a -1 to dodge penalty for each wing destroyed and reduce speed by 10%.
** Destruction of the main body will destroy the power armor and leave the pilot inside vulnerable — assuming he survived the destruction of the suit.

100 mph (160 km) maximum. This is partly due to the multiple maneuvering jets assisting in the running process. The act of running does tire out its operator, but at 10% of the usual fatigue rate thanks to the robot exoskeleton.
Leaping: The powerful robot legs can leap up to 15 feet (4.6 m) high or across unassisted by the thrusters. A jet thruster assisted leap can propel the unit up to 110 feet (36.5 m) high and 200 feet (61 m) across without actually attaining flight.
Flying: The turbine propulsion system enables the Sidewinder to hover stationary up to 300 feet (91.5 m) or fly. The maximum speed is 250 mph (400 km), with a maximum altitude of 6000 feet (1829 m). Higher than this, strong winds and rough weather make flight both erratic and dangerous. The SAMAS is just too small and light, it was designed to be a low altitude power armor suit that could hug the ground and slip under enemy radar, as well as engage in urban assaults and surgical strikes.
Flying Range: Maximum range is unlimited due to the nuclear power system but the engines need a cool-down period after ten hours of use.
Underwater Capabilities: Swimming: The SAMAS can swim using the same types of paddling leg and arm movements as a human at a maximum speed of roughly four mph (6.4 km/3.4 knots). It can also walk along the bottom of the sea at about 25% its normal running speed. Using the jet thrusters, the SAMAS can travel on the surface of water at 50 mph (80 km/42.5 knots), underwater at 40 mph (64 km/34 knots) or fly above the water's
surface at normal speeds.
Maximum Ocean Depth: 800 feet (224 m).

Statistical Data
Height: 8 feet at the head, 10 feet at the shoulders.
Width: Wings down: 4.3 feet
Wings extended: 10 feet (3 m)
Length: 4 feet, 6 inches (1.4 m)
Weight: 490 Ibs (220.5 kg) without a rail gun.
Physical Strength: Equal to a robot strength of 30.
Cargo: None
Power System: Nuclear; average life of a Sidewinder is 10 years.
Cost: 3.6 million credits for a new or almost new suit with full weapons load. Note: Stolen (and used) CS SAMAS sell for around 1.6 million credits, but are rarely available.

Weapon Systems
1. MML 12 Mini-Missile Launchers:
The two boxes on the shoulders are the mini-missile launchers, nicknamed the "Toasters," because they look like four-slice toasters turned sideways and because they "toast" an opponent. Each holds 12 mini-missiles and gives the Sidewinder its punch against
hardened positions and armored units. The missiles are guided by the armor's targeting system and gain an additional +3 to strike. This gives the missiles a total of +6 to strike, making them a very accurate and deadly weapon system.
Primary Purpose: Assault and Anti-Armor.
Secondary Purpose: Air defense and Anti-Missile.
Missile Types: Any type of mini-missile can be used.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile used.
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volleys of 2 or 4.
Maximum Effective Range: Varies with missile used. Usually about a mile (1.6 km).
Payload: 12 missiles in each "toaster" for a total of 24 missiles.

2. Arm Mounted Short-Range Lasers (2): Mounted on each forearm is a small laser, primarily used as anti-personnel weapons.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 2D6 M.D. per single blast or 4D6 per simultaneous dual blast from both arm weapons (part of the Sidewinder's special combat system).
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined number of attacks of the pilot. Each single or simultaneous double blast at the same target counts as one melee attack.
Maximum Effective Range: 1,200 feet (366 m)
Bonuses: Computer targeting, and synchronized firing (for dual, simultaneous blasts from both arm weapons at the same target); +1 to strike.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.

3. Hand-Held Weapons: Any hand-held weapon can be used by the Sidewinder power armor, but the CTT-P40 Particle Beam Cannon Power Armor Weapon and the CTT-M20 Missile Rifle Power Armor Weapon are standard.

4. Hand to Hand Combat: The Sidewinder is very adept in hand to hand combat. Its quick reflexes and high strength give it all of the same damage and bonus capabilities as the standard, old-style "Death's Head" SAMAS, plus +1 on initiative, +1 to parry and +2 to dodge in addition to those normally available to the SAMAS. Power Armor Combat Training: Basic and Elite applies to the Sidewinder and Wild Weasel; see Rifts® RPG, page 45.

5. Sensor Systems of Note: The Sidewinder SAMAS has all the standard sensors of power armors and the Coalition SAMAS.

6. Vectored Thrust System: The Sidewinder's claim to fame is its vectored thrust system which provides greater maneuverability, control, thrust and speed (see bonuses and speed).

7. Penalties: The Sidewinder is a very demanding power armor to fly and control. The abrupt movements and high mobility tend to place many G-forces on the pilot. For this reason the pilot must have a physical endurance of at least 16 and a physical prowess of at least 15 in order to fly the Sidewinder.
The pilot should also be specifically trained in SAMAS Elite piloting skill. Those who are not, don't get the benefit of the special bonuses attributed by this armor, and are -3 to roll with punch, fall or impact.
Wild Weasel SAMAS.jpg

Wild Weasel SAMAS
The Wild Weasel version of the Sidewinder was designed to be a one-man infantry electronic-countermeasure and communications unit. Its mission is to work alongside the standard SAMAS (in this case, the Sidewinder) to provide support, battlefield intelligence, anti-missile capabilities and forward observation and targeting. The Sidewinder is slightly faster than the Wild Weasel, but is also slightly less heavily armored. The Wild Weasel has the heavier armor, because it is more likely to be a target. Keeping in mind its role of information gathering and transmission, the Wild Weasel has (comparatively) short-range, plasma ejector forearm blasters with greater damage capability to destroy any missiles that may evade its jamming defense. It also counts on other units to come to its defense, while the Weasel continues to gather and transmit vital combat data and communications.

"Wild Weasel" SAMAS
Model Type: PA-09-AVT
Class: Vectored Thrust Strategic Armor Military Assault Suit
Crew: One pilot
M.D.C. by Location:
Shoulder Wings (2) — 95 each
Shoulder/Wing "Black Boxes" (2) — 75 each
* Main Turbines (2; rear) — 120 each
* Lower Maneuvering Jets (4; rear) — 30 each
* Leg Maneuvering Jets (1 per leg; lower) — 12 each
* Waist Maneuvering Jets (4) — 15 each
* Head—110
* Hands (2) — 30 each
Arms (2) — 90 each
Legs (2)—150each
* Forearm Guns (2) — 18 each
** Main Body - 320
* A single asterisk indicates extremely small targets to hit and require a called shot at -4 to strike. Hits by missiles will generally damage the main body.
Destruction of the head will most likely kill or blind the pilot and will knock out all forms of communications, sensors, targeting etc., The pilot must rely on his own human vision and senses; no power armor combat bonuses apply.
Destruction of even one of the main wings will force the unit to crash-land.
Destruction of the maneuvering wings will impart a -1 to dodge penalty for each wing destroyed and reduce speed by 10%.
** Destruction of the main body will destroy the power armor and leave the pilot inside vulnerable — assuming he survived the destruction of the suit.

60 mph (96 km) maximum. This is partly due to the multiple maneuvering jets assisting in the running process. The act of running does tire out its operator, but at 10% of the usual fatigue rate thanks to the robot exoskeleton.
Leaping: The powerful robot legs can leap up to 15 feet (4.6 m) high or across unassisted by the thrusters. A jet thruster assisted leap can propel the unit up to 100 feet (30.5 m) high and 200 feet (61 m) across without actually attaining flight.
Flying: The turbine propulsion system enables the Wild Weasel to hover stationary up to 1000 feet (305 m) or fly. The maximum speed is 220 mph (352 km), with a maximum altitude of 6000 feet (1829 m). Higher than this, strong winds and rough weather make flight both erratic and dangerous. The SAMAS is just too small and light. It was designed to be a low altitude power armor suit that could hug the ground and slip under enemy radar, as well as engage in urban assaults and surgical strikes.
Flying Range: Maximum range is unlimited due to the nuclear power system but the engines need a cool-down period after ten hours of use.
Underwater Capabilities: Swimming: The SAMAS can swim using the same types of paddling leg and arm movements as a human at a maximum speed of roughly four mph (6.4 km/3.4 knots). It can also walk along the bottom of the sea at about 25% its normal running speed. Using the jet thrusters, the SAMAS can travel on the surface of water at 50 mph (80 km/42.5 knots), underwater at 40 mph (64 km/34 knots) or fly above the water's
surface at normal speeds.
Maximum Ocean Depth: 1000 feet (305 m).

Statistical Data
9 feet (2.7 m) from head to toe. The top mounted air foil adds another two feet (0.6 m) for an overall height of 11 feet (3.3 m).
Width: Wings down: 5.6 feet (1.7 m).
Wings extended: 11 feet (3.3 m)
Length: 5 feet (1.5 m)
Weight: 540 Ibs (243 kg) without a rail gun.
Physical Strength: Equal to a robot strength of 30.
Cargo: None
Power System: Nuclear; average life of a Wild Weasel is 10 years.
Cost: 4.8 million credits for a new or almost new suit with full weapon systems.

Weapon Systems
1. WWECM 6 Black Boxes:
These are the boxes located on the shoulders of the Wild Weasel. The designation stands for Wild Weasel Electronic Counter-Measure Suite 6, nicknamed the "Black Boxes." They hold a variety of communications, scrambling, jamming, radar, and targeting gear that allows the Wild Weasel to act as a very advanced forward reconnaissance, tracking, targeting and communications relay unit in the field. The system also has a very advanced and unique anti-missile system that can jam and scramble the sensors of incoming enemy missiles to cause them to miss!
Primary Purpose: Electronic Counter-Measures.
Secondary Purpose: Air defense and Anti-Missile.
Mega Damage: None
Maximum Effective Range: 100 mile (160 km) radius.
Black Box Abilities:
Radar & Computer Tracking System:
Range of 100 mile (160 km) radius when above the tree line or 100 feet (30.5 m) in the air, whichever is greater. Can identify and track 144 different targets simultaneously. Sonar for underwater use is limited to 30 mile (48 km) range.
Directional, narrow and wide band radio & laser communication: Can send and receive messages on broad or narrow bands of frequencies and send precision laser beam communications.
Radio Scrambler and Encryption System: Scrambles and unscrambles incoming and outgoing messages, decodes encrypted messages, as well as records and stores transmissions of other frequencies/channels and unscrambles them (and respond or transmit) at a later time.
Targeting Uplink: The Wild Weasel can uplink data to as many as 24 Sidewinder SAMAS or aircraft or ground troops within 50 miles (80 km). In this capacity, the Wild Weasel can be used as a forward observer and/or communications/data relay unit. All units receiving this data are +1 on initiative and +1 to dodge.
Full Jamming Suite: The Jammers can interfere with and garble any enemy communication transmissions with a 01-65% success rate. Successful jamming means the enemy transmission is nothing but white noise; completely unintelligible. A failed roll, 66-00, means the transmission successfully escapes the interference of the Wild Weasel, but while it is discernible, it is not the cleanest message and is still filled with interference. In order to jam incoming missiles, the pilot must roll under his weapon systems skill (or electronic countermeasures). A successful roll means the targeting system (and/or radio control signals and scanners) of all missiles directed at him, or in his path, are scrambled, causing the missiles to veer off target;
effectively -7 to strike. Roll for each missile in the volley. In the alternative, the Wild Weasel can send a direct, laser signal to one or two missiles within a 2000 foot (610 m) range, whether directed at him or another target entirely, and scramble their targeting to make them veer off target: -9 to hit their intended target. Note that this jamming ability applies to "smart bombs" as well as mini-missiles and other types of guided missiles. The jamming defense disables the missile's tracking, guidance and motor systems, it does not enable the Wild Weasel to seize control and direct the missiles to a new or different target.
Special Bonuses for the Wild Weasel: +3 on initiative, +1 to strike and parry, +2 to dodge, +1 to roll with punch, fall or impact, and +1 to pull punch. All are in addition to other bonuses and power armor combat training.
Skill Note: In order to operate the WW jamming systems the pilot must have the skills: basic electronics, weapon systems, read: sensory instruments and radio scrambler or electronic counter-measures. Whenever the system is used, an applicable roll must be made. Usually at -10% because of the hectic nature of combat.

2. Chaff-Flare Decoy: The Wild Weasel can also fire flares with packets that release clouds of smoke and floating particles to lure missiles to them.
Payload: Chaff-flare dispenser: 24
Note: Each chaff-flare dispenser has a 15% chance per packet fired to decoy incoming enemy missiles, with culmutative effect (i.e. 3 chaff-flares equals 45% chance of decoying missiles, 6 = 90%, etc.)

3. Arm Mounted Short-Range Plasma Ejectors (2): Mounted on each forearm is a small laser, primarily used as antipersonnel weapons.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Missile and Anti-Armor
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel
Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D. per single blast or 8D6 per simultaneous dual blast from both arm weapons (part of the Wild Weasel's special combat system allows for synchronized targeting).
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined number of attacks of the pilot. Each single or simultaneous double blast at the same target counts as one melee attack.
Maximum Effective Range: 1,000 feet (305 m).
Bonuses: Computer targeting, and synchronized firing (for dual, simultaneous blasts from both arm weapons at the same target); +1 to strike.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.

4. Hand-Held Weapons: Any hand-held weapon can be used by the Wild Weasel, but the CTT-P40 Particle Beam Cannon Power Armor Weapon and the CTT-M20 Missile Rifle Power Armor Weapon are standard.

5. Hand to Hand Combat: The Wild Weasel is very adept in hand to hand combat. Its quick reflexes and high strength give it all the same damage and bonus capabilities as the standard, old-style "Death's Head" SAMAS, plus +1 on initiative and +1 to dodge in addition to those normally available to the SAMAS. Power Armor Combat Training: Basic and Elite applies to the Sidewinder and Wild Weasel; see Rifts® RPG, page 45.

6. Sensor Systems of Note: The Wild Weasel SAMAS has all the standard sensors of power armors and the Coalition SAMAS, plus those mentioned previously.

7. Vectored Thrust System: The Wild Weasel has vectored thrust which provides greater maneuverability, control, thrust and speed (see bonuses and speed).

8. Penalties: The Wild Weasel is a very demanding power armor to fly and control. The abrupt movements and high mobility tend to place many G-forces on the pilot. For this reason, the pilot must have a physical endurance of at least 16 and a physical prowess of at least 15 in order to fly it. The pilot should also be specifically trained in SAMAS Elite piloting skill. Those who are not, don't get the benefit of the special bonuses attributed by this armor, and are -3 to roll with punch, fall or impact.
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Coalition Mark V APC


Coalition Mark V Armored Personnel Carrier
The Coalition Mark V Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) is a deadly front-line combat unit of incredible power. It is heavily armored and armed to the teeth. It is designed to get in and get out of combat zones, even if it means cutting a swath through the enemy to do it. The land vehicle can transport 20 infantry troops and six SAMAS quite comfortably.
A pair of SAMAS may be substituted with a pair of hover cycles or four soldiers in jet packs.

Model Type: APC
Class: Infantry Assault and Transport Vehicle.
Crew: Five: pilot, copilot, communications, and two gunners.
Troop Transport Capabilities : Standard is 20 Dead Boy Grunts, and six SAMAS, or four other power armor units and two hovercycles.
M.D.C. by Location:
Top, Rear Rail Gun Turret - 100 (shielded)
Center Laser Turret - 50
Side Laser Turrets (4) - 20 each
Forward Mini-Missile Launchers (2) - 40 each
Smoke/Gas Dispensers (2) - 1 5 each
Hatch Laser Guns (3) - 5 each
Forward Auto-Cannon (2) - 1 0 each
Forward Headlights (2) - 2 each
Wheels (8) - 50 each
* Main Body - 350
Reinforced Crew Compartment - 100
Note: The side turrets and hatch guns are small and difficult targets to hit. Thus, they can only be hit when a character makes a Called Shot and even then, the attacker is -3 to strike.
*Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the APC down completely, rendering it useless.

Speed : 90 mph (144 km) maximum on land. In water, speed is about 30 mph (48 km).
Statistical Data :
Height: 16 feet, 8 inches (5.1 m).
Width: 9 feet (2.7 m).
Length : 33 feet, 6 inches (10.2 m).
Weight: 18 tons fully loaded.
Cargo: Minimal storage space; about four feet (1.2 m) for extra clothing, weapons, and personal items; 12 C-14 Fire Breather Assault Rifles, 12 C-12 laser rifles, four C-27 plasma rifles, and four rocket launchers and 24 fragmentation mini-missiles are stored in locked overhead compartments.
Power System : Nuclear; average energy life is 15 years.
Black Market Cost: 21 million credits, and up, for a new, undamaged, fully powered Coalition APC complete with rail gun and missiles. Eight to 10 million for a rebuilt or without missiles and rail gun. Three million rebuilt and without any weapon systems. Seldom available.

Weapon Systems:
1 . C-40R Rail Gun (1) : The weapon can rotate a full 360 degrees and up and down in a 70 degree arc. As usual, all the weapon systems are powered from the vehicle's nuclear power supply.
Primary Purpose: Assault & Defense.
Weight: Rail Gun : 700 Ibs (3 1 5 kg).
Mega-Damage : A dual burst is 80 rounds and inflicts 1d6x10 M.D., one round does 1d6 M.D.
Rate of Fire : Each dual-burst counts as one of the gunner's attacks per melee round.
Range : 4,000 feet (1,219 m).
Payload : 20,000 round drum, that's 250 bursts. Reloading a Mark V's rail gun requires special equipment or a giant-size robot. It will take about 15 minutes for those not trained, but a mere five minutes by somebody trained in robot mechanics (or an Operator).

2. CR-4T Laser Turrets (2): A double-barreled, heavy laser turret is in the center of the APC and like the rail gun, can rotate 360 degrees and has a 70 degree angle of fire (up and down).
Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel & Defense.
Mega-Damage : 6d6 M.D. per dual blast (3d6 from a single blast) .
Range : 4,000 feet (1,219 m).
Rate of Fire : Each simultaneous dual-blast counts as one of the gunner's attacks per melee round.
Payload : Effectively unlimited.

3. C-2T Dual Laser Turrets (4) : There are two light laser turrets on either side of the APC. These are usually operated by the second gunner against enemy troops. Each has full 360 degree rotation and a 90 degree arc of fire.
Primary Purpose: Antipersonnel & Defense.
Mega-Damage: 4d6 M.D. per dual blast (2d6 per single blast).
Range: 4,000 feet ( 1,219 m).
Rate of Fire: Each dual (or single) blast counts as one of the gunner's attacks per melee round.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.

4. CR- 10 Forward Mini-Missile Launchers (2): Located in the very front of the APC are rapid-fire mini-missile launchers. The missiles are usually fired by the pilot.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel & Defense.
Mega-Damage: Any type of mini-missile can be used, but standard issue is fragmentation (anti-personnel, 5d6 M.D.) and plasma (1d6x10).
Maximum Effective Range: One mile (1.6 km).
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volleys of two, three, five, ten, or twenty! A volley counts as one melee attack regardless of the number of mini-missiles in that volley.
Payload: 40 total; twenty per each launcher.

5. Forward Auto-Cannons (2): Mounted on both sides of the mini-missile launchers are auto-cannons usually operated by the pilot or copilot. Each auto-cannon can be rotated 180 degrees.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel & Defense.
Mega-Damage: 1d6x10 M.D. per fragmentation round; area affected is a 20 foot (6.1 m) radius.
Range: 2,000 feet (610 m).
Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one of the gunner' s melee attacks.
Payload: 60 total, thirty per each cannon.

6. Hatch Laser Guns (3): A laser rifle type gun is mounted at the two forward hatches and the rail gun hatch. These can be manned by members of the crew or the troops being transported. Each has a 360 degree rotation and a 90 degree angle of fire (up and down). Damage is sacrificed for superior range.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel & Defense.
Mega-Damage: 2d6 M.D. per single blast.
Maximum Effective Range: 4,000 feet (1,219 m).
Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one of the gunner's melee attacks.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.

7. Smoke Dispensers (2) : A smoke dispensing unit is attached to each side of the APC. The unit can release a dense cloud of smoke that will cover a 40 foot ( 1 2 m) area in front of it. It can also release tear gas.
Payload: Twenty total, ten each. The usual mix is half smoke and half tear gas.

8. Hand to Hand Combat: See combat troops being transported.

9. Sensor System Note : The Mark-V APC has all the basic features as the robot vehicles.
Some Personal Weaponry

C-14 "Fire Breather" Assault Laser and Grenade Launcher.
New in 101 P.A., the C-14 remains a popular, over-and-under heavy infantry weapon with high marks for durability and reliability in action. A laser comprises the top and a pump-action grenade launcher is fitted below. Standard issue includes a passive nightvision scope.
Weight: 10 Ibs (4.5 kg).
Mega-Damage: Laser is 3d6 M.D., Grenades 2d6 M.D. to a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 m).
Rate of Fire: Each laser blast or firing of a single grenade counts as one of the shooter' s melee attacks for that round.
Effective Range: Laser is 2,000 feet (610 m). Grenade launcher is 1,200 feet (365 m).
Payload: Laser is 20 blasts per standard E-Clip. The Grenade launcher holds 12 grenades .
Reloading the Launcher: Requires one full melee, 15 seconds, to manually reload the grenade launcher. As always, reloading an E-Clip takes about five seconds or equal to one melee action/attack.
Black Market Cost: 30,000 credits, and a hot commodity (not commonly available). Grenades cost 550 credits apiece or 4500 a dozen. An E-Clip Canister can not be added to this weapon.

C-27 Heavy Plasma Cannon.
The plasma cannon is a heavy support weapon of the infantry. It is coveted for its dependability and incredible damage. It comes standard issue with a telescopic and laser distancing scope.
Weight: 12 Ibs (5.4 kg).
Mega-Damage: 6D6 M.D. per shot.
Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one melee attack.
Effective Range: 1,600 feet (488 m).
Payload: 10 blasts per E-Canister.
Targeting Scope : Add a bonus of + 1 to strike on an Aimed shot.
Black Market Cost: 32,000 for the rifle. Can only be used with an E-Clip Canister which costs 10,000 credits new and fully loaded; recharge is 2000-2500 credits.

CV-212 Variable Light Frequency Laser Rifle.
Introduced in 102 P.A. it remains a popular "anti-Glitter Boy" weapon, though mostly used by Military Specialists and other special forces. The CV-212 is designed to overcome laser resistant armor. A microchip in the weapon's computer will automatically analyze an opponents armor (if not already preprogrammed into its memory) and after one melee round (half damage) will adjust to the light frequency that will inflict full damage. It is a sturdy and reliable rifle that can survive a fair amount of combat abuse without jamming. However, M.D.C. damage is likely (80% chance) to disengage the computer analyzer and frequency adjustments must be made manually (takes 1d4 melee rounds to find the optimum frequency). The rifle can also be set to fire in a single shot or a burst of three. Comes standard with a passive nightvision scope and laser targeting.
Weight: 8 Ibs (3.6 kg).
Mega-Damage: Setting One : 2d6 M.D. single shot, Setting Two (Burst): 6d6 M.D. and a Setting Three (S.D.C.): 6d6 S.D.C.
Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one melee attack.
Effective Range: 2,000 feet (610 m).
Payload: 20 M.D. blasts from standard E-Clip or 30 from a long E-Clip, or E-Clip canister. Note : Six S.D.C. shots equals one, light, Mega-Damage blast.
Laser Targeting: Add + I to strike on an aimed shot.
Black Market Cost: 42,000 credits for the rifle.

CR-1 Rocket Launcher.
The CR-1 rocket launcher is a reusable mini-missile launcher with a multi-optic scope. The capabilities of the scope include telescopic (x20 magnification, 2 mile/3.2 km range), infrared (2,000 foot/610 m range), passive nightvision (2,000 feet/610 m), and laser targeting.
Weight: The launcher weighs 14 Ibs (6.3 kg), each missile weighs about one pound (0.45 kg).
Mega-Damage: Any mini-missile can be used, but is usually armor piercing or plasma (1d4x10 or 1d6x10 M.D.C.).
Rate of Fire: The weapon fires only one mini-missile, but a two-man team can load and fire three missiles per melee/IS seconds. A single operator can only fire one per melee.
Effective Range: One mile (1.6 m).
Payload: The CR- l holds one mini-missile. A carrying side pack can hold six mini-missiles (weighs about ten pounds/4.5 kg), a backpack can hold 12 missiles and a portable carrying case (10 M.D.C.) can hold 24 mini-missiles (weighs about 40 Ibs/18 kg).
Black Market Cost: 18,000 for the launcher and 1000 credits for each light damage missile (5D6 M.D.) and 2200 for each plasma or armor piercing.

CP-40 Pulse Laser Rifle (New!)
The new Coalition infantry assault rifles are the CP-40 and CP-50. The advantage to both is increased firepower, rapid pulse firing action and durability. The CP-40 has four settings, two S .D.C. and two M.D. The rifle can also be set to fire a single shot or a pulse of three nearly simultaneous blasts. It comes standard with a passive nightvision scope and laser targeting.
Weight: 9 lbs (4.1 kg)
Mega-Damage: 2d6 M.D. per single laser blast or 6d6 M.D. per rapid-fire pulse (three simultaneous blasts fired one micro-second after the other) .
S .D.C. Damage: The weapon can also be set to fire a single S.D.C. blast that does 3d6 S .D.C. damage or a rapid-fire pulse that does 1d6x10 S .D.C. Thirty single S .D.C. blasts use up the equivalent energy of a single M.D. blast, while six S .D.C. pulse blasts count as one M.D. blast.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of combined hand to hand attacks of its user (usually 3 -6); each single shot or pulse counts as one of the user's melee attacks.
Effective Range: 2,000 feet (610 m).
Payload: 21 blasts (7 shots) per standard E-Clip, 30 blasts (10 shots) per long E-Clip. In the alternative, the CP-40 can be connected with an energy cable to a portable hip or backpack carried energy canister (both are the same small size). The energy canister provides 60 single blasts or 20 triple blasts. The weight of the standard energy canister, pack included, is four pounds (1.8 kg).
A dual backpack is also available, with two energy canisters; when one is used up, the connector cable is removed and reattached to the second, full canister (takes one full melee round/15 seconds).
Black Market Cost: 40,000 credits and a hot commodity not commonly available.

CP-50 "Dragonfire" (New!) Assault Pulse Laser & Grenade Launcher
The CP-50 "Dragonfire" is a second generation over and under heavy infantry weapon with high marks for durability and reliability in action. A pulse laser is the main, top mounted weapon with a pump action grenade launcher built-in under the laser barrel.
Standard issue includes a passive nightvision scope and built-in laser targeting.
Weight: 10 lbs (4.5 kg)
Mega-Damage: 2d6 M.D. per single laser blast or 6d6 M.D. per rapid-fire pulse (three simultaneous blasts fired one micro-second after the other) . The weapon can fire conventional M.D. rifle grenades doing 2d6 M.D. to a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 m), or new, micro-fusion grenades that inflict 6d6 M.D. to a 12 foot (3.6 m) diameter blast area/six foot (1.8 m) radius .
Rate of Fire: Laser: Equal to the number of combined hand to hand attacks of its user (usually 3-6).
Grenades: One aimed or four fired in rapid succession (burst if all at same target, wild if sprayed into an area) .
Effective Range: Laser is 2,000 feet (610 m).
Grenade Launcher is 1,200 feet (365 m)
Payload of Laser: 21 blasts (7 shots ) per standard E-Clip, 30 blasts (10 shots) per long E-Clip. In the alternative, the CP-50 can be connected with an energy cable to a portable hip or backpack carried energy canister the same as the CP-40. The dual backpack is commonly issued with this weapon.
Payload Grenade Launcher: 12; an additional 24 to 48 grenades can be carried in a satchel or 12 on a bandoleer style belt.
Reloading the Launcher: One full melee round, 15 seconds, is required to manually reload the grenade launcher. As always, reloading an E-Clip takes about five seconds or equal to one melee action/attack.
Black Market Cost: 50,000 credits and a hot commodity not commonly available. Standard grenades cost 550 credits apiece or 4500 a dozen. Micro-fusion grenades are extremely rare on the Black Market and cost 1,500 to 3,000 credits each!

C-29 "Hellfire" Heavy Plasma Cannon (New! )
The C-29 "Hellfire" plasma cannon is an anti-armor and heavy infantry support weapon. It is a dependable, durable weapon and inflicts incredible damage. If it has a shortcoming, it is limited firing range. Standard issue includes a telescopic and laser distancing scope.
Weight: 12 lbs (5.4 kg)
Mega-Damage: 1d6x10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of attacks of the user; each blast counts as one melee action/attack.
Effective Range: 1,400 feet (423 m).
Payload: 8 blasts per energy canister; mounted on the top-side of the weapon. In addition, the C-29 can be connected with an energy cable to a portable hip or backpack carried energy canister the same as the CP-40. This gives the weapon a total initial payload of 16 blasts. The dual backpack is commonly issued with this weapon, with two to four additional energy canisters carried in a satchel; each canister weighs approximately four pounds
(1.8 kg).
Targeting Scope: Add a bonus of +1 to strike on an aimed shot.
Black Market Cost: 32,000 for the rifle; can only be used with an E-Clip Canister which costs 1 0,000 credits new and fully loaded. A recharge is 2000 credits.
CTT-P40 Particle Beam Cannon Power Armor Weapon
A giant -sized rifle with a dual weapon system. The main gun is a particle beam weapon with exceptional range (for a P-beam weapon). Mounted on the top of the rifle is a box laser targeting system and passive nightvision scope with telescopic capabilities (20x magnification; 3,000 foot/910 m range) . This weapon is standard issue for the Special Forces' Striker SAMAS and is frequently used by the Terror Trooper, full conversion 'Borgs, and
the occasional CS Juicer.
Weight: 89 pounds (40 kg)
Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel
Mega-Damage: Particle beam : 1d6x10 M.D. per single laser blast.
Maximum Effective Range: 2,000 feet (610 m)
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks per melee round.
Payload: 40 particle beam blasts - virtually the entire back half of the giant rifle/cannon is a rechargeable energy cell.
Notes: Using the weapon one-handed requires a P.S. of 24 or greater and even then one-handed shooting has a penalty of -2 to strike, unless a Terror Trooper or Super SAMAS.

CTT-M20 Missile Rifle Power Armor Weapon
The CTT-M20 Missile Rifle is an over-sized heavy weapon that's about twice the size of the typical energy rifle. It was specifically designed for the Terror Trooper Power Armor, but has been adopted by SAMAS pilots, full conversion 'Borgs and the occasional CS Juicer (Crazies would love ' em too; need two hands and a P.S. of 24 or better to use the weapon effectively). The CTT-M20 is standard issue for the Terror Trooper, although the CTT-P40 or a rail gun can be substituted.
This weapons houses a row of mini-missiles down each of its long, twin barrels. Each pull of the trigger fires one mini-missile. Remember, mini-missiles are self-guided, so once launched they will find their target. Mounted on the top of the rifle is a box that is both a laser targeting system and medium range laser.
Weight: 110 pounds (49.5 kg) fully loaded; roughly 30 pounds (13. 6 kg) less unloaded.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor/Anti-Aircraft
Missile Type: Any mini-missile types can be used, but standard issue is armor piercing (1d4x10 M.D.) or plasma (1d6x10 M.D.).
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type.
The laser does 2d6 M.D. per shot.
Maximum Effective Range: Mini-missiles : Usually about a mile (1.6 km). Laser: 2,000 feet (610 m)
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volleys of two or four.
Payload: 20 total; 10 per launch tube. The laser mounted on the top of the CTT-M20 takes a standard E-clip (20 shots) or long Eclip (30 shots).
Notes: The lower port on the box laser is a targeting sight that provide a bonus of + 1 to strike.
Using the weapon one-handed requires a P.S. of 24 or greater and even then one-handed shooting has a penalty of -2 to strike, unless a the shooter is in Terror Trooper or Super SAMAS power armor or has a P . S . of 36 of higher.

Mk.25 40mm Automatic Grenade Launcher
Weight: 54 lbs for the weapon unloaded 24.48 lbs for a 48 round belt, 50 lbs for a 96 round belt
Range: 1,500 feet
Mega Damage: By grenade type. Common loadouts are here:
AP/F (Anti Personnel Fragmentation): 4d6 MD to a 12 foot radius for a single shot. 2d6x10 to a 24 foot radius with a six grenade burst.
HEAP (High Explosive Armor Piercing): 6d6 MD toa three foot radius for a single shot. 3d6x10 to a 8 foot radius with a six round burst.
Tear Gas: Victims roll to make a save vs non-lethal poison (16 or higher). A failed roll to save means the victims' eyes water and burn, they lose half their melee attacks and are at a -3 on initiative and -10 to strike, parry, dodge and all other combat bonuses for 3d6 rounds (half that time outdoors with a steady wind). Creates a cloud of tear gas with a 25 foot radius.
Smoke: Creates a thick cloud of smoke, 40 feet in radius. Smoke grenades come in the colors blue, red, yellow, white and black. Smoke may be used to mark a target or extraction area, or for cover. Enemies shooting into a cloud of smoke where specific targets cannot be seen is the same as shooting wild and has all the same penalties. Those inside the smoke could not protected by environmental body armor, gas masks, or other breathing apparatus suffer a penalty of -5 to strike, parry and dodge, and a -1 on initiative. Note: Infrared and thermal optics cannot penetrate smoke, but passive nightvision scopes and optics do.
Rate of fire: Each single shot or burst uses one attack
Payload: 48 or 96 40mm grenades in a disintegrating link belt.

Armor Piercing Cannon
Experimental Rail Gun
This is an experimental light anti-tank weapon (LAW) that utilizes miniaturized magnetic rail gun technology. It does impressive damage, but the armor piercing tungsten darts it fires are hard to find. However, a competent weapons engineer can manufacture them if he has a supply of tungsten and other more common metals, as long as they are ferrous (iron), but damage is half for substitute metal. While this weapon is usually mounted on a vehicle or as part of a fortification, it can be used as a large, hand-held weapon by power armor and cyborgs. Only humans with a P.S. of 25 or greater can fire the weapon without penalty, but even they feel the kick. Anyone with a P.S. less than 25 is -4 to strike unless it is braced on a hard surface like a brick wall, or used from a prone position (the weapon comes with a bipod), or mounted to a vehicle or fortified position like a machine-gun.
Armor Piercing Cannon
Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor/Anti-Mecha .
Weight: 25 pounds (11.3 kg).
Range: 4,000 feet (1,219 m) .
Mega-Damage: 1D4x10 M.D. for a single shot, 2D4x10 M.D. for a short, four round burst.
Rate of Fire: Each single shot or burst uses one of the gunner's melee attacks.
Payload: 18 rounds in a side-mounted magazine, or 60-round belt. One energy canister is good for 240 single shots or 60 bursts.
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Fourth Platoon Line-up

1 Pvt Dennis Young - CS Grunt
2 Pvt Alice O'Leary - CS Grunt
3 Pvt Michael Lester - CS Grunt
4 PFC Amanda Billings - CS Commando
5 PFC Dale Reece - Technical Crewman - Armorer
6 Pvt Grinner - CS Dog Boy
7 Pvt Boxie - CS Dog Boy
8 PFC Rocco - CS Dog Boy
9 PFC Dennis Brown - Military Specalist
10 Cpl Jorge Rodriguez - Technical Crewman - Armorer
11 PFC Stanley Cooper - CS Grunt
12 PFC Maia Santos - Technical Crewman - Communications
13 PFC Matthew Sherwood - CS Special Forces
14 PFC Karen Moskowitz - CS Technical Crewman - Medical
15 Cpl Susan Massey - CS Grunt
16 Cpl Robert Killfire - CS EOD Specialist
17 Cpl Lisa Millsap - CS Ranger
18 Cpl Alan Rickman - CS Special Forces
19 Sgt Rick Miller - CS Cyborg Strike Trooper
20 Sgt Andrew Mung - CS Juicer Commando
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