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Fantasy Beneath the Blue Moon Discussion

Oof, stains can be pretty hard to get out of things like that, yeah. I would say that I'm surprised to hear that the stains will wear it down, but then again I know nothing about that, so-

Ooh, I'm curious to see how they'll react to it, then. Like, coming to it with that viewpoint, and then experiencing it for themselves - it's an interesting idea imo.

And, thank you! I may need it, haha
not doing great recently, i might have failed one of my courses so i'm a lil Stressed out haha. but thank you for asking! how are you doing?
ah, probably a good idea, with everything going around. i hope that you have a relaxing time, regardless!
I'm probably gonna be sticking at home too. i don't really have much family around here (besides the family I'm living with ofc) so it only makes sense.
Oof. Hopefully not. You're welcome.

Doing alright. Did this today...


Still gotta do a comic page or two for today's update.


Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Don't feel like testing my luck with the stupid omnicorn variant.
aw, that's cute!
good luck with the update!
and, yeah, exactly. i suppose you could always do a sorta zoom celebration if you wanted! but staying in is probably a good call.
teluhtubby teluhtubby Don’t worry about responding.

How’s everyone doing? Thinking I might stay home for the Christmas holidays. What about everyone else?
I’m very sorry. Haven’t gotten a chance to read everyone’s responses. I had exams and I don’t really have a way to reply quite yet. I do apologize.
Decent. Grandmother came over the morning of Christmas Eve and gave me some presents. Got a candle, a fragrance mist and body lotion.
For video games I got both Brillant Diamond and Shining Pearl and then I got Stardew Valley. For books I got Percy Jackson The Heroes of Olympus and The Song of Achilles.

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