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Fandom Fate/Drifters ooc

QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel if/when you're available, could I ask for a list of the current pairings? Just the player's. I'm almost done catching up with the reading of the IC but my head still a fuzz from the return trip and I'm afraid to suddenly forget a bunch of important stuff by the time I'm awake
Also I just wanna say your posts have been an absolutely amazing read (I'd have rated them too, but I read most of them while on a plane...I'll get to it later), really makes me feel bad for what I've been missing...T_T , but I'm hoping to rectify that soon as I can XD
I'm waitin on the DSaber post :O

I'm waiting for either Jack, or the time skip. Or both.

Sorry for the wait. Things will be slowing down a bit for me, because of studying, but shall do my best to keep you suitably entertained.
QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel if/when you're available, could I ask for a list of the current pairings? Just the player's. I'm almost done catching up with the reading of the IC but my head still a fuzz from the return trip and I'm afraid to suddenly forget a bunch of important stuff by the time I'm awake

LLancer ( Hanarei Hanarei ) - Charles ( Dante Verren Dante Verren )
LArcher (formerly cojemo cojemo , but has been demoted to background npc) - Anna Finkle (npc)
LSaber (npc) - Rika Santoki (npc)
LRider ( Misuteeku Misuteeku ) - Vita ( Xel Xel )
LAssassin (dead) - Lawrence Finkle (npc)
LBerserker ( Ian Temero Ian Temero ) - Takumi98 Takumi98
LCaster ( LostHaven LostHaven ) - Ava ( The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit )

DLancer (npc) - Changwei Shu (npc)
DArcher ( Jean Otus Jean Otus ) - Changwei Shu (npc)
DSaber (npc) - NPC
DRider ( Prince_ Prince_ ) - Jack Randal (npc)
DAssassin ( simj26 simj26 ) - Alan Martin (npc)
DBerserker ( wdinatx wdinatx ) - Clux Ludenburg ( Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi )
DCaster ( Idea Idea ) - Ryuga Tohsaka ( Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 )
Jack Randal
Location: London, England

It was midnight when Jack arrived at St. Paul’s cathedral, located on the highest point in London. The humming of his pride and joy permeated through the silence of the night, providing Jack with a measure of comfort until he found a suitable spot to park her. Lucille was the first thing he retrieved once he had finished cleaning out the warehouse. His biggest project since leaving the Clocktower, it was the closest thing Jack ever got to a girlfriend in his 22 years of life. A mystic code among mystic codes (or at least, in his mind), the vehicle was a hybrid—operating with both wires and magic circuits. A gal he had no qualms bragging about to his Shakespearean-speaking Servant—once she was retrieved from the ally he’d left her.

The ultimate goal, of course, had been to take Rider to the British Museum and show him a clock. Jack had spent the better part of 3 days attempting to explain the clock—a device used to track the passage to time—to his servant. He couldn’t say how successful he’d been. However, one couldn’t fault Jack for not trying. Big Ben. His phone. Opportunities to point out a clock to Rider, and explain its inner workings, were utilized with the utmost efficiency. One could almost say Jack wasted his time, except he’d never been one to believe education to be a waste of time.

The more Rider knew about the modern world, the better off he’d be and the less clocks would be eaten. Besides, it wasn’t as if Jack had anything better to do while he waited to meet the one who’d written him the shady letter, offering to help him. Trap or not, Jack realized he’d be fool not to make use of the opportunity—especially when he had little to no idea what was going on.

Jack half expected the door to be locked when he stepped up to the entrance that lead into London’s biggest and oldest church. It wasn’t. There was no security. No people. Just some lit candles that lead the way down an elaborate hall.

Jack glanced at Rider. “If you sense a trap, or a Servant, let me know.”

Perhaps if he were here on a festive tour of some sort he could admire some of the Anglican architecture. Alas, that wasn’t the case. He followed the light to what appeared to be large, dome-roofed chamber with stained-glass windows and an altar. There were four people that he could see: a dark skinned girl, a clergyman, an Asian man, and a white-haired soldier. The girl was kneeling in front of the altar while the clergyman stood beside her, reciting biblical phrases as far as he could tell. The Asian man was simply reading a book in one of available church seats.
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All eyes turned to him upon his arrival.

The girl was the first to approach him and Jack was given a clear view of the scar that ran along her right eye. “Glad to see you could make it. We need to wait for one more pair before we begin.”

“Begin what?”

“Introductions, of course.”
The girl gave small smile, and Jack was given the impression that the she didn’t smile very often. It didn't look natural on her. She turned her curious eyes towards Rider. “...And explanations if need be. I’m sure you have many questions.”

Prince_ Prince_ , Jean Otus Jean Otus , wdinatx wdinatx , Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi

Saber of Darkness
Location: Cheyenne, Wyoming

The pleased smile on his face turned to a frown as he sensed something coming at him.

Saber reacted instinctively to the perceived attack, setting his own drink down and turning around to catch the objects sailing towards him. Two of them, at least. The last two were simply batted away with the back of his hand, so they spilled harmlessly on the floor instead of himself—for the most part. Bits of stickiness had gotten on his hands. Eyebrow raised, Saber’s eyes flickered from his clumsy assailant who was sprawled on the floor, next to a banana peel, to the drinks he held. It took him a split second to register the events that must've occurred.

Once he did, Saber helped the woman to her feet before giving her back the two beverages he’d managed to save. “Please be careful. Accidents can be dangerous.”

Especially for humans—fragile beings that they were. Short lifespans as well.

Her lack of malevolence was probably what saved her life.

After a nod of farewell, he returned to where the four girls welcomed him to their table. Well, three really. His fellow servant didn’t seem quite as pleased by his presence if the glare he received was anything to go. Hiding his smirk behind a cough, Saber took a seat across from the child servant and the redhead, pulling a napkin off one of the containers to wipe his hands as he did so. “Cheyenne does seem very exciting.”

The more he looked at the redhead, the more certain he became that she was the Master. The other two…just didn’t give off the same magus feel. None of did really, but he did sense something from her, if nothing else. There was also the fact that the servant seemed more protective of the redhead than any of the other girls at the table. At least, that was the impression Saber got when he saw the servant move the redhead’s chair out of harm’s way. “Given how little I know about the city, anything you girls can tell me is enough. More than enough. Honestly though…rather than general information I can find off a brochure…I think I’d prefer you tell me more about yourselves." Saber smiled, most of his attention on the redhead. " Getting to know new people is what makes traveling to a new location worthwhile, after all.”

Xel Xel , Misuteeku Misuteeku , simj26 simj26
It’s, a miracle. Right, Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi
Sorry for the wait. Things will be slowing down a bit for me, because of studying, but shall do my best to keep you suitably entertained.

LLancer ( Hanarei Hanarei ) - Charles ( Dante Verren Dante Verren )
LArcher (formerly cojemo cojemo , but has been demoted to background npc) - Anna Finkle (npc)
LSaber (npc) - Rika Santoki (npc)
LRider ( Misuteeku Misuteeku ) - Vita ( Xel Xel )
LAssassin (dead) - Lawrence Finkle (npc)
LBerserker ( Ian Temero Ian Temero ) - Takumi98 Takumi98
LCaster ( LostHaven LostHaven ) - Ava ( The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit )

DLancer (npc) - Changwei Shu (npc)
DArcher ( Jean Otus Jean Otus ) - Changwei Shu (npc)
DSaber (npc) - NPC
DRider ( Prince_ Prince_ ) - Jack Randal (npc)
DAssassin ( simj26 simj26 ) - Alan Martin (npc)
DBerserker ( wdinatx wdinatx ) - Clux Ludenburg ( Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi )
DCaster ( Idea Idea ) - Ryuga Tohsaka ( Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 )

You forgot Hakan's name lol

Edit: it's all good but I found it kinda funny anyway
Been dancing around the topic, but I got to ask(before I break something)...can Servants sense Masters? I mean, if command seals are like packs of mana, it would make sense for a Servant to sense it...but I dunno :/
Been dancing around the topic, but I got to ask(before I break something)...can Servants sense Masters? I mean, if command seals are like packs of mana, it would make sense for a Servant to sense it...but I dunno :/
Yeah, I'm pretty sure a Servant can sense their Master. I mean I might be misremembering it but I think Saber rushed to Shiro's add sensing he was trouble in school arriving in time? Or was it he was taking to long... bah but either wayI'm like 99% sure at the very least they know where their Master is.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure a Servant can sense their Master. I mean I might be misremembering it but I think Saber rushed to Shiro's add sensing he was trouble in school arriving in time? Or was it he was taking to long... bah but either wayI'm like 99% sure at the very least they know where their Master is.

I mean other Masters =p
I mean other Masters =p
Ooo. Then no unless they have an ability to let them see them. Servants can kind of detect other servants (not like 100% accurate but if in close enough proximity if the servant isn't hiding with some servants being more aware then others) but Masters they wouldn't have any clue unless they see the seals. Ones who have the ability to tell if someone has high magic ability can deduce the possibility of someone being a Master though its not an ability most Servants have and naturally not every Magi is going to be a Master, granted since generally Magi might know about the Grail war they would likely keep away from the area unless they are involved in some way so there would be a good chance that a Magi would probably be involved in some way :P
Ooo. Then no unless they have an ability to let them see them. Servants can kind of detect other servants (not like 100% accurate but if in close enough proximity if the servant isn't hiding with some servants being more aware then others) but Masters they wouldn't have any clue unless they see the seals. Ones who have the ability to tell if someone has high magic ability can deduce the possibility of someone being a Master though its not an ability most Servants have and naturally not every Magi is going to be a Master, granted since generally Magi might know about the Grail war they would likely keep away from the area unless they are involved in some way so there would be a good chance that a Magi would probably be involved in some way :P

Yes, but servants can sense leylines. They can also consume the mana of living organisms to sustain themselves somewhat...which does suggest they can sense mana to a certain degree (that's how I assume they sense each other). In that case, it would make sense for them to sense command seals, if we assume command seals to be like giant packs of spare mana...which I kind of see them as.

But I am partial to it being an ability , rather than something given, as I can't remember a single instance of a Servant recognizing a master on sight other than their own

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