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Fandom Yu-Gi-Oh!: Dueling Legacy (Currently Accepting)

Raidriar Ainsworth
Somewhere? | BoltBeam BoltBeam
Raidriar thought to himself - what had driven him to grab the wheelchair? He lifted his head upward slightly to get a better look - and... "Oh..." He muttered under his breath. "Yeah it's me, did you honestly expect somebody else to have this sheer volume of stupidity?" He sighed, still unable to get to his feet. He slowly reached into his pocket with his bloodied and maimed hand, retrieving his phone, perhaps to call an ambulance?

"Do all trading cards come with spirits that can materialize in the real world nowadays? Man, I missed a lot over the past two years." He joked while punching a number into his phone and placing it next to his ear, and waited.

Then, when the call picked up, the exchange that followed was definitely not an ambulance. "Hey, yeah, I'd like large Meat-Lover's, a large Pepperoni, a large Supreme, a large BBQ-Chicken, a side of fried wings - yes, large - and two bottles of Mountain Dew. Yes, as in the one-liter bottles. Huh? No, I can't do pickup, I'm pretty sure I'm about to bleed to death through my hand here, I can't even stand up. No, no, I don't suppose you should worry - do you even get paid enough to care? Yeah, I didn't think so either. Place? Uh, you know that one alley behind the park about two-hundred meters from the giant duel dome? Oh, whatever, I'll just turn on GPS and just find me like that lol. Yeah yeah, I'll pay cash when the delivery guy comes here. Thanks."

Soon afterward, his attention turned back to Kaguya. "So, then, how has your life been? After graduation, I mean. If you can really call it that, the school really stirred up a shitstorm like, right before that. I trust your Ice-Barriers have been treating you well?" He added sarcastically.
Kaguya Tsutomei
  • "Oh..." He muttered under his breath. "Yeah it's me, did you honestly expect somebody else to have this sheer volume of stupidity?" He sighed, still unable to get to his feet
    Kaguya shook her head like 'how did I not see this coming', but jut sighs at that comment and says nothing on it. Bad enough they already had such an incident before. Having it happen again is a coincidence and just as evil as it was before. Not a fun time.
    "Do all trading cards come with spirits that can materialize in the real world nowadays? Man, I missed a lot over the past two years." He joked while punching a number into his phone and placing it next to his ear, and waited.
    Kaguya stifled a laugh, shaking her head. "It wouldn't surprise me, to be honest. Just think of all the work that could be done while not doing anything at all." She said jokingly, thinking with that lazy nature of hers. Her first thought was 'let the spirits do the work, they don't really need living supplies'. Because of course it is. She then went silent once again when the call began.
    "Hey, yeah, I'd like large Meat-Lover's, a large Pepperoni, a large Supreme, a large BBQ-Chicken, a side of fried wings - yes, large - and two bottles of Mountain Dew. Yes, as in the one-liter bottles. Huh? No, I can't do pickup, I'm pretty sure I'm about to bleed to death through my hand here, I can't even stand up. No, no, I don't suppose you should worry - do you even get paid enough to care? Yeah, I didn't think so either. Place? Uh, you know that one alley behind the park about two-hundred meters from the giant duel dome? Oh, whatever, I'll just turn on GPS and just find me like that lol. Yeah yeah, I'll pay cash when the delivery guy comes here. Thanks."
    Kaguya remained silent the whole time and facepalmed intensively instead. Some things... somethings never change. And neither does Raidriar, so it seems. She is presently trying to hide her 'what the hell' expression of mild amusement, confusion and anger all in one.
    Soon afterward, his attention turned back to Kaguya. "So, then, how has your life been? After graduation, I mean. If you can really call it that, the school really stirred up a shitstorm like, right before that. I trust your Ice-Barriers have been treating you well?" He added sarcastically.
    Kaguya let out a nervous laugh and a fake smile. "Oh, yeah. Fantastic." She said sarcastically back. That's a no. "They take too much effort to build... Heck if I'm doing that. No thanks." She reinstated, once again onto her lazy personality. If that's the sole reason for putting a deck on the bench, what the heck does she use 'now'? Not that it's important, but it's still perplexing... Something with less effort, probably, but it may or may not possess similar power or general effectiveness. In other words... Who knows? Only Kaguya knows. But that, she doesn't care about. She's just gonna say what she wants and only when she wants and/or when needed. Minimum effort. Maximum results.
Raidriar Ainsworth
Somewhere? | BoltBeam BoltBeam

"Oh, I'm not going to get started on how much of a pain those damn spirits are. Shadow-Realm shenanigans ain't exactly exact science, and half those damn spirits want half the world's population dead." Raidriar grumbled. "Did you see that kid play that cursed Trishula card? Honestly, if damn trading cards make you go insane, it probably isn't worth it."

In the background, Endymion let out an uncharacteristic snigger. "You cannot exactly speak on that matter, Raidriar."

"Shut the fuck up, Endymion! Nobody but me can hear you anyways!"

"So, you look like a lunatic."

Raidriar groaned to himself and prepared to go off on a tangent until the sound of a motorcycle approached the two - the cycle had the logo of a pizzeria on the side. The bike came to a halt as the delivery-guy stepped off, retrieving Raidriar's colossal order from an insulated bag placed on the back of the bike and approached Raidriar, collapsed over the floor. He raised an eyebrow but didn't question. "That's 39.95." He informed Raidriar who was already reaching into his wallet and handed two $20 bills to the delivery guy.

"Thanks Tom."

"Don't sweat it... Seriously, you have the weirdest delivery instructions I have seen in my life."

"It is better if some things are left unknown."

"I wasn't going to ask. Have a nice day."

With that, the pizza-delivery-guy hopped onto the bike and sped off elsewhere. Meanwhile, Raidriar opened one box of pizza and was already voraciously devouring slices by the second. "You want some?" He asked Kaguya while motioning to the absurdly large stack of pizza Raidriar had ordered for himself. "You don't know how much you miss food until you're forced to eat nothing but Zombies for two weeks straight... Seriously, they taste like mouldy cheese - or, at least what I assume mouldy cheese tastes like." He complained, somehow sounding serious. "Honestly, at this point, even Dragonmaids look extremely appetizing compared to Zombies."
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Kaguya Tsutomei
  • "Oh, I'm not going to get started on how much of a pain those damn spirits are. Shadow-Realm shenanigans ain't exactly exact science, and half those damn spirits want half the world's population dead." Raidriar grumbled. "Did you see that kid play that cursed Trishula card? Honestly, if damn trading cards make you go insane, it probably isn't worth it."

    (Kaguya can't hear what was originally here.)

    "Shut the fuck up, Endymion! Nobody but he can hear you anyways!"
    Kaguya shrugged at the comment on the Trishula card. "I saw it, but honestly, it doesn't seem to be all it's cracked up to be... at all. And how it just so happened to be cursed is beyond me." She said honestly, chuckling at the comment on the spirits. True, not all spirits are happy and peaceful. Some of them just wanna kill people! He's not wrong on that front. However, when Raidriar seemed to speak to himself, Kaguya struck up a confused expression once again like 'who you talking to'.
    "You want some?" He asked Kaguya while motioning to the absurdly large stack of pizza Raidriar had ordered for himself. "You don't know how much you miss food until you're forced to eat nothing but Zombies for two weeks straight... Seriously, they taste like mouldy cheese - or, at least what I assume mouldy cheese tastes like." He complained, somehow sounding serious. "Honestly, at this point, even Dragonmaids look extremely appetizing compared to Zombies."
    Kaguya stifled a laugh once again; eventually shrugging like 'why not' at the offer of food and reached out for a slice, soon getting the appropriate hand on it and beginning to eat said slice. That is, after she even opened a desired box (she didn't really care which she opened, but she did it anyways) to even get said slice. She let out a chuckle at further thought on the comment of taste. "If that's the case, one would rationally assume what 'other' monsters would be like..." She quipped curiously, having calmed down.
Raidriar AinsworthSomewhere? | BoltBeam BoltBeam

Raidriar mumbled as he continued to stuff his mouth full of pizza like a wild animal - how long did he go without eating?! "Well, dragons are nice. I think."

"No, they most certainly are not!" Endymion interjected. "You tried to pet a Decoy Dragon, and we ended up being chased by a horde of Rabidragons! I do not want to go through that ordeal again." The wizard huffed, the mere thought of being hunted by a pack of rabid, rabbit dragon things sending shivers down his spine.

"Hey, but we ate good - those rabbit dragon things got good meat on 'em."

"I am almost certain your savage habits are detrimental to both yourself and the denizens of the Spirit World."

"Oh, most of them aren't even intelligent for the love of-"

"What about the time you made sashimi out of a Mermail Abysshilde? She was literally crying for her life as you cut off the tail, severed the spine, exsanguinated it alive before putting a bullet through the head. You could have done that first."

"Ok, I was craving Japanese food, alright?! Sashimi is fresher when the meat is drained alive! Plus, you were throwing up in the corner!" There Raidriar went again, talking to himself - or at least that's what it looked like from another's point of view. Perhaps he was beginning to hallucinate things since he was near death or something? Raidriar sighed as he turned off from Endymion's scolding about how he 'goes too far' and 'needs to keep impulses in check' or some arbitrary garbage like that.

"Hey, I've got about enough time for a game before I pass out." He informed Kaguya, completely nonchalant about his own more-than-concerning statement as he held out his Duel Disk... He was going to play a game instead of doing something sensible, such as getting to the hospital ASAP. "I'm also bored, you down for a round?"
Kaguya Tsutomei
  • Kaguya smiled a little and grabbed her own from her side. "I can grant that request. It'll at least keep us busy..." She said, trailing off at the end with minor yet expressed concern for Raidriar. "Let's see... Who will prevail... I think I'll go first." She said, not much more needing to be said.

    Hand: D/D Lilith, D/D Savant Kepler, D/D/D Rebel King Leonidas, D/D/D Supreme King Kaiser, Dark Contract with the Gate

    "First, I activate my Continuous Spell, Dark Contract with the Gate." Kaguya explained, as a dark brown-ish contract took up one of her spell and trap card zones. "With it, once per turn, I can add any monster with D/D in it's name from my deck to my hand." She explained, using the effect to add D/D Nighthowl to her hand.

    "Next, I Normal Summon D/D Savant Kepler!" A weird blue-statue like thing emerged onto one of the monster zones.

    LVL 1, 0 ATK

    "Kepler's effect lets me add a Dark Contract from my deck to my hand." She explained, retrieving Dark Contract with the Swamp King. "Now I shall activate the card I just added, Dark Contract with the Swamp King! Once per turn, I can use D/D or D/D/D monsters in my hand, field or even grave to Fusion Summon! I fuse D/D Savant Kepler with D/D Nighthowl!" The two monsters were mashed together, Kepler going to the Extra Deck because it's a Pendulum.

    "I Fusion Summon! D/D/D Oracle King D'arc!" A demon winged sword wielder emerged, pointing the blade towards its opponents (or lack there of).

    LVL 7, 2800 ATK

    "I end my turn."
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Success! The duel disk did it's job, and the threat was managed. Problem B however, just introduced itself. He had started to try to go help or at least investigate, but an older gentleman had pulled him back.

"Are you nuts? Just hang right here until the police arrive, if he gets up there's no telling what'll happen! Nice toss, but you've done what was needed for now son.". What happened next was ten minutes of painful waiting, and then came the sirens....only a moment too late, as the culprit had gained consciousness, and was sprinting off...with the poor woman in the wheelchair none the less. Damn, I should have thrown it harder...

Cries of 'stop him' and 'someone tell the police what happened' could be heard as Isaac rushed ahead...well with that guy gone, he could get his duel disk back. Picking it up and looking it over, he slid it back onto his arm, aiming to get to ryuko. The duel disk was a little dinged up, but it would still function...but he'd have to get the 'dings' fixed, and his father was likely going to be less than happy about it. Beside him, he could hear valkyria speaking to him. "I'm not sure if I should praise you or berate you for once. That was extremely crazy, borderline stupid, and incredibly risky....but you also helped Ryuko...a lot just happened, and I'm not happy with any of it...but you did help...shoot, let's just see what happened to ryuko first, and then......I don't know what yet, but I'm going to tell you to think before you act!"

Currently trying to find Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27
Raidriar AinsworthSomewhere? | BoltBeam BoltBeam
Raidriar gazed at his own hand absentmindedly as Kaguya made her turn. It took him until the start of his turn to realize Kaguya's deck was D/D/D... "Different Dimension Demons, huh? That's actually a strong choice..." He murmured to himself as he initiated his turn with the Draw Phase.

Hand: Servant of Endymion, Mythical Beast Master Cerberus, Magical Citadel of Endymion, Spell Power Mastery, Reflection of Endymion, Pot of Greed

Raidriar raised a spell toward his disk, the Field-Spell slot opening as he slid the card inside. He activated The Magical Citadel of Endymion. Following that, he quietly placed Mythical Beast Master Cerberus into the Pendulum Zone. "I've got no card in the other Pendulum Zone, so I can destroy Mythical Beast Master Cerberus and add another Mythical Beast to hand. I choose Jackal King. Next, I'll place Jackal King onto the scale, and it then destroys itself to bring Cerberus back from the Extra Deck." As Raidriar moved to place Cerberus into the monster zone, however, his hand slipped and he managed to somehow place the card in defense position, though he intended for an attack. How the card managed to sit on the Duel-Disk upside down was a miracle on its own.

"Fuck..." he murmured to himself quietly as he attempted to go on with his turn. He placed Servant of Endymion onto the Right Pendulum Zone, before activating Spell Power Mastery, adding Endymion to his hand, and following that, placing one spell counter onto Magical Citadel, which was now at 3. Then, Servant of Endymion, Citadel, and Cerberus all activated, each gaining a spell counter and Cerberus gaining 2.

"Alright, time for the fun. I place Endymion into my Left Pendulum Zone, and immediately activate his effect. I remove 4 counters from Magical Citadel, and one from Servant of Endymion and two from Cerberus! Endymion, kick his ass!" Endymion appeared onto the field, stave in hand.

"Honestly, I would prefer you hold back on the profanity, but you get your point across well enough..." The sorcerer commented, aiming his staff at Kaguya's field. A ray of arcane magic blasted Kaguya's entire board to smithereens, followed by a direct attack from Endymion.

8000 -> 5200

"Fuck... I think I missed lethal damage..." Raidriar suddenly realized out loud, facepalming himself with his wounded hand, immediately yelping in pain after realizing his mistake. "I fucked up... Your turn..." He whined.

LP: 8000

Monster Zones: | Endymion, The Mighty Master of Magic: 2800/1700 (3 Counters) | Mythical Beast Master Cerberus: 2800/2800 (2 Counters) | | | |
Spell/Trap: | | | | | | < Maigcal Citadel of Endymion (1 Counter) >
Pendulum Zones: Servant of Endymion (1 Counter) |
Graveyard: Spell Power Mastery
Extra Deck: Mythical Beast Jackal King
Hand: Pot of Greed, Reflection of Endymion
Kaguya Tsutomei
  • Kaguya gasped as her field was not only wiped clean, but she took a fair bit of damage as well. This is not what she hoped for. "Endymion, huh... Alright." She drew her card.

    Draw: D/D Savant Copernicus

    "I Normal Summon D/D Savant Copernicus!" A spherical object appeared with another sphere within it's 'shell', so to speak.

    LVL 4, 0 ATK

    "Copernicus lets me send any card in my deck with D/D in it's name to the grave when it is summoned. I send D/D Vice Typhon. I now use Vice Typhon's effect in my grave. On the turn it's sent to the grave, I can remove it from and an appropriate monster from my grave from play... and then I can Fusion Summon with them!" Kaguya removes D'arc and Vice Typhon as such. And now the fusion.

    "I Fusion Summon! D/D/D Flame High King Genghis!" A fiery fuelled warrior appeared, with three blades and a shield in hand.

    LVL 8, 2800 ATK

    "I think I'm just going to... stop there..." She said cautiously. She dared not lose her new monster she has in play. No less one as strong as this, matching Endymion.
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Taz Elwood
Location: Infront of Duel Arena
BoltBeam BoltBeam

LP:3600 Graveyard: Insect Knight, Forest, Insect armor with laser cannon, Cross-sword Beetle Hand: Dreadsythe Harvestor, Mirror Force, Multipaction of ants Feild: N/A

"Okay, my draw" Tax said almost sure he had no chance but he was still going to try. Though with the card he drew his chance wasn't that big. He drew another Cross-sword beetle.

"I summon Cross-sword Beetle but he won't stay long, because next, I'm going to play the spell Multipaction of ants!" Taz said an another Cross-Sword Beetle appeared on the battlefield, only to get devoured by digital ants. Cross-Sword Beetle disappeared, with two large army ants taking its place.

2x Army Ant Token: 1200 Def

"Then I'll place one card faced down and end my turn," Taz said now hoping hid defenses would last.

LP:3600 Graveyard: Insect Knight, Forest, Insect armor with laser cannon, 2x Cross-sword Beetle, Multipaction of ants Hand: Dreadsythe Harvestor Feild: 2x Army Ant tokens, Mirror Force
Raidriar AinsworthSomewhere? | BoltBeam BoltBeam
"Well, one misplay probably didn't matter..." Raidriar assured himself as he drew. "Ok, Endymion, attack Flame High King Genghis."

Silence. Endymion didn't move. Instead, the projected image of the sorcerer turned to Raidriar, seemingly bewildered. "What?"

"Did I stutter, Endymion?! Attack Genghis!"

"But why didn't you use Cerberus' effect?"

"Oh, I didn't know you were the player here! Be a normal monster card and attack Genghis!"

"Oh, for the love of everything holy - you're just trying to-"


Endymion let out a despaired sigh as he braced himself for imminent doom. Genghis was blasted with a torrent of arcane magic, who retaliated and destroyed Endymion. Both vanished from the field. "Now that Endymion's destroyed, I add Spell Power Mastery to hand. Cerberus then attacks your-" Then, he realized his mistake, yet again. "Oh. I forgot to change him to attack position..."

Raidriar shrugged. "I guess that's the end then."

LP: 8000

Monster Zones: | | Mythical Beast Master Cerberus: 2800/2800 (2 Counters) | | | |
Spell/Trap: | | | | | | < Magical Citadel of Endymion (1 Counter) >
Pendulum Zones: Servant of Endymion (1 Counter) |
Graveyard: Spell Power Mastery
Extra Deck: Mythical Beast Jackal King, Endymion The Mighty Master of Magic
Hand: Pot of Greed, Reflection of Endymion, Spell Power Mastery, Trap Stun
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Jae Hwa Park[​

Hmm, she had to admit she found Toons to be kinda cool. However, Jae Hwa took slight issue with their overall design and play style of the archetype, feeling they were a bit to slow for her taste. Watching the boy make his moves as he summoned toons left and right, starting off with a cartoonish looking cyber dragon who was soon accompanied by a toon mermaid. However, as he promised, they both didn't stay long as they were both tributed to summon the Toon Red Eyes Dragon, who looked pretty dope if she were to give her honest opinion. Black and red were always a cool combination in her book despite the fact both of her main decks had rather pale color palette in comparison. Feeling somewhat excited for what's to come, she covered her face with her hand as to not show the kid she was a little happy from what she was seeing.

"Wow, that's one beefy boy you got there short stack." she commented, adding a little whistle behind it. "I don't think I have anything in my deck that can match those stats." she stated honestly, knowing that her highest attack monster was at 1800.

"Eh, I'll figure something out." she joked while pulling her next card.

"My draw!"

From her deck she pulled out her purple magician who sat upon a broom stick made of silverware and sweets. Perfect. Examining his board, she took note of the two face down cards in the back along with that Toon Kingdom of his, which effectively kept his toon monsters from being destroyed. What to do in a situation like this?, she thought to herself as she looked at her hand of three card. Glancing back up at the storybook field, she pulled the witch from her hand and began her move.

"What say we add a little more magic to this field fam." she chirped as she slammed down her card to one of the monster zone.

"From my hand I normal summon Madolche Magileine." she announced, a woman in a magician outfit popping out in a puff of purple smoke. She glanced around her surroundings to see members of the kingdom standing beside her before taking a seat on her fork-styled broom stick with a mischievous grin decorating her face.

Madolche Magileine
Level 4 || Earth
Spellcaster || Effect
Atk/ 1400 Def/ 1200

"As a magician, she has the uncanny ability to draw in quite the crowd! Because she was normal summoned, I am allowed to add one Madolche monster from my deck to my hand, and its someone you've already had the pleasure of seeing." she said, pulling out another Madolche Petingcessour from her deck.

"With her court on the field I guess it's a better time than any for the Queen to make her appearance! I Overlay Madolche Petingcessour and Madolche Messegelato in order to XYZ summon Madolche Queen Tiaramisu!"

A vortex engulfed the tiny connoisseur and the cheerful messenger to give rise to a woman dressed in royal garb, surrounding by a throne of sweets as she rose to the left of the field. The woman with grey hair, stared down at her loyal subjects and then back at the other side of the field, Hootcake and Magileine both taking a bow before returning their original positions.

Madolche Queen Tiaramisu
Rank 4 || Earth
Fairy|| Effect
Atk/ 2200 Def/ 2100
OL: Petingcessour || Messegelato

"She may not be that big of a gal, but trust me, you'll see what she's capable of."

Deck on Hand: Madolche
Opponent: Avery Black
LP: 8000
Cards Remaining in Deck: 30
Cards in Hand: Anjelly || Pot of Desires || Petingcessoeur
Next Draw: Summoner Monk
Field Spell: None
Board Set Up:
MZ2: Hootcake
MZ3: Queen Tiaramisu
MZ4: Magileine
SZ2: Madolche Ticket
SZ3: Impermanence (FD)
SZ4: Forbidden Chalice (FD)
Graveyard: n.a
Banished: Anjelly
Cards in Extra Deck: 13

mood: royally pissed
company: an orange haired kid and two of his friends
location: Horizon City
mentions: n.a
interactions: Avery Black ( Acethekidd Acethekidd )

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Taru Arkhalis
  • "Hmm... Just more bugs. I expected more, but that's OK. I draw!"

    Draw: Superheavy Samurai Flutist

    "I Normal Summon Superheavy Samurai Flutist!" A humanoid robot arose onto a vacant monster card zone, blowing into its flute joyfully.

    LVL 3, 500 ATK

    "But he can't stick around. For if I tribute him with his effect, I can summon another Superheavy Samurai monster from my hand! Flutist, begone so a stronger monster can take your place! Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei!"

    A big, bulk of a warrior appeared, huffing a big 'puff' of digital air as it stood up from its seated position.

    LVL 8, 3500 DEF

    "To battle! Shutendoji and General Jade, take care of those tokens!" She commanded, each token being destroyed as such. "Big Benkei! Direct attack!" She announced as Big Benkei suddenly charged at Taz with intent to pretty much flatten him outright with but a tackle.

    3600 -> 100

    "I end my turn."
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Kaguya Tsutomei
  • "OK... here goes! I draw!"

    Draw: D/D Savant Copernicus

    "...Another one, you've got to be kidding me... um... I put D/D Savant Copernicus into my Pendulum Scale!" She announced, doing just that as another copy of said card floated into the pendulum scale.

    "Now I shall change the Copernicus on my field into defence position."

    0 DEF

    "Next, I Normal Summon D/D Lilith!" Some kind of floral-mechanical monster appeared, or so it looked.

    LVL 4, 100 ATK

    "I use Lilith's effect! When she is summoned, I can either put a D/D Pendulum from my Extra Deck into my hand... or a fallen D/D in my grave into my hand. I choose to retrieve D/D Savant Kepler from my Extra Deck. Now, I shall put him into the scale!"

    With the scale now completed, the number '1' appeared under Copernicus, and '10' under Kepler. "I am now allowed to Pendulum Summon monsters levels from 2 to 9 as much as I want! Come forth, a duo of monsters!"

    "Monster number 1! D/D/D Rebel King Leonidas!"
    A armour plated warrior of some kind appeared, hoisting his sword high and shield out in front of him.

    LVL 7, 2600 ATK

    "Monster number 2! D/D/D Supreme King Kaiser!" Another warrior appeared, this time not as armoured but instead more design-based intimidation is used, staring down at the opposition with deathly intent.

    LVL 7, 2800 ATK

    "Now, Kaiser's effect activates! For the rest of this turn, your face-up effects are null and void! Ordinarily this would be where I'd attack you, buuut..." She sighed and stared at Cerebus's monumental defence which she can't get by.

    "I guess I gotta stop there..."
Raidriar Ainsworth
He's Probably Dead. | BoltBeam BoltBeam

"Mmmkay, I draw..." Raidriar uttered, his voice now beginning to sound noticeably weaker, followed by a trembling in his left arm which struggled to keep his Duel Disk up in the air. His vision was getting slightly blurry, though he never really let that be an impairment.

D/D/D Supreme King Kaiser removed all of his Spell Counters, which was quite irritating, though not quite an issue... "I activate Spell Power Mastery to add Endymion to hand, and add 2 Spell Counters onto Magister!"

Next, he activated Pot of Greed, drawing Mythical Beast Jackal and Endymion's Lab. "I'll activate Endymion's Lab, followed by normal summoning Mythical Beast Jackal!" A small dog-like creature appeared on his side of the field with 0 ATK. "Then, I tribute Jackal and remove 3 counters from the Citadel to summon another Mythical Beast Master Cerberus from my deck!"

Then, he placed Endymion onto the Pendulum Zone, removing 4 Counters from Mythical Beast Master Cerberus and 2 from Citadel to summon forth Endymion, which in turn blew Kaguya's assembled board to smithereens again. "Then I remove another 3 Spell Counters to activate Magister of Endymion to summon Mythical Beast Jackal King from deck!" A fourth monster was now on Raidriar's board. At this point, it was just complete overkill...

"Endymion, atta-"

Before Raidriar could go for the finishing blow of the duel, however, his hand suddenly dropped, Duel Disk crashing into the ground - he had suddenly fallen unconscious due to blood loss.

And, well, technically, Kaguya just won the duel.
Kaguya Tsutomei
  • "Endymion, atta-"

    Before Raidriar could go for the finishing blow of the duel, however, his hand suddenly dropped, Duel Disk crashing into the ground - he had suddenly fallen unconscious due to blood loss.

    And, well, technically, Kaguya just won the duel.
    Kaguya seemed alarmed as Raidriar just... dropped. Not only in body, mind and soul, but duel as well. "Well... Maybe he should have tended to that first... But it's his loss, so who cares." She said aloud. "...Now then... What to do with him..." She added to her thoughts. Leaving him out in the open alone on the ground is probably not a good idea, considering the apparent blood loss and chance of infection... Kaguya sighed, sorting herself out before she would spontaneously just grab Raidriar's unconscious body and begin wheeling along with one hand, dragging him along the street towards a hospital. Does it hurt? Yes, yes it does. Consider it payback, if you will. Except this is longer lasting pain, no less more frequent. "...Why he was talking to himself is beyond me, must be going insane." She said to herself before beginning to drag Raidriar along to the hospital in question, not knowing the full reason as to why, and not knowing he was indeed in possession of a Duel Spirit - Endymion. She didn't know that was the case.
Raidriar AinsworthYep, Definitely Dead- Or Not.| BoltBeam BoltBeam

The hospital staff was in for quite the shock when Kaguya rolled in on a wheelchair, dragging a deathly-pale man, scratched all over, who was unconscious and was leaving an absurdly long trail of blood across where Kaguya dragged him.

Needless to say, Raidriar was rushed to be treated immediately - it was practically a miracle the fool was still alive. Or well, barely, at least...

"I'm sorry, he's gone. He's medically dead, saving him would've been a miracle."

Raidriar awoke to something uncomfortable wrapped around his face that made the air around his face incredibly humid and really, really uncomfortable. His eyes darted around him - it looked like one of those emergency rooms from the movies, with the weird beepy-green-line machine thing and all! And... the line thing was flat - that explained the irritating ringing noise. The first thing he would do upon waking would be to raise his bloodied, bandaged hand and tear the weird mask off his face and holler: "NO, ENDYMION, COURSE I WON'T GO TOWARD THE GODDAMN LIGHT! HAVE YOU NEVER WATCHED A SHITTY MOVIE?!" He yelled at the top of his lungs at nobody in particular, giving the doctors and people around him quite the fright. In the back of the room stood a 6-foot tall wizard who was like a sore thumb among the other people, though only Raidriar seemed to notice him.

"I didn't say anything, though," Endymion replied in a wholly unconcerned tone.

Raidriar rolled his eyes irritatingly as they fell onto the flatline. "Huh. Who died?" He asked the startled people around him, before finally coming to the correct conclusion. "OOOOOOH, I died! I guess that makes sense." He murmured as he nonchalantly hopped off the hospital bed, and began to pull various tubes and needles out of his wrist nonchalantly. "Thanks, for the help? How much is the hospital bill, by the way?"
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Kaguya Tsutomei
  • Raidriar rolled his eyes irritatingly as they fell onto the flatline. "Huh. Who died?" He asked the startled people around him, before finally coming to the correct conclusion. "OOOOOOH, I died! I guess that makes sense." He murmured as he nonchalantly hopped off the hospital bed, and began to pull various tubes and needles out of his wrist nonchalantly. "Thanks, for the help? How much is the hospital bill, by the way?"
    Kaguya gulped. "OK, um, here's the thing; didn't think that far ahead..." She admitted, chuckling nervously, a worried smile on her face, looking around like 'this is a little bit worrying'. She was met with just as many stares as there seemed to be in the room. "...Help..." She said as silently as she could, understandably terrified. This is juuust about the worst that could happen from random pass out.
Taz Elwood
Location: Infront of dueling arena
BoltBeam BoltBeam

LP:100 Graveyard: Insect Knight, Forest, Insect armor with laser cannon, 2x Cross-sword Beetle, Multipaction of ants Hand: Dreadsythe Harvestor Feild: Mirror Force

Taz sheilded himself as the heavy samurai charged at him to attack his life points directly. Now with only 100 life points Taz was unsure of what he could now, but he still drew his last card. And his last card was Neo Bug.

"Well this is over... Play one monster face down and end my turn" Taz said gulping.

LP:100 Graveyard: Insect Knight, Forest, Insect armor with laser cannon, 2x Cross-sword Beetle, Multipaction of ants Hand: Dreadsythe Harvestor Feild: Mirror Force, Neo Bug (face down in defence mode).
Taru Arkhalis
  • "Time to finish this off." She drew her card.

    Draw: Superheavy Samurai Soulbuster Gauntlet

    "Well, you know how this is gonna go. Get 'em!" She snapped her fingers and her monsters attacked, Shutendoji making quick work of the monster and Big Benkei going for the face to finish it off.

    100 -> 0

    The duel dissolved just about as quickly as it started. Taru sighed, shuffling her deck up.

    "That's all she wrote." She said, sounding disappointed.

very lack
Tags: Jae Hwa Park( Bum Bear Bum Bear )

Avery's face turn at her comment and nodded." Yep~ he's one of my best monsters and his
effect is pretty sweat too. You'll see it sooner or later."
the boy smirked. Now that it was her
turn, he paid close attention to what she was doing" And Stop calling me...urg nevermind, i
know your not going to stop.."
the boy sighed. Seem like she kept summoning those sweet
little monsters of hers. It was annoying and cause him trouble, but it didn't matter. His Toon's
effect were still pretty good. He just needed to think things out and not screw his self over
like he normally do." Ummm...sweet card, but my toon mermaid is much more cuter than
your queen~."
another smirk came across his face." To bad she won't be staying for long,
because i activate my trap Toon Briefcase. If you summon a monster while i have toon
monster on the field, your monster gets shuffled back into you deck. Your queen will
be alright, but i'm not sure about the monsters attached to her."

When the trap was activated a red briefcase with razor sharp teeth appeared and
rushed over towards it's target, chomping down on her." Happy travels~"

Current Deck: Toon
LP: 8000
Cards in Deck: 30
Cards in hands: None
Next Draw: Toon gemini elf
Field spell: Toon Kingdom


MZ1: Red-Eyes Toon Dragon

S/TZ1: Toon Brief Case
S/TZ2: Evenly Matched(FD)

Graveyard: Toon Mermaid||Cyber Toon Dragon||Toon Table of Contents||Toon Brief Case
Banished: dinowrestler pankratops||Toon Dark Magician||Evenly matched
Extra Deck: 7 cards
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-Ten minutes ago-
ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles

Ryuko would be dropped to the ground by Raidriar, as she hit her head on the ground, falling unconscious yet again. She wasn't sure what was going on during that time though.... But she soon saw a light......

-Dragonmaid's Residence-

Ryuko awoke in a Queen size bed, under the dark blue blanket that covered a majority of it. She sat up as the blanket rolled down slightly, revealing her bandaged chest, before she hugged herself from the pain.

"Agh! I .... Don't remember getting hurt like this!"

"You keep forgetting that your body here is not under the same conditions as it is on earth."

Ryuko looked to the voice that spoke, Hauskee was at the room's enterance keeping guard.

"I got Teleported here again?"

"Of course, you can thank that 'Abomination' for doing so."

"What abomination are you speaking of? It's not Trishula is it?"

"Thankfully, no, but it is definitely much worse. If you remember, not many humans are allowed to come to this world because of a man infected by the Amorphages influence."

"Of course! He was horrible, killing all those innocent spirits! That man needed to be hunted down!"

"He somehow vanished without a trace though, if you remember correctly."

"Then why would you say that man was-"

She just realized what could have happened and who that guy was now.

"I need to go back!"

"Not in the condition you are in. You need to rest, and get ready."

"Ready for what?"
"A journey to defeat the being that poisoned that man with that cursed. Only once he is defeated can he be freed and forgiven."

"And why am I being given some sort of super important RPG mission?"

"That person is dangerous as he is in your world. What would happen if he managed to Summon the Amorphages in the flesh on earth?"

"..... Life would cease to exist..... A great calamity that couldn't be stopped, like it could here...."

"That is why. No other Human has the capability to pass between worlds, except for Luna and Jaden before you. Even the three legendary heroes had the ability at one point. Your power is indeed rare."

"For a tough, yet calm person, you sure know alot."
"I do some reading on my spare time. It's one of the few things I really enjoy."

"Alright, so what do I do, and how do I fight this guy that infected the person that tried to kill me earlier?"

"You're going to have to find the cursed knight. The one who you encountered in that duel with Isaac."

"Buster Blader? He's like, a dragon Slayer isn't he? So would he not like ... Try hunting the guy who created the Amorphages to begin with?"

"...... He's been missing for a long time."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"As in, he vanished from this planet the same time as Raidriar Ainsworth."

-Hospital, Earth-

Ryuko was placed on a stretcher, by the man who had sunglasses, as she was taken to the ER. He looked over to Isaac, who followed to check up on her.

"She'll be fine. As long as she doesn't use that Trishula card again, she can be dueling as soon as she's out."

He held a hand out for a handshake. "The name is Buster. I have to say you duel pretty well for a magician user."
Isaac watched the young woman get wheeled off, before snapping his attention to the man who addressed himself as 'Buster'. Hearing his compliment he gave a small smile, shaking his hand. "Thanks for the compliment. They've been with me for a while now, and they just seem to pair well with me. They're tougher than people want to give them credit for...I would have been sunk without dark paladin, it's why I keep buster blader in my deck. He's not a spellcaster, but he's pulled me out of tough spots as well. He's the sort of reliable knight you need every so often, you know?"

Isaac couldn't help but grin before it faded into a concerned look. "I'll have to check on her later...you can learn a lot about dueling with a person and I get the feeling...that she's a genuinly good person, who cares for her cards....but besides that, I did watch her get in a tough spot, it's only right i check on her, you know?". Valkyria nodded a bit, looking over at her companion. "She likely won't be out for a while...I'd guess an hour or two, possibly more. It's best if you do something else for now...except go see the action duel, that'd take too much time if you plan on visiting her.". Isaac gave a mental 'shoot', his spirit was right of course. It was either going to be the action duel, or check on Ryuko, and his moral compass was pretty clear on where to go. Now he just had to find a way to pass the time....street magic, or watch a duel that had started up nearby....probably time for both. "It's been nice to meet you Buster, but I probably shouldn't keep you too long. Not everyone can stand around listening to me yammer and play magician all day."

Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27
Jae Hwa Park[​

Just when she had finally summoned her ace monster, the kid sicked a rabid suitcase on her without a moments hesitation. The monstrous little mimic went about attacking Queen Tiaramisu, taking a huge bite at her head to the surprise of her servants on the field, Magileine showing a rather egregious expression as her Queen disappeared in a burst of pink smoke back into the extra deck. Tch. Jae Hwa bit her lip in annoyance, but she knew this would just a be a minor setback. Besides, her turn wasn't even close to over.

"Nice one kid. Gotta admit, that wasn't half bad. Although, I don't think it'd help you much." she smirked as she looked at the two monsters currently in her graveyard.

"Guess I'm going to have to use Hootcake's effect once again. I'm going to banish Madolche Petingcessoeur in order to special summon another one from my deck!" she announced, moving Petingcessour from her Graveyard to her banished zone. Jae Hwa immediately went about pulling out what would be her last Petingcessoeur of her deck and summoning in the middle monster zone, that all two familiar face smiling as she popped up in an air of smoke. Looking to Hootcake she greeted him with a wave, and to her he bowed. Peeking over a Mageleine, Petingcessoeur was thoroughly surprised to see how her usually arrogant face was decorated with snot, the magician traumatized at what she had seen earlier. Jae Hwa was to focused on her next move to notice the frantic face of Mageleine.

Madolche Petingcessoeur
Level 4 || Earth
Fairy|| Effect
Atk/ 1400 Def/ 1400

"Now that Petingcesseour was special summoned onto the field, I get to activate her effect that allows me to special summon another Madolche Monster to my side of the field! And I'm bringing out the crown jewel, Madolche Puddingcess."

Once again, she dug into her deck and pulled out yet another monster that she would soon special summon onto the field on the right of Hootcake. Dropping the card into the monster zone, a pale pink puff of smoke covered a silhouette of a young girl with extremely large hair wearing an equally large dress. From the smoke emerged a blonde haired princess wearing a intricate silver tiara, her dress having a design similar to pudding. Mageleine seemed to perk up when she saw the princess appear before her, the smug look she originally had gradually returning to her face, much to every Madolche's relief.

Madolche Queen Tiaramisu
Level (4)|| Earth
Fairy|| Effect
Atk/ 1000 Def/ 1000

"And just like Anjelly before, Puddingcess loses one level thanks to be summoned using Petingcessoeur making her now a level 4 monster. I hope you know what that means!" she questioned without allowing the child to answer. "That's right shorty! I'm bringing Queen Tiaramisu back onto the field!"

Just as quickly as she left, she pointed at Mageleine and Puddingcess to use as overlay material for the summons. The witch seeming nearly euphoric to be used in the summons of her queen cheerfully allowed herself to be devoured into the purple vortex while Puddingcess gave a curtsy before disappearing with Mageleine to form Queen Tiaramisu.

Madolche Queen Tiaramisu
Rank 4 || Earth
Fairy|| Effect
Atk/ 2200 Def/ 2100
OL: Puddingcess || Mageleine

"Kinda sad to see your efforts wasted, but eh. Shit happens sometimes kid." she consoled before continuing. "Now by detaching one overlay unit from Queen Tiaramisu, I can use her effect which lets me shuffle up to two Madolche cards in my grave back into my deck, and if I do I get to shuffle an equal amount of cards from your side field back into your deck. Luckily for me, Messegelato seems to have had enough of the graveyard, so I'm returning Messegelato and I think Toon Kingdom can go back along with him." she chirped.

Waving her royal scepter, a pink light surrounded Toon Kingdom, promptly shuffling it back into the deck, leaving the Toon without its protection. However, Queen Tiaramisu didn't have enough attack points to get rid of the Toon Red Eyes in front of them. Looking at her extra deck, she smiled at her new edition to her deck as she made her next move, Madolche Ticket glowing in the backrow.

"Ah, yeah, almost forgot about that. You see, Ticket has a compulsory effect that activates whenever a Madolche monster is shuffled back into the deck, which allows me to add any madolche monster to my hand. However, since I have a Madolche fairy monster on the field I'm also allowed to summon it, but seeing how things are going I don't think I need to. So the card I'm choosing to add to my hand is Madolche Mewfeuille." she stated, taking another card, a level 3 Madolche beast-type monster and adding it to her hand. Now it was time for her final move.

"I know Queenie hasn't been out for long either, but she just ain't enough to get the job done here, but her daughter can. I use Queen Tiaramisu as material to summon her stylish daughter, Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-Mode!"

With that, the Tiaramisu was sucked into a deep pink vortex allowing for a young maiden, Puddingcess dressed in a dress of chocolate take the field.

Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-Mode
Rank 5|| Earth
Fairy|| Effect
Atk/ 2500 Def/ 2200
OL: Tiaramisu || Puddingcess

"If I did some basic math here, I do know that 2500 is more than 2400. So I'm gonna go ahead and attack your Toon Red Eyes with Chocolat-a-la-Mode! Go, hit him with Tea Time Splash!"

Soon, Chocolat-a-la-Mode gracefully walked towards the childish dragon with a cup full of tea before pouring the contents onto the dragon in a surprisingly elegant manor. Causing the dragon to become nothing but pixels."

8000 → 7900 LP

"Now I'm going to attack directly with both Petingcessoeour and Hootcake. Go get'em." she commanded, the owl pecking at the boy furiously while the little girl gently patted his head which would translate as a slap for her.

7900 → 5,011 LP

Oh how Jae Hwa, enjoyed the sound of her opponents life points dropping down.

"With that I end the Battle Phase." she said as she attempted to go into her Main Phase 2.

Deck on Hand: Madolche
Opponent: Avery Black
LP: 8000
Cards Remaining in Deck: 27
Cards in Hand: Anjelly || Pot of Desires || Petingcessoeur || Mewfeuille
Next Draw: Raigeki
Field Spell: None
Board Set Up:
MZ2: Hootcake
MZ3: Chocolat-a-la-Mode
MZ4: Petingcessoeur
SZ2: Madolche Ticket
SZ3: Impermanence (FD)
SZ4: Forbidden Chalice (FD)
Graveyard: Petingcessoeur
Banished: Anjelly, Petingcessoeur
Cards in Extra Deck: 12

mood: royally pissed
company: an orange haired kid and two of his friends
location: Horizon City
mentions: n.a
interactions: Avery Black ( Acethekidd Acethekidd )


Avery Black
Tags: Jae Hwa Park( Bum Bear Bum Bear )

Well than, this most certainly wasn't good. His toon kingdom was gone, his Red-Eyes Toon
Dragon was gone as well. He needed to draw a monster to defend his self, hopefully he
could. Than he needed Toon Kingdom to protect them....he was in a tough spot. It's
been a while since someone gave him a challenge and he had to say, it was pretty
fun. Well, Avery should had expected this..this city was crawling with strong people.
If he wanted to keep up with the big boys, he was doing to have to upgrade." What
the heck! oh right, xyz monster...that's really annoying."
Now she had to stronger
monster on the field, how was he going deal with this?

"Oh right! hang on, i'm going to use my second trap card,evenly matched! at the
end of the battle phase, if you have more cards than i do, you have to banish the cards
on your side of the field until you have the same as me and guess what? i have
none, well..unless you count this trap. Anyway, say good by to your cards~."

Current Deck: Toon
LP: 5,011
Cards in Deck: 30
Cards in hands: None
Next Draw: Toon gemini elf
Field spell:




Graveyard: Toon Mermaid||Cyber Toon Dragon||Toon Table of Contents||Toon Brief Case
Evenly Matched(FD)
Banished: dinowrestler pankratops||Toon Dark Magician||Evenly matched
Extra Deck: 7 cards
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