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i swear to god i wanted to do a nice, short, simple bio, but my brain was like "haha, long bio go brrr." why does this always happen.

i decided to go with the mcu moon knight rather than comics because while i love the comics, they are. so messy. comics are weird honestly

i wasn't originally gonna give her d.i.d. but while i was researching i found out d.i.d. has a possible genetic factor and that it can be triggered by extreme trauma/guilt so she basically already has d.i.d.

yes, i know mcu moon knight does not speak hebrew. but he should.

i want sof and jay to get in a fistfight a-la-episode 4 and have the whole group just collectively decide she's insane

yes, jayson is a demigirl, i just like giving feminine characters masculine names sometimes

the backstories do require some back-and-forth- i reccomend starting with sof, reading until the break, switching to jay, reading until the break, etc.

this was my first time writing a bio in first-person pov and oh my god it was so fun and necessary for this character- this is legit one of the longest and most detailed bios i'e ever written i love her sm

yes gan, i'm also using her in the new avengers rp, but i did originally write her for this one and since this one is more active-

- name -
sophia grant-al-faouly

- age -

- gender -

- sexuality -

- pronouns -

- alias-
ms. knight

- appearance -
sophia stands at an even 6', with light brown skin and dark tawny hair that makes her thoroughly stand out compared to most. due to her rather shy and unassuming demeanor, however, she's mostly found slouching, hair covering her face, usually in baggy comfort or athleisure clothing. her one defining piece of clothing is a necklace of a hilaal and star of david gifted to her by her parents, which she usually wears underneath her shirt.


- bio -
[tw: mental illness, death, violence/blood, attempted rape]
[spoilers: marvel's "moon knight", all episodes]

"i grew up in, well... i guess i thought it was a normal family. it was, for a long time. me, my mom, and my dad, we were happy, really happy. not everyone thought i was 'normal', though- lots of kids at school made fun of me, since it's not every day you see a jewish-islamic, british-egyptian-american girl running around new york. eventually that all seemed small in comparison to literal gods and monsters showing up, but it still... it still affected me, y'know? but i was happy, and my parents were happy, and that's all that really mattered, anyways.”

“i was... seven? maybe eight at the time. i'd woken up from a nightmare or something, and i'd gone downstairs to see if my mom was awake, and she was, but she was.. she was arguing with my dad. my parents never fought, but after a while, i realized that, well... it wasn't my dad. it couldn't have been- he had a different accent, different personality, different, well... everything. it was a little scary, to be honest. but little ol' me ran in there anyways, guns blazing, demanding to know just who this guy was. both of them were surprised, maybe even a little scared, but there was something just incredibly off about my not-dad, something i just couldn't place. after they'd gotten over their shock at seeing me, my mom pulled me aside, and just explained that this guy was my uncle, marc, and he'd just come to talk about my dad's 'business trip'- my mom was a museum curator, and though my parents never told me what my dad actually did, i knew he'd always go on these long 'business trips', sometimes for days at a time. i didn’t get it, though- my dad had already left, why was marc here now, and arguing with my mom? it… it didn’t make any sense. i’d just ran back upstairs, tossing and turning for the rest of the night.”

“i saw uncle marc more and more after that, always right after my dad left. that probably should’ve tipped me off that something here wasn’t right,but i was just a stupid kid back then. i was always wary, though, whenever he was around- he was the uncanny valley for me, like a mannequin or china doll, something that looked like it could’ve been my dad, but so obviously wasn’t. i didn’t like it, so i just… ignored it. i do that a lot. i remember, i asked my dad about it once, but he just looked so… tired. exhausted, even. the kind of exhaustion that comes from pain just sinking through your body and into your bones and just sitting there. i hated seeing him like that. he told me to let him know if uncle marc ever bothered me, and i told him i would, but that was a lie. i never brought up uncle marc around my dad after that- i didn’t want to see him look like that ever again.”

“so i ignored it- until i couldn’t anymore. this is something i remember vividly- i don’t think i could forget it, even if i tried. i was twelve- it was my birthday, actually, and i’d gone to bed after a long night of cake and ice cream and mario kart with my parents. right as i started falling asleep, though, i heard the telltale arguing- uncle marc was here. but this time… it was different. my dad wasn’t supposed to go on another ‘business trip’ for a couple of days- he promised he wouldn’t be gone for my birthday- and as far as i remembered, my dad never left. uncle marc couldn’t have gotten here that quickly, right? but that's not all that made this different. usually, when uncle marc spoke to my mom, it was in hushed arguments, low voices that i had to strain to hear, but now… it was a near screaming match. and they were arguing about me. it was obvious- i could hear uncle marc saying “she’s old enough, we need to tell her the truth”. who else could it have been? i was scared, and angry- what was ‘the truth’? what were they hiding? and why did my ‘uncle’ think he could talk to my mom like that?”

“i ran downstairs, filled with determination and a need to find out what they were hiding from me, and put myself between marc and my mom, and i yelled at him. i told him that he couldn’t just come in here and talk to my mom like that, that i didn’t like him being here at all, that i wanted my dad back. i really don’t know what i was thinking- i guess i was braver back then. the room was silent for a long time. but as i stared at marc, something just- something changed. it was like his entire demeanor changed at once, and his eyes just got… softer. that exhaustion i’d only seen once before, one i promised myself would never happen again. it was almost as if a switch flipped- i didn’t even realize he was wearing the same clothes my dad had been in earlier until he spoke… and my dad’s voice came out.”

“he explained everything that night- well, mostly everything. if he had told me about khonshu and moon knight that night, too, i think it would've been a bit too much for my little twelve-year-old brain to handle. but he told me about him, and marc. his d.i.d. they each handled different parts of his life, but they were both my dad. they both loved me.”

“it was hard to comprehend, hard to believe, for a child. i didn’t want to believe it, that my dad- or i guess, part of my dad- would argue with my mom like that. my dad hadn’t told me at the time that marc was the one who originally married my mom, that my dad- steven- only acted as my father so that marc could protect us. i didn’t find that all out until later- until it was too late.”

“i was sixteen. ever since my last birthday, i’d been hearing… voices. i wasn’t going crazy- at least, i didn’t think i was- but it was just this incessant voice, a presence i couldn't shake. like something- or some one- was watching my every move, judging me. since then, my father was getting more and more distant, and marc fronting was a near-daily occurrence. I never told my parents about the voices- i didn't want them to worry about me, to think I was going crazy... to think I was becoming like my dad."

"it all came to a head, though, when one night, my dad said he was relocating for a bit. he promised it wouldn't be for long, but i... but i was so confused. so guilty. did they know? was it my fault? i pretended to be okay with it, but I wasn't. the night he was supposed to leave for the airport, i followed him, and he finally noticed me following him halfway there because... because i saw him. khonshu."

"safe to say, i freaked out quite a bit. it's not every day a mummified bird man appears out of nowhere. i saw him, and it was obvious my dad did, too- but he seemed surprised that i could see him. surprised, then... angry. he said, and this is me quoting him, "get away from my daughter, you fucking vulture", and... i couldn't tell you what personality was in control at that time. marc, steven, and whoever else, they all just threw themselves at him, trying to protect me. but then... then khonshu said the words that still send chills down my spine whenever i think of them;"

"it's not me you'll have to protect her from."

"how many men were there? a dozen? a hundred? they all jumped out so fast, i couldn't count- jumping at us, brandishing guns and knives and other weapons i couldn't even name. it felt like my life flashed before my eyes. then... the unthinkable happened. my dad... he transformed. it was like this... this armor... literally grew on him. all the dots connected in my brain at once- his 'business trips'. talking about 'protecting' me. "

"my dad was a goddamn superhero. "

"i ran. i hid. i had to. i didn't want to, i hated doing it- but me being there was just a liability. if my dad got hurt because of me... i'd caused enough trouble already. i couldn't let that happen."

"i watched from the shadows as my dad took down our assailants one by one, switching near effortlessly between 'marc' and 'steven', a dance of effortless violence and brutality, one i had no idea he was even capable of. it was awesome. it was insane. it was terrifying. how the hell had he been hiding this for so long?"

"soon enough, the fight slowed to a near halt, till there was only one attacker left. i slowly retreated from my hiding place as the last man standing raised a shaky hand, aiming his gun towards my dad. it wouldn't matter- it shouldn't have."

"it shouldn't."

he shot.

it hit.

"it shouldn't have happened this way."

blood. too much.

that's impossible. the suit...

"the suit drew back like a curtain, exposing his chest to the bullet. after that whole battle... after learning the truth, the whole truth... was it all for nothing?"

my dad's dying, and there's nothing i can do.

"i was drowning. it felt like there was cotton in my ears, my mouth, nothing felt real."

"and then i woke up covered in blood."

"life after that point felt like... like reading a book in the dark. you can get a general sense of what's going on, but you can't focus long enough to actually make anything out of it. it was like that for a long time, and... and i was okay with it. i didn't want to have to face the world. my dad was dead. i... apparently ran away from home, from what i could gather, though it was through no intentions of my own. i obviously wasn't in school anymore- if i was, i likely wasn't doing very good, considering i don't remember attending a single class since my dad died. my life was a mess, and i was fine with just watching from the shadows."

"the next time i was awake,
fully awake, i was out in the middle of the street, wearing clothes i didn't remember ever owning, with a guy... a guy i recognized- from my school. well, my old school. he looked at me expectantly, and when he noticed the confusion plastered across my face, he gave a small laugh and repeated what he'd apparently 'just said'. he was... inviting me to a party? i was, quite frankly, really confused, but i cautiously accepted- i didn't admit to myself that maybe, just maybe, this could be a turning point, a chance to get my life back together, to be in control again.

"the rest of that day was... strange, to say the least. i didn't have a home anymore- hell, even if i wanted to get back home, i wouldn't have been able to navigate my way back- so i scruffily prepared myself in a gas station bathroom. when i looked in the mirror, though, i barely recognized myself. my eyes were the only thing still truly mine- soft, scared- but my face was covered in bandages, my arms in still-healing bruises, wearing clothing i never would've picked out for myself. it was... weird."

"the weirdest part, though, was that it seemed two people had started an argument inside my own head. one of the voices, i recognized- it had been tormenting me ever since i turned sixteen- and the other... it was my own... but not. there was something... different. something scary about it."

"what is this, spector?"

"i... i don't know, i didn't think..."

"didn't think what?

"she'd interfere."

"and because of her, you're now distracted from your mission to... what? go party?"

"please, khonshu, just give her this. then i'll make sure she doesn't bother us again."

"spector, if i wanted a broken avatar, i would've kept your father."

"the voices fell silent after that- i didn't even notice my hands were shaking until the deafening lack of noise filled my head yet again. when i looked back up at the mirror, though- my eyes were hard as stone."

"later that evening was the party, at some swanky mansion outside of the inner city. i felt incredibly out of my element- the 'broken' girl who fell off the face of the earth showing up at what seemed like the hottest party in new york. the crushing crowds, the flashing lights, it all was disorienting. i was determined to enjoy this, though- i forced myself to."

"i walked over to the in-house bar-
yes, they had their own bar- and ordered myself a glass of water to nurse while i watched the thrumming party scene. not long after, a boy sidled up next to me- the boy who'd invited me here in the first place. we clinked glasses, laughing as he took me on a tour from our seats, pointing out all the artifacts and souvenirs his parents had collected from trips across the world."

"looking back, there was a voice telling me, screaming at me to turn around, to notice the boy sneaking behind us, to notice him sneaking whatever drug that was into our drink. but i didn't. i ignored my reflection begging me not to take a sip- i was determined not to go insane that night, even at the cost at what would come next."

"the boy insisted that he'd take me on a tour of the upper level, but i attempted to politely refuse- i was getting dizzy and my head began pounding, and none of this felt like a good idea. i didn't have much of a choice, though, as he lead me up the twisting stair, down a long, dark hall to an unmarked room. i attempted to voice my confusion, but only succeeded in slurring my words to a point where i was even confusing myself. the boy laughed again- that damn laugh- and led me into that cold room, filled with three other smirking boys- and a single bed."

"the door clicked behind me. every warning sign in my head flashed, but i was too out of it to do anything about it."

what the hell did he do to me?

"i thought i couldn't be hurt any worse than i already was."

"i was wrong."

"the boys walked up to me. their hungry smiles twisted around me like a vise. they touched me. i tried to pull away, but my body felt like a pile of lead. i tried to scream, but my mouth barely made a whisper, and it echoed back into my own head."

"and someone responded."


"i didn't come out after that. i refused. only bad things happened when i was out. i acted like i couldn't have cared less about what happened that night. i never wanted to think about it again. i... i was hurt. badly. i'm not much better now, honestly."

"i don't want to be a hero. i don't know if i even can be- i can barely save myself."

"but i don't think i have much of a choice."

- personality -
as a child, sophia was a bubbly, whip-smart girl with a penchant for getting herself in trouble due to her dauntlessness. after her father's death, however, she's become a lot more withdrawn, overtaken by severe depression and guilt that refuses to let go of her. due to her past trauma, sophia typically hates fronting, and won't normally demand to front without being triggered, though she wouldn't go out of her way to trigger jay into fronting, either. while sophia has a small grasp of jay's powers, she refuses to acknowledge that she herself could also possess these powers, and due to her extreme guilt from her father's death, that she could possibly be a hero. the only thing sophia would admit to enjoying anymore is learning- both of her parents were tomb raiders history buffs, and their love of history- and gaining new knowledge- was passed down onto sophia. when fronting, she'll do nearly anything to just be able to curl up with a good book or enjoy the spoils of a new hobby without interference.

- powers -
healing factor - though sophia has yet to access the full capabilities of being khonshu's avatar, she still possesses a superhuman ability to heal injuries, strengthened by the light of the moon.

- abilities -
polyglotism - sophia is fluent in english, hebrew, and arabic, as well as conversational spanish and french.
eidetic memory - sophia has incredibly sharp memory and recall skills, and grasps onto new skills extremely quickly because of this.


- name -
jayson spector

- age -

- gender -

- sexuality -

- pronouns -

- alias-
moon knight

- appearance -
jay, being an alter of sophia's, shares the same physical body, but they still have a markedly different appearance. jay is much more rugged and confident, usually extending to her full height rather than slouching, with hard, cold eyes that give her a highly intimidating air. she typically dresses in sleek, form-fitting athleticwear that gives her ample room to move, though you'd be hard-pressed to find her out and about in normal streetwear- jay considers herself nocturnal, and with that territory comes the moon knight suit.

- bio -
[tw: mental illness, death, violence/blood, attempted rape, suicidal thoughts]
[spoilers: marvel's "moon knight", all episodes]

"you shouldn't be reading this."

"this life isn't meant for you to see. i know what you're going to think- look at this broken girl. she won't be able to save anyone- she can barely save herself. how's she supposed to be a hero? worst part- you'd be right. i'm not a hero. i'm just some girl trying to finish what she started."

"my life isn't noteworthy, not really. my mom was fine. she was... she was a mom, you know? protective. sometimes overbearing, but she knew i could hold my own. when i needed her, she was there for me."

"my dad, on the other hand... he was a dick. he'd leave without warning, come back and fight with my mom. never gave a shit about actually raising me- that he left up to the shell that would take over every time he came back. i guess i didn't want to admit to myself just how fucked up he was back then- i always acted as though he was just... someone else. it was easier that way, i guess."

"most of my childhood was... well, a blur would be the best way to describe it. like remembering is looking through a fuzzy t.v., that everything happened, but not to me. those memories that are clear are few and far between, but that first one, the one i remember most, was three years ago- the night my dad died."

"my dad was leaing for the airport, on his way to catch a flight to wherever, abandoning me and my mom yet again. i shouldn't have been surprised, but i couldn't just let him leave, probably for good, this time, without at least trying to confront him. so, i followed him to the bus stop."

"mistake number one."

"then... i saw him. khonshu. that god-ugly pigeon that had been burrowing in my brain for the last year for reasons unknown to me back then. i was... embarrassing to say, but a bit frightened. mostly annoyed. my dad... he was pissed. it was kind of nice to see, actually, him being all protective and father-like, like he should have been for the past sixteen years, but... i digress. it all ended up being a distraction, anyways. we let our guards down."

"mistake number two."

"it was like dozens of shadows jumped to life all at once, swirling around us in a violent dance. my dad told me to run, and by a will that wasn't my own, i did. i went and hid until the whole brutal battle was over- well, almost over."

"the last guy pulled out a gun. it was kind of funny to me- i would've never laughed at a gun before that moment, but at that second, everything felt so surreal. my dad wasn't some normal guy- at that point, i wasn't even sure he was human- and this was all clearly beyond that one guy's understanding, right?"

"mistake number three."

"i don't... i don't think i'd ever seen so much blood in my life- coming from my father, no less. i hated that feeling. eing so helpless, trapped, forced to watch my dad die."

"until... until i wasn't."

"it was the most insane moment in my life. it was if my entire childhood, i was drowning, my ears, eyes, mouth, stuffed with cotton, and i was finally pulled to the surface and allowed to breathe. i could tell i was finally in control."

"khonshu could, too."

"i locked eyes with the man who killed my dad- the kid. he couldn't have been much older than i am now- he was definitely just following orders. i didn't see that, though. all i saw was the monster that put a bullet in my father's chest. i could say i hated my father all i want, but this man couldn't just come in and kill him- that wasn't his right."

"i was... i was so angry. i would've done anything to get revenge in that moment. khonshu... khonshu knew that too. he made me an offer that, at that time, i couldn't refuse."

"do you swear to protect the travelers of the night and bring my vengeance to those who would do them harm?"

"i said yes."

"then rise. rise and live again. as my fist of vengeance. as my moon knight."

"it was like a fire lit up all throughout my body. i felt everything at once- strong. fast. powerful. then... it was like the suit jumped from my father to me, forcing me to my feet from kneeling by his side. i could see the terror in the man's eyes. i... i enjoyed it. for that split second, everything in my life clicked into place. this was where i was meant to be- with a goal. with power. with purpose."

"i could've just thrown a crescent dart, and it would've been over. a quick blow to the head, knock him unconscious. hell, i could've just let him run away- he looked well on his way there. but no. i wanted to see the fear in his eyes. i wanted to see him suffer. i was so blinded by my rage, by my grief, that i couldn't even recognize the fact that he wasn't the reason my father died- he may have shot the bullet, but he wasn't the one who exposed my dad's chest."

"i suppose it's to late for that, though."

"i can't block out what happened next. i have to remember- it's not my choice. but... i can choose not to say it. that i can controll. all i'll say is, by the time my anger faded away, the man was little more than a bloody pulp lying in the road. it had started raining. i hadn't noticed. i looked down at a puddle- i barely recognized myself. it wasn't just the strange armor covering my body, or the pitter-patter of raindrops sending waves that obscured my reflection, but the fresh blood dripping down my arms and in splatters across the white suit, the bloodlust in my eyes visibe even through the mask covering my face. it was... scary. i was scaring myself."

"i walked oer to my dad's body. slow. defeated. i collapsed beside him, the suit pulling back at my command, exposing shaking hands and bloodshot eyes pricking with tears. i was being pulled under, fading out..."

"...until i was forced to be called upon again."

"life after that was... hard. i was in the drier's seat, and it was new. i never went back home- i couldn't face my mom. i couldn't face anything- i just up and left those bodies in the road. someone else's problem. i didn't know where i was going, only letting my feet push me forward, the night obscuring my battered body. i eventually found myself back within the city- i ended up ducking into an alley and staring up at the sky for the rest of the night, my mind running in circles, unable to even think of sleep."

"that happened the next night, and the next. i was getting annoyed- i couldn't sleep, i couldn't work, at this rate, i was gonna starve to death. i remember looking up at the night sky, my anger reaching a boiling point- this was unfair. i'd lost everything. what was even the point anymore? of living?"

"and, as always, that fucking vulture just had to pipe in."

"he told me that he wanted to see if i would realize what i'd agreed to- that the deal we'd made hadn't just been a one-night thing. that the price of my vengeance was to be his avatar- his moon knight."

"i didn't have a choice, not really. what was i gonna do- argue with an egyptian god? besides, what he was offering was better than what i had right now- he lured me in, not with promises of power, but purpose. i keep falling right into that damn trap, time and time again."

"so... i became the moon knight. it was odd, at first- learning to use my powers, being 'trained' by khonshu, but as time passed, i got more into it. it felt... weirdly right. eventually, i started acting as an actual 'fist of justice', going after low-level criminals, then crime bosses, then threats to the gods themselves. i neer considered myself a 'hero'- i'm not one. i'm... a janitor. cleaning the world of scum."

"it went on like this for a while- roaming in the shadows by day, going after criminals by night. the same thing, over and over, for... well, a year, probably. it was a while, i remember that. until... something happened. it was a completely unremarkable day otherwise, but then... some guy walked up to me. i didn't recognize him at first- well, i didn't. then, it felt like someone else was pushing up against me in me own head, forcing me out of the way, pushing me back into the corners of my mind. i was speaking, but... it wasn't me. my words, my actions, they weren't mine."


"khonshu... he was pissed. i could tell. this wasn't part of the agreement- i wasn't supposed to be like him. that was the point."

"we argued for a while. eventually, though, the girl- my... alter- noticed us, and i decided to shut up khonshu by just convincing him i'd let her have this one thing, and i'd regain control by nightfall. he huffed, but neither of us pushed the matter further."

"so, we went to the party. i was reduced to mostly a fly on the wall, glancing around, searching for any potential threats. i didn't like this, and i could tell my alter didn't, either, but she was so determined to regain control of her life, that she insisted on putting us through this. it was... pretty annoying."

"the guy from earlier came up to us. he and my alter laughed a bit. talked about meaningless, mundane things i couldn't have cared less about. that was when i noticed it- the guy sneaking past the bar, slipping that drug, whatever it was, into our drink. i tried to get sophia's attention. i screamed. i begged her not to drink it. i don't know if she couldn't hear me, or just didn't care- she drank it anyways."

"i was getting tired. woozy. all my limited senses dulled until it was like i was forced into a coffin, unable to see, hear, move, do anything."

"and then i heard the screams."

"i burst through, showing myself to the front, forcing my alter to let me take control. i didn't know how we got here, but we were surrounded, boys grappling my body with greedy hands."

"they'd left a window open, letting moonlight flow freely into the room."

"big mistake."

"it didn't take long to dispose of them- i forced myself to hold back, though i wanted to do a lot more than just knock those monsters out. they were surely traumatized."

"but after all... so was i."


"life went back to mostly normal after that. sophia didn't come out much after that- i felt kinda bad for her, honestly. i promised myself i'd protect her. that was my job, after all- i wouldn't let anything be out of my control again."

"this new 'superhero' team, though? ...well, that just might change things."

- personality -
jay takes her job as protector rather seriously- this prickly, rough-around-the-edges girl puts up the act of a nigh-invincible warrior in order to protect herself- and by proxy, sophia- from any further trauma. she's rather overprotective, taking a sort of 'older sister' row to those she views as in need of help- which typically just boils down to sophia. jay herself has a rather dry sense of humor, and is extremely blunt and sarcastic. she also gets annoyed easily, and has a hard time explaining herself to others. she's somewhat of a lone wolf, preferring to strike off on her own rather than be a team player. she admittedly also has a particular bloodlust towards those who've hurt her or sophia, which can cause her to look a bit unhinged- though her normal fighting style is a lot more held back.

- powers -
transformation - while the moon is out, jay is able to summon the ceremonial robes of khonshu, a nigh-impenetrable armor that enhances her already superhuman condition and healing while she's wearing it.
weapon summoning - while in her moon knight armor, jay is able to summon razor-sharp crescent darts from the emblem in her chest, which she can also call back to her.
superhuman condition - being an avatar of khonshu, jay has gained superhuman speed, strength, durability, and agility, which far surpasses any normal human.
healing factor - jay has an incredible healing rate, being able to recover near-instantly from any injury, which is further enhanced by the suit. she's no deadpool, though- cutting off her head, taking out her organs, or anything similarly extreme is sure to do the trick.

- abilities -
acrobatics - jay is a skilled freerunner and traceur, able to navigate difficult urban terrain and new york rooftops with relative ease.
combat - while she doesn't know any formal martial arts, her time as moon knight and harsh life on the streets has led jay to develop a proficiency with hand-to-hand combat, one which can outmatch most formally trained adults.
arcane knowledge - similarly, after some time operating as moon knight, jay has gained a level of arcane knowledge, and is able to recognize most types of artifacts and magical abilities.


i swear to god i wanted to do a nice, short, simple bio, but my brain was like "haha, long bio go brrr." why does this always happen.

i decided to go with the mcu moon knight rather than comics because while i love the comics, they are. so messy. comics are weird honestly

i wasn't originally gonna give her d.i.d. but while i was researching i found out d.i.d. has a possible genetic factor and that it can be triggered by extreme trauma/guilt so she basically already has d.i.d.

yes, i know mcu moon knight does not speak hebrew. but he should.

i want sof and jay to get in a fistfight a-la-episode 4 and have the whole group just collectively decide she's insane

yes, jayson is a demigirl, i just like giving feminine characters masculine names sometimes

the backstories do require some back-and-forth- i reccomend starting with sof, reading until the break, switching to jay, reading until the break, etc.

this was my first time writing a bio in first-person pov and oh my god it was so fun and necessary for this character- this is legit one of the longest and most detailed bios i'e ever written i love her sm

yes gan, i'm also using her in the new avengers rp, but i did originally write her for this one and since this one is more active-

- name -
sophia grant-al-faouly

- age -

- gender -

- sexuality -

- pronouns -

- alias-
ms. knight

- appearance -
sophia stands at an even 6', with light brown skin and dark tawny hair that makes her thoroughly stand out compared to most. due to her rather shy and unassuming demeanor, however, she's mostly found slouching, hair covering her face, usually in baggy comfort or athleisure clothing. her one defining piece of clothing is a necklace of a hilaal and star of david gifted to her by her parents, which she usually wears underneath her shirt.


- bio -
[tw: mental illness, death, violence/blood, attempted rape]
[spoilers: marvel's "moon knight", all episodes]

"i grew up in, well... i guess i thought it was a normal family. it was, for a long time. me, my mom, and my dad, we were happy, really happy. not everyone thought i was 'normal', though- lots of kids at school made fun of me, since it's not every day you see a jewish-islamic, british-egyptian-american girl running around new york. eventually that all seemed small in comparison to literal gods and monsters showing up, but it still... it still affected me, y'know? but i was happy, and my parents were happy, and that's all that really mattered, anyways.”

“i was... seven? maybe eight at the time. i'd woken up from a nightmare or something, and i'd gone downstairs to see if my mom was awake, and she was, but she was.. she was arguing with my dad. my parents never fought, but after a while, i realized that, well... it wasn't my dad. it couldn't have been- he had a different accent, different personality, different, well... everything. it was a little scary, to be honest. but little ol' me ran in there anyways, guns blazing, demanding to know just who this guy was. both of them were surprised, maybe even a little scared, but there was something just incredibly off about my not-dad, something i just couldn't place. after they'd gotten over their shock at seeing me, my mom pulled me aside, and just explained that this guy was my uncle, marc, and he'd just come to talk about my dad's 'business trip'- my mom was a museum curator, and though my parents never told me what my dad actually did, i knew he'd always go on these long 'business trips', sometimes for days at a time. i didn’t get it, though- my dad had already left, why was marc here now, and arguing with my mom? it… it didn’t make any sense. i’d just ran back upstairs, tossing and turning for the rest of the night.”

“i saw uncle marc more and more after that, always right after my dad left. that probably should’ve tipped me off that something here wasn’t right,but i was just a stupid kid back then. i was always wary, though, whenever he was around- he was the uncanny valley for me, like a mannequin or china doll, something that looked like it could’ve been my dad, but so obviously wasn’t. i didn’t like it, so i just… ignored it. i do that a lot. i remember, i asked my dad about it once, but he just looked so… tired. exhausted, even. the kind of exhaustion that comes from pain just sinking through your body and into your bones and just sitting there. i hated seeing him like that. he told me to let him know if uncle marc ever bothered me, and i told him i would, but that was a lie. i never brought up uncle marc around my dad after that- i didn’t want to see him look like that ever again.”

“so i ignored it- until i couldn’t anymore. this is something i remember vividly- i don’t think i could forget it, even if i tried. i was twelve- it was my birthday, actually, and i’d gone to bed after a long night of cake and ice cream and mario kart with my parents. right as i started falling asleep, though, i heard the telltale arguing- uncle marc was here. but this time… it was different. my dad wasn’t supposed to go on another ‘business trip’ for a couple of days- he promised he wouldn’t be gone for my birthday- and as far as i remembered, my dad never left. uncle marc couldn’t have gotten here that quickly, right? but that's not all that made this different. usually, when uncle marc spoke to my mom, it was in hushed arguments, low voices that i had to strain to hear, but now… it was a near screaming match. and they were arguing about me. it was obvious- i could hear uncle marc saying “she’s old enough, we need to tell her the truth”. who else could it have been? i was scared, and angry- what was ‘the truth’? what were they hiding? and why did my ‘uncle’ think he could talk to my mom like that?”

“i ran downstairs, filled with determination and a need to find out what they were hiding from me, and put myself between marc and my mom, and i yelled at him. i told him that he couldn’t just come in here and talk to my mom like that, that i didn’t like him being here at all, that i wanted my dad back. i really don’t know what i was thinking- i guess i was braver back then. the room was silent for a long time. but as i stared at marc, something just- something changed. it was like his entire demeanor changed at once, and his eyes just got… softer. that exhaustion i’d only seen once before, one i promised myself would never happen again. it was almost as if a switch flipped- i didn’t even realize he was wearing the same clothes my dad had been in earlier until he spoke… and my dad’s voice came out.”

“he explained everything that night- well, mostly everything. if he had told me about khonshu and moon knight that night, too, i think it would've been a bit too much for my little twelve-year-old brain to handle. but he told me about him, and marc. his d.i.d. they each handled different parts of his life, but they were both my dad. they both loved me.”

“it was hard to comprehend, hard to believe, for a child. i didn’t want to believe it, that my dad- or i guess, part of my dad- would argue with my mom like that. my dad hadn’t told me at the time that marc was the one who originally married my mom, that my dad- steven- only acted as my father so that marc could protect us. i didn’t find that all out until later- until it was too late.”

“i was sixteen. ever since my last birthday, i’d been hearing… voices. i wasn’t going crazy- at least, i didn’t think i was- but it was just this incessant voice, a presence i couldn't shake. like something- or some one- was watching my every move, judging me. since then, my father was getting more and more distant, and marc fronting was a near-daily occurrence. I never told my parents about the voices- i didn't want them to worry about me, to think I was going crazy... to think I was becoming like my dad."

"it all came to a head, though, when one night, my dad said he was relocating for a bit. he promised it wouldn't be for long, but i... but i was so confused. so guilty. did they know? was it my fault? i pretended to be okay with it, but I wasn't. the night he was supposed to leave for the airport, i followed him, and he finally noticed me following him halfway there because... because i saw him. khonshu."

"safe to say, i freaked out quite a bit. it's not every day a mummified bird man appears out of nowhere. i saw him, and it was obvious my dad did, too- but he seemed surprised that i could see him. surprised, then... angry. he said, and this is me quoting him, "get away from my daughter, you fucking vulture", and... i couldn't tell you what personality was in control at that time. marc, steven, and whoever else, they all just threw themselves at him, trying to protect me. but then... then khonshu said the words that still send chills down my spine whenever i think of them;"

"it's not me you'll have to protect her from."

"how many men were there? a dozen? a hundred? they all jumped out so fast, i couldn't count- jumping at us, brandishing guns and knives and other weapons i couldn't even name. it felt like my life flashed before my eyes. then... the unthinkable happened. my dad... he transformed. it was like this... this armor... literally grew on him. all the dots connected in my brain at once- his 'business trips'. talking about 'protecting' me. "

"my dad was a goddamn superhero. "

"i ran. i hid. i had to. i didn't want to, i hated doing it- but me being there was just a liability. if my dad got hurt because of me... i'd caused enough trouble already. i couldn't let that happen."

"i watched from the shadows as my dad took down our assailants one by one, switching near effortlessly between 'marc' and 'steven', a dance of effortless violence and brutality, one i had no idea he was even capable of. it was awesome. it was insane. it was terrifying. how the hell had he been hiding this for so long?"

"soon enough, the fight slowed to a near halt, till there was only one attacker left. i slowly retreated from my hiding place as the last man standing raised a shaky hand, aiming his gun towards my dad. it wouldn't matter- it shouldn't have."

"it shouldn't."

he shot.

it hit.

"it shouldn't have happened this way."

blood. too much.

that's impossible. the suit...

"the suit drew back like a curtain, exposing his chest to the bullet. after that whole battle... after learning the truth, the whole truth... was it all for nothing?"

my dad's dying, and there's nothing i can do.

"i was drowning. it felt like there was cotton in my ears, my mouth, nothing felt real."

"and then i woke up covered in blood."

"life after that point felt like... like reading a book in the dark. you can get a general sense of what's going on, but you can't focus long enough to actually make anything out of it. it was like that for a long time, and... and i was okay with it. i didn't want to have to face the world. my dad was dead. i... apparently ran away from home, from what i could gather, though it was through no intentions of my own. i obviously wasn't in school anymore- if i was, i likely wasn't doing very good, considering i don't remember attending a single class since my dad died. my life was a mess, and i was fine with just watching from the shadows."

"the next time i was awake,
fully awake, i was out in the middle of the street, wearing clothes i didn't remember ever owning, with a guy... a guy i recognized- from my school. well, my old school. he looked at me expectantly, and when he noticed the confusion plastered across my face, he gave a small laugh and repeated what he'd apparently 'just said'. he was... inviting me to a party? i was, quite frankly, really confused, but i cautiously accepted- i didn't admit to myself that maybe, just maybe, this could be a turning point, a chance to get my life back together, to be in control again.

"the rest of that day was... strange, to say the least. i didn't have a home anymore- hell, even if i wanted to get back home, i wouldn't have been able to navigate my way back- so i scruffily prepared myself in a gas station bathroom. when i looked in the mirror, though, i barely recognized myself. my eyes were the only thing still truly mine- soft, scared- but my face was covered in bandages, my arms in still-healing bruises, wearing clothing i never would've picked out for myself. it was... weird."

"the weirdest part, though, was that it seemed two people had started an argument inside my own head. one of the voices, i recognized- it had been tormenting me ever since i turned sixteen- and the other... it was my own... but not. there was something... different. something scary about it."

"what is this, spector?"

"i... i don't know, i didn't think..."

"didn't think what?

"she'd interfere."

"and because of her, you're now distracted from your mission to... what? go party?"

"please, khonshu, just give her this. then i'll make sure she doesn't bother us again."

"spector, if i wanted a broken avatar, i would've kept your father."

"the voices fell silent after that- i didn't even notice my hands were shaking until the deafening lack of noise filled my head yet again. when i looked back up at the mirror, though- my eyes were hard as stone."

"later that evening was the party, at some swanky mansion outside of the inner city. i felt incredibly out of my element- the 'broken' girl who fell off the face of the earth showing up at what seemed like the hottest party in new york. the crushing crowds, the flashing lights, it all was disorienting. i was determined to enjoy this, though- i forced myself to."

"i walked over to the in-house bar-
yes, they had their own bar- and ordered myself a glass of water to nurse while i watched the thrumming party scene. not long after, a boy sidled up next to me- the boy who'd invited me here in the first place. we clinked glasses, laughing as he took me on a tour from our seats, pointing out all the artifacts and souvenirs his parents had collected from trips across the world."

"looking back, there was a voice telling me, screaming at me to turn around, to notice the boy sneaking behind us, to notice him sneaking whatever drug that was into our drink. but i didn't. i ignored my reflection begging me not to take a sip- i was determined not to go insane that night, even at the cost at what would come next."

"the boy insisted that he'd take me on a tour of the upper level, but i attempted to politely refuse- i was getting dizzy and my head began pounding, and none of this felt like a good idea. i didn't have much of a choice, though, as he lead me up the twisting stair, down a long, dark hall to an unmarked room. i attempted to voice my confusion, but only succeeded in slurring my words to a point where i was even confusing myself. the boy laughed again- that damn laugh- and led me into that cold room, filled with three other smirking boys- and a single bed."

"the door clicked behind me. every warning sign in my head flashed, but i was too out of it to do anything about it."

what the hell did he do to me?

"i thought i couldn't be hurt any worse than i already was."

"i was wrong."

"the boys walked up to me. their hungry smiles twisted around me like a vise. they touched me. i tried to pull away, but my body felt like a pile of lead. i tried to scream, but my mouth barely made a whisper, and it echoed back into my own head."

"and someone responded."


"i didn't come out after that. i refused. only bad things happened when i was out. i acted like i couldn't have cared less about what happened that night. i never wanted to think about it again. i... i was hurt. badly. i'm not much better now, honestly."

"i don't want to be a hero. i don't know if i even can be- i can barely save myself."

"but i don't think i have much of a choice."

- personality -
as a child, sophia was a bubbly, whip-smart girl with a penchant for getting herself in trouble due to her dauntlessness. after her father's death, however, she's become a lot more withdrawn, overtaken by severe depression and guilt that refuses to let go of her. due to her past trauma, sophia typically hates fronting, and won't normally demand to front without being triggered, though she wouldn't go out of her way to trigger jay into fronting, either. while sophia has a small grasp of jay's powers, she refuses to acknowledge that she herself could also possess these powers, and due to her extreme guilt from her father's death, that she could possibly be a hero. the only thing sophia would admit to enjoying anymore is learning- both of her parents were tomb raiders history buffs, and their love of history- and gaining new knowledge- was passed down onto sophia. when fronting, she'll do nearly anything to just be able to curl up with a good book or enjoy the spoils of a new hobby without interference.

- powers -
healing factor - though sophia has yet to access the full capabilities of being khonshu's avatar, she still possesses a superhuman ability to heal injuries, strengthened by the light of the moon.

- abilities -
polyglotism - sophia is fluent in english, hebrew, and arabic, as well as conversational spanish and french.
eidetic memory - sophia has incredibly sharp memory and recall skills, and grasps onto new skills extremely quickly because of this.


- name -
jayson spector

- age -

- gender -

- sexuality -

- pronouns -

- alias-
moon knight

- appearance -
jay, being an alter of sophia's, shares the same physical body, but they still have a markedly different appearance. jay is much more rugged and confident, usually extending to her full height rather than slouching, with hard, cold eyes that give her a highly intimidating air. she typically dresses in sleek, form-fitting athleticwear that gives her ample room to move, though you'd be hard-pressed to find her out and about in normal streetwear- jay considers herself nocturnal, and with that territory comes the moon knight suit.

- bio -
[tw: mental illness, death, violence/blood, attempted rape, suicidal thoughts]
[spoilers: marvel's "moon knight", all episodes]

"you shouldn't be reading this."

"this life isn't meant for you to see. i know what you're going to think- look at this broken girl. she won't be able to save anyone- she can barely save herself. how's she supposed to be a hero? worst part- you'd be right. i'm not a hero. i'm just some girl trying to finish what she started."

"my life isn't noteworthy, not really. my mom was fine. she was... she was a mom, you know? protective. sometimes overbearing, but she knew i could hold my own. when i needed her, she was there for me."

"my dad, on the other hand... he was a dick. he'd leave without warning, come back and fight with my mom. never gave a shit about actually raising me- that he left up to the shell that would take over every time he came back. i guess i didn't want to admit to myself just how fucked up he was back then- i always acted as though he was just... someone else. it was easier that way, i guess."

"most of my childhood was... well, a blur would be the best way to describe it. like remembering is looking through a fuzzy t.v., that everything happened, but not to me. those memories that are clear are few and far between, but that first one, the one i remember most, was three years ago- the night my dad died."

"my dad was leaing for the airport, on his way to catch a flight to wherever, abandoning me and my mom yet again. i shouldn't have been surprised, but i couldn't just let him leave, probably for good, this time, without at least trying to confront him. so, i followed him to the bus stop."

"mistake number one."

"then... i saw him. khonshu. that god-ugly pigeon that had been burrowing in my brain for the last year for reasons unknown to me back then. i was... embarrassing to say, but a bit frightened. mostly annoyed. my dad... he was pissed. it was kind of nice to see, actually, him being all protective and father-like, like he should have been for the past sixteen years, but... i digress. it all ended up being a distraction, anyways. we let our guards down."

"mistake number two."

"it was like dozens of shadows jumped to life all at once, swirling around us in a violent dance. my dad told me to run, and by a will that wasn't my own, i did. i went and hid until the whole brutal battle was over- well, almost over."

"the last guy pulled out a gun. it was kind of funny to me- i would've never laughed at a gun before that moment, but at that second, everything felt so surreal. my dad wasn't some normal guy- at that point, i wasn't even sure he was human- and this was all clearly beyond that one guy's understanding, right?"

"mistake number three."

"i don't... i don't think i'd ever seen so much blood in my life- coming from my father, no less. i hated that feeling. eing so helpless, trapped, forced to watch my dad die."

"until... until i wasn't."

"it was the most insane moment in my life. it was if my entire childhood, i was drowning, my ears, eyes, mouth, stuffed with cotton, and i was finally pulled to the surface and allowed to breathe. i could tell i was finally in control."

"khonshu could, too."

"i locked eyes with the man who killed my dad- the kid. he couldn't have been much older than i am now- he was definitely just following orders. i didn't see that, though. all i saw was the monster that put a bullet in my father's chest. i could say i hated my father all i want, but this man couldn't just come in and kill him- that wasn't his right."

"i was... i was so angry. i would've done anything to get revenge in that moment. khonshu... khonshu knew that too. he made me an offer that, at that time, i couldn't refuse."

"do you swear to protect the travelers of the night and bring my vengeance to those who would do them harm?"

"i said yes."

"then rise. rise and live again. as my fist of vengeance. as my moon knight."

"it was like a fire lit up all throughout my body. i felt everything at once- strong. fast. powerful. then... it was like the suit jumped from my father to me, forcing me to my feet from kneeling by his side. i could see the terror in the man's eyes. i... i enjoyed it. for that split second, everything in my life clicked into place. this was where i was meant to be- with a goal. with power. with purpose."

"i could've just thrown a crescent dart, and it would've been over. a quick blow to the head, knock him unconscious. hell, i could've just let him run away- he looked well on his way there. but no. i wanted to see the fear in his eyes. i wanted to see him suffer. i was so blinded by my rage, by my grief, that i couldn't even recognize the fact that he wasn't the reason my father died- he may have shot the bullet, but he wasn't the one who exposed my dad's chest."

"i suppose it's to late for that, though."

"i can't block out what happened next. i have to remember- it's not my choice. but... i can choose not to say it. that i can controll. all i'll say is, by the time my anger faded away, the man was little more than a bloody pulp lying in the road. it had started raining. i hadn't noticed. i looked down at a puddle- i barely recognized myself. it wasn't just the strange armor covering my body, or the pitter-patter of raindrops sending waves that obscured my reflection, but the fresh blood dripping down my arms and in splatters across the white suit, the bloodlust in my eyes visibe even through the mask covering my face. it was... scary. i was scaring myself."

"i walked oer to my dad's body. slow. defeated. i collapsed beside him, the suit pulling back at my command, exposing shaking hands and bloodshot eyes pricking with tears. i was being pulled under, fading out..."

"...until i was forced to be called upon again."

"life after that was... hard. i was in the drier's seat, and it was new. i never went back home- i couldn't face my mom. i couldn't face anything- i just up and left those bodies in the road. someone else's problem. i didn't know where i was going, only letting my feet push me forward, the night obscuring my battered body. i eventually found myself back within the city- i ended up ducking into an alley and staring up at the sky for the rest of the night, my mind running in circles, unable to even think of sleep."

"that happened the next night, and the next. i was getting annoyed- i couldn't sleep, i couldn't work, at this rate, i was gonna starve to death. i remember looking up at the night sky, my anger reaching a boiling point- this was unfair. i'd lost everything. what was even the point anymore? of living?"

"and, as always, that fucking vulture just had to pipe in."

"he told me that he wanted to see if i would realize what i'd agreed to- that the deal we'd made hadn't just been a one-night thing. that the price of my vengeance was to be his avatar- his moon knight."

"i didn't have a choice, not really. what was i gonna do- argue with an egyptian god? besides, what he was offering was better than what i had right now- he lured me in, not with promises of power, but purpose. i keep falling right into that damn trap, time and time again."

"so... i became the moon knight. it was odd, at first- learning to use my powers, being 'trained' by khonshu, but as time passed, i got more into it. it felt... weirdly right. eventually, i started acting as an actual 'fist of justice', going after low-level criminals, then crime bosses, then threats to the gods themselves. i neer considered myself a 'hero'- i'm not one. i'm... a janitor. cleaning the world of scum."

"it went on like this for a while- roaming in the shadows by day, going after criminals by night. the same thing, over and over, for... well, a year, probably. it was a while, i remember that. until... something happened. it was a completely unremarkable day otherwise, but then... some guy walked up to me. i didn't recognize him at first- well, i didn't. then, it felt like someone else was pushing up against me in me own head, forcing me out of the way, pushing me back into the corners of my mind. i was speaking, but... it wasn't me. my words, my actions, they weren't mine."


"khonshu... he was pissed. i could tell. this wasn't part of the agreement- i wasn't supposed to be like him. that was the point."

"we argued for a while. eventually, though, the girl- my... alter- noticed us, and i decided to shut up khonshu by just convincing him i'd let her have this one thing, and i'd regain control by nightfall. he huffed, but neither of us pushed the matter further."

"so, we went to the party. i was reduced to mostly a fly on the wall, glancing around, searching for any potential threats. i didn't like this, and i could tell my alter didn't, either, but she was so determined to regain control of her life, that she insisted on putting us through this. it was... pretty annoying."

"the guy from earlier came up to us. he and my alter laughed a bit. talked about meaningless, mundane things i couldn't have cared less about. that was when i noticed it- the guy sneaking past the bar, slipping that drug, whatever it was, into our drink. i tried to get sophia's attention. i screamed. i begged her not to drink it. i don't know if she couldn't hear me, or just didn't care- she drank it anyways."

"i was getting tired. woozy. all my limited senses dulled until it was like i was forced into a coffin, unable to see, hear, move, do anything."

"and then i heard the screams."

"i burst through, showing myself to the front, forcing my alter to let me take control. i didn't know how we got here, but we were surrounded, boys grappling my body with greedy hands."

"they'd left a window open, letting moonlight flow freely into the room."

"big mistake."

"it didn't take long to dispose of them- i forced myself to hold back, though i wanted to do a lot more than just knock those monsters out. they were surely traumatized."

"but after all... so was i."


"life went back to mostly normal after that. sophia didn't come out much after that- i felt kinda bad for her, honestly. i promised myself i'd protect her. that was my job, after all- i wouldn't let anything be out of my control again."

"this new 'superhero' team, though? ...well, that just might change things."

- personality -
jay takes her job as protector rather seriously- this prickly, rough-around-the-edges girl puts up the act of a nigh-invincible warrior in order to protect herself- and by proxy, sophia- from any further trauma. she's rather overprotective, taking a sort of 'older sister' row to those she views as in need of help- which typically just boils down to sophia. jay herself has a rather dry sense of humor, and is extremely blunt and sarcastic. she also gets annoyed easily, and has a hard time explaining herself to others. she's somewhat of a lone wolf, preferring to strike off on her own rather than be a team player. she admittedly also has a particular bloodlust towards those who've hurt her or sophia, which can cause her to look a bit unhinged- though her normal fighting style is a lot more held back.

- powers -
transformation - while the moon is out, jay is able to summon the ceremonial robes of khonshu, a nigh-impenetrable armor that enhances her already superhuman condition and healing while she's wearing it.
weapon summoning - while in her moon knight armor, jay is able to summon razor-sharp crescent darts from the emblem in her chest, which she can also call back to her.
superhuman condition - being an avatar of khonshu, jay has gained superhuman speed, strength, durability, and agility, which far surpasses any normal human.
healing factor - jay has an incredible healing rate, being able to recover near-instantly from any injury, which is further enhanced by the suit. she's no deadpool, though- cutting off her head, taking out her organs, or anything similarly extreme is sure to do the trick.

- abilities -
acrobatics - jay is a skilled freerunner and traceur, able to navigate difficult urban terrain and new york rooftops with relative ease.
combat - while she doesn't know any formal martial arts, her time as moon knight and harsh life on the streets has led jay to develop a proficiency with hand-to-hand combat, one which can outmatch most formally trained adults.
arcane knowledge - similarly, after some time operating as moon knight, jay has gained a level of arcane knowledge, and is able to recognize most types of artifacts and magical abilities.

This is such a fun character idea, plus I kind of liked the first-person narration, it helped clear up the difference between the characters but also made the emotions in the bio so raw. My main question is, how do you want your character introduced into the team, should she be joining with the other members as introduced by Pepper, or would you rather they meet up in a fight later? Or do you have your own preferred method of introduction? Since your character bio is finished, once we figure out how we want to get you in and anything else you think I might need to know to enter your character, then you are clear to post! Welcome to the RP!
This is such a fun character idea, plus I kind of liked the first-person narration, it helped clear up the difference between the characters but also made the emotions in the bio so raw. My main question is, how do you want your character introduced into the team, should she be joining with the other members as introduced by Pepper, or would you rather they meet up in a fight later? Or do you have your own preferred method of introduction? Since your character bio is finished, once we figure out how we want to get you in and anything else you think I might need to know to enter your character, then you are clear to post! Welcome to the RP!
aw, ty!! I was thinking maybe have her join in on a fight, maybe the electro one if we move it to during/after sunset? then pepper could rope her in to coming and shadowing on loreli joining the team? c:
aw, ty!! I was thinking maybe have her join in on a fight, maybe the electro one if we move it to during/after sunset? then pepper could rope her in to coming and shadowing on loreli joining the team? c:
That works, the team was supposed to have introductions at 5, so if the sun set early it could be getting in dark at about where we are. Plus, Electro took out some generators so it could be darker without street lights/electricity in the city. The only thing is that Lorelei is not actually part of the line up anymore, but I’m sure we could find some excuses for her to stay. Maybe Pepper thinks she could train with Ben, who understands about having a complicated identity or that having her stay would help both her and Lucian.
That works, the team was supposed to have introductions at 5, so if the sun set early it could be getting in dark at about where we are. Plus, Electro took out some generators so it could be darker without street lights/electricity in the city. The only thing is that Lorelei is not actually part of the line up anymore, but I’m sure we could find some excuses for her to stay. Maybe Pepper thinks she could train with Ben, who understands about having a complicated identity or that having her stay would help both her and Lucian.
gotcha!! alright, that works with me! should i throw her in now, or does anyone else currently in the scene wanna have a bit of input?
Sounds good. I am having Electro know about the young avenger base from Kate dating around if thats ok with you Generation: Writers Block Generation: Writers Block that has been the intention the whole time.
Sounds good to me! I do also have a mind reader that Kate is currently going out with who will become a big problem for the team, after we have all the characters settled and introduced, but I also was playing around with the idea of having him sell some information to other villains, which could be the way electro finds out or he could come into the information some other way.

- name -
harley keener [born nathanial richards]

- age -

- gender -

- sexuality -

- pronouns -

- alias-
iron lad

- appearance -
harley is the kind of person who doesn't really look his age- with a scrawny figure and a below-average height of 5'6", he resembles a middle schooler more than a soon-to-be-college student. he has mousy brown hair that he seldom styles and blue eyes that are usually fixated on schematics or a new invention. he has a look about him that just screams 'i'm ready to do this'- what that is is rarely known, even to himself.


- bio -
Harley Keener, born Nathaniel Richards, was born to an inter-dimensional time traveler who, after saving a parallel dimension from complete destruction and imbuing it with futuristic technology, settled down, meeting Nathaniel's mother and having him. It wasn't long until after Nathaniel was born, though, that his father was confronted by a man who called himself Kang the Conquerer. Kang claimed to be a future version of Nathaniel, and he was determined to take away Nathaniel to get him started down the path of conquest earlier. Nathaniel's father vehemently refused this, attempting to fight off Kang, but not being powerful enough to completely defeat him. Nathaniel's parents decided it would be best if they got him as far away from Kang as possible, so Nathaniel's father decided to travel into the past and swap out Nathaniel with a dying infant in hopes that he'd be raised in a safe, normal family, far from Kang's influence.

Nathaniel was named Harley by his new family and began his life fairly normally. While his family wasn't the best well-off, especially when his father left when Harley was only four, he made the best of it, finding solace in building random things in the family's garage and creating toys for himself. After his father left, Harley's mother would often sleep around, giving Harley a little sister when he was six years old. Despite being extremely smart, Harley's awkward and talkative nature didn't make him many friends at school, and he was often bullied at school for his bluntness and know-it-all manner. This only ended up with Harley working even harder on his machines, though, developing technical skills far beyond his years.

Harley's whole life would change, though, when Tony Stark, the one-and-only Iron Man, crash-landed right outside his town after being attacked by the Mandarin. Harley, only ten at the time, was ecstatic to be meeting his idol- though he tried to hide his excitement to not seem like a 'little kid'- and offered him shelter while he worked on repairing his suit. The next few days were a whirlwind, with Harley and Tony attempting to fix the suit, being attacked by Extremis soldiers, all the while Tony struggled with anxiety attacks- which Harley was really not helping, despite his best efforts.

Eventually, though, the two of them were able to put Tony's suit back in working order, and while Harley was initially sad to see his mentor go, his efforts were handsomely rewarded in the form of several Christmas gifts he'd received from Stark, including an upgraded version of the potato gun he'd invented, new tools ad parts for his inventing endeavors- and a functional Arc Reactor. Harley was beyond thrilled, pushing his inventing skills to their limits, though he only really started to thrive once he got into high school. There, he was able to join a welding class, where he was able to make his contraptions bigger and better than ever before, though all the while he was working on a secret project- his very own Iron Man suit.

His first suit was a dinky thing made with scrap metal and loose parts, and Harley was barely able to walk around in it, let alone fly or fight. As he practiced, though, his suits became more functional, even combat-ready, though Harley never actually took them out- they were just a side project to him, and the thought of even showing them in public made him embarrassed beyond belief. Even so, he continued to work on them, and even he had to admit they looked pretty good, for a teenager.

Harley's world collapsed on him, though, when he was seventeen- the year Tony Stark died. Harley had been keeping loose contact with him, and though the Avenger seldom responded to his e-mails, when he did, it was always the highlight of Harley's day. Now, though, having his mentor and father figure dead struck him harder than he wanted to admit. Harley was surprised to see that he was invited to the funeral, though standing alongside so many great heroes made Harley feel small in comparison- he was just some random kid, he had no place at such a great heros' funeral.

After Tony's funeral, in a swirl of emotions, Harley decided to do something stupid- he took out one of his suits. Like, actually used it. It's a crazy story that, to this day, Harley is too embarrassed to tell. He decided that Tony had wanted him to help for a reason, and using the old arc reactor he'd been gifted so many years ago, he powered up one of his newer, fully-functional suits, and took it out for a fly around the city. Despite all his apprehensions, Harley was exhilarated by finally being able to use his suits how he'd always wanted. Flying around the city was a release for him.

It wouldn't stay that way for long, though. As he was flying around, Harley just so happened to spot a bank robbery in progress. High on endorphins, he rushed down to put a stop to it- but between his lack of combat skills and it being his first time actually being in-suit, he ended up not only not putting a stop to the criminals, but causing more property damage and getting himself severely injured in the progress. With both his body and ego bruised, Harley retreated back to his home, not even willing to face the consequences of his actions. Since then, while he still works on the suits on occasion, he's vowed off actually using them- most of his free time he spends volunteering at F.E.A.S.T. or teaching at W.E.B., counting down the days until he's graduated and can go to M.I.T. and leave everything behind him.

- personality -
Harley is a pretty chill guy, though his awkwardness and tendency to ramble and run his mouth can sometimes turn people away. He's extremely intelligent, with high spatial awareness to boot, making him an excellent engineer, though he often struggles with imposter syndrome and doubting his self-worth- especially since he thinks he owes the world something after being taken under Tony Stark's wing all those years ago. Harley tends to push himself too much and doesn't really know his limits, which often puts him in danger. Along with being very talkative, Harley is extremely blunt, though most of the time he doesn't realize he's being blunt, which usually leads to him hurting people and not even realizing it. Due to his parental issues and being bullied as a child, Harley latches onto people really easily, and can be extremely protective. When it comes to trying to 'be a hero', Harley is extremely nervous- while he wants to do good like his mentor, he doesn't want to tarnish Iron Man's legacy in the process.

- powers -
mk 3- Harley doesn't possess any innate abilities- while he's an extremely talented engineer, all of his superhuman powers come from his suit, which he built himself. Much like the original Iron Man, Harley's suit gives him superhuman strength, durability, and flight, as well as offensive repulsors and a unibeam which he can shoot directly from his arc reactor. While wearing his helmet, he has access to a head-up display which can give him information on his surroundings, navigate, and give him information on his vitals.

- abilities -
engineering - harley is an extremely skilled engineer, able to build complex machines with limited time and materials. over the years, he's honed his skills to a point where he was able to replicate a nearly fully-functional iron man suit, based off the originals from the late tony stark.

two questions
is this still open?
are we allowed to have symbiotes?
Yes, the RP still open right now and we are currently adding in new players into the story. Symbiotes are totally allowed, though making sure you at least know the how/when/etc they ended up with your character would probably make world building easier. Just draw up a character sheet here in the next couple/few days and you should be good to go, the current plot is at the top of the RP thread if you’d like it. Also, if there’s anything you can think of that you’d like or need me to know ahead of time about your character, just let me know. Welcome to the RP!
Yes, the RP still open right now and we are currently adding in new players into the story. Symbiotes are totally allowed, though making sure you at least know the how/when/etc they ended up with your character would probably make world building easier. Just draw up a character sheet here in the next couple/few days and you should be good to go, the current plot is at the top of the RP thread if you’d like it. Also, if there’s anything you can think of that you’d like or need me to know ahead of time about your character, just let me know. Welcome to the RP!
great , will do that and thank you , you can expect a character in short time
Still taking members?

And if so, is it okay if I did a magic-user?
more magic users, fun!!
my characters are getting more and more underpowered by the day-
more magic users, fun!!
my characters are getting more and more underpowered by the day-
4 magic users lol. we got a OP team 😂 the scale is unbalanced
ik there was gonna be a dr strange kid but i think they dropped out?
I was thinking of doing that actually. Been a comic strange fan since I was a kid, so I know all his spells lol. Yeah, I'm a nerd
I was thinking of doing that actually. Been a comic strange fan since I was a kid, so I know all his spells lol. Yeah, I'm a nerd
omg yes please do this. i think a dr strange kid would be sick

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