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"Honey!!! Wheres my Supersuit?"
The world we know

In the early 21st century political division grew remarkably tense and a global war broke out. Often it had been said that world war 4 would be fought with sticks and stones because mankind believed their weapons capable of wiping themselves out. As it turned out mankind had greatly underestimated their own resilience. In 2029 The United States, Russian, and China began a deadly nuclear exchange. Luckily for the rest of humanity the collective nations of the world all pooled their missile defense capabilities and of the upwards of 15 thousand nuclear missiles launched, only around sixteen actually hit the ground. That was enough for the vast majority of the world and the era of Superpower nations ruling the world became a thing of the past. The smaller nations of the world banded together creating what they called the UEA Or United Earth Alliance.

Over the following Century the Conflict persisted as the UEA turned against the superpowers responsible for the nuclear exchange. First Russia fell, then the United states surrendered and Joined the UEA. China's leadership finally fell after failing to hold their population hostage. For the first time in history the world stood united and the focus was shifted to science. All around the world what were once third world nations began to industrialize and rapidly advance. First came the Solving of our energy crisis with the implementation of Nuclear Fusion. Generation 7 Reactors were built, ones that were impossible to meltdown, Within a year of their production the earths energy output had more than octupled. With all this new energy mankind began to boldly meet new challenges. They cleaned all the garbage on the planet and in its oceans and dumped them into the fusion reactors using the leftovers of the past to fuel the energy needs of the future.

The true golden age came in the following century. Teams of scientists all over the world began to work on a variety of problems. The environment was cleaned, medical technology made man seemingly impervious to disease and raised the life expectancy to 200 years. But with all this growth and development the earths population began to rise exponentially and while new environment transforming technologies and Artificial islands meant that earth was a long way away from overpopulation, preemptive action was obviously needed. Rather than taking the authoritarian route of limiting births, a new initiative began with project Outward Bound.

Four massive Spaceships called Arcs were created. Each one would be over seven kilometers long and hold livestock, Crops, people, infrastructure, and everything needed to build a colony on another world. At the same time four planets were selected. Boones World located 12 light years away, Reginalds world located 14 light years in the opposite direction, Sonia's World Located 27 light years away, And finally Willow's World Located 36 light years away from earth. During their construction Many attempts at FTL technologies were made but none were successful...however they perfected Cryogenic Sleep technology and were quick to load these Arcs with Cryo bays where tens of thousands could be stored.

Finally after a century and a quarter of preparation the Arcs were launched each with a crew of 50,000 people. Their task was to establish colonies where they landed and prepare the needed infrastructure for a mass migration. The Pioneering colonists of each ship are divided into 4 catagories. The smallest catagory is the command Group who consists of officials elected by the individual ships crews. The command crew usually consists of 24 members. The next smallest group is the Science Crew made up os engineers and scientists who operate the ship and the technology on board, they are also the ones who will direct the colonists into setting up the colony itself on the World this crew also consists of the medical staff and is about 1000 members strong. The third Team is the Security force made up of 4000 well trained security personnel who are each armed. Finally the last and largest group is the General population, these are the many families and workers needed to establish the colony and a working economy on the colony. Each ship has a similar force and mission, though our story will Follow the Crew of the S.S. Neo Houston on their seventy seven year long journey to Willows world. The question is what awaits them there.

(Hiya folks. Today ive got a pretty interesting slice of life story for ya where we will be playing the roles of members of a budding interplanetary colony from earth. The S.S Neo Houston is our gorgeous vessel and our mission takes us through space in cryosleep at half the speed of light. Skeleton crews have been running the ship coming out of stasis for month long shifts until we reach the planet. Well our story begins when we do reach the planet...but nothing is as it seems...how can we survive? That is the answer our story seeks.

There are four parts of the crew you can be a part of.

Command crew- members of the command crew include the captain of the ship and the individual leaders of the other crews like the chief medical officer and the head of security. Most of the officials in this position were elected by the crew itself prior to launch so the potential for mutiny while not removed is minimized. These members are renown for their leadership skills and the ability to make the hard decisions.

Science Crew- This is the most educated division on board the ship made up entirely of Scientists, Doctors, and Engineers. They maintain the ship and keep essential scientific facilities up and running. While they lack the authority of the Command crew they do have very weighty and valuable opinions often being heard by the command crew and happily listened too, most seem to hate the security force as they have less authority than the security team and feel as though it should be reversed.

Security Crew- Back on earth a few centuries ago the worlds collective police, military, and Intelligence agencies were disbanded and rebranded as the UESF standing for United Earth Security Force. This force is actually primarily comprised of young members ranging from 18 to 30 in most cases and they began their ten year training in grade school after aptitude tests proved them worthy of being in the security force. While they are combatants none of these men and women are fools they are well educated and well trained and are the only armed group with weapons possessing dual security features like Dog tag sign in for each weapon and finger print scanners to make weapons stolen from them non functional.

General Crew- the rest of the population of the colony is made up these people. They are your general population, Bakers, Hair stylists, Shop owners and the like. These are the precious cargo of the ship and while they possess no authority they also possess no responsibility and have ample legal protections backing them up, while technically outranked by every other crew...every other crews job is to get them to the planet safe and help them to het established.

You may play any role you wish but this isnt a story about cyborgs and superhumans. Characters in this crew are "Normal" or at least normal for the 24th century. Possessing longevity, Excellent health both mental and physical (crazy people tend to not get selected for colonization and the screening WILL NOT allow such mental deficits to go unnoticed.) And are comparable to olympic gold medalists in their physicality. We are humans yes...but humans are far more badass than you may think.

If you have any questions let me know and ill gladly answer them for you. Hope you guys enjoy.​
I'm always interested in hopeful takes on the future. I'm new to RPNation, invited over recently to take part in a less optimistic colony game, but I'm an experienced play by post role-player. I'm actually running a scifi heist game on another forum where the players are stealing a corporate ship to convert into a colony ship. I'd like to be in another RP or two here, not just the one I was invited for, and this is definitely a compelling concept.

I'm flexible on the role. I'm comfortable with most character types but Security is at the bottom of my list at the moment. Mostly because all of the the games I'm currently in are heavy on the use of force. It would be nice to field someone less violent.

What are expectations around activity, post length, and so on? How long do you think this RP will go for? How soft or hard is this scifi? How many players do you want?
I'm always interested in hopeful takes on the future. I'm new to RPNation, invited over recently to take part in a less optimistic colony game, but I'm an experienced play by post role-player. I'm actually running a scifi heist game on another forum where the players are stealing a corporate ship to convert into a colony ship. I'd like to be in another RP or two here, not just the one I was invited for, and this is definitely a compelling concept.

I'm flexible on the role. I'm comfortable with most character types but Security is at the bottom of my list at the moment. Mostly because all of the the games I'm currently in are heavy on the use of force. It would be nice to field someone less violent.

What are expectations around activity, post length, and so on? How long do you think this RP will go for? How soft or hard is this scifi? How many players do you want?
Awesome questions and comments i shall address them all because...yes.

Thanks for your interest its nice to know you do sci fi stuff often. Thats definitely a plus.

All roles are availible and i myself will be playing a father son duo. The father being on the command team and being the head of security and the son being a marksman member of the security force selected for his ambidextrous shooting making him a prime candidate for teaching colonists how to shoot. There will be some combat yes but not alot and very rarely against fellow humans. If the situation does call for the use of force against the human colonist population nonlethal force is used and is a whole 300 years more advanced as the era is 2421, about 100 years were spent getting the world on the same page tech level wise so we did lose about a century of development.

Activity is pretty low yield but can be uped if need be. I prefer a post at least once every three days but can accommodate weekly or even daily posts. Preferably the rp can be open ended and go on as long as activity persists. Id say hard sci fi. No magic or strange clark tech for humanity as of yet. Think star trek but with genetically superior humans. Player count can go pretty high once we make it to the planet side as there are ample side quests and activities needed. There will be a horror subtone but the gist of the rp is survival and human interaction and development.

Hope that covers it let me know if you need more.
Oh post length. I prefer one or two paragraphs but im not struct about it unless its really short.
That all sounds good to me. I'm on Asia time so I'm heading to bed soon but I'll give this some thought and work on solidifying a character concept. Good to know that there's already a Command and Security presence.

On the character front, I should have worded that more clearly - I meant to ask, How many are we looking to recruit before starting up? I know this just went up so I figure it will be awhile before launch.
That all sounds good to me. I'm on Asia time so I'm heading to bed soon but I'll give this some thought and work on solidifying a character concept. Good to know that there's already a Command and Security presence.

On the character front, I should have worded that more clearly - I meant to ask, How many are we looking to recruit before starting up? I know this just went up so I figure it will be awhile before launch.
A little bit yes. Aside from myself id like at least 4 other players to express interest as that's the minimum requirement for the landing crew duties we need to start up.
Technology tidbits.
(Will be adding more of these as time goes on)

Weapons technology- the weapons of earth have gotten pretty powerful but are still limited by what is physically possible. Nuclear fusion microcells have allowed for some pretty powerful personal weapons. Here is a list of the common weapons security forces tend to be outfitted with.

MCP-2 "cloud caster"- standing for Magnetic Cloud projector it is actually a lot more devastating of a weapon than one would guess from the name. This pistol has a magazine filled with copper BB's about the size of the head of a 22 calibur bullet. These copper BB's are loaded into a chamber where lasers turn it into vapor and magnets propel this vapor cloud forward as a glowing red orb of molten metal. The nozzle can be adjusted to allow for larger orbs with a smaller range or smaller orbs with a longer range. Its magazine holds up to 50 BB's, and its maximum range is 100 meters though the shots get small enough at that range that they are hardly deadly. The 1 meter shot is capable of blasting a human sized hole in a steel door. Non lethal BB's can be loaded to essentially operate as impact rounds.

Phase rifle- when these come out that means the situation is dire. 12 fusion batteries fuel a powerful laser projector that can melt through a foot of steel in about a second. The batteries are on a cylider like a revolver and are rechargable at a rate of 1 charge every 6 seconds allowing a decent fire rate of 180 beams per minute. These weapons do not need to reload and possess more destructive power than the vapogun. Sadly they do not have a non lethal setting and are only passed out from the armory in the event of serious situations where the vapogun will not cut it.

Battle Baton- the standard issue weapon and what is most often brought to mind when security forces are thought of. These batons are incredibly lightweight and durable enough to withstand up to 100 tons of sheer force without misshaping. Often individual officers will modify them with electric currents or centrifugal force amplifies which improve the impact. This is usually the first weapon a security officer will draw followed shortly by the pistol. If the baton doesn't work to bring a foe down often times lethal force will be employed.

PPDS- personal point defense shield systems are a major linchpin in the security forces roaring success. These shields are always active but only trigger their energy shielding capabilities when an object is approaching at high enough speeds to cause lethal damage. Usually they will not stop a punch, or a thrown rock, or a baton strike, but bullets and lasers are usually intercepted. Essentially it is a shield that will conserve energy by only activating when needed and only shielding the area where defense is needed. These shields are far from perfect as they protect via unloading the same amount of energy as is being applied to them. Consecutive shots or Exceptionally large sources of force can overload the shields causing them to either short circuit and no longer work or to power down while a reboot phase is initiated. In either case the shield will be unable to function in those situations. Fast firing weapons can also be a problem though admittedly less so than say a ships heavy blaster bolts which will tear through the shields like they weren't even there.​
I’d be interested possible, would some basic cybernetic be fine though? Nothing super amazing more just utilitarian stuff for certain jobs and the like?
I’d be interested possible, would some basic cybernetic be fine though? Nothing super amazing more just utilitarian stuff for certain jobs and the like?
To an extent yes. Like ill allow cybernetic prosthetics but technology is advanced to the point where limits are easy to set. Depending on your department a cybernetic arm might be a liability in a combat situation. They wont be weaponized and what tools are in them will have safeties that prevent the loss or harm of human lives. So in short yes...but you cant fight with them....unless of course you get clearance for combat actions by a member of the security force. Their dogtags have the lethal force overrides for any and all tech. For example a car will not be able to hit a pedestrian the brakes will prevent it barring technical failure, if a security agent gets in and scans their dogtags however...well it just became a batyering ram.

Granted there's a shit ton of paperwork afterwards.
What's the level of non-military technology? Are we using nanite paste to repair wounds or just using tech to assist/accelerate natural healing? Are we all carrying around smartphones or has personal assistant tech become integrated (e.g. neural chip, contact lenses, etc)?
What's the level of non-military technology? Are we using nanite paste to repair wounds or just using tech to assist/accelerate natural healing? Are we all carrying around smartphones or has personal assistant tech become integrated (e.g. neural chip, contact lenses, etc)?
Careful tech development has kept technology relatively non invasive. Rather than implants or smartphones odds are we have an extensive internet/AI fusion that can be linked to private holocubes (hologram projectors that are small enough to fit in ones palm) and have vocal recognition.

So say your in the toilet and need to call someone to bring you TP. You can shout out to your rooms intercom to patch you through to Uber shopping and order your TP vocally.

On the flip side say you need to surf the web to show your buddy that one 20th century dance move. You can take a holocube and tell that same intercom AI to project the "Stanky leg" to Holocube D-147Q. And it would do so.

Its not that we ourselves are neurally linked...its that all our other technology is linked together and we can control it.

A good question.
Thats to say nothing of the 4-d printers. Badass as the name sounds its a marketing gimmick. It allows for matter transmutation turing one thing into another. They have industrial ones for fuel processing, ore extraction, etc. Then they have personal ones for tea and biscuits.
Also..."Dogtags" are tattoos that have nanites in them holding information and clearances. The tattoo can be anywhere though most get it on their hand because its easier.
To an extent yes. Like ill allow cybernetic prosthetics but technology is advanced to the point where limits are easy to set. Depending on your department a cybernetic arm might be a liability in a combat situation. They wont be weaponized and what tools are in them will have safeties that prevent the loss or harm of human lives. So in short yes...but you cant fight with them....unless of course you get clearance for combat actions by a member of the security force. Their dogtags have the lethal force overrides for any and all tech. For example a car will not be able to hit a pedestrian the brakes will prevent it barring technical failure, if a security agent gets in and scans their dogtags however...well it just became a batyering ram.

Granted there's a shit ton of paperwork afterwards.
exactly what i was looking for, just wanted to know if i could have a multitool arm prothetic thing

Are you still looking for any members for the security crew? I was thinking about a girl that is short and petite, acts childish, but can be a true she-devil and violent. I can adjust this, obviously.

Are you still looking for any members for the security crew? I was thinking about a girl that is short and petite, acts childish, but can be a true she-devil and violent. I can adjust this, obviously.
So long as it isnt like actual insanity and is an act thats fine. The Security force members are very effective. Combine police, all military branches, all intelligence agencies together. Then make basic training a ten year process that usually starts at age 8 so that by the time they reach adulthood they are experts in combat.
So long as it isnt like actual insanity and is an act thats fine. The Security force members are very effective. Combine police, all military branches, all intelligence agencies together. Then make basic training a ten year process that usually starts at age 8 so that by the time they reach adulthood they are experts in combat.
Got it!

And no, it isn't an actual insanity. She hates people seeing her vulnerable, so she acts tough.
Got it!

And no, it isn't an actual insanity. She hates people seeing her vulnerable, so she acts tough.
Lovely sounds very relatable and epic i love it.

She will work under James Alphius Stryker the current head of security. He is a 177 year old Security force member who joined at 18 granting him over 150 years experience. He likely trained your character as well. That was his position before being voted in as the Security force commander. He is a good man though one wouldn't describe him as kind. He encourages friendships and kinship to develop within his forces as he finds that people are capable of great things if they follow their hearts but use their heads. He is also the second greatest marksman in the entire Security force. Not of the 4000 on the ship but out of the 973 million security force agents on earth, he also ranks 4th overall in Close quarters combat.

One of her fellow officers or partner if you'd like as agents always come in pairs, is his Son Maxwell Jonas Stryker. He is 28 years old and has a decade of service under his belt. Like his father he seems to be prodigally skilled. He is 7th overall in marksmanship bolsters by his being an ambidextrous shooter who often dual wields. He is 29th overall in CQC making him impressive but not quite top tier, he also dual wields his batons. Its really his quick decision making and multi-tasking that make him impressive. He isn't a genius like one of the scientists but he is the furthest thing from indecisive. He aims to be among the first graduates of the Willow's world security command academy once the colony is up and running.
Lovely sounds very relatable and epic i love it.

She will work under James Alphius Stryker the current head of security. He is a 177 year old Security force member who joined at 18 granting him over 150 years experience. He likely trained your character as well. That was his position before being voted in as the Security force commander. He is a good man though one wouldn't describe him as kind. He encourages friendships and kinship to develop within his forces as he finds that people are capable of great things if they follow their hearts but use their heads. He is also the second greatest marksman in the entire Security force. Not of the 4000 on the ship but out of the 973 million security force agents on earth, he also ranks 4th overall in Close quarters combat.

One of her fellow officers or partner if you'd like as agents always come in pairs, is his Son Maxwell Jonas Stryker. He is 28 years old and has a decade of service under his belt. Like his father he seems to be prodigally skilled. He is 7th overall in marksmanship bolsters by his being an ambidextrous shooter who often dual wields. He is 29th overall in CQC making him impressive but not quite top tier, he also dual wields his batons. Its really his quick decision making and multi-tasking that make him impressive. He isn't a genius like one of the scientists but he is the furthest thing from indecisive. He aims to be among the first graduates of the Willow's world security command academy once the colony is up and running.
This is wonderful to know! Would you be playing those characters?
This is James. Toting a Full sized Vapo rifle which is basically just a bigger version of the pistol, and the basic body armor.

And his Space armor suit which is basically just a hud helmet and additional layers of shielding and anti weather materials.

This is his son Maxwell always well equipped that one. You can see the centrifugal grenades which are safe to use in a spaceship because they basically swirl the air and collapse lungs but dont damage structural integrity. Low yield versions are used for riot suppressing.
This is Maxwells armor which like his fathers is more shielded than just a personal shield but it also has armor plating for close quarters and a visor that calculates trajectory and movement while highlighting hostile red and friendlies blue. In his hands is a standard issue Phase Rifle.
View attachment 790606
This is James. Toting a Full sized Vapo rifle which is basically just a bigger version of the pistol, and the basic body armor.

View attachment 790605
And his Space armor suit which is basically just a hud helmet and additional layers of shielding and anti weather materials.

View attachment 790607
This is his son Maxwell always well equipped that one. You can see the centrifugal grenades which are safe to use in a spaceship because they basically swirl the air and collapse lungs but dont damage structural integrity. Low yield versions are used for riot suppressing.
View attachment 790608
This is Maxwells armor which like his fathers is more shielded than just a personal shield but it also has armor plating for close quarters and a visor that calculates trajectory and movement while highlighting hostile red and friendlies blue. In his hands is a standard issue Phase Rifle.
Wow! These pictures are amazing! Love them!

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