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Futuristic Firefly Canon (post Serenity)


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
I rarely EVER do fandoms. Still, this will be an attempt at fanfiction that picks up after the canon media ends. It will include the surviving canon characters plus enough characters to fill out the roster. As I recall the TV series had a crew of 9. I have NOT read any of the comics or books. I will NOT be using the game. (Zoe is the only surviving member by that time, which isn’t the aim here.) Bios of the canon characters will be taken from a fandom site.

The start date of the RP will be late 2519.
Serenity Specs


Malcom Reynolds
Zoë Alleyne Washburne
River Tam
Simon Tam
Kaywinnet Lee "Kaylee" Frye
Jayne Cobb

According to the ship specs there was space for 5 Crew and 18 Passengers (9 berths). Zoe gives birth to a daughter Emma in 2519. So it is possible she might reserve a berth for her daughter. (I couldn’t see Mal saying no.)

Some of the passenger berths need to be reserved for passengers who can pay. This is where I plan to start my characters. I have a pair with two kids who will want to pay for three berths - representing revenue of 33% of the max passenger load constantly being paid for. (I am thinking of the kids being ages 7 (girl) and 5 (boy) , but this is open to debate. I could make them older. I could even make them young adults, but that creates a major change in dynamics and the parents that much older. I do have no problem with this. The girl goes into science; the boy is a starship pilot of rare ability. I could even leave the parents elsewhere and just use the kids as adults. I would just need to nudge the youngest to be old enough.)

Opening Scene
As usual the Serenity is falling apart at the seams. Funds are low. There have been a few decent jobs, but the Union hasn’t been giving the Serenity much of a break. It is at this time that the Captain is approached by a man who needs passage aboard a ship for himself and his family.

3rd Person Past Tense
Decent literacy, spelling and grammar.
I typically manage about a page per post.
Please allow a little time for others to post.
Please don’t hold up the RP by not posting.


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