Experiences What are some RP ideas you've always wanted to try?

An RP that turns into a ARG, or something that plays with the medium of "forum RPs" itself that exploits the formatting and tools and collaborative nature of these RPs to do something that normal story writing can't accomplish. Or just like something meta that slightly messes with the players in the veins of a false hydra, it might not be every person's cup of tea and I know some people might get upset if the GM pulls this kind of thing though. But let's face people would subconsciously meta-game sometimes especially if there's a huge twist that you know is coming, so disclosing it too much might ruin the whole concept.

I once made this short subplot for an RP involving a character with a "disease" that slowly makes him disappear, which isn't normal disintegration or whatever it's literally being metaphysically deleted from the world. Eventually when it overcame him I went back and edited out every single mention of this character in every post because he was deleted from the timeline and only the PCs would vaguely know this person ever existed.
An RP that turns into a ARG, or something that plays with the medium of "forum RPs" itself that exploits the formatting and tools and collaborative nature of these RPs to do something that normal story writing can't accomplish. Or just like something meta that slightly messes with the players in the veins of a false hydra, it might not be every person's cup of tea and I know some people might get upset if the GM pulls this kind of thing though. But let's face people would subconsciously meta-game sometimes especially if there's a huge twist that you know is coming, so disclosing it too much might ruin the whole concept.

I once made this short subplot for an RP involving a character with a "disease" that slowly makes him disappear, which isn't normal disintegration or whatever it's literally being metaphysically deleted from the world. Eventually when it overcame him I went back and edited out every single mention of this character in every post because he was deleted from the timeline and only the PCs would vaguely know this person ever existed.
Sounds like the opposite of the movie Sixth Sense in a way.
Watched Waterworld (for nostalgia sake) the other day. That could be an interesting setting for an RP.

OC’s with gills scavenging what remains of the old world under the water, or maybe a continuation of the humans who made it to ‘Dryland’. 😅
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I have two ideas:

1). A sandbox free-roaming world where players play as dragons and other fantasy based creatures. Would sort of have a Monster Hunter feel to it, with a dash of animal documentaries, but you get to play as the creatures in this world. You can establish different factions, fight in wars, etc.

2). A DnD game, but kaiju oriented. Similar to the previous idea as in you play as the monsters, you start off having a base creature and slowly giving it more abilities and powers based on a point system. These points are assigned after the RP is graded. There could be kaiju adventures/quests into the depths of a "Hollow Earth" system, or have a fictious world filled with unique environments; or fighting against one another or against a common foe in classic Tokusatsu antics. You could also play as a human/mecha or alien, either helping or fighting the kaiju, or have your own aspirations in building an empire and so forth.
I'm not into fandom storylines because I prefer my own ideas/characters or adapting to suit the storylines of others. However, if I was to enter a fandom storyline, I would like to do something based on Planet of the Apes. Either something like the POTA TV show where the sympathetic ape is a gorilla or an alternate timeline based on the original five films where, thanks to a combination of factors, humans and apes coexist.
I have two ideas:

1). A sandbox free-roaming world where players play as dragons and other fantasy based creatures. Would sort of have a Monster Hunter feel to it, with a dash of animal documentaries, but you get to play as the creatures in this world. You can establish different factions, fight in wars, etc.

2). A DnD game, but kaiju oriented. Similar to the previous idea as in you play as the monsters, you start off having a base creature and slowly giving it more abilities and powers based on a point system. These points are assigned after the RP is graded. There could be kaiju adventures/quests into the depths of a "Hollow Earth" system, or have a fictious world filled with unique environments; or fighting against one another or against a common foe in classic Tokusatsu antics. You could also play as a human/mecha or alien, either helping or fighting the kaiju, or have your own aspirations in building an empire and so forth.
id be down for that DnD!
1: Playing with three or four people including myself in a polyamorous relationship in a slice of life setting. The thought of several people in love, going about their lives and seeing what each individual brings to the table and how they interact with each other and getting to know each character has always sounded fun.
2: Groups of super villains just out of rehab, trying to live normal lives and struggling with the civilian living. They're all roommates in one house and struggling through the tides of becoming better people and regaining the trust of others around them.
3: A group or two aliens crash on Earth, and they do wacky things to attempt to concur it. Making up our own species, planets and backstories they originate from. Bonus points if there's human(s) and they're just watching these idiots from a far.
4: A vampire story where a vampire royal is living in a massive mansion, but the story focuses on everything else where everyone is their maid, butler, relative, villager, parental figure, vampire hunter etc. and it can be any genre.
5: Settings roleplays. Held up in a rundown restaurant during a thunderstorm. Winter break in a cabin. Meeting strangers in bathroom during a party.
6: Detectives/police exploring reports of strange behaviors in a rundown farm.
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Werewolf x werewolf, they would both be lycans able to shift back and forth whenever they want
I got some ideas involving marvel or dc.

Normal pairing ideas for it too
It would be romance mainly
Roadtrip-roleplays. I've actually joined quite a few, but all of them ended rather apruptly. Can't even say why - probably because most don't follow a plotline?

It feels like a cursed genre.
I have two ideas:

1). A sandbox free-roaming world where players play as dragons and other fantasy based creatures. Would sort of have a Monster Hunter feel to it, with a dash of animal documentaries, but you get to play as the creatures in this world. You can establish different factions, fight in wars, etc.

2). A DnD game, but kaiju oriented. Similar to the previous idea as in you play as the monsters, you start off having a base creature and slowly giving it more abilities and powers based on a point system. These points are assigned after the RP is graded. There could be kaiju adventures/quests into the depths of a "Hollow Earth" system, or have a fictious world filled with unique environments; or fighting against one another or against a common foe in classic Tokusatsu antics. You could also play as a human/mecha or alien, either helping or fighting the kaiju, or have your own aspirations in building an empire and so forth.

I also have two more things to add:

1). Regarding the dNd kaiju campaign, it would actually be better if there was a consistent group of 5 players working in a party. The kaiju would start off as minor/low-ranking kaiju - being not as big or strong compared to other older "alpha" specimens (for context, you would start off around the 50 meter range, while alphas could range up to 100+ meters) - and again would have to upgrade ("evolve") their creatures to get stronger. Kaiju tribes would also be a thing to encourage sticking together; with the player party guided by an elder kaiju of sorts wanting to help them in exchange for favors. Of course, this can branch out to larger campaigns and overall goals; whether it be taking down corrupt GDF officials, searching for ancient artifacts within the Hollow Earth, or quelling an alien invasion.

2). Another RP idea I had loosely in the works is what I like to call "The Morrison Trail" - which is basically Dinosaurs meeting Wild West/Oregon Trail. A rag-tag group of people, with their dinosaur mounts, trek along with a guide from one side of the continent to the other to make a new life for themselves. All while traveling through unique biomes, encountering different towns, events, people, creatures, etc. This would focus more on a blend of paleo-accuracy (think Prehistoric Planet rather then Jurassic Park/World) with some fantastical/historical aspects to spice things up.

Click "here" for the inspiration piece/project that inspired the Morrison Trail idea.
Roadtrip-roleplays. I've actually joined quite a few, but all of them ended rather apruptly. Can't even say why - probably because most don't follow a plotline?

It feels like a cursed genre.
Same! Especially like a last road trip before the end of the world rp! I feel like that would be super fun but the genre is pretty cursed.

Also, good fun demigod roleplays? Do they not exist anymore?
Ok ok so hear me the fuck out on this super weird thing that no serious RPer would degrade themselves to.

An art based RP.

But don't worry if you can't draw because it'll all be stick figure based anyways.

It's a comedy adventure.

Okay I just want a Kingdom of Loathing/West of Loathing style RP.

For reals though I want a good comedy-ish RP where the point of things is being absurdist.
Adding onto the roadtrip RP:

A horse-ranch RP. I've also been in quite a few of these (also a super soft spot for me) but most of them seem to die out rather fast. It's a shame though, one of my first roleplays was a horse-ranch RP where the parents essentially dumped their kids with the horses so they can have a peaceful summer.
...by peaceful summer I obviously mean the parents. The RP was sprinkled with drama and young me LOVED IT.
I’d love to RP an old school Whodunnit like Cluedo/Clue, but with the threat of the killer rising again and eliminating one of the players as the RP continues. It brings this sense of urgency to looking for clues and really figuring it out before someone else kicks the proverbial bucket.

But it’s really hard to do because (1) deciding who should be eliminated is hard when players are attached to their OCs granted they even agree to eliminate themselves as part of the plot, (2) it involves people creating more than one OC which is a lot more to oversee as GM, (3) keeping everyone interested until the end unless someone guesses the killer tight away.
I’d love to RP an old school Whodunnit like Cluedo/Clue, but with the threat of the killer rising again and eliminating one of the players as the RP continues. It brings this sense of urgency to looking for clues and really figuring it out before someone else kicks the proverbial bucket.

But it’s really hard to do because (1) deciding who should be eliminated is hard when players are attached to their OCs granted they even agree to eliminate themselves as part of the plot, (2) it involves people creating more than one OC which is a lot more to oversee as GM, (3) keeping everyone interested until the end unless someone guesses the killer tight away.
I was part of an rp sort of like this once, it was amazing! The GM did dice rolls to see who would die, and the players were usually okay with getting killed off bc we all made 2-3 people!
I was part of an rp sort of like this once, it was amazing! The GM did dice rolls to see who would die, and the players were usually okay with getting killed off bc we all made 2-3 people!

That’s fantastic! I’ve never tried it with dice, but it makes the mechanics easier. I tried pitching this, but got no bites since the players “die” which might have turned people away. But I’m glad to know there’s actually some interest in this sort of RP. I might try it again! :)
Tbh I want to go on a quest or somethin, just something with a specific goal in mind, and everything we do in rp pushes towards that goal
Characters are celebrities. I think it’s super weird to play real people, it always makes me feel strange lol
Glad you feel the same way as I do about playing real people. It definitely feels creepy and wrong to me too. Like, when doing a RP about celebrity life or whatever then at least make up fictional celebrities for it llol.
After watching Belle, I would definitely like to try a similar concept in the anime as in the creation of a virtual world expanding on further. I even have ideas for it but I don't think it's not something I would want to try to make into a roleplay. Seems a bit too complicated. Still, nice to think about and write down ideas.
Light-hearted high fantasy jaunt through a perilous world of dangers and intrigue. Would enjoy writing a brash and hardy beastman warrior (leonin or lionman) that serves as the muscle to a scholarly type.

Would focus on platonic rather than any romantic relationships, though.
I wan an "The Office" inspired rp. Just goofy office antics. Hanging out outside of the office. Maybe rooming with people from the office. I mean with OC's, but I guess some oc's and official characters aren't bad.

Multi-universal would be funny too. "Doomguy, can you not leave your bloody shotgun on the desk? It's scaring the new hires." "Actually if you could leave it at home. In your locker maybe- I know you need it on the way out but just, not in the office, yeah?"

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