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  • "The sedentary life has left us edgy — unfulfilled. Even after four hundred generations in villages and cities, we haven't forgotten. The open road still softly calls, like a nearly forgotten song of childhood." - Carl Sagan
    To the guest mob who keeps lurking on my thread, pretty sure I know who you people are, but that's water under the bridge 🫡

    Account tab ---> privacy ---> Show online status (off) ---> Show current activity (off)
    Bots? Lol, that's what they tend to be.
    Maybe, but why would bots go on RPN?
    IIRC RpN uses some few, I learned when I modded.
    "I am afraid of the vapidness of my mind. That if I look in the mirror, I'll find a gaunt shadow of the man I'm supposed to be."

    "Why are we here?" He lay on the grass and gazed into the black, cloudless sky, peppered with stars like islands in a sea. "That's a good question."

    "I think—

    He smiled at the thought, close-lipped like he remembered a funny joke.

    "We're here."

    "To find out what's there."
    The stands were littered with bodies and most were innocent civilians, but he felt absolutely nothing. The deepest form of emptiness like a chasm in his soul; a corpse who hadn't died yet, only living because he was too scared to die.
    "I'm such a strong person that people are intimidated by me, and I always say what I think! If you can't deal with that then lmao, just means you're weak!"

    Gossips behind peoples backs, hates on others for fun, and is afraid to ask for extra ketchup.

    (No this isnt towards anyone in particular, just a hilariously pathetic personality type)
    Those who pride themselves on being brutally honest are generally more interested in being brutal than being honest.
    "Not compassionate, only polite — we well trained.

    Our sincerity's rehearsed on stage, it's just a game

    Not good, but well behaved, 'cause the cameras survey,

    Most of the things that we think, do or say."

    -Dante Smith
    He knew they were savage murderers; callous men with black hearts of hot coals. Wrathful eyes burning in the dark, dense shadows of old black cloaks.
    Yeah, it looks good now :xFsmile: For future reference, I've found that clearing the formatting (that eraser button on the top left of the reply box) works best for making sure your text is the default color (Not just black or white, as the default color changes automatically depending on the viewer's preference of light/dark mode)
    To all people who've replied with well thought out, intellectual posts that provide actual insight, my respect for you has vastly increases.

    Especially you Idea

    We seemingly disagree about everything, but you're always up for a good debate. Tippable.

    The thread was closed, but just wanted to give a quick thank you for the compliment.
    Yeah I'm sorry it turned to that. While I may disagree with your views, I think it's important for such views to be expressed as well, lest key issues go unaddressed or the way things are done stagnate. Even if not though, dogpiling on someone for an unpopular opinion is something which really rubs me the wrong way as well.

    I wish you the best of luck in finding (or making) and RP which truly suits your standards, and that next time your share your thoughts this will not repeat itself.
    No luck needed! Running a fantastic one at the moment, lovely members and we're doing well.

    Thanks for all the positivity tho 🙏 it makes a difference.
    Well, I'm glad to hear it then :D

    Zack reached out with small, grasping hands and hoped his friend would return, but the shadow was gone forever. He was already part of mother earth — of lush grasslands and rain forests, cold tundras and snowcapped mountains, vast deserts and the ocean Zack crossed after seventeen years. His curious, passionate eyes widened as a storm battered the Tsimtsum, a mighty vessel who pushed on with the slow, massive confidence of a continent.

    "Report to your stations!" the captain said as waves loomed over the deck. "All hands report to your stations!"

    Zack ignored the order and rushed to the bow. He leaned over the side and peered into the endless abyss, gripping the rail as the ship tilted downwards, hammering the waves like Hephaestus himself. The sea exploded on impact like sparks from a blade, embracing the boy who faced Poseiden's wrath.
    —has started captain!"

    "What the hell does that mean?"

    "Look over there!"

    "I don't see anything!"

    "It's right there behind the tree!"

    "What even is — is that a banan?"

    "Aye, the temporal loop—
    Steel for humans, silver for monsters, gold for the Witcher.
    Yes, but what about second breakfast?
    Swords can be used as a skewer
    Heyo, how've you been holding up?
    Thanks man I appreciate it. Hope your RP goes well too.
    Hey, do you wanna join Cap's writing server? He's interested in having you around.
    I don't RP much anymore but I'll consider joining. Maybe there will be something I'm interested in.
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