• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern We All Break Sometimes (Main)


Carson Hughes

Carson kept watching as the snowflakes went from small to thick and she knew it was going to be a bad storm. She wasn’t exactly thrilled for the storm to come but she was excited for the layer of snow that would inevitably blanket the town. The peace she would see in the morning would be worth it, but for now she let the dread sit in her stomach. She had been texting with Moses all morning trying to convince her boss that she didn’t miss him and that she was doing just fine without him, and for the most part she had been. Keeping him a secret was something she usually didn’t do with people, but she loved her job at the coffeeshop, and she had worked hard originally when she first started but, then things changed. She didn’t develop feelings; she developed a desire and Moses was easy enough. A man who played the fields as much as she did.

In between those texts she was handling Blu and the fact that her sister Scarlett was in town. Now, Carson didn’t even know about this sibling, but she was more than willing to help her friend and she waited. Finally, a girl walked in, conversed, and walked right back out. Carson found it odd, but what made it even odder was when she walked right back in, and yes Carson had been warned, but she stood for a moment in awe of how short this girl’s memory was. She quickly shook it off and went back to her customer service voice.

“This is Anchor Bay, I’m Carson and this is Rise N’ Grind our local coffee shop.” Carson already had the hot chocolate ready as she guided the girl to one of the stools at the counter, “Why don’t you sit and enjoy this. It’s cold and I thought I was going to drink it, but I’m not and I don’t want this to go to waste.”

It only took a matter of minutes between the cup being set down and Blu blowing through the doors letting in a blast of cold air. Carson let the two sisters have their moment while she went back to texting Moses. She just needed to get the girls out and hopefully they would be somewhere safe, with the way it was looking outside. She let out a small sound, “Not to be rude, but due to the weather and the town meeting, I’m closing early today. There’s not a rush, but this isn’t where I’d want to be stuck.” Carson gave Blu a look because really Carson had other plans. Plans that no person should ever do at work or with their boss. She hoped the look could pressure Blu to quickly leave, “Don’t worry about paying for anything. It’s on the house today. Boss owes me for having me open this place even with the weather. It’s coming from him.”

Mention(s): Syrok18 Syrok18 Interaction(s): r e i r e i revalia revalia

Bristol Ricci

Bri watched as Hudson searched high and low to no avail before he came to the realization that they had been taken for laundry. She smiled as he pulled away from their kiss and the smile felt like it was one of those stupid silly grins that’s only ever discussed in books and movies. Though it was short lived as a voice appeared and, in the doorway, stood Maggie. Any ounce of color drained from Bristol’s face and wanted nothing more than to walk away from a situation she hadn’t expected to be in. Each word from Maggie felt like a solid jab and Bri couldn’t find the words to say anything to defend herself. She was struggling to keep herself together, to keep from running off before Hudson returned.

She hated how much some people made her feel for lacking the experience that they had, like it was a contest, and they were winning. Yet somehow, she got to spend time with Hudson, someone who made her feel important, didn’t belittle her, wanted to spend time with her regardless on if she was feeling social or studying. So why did she always feel like she was losing when everyone judged her? She let her eyes look at the ground not facing Maggie as the taller, older girl continued her taunting.

When she heard Odi’s voice her eyes lifted and only met for a brief second before looking back down. She wanted this moment to be over, for them to not be there. It only took a few more seconds before Hudson returned and she had gone quiet, unsure of what to say as she held his hoodie in her hands. She didn’t return any gesture but instead softly pushed him away, “I need to go. My dad.” She didn’t finish as she opened the door to his room rushing down the stairs, and to her dad’s car. She didn’t say anything as she sat quietly in the passenger seat. Maybe she should have said more to Hudson, but she was embarrassed and upset. She shouldn’t have bolted out of the house, but she had and somehow, she knew they would end up discussing what had happened. She wasn’t mad at him, but she wondered if he thought she was. In her lap sat Hudson’s sweater and it smelled like him and that gave her a small calm even though she was unable to explain or process her thoughts. For now she was on her way to the town meeting and she was meeting her pen pal Aariz for the first time.

Mention(s): lion. lion. Interaction(s): travelbypages travelbypages
Dakota Harvard

The little electric fireplace that heated the living room area of her tiny home hummed as Dakota cut open a dishware box to place on the little counter for cleaning when she heard her phone beep. Between unpacking her new things and messaging Jay, the girl was already running late to the school thing and decided that since it was going to snow anyway that she wanted to stay home and get things cleaned and unpacked. She hadn't exactly purchased much for her new home but for now it was essentials like shower curtains, window blinds, a bed set, kitchenware, etc. So far, she had no clue what she wanted to do with the little home but she knew she wanted to paint the place a sage green and most of the things she had purchased were plant print and beige colors.
Running the tap to let the sink fill to clean the dishes off, Dakota checked her phone yet again as Jay messaged her that he was going to the park. Frowning some, she sent back to him that it wasn't a good idea. Wherever he was, he was very obviously drunk and probably shouldn't be out when a storm was about to hit. Shutting the tap off she moved over to the boxes that contained her clothes and began to shuffle through to find her warmer jacket. Finally pulling it out, along with her snow boots, she slipped them on and grabbed the keys to her moms vehicle so she could make her way out and pick the man up, as well as scold him.
Dakota hadn't done much since Thanksgiving. She finally got time to go shopping for her new place with her parents, hang out with her new friend Vanja, and even hook up with the coffee shop owner every not and then. While it did seem boring for now, the girl wanted to find a job and give herself something to do. Her parents weren't exactly rich but they had enough money to keep the girl afloat while they tried to convince her to just relax and "heal". She just wanted to live like a regular adult. So she would find a job and work to pay for her own things. For now she would just appreciate the start that her parents were able to provide for her.
The snow was already getting a little hard to see through, so Dakota took her time as she made her way to the park where Jay had said he would wait. She knew the mans family well enough that he would get in more trouble showing up to anything in his condition than if he were to completely ditch. So her plan was to get him sobered up before she took him home and used the excuse that they were catching up. Technically, they would be... This sort of catch up though would involve enough food and coffee to get someone sober though. Though she was driving at a snails pace to avoid the car slipping on the snow, Dakota eventually pulled up to the park and saw his figure against the blanket of snow, so she gave her horn a little honk and texted him that she was there.
Mentions: Qwertycakes Qwertycakes Syrok18 Syrok18 Myling Myling
MOOD: Nervous yet excited, overall happy

OUTFIT: Happy yellow

LOCATION: Outside the bookstore

Larissa revalia revalia

--------don't type anything after this comment--------

TL;DR Galileo is meeting his online friend for the first time
Galileo Schmidt
"Smile and the world smiles with you."
"Hi Leo, I'm Larissa and the feeling is mutual. It's a delight to finally get to meet you in person." Larissa said and the words made Leo happy. The words also made Leo realize that the girl had been able to read from his lips. Larissa blushed a little, but Leo wasn’t sure if it was just his imagination. They had just met but the interaction seemed to go well and Leo started to feel more comfortable around the girl. As Rissa smiled a dimple appeared, which was a cute feature in Leo’s opinion.

Galileo was happy to notice the wide smile Larissa returned to him. The girl seemed just as easily approachable as she had seemed online. She even knew the word for hello in ASL. Or at least the motion she was doing with her hands reminded him of it. Leo chuckled a bit. Without thinking much, he grabbed the girl’s hands and positioned them in a way that made the sign more correct. In that instance, he however realized he shouldn’t have done that.

Instead he should allow Larissa to have some personal space and not just suddenly touch her without asking. That made Leo feel bad about himself, he didn’t want to seem rude. He became nervous again, too nervous to speak “I… Umm.. Sorry.” He was able to mumble an apology paired with a smile just as apoletig as his tone. His left hand went over his head, brushing his curly locks. A common motion he did when embarrassed.

"It's okay if you do not feel like conversing till you calm down a little bit from the nerves, we can wait. I do not know much of ASL to continue our conversation but I can try to read your lips as well." She reassured Leo with a soft and approaching tone of voice. Leo nodded eagerly with the wide smile back on his lips. “That’s appreciated. Thanks.” He mumbled his heart still beating a little faster than usual. First meetings were always nerve racking, even when they were going well.

Leo felt surprisingly comfortable in Larissa’s company. Her words had really reassured the boy and thanks to her he felt now more calm. “Now that the greetings are done, should we go to the school?” He asked softly while trying to not have an shaky voice. Little by little his heart started to calm down too. When Larissa agreed to leave the book store, Leo nodded with a smile again.

He opened the door for the girl and with that they left the bookstore. As they walked towards the school, Leo made sure to slow down his pace. He was taller than Larissa and when he took a step Larissa needed to take at least four. He didn’t want the girl to desperately try to keep up walking in the same space so it was better to walk little slower than normally.

--------don't type anything after this comment--------

code by valen t.
the protector
Theodore wasn't happy nor ok with the circumstances that he was in right now. He was stuck at school, without his computer Issac or his sister. He wasn't expecting a full on winter storm to have him stuck in a place where he tries to escape out of everyday. He had his headphones on and was walking around the hallways. Avoiding looking at anyone until he got to his destintion which was where Oliver was. He was focused on that instead of the fact that he was stuck in a place for he doesn't know how long. He texted his sister, telling her about where he was and how he didn't know how long he would be stuck here.

She let him know that Angel, the only other person he trusted aside from Abuela, Lulu, and Oliver, was coming over to help fix the heater or bring a new one. She didn't want him back home yet due to the fact that it was way too cold in the house. Normally, he was in a rush to get back home because his sister was alone, and he hated her being alone but knowing that Angel was there with her, made his anxiety about it lessen. He knew that she would protect Angel, not better than he could of course. He was trained in mixed martial arts but enough where he didn't need to be there. He trusted her to make sure his sister is ok but his last request was that they both came to get him today when it was safe to. He wanted to see Angel after not seeing her for so long. She went away for so long but she never forgot his birthday or holidays. She was always there for him even if it wasn't in person. She gave him, his other best friend, Abuela who took care of him like a grandmother.

She was the only person he ever told about his feelings about his sister and Angel. How they both were like mothers to him, and how he never wanted them to be separated. Another reason, he had that breakdown when he was younger, was because Angel went away during that time as well. Potentially losing one mother-like figure was overbearing, actually losing one was just...it broke his heart and he didn't understand why she had to go away. He didn't understand why she wouldn't stay when he could see although emotions are hard for him, that she loved them. So he acted out in frustration and anger. He just wanted his family together. That's all he has ever wanted.

He turned into the auditorium and saw Oliver. Sitting by him quietly, he just tapped the floor twice, letting his best friend that he was there. He knew that Oliver didn't like being touched, so he made a way that in case he couldn't see him that he knew that he was there for him. Theodore just put on his headphones letting music calmly float through his body, he wanted to wait until his friend was ready to talk to him, and not overwhelm him. He watched the people come into the auditorium, and he kept count on them to help relax him.

Until Ollie was ready to talk to him

school's auditorium
panic and scared.
coded by natasha.
MOOD: Frozen

OUTFIT: Chilly

LOCATION: Anchor Bay High.
Calla travelbypages travelbypages

Theo r e i r e i

TL;DR ...
Oliver Dreyfuss
How lonely it is, to be drowning in a place where everyone can swim

Theo tapping on the floor immediately caught Oliver’s attention. The smaller boy let out a startled gasp, bolting upright in his seat as if a shock of electricity had just run through him. Once he saw who it was, though, he visibly relaxed. Theo was a friend from school, a classmate of his despite Theo being nearly two years older than Oliver. They frequently found each other side-by-side in mandatory social support training and other services, so their friendship mainly revolved around school, but Oliver had come to appreciate Theo’s presence.

“I got a turtle,” Oliver started immediately, without so much as a hello, “Calla gave me a turtle. He’s– he’s a p-painted turtle, which are native to North Am… North America. They can grow up to ab-bout six inches long, and Peter is about four, which means… oh, I named him Peter P-Pritchard. After the… the turtle zoologist. He died this year. Not my turtle, no no no, the human… the human Peter Pritchard. The zoologist.” While he excitedly prattled on about his new turtle, Oliver fumbled through the photo gallery of his phone to show Theo picture after picture of the small colorful reptile. The boy usually spoke so little, but the subject of turtles always seemed to find his words. Once satisfied that Theo had seen Peter from every angle, Oliver tucked his phone back into his jacket pocket and leaned into the arm of his seat. “He’s so cute.”
There was a sort of pride in his voice that was new to him. It had been a long time since Oliver had been in such high spirits.

He avoided the subject of his current living situation with Theo. His turtle was far more interesting, but more importantly than that, many of his teachers might be here in this auditorium; people who should not overhear such things .He’d have to tell them about it eventually, but that would take careful planning of whom to tell and when. For now, as long as he was on school grounds, he simply chose to pretend everything was normal and he still lived with his biological family. After all this time, listening to people discuss the fire and its aftermath was going to be tense for him. He was glad, now, that his friend Theo had found him, so at least he had someone nearby if it ended up being too much to sit through. Speaking of which…

“I thought the… the… the thing was supposed to start.” He mused flatly, lacing his fingers in his lap and observing the auditorium, which was now full of bored and anxious students and townsfolk of Anchor Bay. The sound of low, worried chatter and whispering had begun to fill the space.
The seat reserved for Mayor Lowes remained empty. Surely they wouldn’t start without him, seeing as the whole point of this gathering was to decide on whether or not he’d be keeping his position in the town… and though Oliver didn’t care much whether or not Mark Lowes remained mayor, this conversation about the fire was important to him.

Not knowing what else to do, Oliver began scrolling through local news sites and social media, trying to track down what was happening. Halfway down his Twitter feed, he froze up. His eyes widened, his mouth dropped open a bit, his skin turned a sickly pale tone.
Without looking over at Theo, he shot his friend a digital message.

"We’re locked in. We can’t leave."

code by valen t.
Meyer Spriggs

Meyer couldn't help but smile down at his phone as another message from Malachi came through. He'd been enjoying his time with the biker and his dog. Besides hanging out in the apartment and getting to know each other more, they'd gone on little adventures on Malachi's bike before the snow hit. Glancing at the window near the kitchen he could see the snow was coming down more and decided that not many people would be coming to shop for music on a day like today. Plus the town hall thing was going on that he had no interest in. Sure the mayor was a dumbass, but he'd rather run his store for any chances a tourist or something may come through.
Walking to the front door he turned off the open sign and locked up the door and till, then made his way back to his apartment just as he heard the back door. Going over to it, he opened the door for Malachi in case his arms were full of groceries but instead saw the biker with snowflakes in his beard and hair, "you look like a snowman." He pointed out with a smirk on his lips as he closed the door when Malachi and Scooby stepped in. Relieving Malachi of Scooby, Meyer took the little took into his arms and walked over to the bed to put the little dog down, the dog instantly going to warm up under the blanket. Months ago he wouldn't have pictured himself inviting a guy over regularly, but now he found himself lonely whenever Malachi wasn't around even though it had only been a few weeks.
Once Scooby was all settled, Meyer made his way over to Malachi to take a peak at the ingredients the man had bought for spaghetti. "Wow, fresh ingredients. If it were me there would be a can of sauce and noodles... Or just noodles with butter since I'd probably burn the sauce." He said with a small chuckle as his hand slipped under the back of Malachi's shirt to rest on the mans warm skin despite him just coming in from the cold.
One of the things that had him so attracted to Malachi was how well they had bonded over their dark pasts. With Meyer's addiction and Malachi's criminal history, neither judged the other for what they had done and how they had overcome it. Malachi with his biking, Meyer with his store. Before Malachi could begin cooking, Meyer leaned in to lightly press his lips to Malachi's, "I hope the food is as delicious as you are." He said with a devilish grin as he pulled away, hearing Scooby give a little jealous growl from the bed. Reaching into the cupboard he grabbed a treat from the treat jar that he had purchased specifically for the dog and made his way back to the bed, turning on the T.V. for background noise, and got Scooby to do little tricks for his treats while Malachi prepared their food.
Mentions: OdinsTwoWolves OdinsTwoWolves
MOOD: Belligerent, Burned, and Hurt


LOCATION: Ryker's Apartment

Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler

Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler

TL;DR It all comes full circle

Ryker Thompson

"I love you."

She came in like a whirlwind.

Tatum had always done that, ever since they knew each other, she would come in and spin him around on his heels till he couldn’t feel like he could see straight. Truth be told, Ryker was a hundred percent sure the tequila he had been drinking was the reason he couldn’t see straight. He should’ve done what she had told him to do, go hide out in his little game room with Wendy till he heard the front door slam so Tatum could walk out of his life forever, so he couldn’t hurt her anymore then he’d already done so. He couldn’t make himself get up though, paralyzed on the couch by the alcohol that was making up eighty percent of his blood, but there was a mental block inside of his little brain that wasn’t letting him get up. He wanted to see her again, just one more time, to commit her face to memory even if it was the angriest he’d ever seen Tatum Brown; it would be a nice memory.

“I…” Ryker was slow to get to his feet, even slower to form a coherent string of words that could form a sentence as he wobbled like a newborn foal finding its hooves on solid ground for the first time. “I am not a fucking hypocrite…” That word was too big and Ryker was rubbing his palms against his face, every single slam of Tatum gathering her stuff made his head ache even worse. Wendy was gone, the gray feline who had just graduated to freedom from motherhood darted into the office and hid away in the caves of her cat tree. Even Wendy knew this was going to be a hell of a row between the two…

“Jesus Christ…” His rough hands slid across an even rougher face, the dark stubble had grown into a forest across his sharp jaw that was normally shaved clean every day and he smelled like he’d just bathed in grain alcohol. Ryker breathed out a low sigh and looked down, his body was even worse looking, already skinny from constantly working out to a ghoulish looking frame where his skin stuck to bones. All of the sudden, Tatum was back in front of him, appearing out of nowhere, it spooked him and he stepped backwards, nearly toppling.

“Fuck all…” Ryker’s voice was a growl, his blue eyes were lifeless glacier pools that seemed to have no ending, especially in the shadows of his depression nest. “Yes, I’m fucking hurt, I can be fucking hurt…” He got himself back on firm ground as he stared daggers at Tatum, “Yes, the insides come out… That’s all you fucking know apparently.. “ He waved a dismissive hand, “Leave me alone… I’m not worth your fucking time, Christ above..”

code by valen t.

MOOD: Absolutely Blissful


LOCATION: Meyer's Place

TL;DR Happy biker boi, Happy little dog, Happy music boi

Malachi Shepherd

"You bring me peace."

“You’re a little devil ya know that?” Malachi’s eyes closed and he let the taste of Meyer’s lips linger, the little sparks of childish joy and wonder made his heart feel more lighter then it had ever felt. He breathed out a soft sigh and just looked at the little dog who was all tucked in his bed with a treat to chew on, then Malachi just stared in wonderment at the little twig of a man that continued to strike him deaf, dumb, and blind every single time they locked eyes. What was he doing? Malachi shook his head slowly and turned away so he could get to work on their dinner, quickly rummaging through the kitchen since he knew where everything was since he spent more time here than in his actual hotel room. A little Sunday sauce, that was his plan, just get that in the pot and cooking then he could go snuggle up with his favorite man and watch TV or… do other things to occupy the time.

The lewd thought made him grin a little, a half smile painted across his face while his massive hands worked like smooth gears as he sliced tomatoes and onions and garlic. The sizzle of the pork and beef mince was like music to his ears as the lovely smells started flooding into the apartment, this was a long call from the chorizo and eggs they’d make growing up, a staple meal because it was cheap to get the ingredients and it could easily be a big meal for all the kids. Kids… The thought made him sad, he missed his sister and her children, even her husband. He wanted to be home with them, to celebrate the holiday and just spoil the kiddos with gifts and everything. Being with Meyers? It made up for it, a hundred and ten percent for sure.

“Hey baby…” He flopped down next to Meyers and wrapped him up in the biggest bear hug imaginable, pressing a noisy annoyance of kisses all along his face till he was laughing. “I don’t bother you do I? Hanging around like this…” Malachi knew where he was going with this, but he wasn’t all too sure about the answer he was going to get.

code by valen t.
Meyer Spriggs

The man in the kitchen cooking a whole ass meal was like something from Meyer's dreams. Even through his shirt he could see the flex of his arms and back muscles, which basically had Meyer drooling instead of paying attention to the dog or T.V. Anything that Malachi cooked was better than the stacks of frozen dinners that Meyer kept in his freezer. He felt a nudge on his hand and looked down to the little dog to not make it too obvious just how crazy he was for Malachi. He'd always been alone, never dated, never developed feelings. It was always just him and drugs or him and music besides the few random hook ups every now and then. It was hard for him to let people in because of how quickly he could burn himself out.
When the bigger man came over and flopped down on the bed, Meyer laughed and wrapped his arms around him. One thing was for sure though is Malachi brought out a side of Meyer that he had thought he had lost a long time ago. The question Malachi had asked though caught him a little by surprise, "a lot of people annoy me, I never let anyone back here, and I get bored of people easy or try to avoid the drama. You are probably one of the first people I actually want around. I enjoy you invading my space, especially since I haven't eaten a frozen dinner since you've been in town." He said with a smile and once again brought his lips to Malachi's.
Eventually he pulled away some to look at the man and sat up a little, propping himself up on an elbow, "I could ask the same for you though. It's just been you and Scooby on the road, now you're here, with me most of the time. How have I not annoyed you yet?" He asked as he gently bit down on his lip ring, something he did when he was nervous or uncomfortable with a topic, not that he would object to being open with Malachi. He'd already told the man about his addiction, what he had done, and how he got to where he was. Malachi had opened up about his past as well. Which made him a little more comfortable with the man despite Malachi's past being a bit more violent.
Meyer heard a little thud as Scooby hopped off the bed to go curl up on the dog bed that Meyer had bought that was placed strategically near the little fire place so the little pup could stay warm. Glancing to the spot then back to Malachi, Meyer scooted closer. He wanted nothing more than to fool around like they usually do, so he held off some to press a few kisses along his shoulder as he waited patiently for his answer.
Mentions: OdinsTwoWolves OdinsTwoWolves
MOOD: Bored

OUTFIT: Icy Winter

LOCATION: Anchor Bay High School Auditorium
Ailstair purplecowdutch purplecowdutch
Nolan ALittleRedLie ALittleRedLie

TL;DR She's back y'all..
Eileen Dreyfuss
The dark I know well.

(Mild TW for mentions of physical abuse, abusive rhetoric and perspectives, and child neglect)

Eileen sniffed indignantly, her smoky eyes lingering on the empty chair for Mayor Lowes. He really wasn’t going to attend, was he? So this was all for nothing and she’d wasted a good bus ticket and hours of her time. Word just got out that they were locking the doors to keep those inside safe from the howling blizzard, as the roads were now completely blocked under feet of snow. She sent her oldest daughter Bridget a text, letting her know to make dinner for the younger two, as she had no idea when she’d be getting back from this stupid outing.

This was the first time Eileen had come back to Anchor Bay since it happened.
The fire.

That was nearly three months ago now, but the families that had lived in Seaside Towers were still reeling from the destruction. After the fire ripped her home away from her, she wasted no time with being distraught and grief-stricken. She packed up what little she could salvage from the ashes, and then she and her three daughters moved in with a nearby friend who had space to spare.

Her son, though, she left behind. She had to.
She could still remember it as though it were only yesterday: Oliver groaning and pulling his hair and hitting and biting at his arms, refusing to flee the apartment, behaving like a sick rabid animal. That was all Eileen could ever see him as… an animal. Some sad, frail, untameable creature that stayed sniveling at her heels no matter how many times she kicked it away. He was completely unmanageable. She’d have him tied up like a wild dog just to keep him from lashing out. At times he was violent, though it never once crossed Eileen’s mind that he learned that behavior from her. In those fifteen years, she’d watched her daughters grow up into young women, and watched her son only grow more feral and wretched.

It wasn’t her fault, no, not at all. She’d done all she could.

In the months since, hardly anyone had asked her about Oliver’s whereabouts or well-being. No calls from the school yet, and no prying questions from neighbors. To those that did ask, she gave a heart-wrenching, partially true story about how Oliver had run away after the fire. “I just can’t find him,” she’d say, dabbing at false tears, “he’s probably with some of those hooligan friends of his. It just breaks my heart that I couldn’t save him from falling into crime.”

The real truth was that she didn’t know or care where he was or who he was living with now. She knew he was alive and had access to the Internet (his social media accounts were still sporadically active… the little fucker thought she didn’t know about those.) This led her to believe that he was probably just staying on some friend’s couch. Some friend who was just as messed up and backwards and crime-bound as him. Just as well, she thought.

It felt odd being back in the school he used to attend. Her oldest two daughters had already graduated, and her youngest was in middle school, so Oliver had been the only one studying here when the fire happened. She didn’t know if he was still in classes after she kicked him out. If he was, he’d been keeping a low enough profile that none of his teachers had caught on. Oliver had always had a reputation for being jumpy and erratic in school, and they knew of his diagnosis, so perhaps no one saw his behavior as being out of the ordinary.

She had no idea that right now, at this minute, he was in the very same room as her, breathing the same air.

Eileen quietly examined the gloss on her nails while the others crowding the school auditorium started to grow uneasy. She wasn’t worried or scared at the prospect of being locked in here; just annoyed that she was missing tonight’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy and her new bottle of Pinot Noir. There wasn’t anything to do in here, so she began glancing around for someone she knew, someone who might make this time go by faster with a little light conversation. Maybe a little male company… she smiled to herself, reminiscing on the good times she’d had with Nolan, and Alistair, and a few other attractive men in the town. Since her husband left, she’d used her charm, her modestly good looks, and her knack for soothing white lies to her advantage. Maybe one of those men would be up for a little reunion.

code by valen t.

Tatum Browne

Tatum couldn’t help but roll her eyes at the man in front of her, he had zero claim to be hurting. He had pushed her away and anyone else that wanted to be in his life. All he had ever complained was people would cast him out and there he stood doing the exact same thing, not fight left in him. His dismissive hand and words angered her more, “Fuck. You.” She stated as she rummaged through her bag staring at a Ziploc bag. In the bag were four white plastic sticks.

She knew it was no use talking with him, no use in telling him. He would rather drink himself dead than be with her. He didn’t want her around and she wasn’t going to force her way to stay. She would figure out her path in life without Ryker and she would do it with her head held high. She would not let herself cry, at least not in front of him, regardless of how much she wanted to in that moment.

Her composure stayed strong up until he told her to leave him alone, and that set off a new round of anger in her brain. Without thought she began throwing the sticks as she spoke, “Go. To. Hell. Ryker.” Each stick bounced off him and landed on the ground in front of his feet. She felt the tears begin to pool in her eyes and she was struggling to keep her composure as she watched him pick each one up slowly. Once Ryker’s attention was no longer on her she bolted out the door, slamming it behind her and rushing to her truck.

It didn’t matter he didn’t want her around, but she was mad because he never gave her any time to talk, to really tell him and all she wanted was to be home and not in some stupid storm at the house of someone who never cared to put up a fight. Her hands fumbled with the keys once in the truck, tears filling her vision as she struggled to turn the key. She was wiping away the tears from her eyes, she needed to calm down so she could leave. The more tears she wiped away the more that came falling down. Her frustration grew because she knew she couldn’t calm down which meant sitting in a truck and crying until there was nothing left to cry out.

Mention(s): Interaction(s): OdinsTwoWolves OdinsTwoWolves
MOOD: Not Fine

OUTFIT: Calm tf Down Max

LOCATION: Anchor Bay High



Blythe travelbypages travelbypages

Max isn't fine
Max Berkowitz

We accept the love we think we deserve.

Max’s heart felt like it was trying to break his ribs.

He stayed in the far corner by the auditorium stage, watching and waiting and growing increasingly pale and shaky and sweaty as the minutes crawled by at a funeral march pace. The scheduled time slot for the council meeting to begin had long since passed, but no one had left. Some still stayed in their seats, others had gotten up and started milling around impatiently. People looked nervous; almost as nervous as he was, if that was even possible by this point in time.

The mayor was a no-show, along with several key city council members and Max’s own ASL interpreter. This just wasn’t possible. They couldn’t just not show up. This was the single most important event of Max’s life, his one chance to prove to everyone that he could stand up for Anchor Bay, his one chance to face off with Mayor Lowes, and the rat bastard wasn’t even here.

Max couldn’t hear the raging blizzard howling outside, nor the people clamoring about how they were locked in, and he was far too terrified to check his phone right now and find out what the hell was going on. He was left just begging himself not to start crying, fighting a losing battle against his nauseous twisting stomach.

Max was now somewhat known for his frequent anxiety attacks, and he got picked on for them enough as it was. He couldn’t go through that now. Not while the one thing he’d spent his whole life waiting for was crumbling around him.

He needed someone to vent to, someone who he didn't need his interpreter to speak to, someone who wouldn’t just laugh in his face for taking all this so seriously… someone like Ms. Blythe.

Blythe Denton was Max’s art teacher. And even though art was by far one of his worst subjects and the most stressful hour of his school day, Ms. Blythe was just the person he was looking for right now.

See, when Max was little, he used to love drawing. He’d draw plants, and animals, little portraits of the other kids at school who were too nervous to play with the deaf kid… it was his way of connecting. And more than that, it was fun. It was something to pass the time and make him feel good about himself.
Then, in 5th grade, Max’s art teacher told him that he had sloppy lines, he was terrible at shading, his perspective was all wrong, he couldn’t match colors, and his art looked years behind his grade level. And just like that, he threw away all his sketchbooks, took down his paintings from his parents’ refrigerator, and little Max swore right then and there that he’d never draw or paint again.
Now, six years later, Ms. Blythe was challenging him on that. She was one of the few teachers who still had faith in him and kept pushing him to overcome his crippled self-esteem. And out of all the teachers and staff at Anchor Bay High, only two were ASL fluent, and she was one of them.

So when things got bad at school, when no other adults would possibly understand what he was going through, he went to Ms. Blythe.
Sometimes, Max felt as though she was one of the reasons he was still here.

As soon as he saw her, he wasted no time running over. “Can we talk?” He pleaded, his words small and fast and close to his chest like he didn’t want anyone else to see. The familiar panic-stricken look on his face would have told her everything she needed to know about why he desperately needed a one-to-one right now.

code by valen t.
Blythe Denton

So now they were locked in, just great. She hadn't even wanted to come to the school on her day off in the first place. And now they were just stuck. The woman was standing by the snack and drink table, tapping her foot nervously as people started getting up to wander around and was just about to go retreat to her classroom when Max walked up looking quite stricken. His interpreter wasn't there and the announcement had been made from the principal... It dawned on her that the kid probably didn't even know what was going on. Pulling her cardigan tighter around her she nodded for him to follow. She would need more coffee to get through this.
Leading the boy to the staff room she started on the kettle and leaned against the counter. Normally students wouldn't be allowed in the staff room but it was a day off and all the teachers that had shown up where in the gym so she was confident no one would interrupt what Max had to say or freak him out. She wanted to find her words before she told him that the school was frozen in, knowing he would most likely freak out. Reaching into the cupboard she grabbed a hot chocolate pack for him while she made her coffee and his hot chocolate. "Want to sit?" She asked him and motioned toward the couch.
The kid was probably not only disappointed that the mayor or any of the town members didn't show up, she was too, but also disappointed that he wouldn't get to speak up against them. She knew how passionate the kid was and she was one of the few people doing their best to get him to stand up for what he believed in. Sitting down on the couch, placing both their muds on the coffee table, she looked to the boy, "the weather is too bad for anyone to come... and we are advised against leaving until the storm is over." She finally told him and pointed to the small staff room window where nothing was visible outside. "But don't panic, I'm sure the town will arrange another meeting for you to say your speech." She told him and gave him a gentle, comforting pat on the back.

Mentions: Chimney Swift Chimney Swift
MOOD: Concerned about her loved ones, awkward around Angel

OUTFIT: Maroon sweatshirt with too long sleeves, warm sweatpants, fuzzy socks

LOCATION: Lulu's Apartment
r e i r e i
travelbypages travelbypages
TL;DR Lulu's heat is out. Her ex Angel comes to the rescue
You would find her in a Polaroid picture

"What do you mean? You can't do this! What am I supposed to do?! No don't-" Tallulah paced back and forth in her apartment, one hand holding her phone to her ear, the other tugging at her hair in frustration. She fell face first onto her bed as she was hung up on by her landlord. She was trying her very hardest to not have a breakdown and cry but everything felt so out of her control at the moment. She had been dealing with her heat being off all morning. She had tried everything she could think of to fix it herself but couldn't even find what the problem was. Lulu had also been trying to get in touch with her landlord all morning but he had been refusing to answer her calls until several minutes ago.

According to the man, who had been a decent landlord for as long as the Woods siblings had been there, Lulu had been short on her rent. Not entirely missing, but not the full amount and thus he decided to turn off their heat. She wanted to scream, or cry, or both. If it was just her she would just deal with it until things could get resolved, but it wasn't. She had to take care of her little brother, and that meant having a heated home to come back to in the middle of December. The only other option would be staying with their parents until things were set straight, but that really wasn't even an option. Lulu was sure Theo would rather freeze than go back there. She let one tear roll down into her covers before looking to her phone. She desperately needed help. She posted a status update asking for any kind of assistance someone was willing to offer. Before she knew it she heard a ping from her phone, and honestly kind of a surprise that she got a response at all let alone so quickly.

Lulu's heart nearly stopped when saw who responded. Angel Moreno was one of Lulu's ex's, her best one truth be told. They dated when they were in high school and it really felt like they were meant for each other. While the Woods girl was discovering herself and her sexuality, Angel was the only constant. They cared about each other immensely and nothing could ever change that. Even when they weren't together they were still close. Their families were practically intertwined at this point, at least the parts of the Woods family that really mattered anyway. Theo even talked about Lulu and Angel's future wedding on a few occasions.

Sadly, there were a couple of factors that led to their break up. The primary reason Lulu and Angel ended things was because of Angel going off to college. Neither felt a long distance relationship would've worked for them, especially because Lulu was still in high school at the time being that she was younger. The other main factor in their break up was Lulu herself, something she still felt guilty about to this day. At the time she was going through a transitional phase in life; she was trying to figure out who she was as a person and how she fit into the world. During this time Lulu had a lot of self doubt; she constantly worried about whether or not she was good enough or do something to hurt the people she cared about. She was also only just realizing that the way her parents acted towards each other was not what love was actually supposed to look like. She worried that that had been imprinted on her and she would in turn be less than perfect towards any of her partners. Lulu didn't think that was at all fair to Angel and felt that until she could better herself that she wouldn't be good enough for her first girlfriend.

In the time since their break up both women had apparently had their fair share of heartbreaks and misfortunes in dating. Tallulah had had several relationships since, most of which were toxic, and Angel had gotten married. It was selfishly bittersweet for Lulu to hear that Angel had gone through a divorce. On the one hand she was a lovely person and in no way deserved that, especially for the reasons that she was left. On the other though... Angel was single now, which in and of itself brought mixed emotions to the Woods sister's chest.

Now was not the time to dwell on whether or not she still had feelings for her old flame however, Angel was on her way over and the Woods siblings apartment was a mess. She set about cleaning up while heating up a pot of water for tea, specifically peppermint tea as Lulu remember that was her ex's favorite. Angel was doing her a huge favor by bringing over the heaters and so the least she could do was make her some tea for her trouble. Just as she finished putting away the last of the dirty laundry she had been putting off while dealing with her heat issue, there was a light tapping at her door.

Lulu rushed to the door, almost eagerly pulling open the door. She froze for a moment, taking in the woman whom she had previously loved whole heartedly. Deep feelings like that never truly went away, did they? They only ever faded. Even just standing there on the snowy front steps of her apartment, arms full of containers of food, she was breathtaking to the younger girl. A diminutive smile rose to Lulu's face. "Hi... please come in, it's far too cold out here, though it's not much warmer inside." her face flushed with embarrassment as she ushered Angel in, taking some of the containers off her hands. "This was extremely kind of you and Abuela. I seriously can't thank you both enough." The tea kettle whistled. "I suppose I could start with some tea though." A more comfortable smile formed and some of the tension in Tallulah's shoulders dissipated. It was like falling back onto a memory foam mattress; it felt weird at first but quickly became more than comfortable. She quickly became enveloped in a warm familiarity being around Angel, like they had never separated. She idly wondered if the other girl felt the same.

"I don't know if you remember my fondness for mugs but... well I've quite the collection now." Lulu softly chuckled, mostly to herself as if in reassurance that it was okay to act normal around Angel. After rummaging around in her tea cabinet for a minute or so she pull out the peppermint tea for Angel, and a apple cinnamon sachet for herself. There was no sensation that Lulu loved more than being cozy. All of her sweaters had sleeves that were too long, she had the fluffiest blankets she could find, even bought a nightlight for a dim glow on rainy days that she could read by. As such, cozy flavors like apple cinnamon were her favorite. "So..." she started as she poured some hot water first into a frog shaped mug, then into one with different types of owls on it. "How have you been?" It felt so silly to ask, but she really was interested in Angel's life. She just couldn't figure out a way of asking without it sounding like awkward small talk. As if to add embarrassment to awkwardness, Lulu caught a glimpse of her reflection in the water and noticed that some of her mascara had run from the single tear she let slip earlier. Her face turned red for the second time in five minutes as she turned to face somewhat away from her ex. "Well that's embarrassing..." Some things never change.
code by valen t.

Ryan didn't care for politics and he never had, he said it was fake and just preached for the legalization of the holy grass but other than that, he never spoke about it. Maybe it was because he didn't care for it or maybe Ryan just didn't understand. Speaking of politics, his brother who he didn't even know existed until a few months ago now was dressed in a suit to talk to the major. Ryan didn't get it, why not send him an e-mail? A text? And why the suit?
No matter how little he cared, Ryan had showed up standing somewhere in the back trying not to fall asleep but after a long wait, nothing came. The mood had switched after the windows eyed ominously dark, it didn't make his heart beat any faster, he had been through enough tornadoes in Texas to deal with some bad weather. Compared to Texas, Anchor bay was a light summer breeze.

'You have got to be kidding me,' he stepped behind the staff door after finding out Max had totally bailed with Ms. Blythe of all people. Him and Ms. Blythe weren't exactly best buds and ever since he had arrived he had felt unwelcome in every. Single. Way. Therefore Ryan did what he always used to do, force the spotlight on him so no one would be able to avoid him anymore.
The door went flying open as he slowly clapped, looking around the room to only a handful of teachers looking his way. 'You totally chickened out Maxie,' he said as he sat on the big sides of the hideous orange couch. He never noticed any furniture so you must understand this was actually really, really bad.
'What happened? You got your suit on and everything,' Ryan continued, talking before anyone could even dare to interrupt. 'Guess what, bad news,' he stood up, pointing to the window before turning around to the enormous coffee machine in the middle of the room but before pressing the little machine turning to his little brother to lazily sign something along the lines of what he was saying. 'We're stuck in a snow storm and we're all going to die.'
The coffee machine made a lot of noise, pouring the cappuccino half over the cup that Ryan had put in way too late but maybe it was a good way of easing the uncomfortable silence that followed. Ryan tried to hide the little smirk on his face before facing Max and Ms. Blythe, eagerly waiting for their reply. It was amazing waiting for the hysteria to break loose and for him to maybe have the staff room all to himself. Oh, and to see Max his face as he thinks everybody is going to die, of course.
Ryan studied Ms. Blythe her face, wondering why she was taking Max apart or why she felt the need to help him. He barely understood Max half of the time, imagine having to teach him anything. They seemed like polar opposites more than brothers.

'Is it allowed to smoke in here?' He then asked, ignoring his previous statement completely. 'We might be in here for a while,' a cigarette had already entered between his long, coarse fingers before he felt the eyes of the whole room burning on him. Luckily, he had never had any problem with fire, snow was something else.

MOOD: Not Fine

OUTFIT: Calm tf Down Max

LOCATION: Anchor Bay High



Blythe travelbypages travelbypages
Ryan purplecowdutch purplecowdutch

Max isn't fine
Max Berkowitz

We accept the love we think we deserve.

"The weather is too bad for anyone to come... and we are advised against leaving until the storm is over."

“We can’t leave!?” Max balked, nearly dropping his hot chocolate mug which he held precariously in one hand while the other signed his panicked outbursts. “But what about… what about the…” He paused, drawing his breath. "They aren't going to reschedule. The mayor is just going to get away with this, and... no one ever listens to me." He was calmer now, more somber and withdrawn into himself. "I feel invisible."
Ms. Blythe gently patted him on the back. She’d chosen wisely to lead him here, away from the anxious crowd and the ruined city council meeting. The faculty lounge was peaceful by comparison, his warm drink eased his nerves a bit, and after a few minutes it seemed as though he was actually going to calm down.

Then, as though God himself had summoned him there just to spit in the face of Max’s luck, Ryan sauntered into the lounge.

“You totally chickened out, Maxie. What happened? You got your suit on and everything.” The grammar and form of Ryan’s sign language had improved greatly in his time living with the Berkowitzes. One might think that being able to overcome the language barrier with his brother would help fix their bond, but instead it somehow just led to more squabbling.

“Fuck off, Ryan.” Max shot back at his brother, twisting around on the couch to face him directly.

Though Ryan had only reunited with the Berkowitz family this past summer, in those few months he’d certainly found his place in the eclectic household dynamic. So much had changed since his arrival that it almost felt like the whole house had transformed. Where there was once only the faint earthy scent of Max’s plants and the delicate perfume of his mother’s air fresheners, now cigarette smoke was steeped into every wall and carpet and piece of furniture. The tidy guest room was now home to Ryan’s chaotic energy. And most of all, Ryan always seemed to know just what to say to get his little half-brother’s blood boiling.

Ms. Blythe had already explained the situation in much gentler phrasing, so Max looked more irritated than anxious at Ryan’s interpretation of events. Knowing that Ryan wanted him to be upset ironically made it easier to ignore his panic instinct and just focus on arguing with his brother.

Speaking of which, Ryan had already pulled his pack of cigarettes from his coat pocket as the coffee he’d set on started to bubble over. Max was so outraged that he could’ve kicked him right then and there.

“No, you can’t fucking smoke in here!!” Max wasn’t usually one for profanity, but suddenly whenever Ryan was around, middle fingers and coarse slashes of his hands wove through every sentence of his. It was like osmosis– Ryan just filled the room with vulgar energy. “It’s school grounds!” Max glared daggers at the cigarette. Their father was an oncologist; Max had grown up learning all the grim accounts of terminal lung cancer and therefore was never tempted to even touch tobacco. Ryan, however, lacked that guidance growing up. It was the smoking that put him most at odds with the family. Dr. Berkowitz was always coming home with pamphlets about programs and medications and group resources to help Ryan quit, but nothing had struck a chord with Ryan yet.

Max had stood up from the couch now, to try and level the height difference between him and his much taller older brother, leaving his half-finished hot chocolate on the table. “Put the cigarette away right now, Ryan. I mean it. Don’t even go there .” There was something almost comical about shivery little Max trying to take an authoritative stance. It was like a chihuahua trying to square off with a rottweiler. Max, though, failed to see any humor in this situation.

Poor Blythe Denton, left on the couch watching her valiant attempt at soothing Max’s nerves dissolve into an argument between siblings. She didn’t get paid nearly enough for the nonsense she put up with on a daily basis.

code by valen t.
Angel Moreno

Angel hadn't realized her nerves were running high about seeing Lulu for the first time in years until the door was opening and there she was. Seeing her for the first time after so long felt like the wind got knocked right out of her, and it was almost like Lulu had the same reaction as they stood there for a moment, taking in the nostalgia. With a smile she followed Lulu into the cold house and placed the food on the counter while Lulu made tea, "well if I didn't come to the rescue you know Abuela would've" Angel teased while Lulu began on the tea. So she wasn't just standing there staring at the girl, Angel began to busy herself with setting up the space heaters, grabbing the ones she had to ditch at the front door. The place was small and cozy but it was very much Lulu's style.
After switching them all on, hoping that none would blow the breaker box, Angel went back to the kitchen as the place slowly started warming up. From what she could tell, just by glancing out the window, the snow was picking up and it was very hard to see... This sort of made her nervous, being stuck in your ex's home, despite there being no hate between the two, was less than ideal. She hoped for there to be no awkwardness if being stuck there ended up happening. Taking her mug, she felt her heart swell, Lulu had remembered her favorite tea was peppermint.
She was staring down at the mug, thinking about their past when Lulu spoke up again, "I've been good, all things considering... I'm assuming you're on the same boat?" She asked, knowing from the smudged makeup and the cold house things were going a little rough for the other girl. With her divorce and news of infertility, Angel wasn't doing so well either. But something about standing there with Lulu, made all those issues ease a little. "Come on, I put the first heater in the living room so it might be a little warmer." She said and made her way back to the living room where it was in fact, somewhat warmer.
"I guess you're lucky Abuela is a walking icicle." Angel joked lightly, curling up on the couch with her back leaning against the arm, "I want to thank you though, for taking care of her and letting her take care of you and Theo all these years, she loves the both of you so much." She told Lulu with a smile, taking a sip of the warm tea. Taking one more glance at the window, she knew in that moment that she was in fact stuck at Lulu's. The storm had picked up in a matter of minutes and looking out the window was like looking at a blinding white light, "oh my gosh, that picked up fast... I guess you're stuck with me." Angel looked back to Lulu, both nervous about being there but thankful she had brought the heaters to the girl with such cold weather outside.
Mentions: PenguinFox PenguinFox
Blythe Denton

Blythe frowned at Max as he spoke with such insecurity. Truth was, she knew he wasn't good at art and had no confidence with art, but she hoped that getting him to step out of his boundaries with the projects she gives. Plus, she was one of the only teachers in the school that could communicate with him properly. They had a weird bond and Blythe in all honestly held the boy close to her heart. If he were to move or graduate soon she'd be devastated with his absence. His shock about everything also didn't surprise her, "well, I say fuck it and say what you need to say, wherever he is whatever event it is." Normally she wouldn't swear around students but right now she had a lot of emotions running through her mind; annoyance to the current situation, sympathy for Max and his missed opportunity, but also relaxed simply from the few hits she had taken from the weed pen.
She was about to say more but their peace was disrupted by one of her other students coming in to the staff room. Narrowing her eyes some, she didn't fully understand how they were related or when they had met, all Blythe new was that Ryan was Max's half brother and it wasn't easy for them to get along. "Does trying to freak out Max by telling him the same thing I told him but in such a disrespectful bring joy to you?" She asked instantly. She knew him, he was a shit disturber and had no respect for himself or those around him. Therefore, he was one of the students on her list of students she wasn't fond of. That didn't mean she hated him, she just didn't have respect for him.
"If you light that, Mr. Miller, I'll have no issues bringing this up to the principal to be discussed with when school opens back up, but by all means." She shook her head and took a sip from her coffee, almost daring the teen to challenge her. She'd gone through things like this with a few of the other students, pointless rebellious behavior. With Ivy, one resolution was to take away her phone during school days to keep her offline with bullying and harassments to others. But with students like Ryan, knowing full well kids like him are the ones to either end up in jail or work dead end jobs that make them miserable. She'd seen it before with the many schools she had gone to as a kid. Plus, she was one of those rebellious kids. It took her grandmother's death to finally smarten up, "calm down Max, if he wants to break the rules, then let him. I'm sure he won't be too fond of the consequences when they come back around."
Mentions: purplecowdutch purplecowdutch Chimney Swift Chimney Swift

His eyes met Ms. Denton's red, weary eyes before letting out a degrading cough, sure, he was the one being disrespectful. How?
Max had appeared right in front of Ryan, he had seen Max act defensive before, lately even more than usual which was definitely getting used too. Not just for Ryan but for Ms and Mr. Berkowitz to see their perfect first son, cursing and yelling; at least that's what Ryan was thinking.
Ignoring the boy in front of him, he turned to the coffee machine, deliberately blowing extra hard on the piping hot coffee before giving Max a little push with his arm as he sort of cornered the younger Berkowitz.

'Absolutely can't wait for that conversation,' Ryan answered Blythe, the younger teacher who he was very sure of smoked a bit of the forbidden herbs. 'I'm not a big fan of this school anyway,' he mumbled a little more quietly as he lit up his little tobacco stick and shrugged. 'If anything the consequence is sitting right there, I came here for you Max and now I'm fucking stuck here as well,' he tried signing the first half but eventually just stuck up his left middle finger to his little brother.
'So, Ms. Denton,' Ryan said, holding the coffee and his cigarette in the same hand, spilling a little with ever step he took. 'Is it true you're selling drugs at school property?' He now jokingly asked, a big grin on his face. Ryan felt the presence of Max all too well, even when he wasn't looking at him. 'Is he buying it?' Ryan asked softly, pointing his fingers towards Max.

'Listen, we're very worried at home because last week he got irresponsibly drunk,' he continued, 'and I suspect he might have even joy ridden my car, which you probably understand, means a lot to me.' He nodded to give some extra power to his words before blowing the smoke in their direction. 'So, where are those so called consequences now?'
Ryan had been getting sick of feeling like a scapegoat and getting the blame for every, single thing. He didn't like living with his new found father and his incredibly annoying step mom, it sometimes felt like he wasn't even his real son. They were nothing alike and they did nothing to make it work, they hadn't gone out since he moved in. It was like his own father regretted taking him in, just like his mother back in Houston. What if nobody actually wanted him around? How would that work?

MOOD: Embarrassed

OUTFIT: Calm tf Down Max

LOCATION: Anchor Bay High

Hudson travelbypages travelbypages

Blythe travelbypages travelbypages
Ryan purplecowdutch purplecowdutch

Max isn't fine
Max Berkowitz

We accept the love we think we deserve.

Max stared at the splatters of coffee Ryan was spilling, red-faced and furious. Ryan had instantly taken control of the room’s energy the second he walked in, sassing back at Ms. Blythe as though he weren’t afraid of anything. Max was stuck struggling to read his half-brother’s lips as Ryan failed to sign the last half of his sentence. Eventually, Max gave up out of frustration and decided that if Ryan had anything important to say, he’d say it in a way that Max could understand. There was no reason for Max to have to be the one to put in all the work communicating. If Ryan wouldn’t meet him halfway at the very least, Max didn’t owe him the labor.

Ms. Blythe was having none of it, it seemed. Max was having difficulty following the conversation as it bounced back-and-forth across the room between his half-brother and his teacher, but the irritation on Ms. Blythe’s part was powerful enough to be felt.

Ryan, lighting his cigarette in rebellion, effortlessly spun the accusatory tone of the conversation back onto his little brother.

“Listen, we're very worried at home because last week he got irresponsibly drunk,'and I suspect he might have even joyridden my car, which you probably understand, means a lot to me. So where are those so-called consequences now?”

“That’s not true–” Max faltered, sputtering. “Ms. B, I…I didn’t…” The younger teen was suddenly too flustered to sign or speak his words. Something about Ryan’s comment seemed to mortify him into stillness.

Though Max had obviously never touched Ryan’s car, there was an element of truth to what he’d said: Max had indeed been in trouble with his family recently for his reckless alcohol binges. That was something he couldn’t blame Ryan for: making Hudson Green babysit him on the beach all night while he drank himself half to death, worrying his whole family, vomiting on the living room carpet, winding up at the doctor’s office with such a nightmarish hangover that he thought he was actually dying. His parents had mentioned the drinking as a concern to Max’s therapist, worried that their youngest son might be picking up harmful coping mechanisms from his friends.

Long story short, Ryan was no longer the only one whose substance use had become a point of contention in the Berkowitz family.

Max shrank back towards the couch, feverishly avoiding eye contact. As soon as a mention of his worrisome drinking habit had come up, he had almost completely shut down. “You’re full of shit, Ryan.” he signed so small and fast that it seemed to be more of a comment to himself rather than part of the conversation. He didn’t care whether or not Ryan took notice of it. What did it matter what he had to say anyway?

code by valen t.
Blythe Denton

Blythe tilted her head at Ryan's badgering, but yet remained seated in her spot. She knew he was trying to arouse a reaction from both her and Max, a reaction from possibly not getting enough attention as a child or something along those lines. She didn't know the kid and had no intentions on getting to know the kid. One thing that didn't sit right with her though, was the accusations he was trying to make. It was so secret the woman enjoyed smoking, but it came to her as natural as someone enjoying a beer after a long day of work. With her family history of alcoholism she never had interest in making drinking a habit.
Taking a sip of her coffee, she simply chose not to answer the boy about his question, but instead chose to educate him, like teachers were supposed to do, "Mr. Miller. buying weed legally and from a dispensary is what is safest to consume when one wants to enjoy smoking it in their free time, much as those who are legal choose to buy alcohol from places that are licensed to sell it." She told him with a smile then continued to sip her coffee, hoping that her calm demeanor would somewhat bring the boys tone down, "when you, Max, or other students are of age it is your choice to do with what you will in your free time too." She told him, signing every word the best she could with one hand so both would understand.
She then noticed how Ryan's presence was affecting Max as well, outing the timid kids secrets or shaming him for mistakes. Looking to Max, she began to sign again but without speaking out loud this time, "Max, it is none of my business to judge what you kids do when you're not on school property. As long as you're safe that's all I care about and if you ever need help, you know how to contact me. Mistakes happen and I would only be hypocritical to judge you for those mistakes when I once made them too." She gave him a smile then looked back to Ryan, "now, are you going to continue to attempt to embarrass your brother or are you going to leave so I can continue to have a chat with him? As you can tell and are taking advantage of, he's not in the best of moods and I was hoping talking with him could cheer him up."
Mentions: purplecowdutch purplecowdutch Chimney Swift Chimney Swift
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Hudson Green

Hudson sat on his bed, somewhat shocked that Bri just left. He knew she got overwhelmed with people like Maggie, why couldn't he protect her more from the evil bitch then? Frowning he stood and checked his phone that Jeremiah would be there soon and walked out of his room. Maggie and Odi were standing by the front door ready to leave and he completely ignored them as he made his way to the living room where his mom was touching up some makeup in a compact mirror, "I think I want to move out soon... I can't handle Odi and Maggie always ruining things between me and Bri" He told the woman as she stopped doing her makeup to look at him. He knew his words could be heard by the other two but didn't care. He liked Bri a lot and didn't want his sister and her stupid friends to ruin anything.
With a look of understanding his mom gave him a small smile and nodded, "if that's what you would like to do honey, then you know me and your father are here for any support you need. We've been impressed with your grades this year, but you're 18 so it's your choice if you want to move just as long as you keep attending school." That was all the reassurance Hudson needed as he took a seat beside his mom and gave her a hug. He really did appreciate his parents. Sure they were strict with him the last few years but he didn't blame them, he had been a shit head. When everyone was out the door and on their way to the school, Hudson went to the door to let Jeremiah in.
With a typical bro hug greeting, Hudson let Jeremiah to the garage and sat down on the old sofa his dad kept in there for when he wanted to get away to watch sports. On the coffee table was his little planning book for the shop and inside were drawings, notes, to do lists, and anything else they needed to plan. He'd been excited about opening a surf shop since the topic was first brought up between the two though he had been planning since he was just a kid. He wasn't a school person, so he didn't see college in his future or a desk job. The surf shop was what he was banking on for his future and he was more than stoked his friend wanted to tag along for it, "so remind me, what do you have planned on your end?" He asked Jeremiah as he leaned back on the couch to begin writing what Jeremiah had covered.
Mentions: Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler revalia revalia
MOOD: amused and excited but also nervous

OUTFIT: outfit

LOCATION: at school
Blythe travelbypages travelbypages Vinnie purplecowdutch purplecowdutch

Ivy Chimney Swift Chimney Swift
Ashley tamarapasek tamarapasek
Dustin Qwertycakes Qwertycakes
Ronan Myling Myling

--------don't type anything after this comment--------

TL;DR Dylan is getting ready to start a little gameshow with his gremlin friends
Dylan Lowes
"I wonder if people like the real me or just the act I put on."
All the students, and all the other people who had arrived into the school on this rare occasion, were now snowed in, unable to leave. The mayor, the Lowes brothers’ father Dylan despised so much, wasn’t able to be present. There was an air of boredom as there was nothing to do in the school. Teachers refused to arrange lessons as it was their day off. Dylan who was oddly enough serious about his studies was a bit disappointed at the decision as he saw it as a good opportunity to move forwards with his studies. After all, any spare moment would go to good use if they just were allowed to go on lessons.

But no. The Lowes youngling had witnessed with his own eyes in Twitter how Ms. Denton refused to give a lesson as it wasn’t a regular work day for her. Soon his gremlin friend the queen of cucumbers Ivy had joined the convo calling Ms. Denton a philistine who should teach them. It wasn’t difficult to realize that Ivy was doing it just out of spite and for fun. Dylan knew the girl wasn’t into school at all and he was afraid it would influence his success in school as well if he continued hanging out with the gremlin trio. But Dylan really liked the gremlins, especially Ivy who gave no shit about anyone’s opinions. In the boy’s eyes it was admirable and he really looked up to her. He tried to please the girl like a dog wailing its tail to its owner.

Anyways the twitter convo had escalated quickly when the totally normal interests having cheerleader Ronan joined it in. Somehow the talk went to necrophilia and sex talk, it was enough for Ms. Denton to log out and escape the conversation. The whole thing had made Dylan both amused and confused, so confused he didn’t know what to say. He just ended up reading the messages and not answering. Perhaps the convo was the inspiration behind the little activity Dylan and his gremlin friends would arrange.

A little game show called Who Wants To Be A Hot Gay Corpse. They had really prepared everything as they had a lot of different questions as well as punishments for wrong answers. They also had gathered some equipment to make it the best game show possible. Some of the equipment was “borrowed” like some markers and the white board, which Dylan thought originally belonged to the biology classroom. With giant letters the board had the name of the show written on (Dylan really hoped it wasn’t written by permanent marker).

Then some of the items had been bought, like the paper cups and some were taken from the Lowes household like the giant spinning wheel. At one point his parents tried to improve the family dynamic by forcing every family member to take part in Lowe's game night. They had a spinning wheel for it to add some fun randomness by different prizes and sometimes punishment. However it didn't lead to anything. At least not anything good. The game sessions just resulted in fights. Who would have guessed that a Monopoly session or a round of Uno would lead to that?

Now the different board games were abandoned in the cabinet in their living room. As well as the spinning wheel but finally it would get some good use. The spinning wheel was placed on top of a small desk that was also stolen… No. Borrowed from a classroom. Then they had gathered some chairs as any good game show would need an audience. Then there were proper cards that had the questions on the other side and answers on other hands. The group of gremlins had really focused on making the questions as absurd as possible and punishments that would humiliate anyone.

No one had paid attention to the prize. In Dylan's opinion it would be too mean to force people to answer impossible questions and to do awful punishments. It was simply mean and there needed to be some sort of prize, and since Dylan had the money he had bringed hundred bucks with him and it was taped on the board. Dylan took a look at the gremlins, Ivy, Ash and Dustin, to see what they were doing. They were doing their own thing, reading the questions, preparing stuff for punishments and trying to get people to participate.

There were some curious looks but the gremlins were infamous and not many were willing to take part in such a game show. That’s when Dylan noticed a familiar cheerleader reading the text written on the board with an amused grin on his voice. Dylan walked towards him. “Yo, Ronan do you wanna be a hot gay corpse? Please, please, please, take part in our gameshow!” He begged the older boy with a pleading gaze he had often used as a kid to his parents when blaming Vinnie for his own wrong doings.
code by valen t.
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MOOD: Hurt, Burned, and Boozed Out


LOCATION: Ryker's Townhouse

Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler

Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler

TL;DR It all comes full circle

Ryker Thompson

"I love you."

Ryker couldn’t help the unearthly snarl that crept across his fuzzy face, the wild look in his bloodshot eyes made him feel akin to some animal that had been poked and prodded for far too long. “What the fuck…” His drink-addled brain couldn’t fully comprehend what Tatum had tossed at him so quickly, he could comprehend that she had left the door open as the cold flooded into the apartment and took away the hot blooded warmth that had kept him going. The cold made his shoulder ache, cold always made his busted up arm ache like icy claws were hooking into the tendons and joints. It took him rolling it a few times as he tried to understand what the fuck Tatum had thrown at him, but his heart nearly stopped as Ryker came back to a sober conclusion that made him trip over his own bare feet as he hustled out into the frozen landscape.

The pads of his feet stung as he tripped over the little snow banks that were piled up on the concrete slab that was his front porch, part of him wished he had snatched one of the hoodies from the hooks on the wall by the door but he was to panicked and buzzed, he couldn’t let Tatum drive away in this or him or anything.

Ryker slipped as he passed in front of the truck, grabbing onto the hood for support while he clawed himself back up as the heat of the fresh abrasion on his knees shot through him, dark red blood contrasting against the white landscape around him. “Tatum, Tatum, Tatum…” He felt like he was out of breath as Ryker finally made it to the driver’s side door, pulling it open so he could talk to her and hold onto something so he wouldn’t fall over. His mouth opened and closed a few times, like a fish gulping for air before Ryker could think to find the words to speak before it finally broke in him.

He cried, hot tears against the freezing wind that whipped against his face, pain cutting him deeper than the bleeding abrasion on his knee, “I’m sorry…” Ryker’s voice was pained and begging, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry… I’m so fucking sorry..” He couldn’t bring his head up to even look at her, the shame and pain flooding through him, “I love you so much, please.. Please don’t go out there, please don’t leave me… don’t leave me baby…”

code by valen t.

MOOD: Absolute Bliss


LOCATION: Meyer's Place

TL;DR Happy Biker boi, Happy doggo, Happy Music boi

Malachi Shepherd

"You bring me peace."

“Well… If I leave now, I think Scooby will just have a full protest against it. He’ll sit down in the parking lot of the hotel and just howl his little lungs out, he likes you too much..” Malachi couldn’t help but grin and tip his chin up, his skin bristled with each brush of Meyer’s lips. “And I really… really, really really…” He paused, looking down at Meyer for a moment, “Did I mention that I really really hate the cold.” He was a California boy through and through, where even on the coldest day you could bum down to the beach to play around then sit on a pier and eat fish tacos for dinner. The desert made him happier though, the heat waves rippling off the hard ground and desert flora, the animals who thrived, not just survived in that place. He loved it, if he ever stopped roaming around then Malachi was going to settle down in New Mexico so he could keep bouncing between the Southwest and see his niblings that made him so happy. “It’s a lot nicer to just bunk down with you, I cook you dinner and you love on me, it’s a pretty good trade deal don’t you think?” His lips came down on the other’s covering him in a slow, needy kiss that he ended up having to drag himself away from so he could breathe in.

Meyer was different. Malachi fooled around, he was like an alley cat who just jumped around from one place to another, finding food and beds and fun stuff to do, never ever staying so long that he could catch feelings. Was this any different? Malachi didn’t know, if fact… He just ignored the question as much as he could because he was frightened of the answer that was floating around in his brain. The answer would lead to more questions and more questions would lead to more answers, answers that the biker really didn’t want to put either of them through. His dark eyes were blank for a moment as he got lost in the thoughts that were dragging him around like a rag doll in the dark pools of his mind. He shook it off and found his fingers trailing against the drawstrings of the other’s sweatpants, I’m feeling needy… How about you baby?”

code by valen t.
Happy With Love GIF by Amazon Prime Video

Logan Hawkins

Logan walks into the teachers' lounge and of course, he notices Blythe sitting there with coffee in her hand. He could see her irritated disposition a mile away. She could hide it so well, but Logan knew something was up. He locked eyes with her and mouthed “hey” He briefly glanced over and saw Max sharked over on the couch and did not even look up at him when he walked into the room. I quickly glanced at Ryan, and he knew something was up.

He walked to Ryan asking, “Give me the cigarette Ryan, you know you can't smoke on school grounds” He sat on the countertop in the lounge and looked at everyone catching all eyes except Max. “so what going on in here. I the tension is thicker than a sea otter fur’ He grinned hoping to cut the tension. “aren't you boys like brothers or something” Logan knew more about Max than Ryan and knew that they were related in some way. He was hoping to solve this problem soon. He was more interested in Blythe and what they had planned and wanted to get back to that since they were stuck in this awful school.

He took a deep breath “can this be resolved quickly fellas” We should not be spending this day with such long faces. We are already snowed in do does not make this day even worse than it is.


Carson Hughes

Carson had been waiting and finally she had managed to get the two sisters out of the café before the brunt of the storm took hold of the town. She did the closing duties before she made her way back to the office. She worked back there occasionally but this time it was not for work that she was going there, it was for pleasure. Her and Moses had been going back and forth and by this point even he had gotten worked up. They both needed a release from the constant flirtations and desires. Carson didn’t feel much for him besides a mutual attraction, and she knew his game. She knew his reputation and it was no different than her reputation. He seemed to have far less issue than she did for sleeping around, but why pass up an easy lay?

It didn’t take her long to wait for him exactly how he asked, though she had found one of his shirts that must’ve been forgotten and decided to have only that on before he arrived. With the weather she did wonder if they would get stuck together, and it wouldn’t be a bad thing, but she would have much rather been able to get all her frustrations with the mayor out in the open.

Time passed and Carson played on her phone until she heard the sound of the door and the second, she saw Moses she knew she was ready for him. Skin to skin with the only sound being their breathing. She knew what to expect with him and what not to expect, “Well, well it looks like the playboy has returned. Couldn’t stay away.” She teased as she leaned back in the chair she still occupied. She had no intention of getting up for him she would wait for him. She let her eyes wander up and down to take in how he looked all bundled up, “I think you’d look better with less.” The words lingered as she waited for him, because once he started she would be his until the separated.

Mention(s): Interaction(s): Syrok18 Syrok18


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