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Fandom Unearthed (OOC)

Its your roleplay and you get to decide, but as a fan of the author and what his work represented I will be sorely disappointed if guns are introduced. The themes and the narrative will be somewhat spoiled.

I agree with Archon Archon , this is not warhammer.

Tolkien did not equip the forces of good with gunpowder as a kind of moral high ground (I assume). If you put together a character, maybe a half crazed fireworks craftsman, I could see gunpowder working its way in xD
he might pick up the hobby lol
a half crazed firework craftsmen sounds fun , pfft. but i can see Sauron’s black powder dynamite being used.

(( beyond black powder of those two usage above, my knowledge is limited ))
I can't speak for anyone else, but I don't mind gunpowder as a prospective idea. Saruman did implement gunpowder in the siege of the Deeping Wall, and given Orthanc remained intact I can only assume the secrets lay within. Even if they didn't, 200 years is enough time for the Dwarves to reach a similar level.

And I actually think the Dwarves would use blackpowder if obtained, there's no better resource they could use when dealing with orc infestations in the mountains, it could be used to collapse goblin tunnels and for construction purposes. Maybe, exactly like the Two Towers, blackpowder could be used in a fashion similar to dynamite?
I’m perfectly fine with your character experimenting with gunpowder, and I geniunely appreciate the civility. It truly does mean a lot to me. I think guns will remain left out of the universe though.
I agree anything beyond a musket would be a little too far for the Tolkien universe though one cant deny a form lf gunpowder exists as mentioned. A fireworks crazed looney would be fun though and may have managed scrounge up a hand cannon.
The roster continues to improve with each new addition, very much looking forward to when we start! :D
In about two hours I’m going to add a page for the RP and post a starter if that’s okay with you guys.
I'm going to be fast asleep by then..

I hate timezones xD
Time Zones should be uninvented xD
i’m an hour behind you HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest !

also, i was just thinking about how I highkey, lowkey would love to see Amalera trying to make honeycakes and/or lambas bread and just utterly failing asdfghjkl;
I have to agree deer deer that the sight of a half-dwarf setting fire to a kitchen would certainly brighten up anyone's day... :grinningteeth:
“I made cakes . . . . ? Here, I added ale , should be worth a try. My own recipe ! ( Or . . . she just didn’t stick to it because she thought it was boring )”

(( a lil ale never hurt anyone ! ))
"I wouldn't call this a cake when it's more booze than food". He says whilst slurping the side of his plate to lap up the escaping ale. :grinningteeth:
"Not that i'm complaining!"

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