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Fandom Unearthed (OOC)

Hello my friends, I unfortunately will not be able to continue this group RP (nor any of my other ones). I genuinely hate to let you all down but life has gotten the best of me, I no longer have the time to really do the things I enjoy, and due to my deteriorating mental health I no longer have the motivation either. If anyone wishes to use the idea or plot for this RP, or even continue it, I’m more than happy to let you do so. Thank you all so much for joining in the time we had! <3
Hello my friends, I unfortunately will not be able to continue this group RP (nor any of my other ones). I genuinely hate to let you all down but life has gotten the best of me, I no longer have the time to really do the things I enjoy, and due to my deteriorating mental health I no longer have the motivation either. If anyone wishes to use the idea or plot for this RP, or even continue it, I’m more than happy to let you do so. Thank you all so much for joining in the time we had! <3
That's absolutely okay. Honestly, I think we, some more than others, are the ones who let you down. Myself especially. I had an intro planned, but in the end I wanted to roll it out a few posts deeper when people had moved in a bit more, since I felt it'd work better that way, and just never said anything. Which is on me. I'm sorry that I played a part in killing this RP.

Thank you for running this and giving us the chance to play it. Even if I never posted, I enjoyed making the character. Best wishes, I hope your situation improves. Cutting down on other commitments to focus on what you really enjoy is definitely a decision I agree with and would support.
That's absolutely okay. Honestly, I think we, some more than others, are the ones who let you down. Myself especially. I had an intro planned, but in the end I wanted to roll it out a few posts deeper when people had moved in a bit more, since I felt it'd work better that way, and just never said anything. Which is on me. I'm sorry that I played a part in killing this RP.

Thank you for running this and giving us the chance to play it. Even if I never posted, I enjoyed making the character. Best wishes, I hope your situation improves. Cutting down on other commitments to focus on what you really enjoy is definitely a decision I agree with and would support.
I don’t think you guys let me down, as long as you enjoyed creating stuff and getting to be a part of it, that’s what really matters to me.

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