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Fandom Unearthed (Character Sheets)



I got some good memes
Here is the basic character sheet form!

Character Appearance: (You can use a faceclaim, sketch or drawing, or writing description of what your character looks like)
Relationship status/former relations:
Skills: (Including strengths and weaknesses)
Backstory: (Only if you wish to)

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Beriedir Cedhrion.jpg
Name: Beriedir 'Berie' Cedhrion

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 38

Height: 5'10

Weight: 167 lbs

Sexuality: Hetrosexual

Relationship status/former relations:
Married to Pedir whom resides in Minas Tirith along with the couple's only child, Laerhel Berioriel aged six.

Occupation: Ranger of Gondor


+ Skilled Tracker and Hunter.
Well versed in herbal and bush medicine.
Patient and no stranger to tutoring others.

Suffers greatly in hot, dusty or arid conditions. Rarely strays far from a good water source.
Deeply paranoid and anxious amongst unfamiliar places and people. The kind of man to question every unknown noise until satisfied.
Finicky and stubborn when it comes to cooking meals, treating the wounded or other complex tasks that requires some levels of concentration.


  • Long bow + Quiver of Arrows
  • Short-Sword
  • Hunting Dagger

Personality: Berie's long history with the Rangers has molded his mind into one of honesty, respect for all beings and a ungodly amount of patience with others. Despite that, he is somewhat cynical of himself and often wonders if what he is doing is rightful. Berie frequent looks to others for approval with his methods as he long taught students on survival in the great forests. An unhappy, suffering pupil is only the mentor's fault. He deeply believes in one to one teaching as then Berie can learn the individual's learning pace and adapt his lessions in accordance. After serving alongside with Gondorian soldiers at Minas Tirith and giving guidance on archery and martial art skills, Berie learnt the importance of politeness and showing common courtesy to others. He strongly disagrees with punishing people for mistakes made and has in the past, given up his free time to work with others and help adjust behaviourisms without becoming overbearing. Whilst he is more than happy to speak his mind on matters, the ability to hold one's tongue has also served him well in difficult situations. A careful Ranger is a living Ranger.

Backstory: To be revealed.
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Elven Name: Aleria Luthien
Human Name: Eleanor
Race: Half Elf
Gender: Female
Age: 400
Height: 6ft 0in
Weight: 45kg
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship status/former relations:
Married a local Rohan human woodcutter but had no children as he died young.
Occupation: Forester/ healer
+skilled healer
+trained archer
+fair cook
+skilled healer
-out of practice in combat
-Weaker in melee
-uncomfortable in urban areas
Her old elven bow and dagger
Her husband's woodcutters axe
Personality: A taciturn elegant manner hiding a cheeky, funloving, rebellious and flirtatious character. Deeply caring to all that is living in nature whether plant or animal and one to sacrifice herself to help others while not asking for help for herself. Agirl of action rather than words, she may not voice her anger or depression but will show it other ways.
Backstory: Born as a result of a union between an elf mother and rohan father, she spent most of her early life in Rivendell as a healer. When the War of the ring ended and the War of the Ring, she chose the gift of men rather than travelling into the undying lands. She travelled to her father's homeland and lived amongst the humans tending to them and Rohan's many forests. Wip

Name: Snarri Iron-Beard

Race: Dwarf

Gender: Male

Age: 95

Height: 4'6"

Weight: 220lbs

Sexuality: hetero

Relationship status/former relations: Single

Occupation: Warrior

+Stone Carver
+Heavy Armour
+Can Read and Write Moon Letters
+Master Smith
+- Fluent in Blackspeech
+-Possibly Borderline psychotic with a penchant for slaughtering Orcs
-Alcoholic (Normal among Dwarves)
-General Dislike for Elves
-Not Very Charismatic

A large enchanted Dual edged sword Named Ezam O-Khazad (Hatred of Dwarves) that never Dulls, Rusts, and Pierces the thickest of armour.
A Mattock
A Large Mithril and Steel Dagger
And an Enchanted Smithing Hammer gigted to him by his Father

Personality: Snarri is a Crude, Untactful, Blunt, Belligerent, Hot Headed Dwarf. Despite these un-endearing qualities, he is Creative, Inventive, Loyal, Fierce, and Stalwart.

Backstory: TBA

HeroForgeScreenshot (1).png
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Name: Gaeleth

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 28

Height: 5'10

Weight: 156lbs

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Relationship status/former relations: N/A

Occupation: Swan Knight / Princess of Dol Amroth

+Weapon Master - Despite lacking the years of an elven bladesinger, Gaeleth is a veteran Knight trained and drilled from the moment she could walk to ride and fight by Dol Amroth's finest trainers. Aided by a natural affinity for combat, the Swan Knight is an expert warrior and swordswoman, though is naturally more proficient at mounted combat.

+Leadership - Though her brother is the reigning Prince, both siblings were heavily tutored in duty and etiquette, and when it became apparent that the wayward daughter had no interest in Lady-like pursuits, her father reluctantly dedicated her training to be identical to that of Tiron's. Since their father's passing, Tiron has been more than happy to share rulership with Gaeleth and she's seen as Dol Amroth's unofficial second ruler. Her official rank is Marshal of Belfalas.

-Lack of Knowledge - Though Dol Amroth's elven heritage is prominent, Gaeleth has no idea of the language, this lack of understanding also stretches to more simple life-skills such as basic survival, like hunting, tracking, cooking and path-finding.

-Brazen - Though battle-smart and charismatic, Gaeleth is also foolhardy and overconfident, oftentimes misplacing confidence in her own marshalship and training. Her desire to be a legendary Knight and figure of history leads her to acts of reckless glory-seeking. In the event she accepts defeat as a possibility, she is likely to lose hope.

Ruin's End - A sharpened spire of silver steel, coiled in the shape of wings at the guard with the elegant head of a swan adorning the hilt, deep engravings run along the metal, shimmering in the sunlight of the lordly pale blade. This sword was wielded by the heroic Prince Imrahil during the War of the Ring, only acquiring the name on account of his deeds. Though largely used as a relic for display, Gaeleth was recently granted the blade by her brother, Tiron, a gift befitting her rank. Ruin's End, a weapon brandished to purpose. It's namesake a promise of the future. Though of masterful craftsmanship, it contains no magical enchantment aside from its radiant shine.

War Mace - A heavy mass of metal, the craftsmanship, whilst excellent, is still crude to it's purpose. The Knights of Dol Amroth often use sword and lance, but many deign for these heftier weapons to crush through the armour of certain opponents. In the War of the Ring, Imrahil's forces possessed several mace-wielding Swan Knights who're said to have sought out Sauron's monstrous armored trolls on the field of battle, breaking their lances upon solid hide, and resorting to heavy steel when they had no alternative.

Swan Knight Shield - A simple shield of the highest craft, brilliance intended for the Swan Knights of Dol Amroth, these stalwart metal walls are emblazoned with the symbol of the Swann, shrouded in a mystical light blue, so that all may know the prominence and renown of its wielder. Elite warriors of the highest discipline, the Swan Knight's shield is extremely resistant.

Throwing Axes - Small simply designed throwing hatchets, these portable edges of death are often employed by Swan Knights as a ranged weapon for harassment or as a secondary should the sword be lost.

Personality (Including strengths and weaknesses)
A highly intelligent and driven woman, Gaeleth is a the attempted mirroring of the finest Knight living, her worship of grand tales of legend and great heroes has long awakened a hero-worship of her ancestor Prince Imrahil, who's valiant Knights turned the tide of the Battle of the Pelenor Fields. As such, she is a shining and charismatic girl who emits an aura of grounded intelligence and leadership. However, her strong characterization is built upon an unsteady foundation - an attempt to copy a better man - evident to any who may peer beneath the surface. She is deeply insecure, and all her training means nought when single-mindedness leads to reckless abandon in battle, a vice of overconfidence and glory-seeking.


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Name: Bev (Beverly) Appleby
Race: Halfling
Gender: Female
Age: Early thirties
Height: 4'0
Weight: ----
Sexuality: -----
Relationship status/former relations: Courting an older suitor down river.
Occupation: Gardener, Shepherdess
Skills: (Including strengths and weaknesses) Extensive plant knowledge including identification, cultivation, harvesting, preservation, and medicinal application. Animal husbandry, but mostly concerning sheep, goats, and chickens. She prides herself on being quite handy with a rake and a fierce terror to crows and ravens with little more than a fistful of rocks or anything else that can be thrown. She has very little, if any exposure to combat or violence, except for the time she punched a boy in the nose for pulling her hair. She isn't afraid to get grubby, but she will complain about it!
Weapon(s): A pocket knife, slingshot, and walking stick.
Personality: Cheerful, enthusiastic, kind-hearted, generous, but also a tremendous cry baby and hopeless romantic. Bev is fiercely loyal to those that she loves, but approaching people is a challenge and she forges new friendships with caution.
Backstory: (Only if you wish to) One of five daughters to a local farmer, Bev has lived her life in the footsteps of her parents and grandparents. She farms, herds sheep, and cares for the gardens of the well off and affluent members of her community. While she has been content with her life, Bev has recently felt the call to something greater. The spirit of adventure tugs at the strings of her heart and she has herded the sheep further and further from the farm, exploring the woods and the cart tracks beyond. In her spare time she has started wandering on her own, often camping out at night to enjoy the thrill of being somewhere else. She walks to neighboring villages and recently met a blacksmith who has captured her interest.

Name: Gereon Thornburrow

Race: Hobbit

Gender: Male

Age: 33

Height: 3’ 5 inches

Weight: 59.5 lbs

Sexuality: Hetero

Relationship status/Former relations: A few courtings here and there in his past years, but nothing ever serious. No relationship at the moment.

Occupation: A fur trapper and huntsman of sorts, usually of small game. He occasionally travels about to sell his furs, but often remains in The Shire. Gereon sometimes takes up small jobs on taking care of pest infestations.


+ Stealthy and silent- self taught after years of tracking and trapping animals, and with trying to avoid pesky neighbors.

+ Excellent in building small traps- Gereon picked up much of his trapping knowledge from his father, including how to build snares, leghold traps, and cages.

+ Small knowledge in survival- knows how to build small shelters, start fires, fish, and a little bit of cooking.

- Oblivious- Gereon can’t seem to take a hint, or could finally understand a joke a minute or two later. He can also fail to grasp a concept of danger.

- Poor at hand to hand combat- He doesn’t have much training for battle, and only has a few tricks for self defense against threats.

- Easily manipulated- It isn’t quite hard to sway his emotions, if you lied to him, he would most likely believe it. His gullible nature makes him a easy target.

Weapon(s): A small dagger with a leather hilt and a much smaller version of a bow with a few iron arrows.

Personality: Gereon is a bit of a dreamer, and can be seen constantly zoning out thinking of who knows what. He usually likes to spend time by himself, unlike most Hobbits who are quite social. He tries to be as kind as possible, but can accidentally overstep boundaries and not realize it. The young lad often tries to put on a facade that he is ‘manly’ or ‘tough’, it quickly fades away though after he opens up to somebody. He often tries to solve other’s problems, even though he has enough on his plate as it is.

Backstory: Gereon comes from a family of seven, with three younger siblings and one older than him. He grew up near the beginning of the Old Forest to the east of The Shire. His father owned a small fur company that sold various items made out of fur as well as fur itself. He became a apprentice under his father at a young age and learned the tricks of the trade, he was later expected to take over the company after he became of age. Unfortunately it went out of business a couple years before it was to be handed over to him. Still eager to please his father, he still continued to process and trade fur, instead of owning a store he instead traveled over the land. Gereon saw it to be much cheaper than to own a store and deal with the burdens it had.
Name: Ragnavald Vakas
Race: Elf
Gender: Male
Age: ------
Height: 6'2
Weight: Lean, athletic physique.
Sexuality: ------
Relationship status/former relations: -------
Occupation: Galadhrim
Skills: (Including strengths and weaknesses) Ragnavald, or Val to those he tolerates, is a skilled marksman with the long bow and short bow, or just about any object that *could* be thrown. He wields a two handed, curved blade, but will often defend with a second shorter blade in his off hand. As a defender of Lothlorien he is skilled in tracking, and true to the nature of his race, evading detection. While he is able to survive the wilderness and rough it like the toughest Rangers, he prefers not to and will go to remarkable extremes to avoid suffering the elements. He has an uncanny and annoying knack for knocking things from other people's hands with stealthily thrown knives, stones, or other absurdities, including shoes, books, cups, and silverware. Plants, animals, and all manner of small creature are repulsing and ought to be avoided at all costs. Dwarves especially.
Weapon(s): A curved, two handed sword, dagger, and a set of small throwing knives. He prefers not to carry a bow as they are 'confining' and generally 'annoying'.
Personality: Ragnavald takes the haughty superiority of elves to a legendary and unprecedented level of withering indifference---though---only when provoked. Smug, condescending, generally foul tempered and arrogant, Ragnavald's loyalty is entirely dependent on his fickle sense of honor(or humor), and or whether or not he likes his present company. Despite his smoldering disdain for everyone and everything, Ragnavald maintains a polite facade and will hide his temper for as long as possible, even to the point of rupturing veins. While he is inherently unpleasant, Ragnavald is a good person.
Backstory: (Only if you wish to) After surviving the war and the death of most of his comrades, Ragnavald returned to Lothlorien to try and piece together some sense of normalcy. However he was never quite the same, possibly even disturbed, and now spends large parts of his day wandering aimlessly despite disliking the weather and nature in general.
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Galadon of Imladris

Name: Galadon
Race: Elf (Ñoldorin/Sindarin mix)
Gender: Male
Age: 6,600 years, give or take a few
Height: 198 cm
Weight: 88 kg
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship status/former relations: Single
Occupation: Warrior/Steward of Imladris

  • Swordsman: The one skill where he most shines is in his skill with a blade. There is a savage, deadly grace and beauty to his sword-fighting.
  • Perspective: Galadon considers himself a good judge of character, and can usually get a good read on someone after a few moments of observation.
  • Nonchalant: Galadon doesn’t much care about most things, or at least not as much as he used to. He just has been through and seen enough that he simply doesn’t care about what happens to him anymore, which can often make him careless, and his tongue a bit too loose.
  • Disrespectful: No one is ever truly safe from Galadon's snark. His favorite targets are those that are either to full of themselves or far too serious (even better if they are both). Granted, he can be perfectly polite and civilized if he wants to, but he generally doesn't give a hoot if he offends you.

Weapon(s): A sword, long and elegant, to take advantage of his height and musculature

Personality: Galadon could easily be described as a light-hearted jokester who never seems to be able to keep his mouth shut or stay in the same place for very long. These things are mostly true, but there is more to him than simply that. He is whimsical and flamboyant, preferring to have laughter in the air rather than sadness or seriousness. Some think he's a bit too careless and flippant, and he is, but even then it is for a very specific purpose. Galadon doesn't just do things willy-nilly. Most of the time it is to keep the few elves that remain from being too serious, especially now that their time in this world has ended.

He's loud, but he's well-meaning and tries to keep busy, often running errands for those living in Imladris and amusing himself at their expense. He's never mean-spirited or cruel in his witticisms; he simply finds the world far too amusing to keep it to himself and is willing to show others it as well. Poking fun at others is simply his way of dealing with hardship and grief.

Backstory: Galadon was sired by a Ñoldorin father and Sindarin mother, born in the deep months of winter and named for the bright look on his face. His father's parents had come over the Grinding Ice with Finrod and had settled in Nargothrond with him, eventually having his father. His mother's parents were from Menegroth, with her father counting himself among Mablung's guard and her mother being a handmaiden to Melian herself. Galadon's parents would come to know each other during the War of Wrath, during which they brought their first and only child into the world while they lived in Lindon under Gil-galad's rule.

The elfing was raised much like any other, but some boys had a natural talent for the swinging of swords, and it was at this young age that it became clear where Galadon's worth would lie. His skill and ambition soon came under the notice of the High King of the Ñoldor, Gil-galad, whom he would serve for many years, gaining each other's trust and friendship. It was under his service to Gil-galad that he became acquainted with Elrond, who would go onto establish Imladris. When Sauron came to power, Galadon marched to battle in the War of the Last Alliance, but with the death of Gil-galad, he settled in Imladris to escape his memories of the High King.

And so he remained with Elrond, doing much of the same duties for him as he had done for Gil-galad, up until the day he set sail for the Undying Lands. For now, he tries to be as light-hearted as he can be around Elrohir and Elladan, albeit with his signature snark. He tries to help them remember the good old days, and that they were indeed good, often making irreverent cracks about Gil-galad or their father or anyone else that they might be brooding over. But Galadon's lonely existence at Imladris is wearing down on him as well. While he relies on random travelers and what remains of Thranduil's court to keep him sharp, a part of him wakes up each morning feeling more weary than the day before, yearning to leave this world for Aman.
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"you've got a heart as loud as a lion's so why let your voice be tamed?"
Name: Amalera
Race: Half Dwarf
Gender: Female
Age: To be determined
Height: 158cm
Weight: N/A
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Occupation: Wanderer | Beorning

Personality: With a heart filled with many sorrows, Amalera does her best to keep her wits about her, but, no matter how hard she tries to be indifferent, the half-dwarf finds herself wearing her heart on her sleeve. Loyal and courageous, Amalera goes where the wind takes her, finding adventure around every corner as she isn’t one to stay in one place for too long. Despite being quite independent, Amalera would never pass on a grand get-together filled with a hearty and jolly time, wanting to be a part of something bigger than herself or rather a chance to feel as if she belongs somewhere. Amalera hates passiveness and has a need to take action rather than standing around, becoming useless. She is known for being quite reckless as she’s always ready for a fight, not thinking before she act. Nevertheless, her actions are usually never out of malice but protectiveness, caution, concern, and most of all care. However, in the end, in battle, Amalera is quite perceptive and has keen senses that usually helps her companions as she watches their back, being at their beck and call, an aid. There may be times where her actions in battle are seen as cruel, vicious even, as her mind gets lost and it's a fight or flight survival instinct if she's surrounded.

Not one to beat around the bush, Amalera is straightforward and speaks her mind. She hates being underestimated and most of all, isn't one to crack under pressure if taken as hostage ( though, she will lash out out of anger of being trapped ). Hot and cold, depending how you treat her, Amalera believes that respect is earned rather than freely given. She believes in free-thinking and will not bend to the ways of Man, Dwarf, of Elf alike. With a wild persona and a thundering heart, all in all, Amalera is someone who enjoys good company but also enjoys the freedom to do what she pleases. She isn't one to settle down and in face of adversary, prefers to do things on her own. Amalera has a dwarf's stubbornness and a man's pride which makes her a great enemy yet an enigma to her allies.

Skills: + Skinchanger ( to be determined if she fully turns into a bear or not , but still has an affinity to bears, if she is able to turn into a bear, most likely has a set limited time in such a form and/or subjugated to stay in such a form for a length of time before she's able to turn back into her human form )
+ Keen senses with tracking and hunting skills
+ Knows her way around both a sword, spear, axe, and somewhat a crossbow
+ Was taught by her dwarven kin how to mine for gems and smith

- Opinionated and stubborn, not one to easily change her will or mind once she's set and determined
- Quite rowdy if given the chance, especially when ale is involved
- Her stature and appearance: quite small for Man yet tall for Dwarves - underestimated in both gender and race
- Not as dainty as she would like to be and tends to believe she breaks everything she touches as she doesn't have a "gentle" hand
- Despite being a Beorning, Amalera is in fact, one of the worse cooks and/or baker

Weapons: Crafts her own weapons, Amalera is fond of using spears and a sword, it's easier on the hands. Nevertheless, she considers herself a weapon as well due to her rare ability ( claws, teeth, and animalistic strength ).

Backstory: Descendent of Beorn, kin of the Eryn Lasgalen Elves, Misty Mountain dwarves and Bardings, Amalera was born from a direct line of her Beorning father and dwarven mother. Raised as a fighter with tough love, the half-dwarf was a free-spirit with a wild imagination. Although subjugated to being rejected by some of her kin from both sides, Amalera did her best to live her life as she wanted. But, due to her upbringing, she has many allies but also greater enemies. [ Deeper backstory perhaps will be written later or written in the roleplay ]

Relations: Many different kins due to her father and mother's ancestry though. Amalera has a good-standing relationship with some of the Mirkwood Elves, Bardings, and Rohirrims.

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Name: Ilaria
Race: Half- Elf
Gender: Female
Age: 350 years old
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 130
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship status/former relations: Many lovers over the years but has never fallen in love
Occupation: Royal Guard of Lothlorien
- Can move swiftly through treetops undetected
- Expert in archery
- Well trained in hand to hand combat
- Bow and quiver
- 2 short swords
- Dagger
Personality: Driven and goal oriented, always feels like she has something to prove. Bristly at first but is a very loyal friend and protector.
Backstory: Ilaria is an outsider. Everyone knows that she is a half-breed and believes that she does not deserve a position in the royal guard. On some level they are right, her mother's legacy allowed her the chance. Ilaria has never known her father, only that he was a human from Rohan. She was raised by her mother in the dark woods of the forest. Hunting and training until it was all she cared about. She knows she's been sent to the delegation as a test. She will not fail.

Father Name (Name given at birth, usually by the father. Acceptable for outsider use.)
Lennarn (Sweet Story)

Chosen Name (Name chosen by the bearer when old enough, usually based on personality traits. Not acceptable for outsider use.)
Dûrolon (Dark Dreamer)

Criston (Sword Man)
Gwachepedir (Far Away Walker)
Hatyaara Ka Raajaon (Slayer of Kings in Hindi the language of Khand)

Silvan Elf


1939 (Born 1282 TA)


186 lbs


Relationship Status
Married to Erwen/Uialiel

Scout of Eryn Lasgalen

Lennarn has the kind of skill at arms that would be sung of across Middle Earth, were he better-known. Elessar, Glorfindel in his first life, Húrin; these are among those who Lennarn could honestly claim as his peers.
Lennarn is an apt survivalist and traveler, with long experience with living life on the move and in the wild. If need be, he could walk into the wilds barehanded and thrive for as long as he needed.
Though he has undertaken little dedicated education on the topic, but Lennarn has learned, from many sources, the skills necessary for leading an army competently, though he is no great leader of soldiers or military mastermind.
Lennarn knows a number of the tongues and cultures of Rhûn and Harad, having lived among them for much of his life. Or rather lived with them around him.
When hiding in the wilderness, Lennarn is as a flutter in the wind, as quiet as a falling leaf. It is all too easy for him to evade notice in the wild, though his low-falling golden-red hair and great stature sees to it that this is not so socially. The cities of Man and Dwarf are foreign territory, and he is noticeably out of place within them.
Even for an elf of Eryn Lasgalen, Lennarn is uncouth and uncivilised. He knows little of diplomacy, wisdom, or learning; instead living day-by-day as his heart dictates. This can lead to unusually impulsive acts for an elf, often not serving Lennarn's goals.
Lennarn shuns responsibility, chafing under the burden of tasks, demands, and mandates. He is at least dutiful enough to perform them, but he finds difficulty in being prompt or thorough about performing another's will.

An elven single-handed sword. Rather plain-looking for an elven weapon and almost entirely unadorned, this blade is nonetheless a masterwork, extremely deadly in a warrior's hands, let alone Lennarn's.
A teardrop-shaped shield long enough to cover Lennarn from shoulder to ankle. It is wooden on the inside with a metal covering on the outside to provide strength. Not particularly adorned, though many more aesthetic touches than the sword. The outside is tinged green, with a large, stylised outline of a leaf in silver.
A broad-bladed dagger of a style common to the Ghaares—a rival people to the Variags from the land of Khand—warriors. Its blade curves slightly forwards to assist cutting, though the tip is sharpened as well. The steel is engraved and inlaid with gold, though not enough to compromise the blade's integrity overmuch, while in the pommel is set a cut ruby. Lennarn usually wraps cloth over the pommel to hide the jewel and its glint. This is used in Lennarn's off hand when he values agility and offense over protection, also serving as a surprisingly useful utility knife and backup weapon. It was given to him as a gift, over his protests at its ostentatious nature, and he takes care with it.

Lennarn is at once a free spirit and a loyal elf of Eryn Lasgalen. He lives in the world, not in Eryn Lasgalen, but the Wood of Greenleaves is his beloved home. He may stray far from it, grow bonds and have great adventures elsewhere, but he will inevitably return. He heeds no king's call, but he hearkens to the voice of his liege, King Thranduil. Not for the authority he wields, but for the respect he has earned. He enjoys travel and adventure, treading new grounds and laying eyes on new sights. But he also finds pleasure in the comforts of stability and a quiet life, though either way his will not be a sedentary lifestyle. The quiet contemplation of song-crafting or lore is not for him. Lennarn is rarely still, frequently pacing and fidgeting and looking around. But when he stops, he stops, so still he could be mistaken for a lifelike statue.

Lennarn is a serious elf, with very little humour, a short temper, and a violent disposition. He is impulsive and solemn at the same time, making mistakes and ruminating on them afterwards. He learns from his mistakes quickly, but his passions sometimes override his senses, leading to foolish action. His dreams are often filled with visions of past and future tragedies, which have helped mould him into a melancholic individual, chasing enjoyment to stave off the glum, contemplative moods he finds himself falling into later. He is rather blunt, unrefined, and occasionally quite rude, but he has a great deal of empathy and a strong sense of justice, if a distinct lack of mercy. For an elf who grew up in Mirkwood, he is remarkably unprejudiced, almost welcoming outsiders and strangers. He would willingly stay alone in the wilderness for centuries, entirely at peace on his own. By the same token, he would readily spend his life surrounded by others. He seeks out neither isolation nor companionship, merely accepting whichever he finds himself with, neither comfortable nor uncomfortable with either.

From his earliest years, Lennarn was shaped by his tragic visions and gift of foresight. He is the son of nobody in particular; his father is an academic and a healer, while his mother blows glass. Both trained with a militia and his mother was an excellent hunter, but neither fought in the army or were truly great in their fields, beyond the elven standard. Lennarn proved resilient to both of their professions, instead finding he excelled in the crafts of the warrior. He quickly found himself in Thranduil's Royal Guard, where he gained his respect for Thranduil and further honed his skills. He also began hunting with his mother, finding he enjoyed it. But above all, the tales his father would tell of the outside world thrilled him. In the outside world, he felt he could escape the crushing grey haze which had thusfar spanned his life.

In his first ranging out of the forest and to the outskirts of Lothlorien, he discovered that it did not. Nevertheless, the novelty of travel appealed to him, and he soon took to travel to lighten his soul, reporting back to Thranduil of important notes of the outside world. But the farther he walked, the more Mirkwood called him home. Rarely did he meddle in important events, watching instead from the shadows and hunting down the servants of Sauron wherever he uncovered them. Most commonly did he journey into Rhûn and Harad, meeting many peoples strange to the Mirkwood elves. He met the Dwarves of the East in their distant mountains; he observed fell rituals conducted by scores of Haradrim, then put its perpetrators to death; he hunted alongside fearsome nomadic horsemen; once, he even ventured into the jungles in the south of Far Harad, where the Mûmakil natively dwell, though he speaks little of what transpired under those shadowy boughs.

When Sauron fled east, beginning the Watchful Peace, his efforts quickly bent to rooting out Lennarn, who went to ground and returned to Mirkwood for a time, shaken by his brief attempts at grappling with the malice of Sauron. For a time, he settled, content to remain as a retainer in Thranduil's court. In this time, he met the Elf Maiden Erwen (Lone Maiden). Lennarn was quickly smitten. He courted her, and found that her presence stilled his ill dreaming. For a time. The two grew closer in love, and Erwen revealed her chosen name of Uialiel (Daughter of the Twilight), one recurring vision plagued his dreams. Lennarn and Erwen were attacked by marauding goblins during a romantic venture to Celduin. Largely unarmed, Lennarn survived, but was left cradling Erwen's body after driving them off. Every time he dreamed that long ride back to Mirkwood, Erwen's cold corpse slung over the front of the saddle, the ride grew longer and more crushingly lonesome.

Lennarn spoke of this to Erwen, and the two consulted elves wiser than they. It was determined to be a sign of what would come if the two were joined, as Lennarn and Erwen always knew that it was in the more rational, wiser parts of their mind. They agreed to go their separate ways to avoid this tragedy. Lennarn left Mirkwood and journeyed again into the south, staying away from his home for longer than he ever had before. When the gathering of Sauron's Haradrim came to Lennarn's notice, he hurried east, to Khand, for he knew of a powerful nation of Men, the Ghaares, who did not yet serve Sauron. Lennarn surrendered his arms and entered the Raaja's court, where he discovered the man had bowed under Sauron's dominion, his hosts pledged to the Great Eye. Lennarn's death was ordered.

Fleeing, Lennarn "borrowed" a sword from a helpfully poor swordsman of a guard, reclaimed his own weapons, returned the sword edge-first to some upstart "champion", and left the city. Acting on what the king had told him, Lennarn sought out the heir to the throne, Veer, who had rebelled against the allegiance to Sauron and the Variags. WIth Lennarn's help, Veer raised an army of fierce men and women, those loyal to Veer, faithful to the Ghaaresi gods, or resenting the pact with the rival Variags. They struck quickly, attacking the Raaja's armies as they were still marshaling. An elite group under Lennarn struck deep into the heart of the enemy forces, slaying all in their path. One by one they fell, until alone Lennarn carved through their forces and cast down the Raaja and his picked guards. Behind him, Veer's rebel army was faltering, the numbers too great. Lennarn took the former Raaja's head and demanded in the command tent that, in the name of Raaja Veer, the generals order their armies to stop fighting. All but one acquiesced, and the last was struck down.

Veer and Lennarn received little time to recuperate, as a massive Variag warband crossed into Ghaaresi territory, evidently having been called by the fallen Raaja. The armies marshaled once more. At the same time, a call arrived to the lands from the Great Eye, to muster for a great attack on Gondor. The War of the Ring was about to begin. The contribution of the Variags was small, for they had the Ghaares to contest them. With a dirge from their throats and the thundering rhythm of weapon on shield, the Ghaaresi armies approached its Variag counterpart. The fighting started with days-long skirmishing in favour of the Variags, their lighter archers and horsemen outpacing the Ghaaresi. Casualties were light, but continuous and largely unanswered.

When the Variags were forced to battle, the Ghaaresi fortunes reversed. Their experienced, disciplined infantry hacked a path through the Variags, Veer and Lennarn at their head, while their skirmishers simply could not swing the balance the other way. Once more Lennarn spit a Raaja on his sword, while elsewhere Veer was engaged in a furious duel with the Raaja's son and heir, who had slain Veer's brother years ago, just before Sauron brought their warring to an end.

The war did not end here. Variag warriors escaped, strongholds and cities still remained. It was two counts of Lennarn saving Veer's life from ambush and treachery and another three bloodsoaked years, at the Fall of Sauron, until the Variags surrendered the fight. Lennarn attempted to quietly leave Khand and avoid mention in history's pages, but Veer would have none of it. He gifted Lennarn the dagger he now carries, a treasure from his family's halls. He swore gratitude to Lennarn, declared that his family owed him a debt, and made his name the toast of feasts for years to come. Ghaaresi records would hold Lennarn's name, image, and deeds until the end of their empire. He offered Lennarn much else, but Lennarn was in no hurry to acquire titles, land, or wealth.

In the two centuries of stillness after Sauron's defeat, Lennarn remained at Veer's side until he passed from Arda. After that, he returned to Mirkwood, finding it reborn anew as Eryn Lasgalen. He joyfully renewed his vassalage oaths to King Thranduil. Here he saw again Erwen. Though the downfall of Sauron did not take his dreams away, no longer was his fate with Erwen shrouded in darkness. They married and Lennarn settled down again, though he did still venture out of Eryn Lasgalen, often with Erwen at his side. It was on the return from a visit to the lands of Dale when Lennarn received his letter.​

Name: Tyor Redbrew
Race: Dwarf
Gender: Female
Age: 81
Height: 4'2"
Weight: 141 Lbs
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: Explosive Manufacturer, Animal Trainer/Tamer
  • [ Explosives ] She can craft, identify, defuse, and use mundane, or even powerful explosives: Crude Grenades, Bombs, Explosive Kegs, etc. Make-shift bombs can be created from scrapped material.
  • [ Master Tamer ] She can tame horses, war goats, and even a bear if given proper timing. To boot, she is experienced with training them to become courageous companions, swift carriers, or even ferocious battle-mounts.
  • [ Trained Combatant ] Though a master of no form of martial art, or weapon, over the years she has learned to throw a punch, take a punch and cleave through a battlefield with a battle-axe.
  • [ Ale Maiden ] Though the dwarf has learned to calm even enraged beasts via taming techniques, and a calming aura, and though her secondary craft as a demolitionist requires extreme patience, the dwarven woman holds a terrible temper that can cause her to act out of character. Typically calmed by Alcohol, and or being complimented.
  • Smoke Grenade [ 2 ]
  • Small Explosive Grenade [ 2 ]
  • Large Explosive Grenade [ 1 ]
  • Spare Material for make-shift explosives.
  • Battle-Axe ( Balanced for Typical Swinging, and Throwing )
  • Spare Dagger ( In Boot )
  • [ Battle Goat ] A large, curl-horned, mountain-climbing machine. The mount has been bred, and trained for basic inventory carrying, extreme terrain-scaling, and will use its powerful horns to blow through crowds if given the command.
  • Loud
  • Charismatic
  • Fairly Sarcastic
  • Warm-hearted, and fiercely Loyal
  • Likes men that can sing, and dance.
  • Loves a good buzz ( Typically Alcohol )
  • Bottles frustration until its released in form of unrivaled fury.
  • Typically hard to impress.
  • Has difficulties admitting when she is wrong.
Outfits: Leather ( x ), Armor ( x )

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