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Fandom Unearthed (OOC)

How's Christmas been for you two? :D
A bit smaller scale and quiet than usual, lacking the big family get together of previous years for various reasons but still had its moments.
Finished my character, looks like we've certainly got a very exciting party to be travelling with; can't wait!
Maybe, they probably had a lot of time on their hands after the war so I wouldn’t doubt it. :3
Gundabad Scattergun: Constructed of Steel, Brass, and hardwood, The Gundabad scattergun was developed to clear out the cramped tunnels within the mountain kingdom during the reclamation from the orks of Angmar with a spread of iron fletchettes. Ammunition is made up of a brass cartridge packed with flash fire and a crystal primer. they are then filled with small iron darts measuring 1 inch in length and .3mm in width. The barrel is smooth bore and measuring an inside diameter of 18mm.
Alternative Ammunition include a solid steel bolt for punching through armour, or flash fire for incendiary.
The weapon is magazine fed, each one holding 18 shells.


S Shibe
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Guns in LOTR?... If one person gets a gun, everyone else will want to have one.. then it won't be LOTR anymore and become a bit of a generic shoot-em-up..
From a logical and historical point of view, the closest anyone would come to a fire-arm in LOTR would likely (in my opinion) be a Arquebus of some type or another.
And even then, regular bows can easily deal with Orcs and what-not so it's kinda limiting yourselves for no good reason? xD
just wanted to say hello and that i’m still here! working on my character sheet still !

i personally , despite it being 200 years after the war, probably wouldn’t want guns in LOTR despite it being a time for Man and whatnot.
From a logical and historical point of view, the closest anyone would come to a fire-arm in LOTR would likely (in my opinion) be a Arquebus of some type or another.
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And even then, regular bows can easily deal with Orcs and what-not so it's kinda limiting yourselves for no good reason? xD
I'd even venture to say a crossbow would be a dramatic advancement! I could see dwarves working toward weaponizing black powder (we know it exists because of Gandalf's firework display) and the orc that ran into the wall at Helms Deep (film cannon only??).

But Tolkien stayed away from gunpowder. He had seen WWI and didnt want guns in his stories. A lot of theories suggest that the LOTR series is a narrative on the rapid mechanization/industrialization of the world, and the destruction of community.

Besides, guns are a great equalizer. Any idiot can kill anyone with a gun.
Well it takes place 200 years after the war of the one ring. It would make sense for a bit of a tech boom. Also, it's a shotgun not a tommy gun... but we can let the GM decide. Plus if it is allowed, it'l be used sparingly as ammo will have to be made by hand in a town or village with a smithy. But if it makes you guys feel better, i'll downgrade to a double barreled breech loader.
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Its a shot gun with rapid fire capabilities. Tommy is a joke, obviously. And a shotgun? So we are expecting high fantasy, low magic peoples to go from no guns to suddenly steam punk advancements?

I agree, it is up to the DM, but this isnt in the spirit of the Tolkien universe.
I agree with others, guns not only go against Tolkien's theme - but they don't fit the universe form a technological standpoint - Middle Earth has had hundreds of years to advance and they've never exceeded the late middle age era, Numenor was the peak of technology and they had nothing resembling firearms.

If this was a Warhammer roleplay, I'd be thrilled for guns. But it's not and it feels very out of place.
I really don’t want to spur any arguments or anything of that sort, I really love the idea and the design. But I can see why it wouldn’t exactly fit in the Tolkien universe. I do want to remain as unbiased as possible though.
Not to mention that Arda is actually sorta meant to be an early Earth. I don't know how Tolkien imagined that syncing up geographically given that Middle Earth looks almost nothing like Europe, but the fact remains that this is waaaaaaaay before firearms of any kind should exist. Please don't do this. We (or at least I) don't care if it's a full-auto shotgun or an over-under. It's still someone injecting guns into Tolkien, which goes against so much Tolkien believed and Middle Earth represented.
S Shibe , in the end, you are the GM/DM and us, as players, will follow what you decide because in the end, GM's words are law.

I think, thus far, if it helps, no one is really starting an argument, but rather discussing politely and respectfully why we would not want guns in the roleplay.
I respect your opinions and realize i a outnumbered. Therefore I will Retract the Idea. But I would love to be able to play with black powder like in the two towers.
Its your roleplay and you get to decide, but as a fan of the author and what his work represented I will be sorely disappointed if guns are introduced. The themes and the narrative will be somewhat spoiled.

I agree with Archon Archon , this is not warhammer.

Tolkien did not equip the forces of good with gunpowder as a kind of moral high ground (I assume). If you put together a character, maybe a half crazed fireworks craftsman, I could see gunpowder working its way in xD

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