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Fantasy uncharted land

The chief grabbed Ben's arm as he grunted into standing before he asked "Can you get my staff, Brother from distant land, I need it to perform magic and alert the other chiefs."
"Sure..." Ben pushed the staff up by toes and snatched it by his free hand. "Here you are, chief. And please call me Ben... if you don't mind." He said.
"Of course, Ben" Said the chief wondering what ben meant in the foreigner's language "Now, give me my staff and I'll lead you to my wetu"
Handing the staff to the old man, Ben walked with him out of the wigwam to the village's open area and then the tobacco field. Before the farm was a wetu the chief guided him into it. "How many villages exist in this land?" Asked the sailor wondering how many chiefs the old mage was going to call.
"There be thirty, but only eight of them are equipped with Quarz" Explained the chef Leading Ben into the wetu. Inside the wetu, there is a sharp, semisquare white quarz chrystal as well as an array of oils and incenses.
Ben looked at the white quartz curiously. "Is it what you need to contact each other? I so ignorant toward magic... I haven't seen something like this before..." He commented then looked around various containers around the wetu. "Please begin, chief. I hope those eight can send messengers to their neighbors."
The chief would first get a stick of red incense and slowly sat diwn before the Quartz. He rubbed the insense in a flint stone and it would smoke while making the entire wetu smell of Cherries and lavendar. The chief placed the incence unter the chrystal before chanting in tounges. The containers meanwhile would be filled with grounded tobacco leafs, corn, staffs, Stone swords & arrows.
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Basked in pleasant perfume of spring, Ben watched the old man performing the ritual elaborately. He failed to understand every single word and voice escaping chief's lips but what surprised him most, was the part of filling container with different irrelevant looking items.
(The chief isn't filling the containers, the things were already inside when they walked in)

Dancing blue lights eminated from the chief's head and chest out of his body and into the Quartz. The quartz would became opaque as the chief stopped chanting and placed his hands on either side of the cuboid. As green coloured energy eminated from his fingers, a bird's eye view image of another villaige is seen vividly on the Chrystal.

The strange lights and change in the crystal had amused the young sailor, yet he couldn't hide his surprise as saw the downward scenery through the opaque piece. "Ah... amazing... " He whispered before noticing.
The image would move around over another Wetu as one of the green lights would go into the Quartz and down Into the high up view down toward wherever the quartz is in the Villaige Wetu. The light refracted out in four directions toward other villaiges outside of the Chrystal's view before two beacons of green light pierced both sides of the Wetu closing the eightway link Between villaiges. The Chrystal's top down view faded away in favor of an emerald glow as the chief spoke into the Chrystal "I have recieved word from a pale brother and ally of our warriors has alerted me of the Yansi's insidious plans for war"
Ben remained silent while the chief was speaking through crystal. He listened wondering if the other eight chives were going to reply right away and how much it took them to gather in one place.
The chief sat with a glowing crystal waiting for a reply as a voice came out of the crystal "What seems to be the trouble?" Asked a female sounding chief as the chief in the Wetu asked "I have recieved word that the Yansi are preparing for war, they want to take over our land!"
Although Ben had been waiting for a reply, voice of woman startled him. He bit his lower lip to avoid asking the chief about voices coming through the crystal.
"All those who can hear me right now, prepare for war with Yansi kind" said the chief "Any assistance no matter how small or insignificant is necisary! Be sure to spread the word to the others" "Yansi's!" Exclaimed a male sounding voice "Where did you get this from?" "A pale brother from a far away land told me" The chief turned back towards Ben and said "Alright Bay, just come over here to speak into the chrystal and everyone else can hear"
"Errr... well, it's an honor but... I'm not sure about declaring war against them." Ben who was surprised by Chief's request replied doubtfully but got closer to the crystal and did as he had been told. "Good day... it's Ben, a sailor visiting your lands... I happened to come across these half man half buffalo beings and... aside from their abnormal origin which is in conflict with my experiment with night guardian... that's another story, never mind that... these folk calling themselves Yansi, are strong, resourceful and too proud of it. They are better than us in weaponry and advanced in education which can easily consume your old culture and absorb the youth... this gives them more power that they intend to use it in order to conquer more lands and take our kind under control..." He tried to explain briefly then paused. "To fight them was what I thought of the first time I saw them abducting your daughters but then I realized that won't be easy at all. Odds are against humans as we know a little about them. I came to this fair chief and mage to ask if it's possible for you to reform your ways... to a better approach... I mean; first thing to do is taking back those who have accepted their rein willingly... they need the spirit... to value the freedom above all... but you also have to consider their reasons and solve their problems... or provide their needs... that's why I thought of schools that can be used by all villages... and changes like that to stop people from joining yansi and even convince them to leave the yansi side... "
"You seem like you don't understand our ways" said another male sounding voice "It is our tradition that the chiefs always teach the crafts, it has been such for thousands of seasons. We can't simply have multiple chiefs just for one building!"
"No... you can't have multiple chiefs... but you can't expect one person to know everything. Knowledge is so vast that one can never even touch its edges... everything would be known by everyone... so we all are teachers and students at the same time. You are very good people but if you don't change to fit the new era... you might fall..." Ben answered the unknown voice of a chief.
"Where shall we get the teachers for this new school you're proposing. We need to rival that of Yansi" pointed out the chief.
"I know... that's a long process. But I'm sure that it must be done." Ben said and thought a little. "I can't answer all the problems... I'm just a sailor. All I can say is that you have your elders and those who have studied in yansi schools... and also these captives... and maybe travelers like me! You can send messengers to Seltu by captain Fetri's ship and invite more skills into your villages..." He suggested.
"And captain fetri is the one who got you to our land?" asked one chief as another replied "Who's Selthu and does he know teachers comperable to Yansi"
"Yes I came on his ship..." Ben tried to answer chiefs' questions one by of. "Selthu is a place... I don't know how good Yansi are but you'll learn a whole new perspective from them... the only thing I'm sure about is that there is a huge benefit in uniting with more people as all humans should be able to stop yansi. "
"That's a proposition that I can't refuse" Said a female chief "When is Captain fetri going to come back and where will he come back"
"It'll be the eastern cost... well, east from this spot but may be northeast of the land..." Ben replied then tried to guess the day the ship could reach the new land but fail. "Sorry... I can't count how many days I've spent here since they left... actually, I don'r even know how far we are from Selthu... but it can't take more than two weeks."

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