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Fantasy Thesta Penitentiary for the Wicked [OOC]

Sure, I think getting everyone in one communal area might stir up conversation and any conflict. You got my vote
TannerDedInside2017 TannerDedInside2017 If neither of your cellmates reply by the time we do the time skip (hopefully tomorrow, I'm working on a reply to sum things up for Jasper, Warden Brookes may need one more after), you can move Tanner and Jack together through an NPC guard deeming it an error in the inmate manifest. You can pick whether Tanner goes to Jack's cell, or vice versa.
When they go to breakfast Kala is sticking by her new friend. It is like some middle school cafeteria mentality except here it's with murderers
Yeah I thought that would be a good way to end it. Hopefully we get everyone to a comfortable point soon enough
I only mentioned RuPaul because I’ve been watching UNHhhh a lot recently lol.
I dont really feel like Harebourg's got a place in this story rn; timeskip's cool.
Time skip will come soon; I'm pretty much ready now for my two characters. I'm sure everyone will have a more appropriate place at breakfast tomorrow IC.
And I’m pretty sure that that’s happening to pretty much everybody, tanner.
I'm just waiting on a reply for the warden's part, then we shall skip to the next morning. Breakfast. Any objections?

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