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"Eagle One here; I can provide Firecracker with overwatch, but I doubt the functionality of it against Cambion. Over." Kal had an itch on her nose, yet couldn't scratch it while staying intently focused on the situation unfolding on the starport. A pity; it was rather annoying.

Siren77 Siren77 Damafaud Damafaud
Secondary objective? Son of a bitch... Sil thought as the soldiers let Alice and her through. This is how missions go south. The comms were lit with everyone getting distracted by the cyborg. I just hope none of these idiots shoot at that damn thing, she thought. You might as well announce to every soldier in the city that we have snipers pointed at their commander.

Better to let Francis deal with it himself. Even if he got captured, he's just one lunatic with explosives. He was there to provide a distraction and, so far, it seemed to be working, even if the timing was a little off. The mission could proceed without him. The mission is all that matters.

Besides, he has always wanted to blow himself up. Why deny him the opportunity?

Focus. Sil readied herself as she stepped into the diner. The Kommandant was already seated at a table, alone, nowhere near the windows. Dammit. But at least he was facing the window. She could work with that. "Wow, he must be super important or something," Sara said to Rosey, tilting her head in the Kommandant's direction. She knew he could see them. That was the point. She briefly glanced in his direction, then coyly looked away, before leading Rosey to a table near the windows, but away from the door. She caught his eye for a nanosecond. Unless the guy was a total skirt-chaser, she doubted one glance would be enough to lure him over, but it was a start. The seed was planted.

animegirl20 animegirl20 Siren77 Siren77
Alejandras tel-Murkuntelli
interaction(s) Siren77 Siren77 Damafaud Damafaud
Alejandras was quick to move when Ezro made the call. He maneuvered around the urban populous, careful not to hit anyone. He chose a discarded, old watchtower of the airfield. He barracaded the door as he did before, pushing about everything in the station infront of the door. The shutter windows provided a wide view of the area. He quickly spotted the Cyborg, and the presumed form of Francis. "Headhunter Two, engaging target." Alejandras slung the weapon onto a windowsill, and fired at the Cyborg's left knee joint with an armor piercing round.

The bullet had a ultrasonic vibrating tip, allowing it to bore through metal like a hot knife through butter, and a small amount of thermobaric liquid, which produced a high-temperature explosion. He saw the bullet hit its target. He saw the explosion from the bullet, but the resulting explosion created a small plume of smoke, blocking his vision.

"Cyborg has been hit, left leg should be crippled." He paused a moment, waiting for the smoke to clear. "Vision obscured, awaiting proper diagnosis. Eagle Two, do you see anything?"
Jacen looked threw his scope at the cyborg. "Too much smoke." He said. He kept his cross hairs were the cyborg was as he used goggles to look around the are. "Fire at it again just to make sure." He checked back near the where he left to make sure that no one heard that.
GolemGuy GolemGuy
Alejandras tel-Murkuntelli
interaction(s) Siren77 Siren77 Jagson Jagson

"Alright Eagle Two." Alejandras fired a more concussive round, due to the lack of visual. This bullet was more grenade in shape, and filled with much more thermobaric liquid. The explosion this time was tenfold. "If that didn't cripple it, this sure as hell did."
The Cyborg was giving unrelenting chase to any and all of Francis’ attempts to maneuver and run from the machine. Though it could never quite get ahold of the lifeform, it knew that given the right amount of time they would have to slow down eventually and then it’d have its opportunity to capture whatever it was. With a power arch in its legs, the Cambion jumped and raised its fists together as one with the intent of slamming them down into the ground below or right where the targets head was, whatever came first. However it’s trajectory was thrown off after something struck the knee joint on its left side, sending it hurtling from the force. A small explosive went off through the smoke created from the projectile, but did not even come close to the Cyborg. After the smoke cleared, the Cambion slowly rose with the electronic sound that mimicked a low growl, it’s red eyes (though lifeless) were almost bleeding with rage.

In its collapse, it had lost track of the lifeform it had previously been pursuing and was now turning about trying to find it. The lifeform had help elsewhere, but analyzing the buildings surrounding the field proved to be in vain as its systems couldn’t identify any life or machinery up there as well. It’s in depth trackers couldn’t analyze from this distance, so tracking the aid wasn’t an option. A low growl uttered from the Cambion before it began trudging around the airfield once more, it’s sensors attempting to find the same trace of a pulse or the fluidity matching with the lifeform he had been tracking earlier.

The one named Francis would be in the clear for now, but he needs to tread carefully. Avoid the gaze of the Cambion and finish placing all charges and explosives before retreating as the captain instructed. Meanwhile the watchful eyes of Eagle Two and Headhunter Two must keep an eye on the seemingly impervious android, and it need be they must interfere again. But be wary, as it’s rage builds, so to might it’s urge grow to trade objectives and seek them out instead.

As Bjørn sat idly by, watching and waiting for his food and any other manner of snack to come his way, his blue eyes traced over every nook and cranny of the restaurant looking for something to keep him entertained. The bored look from before had returned, and now there was no way to relinquish it. Atleast, that’s what he thought, until the sound of the front door opening once more cause his eyes to slowly trail over to it.

A pair of very young, and ever so beautiful women had stopped in the doorway. Both were adorned with fancy dresses and jewelry, and both were looking right in his direction. For a moment, he locked eyes with the more exotic girl on the pair, and a grin spread on his face as he looked her over. The human girl next to her too bid much invitation from his own attention, but after her had his eyes full of there image. He simply looked away, opting for the path of letting them chase after him. If they wanted his attention, they’d come asking for it.

“Headhunter Three, what’s your scope looking like? Do you have a visual on the target?” Ezro uttered a frustrated growl. “I can barely make out the corner of his head on my end, but the wall is blocking the rest of him and I can’t make out a clear shot. So I pray that you can atleast see him. If not we’ll need to transition to different vantage points.”
Jagson Jagson GolemGuy GolemGuy AnonyMouse AnonyMouse animegirl20 animegirl20 Nisqhog Nisqhog
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Jacen let out a mottled curse. " Looks like the damn thing was barley affected." Jacen said. " Firecracker hurry up and finish your mission." He said. He kept his scope on the android. He let out a breath. " Headhunter two think you can get another shot off on it." His mind raced in thought. "If the two of us can keep it distracted then firecracker will be able to set the charges and blow the tin can up." He said. "At least that's one idea."
Kal Rezd sighed; those shots might have been fired at the cost of the element of surprise. "This is Eagle One, the Cambion looks like it's lost Firecracker for now. I'd say keep weapons trained, but hold fire; it managed to track Firecracker even through Ollie's chameleon device. If it can do that, it can track bullets. Forget not that the starport has its own security besides the Cambion. More gunfire will no doubt send them looking for us, if not the city's own defence force. Firecracker, though eccentric, is capable; have faith in him. We have a mission at hand, let's not risk revealing our presence further."

Jagson Jagson GolemGuy GolemGuy
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"Oh captain, you should see the grin on his face as he saw those girls. I bet he's thinking of all the cringy pick up lines he's going to tell them once he gets his fat ass off that chair!" Everett joked as she heard the question and shook her head a bit. She was looking down the scope, the target in her sight and she could only wonder why she couldn't take the shot right now and then just go away. But he wasn't here to question her orders, so she just chuckled a bit before answering.

"Headhunter One, I have visual contact. No need to scamper, I can take my time while we let Succubi deal with the mark. Get a drink while you wait, I got this locked down." Everett explained with a smirk on her face and pressed her eye against the padded scope, focusing down on the target. "On second thought, maybe don't. If you liver fails you now, I won't be able to help you."

Siren77 Siren77
"Cut the chatter, Headhunter Three. If you have a clear shot, just say so," Sil typed into her datapod. She couldn't freely talk to the others in this situation, but had a program that would translate the text into audible voice messages on their end. The voice sounded like a monotone robot, but it was better than nothing. Then again, 'monotone robot' wasn't too far off from how Sil typically sounded.

She was still sizing up the situation and weighing her options. Bjorn had a knife next to his plate. They didn't need a headshot. If she got close enough, all the Headhunters had to do is hit center mass. She could finish the job with his own silverware, grab his datapod, and nope the fuck outta the restaurant through the kitchen before the soldiers had time to come through the front doors.

All of this was running through her mind as she smiled at the waiter. "I'll have what he's having," Sil said, just loudly enough to be heard by the Kommandant, but not so loud that she would draw undue attention. She pointed in his direction, in case the waiter had any doubts which 'he' she was referring to. "Must be some good fucking fish, right, for him to come here with a freakin' military escort. I want that shit."

animegirl20 animegirl20 Siren77 Siren77 Nisqhog Nisqhog
Francis Ward

Planting Explosive
Interaction: Siren77 Siren77

Mention: -
Francis barely managed to avoid the chaser thanks to interference from Al. He laid low by a ship, catching his breath as he detached a mine from a servant bot. Three to go. He attached the mine to the base of the ship. When he was finished, he did not move, but took a breather by sitting and opened his tracer to see where the remaining bots were.

Two to go.

The chaser lost his track. Francis commanded the servant bot to return to the ship. He dashed toward the second bot, and the second ship. His breathing was slower, but sweat rained down his body until he felt sticky all over.

One to go.
“Alright there Sailor, lets watch the profanity. Need I remind you, you’re supposed to be a proper young woman dining in a fine eating establishment. Simple flattery in simple phrasing will do just nicely instead of you cursing your ass off.” Despite the fact that he was somewhat reprimanding Silmaris, Ezro was fighting back laughter at that final sentence she had uttered.

As soon as the Kommandant heard the rather exotic girl speak up, he looked her way once more and found her having an off side discussion about himself and then he meal he had chosen to fear upon this afternoon. Rather odd wording for someone as formally dressed as she was, but hey maybe it was a cultural thing. He leaned forward on the table he sat at, resting his elbows and looked directly at Silmaris.

“It is a rather delicate fish, and one I quite enjoy partaking of whenever I come to this place. Though, I had yet to see such a couple of flowers such as yourself and your friend there. Visitors I’m assuming?”

Ezro cursed under his breath as he watched and listened on to the Kommandants actions. His movement at the table had put a clean headshot at a more forward position. This is what they had the girls in there, both to extract proof of the targets death and to reposition the target as needed for a clean shot to be achievable. Ezro’s vantage point was directly behind Bjørn, so his shot was still ever so wonky and small at the target point. Judging by Everette’s own position, her alignment was now messed up as well.

“Succubi, move in and request to sit and eat with him. Bring the conversation closer to where he is so he’ll sit up straight instead of leaning forward. Headhunter Three needs a clear shot, so act accordingly and follow instructions until she’s ready to fire. You both are doing great, the horny bastard doesn’t suspect a thing.”

“How are the charges coming Firecracker?”
Ezro questioned as he switched the conversation over to Francis, “Time is running out and we need those soldiers out of there so our Succubi can hightail it once the target is executed.”

The Cambion was still patrolling but there was a window of opportunity for Francis to place the last charge. Then the only issue would be evacuating himself and the droids, without raising the Cyborgs attention again.

“Eagles and Headhunter Two, I suggest getting out of there and back to the ship as soon as the charges are placed as well. We may need a quick exit, so Eagle Two have the ship started and ready for takeoff upon our arrival.”
Nisqhog Nisqhog AnonyMouse AnonyMouse animegirl20 animegirl20 Damafaud Damafaud Jagson Jagson Bard Bard Bard Bard GolemGuy GolemGuy
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"Yes sir." He said as he slowly started to make his way back to the ship. He took off his Chameleon device and walked casually back. He whistled before accidently running into the female officer from earlier. "Sorry." He said as he smiling at her. The smile immediately died when he got a good glimpse at her face. "Sorry mam." He said almost chocking up barley keeping his calm. It appeared she didn't recognize him. He quickly moved away from her. Only stopping when he heard the child talk. He shook his head as he made a quick jog back.

He started up the ship and leaned backed as he waited. "Ship is ready to go." He said.
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Francis Ward

Planting Explosive
Interaction: Siren77 Siren77

Mention: -
Another dash. Francis almost stumbled on his leather shoes, but managed to put another foot forward before he did. The last servant bot was waiting beside a cruiser ship. Last ship. Francis took the mine from the servant bot. He pushed it below the ship. Not far enough. Frowning, he extended CHICK-BoGer and pushed it again. Right under the cooling system.

He was done.

In another situation, he would break into a shout, a dance, a cry, a speech, and a song at the very least, but that was not the time. His job hadn't finished. He needed to escape back to the ship. Part of this mission was stealth; he needed to maintain the stealth the Son of Heaven assigned for him!

Francis ordered the servant bot to return first. It whirred softly before gliding toward the ship. He peeked from the corner. The steel angel was not in sight.

He dashed toward the ship.

He arrived out of breath. Once he was inside, Francis turned off the chameleon suit and turned on his receiver.

"Everything is done, Son of Heaven. The rest is up to you and destiny."
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Alejandras tel-Murkuntelli
interaction(s) Siren77 Siren77
After Francis had announced that the charges had been planted, Alejandras took no hesitation to getting his ass out of there. He moved the blockade, and bounded from the door. He ran towards an old warehouse, and took a momentary pause.

"This is Headhunter Two. I have successfully evacuated from the premises. Headhunter One, am I to focus of the original target?"

He took a brief moment to set down his gun, and slumped against the walls, awaiting a response. He took a deep breath, and temporarily disabled his chameleon suit.

There was no way he'd been tracked back to the warehouse.
Alice laughed a little and then gave a shy but seductive smile. "We like to travel." Alice turned to Sil. "I don't know about you but I think we should join the gentleman." Alice stood up assuming Sil was right behind her and walked over to Bjørn and then stop. "Of course if you don't mind that is." Alice said acting as if she didn't want to be rude. "We wouldn't want to impose."
AnonyMouse AnonyMouse
Siren77 Siren77
"He won't mind," Sil said, as she passed by Alice and took a seat at Bjorn's table rather than wait for his permission. She chose to sit next to him; easier to get at his gun and datapod that way, but it also put her dangerously close to the line of fire. That was the unfortunate truth of using high-powered rifles. They tended to frag anyone close to the target. She hoped her allies were aware of that and would let her know when they had a clear shot, so she could duck or move.

"I heard this was a fancy restaurant. Fancy gentlemen in fancy restaurants pay for a lady's meal. Sara, by the way. And this is my girlfriend, Rose," she said, offering her hand and a carefree smile. She would not elaborate on what she meant by 'girlfriend.' Just a friend, who happened to be a girl, or... nah, let him fill in the blanks. Seduction and fear were the same in that regard; they worked best when you let the target's imagination run its course.

animegirl20 animegirl20 Siren77 Siren77
Jacen kept an eye on monitors watching to make sure nothing happens. He looked at one of the monitors when a proximity alarm went off.
Jacen checked the outer door and saw a young looking man standing outside with a datapad. He wore a cap that said security.
'Damnit.' He said. He walked outside. "Can I help you?" He asked the man.

"Howdy mister." The man said. He smiled widely showing a gap in his teeth. "When I saw your ship I had to wonder what supplies y'all was bringing." He offered Jacen his hand. "It's for inventory. My boss'll have my hide if I don't get every ship checked out."

"Sure." Jacen said as he walked back into the ship and created a quick inventory sheet. He cursed as he created it. He walked back out and handed the pod to the man.
The man checked it over and whistled. " Fifty boxes of Tyrell Cigars." He said. " I heard those where good but a bit too expensive for me. Probably more expensive because of what happened to Nimeria and all. Damn rebels" He commented. Jacen made a small scowl at the comment. The man checked the rest of the inventory. "Well everything appears to be on the up and up. If there is any problems let me know good sir." The man said as he started to walk away.

Jacen let out a breath as he walked back into the ship.
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“Oh trust me my dear ladies, I do not mind in the slightest.” Bjørn plastered a devilish grin as he stared down the two beautiful women, his pale blue eyes reading nothing but lust and desire. Nothing more obvious than that, making it all too apparent what he hoped to gain from talking to the two. “Come sit, let me buy the two of you some food and a drink. Two lovely ladies of your decorum deserve to be treated to a fine meal, and to have the company of a pristine individual such as myself. I only ask in return, that I get to know you fine individuals on an in depth level. Such archetypes of beauty deserve to be known and praised after all.”

The Kommandant had quite the silver tongue, though it was to be expected considering his lengthy history of seducing women and wooing them into his bedroom. A ladies man to be sure, but a scumbag above all else.

“Sara and Rose, a rare set of flowers. So vivacious and fragrant, it’s almost intoxicating. I suppose I must introduce myself as well. I’m Bjørn Mechka, ranking commander for the Interspace Task Force. Also known as the Kommandant.” Bjørn gave a slight bow with his head, before his gaze was once more affixed on the two women. Sara referring to Rose as her ‘girlfriend’ caused his eyes to spark with interest ever so subtly. Perhaps he wouldn’t be as alone tonight as he previously thought he would be. Oh the dramatic irony that his whoredoms might very well be his downfall. “So do tell me ladies, where is it that you hail from in this expansive system?”

Now that the Kommandant was relaxed in his seat, the previous view of his skull was now in place. Meaning Everette would be able to take the shot, but first they needed to ensure that Sil and Alice would be able to escape and book it from the restaurant as soon as the kill was initiated.

“Alright Francis, it’s your time to shine my friend. If everything’s cued up, ignite the Heavens when ready! It’s now or never!”

With this said, Ezro looked over to the vantage point where Everette was posted. There he was barely able to make out the figure of the woman, but he could tell she was ready. A headstrong woman like her always was.

“Headhunter Three, you are cleared to engage as soon as the light show goes up. Until then standby.”

Just as the captain was about to relax for a moment as he waited for the sign of Francis’ glory, Alejandra’s patched in inquiring of whether or not he should return to the ship. Ezro thought it over for a moment, before finally answering his Engineer.

“Negative, return to the ship as soon as possible. There’s gonna be a lot of people moving around once the diversion goes up. With your large frame it’ll be difficult to maneuver past all that and to return to your vantage point. Return to the ship a-.” The last portion of Ezro’s message would be cut off from the sound of tearing metal and concrete being smashed to bits, followed by pounding footsteps. Alejandras had made a fatal mistake in deactivating his Chameleon Tech while he was still within range of the Cambions sensors. The sudden signal of biomass and the tech of his replaced appendages had instantly alerted the massive cyborg of his location, causing it to give chase and follow. Now standing before Al was the monstrous behemoth of Metal, growling low with it’s staticky and limited vocals. Obviously it had no intentions of talking this out.

Ezro had heard all of the carnage on the other end, prompting his stomach to drop. “Headhunter Two, respond! What’s the situation?!” Al wouldn’t have time to respond, as the demonic being was already attempting to strike the large person just as it had with Francis. The hunt was back on, this time with a much larger and slower target.
Nisqhog Nisqhog AnonyMouse AnonyMouse animegirl20 animegirl20
Damafaud Damafaud Jagson Jagson Bard Bard Bard Bard GolemGuy GolemGuy
The security officer walked with a bit of speed in his step. When he got far enough away he transformed into an androgynous looking being with the symbol of Alpha on it's shoulder.
The being took out a communicator. "This is little one come in."

A hologram of a dark skinned man appeared. "Little one it's big brother what do you have?"
Little one sent the bio scan he took of Jacen Corr.
"I fallowed that Corr person and took a scan of him."
Big brother looked to the left as if looking at something. He smiled happily.
"Found you prodigal brother."
Francis Ward

The Titan - Monitor Room
Interaction: Siren77 Siren77

Mention: Nisqhog Nisqhog AnonyMouse AnonyMouse animegirl20 animegirl20 Jagson Jagson Bard Bard Bard Bard GolemGuy GolemGuy
Finally. At long last. The command had came from the Son of Heaven. Ah, he could feel tears practically running down his cheek already. Francis wiped his face... only to find it dry. Of course, that was because he hadn't cried yet. Francis turned toward the monitors. The screens showed images of the hangar real time, taken by a few scouting cameras. In his hand was a device with a big red button.

"Ladies and gentlemen! The moment you have been waiting for!"

He pressed the big red button.

"The show of the millenia! The cry of spiritual ascension! The rumbling of earthly desire as the heaven strikes down and destroy the earth!"

A ship exploded. Another followed. The screens didn't transmit any sound, but the quality of the images was high enough to see the explosions clearly. Francis spread his hands into the air.

"A music as beautiful as the harp of a fallen deity! Feel the pain of the Goddess of Rain when rainbow shows up and swallow her beloved whole! Destroy the darkness in your mind through the cleansing ritual of Mop and Iron Comb!"

The camera zoomed in at a crawling figure. A person, dressed in pilot suit, cried in misery as he dragged a footless leg away from the wreckage of a ship. Francis threw his hat into the air. It landed ceremoniously on the steel floor as Francis stepped over it before he took it again.

"Ah, I feel like singing! I hear the muse of the lyre in my ears!"

The Titan slightly trembled. Some explosions close enough to the Titan resulted in a small tremor, but Francis lived in his own world. As he went off to sing the baritone piece of The Barber of Seville, a song from Terra. The mission went on. As the hangar spiralled down into panic, trying to extinguish the fire and save people from wreckage and fire, Francis sang and dance on the Bridge. His transmitter, unfortunately, was on.
"Shit." Everett mumbled and turned off her transponder and intercomms as the explosions filled the docks. She shifted her cheeks on the sniper rifle, her trigger finger itching to take the shot. "These idiots are going to ruin everything. Or they might just do my job for me." She muttered angrily, the roof trembling below her and shaking the sight more than she would've wanted to. Then she turned on her comms, and chimed in, clearly infuriated.

"Shut the fuck up Francis. Whose fucking idea was to blow the bombs BEFORE we shot!" She grumbled angrily and steadied her sight again, a hard task when she had worked herself up so much over this botched plan. She saw the soldiers outside look around in confusion and leave towards the explosion. And as the explosion was heard in the restaurant too, she saw her moment of opportunity. Sil ducked down and left Bjorn exposed to her shot.

Another sound rang the air and echoed between the tall buildings for a few seconds. The sound of a high powered sniper rifle's discharge, and the subsequent crack of the bullet passing teh sound barrier. "Fuck..." Everett groaned angrily as she stared down a still alive Kommandant, now missing a significant chunk of his ear, but still breathing. "Negative contact. Shot grazed." She mumbled and pulled back the lever on the rifle, chambering a new bullet and ejecting the spent casing. Despite this, there was a small smirk on her face as she muted her communicator for a second. "Let's see how you deal with this fishy~"

AnonyMouse AnonyMouse animegirl20 animegirl20 Siren77 Siren77
At the sound of distant explosions, Sil immediately rolled out of her chair and down to the floor. it was the natural reaction anyone might have when bombs start going off. She heard the sound of the diner's window shattering as a bullet pierced the glass. She saw the blood spatter as it struck Bjorn in the head and she saw the shocked look on his face as his hand went to his bleeding ear.

Holy shit, he still has a face.

Everett, you fucking idiot, Sil thought as she snatched Bjorn's gun from his side, thumbed off the safety, and double-tapped him in the skull before he could even process what had just happened. She tossed his datapod to Alice before grabbing the knife from beside his plate.

"This is Succubus One. Confirmed kill. Datapod secured. Acquiring proof," she said into the comms, ignoring the screams of the panicked restaurant goers as she violently broke Bjorn's index finger and chopped it off with his knife as proof of the kill. Easier to transport than a head and fingerprints were hard to copy. She dropped the severed digit into her purse, wiped the blood off on his napkin, and headed for the door. "Succubus One, moving to rendezvous point."

animegirl20 animegirl20 Siren77 Siren77 Nisqhog Nisqhog
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Ezro heard first the sound of the explosions in the distance, indicating that Francis’ work was finished. Then, there was the sound of a rifle as Everette took aim and fired at the target. But... nothing happened. Bjørn moved only to hide himself from a potential second shot, and to grasp the remains of his ear attached to his head. Curses and all other manner of profane and ungodly language strung from Ezro’s mouth, all of which was partaining to Everette.

Just as the Captain was about to scope in for his own shot, he saw Silmaris expertly take charge in stealing the Kommandants weapon as he cowered in fear, and blasted his head. Relieved that the mission had yet been saved, Ezro returned to the Comm link.

“Excellent work on cleanup Succubus Two, you saved our asses on this one.” Ezro stood up and altered his weapon back to its standard rifle form before eyeing the vantage point where Everette was. “You caught a lucky break this time around, however you and I are having a different discussion later Headhunter Two. Everyone report back to the ship now.”

Recognizing that he hadn’t been in contact with Alejandras or Kal for the past moment, Ezro focused on them as he took a jump from the rooftop and used the wall to slide a ways.

“Kal, Al, what’s your status? Your comms are both still online so I know you aren’t dead yet, which is a great relief. But do either of you need any aid? The main party is rendezvousing with the ship and Im not leaving any of you behind.”

Once he was close enough to the ground, Ezro flipped forward before landing gracefully on the ground below. The Chameleon Tech was still active, so despite the chaos ensuing in the surrounding area he was still undetected. So he sped off, and made his initial destination the ship, though should any of his comrades need help he’d be there.
Nisqhog Nisqhog AnonyMouse AnonyMouse animegirl20 animegirl20 GolemGuy GolemGuy Bard Bard Bard Bard

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