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Realistic or Modern The Academy of Beaufort: The Awakening (OOC)

OOOO I love this, really want to join but have no time now, so will do tomorrow eheheh. Also, I have a really odd idea for a character (one of my OCs for a show (and a book series) called A Discovery Of Witches) and is it OK if I PM you about it? sprouhtt sprouhtt :D
okay. after what feels like an eternity (ik, I am so so so so so so sorry) I have completed mis characters.
as for the dorm situation, enzo and carson would definitely be okay with bunking with another person. rhys, not so much. but i'll let you sort out my characters, y'know if you want to. or maybe you don't. I don't know. okay this is getting awkward to type. im going to sleep now.
sprouhtt sprouhtt
okay. after what feels like an eternity (ik, I am so so so so so so sorry) I have completed mis characters.
as for the dorm situation, enzo and carson would definitely be okay with bunking with another person. rhys, not so much. but i'll let you sort out my characters, y'know if you want to. or maybe you don't. I don't know. okay this is getting awkward to type. im going to sleep now.
sprouhtt sprouhtt

Thanks for letting me know. It’s accepted
Soooo, everything is okay with my character? I can go ahead and post in the main forum? I just want to be sure that's all.

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