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Futuristic SS Destiny Mission Control (OOC)

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 hey sorry to bother you gm but i wanted to bring up a concern of mine. I really want to enter my character onto the scene but I'm just so confused as to what is happening and when. Could we please organize the IC page better or set some rules or possibly make another IC tab, id love to help if your to busy and if there is a co gm I'm not aware of id like to make them an acquaintance.
Mission #1 as posted in the RP

Hyevane approached her asking about mission plans. She pointed at the holographic briefing area. She showed a picture of a space pirate ship attacking a spacecraft that looked similar to their old time space shuttles and it blowing up. She pressed a button to transmit the message to everyone on the ship. "Aye, well our first destination is the Planet of Clorix, home to the race of Corians, which we used to portray in Anime as Nekos and Kitsune. That's the closest I can get to an accurate description, as they release very limited information about themselves and haven't advanced high enough for Space Travel. What they have now is about the distance from Earth to Mars and that's still pretty recent so it's still relatively groundbreaking for them. Apparently they need some help with Space Pirates in the vicinity damaging or destroying their spacecraft. That, and a civil war between 2 factions raging in areas around one of the nation's capitals about how to deal with the issue. We'll need to establish comms back to Earth to get the Defense Force on the job. In exchange for our protection and helping them advance in technology, they're offering us a valuable naturally occurring Amorphous Metal that's as about as strong as reinforced steel. They have it in abundance and they're allowing us a large land mass that they themselves don't have the equipment advanced enough to traverse." They were set to gain a LOT of this Amorphous Metal from an uninhabited land. They didn't have to process it at all, it being 100% naturally occurring and stronger than reinforced steel

Zaltusinel Zaltusinel
Nothingness Nothingness
MahoganyLeaf MahoganyLeaf
Kylesar1 Kylesar1
GhastlySquash GhastlySquash
CkSmalling CkSmalling
guul66 guul66
SentinelSevn SentinelSevn
Elekta Kount Elekta Kount
Sludgemouth Sludgemouth @Crumbli Maeteris Maeteris Shannon Trevor Shannon Trevor KindlyPlagueDoctor KindlyPlagueDoctor
So we're going to a planet filled with catgirls to defend them from space pirates and get Earth's military in there to quell a civil war, in exchange for a ton of metal?
Yeah, I can just have him and a few of my other characters just in the groupo in the mission brief.

Keep in mind, I've got airsupport and mech to help if this is combat, as well as a sniper of sorts.
Yeah, I can just have him and a few of my other characters just in the groupo in the mission brief.

Keep in mind, I've got airsupport and mech to help if this is combat, as well as a sniper of sorts.
Use whatever equipment you want. Roy is fighting with Willow and going all out
I mean if you want to spar, Koot could be finishing up ,but I can wait till the actual fight.

If we need to go diplomacy, mind if Alpin tags along as a translator?
I mean if you want to spar, Koot could be finishing up ,but I can wait till the actual fight.

If we need to go diplomacy, mind if Alpin tags along as a translator?
We'll go to the planet when everyone is ready. Weekdays are typically just slow though, so I offer plenty of time before we start an actual plot

Zaltusinel Zaltusinel
Nothingness Nothingness
MahoganyLeaf MahoganyLeaf
Kylesar1 Kylesar1
GhastlySquash GhastlySquash
CkSmalling CkSmalling
guul66 guul66
SentinelSevn SentinelSevn
Elekta Kount Elekta Kount
Sludgemouth Sludgemouth Crumbli Crumbli Maeteris Maeteris Shannon Trevor Shannon Trevor KindlyPlagueDoctor KindlyPlagueDoctor
Hah, love that you included details about “getting local tail”. That’s funny lmao

Yeah Emil’s ready to gooo
Still in, but a tad busy with work and school at the moment.

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