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Futuristic SS Destiny Mission Control (OOC)

MsPolite MsPolite
For in particular relevant information for your character, not really sure anything important happened but i can help with giving an overview.
If i mess up at all, hopefully people will help correct me.

Elekta Kount Elekta Kount SentinelSevn SentinelSevn Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Koot - Is currently in the training room going up against a few robots.
Ora - Is in the workshop to work on an assistant drone.
Alpin, Roy, Emil - Are in the control room talking with one another.
guul66 guul66
Kicks - Is on his way to the cafeteria.
MahoganyLeaf MahoganyLeaf Zaltusinel Zaltusinel CkSmalling CkSmalling
Ennis, Robert, Icarus, Hyevane - Are in the cafeteria talking with one another. Though i think Icarus just fell and passed out?
GhastlySquash GhastlySquash
Maisie - Is in her charging station.
Sludgemouth Sludgemouth
Omar - I believe is in the engine room working on something.
Yukito - Is in the sauna relaxing and working on his electronics in his arm.

MsPolite MsPolite
For in particular relevant information for your character, not really sure anything important happened but i can help with giving an overview.
If i mess up at all, hopefully people will help correct me.

Elekta Kount Elekta Kount SentinelSevn SentinelSevn Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Koot - Is currently in the training room going up against a few robots.
Ora - Is in the workshop to work on an assistant drone.
Alpin, Roy, Emil - Are in the control room talking with one another.
guul66 guul66
Kicks - Is on his way to the cafeteria.
MahoganyLeaf MahoganyLeaf Zaltusinel Zaltusinel CkSmalling CkSmalling
Ennis, Robert, Icarus, Hyevane - Are in the cafeteria talking with one another. Though i think Icarus just fell and passed out?
GhastlySquash GhastlySquash
Maisie - Is in her charging station.
Sludgemouth Sludgemouth
Omar - I believe is in the engine room working on something.
Yukito - Is in the sauna relaxing and working on his electronics in his arm.

when u say control room do u mean like the bridge or where ppl pilot the craft?
Okay, I'm lost, what's going on?

I dunno with the other group. But with the control room, it looks like Emil isn’t the last one aboard after all. capMARVELOUS capMARVELOUS ’s Cho is trying to get on board, and Zaltusinel Zaltusinel has a second character who is making an appearance to the captain?

All I pulled from glimpsing at the other group is something about cookies and that somebody fainted. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Icarus had passed out, Ennis and Robert were to transport him to the Med Bay using a patient trolley, and I think Icarus just recently woke up after a three hour time-skip on the infirmary bed.
So like Kylesar1 Kylesar1 I've been kinda busy and got lost in the stuff that's happened. Y'all are in space, right? Can I just like start off in a hanger or something? Getting charged up or fuelled up or being smacked with cartridges designed for massage chairs and companion bots?
So like Kylesar1 Kylesar1 I've been kinda busy and got lost in the stuff that's happened. Y'all are in space, right? Can I just like start off in a hanger or something? Getting charged up or fuelled up or being smacked with cartridges designed for massage chairs and companion bots?
Still in the hangar
I'm gonna ask if everyone's ready to launch
I dont believe Roy is there at the ramp. She called for Cho to get on board through intercom.
Yukito had held the ramp open so he's there but thats it. I'll get a post up right after work today after work. Xox

Correct me if im wrong above please Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Ah, work and school. Keeps everyone occupied and stressed as hell. In my case, I'll have to find myself a new job, so I guess I'll be busy with that from now.
Zaltusinel Zaltusinel timeskipping like that while other people are doing moment-to-moment things is kinda annoying cuz timelines are gonna be unsynced for a while, meaning someone is going to have to be ignored or others are also forced into a timeskip :/
just my personal request that you don't do stuff like that cuz now the timelines all jumbled up and we're going to have to brown and marty this shizzle.
guul66 guul66 No, if you can write properly and understand that the second half is more for foresight and forward planning, you would understand that there is no forced timeskip. Since I'm not doing basically anything for the next three hours in roleplay, I skipped, but you don't. CkSmalling CkSmalling and MahoganyLeaf MahoganyLeaf just need to pick back up with me at anytime. Not sure how you complain since you're entirely unaffected. Eitherway, it will happen from time to time as it is a necessary thing. It is a bridge and a signal for those involved that they do not need to respond immediately. Understanding what a time skip means and requires is vital to be a good roleplayer.
guul66 guul66 No, if you can write properly and understand that the second half is more for foresight and forward planning, you would understand that there is no forced timeskip. Since I'm not doing basically anything for the next three hours in roleplay, I skipped, but you don't. CkSmalling CkSmalling and MahoganyLeaf MahoganyLeaf just need to pick back up with me at anytime. Not sure how you complain since you're entirely unaffected. Eitherway, it will happen from time to time as it is a necessary thing. It is a bridge and a signal for those involved that they do not need to respond immediately. Understanding what a time skip means and requires is vital to be a good roleplayer.
nah i understand what a time skip is
I just meant that if you timeskip like this then it unsyncs everything, having different areas go by different times, its all a mess.
but if you meant that in the way of your character is going to wake up 3 hours later, then sure its kay,
its really confusing, is all.

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