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  • DEMIGODDESS /' noun
    a female being with partial or lesser divine status, often due to being the offspring of a god and a mortal : "the Greek demigoddess Clio"
    CELT /kelt/ /selt/ noun
    1. a person belonging to a pre-Roman, western European people group related to the Irish, Scots, Welsh, and Bretons
    2. a person who speaks a Celtic language

    CELTIC /'kel.tik/ /'sel.tik/ adjective
    of, related to, or characteristic of the Celts, their languages, or their cultures : "Celtic art"
    another rare genuinely hot take incoming but if you're a member of a fandom space who keeps trying to use other fans' interactions with you to promote unrelated real world causes then you're not really a fellow fan and you should either change your behavior or consider leaving that fandom space
    i still don't know much about genshin impact but i do know that i love klee and qiqi like my own daughters and if anything bad happened to them i would firebomb mihoyo offices and then myself
    Genshin has some amazing character designs.
    politics are dumb and cringe pay attention to cute anime girls instead
    spookie ayumi
    spookie ayumi
    YES 100% AGREED!! there's this one guy in me collage class that just talk about politics the whole time and I'm just trying to make a FUCKIN PAPER MACHAY FOX
    i have spent more time than i am proud of trying to find deck layouts and schematics of a specific fictional spaceship
    some of y'all are too comfortable using acronyms and expecting people to not think of something governmental
    like i see "let's talk about ACOTAR!" and start getting worried about my tax filing practices
    access to the written word is one of the greatest privileges God in his infinite mercy has granted to us. those who wish to limit that access in the name of profit are parasites and should be regarded as such
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