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"hmph your a fool for underestimating a captain of the 13 squads" his spiritual pressure rises as he activates a technique
As a final attack he can use "Final Scape" (終景, shūkei). This condenses every one of his blades into a single sword, drastically increasing its cutting power. The blade appears bright white and its aura takes the form of a dragon, earning it the name lit."Sword of the White Emperor" (白帝剣, hakuteiken). Byakuya also grows pure white wings and a halo-like circle in the back, both made of spiritual power
"you fool I've seen this move too many times" he attacks at the right moment slashing at your chest chopping you in half with massive amounts of spirit energy
Then Ichigo says smirking "you haven't seen anything yet" his power grows beyond yours and you notice him in a new form
download (85).jpeg
"i can dissolve you into nothing if you dont return to normal this is exactly like my inner hollow white controlling me"
Shadow.EXE merely laughs. "Exes can not be killed I shall merely be revived in Hell and then once I find the portal I shall return." He says.
"but shadow will be freed if i kill only you" he holds up his sword and goes a distance from him "GESTUGA TENSHO!" he fires a huge blast of spirit energy that even Amy can feel and she cant feel energy
"your wrong" he smirks and grabs EXE's neck before he could blink "claw me all you like i can't get injured in this form now let's get you out of Shadow" he starts pouring energy into him not a lot but enough to split them apart
Exe laughed and Shadow entered a dead looking state. "He'll grow weaker. His surival based upon my power within him and I'm the only shot of beating Sonic.EXE he has."
(also the energy does not increase his power btw it ust splits two beings
"oh nvm then ill ust weaken you and send you back in so you have no way of escaping and controling"

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