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"Where are they at?" Shadow asks. Amy looked at Shadow. "They went back to the soul society near the begining of the year and havn't returned." Shadow cast a side glance at Ichigo.
"dont believe me? well if you dont know i was a soul reaper for 15 years and had huge amounts of energy since i was born i left after they changed the laws so i dont have to deal with what happens"
Amy looked at Shadow. "If we can't trust them then..." Shadow sighed. "You can. If your willing to let your guards down and don't consider the fact the Soul Society wants me dead for some reason."
"you know after they made the laws they wanted me to kill you but i left and didnt want to anyway this after the big three was made 10 years ago"
"they meant after your release if you ever do" he says " and if I did i would have succeeded because your power was weak when you where awakened"
"anyway..." he was interrupted by two high-level spiritual pressures one a captain and one a lieutenant watching them "the hell..." the two soul reapers where male and looked like this e2f10128d04df91c37f44d132c866fcb.jpg
The red one steps up "nope but we are here to test you" then the one with black hair does as well and you recognize him from a vision "I would recommend you stay out of the way Ichigo Kurosaki" Ichigo sits down.

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