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Fandom Sonic Rp (Don't know how to change tags but this is closed if in rp feel free to rejoin but no new members thank you)

Silver (7): "And that is from medating?"
*he walks towards them hearing the little silver's question.* "Yeah.....controling your energy perfectly is much better training than anything.....I don't have perfect energy control but the more I get the stronger i am"
*Shadow teleports out of the way and is how behind Knuckles. In a postion where if Knuckles moves he will be stabed by a chaos blade in the back or the heart as my other arm is infront of him* "Move and you die"
"Ah....trying to trap me......same qualties as my version of you....just a bit smarter....but I won't fall for it" *makes my blades disappear and prepares for deffense*

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