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Fandom Sonic Rp (Don't know how to change tags but this is closed if in rp feel free to rejoin but no new members thank you)

*skids as I teleport infront of him* "yeah it does.....if you want my family you got to kill me first and last I checked Eggman is my family member"
"oh? Well then time to stop messing around.....and this form is an evloution of Hyper so....good bye" *raises my power to equal to Dark Hyper Sonic*
"WHAT THE" he sighs "I hate to do this but I have no choice. ZANPAKUTO ACTIVATE BANKAI!" you notice bands on each of your friends and on him "Every time YOU ATTACK YOU HURT YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY!"
*grits teeth* "I still got to.....oh yeah that's it....." *focuses on energy* "FORBIDDEN SHINKA TECHQUINE!!!! TECHQUINE FOR POWER!!!!!" *asorbs the band and in return my power is cut in half as sweat drips from my forehead*
*again uses my move cutting my stregnth more and smirk* "Shinka techquine......LIMIT REMOVER!!!!" *a red tringagle appears on my forehead and a red line across my left arm to my chest my power multiples to beyond Zane's*
*grits teeth and growls as I turn normal* "I might not be able to kill you but if you live nothing happens....therefore......." *seals him in the red chaos emerald*

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