• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
  • 1. Post all character sheets in the ooc thread and wait til I approve you to post. I have provided a character sheet below, but you may use your own.
    2. Try to write a decent amount please, at least a paragraph or two. I do get writers have off days, so I won’t be too hard on anyone. Just no one liners please!
    3. Your character can have one power.
    4. If your character’s power has something to do with kind control or controlling others in general, do not make let the ability be too overpowered.
    5. LGBTQ is accepted, do not discriminate.
    6. Talk about it in the OOC thread before doing any major plot changing drama.
    7. Be somewhat active, if you don’t post for over a week I will assume you left. That being said, if you check in with me and let me know what’s going on, I will not assume you left.
    8. Try to keep powers unique if you can, let’s not have four people who can be invisible.
    9. The character limit is 2.
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