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"Gah!" Its the girl Rachelle saw before. It looks like she is heading for somewhere when Xenon opened the door.​
“Ah- I'm so sorry!”

That....was clearly what he intended to do for sure. Xenon quickly slid the door close and rested his back on it,as if to hold it shut with his entire weight.

Okay...was that another guest or...?
"Geez, I should really mind my surroundings next time." The girl said before she moves on.​
As the girl continued on, she begins to take notice of how...unusual the tenants are in the inn. "Hmm...things are not looking right around here." She thought.​
Well,it is a weird bunch she's seeing so far in the inn.

“So. How's the update going?”

Clair asked Cheng as the former stepped foot into the storeroom,where he saw the bike having some parts dismantled and being modified.

“Not much progress yet unfortunately. Turns out that I've accidentally screwed up the wireframe setting while implementing new modes. So I'm currently trying to adjust the vehicle system.”

“And I'm guessing my cousin is currently keeping himself dead quiet huh?”

Clair asked,looking over at the corner of the storeroom where a large cover was draped onto the token-mech teammate,with Amelia herself standing in front of the covered robot.
“Guess I'll take it as a yes then.”

Cheng felt a huge bead of sweat roll down his head comically.

“Quite the weird pair you and your cousin makes.”

“We get that a lot. Still,seems we got another new tenant who I'm guessing just booked for a room here in the Tennouji Inn.” Clsir explained.
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“No idea. Just happened to pass by here when I was leaving the inn.” Clair asked. “I had a feeling something's off about her though.”

“I honestly believe that particular sentence sounds less cheesier coming from your cousin.” Cheng remarked,much to Clair's dismay.

“Should've known....they'd keep Eden's participant's identity a secret. As for Rulid's challenger...” Xenon muttered as he started searching. “No name. Just the word "Exceed". Only thing about him is he's male but there pretty much not single information about him here...”
"Oi, Xenon!" Ryutaro called as he enters the room. "Hey, what you doing there?" He asked.​
“Oh,Ryutaro.” Xenon greeted before looking back at the screen “I was looking up on the participants entering the Budokai Tenkaichi Tournament,especially the one from Eden and Rulid. Couldn't find squat on the former while there's really less I've found for the latter.”
"Oh, I see. Say, have you seen the new tenant recently? Man, she's like smoking hot. Too bad she's just only a student though." Ryutaro said.​
"Oh? I get it. Though, I wonder why is she all by herself." Ryutaro wondered.​
“Still,I mean,I'm guessing she has a good sense of independence to be able to take actions on her own,hence I'm guessing it's why she's here on her own.” Xenon spoke. “Speaking of,how did your training go?”
“Guess things are going pretty well then.” Xenon smiled, ”Though it does mind of beg the question of what he and Scientia had to deal with for both of them to be really powerful fighters.”
"Yeah, how did they get so strong?" Ryutaro asked "It's either they've trained hard or just cheated."
“I get the feeling that the "cheated" thing probably apply into Scientia more because of the body he's using right now.” Xenon noted,recalling that Scientia stated how him using the mech as his possession vessel made conflict a little too easy for him to handle. “Wonder how he does if he wasn't in that mech. Judging by his intuition maybe he doesn't need the mech suit to be as attentive.”

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