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A modern fantasy set about the end times. Fight with angels, demons, gods and myths of all kinds in a battle for the fate of the world.
Silent Rapture
  • SilverFlight

    Tende altum, volare altius
    Silent Rapture Banner.jpg

    There are things we can't see. Powerful things. For the most part they keep to themselves, content to let mortals go about their business. Now though, now something is happening. We've always been told stories about the end times. After all the stuff you hear on the news hey, maybe you're even hoping for it, but it's not supposed to be like this. Things are moving, but they're wrong. The angels are panicked. So worried in fact that they turned to much less conventional methods. They're asking for our help: We are the spirits, the demons, the monsters. We are Orisha, Oni, house gods and tricksters. We are the humans with their eyes open and their hands in the magic. We come from all corners of the globe, from every country and every culture. The call has been sent. Now it's time to answer.

    ((This thread uses the threadmark system. Please find all the links above the first post.))

    **We are accepting new characters!
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