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Location: Oak Canyon
Timing: Early September
Interaction: Harian & Gabriel

Gabriel just laughed, rather enjoying their little forest trek. The more playful side of Harian was always something he enjoyed seeing. It meant that she was relaxed and having fun, not worrying about the darker things in their reality. Here, for a while at least, they were free. Just two people in love having the time of their lives.
He let himself drift back down to the ground just in time to see her vanish once more into the dense foliage. He caught the glint of green in the corner of his eye, standing out because of its sheer vibrance. He wasn't used to hunting wild animals, but he set to work at a leisurely pace, picking his way through the trees and undergrowth with steady intent. Persistence hunting at its oddest.
The change in tracks tripped him up for a moment, but he realized that obviously she would change forms. Dating a shapeshifter was definitely an interesting experience. Eventually, he made it to the open area nearby, perching himself in a large tree in the very edge of the forest, debating his next course of action. If he proceeded too hastily, the animals would spook and run, yet there was no cover between himself and them.
At length, he slowly slipped down from the tree, picking a long and winding path through the trees around the cleared area, getting as close as he could without leaving the cover of the forest. Unfortunately, he hadn't yet come up with a real plan of approach. Instead, he slowly crept out from behind a tree and simply leaned against it, only a few yards away from the group of animals. He would watch for a time, wait and see what she would do. After all, humans were endurance hunters. They had patience and knew to wait for the right moment before making their move.

SilverFlight SilverFlight
Location: Oak Canyon
Timing: Early September
Interaction: Harian & Gabriel

The deer moved slowly together, occasionally one would raise its head, ears on the swivel before putting it down again. No one deer seemed to stand out at all.
Harian watched him. She had crept into the foliage just behind him, the sleek, black form of a panther, padded paws stepping silently. The djinn had deviated when she saw the herd, changed form and hid, hoping he would assume just as he had, that she had taken refuge with the other animals. She changed with only the hint of a breeze and made to grab him, to put a gentle hand on his mouth so he wouldn't make noise and spook the deer.
Naberius Naberius
Location: Oak Canyon
Timing: Early September
Interaction: Harian & Gabriel

Gabriel stood silent vigil, making no noise, even his breathing had become inaudible to anyone not within a hairs breadth from him. His arms were crossed over his chest as he leaned against a gnarled old oak, at least twice his own age. Too late did the hunter realize he was in fact being hunted himself. He felt an arm snake around his waist, the other over his mouth. Before a heartbeat had even passed, his lightning fast reflexes had already gone on the offensive, gripping the arm nearest his head and was about to flip his attacker over his shoulder when he realized he knew precisely whose hands were on him. After all, he had held them many times before. He relaxed, hunching his shoulders in exaggerated defeat. He pulled her hand from his mouth, spinning around in her hold, pulling her tighter against him.
"Fine, fine you win this round. Cheater."
His voice was barely a whisper, just loud enough for her alone to hear. He was beaming, having way too much fun just having their romp around the forest. He kissed her openly, a gesture he had gotten quite attached to. Their first had been less than stellar, but each and every one afterwards had been divine and he couldn't get enough.

SilverFlight SilverFlight
Location: Oak Canyon
Timing: Early September
Interaction: Harian & Gabriel

Harian felt him tense and relax, and she loosened her grip enough for him to turn in her arms, pull her close. She gave him a look of feigned outrage at being accused.
"Hey, don't be mad because I beat you this time...you'll get me next time."
She returned the kiss eagerly, and broke only because she could not stop smiling. This much happiness felt almost unreal. She put her head against his chest as she watched the deer wander off, completely oblivious to the pair of hunters that had come so close.
Just then one of them stopped and looked back, almost as if it sensed something intangible about them. Harian narrowed her eyes and then her lips parted in astonishment.
"That's...not a deer." She looked back at Gabriel and her expression was bright with excitement. "Wait here a sec."
Harian stepped forward and shifted into her deer form, coat slightly darker than the sandy-coloured does that were walking away...all save for one. Harian approached it cautiously, bowed her slender neck. Something seemed to have been exchanged and the deer-that-was-not-a-deer looked back over to Gabriel. As Harian turned and shifted to a human again, the creature didn't bolt, but followed her.
It began as a shimmer, which could just as well have been a trick of the light: There were scales underneath the thick, sandy fur. Its hair was longer down the´back of it's neck and its tail was long and tufted. The final thing to dip out of the glamour was a single, gold horn, curving like a crescent moon from its forehead.
Harian came to stop beside Gabriel and put an arm about him affectionately, encouraging him to go meet the creature.
"She's a kirin." Harian said, obviously proud she'd been able to spot her. "I've only ever seen one other...whatever you do don't lie in front of her, or you'll end up with that beautiful horn through your heart."
The kirin stopped three feet away and stretched out her neck, trying to scent him without getting much closer.
Naberius Naberius
Location: Oak Canyon
Timing: Early September
Interaction: Harian & Gabriel

Gabriel absolutely reveled in the closeness they shared. It was like the purest magic in all the world, more powerful than any binding or curse. Her head rested against his chest and his heart beat quickened. He wondered if he would ever get used to her touch, or if such exhilaration would be present every moment they spent together. He prayed for the latter. Her words broke the trance that her presence put him in, and he followed her gaze, a puzzled expression creasing his features. When the true nature of the creature began to make it self known, he could only stare, absolutely bewildered. They both made their way over, the magnificent animal tentatively walking behind Harian at a slower pace, obviously cautious yet curious.
"Your eyes are as sharp as they are beautiful. I've never actually seen one up close before, the stories really don't do them justice. She's absolutely astounding."
He knelt down, holding out a hand, a bright smile like a child getting a snow day was plastered on his goofy face. It was a very unexpected treat to meet such a creature just roaming the woods.

SilverFlight SilverFlight
Location: Oak Canyon
Timing: Early September
Interaction: Harian & Gabriel

Harian knelt with him, not ready to relinquish the closeness. The kirin took another step and sniffed carefully. Harian couldn't hide her smile when the creature pressed it's muzzle gently into Gabriel's hand. She beamed at him as if he had passed some sort of test.
"The kirin only ally with the good and just." Harian told him, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek. "And I think she likes you....she's got good taste."
The creature looked at them both with huge dark eyes, then it turned, and with a sound like wind chimes, bounded straight onto the water and across its surface, stopping at the other shore.
Once it had caught up with the deer it became a doe once more, and suddenly time seemed to flow again.
Harian was still transfixed by the creature, and continued to watch the animals even after they had vanished into the underbrush.
Naberius Naberius
Location: Oak Canyon
Timing: Early September
Interaction: Harian & Gabriel

Gabriel couldn't help but smile that much brighter, the accepting nuzzle from such a wonderful creature like something out of a fairy tale. He watched with intrigued fascination as the kirin returned to its grazing herd, the water display causing an eyebrow to raise by the sheer level of how impressive it was.
"I'm not sure how I feel about you sharing the same taste in men as a mythical creature. But I'm flattered, nonetheless."
He stood, pulling Harian up with him as he did and for a moment he simply stood there watching the animals disappear into the forest. He remained there, almost transfixed. It was a strange moment in what no sane person would consider a normal life. After a few quiet moments, he looked back at Harian, his easy smile right where it belonged.
"So. Are we done playing or did you have another game in mind?"

SilverFlight SilverFlight
Location: Oak Canyon
Timing: Early September
Interaction: Harian & Gabriel

Harian laughed before leaning in to answer him softly: "I am also a mythical creature, but I think my interest you runs at least a little deeper than hers."
She let herself be pulled to her feet.
"Do you want to be done playing?" She asked slyly. "I have as many games as there are blades of grass in this meadow. I'm pretty good at coming up with them...I just, never had a reason to play, or someone to play them with." She stepped away from him and turned, hands behind her back, watching him with a grin. All that was different now.
"Hey," She said suddenly, "Let's see how well you can use your powers now."
Harian jumped then, higher than a human could have and at the apex she changed into a crow and flapped higher.
"I saw a ravine on the map, lot's of bends and narrow spaces. Nobody'll see us there too." Harian laughed as she took off. "Show me what you got!"
Naberius Naberius
Location: Oak Canyon
Timing: Early September
Interaction: Harian & Gabriel

Gabriel laughed, he couldn't help it. The sheer amount of joy he felt recently was becoming overwhelming. He never considered himself worthy of this kind of happiness and yet, here she was. In his eyes, she was absolutely perfect. As they stood, he only smiled that much brighter.
"Well I would certainly hope so, she's not my type."
She had many games, huh? Gabriel was intrigued but also a bit restrained. He had no real idea what she exactly meant by that but ideas presented themselves. Ideas he quickly squashed.
"Remember, peak human endurance. I can play games for a very long time."
He smiled a predatory smile when she mentioned testing his powers. He had specifically been practicing flight the past couple weeks, getting used to managing the energy in his body and pushing his endurance further than ever before. He rose from the ground, slowly at first. At roughly 100 feet off the ground, he took off like a bullet after her. He could only hold that level of speed for a few moments, any longer would drain his strength much too fast. But it was enough to put him right on her tail, barely a few scant feet from her tail feathers.

SilverFlight SilverFlight
Location: Oak Canyon
Timing: Early September
Interaction: Harian & Gabriel

Harian's laughter, rich and warm, trailed through the air behind her. "Well good! It would be a shame to have you flagging before I'm done with you." The gentle lilt to her voice suggested something beyond a jog through the forest, but she left that open to his imagination.
He caught up quickly and Harian was surprised.
"You learn fast!" She called, impressed. "So, let's take this up a notch."
In a swirl of black smoke she changed from crow to falcon and sped into the canyon fast approaching. The entrance was narrow, but Harian noted that her form was much smaller than his. It wasn't exactly fair. She changed again, this time into her human form, the great, black feathered wings stretched out from the center of her back. Not all that practical, but they did look cool.
Harian had the advantage of flying for thousands of years. She knew how to read the air, knew how to curl it under her wings, to press it, fold it and make it work for her.
Turning, banking and dipping were almost effortless motions.
Not far ahead there was a series of pillars, naturally-formed from rain and wind, but they created an ideal obstacle course.
"Race you?" Harian tempted, she was already angling for the first set.
Naberius Naberius
Location: Oak Canyon
Timing: Early September
Interaction: Harian & Gabriel

Gabriel, for as little as he'd been able to train for flight, still put up a decent bit of competition. To his credit, he didn't lose right away and actually managed to almost keep pace with Harian for the first few seconds. Unfortunately, the kind of concentration it took to control a fundamental facet of physics was extremely tiring, especially for continuous application. The freedom he felt while flying together with her, however, was something entirely unique unto itself. Never had he felt so free, so unbound by burden. Being up there, soaring through the canyon walls and crags with the djinn he loved so much was one of the most incredible experiences he'd ever had.
"I'm still getting the hang of this, you know. It's not exactly something they train you for in high school!"

He was coming around a corner, hot on her tail when something happened. His strength began to ebb, he was putting too much effort into the magic for too long and it was beginning to drain him faster. He had to land, and he had to land now. He spied a large plateau, free of debris and not far off. He banked sharply to the right, headed right for it. The casting began to unravel, and he started dropping faster and faster. He put everything he had left into stopping, but the landing was rough. From above, it must have looked far worse, almost smashing head first into solid stone. He lay there, panting, flat on his stomach with one arm dangling over the edge of a sheer drop straight down to the valley below.

SilverFlight SilverFlight
Location: Oak Canyon
Timing: Early September
Interaction: Harian & Gabriel

Harian curled one wing and flipped in mid-air to look back at him, only to see him go down.
"Gabriel!" She cried in alarm as she watched him attempt to soften the landing. It did look bad from above. Enough to scare her. In a flash she was a falcon and in another she was swooping down to the plateau. She landed as a human again, sliding to her knees beside him.
"Gabriel! Grabriel! Are you okay? Say something!"
She took hold of his shoulder and turned him over, shifting his torso onto her lap and holding him.
"Geez, you have no self-control do you?" She scolded him, but it was clear she was doing it from a place of deep concern.
Naberius Naberius
Location: Oak Canyon
Timing: Early September
Interaction: Harian & Gabriel

The impact was jarring. Gabriel's teeth rattled against each other as he slammed into the rock, sliding a few feet across the surface and tearing up his shirt and the knees of his jeans. He heard her cry, and seconds later he felt her flip him over. He smiled up at her, as best he could, still panting.
"I told you I was still new at this. I'm fine, it looks worse than it is. The good news is, my jeans match yours now."
His knees were skinned up and bloody, and his arms had bloody areas from trying to cushion his impact with them, but it was only damage to the surface of his skin, a bad scrape. He placed his hand on her cheek, letting her know he was fine. He was mostly just jostled, stunned. The impact had knocked the wind out of him, but there was no permanent damage.
"You don't have to worry. I know there's no use telling you that, but still. There is absolutely no way I'd push myself as far as I did last time. The only reason I went as far as I did back then was to protect you. I'll be fine, just let me rest a few minutes before we continue."

SilverFlight SilverFlight
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Location: Oak Canyon
Timing: Early September
Interaction: Harian & Gabriel

Harian listened as she held him, her expression a mix of worry and frustration. He'd done it to protect her?
A memory rose from the back of her mind, so old she had hoped it forgotten. A smiling face, resigned to defeat as she was torn away back to her own plane. A banishment spell, to protect her from the fury of others...
"No!" She said loudly. "Don't...don't you dare do that again."
She scowled at him, "You're not allowed to die for me, you got that? I'm not getting left behind."
Not again. The last words could be found in her eyes but she didn't say them.
"Hang on."
Harian slipped her jean jacket off her shoulders and with one focused look she turned it into a towel. She slid his torso carefully to the ground and stepped off the side of the plateau, changing into an eagle with the towel in her talons. The river at the bottom of the canyon was fast flowing and she plunged the towel into it, lifting it back up to where Gabriel lay. She was human again in an instant, and the towel began to steam in one hand as she cleaned the water with heat.
"I should at least get the gravel out of the wounds." Harian paused before throwing him a slightly teasing smile. "Gabe, I want you to take your clothes off."
Naberius Naberius
Location: Oak Canyon
Timing: Early September
Interaction: Harian & Gabriel

He was not expecting a reaction quite that strong, but he supposed it made sense for her. He sat up slightly, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and giving her a gentle squeeze.
"I'll never leave you, not ever. I could never forgive myself for leaving you alone. I'm sorry for always being so reckless. I'm...not used to trying to regulate my feelings for someone with logical thought. I won't apologize for protecting you with everything I have. But I do apologize for pushing things too far and almost breaking my promise to watch out for you no matter what."
He spoke with a passion and will that were almost tangible. He would never abandon her, even if he had to fight his way out of hell itself and wrestle every death deity on the planet for a chance at coming back, he would never leave her again. He made that promise to himself and to her right there on that plateau.
He watched her go, sitting up with his legs crossed underneath himself as she went. In short order, returned with a wet towel, as wisps of steam curled off it into the clear skies above.
"I want you to take your clothes off."
It was certainly not what he had expected, and his brain froze at the words. He had no idea how to respond to something like that, but remaining silent and just staring certainly was not the correct way to do so. Thus, Gabriel did as he so often did when he had no other idea on how to act: he turned it into a joke.
"Uh...Up here? I know you said you were a top but this is taking things a little literally don't you think?"
He matched her mischievous look with one of his own, his smile rather reminiscent of a wolf.
"You first."

SilverFlight SilverFlight
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Location: Oak Canyon
Timing: Early September
Interaction: Harian & Gabriel

Harian knelt across from him, her expression sombre.
Some one once told me, that we’re always stronger together…I’m so used to going it solo…I guess you are too, but we’re not anymore are we?” She then offered him a helpless shrug and a half smile.
So I’ll make you a deal: I’ll lean on you, if you lean on me…let’s fight together, side by side…always.” She offered him an open palm, as if she was making a pact, a promise that she would guard close.
Harian had expected him to turn into a flustered, babbling fool at her teasing, but he was getting a lot better at dealing with it. He turned it round on her and she blinked, surprised again. Then she laughed aloud, both delighted and entertained.
Well, I’ll get you cleaned up first at least.” Then she grew a bit more serious, but only a bit. “Don’t worry, you can keep your underpants, and I’m pretty sure I can control myself. But I can’t clean the cuts properly with all that fabric in the way.” She tugged on his pant leg insistently. “Off.
Harian began to clean the cuts on his arms first anyway, the warm water probably stung a little, but she was surprisingly gentle. She closed the distance between them and worked quietly, eyes cast down at what she was doing, focused and careful.
Naberius Naberius
Location: Oak Canyon
Timing: Early September
Interaction: Harian & Gabriel

Gabriel couldn't smile hard enough at her words. She was right. They both finally had someone they could rely on entirely and without question. He took her offered hand but instead of shaking it, pulled her close, turning it into a warm embrace.
"We have each other now, always and forever. Two people who always fought alone, never having someone to watch their backs. And they found each other. They fell in love. God, we're a cheesy romance novel with a supernatural twist."
He let her go, planting a reassuring kiss on her forehead as he did.
She seemed to take his new confidence and adjustment to her teasing rather well, and he joined in her laughter. He let her clean up his arms, and he couldn't help but dote on her the whole time.
"You're far more loving and gentle than you let on. You'd make a great mom, you know."
Then, he seemed to realize what he just said and how it could have been interpreted and for a moment, he was his old, stammering self again.
"N-not that that's what.... I mean we don't.... I..."
He decided that no longer speaking would be the best course of action for the time being, bracing himself for the incoming teasing that no doubt awaited him.

After she finished with his arms, he heaved a dramatic sigh and began removing his jeans. But instead of letting her get near, he held out his hand, his intent to clean his own wounds clear on his face.

SilverFlight SilverFlight
Location: Home--- Kitchen
Timing: Sometime after returning from Paris
Interaction: Hino, Hayle, and Ayramis

Ayramis turned his head to face each of them as they spoke. Smiling at their willingness to participate. "Thank you for sharing. Both of you." He said raising his glass and taking a sip. He checked the time over the stove and nearly clapped with wine glass in hand. "OOoo, the foods almost done. This is wonderful, good food is better shared with friends. It has been a while since I've been able top say that I've done so." The Jackal sat even straighter at attention then gave him a strange look and a sharp bark. "Oh, we're friends, but you won't even tell me your name? Have you found it yet? Or is it because there's food involved?" He asked teasingly before laughing aloud. "Friends know each other's names, buddy." He teased before turning his attention back to the others. "There isn't anything plain about you." He said pointedly to Hayle with a smile "Or the frozen tundra that encompasses most of Russia. The motherland! And birther of Vodka!" He exclaimed happily. He turned to Hino now "Thunderbird? I saw him before but I couldn't place the species. Wait, is it a him? a her?" He asked curiously.

KhazTheGiraffe KhazTheGiraffe GamerCarrot GamerCarrot
Location: Oak Canyon
Timing: Early September
Interaction: Harian & Gabriel

"Well, sure we are if you say it like that." Harian complained in mild protest, she was still smiling however, and hugged him back.
His next comment surprised her.
"A mom?" She laughed again but this time it had an edge of caution. "Did you hit your head?" She said no more about it for the time being.
Harian was well aware of the hangups humans had around clothes. She turned as he undressed, putting her attention instead on the water below. When he put out his hand for the towel she gave it to him without a word, looking back at the river while he tended himself.
"I can't...you know..." She said quietly. "We're not physical beings, we can't make anything physical...Djinn don't work like that...besides," her smile was back. "The last thing anyone wants is me influencing small humans, they'll all be expert criminals by age 8."
Naberius Naberius
Location: Oak Canyon
Timing: Early September
Interaction: Harian & Gabriel

Gabriel took the towel, cleaning out the dirty and small bits of rock and detritus that peppered his knees from the fall, and quickly redressed. He was quiet the whole time, a strange contemplative look on his face.
Fully dressed again, he silently made his way over behind Harian and, just as he did when they first arrived at the park, he wrapped his arms around her. This time however, there was more in that embrace. He was always able to read her like a book. There was a hidden pain, a fear in her eyes and tone that she didn't want known. His hug was a way of letting her know she would never be alone, he was always here for her no matter what.
"Or, they would inherit their mothers kind and gentle spirit."
He rested his forehead against the back of her heads, just letting the affection he felt for her make itself known.
"All I meant was you're very passionate and caring. Don't think I don't see how well you handle John. But, I suppose it's too early to talk about that sort of thing. We have literal centuries and more ahead of us to decide if we ever want to stop saving the world and just be 'normal', boring people."

SilverFlight SilverFlight
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Location: Oak Canyon
Timing: Early September
Interaction: Harian & Gabriel

Harian's hands came up as Gabriel put his arms about her, resting on his lightly.
"I'll "kind and gentle" your butt right into that ravine..." Harian threatened, but it was half-hearted and there was much more affection in it than malice. "What about you? You really think you could handle parenting?"
And what about being immortal? How would it feel for Gabriel to watch someone he'd nurtured from infancy grow old and die? She sat in silence for a moment before shrugging it off.
"Let's focus on actually saving the world first." She had never thought about this before. It made her uncomfortable. All Harian had ever been focused on was killing her master as quickly as she could so she could go home, but the prospect that earth may become that home was still chafing in places. She would have been lying if she said she didn't miss her own dimension...
"So...if you can't fly anymore, how the heck are we going to get you down from here?" Harian decided to focus on the present. She had much more control over that. The discarded towel evaporated into a thin black smoke and trailed back to her to reform as the jean jacket again, pristine as it had been originally.
Naberius Naberius
Location: Oak Canyon
Timing: Early September
Interaction: Harian & Gabriel

"No you wont, you like my butt too much." He teased her lightly, trying to steer them back into happier waters.
"Me? A parent? By the time they learned to walk they'd already be trying to hack peoples cell phones. You're not the only criminal here, missy."
He thought he felt her tense up for a moment, but thought better of it. He was trying his best to throw away any thoughts that might lead to darker conversations. Today was a happy day, he had to keep that in mind. She deserved a day where she could forget all about her suffering, and just have fun.
It doesn't matter how far away we are or how much time passes. I will always love you. Even when I have to say goodbye....
A single tear fell from his eye, landing on the back of her shirt. He shook the dark thoughts out of his head, letting go of Harian and backing up a few steps, smiling like a goofball the entire time.
"I just needed a rest. This little escapade has given me plenty of time to recharge enough to make it the rest of the way. Just...no more races, at least not for a while. I'm still new to this whole 'magic' thing. And even newer to flying. I'm ready when you are, Ace."

SilverFlight SilverFlight
Location: Oak Canyon
Timing: Early September
Interaction: Harian & Gabriel

"Well," She raised one of his hands and kissed the back of it tenderly. "If you're okay with any human child we adopt becoming a master thief...I guess I could give it some thought."
She felt the single drop hit her back and turned around to him in alarm.
"Hey, what's the matter?" but he was smiling, though Harian wasn't convinced. He changed the topic, so she let it go for now.

The djinn found the best way through the ravine, though at a much slower pace. She swooped from ledge to ledge as a crow, and sometimes changed into an ibex to bound across sheer canyon walls with steady cloven hooves. She was showing off.
When they finally came to the trail again Harian took her human shape back, in case they ran into anyone else.
They crossed into a wide, natural field brimming with wild flowers, purple, white and yellow. Harian looked out at the swaying high grass and took a few paces into it, letting the tips of the blades brush her fingers. She didn't often get to slow down long enough to enjoy the details of the world. Most often she was too busy carrying out her orders as fast as she could to avoid death. She let the wind play across her face and closed her eyes with a soft, happy smile.
"It almost reminds me of the meadow back at the house." She told him. She liked that meadow. Then, without warning she fell over backwards, arms making a T before folding behind her head. The grass tickled her face but she didn't care. Above her there were a few wisps of cloud, drifting lazily across the wide, blue sky.
"This...is perfect." She sighed.
Naberius Naberius
Location: Oak Canyon
Timing: Early September
Interaction: Harian & Gabriel

Gabriel was having more fun than he ever thought possible. The freedom of flying, and the elation of being with the one person in all the world he wanted to share that freedom with was almost too much. He watched Harian shift between forms as they went, and around the third or fourth shift he rolled his eyes.
"Alright, beast boy, you can stop showboating now." he teased her gently, but he was actually always impressed with her skill and the fluidity of her shifts.
He flew along, following the path she set, and enjoying the view.
They landed and began their leisurely walk through the beautiful natural paradise once more, Gabriel putting his arm around Harian's waist as they walked. He really could never keep his hands to himself, and he found his recent behavior to be strange for him, though he also didn't plan on stopping anytime soon. The beauty of the landscape around them was breathtaking, like something out of a masterpiece painted by a world class artist.
When she flopped herself down on the ground, Gabriel couldn't help but smile to himself. Her reaction to today was everything he had hoped it would be and more. He lay down beside her, one arm under his head, the other resting on his chest.
"Yes, you are."
He spoke with just a hint of that playful mischief he had inherited from her personally, its light dancing behind his eyes.

SilverFlight SilverFlight
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Location: Oak Canyon
Timing: Early September
Interaction: Harian & Gabriel

Her eyes opened to slits and she shot him a sideways glance after the cheesy line landed. Then she looked at him more seriously, thoughts floating past like the clouds overhead. He had done this, brought her here, planned this just for her. She couldn't help it, Harian turned to lean over his chest and kiss him gently. Her hand trailed down his side, tracing the lines of his ribs, his hip... She drew back just a little to look at him.
"I have no idea what ever possessed me..." She marveled as she brought her hand back to brush his cheek. "Don't ever stop being you."

At length she moved to sit up slowly. "Hey, I've been meaning to ask....what's Disneyland?"

Naberius Naberius

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