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Dice Robotech: Army of the Southern Cross - OOC thread

From the Shadow Chronicles book, Computer Programming is 50% +4 per level, and it is a prereq for Computer Hacking, so you have to take it at level 2, putting it at 54%, with another +5 from your Tactical Corps training for all Technical skills, giving you a total of 59%. The Computer Hacking one is purchased at level 3, and it is a base of 30% +5% per level.
Sherwood has the numbers right. Your Computer Programming skill will be at 59% and your Computer Hacking is at 30%.
Oh then it must have been from a different one since i checked the skill list thing. ^^'
I looked at the comprehensive skill list and didn't see those skills, so I checked in the Robotech one and that is what was listed there.
GunMan2 GunMan2 Um, if you guys don't mind my adding my 2 credits?

GunMan2, I don't know which book you're looking into buddy, but (last I heard) we're using Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles as the Core Book. In my physical copy, Computer Hacking is on page 177 (30% + 5%) and Computer Programming is on page... 190 (50% + 4%).

I don't think anyone has taken Chris's O.C.C. into account? Tac Corp gets +5% on all Technical Skills (Computer Programming) and no bonus to Espionage Skills (Computer Hacking). Chris has no I.Q. bonus to add to his Skills.

Honor and fun,
Detail-oriented Dann =)
Psychie Psychie Heads-up! The Skills v6.0 online book has different percentages than the Robotech: Shadow Chronicles book. The v6.0 is taken from many 1st Edition books (there's a list early in the pdf). Prowl for example is something like 46% +8%/level (which is waaaay higher than most other Palladium books; I don't know where the compiler got it).

If we're going for the "best numbers" between the two, then we're going to have even higher numbers in some fields. I don't know if how much that'll affect your game balance.
If that is the case then ill just got to page 246 of the corebook to have a look at the skills.
If that is the case then ill just got to page 246 of the corebook to have a look at the skills.
What core book are you reading from? Shadow Chronicles only has 224 pages.
Are you reading the 1st or second edition of robotech shadow chronicles?
Physical Copy - 1st Printing -- August 2008 (the very book in the Amazon link)).

Please do.

Road #1 - The easy path. If... all Skills come from the Robotech: Shadow Chronicles Core Book... then you and Sherwood will have a strong idea of what Skills to expect and their given percentages. Any other Skills that come from the Master Skill List v6.0 (like Kitty's recently-obtained Computer Networks Skill which is NOT in Shadow Chronicles) come as they are.

Road #2 - The "winding" path. If all Skills instead come from Master Skill List v6.0, then Psychie will have to do more research involving the Skills our Characters already have. They're differently-worded and in most cases, they're basically the same Skills. However, not only are the percentages different, but in some cases, the Skills are part of Skill categories that offer different Skills not seen in Robotech. For example, take a moment and look at the Master Skill List v6.0 Physical Skill - Kickboxing. See its description? "Add 2 Attacks per Round?" That's a game-changer for a GM like me and one that might come into play down the road (or even immediately) if we go solely with Master Skill List v6.0.

Also... if we are going with Road #2, then each of us will have to go into the Master Skill List v6.0 and double-check our percentages to make certain this is accurate. For us PCs, this is no biggie because we have one Character. But for our GM? Psychie, I don't know what kind of data you keep on your important NPCs, but mine are fully-written out. This would be heavily-intensive for the detail-oriented GM.

Just things worth considering. =)
(Oops. I have a minor correction to make - I have both the paperback (336 pages) and hardbound editions (224 pages) of Robotech: Shadow Chronicles. The pages I referred to are found in the hardbound edition.)
Personally, I would vote that we take most of our skills from the Robotech book, and only bring in the ones from the Master Skill List when we have a skill that is not in the Robotech book. That way, we get access to the other skills and use the percentages in the Shadow Chronicles book.
Thanks for the feedback, guys. I will say this as my official ruling: We will go with the Shadow Chronicles core book for all skills except for ones that don't show up in it, like the Computer Networking one that Kitty just took.
Terrific! That is so much easier than having to go through the Master Skill List and redoing everything. =)
I like the sound of that. Keeps us from having to keep bouncing back and forth looking for skills.

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