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Oh no.... Oh my.... Here I was ready to write a cocky himbo but i looks like imma write a man moving through the stages of grief! with a few stages like anger and depression hitting that repeat button a few times.
It's optional. I may or not introduce such character. Depends on how things will flow. :hornskiss:
Random question are we standing in front of the being as a group? are we distingishable? do we have our gear? Im thinking of having the rest of the group be indistinguishable and for Vordt only able to see himself with no armor or weapons.
I was just about to ask that too, actually

Are we literally just floating in the typical Isekai summoning room/afterlife limbo (like in Konosuba) or is it just- metaphorical(?) so that we get an idea of what the lore is?

Also, as funny as it may be to just throw my guy into the beast city, I think I'll just throw him wherever Drabber's character goes since it'd make the most sense for him to follow another hunter.
Im excited to see how the two hunters interact with one another. could be an interesting dynamic
Random question are we standing in front of the being as a group? are we distingishable? do we have our gear? Im thinking of having the rest of the group be indistinguishable and for Vordt only able to see himself with no armor or weapons.
I was just about to ask that too, actually

Are we literally just floating in the typical Isekai summoning room/afterlife limbo (like in Konosuba) or is it just- metaphorical(?) so that we get an idea of what the lore is?

Also, as funny as it may be to just throw my guy into the beast city, I think I'll just throw him wherever Drabber's character goes since it'd make the most sense for him to follow another hunter.
My initial idea was to have the group distinguishable since your new selves will look a tad different, but Conloth's suggestion sounds very interesting as it would add a degree of mistery. As for the gear, you will have it, but as you said, while in limbo you will not see it or feel it.

Also, yes Haze, it is the usual Konosuba-like limbo.
Haha im okay either way! it seems like you (Azure) have some fun/ devious plans for Vordt. And thanks for the info I feel confident enough to finish my first post!
I did it! excited to play with y'all and hope the post is satisfactory in detail. (if you need me to edit anything PM me and I will happily fix the problem.)

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