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Guys I was hoping Bumblebarb (Naomi’s Niffler) could have stolen shiny trinkets from peoples luggage while on the train and gets caught by Naomi with all of it in the rp. If you are cool with your character having a trinket stolen by the little devil please let me know what it is so we can eventually rp Naomi giving it back haha!
anything you want!! its so cute that naomi has a niffler and all three of them could lose anything as big or small and it make sense for them lol

edit to add: ooh if you want naomi to get yelled at maybe the niffler could have stolen something from clara's bag that was in the room with cosmo?? perhaps a necklace or something that ricky gave her a long time ago that she secretly kept despite them not being friends? captaindanger captaindanger ?? wouldnt be crazy to think clara couldnt put a spell on one of her suitcases so that cosmo could get in it if he needed to
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pearjuice pearjuice Yes. Maybe a memory that Cha-Cha can see on one of them later too. The necklace can be a birthday gift or something. A locket with a muggle photo of both of them in it? What do you think?

Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 My characters are fair game. I don't know a lot about Nifflers but I will roll with it. Raphael will not be hurt that his stuff was messed with if it was an animal and might get too distracted learning about Naomi's pet to care lol. Ricky won't like it but he won't be mean about it if Naomi is rude
aww i love all of that! ooh! maybe they have matching necklaces with the charms still on it (like friendship bracelets but not?). if they both had the same locket with different photos of them in it maybe they go to get their stuff back and ricky teases clara about still having it? shes really sentimental and would hold on to little gifts like that even well after the friendship or relationship ended so its not very our of character. i can always write that she brought it in hopes of giving it back to him at his school
them having matching necklaces fuels the rumors that theyre dating muahaha
Oh my goodness! Naomi getting yelled at gives me all the mixed emotions and I am so down for that! Like I have no idea how Naomi would respond to that and likely won’t until I am writing it! BUMBLEBARB GONNA SPARK ALL THE DRAMA!!!!
she'd probably just snap out of embarrassment (especially if a lot of people were there trying to get their things back and she got embarrassed from cosmo and ricky finding out she kept that necklace). if it was one on one she'd probably still snap at naomi but apologize (since nobody would believe she was nice about it either). however mean you want clara to be ill write it and make it juicy
My brain was instantly like what if this happens when Clara has had a BAD day and Clara just rips into Naomi? Naomi, sad to say, might just stand there and take it. Wouldn’t be the worst she had to endure and she wouldn’t want Clara to hold it in. If Clara were to take it out on Bumblebarb however, then Naomi is going mama bear mode. OH MY GOD WHAT IF CLARA RIPS INTO HER AND NAOMI JUST SAYS SOMETHING LIKE “Thank you for making your feelings known to me.” Like super diplomatic and submissive because she just wants to keep the peace. 😭
clara would be like "???" after once she calmed down. she reaaally doesnt like when her stuff is messed with and might be confused about it being a niffler that got into her things instead of a person. if they were alone she might be calmer about accusing naomi of sending her niffler into everyone's bags but in a group setting where clara would be super embarrassed and uncomfortable she'd be really mean probably. im so down for it
add sasha and zuri to the list
Guys I was hoping Bumblebarb (Naomi’s Niffler) could have stolen shiny trinkets from peoples luggage while on the train and gets caught by Naomi with all of it in the rp. If you are cool with your character having a trinket stolen by the little devil please let me know what it is so we can eventually rp Naomi giving it back haha!
I am EXTREMELY tired, my apologies for not having it up yet. I got home from the gym and my arms barely work, again, many apologies. I will do my best to have it up by late tonight. Or sometime tomorrow afternoon.
Warsaw - Poland (They have the strongest liquor in the world, I'm sure Odinson would love a sip)
I would have to think on the others. Much pondering to do.
ill have to think on mine! i think the twins have probably seen a lot and that lanre would be happy to just go anywhere. i think he'd be pretty amazed by new york city

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