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the ghost of pimping past
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Click me for the CS thread!!!


Welcome, welcome, to the first-ever (and hopefully not the last) Octowizard Tournament, the grandest show on land or by sea! Students, please proceed with caution if you dare enter your name into the Goblet of Fire, as these tasks are not for the faint of heart. For the first time in history, the eight international wizarding schools—Hogwarts (Scotland), Beauxbatons (France), Castelobruxo (Brazil), Durmstrang (Scandinavia), Ilvermorny (North America), Mahoutokoro (Japan), Uagadou (Uganda), and Koldovstoretz (Russia)—are uniting to hold a magical Olympics among their best and brightest pupils, and you’re invited! Glory and gold, pleasure and pain, magic and mayhem, dreams and danger will abound. The Octowizard is a magical spectacle the likes of which the Wizarding World has never before seen, and no one is sitting on the sidelines for it. Only one will win, and some may lose everything.

Unlike previous Triwizard Tournaments, in which one school would host the whole tournament and house the accumulative populations of all competing schools, only a committee of three student representatives from each school will be attending the Octowizard Tournament in person. Those three students are selected at the discretion of their individual headmasters. From among those three, the Goblet of Fire shall select one name to be the champion of his or her school. The two unchosen students shall have front-row seats to spectate the tournament, and will serve as the champion’s secondaries in the tragic (but not unlikely) event that a champion is unable to continue the tournament. And who knows, perhaps the Goblet of Fire might just call for a team challenge.

One other important deviation from the original Triwizard Tournaments is that there will be eight tasks altogether, and each school will play host to a different task. Each school’s crew—consisting of the three aforementioned students plus one chaperoning professor—will get an unprecedented opportunity to sight-see as they travel the world on an all-expenses-paid trip. However, it would be beneficial for competing students to keep in mind that classes will be scheduled regularly amidst the tournament, and an ample decline in one’s grades may result in removal from the tournament. Since these challenges will prove a test to a competitor’s physical, mental, and emotional maturity, the Goblet of Fire will only accept the names of fifth- through seventh-year students.Any further questions? No? Well, then. Let’s get started.


- Only one champion per RPer. Including professors and secondaries, you may have up to four characters total.
- Only five characters with a special magical status (Animagus, Metamorphmagus, Veela, werewolf, etc.) will be allowed, since they are exceptionally rare.
- It’s not necessary that you’ve read or seen the entire Harry Potter series to join this RP, but it would help if you have at least a little background knowledge. Those of us who are avid fans will help you out with the rest of the universe lore, if need be.
- As aforementioned, competing students are between fifth- to seventh-year. Therefore, upon the start of the school year (and the RP), their ages must fall between fifteen and seventeen years old.
- Just for the record, Beauxbatons is not an all-girls school, and Durmstrang is not all boys, as portrayed in the movie.
- Please do not complain because “Harry” and “Dumbledore” aren’t here. In this AU universe roleplay, none of the canon characters exist. EVERYONE PLAYS OC’S.
- Reservations will be upheld for 72 hours, by which time the entire form should be complete.
- While characters are allowed to be complete asses to each other in the roleplay, OOC bullying is not tolerated. Hate the character, not the RPer.
- This is advanced, so I would like 3+ paragraphs per post with proper grammar and spelling. The occasional excuse of low muse is understandable, but this must remain occasional.
- Please post on the RP thread at least once every two weeks. Don't make me have to hunt you down for a reply.
- You must have an imagination! Create plots, play NPCs and side characters, keep the story rolling. I hate having to make everything happen on my own.
- Use faceclaims, and no anime pictures for your charries!

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Interested! How welcoming are you with headcanons for the other schools, specifically those that weren't elaborated on much in canon?
k-i-p k-i-p Rule of thumb: if it's on the Fandom wiki, then yes. But because the other schools weren't discussed that much in canon, we'll generally be accepting of headcanons, like if you wanna do one of the houses from the other schools.
k-i-p k-i-p Rule of thumb: if it's on the Fandom wiki, then yes. But because the other schools weren't discussed that much in canon, we'll generally be accepting of headcanons, like if you wanna do one of the houses from the other schools.
Understood! I do want to write a character from another school, so I'll be sticking as closely to established canon as I can while expanding on the world a tiny bit more. Thank you for clarifying!
is this still open? looking to get back into rping. hp is an old comfort spot and i stumbled across the ooc and became so hooked by the idea >.<
i'm so totally interested
honeycoves honeycoves Welcome, and thank you for your interest! We are absolutely still open to new applications. Please feel free to check out the CS thread linked in the first post, and we shall happily await your character(s). :closed eyes open smile:
Little girls with dark powers killing giants. Students dueling and destroying half the castle. Venemous snakes on the loose. That's where we are right now. And you could be too. Come join us!
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