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"in its own way, he is a beautiful beast" she agreed as she finished chaining up the Rancor.

Aqua went over to her cot taking a seat as the ship took off. (such a long trip XD)
"Shame Jabba feels a need to have such big beasts, Still a job is a job. And what kind of man would I be if I went back on one." He said.

Peter went to get something to eat.
"Shame Jabba feels a need to have such big beasts, Still a job is a job. And what kind of man would I be if I went back on one." He said.

Peter went to get something to eat.
His comment making her think of the hit job she had tuened down eairlier 'a great way in making me feel guilty for not taking that hit job' she thought frowning under the hood of her cloak "right.." she replied pressing a button on the side of the vehicle, pulling the Rancor onto the bed of the hover hauler. "alright... he should be good and secure until we reach Jabba's palace. "

She drugged threw her bag pulling out a book and a bag of chips. Leaning back on the wall she opened up the book and read
His comment making her think of the hit job she had tuened down eairlier 'a great way in making me feel guilty for not taking that hit job' she thought frowning under the hood of her cloak "right.." she replied pressing a button on the side of the vehicle, pulling the Rancor onto the bed of the hover hauler. "alright... he should be good and secure until we reach Jabba's palace. "

She drugged threw her bag pulling out a book and a bag of chips. Leaning back on the wall she opened up the book and read
(not his intention but okay) "Alright. Good." He said sitting down.

Peter found a smoothie maker.
(not his intention but okay) "Alright. Good." He said sitting down.

Peter found a smoothie maker.
(I figured but she doesn't know that ) She hopped on to the driver's seat and drove off towards Jabba's palace.

She read using one of her tentacles to grab a chip and pop it into her mouth
(I figured but she doesn't know that ) She hopped on to the driver's seat and drove off towards Jabba's palace.

She read using one of her tentacles to grab a chip and pop it into her mouth
He leaned back his head covering his mask covered face as he slept.

Peter came back out with a smoothie.
He leaned back his head covering his mask covered face as he slept.

Peter came back out with a smoothie.
He sure sleeps a lot for an undead guy she thought looking back at the road as the vehicle made its way through the vas desert. It was the late afternoon when they reached Jabba's palace.

Aqua looked up from her book to see Peter walking back with a smoothie "were did you get that?" she asked
He sure sleeps a lot for an undead guy she thought looking back at the road as the vehicle made its way through the vas desert. It was the late afternoon when they reached Jabba's palace.

Aqua looked up from her book to see Peter walking back with a smoothie "were did you get that?" she asked
He woke up as the door opened. They dragged the rancor in. Jabba wasn't there but rep was.

"They have a kitchen. Fully stocked."
He woke up as the door opened. They dragged the rancor in. Jabba wasn't there but rep was.

"They have a kitchen. Fully stocked."
"We are here to see Jabba we got something for him" Amelia said to Rep

"Really?" She said closing her book anf getting up to find this kitchen
"we answered the job post,...we got him a new pet" Amelia said standing to the side so he could see the Rancor.

Her eyes went wide as she clasped her hands together "the possibilities" she said to herself looking through the kitchen
"I see." He said. He nodded to someone who walked forward. They gave them their credits. Split 50/50 meant 10,000 each.

"You really like to cook don't you?" He asked.
"I see." He said. He nodded to someone who walked forward. They gave them their credits. Split 50/50 meant 10,000 each.

"You really like to cook don't you?" He asked.
Amelia nodded taking her share of the credits as they handed over the rancor.

"Yep" she replied with a smile "my grandpa was a terrible took managed to burn down our kitchen down twice, and if I wasn't their to make him food he would just eat protein bars and shakes....couldn't have him living off of that..." she spoke with a sad smile of her face.
Amelia nodded taking her share of the credits as they handed over the rancor.

"Yep" she replied with a smile "my grandpa was a terrible took managed to burn down our kitchen down twice, and if I wasn't their to make him food he would just eat protein bars and shakes....couldn't have him living off of that..." she spoke with a sad smile of her face.
He looked at his share. "Pleasure doing business." He said.

Peter nodded. "Hey. He'd be proud of you." He said.
He looked at his share. "Pleasure doing business." He said.

Peter nodded. "Hey. He'd be proud of you." He said.
Amelia went back to the hover hauler and climb back on

"thanks.." she gently smiled "so I been practicing how to make American dishes" she said happily
Amelia went back to the hover hauler and climb back on

"thanks.." she gently smiled "so I been practicing how to make American dishes" she said happily
"You mind if we stop at my home planet. I need to make a drop off." He said.

"Oh really?" He said. "You think you got game?"
"Much obliged." He said.

"Alright show me what you got."
"Sure thing...were is your home planet?" she asked as to be able to place it on her ships navigation

"I'll try.." she said rubbing the back of her head. Really they only learned there things so far.
"Sure thing...were is your home planet?" she asked as to be able to place it on her ships navigation

"I'll try.." she said rubbing the back of her head. Really they only learned there things so far.
He punched in the coordinates.

Peter went back to the front.
They got to his planet. They landed in his world's version of Colorado in the rocky mountains
"Okay we are here" Amelia said getting off her sea, making her way out of the ship. She was curious about those mountains she spoted before they landed.
"Okay we are here" Amelia said getting off her sea, making her way out of the ship. She was curious about those mountains she spoted before they landed.
He got out and walked up to a small house on the outskirts of the mountains just before they became really steep. He took almost all of his earnings which he taken time on the ship to convert to US dollars and set them a few feet from the door. He walked off to where she was. Where they couldn't be seen And waited. A young woman came out and looked around. Finding no one she took the box and opened it seeing the money. SHe yelled. "Thank you!" To whatever stranger kept being so kind and walked inside. Liam looked at Amelia. "There's one more place I need to visist." He walked off.
He got out and walked up to a small house on the outskirts of the mountains just before they became really steep. He took almost all of his earnings which he taken time on the ship to convert to US dollars and set them a few feet from the door. He walked off to where she was. Where they couldn't be seen And waited. A young woman came out and looked around. Finding no one she took the box and opened it seeing the money. SHe yelled. "Thank you!" To whatever stranger kept being so kind and walked inside. Liam looked at Amelia. "There's one more place I need to visist." He walked off.
Amelia was amazed at the scenery this plant was quite beautiful she thought looking around. She spoted the small house, watching Liam drop a small box by the door then walk back over to her. She stood their in silence as she waited with Liam, watching a woman walk out and collecting the box. "Sure.." she said with a nod as Lia. Walked off once again
Amelia was amazed at the scenery this plant was quite beautiful she thought looking around. She spoted the small house, watching Liam drop a small box by the door then walk back over to her. She stood their in silence as she waited with Liam, watching a woman walk out and collecting the box. "Sure.." she said with a nod as Lia. Walked off once again
He stopped at a gravestone with his name on it. "I don't know if there's a body inside or not." He said looking at it. "I've always been too afraid to grab a shovel and check." He said. "Every time I come back I always stop here just in case one day I am ready to face the truth... whatever it may be."

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