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Do not relent, Dreamer...
The Taken Seed


Two Thousand Club
◘ M E M E N T O ◘
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Dream #2 and Arrivals


◘ C H A P T E R . O N E - Take My Hand ◘

Tags: Kabochamp Kabochamp OSWonder OSWonder Matt l ttaM Matt l ttaM revior revior HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest NewAgeBlack NewAgeBlack animegirl20 animegirl20
October 5th, Ninety-ninth Year in the Age of Founding.
-Six days to The Reckoning-

Note: All bolded text beginning with a double -, as in '--', directly pertains to what each of your individual character experiences. Unless otherwise stated. How you react and what you see during these instances is up to you. Certain details have been purposefully written with generic descriptions for you to detail at your own preference.
--No matter in a warm plush bed, tucked away under a stirring starry night within time-worn institution, nor quaint manor in sleeping town so modest, nor amidst the gentle sway of creaking vessel drifting high in lofty sky, all manner of colour, of thought, blood or fated heart. All were drawn into fretful plight. A feeling of falling, or perhaps rising. A rush of wind, blocking-out all sound, and yet you felt not the caress of air on skin.

You open your eyes and beheld a scene so colourful and yet so grim. For you saw not the place of rest upon which you laid your heavy head, scant clock seasons on the night just prior. Your sights widen as you twist and turn. Panic fills your heart as you see faultless clouds loom below your head, stretching far and wide in stormy expanse. You cast your gaze above your feet, towards a swirling expanse of Tyrian purples, Perylene reds, and whorls of Aegean blues. All coalescing and undulating like chromatic serpents of terrifying hues. The sight brings nausea bubbling to your head, as is the feeling of falling upwards… or was it downwards? But as you rush in your neverending fall, voices and whispers tease in your ears. Addled and broken at first. Then slowly a shout here, a whispered warning there. You recognize words from your faraway past and you thought you caught a face or a scene in the chaotic ocean of colour above your feet.

The scene bubbles and churn, in rising tides of hues and shades. The voices grow louder, like the incessant grumble of an imp planted deep within your head and you attempt to shut it out, but it was just too loud, and you think that maybe the sound actually came from within. The voices scream and wail, twisted versions of once happy memories, or perhaps they were terrible ones, ones that you thought were long forgotten. Then like some watery creature rising from the depths, monstrous behemoths breached the surface of the chromatic above. Tendrils of your twisted past stretched forth their ugly appendages of chaos and you scream in terror. You suddenly wished you could fall faster, but the serpents draw every closer, inexorable in their intent. But just when you thought it would’ve been your end, a clear and crystalline watery plop pierces your ears. Clarity fills your mind, as an effulgent spark lights off in your head like a blaze of fireworks as the world begins to slow to a halt. You feel a presence nearing and your gaze is drawn inexplicably below to the clouds, but you only see her face. The sapphires of her eyes gleam with pellucid warmth as cascades of moonlight frame her face. Her visage tilts to one side as her eyes narrow with a smile of sheer pulchritude it takes your breath away.

Dreamer… take my hand...

You hesitate at first, blinking at her expectant eyes, hearing her voice though you were sure her ruby lips never once parted. Then slowly, you reach forth. And as your hand drew closer, you suddenly realize that you were both separated by a watery surface. Like a mirrored reflection, her pale hand reached out for your own and just before you touched, you felt an icy chill as the surface rippled from the point of contact. Then your vision dimmed until you were back into a restful oblivion.


“Ohoi my lads and ladies, we’re almost there!” The Captain bellows from his pilot-box, one hand clutched against the Cloudcrystal as he steers the Skyship towards no direction in particular. At least where his passengers were concerned. They had been travelling through an endless voluminous mist ever since they awoke early that morning. One that seemed to mute all sound and left a humid sheen of moisture that appeared to creep even under the multiple folds of whatever garment you wore.

“Easy… Easy as she goes!” Several of the Skyship’s passengers glance at the captain sidelong, wondering if he was out of his mind.

“You people might want to hold on to something-!” The Captain’s warning came a tad too late. The only other thing you heard was the flap and billow of the Skyship’s lightsails and suddenly, your vision was caught in the golden rays of a rising sun. The shift of air pressure as the mist abruptly lifted caused the ship to lurch and wobble. There, rising out from the cerulean Southern Seas like some tree covered monuments cast out from the heavens to land half submerged in the blue expanse were several islands. The Isles of Highover. After nearly a week of traveling from Kal’Borias in this cloud-scraping galleon, you’ve finally arrived.

Stomachs somersaulted as the Skyship dipped its nose and began its abrupt descent. You chanced a lay of the land, and caught sight of towering snow-capped mountains and a distant castle before the bustle of cranes and structures of a busy port-side town obscured them from view.

“Might want to hold on to your breakfa- whoop!!” Again the Captain’s last minute warning was cut-off when the Skyship was dropped the last few feet into the docking wharf like a fat duck attempting a landing on its fattest day of the month – whatever that meant. A spray of displaced water was tossed into the air, scintillating with delight as they caught the brilliant morning sun. Almost at once, crewmen bustled about securing the ship and laying the walkway. The captain puffed out his chest and beamed, seemingly pleased at his expert handling of the floating ship.

—students of the Ivory Tower have just arrived!

“Off you go! Here’s your stop, git’ with it!”

An army of porters boarded the ship, coming forward to offer to help carry your luggage, respectful in their mannerisms. You are ushered off the boat and onto the port. A short walk later and you were led towards a grand pavilion, it’s brick-red tent bustling against a strong gust of wind. Just before you stepped in, a low humming sound filled the air and you recognize it to be the Enchantech engines of yet another Skyship. You turn just in time to see another galleon not unlike the one you were just on dart out gracefully from the distant magical mists.

—students of Grishelgroff Academy of Wizardry have just arrived!

Stepping into the Grand Pavilion, you’re immediately greeted by a bustle of immaculately dressed servants. One offers you a cocktail of bubbling juices while yet another gestures emphatically for you to partake of delightful sweets and savouries piled high on a lavish buffet table.

—Ivory Tower students would realize that students of Sorcera al’Miransar have already arrived and are milling about the refreshments tables or resting amidst the various plush cushions and divans. All students who arrived via Skyship would in-large have similar experiences. One may assume there are other candidates from each respective schools who are not currently OCs. Feel free to describe them as you wish.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, now that we’ve all arrived and settled down, may I have your attention please!” A sonorous voice interrupts whatever you were doing and you turn to the centerstage of the pavilion. A middle-aged gentleman with pristine white gloves and dressed in a dapper butler suit announces his presence, calling for attention. Though he appears largely normal, you notice the flash of gleaming azure sparkling beneath his thick lashes.

You turn expectantly to the Djinn as he begins his welcoming speech, introducing each gathered flock of delegates from the respective schools to the other. And when he was done, you are then ushered out of the pavilion to a waiting carriage. And fastened to each waiting carriage were large draco-headed horses, with gleaming gold or emerald scales along their coat and folded wings along their back.

—All characters that have at least level 2 in Perception will recognize the magnificent beasts as Gwyndils. Rare powerful beasts that can fly as well as they can swim, and brew mini-tornadoes or whirlpools with their wings. Gwyndils are usually seen in the uninhabited islands of the Southern reaches.


The doorbell of the manor belonging to a certain Master Renoux chimes cheerily, followed by an audible call for a certain ‘Mister Iron-eyes’. Upon opening his door, Iron-eyes would be greeted with a sweeping bow by yet another cerulean eyed butler. Behind the Djinn, a similar gilded carriage drawn by yet another Gwyndil was parked by the pavement.

“Your transport awaits Mister Iron-eyes!” The Djinn announces brightly. “Make preparations as you must, but do not tarry, the Welcoming awaits!”

The route to Castle Highover from the manor would be lined by trees and scenery. And as the road climbed higher, to one side one would have an expansive view of the harbor below.



A soft knock rumbles against the thick wood of the young dea’Aria’s modest room in the student wing.

”Faean, get up or you’ll be late.” More soft knocking. It was as if the person on the opposite side of the door was reluctant to make any sort of noise. Clearly they could have chosen to be bashing against the hardwood.

—Should Faean choose to open the door, he will come face to face with Enn Velahl. Her soft grey-blue eyes would stare at him wordless for a moment and he will suddenly be filled with a peculiar sense of displacement. Though he would know her to be his classmate, she looked different to him just that morning. But the moment will pass and she would turn away.

”I’m going to wake the others, you better hurry up. The Welcoming is in the Great Hall…” Enn would murmur over her shoulder as she stepped away, clutching Kala to her chest.

--Several moments later, Enn would arrive at another of her classmate's door: Starlight. If she opened her door, the Hinokian girl would be visited by the same strange sense of displacement as Faean. As if they recognized the pale-haired girl as someone other than who they remembered her to be. But in a blink of a moment, the weird feeling would pass.

If Starlight did not open her door, Enn would drift away after a moment, with the assumption that the Hinokian girl would make ready. But if she answered the knock, Enn would've tilted her head at the other girl, locks of her pale hair partially obscuring her vision. Her eyes would drift over to a pair of sturdy wooden chairs and a small round tea-table placed beside Starlight's four-poster bed.

"Would you like to have something to eat? I don't want to wait till the Welcoming is over..."

--If Starlight agrees, Enn would press a little button by the side of the door. A moment later, a well-dressed servant would appear to take their orders for whatever delectable morsels that would wish for. All would be prepared after a short wait.


Out in the guest wing of Highover, a polite knock would similarly resound upon the carefully carved wooden portal of a certain overly excited Grishelgrof student.

"Miss Nero? It's time to awake. The Welcoming begins in two hours at the Great Hall."

Upon opening the doors, Nero would be greeted by a large seven-foot gargoyle dressed in immaculate dress-coat. The Sitri smiled brightly at the comparatively tiny human.

"I understand you must be itching for this whole thing to start, so I was told. We've washed and pressed your outfits so you can look your best among your fellow delegates! Breakfast will be served after the ceremony, but if you need something to fill your stomach, we can arrange room service!"
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Nathaniel stood at the edge of the crowd. His eyes watched the coming students as his hands drifted to the small, white flute he kept normally close at hand. Merely feeling the smooth ivory memento, he thought to himself solemnly. He thought of his current state and situation. The current top student of his class and one to partake in this 'Reckoning' to become a Master Magician. With his familiar resting on his shoulder, Nihil keeping its balance rather easily, the young noble sighed.

He drew his eyes from the crowd and closed them, listening to waiting area from which they all rested. A sea of shifting, mumbling, laughing, and more, yet above all, the sense of excitement and nervousness that all in the field felt. He slowly brought the ivory flute to his lips, his fingers eclipsing the holes as his mother's once had so many years before. A solemn melody would follow, dreary and hollow. He played for a few moments, the song coming to empty air as the voice of the introducer called for attention. Nathanial stowed his instrument and looked toward the older gentleman as the welcoming speech began.

With that over, along with the other school introductions, he took his place on the carriage and merely waited, his blade resting on his back.

(Hope this is a good way to start the players off)
Marsh "Iron-eyes" Renoux looked upon the Djinn dispassionately, eyeing the humanoid spirit as he adjusted his own cravat. Seated on the floor to his left Mi'tsuun looked upon the spirit turned driver bemused, having her well earned and now cut short nap interrupted. Clearing his throat, the master of the manor gained both daemons' attention. "Thank you, we shall endeavor to hasten our preparations." The gentleman replied before closing the door. His eyes widened in panic as the Foliot started snickering at her master's plight. It had seemed that the young lord had forgotten about the reception and had worked throughout the night on one of his many projects.

With a panicked shout, Iron-eyes bolted up the stairs to where his and the guest rooms and lab resided. "Hood! Get your happy ass up! We need to pack! NOW!" he barked out grabbing his suitcase, and began packing the essentials. Shirts, pants, vests, cravats, ammunition, "special" ammunition, Rum Flask, backup rum flask, all the while clipping on his breakaway holsters, both housing a custom made dual cylinder, twin barreled Revolver, each lovingly named Vengeance, and Vindication. With those strapped on, the young man quickly attached his scabbard holding a finely made Estoc that had been in his family for generations to his left side. Breathing a sigh of relief, he threw on his duster. "Hood! Get your nature-loving ass up! We have a carriage to catch!"

As he said this, for some odd reason he had begun to remember the dream he had the night prior. It was as if he had entered the realm of chaos. Just thinking of it sent shivers of excitement of the dream. It had been comforting to him. Strange as he remembered being told by his parents in the past that it had been terrifying for them. Then came the woman telling him to take her hand. The mere thought of it was off putting, looking through the barrier she was behind. Why would he ever wish to enter the drab and orderly realm. Still he relented. Waking back in his own bed, he had written down the experience for later study.

Lekiel Lekiel Foogels Foogels
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Anne Basil
As the airship settles upon the waters by the docks, Anne Basil was ready to disembark. Coldly, she handed the porters her luggage, and though initially, she refused their offer, she eventually relented to their kindly offer. The porters attending to her were kind, kinder than they would towards most others, and the reason for that lies in the complexion of the young woman who had distanced herself from the world. She was very, very, blue in the face.

Anne didn't like the idea of traveling by air, not a single bit. It was more or less a cage suspended in midair by magic and imps on treadmills, a description she used constantly throughout her journey. Being bound by gravity, should anything goes wrong, there was only one direction they would go. However, since it was said to be the most efficient way of getting to anywhere, she decided on her priorities and more or less forced herself onto the vessel. While the take-off wasn't so bad and neither was the rest of the journey aside form some turbulence, the landing was the most terrible thing she has had the displeasure of experiencing. She was half sure that the pilot was mad to just drop the ship like that. Though she was able to hold it in through the landing, right as the ship settled, she began evicting the breakfast she had onto the deck, another reason why the porters were so eager to offer assistance. The worst part of it all was that just the night prior, she had a dream, one where she was falling, or perhaps rising, it wasn't clear, but she knew she was at the complete mercy of a gravity-like force, incapable of escaping. Having that dream just shortly before experiencing the landing made her thought that she was going to die. However, there was more to the dream than falling. There was a girl, a girl with sapphires for eyes. She said to take her hand, and for once Anne wasn't resistant to being told what to do. But, before she could reach the girl, she woke up.

"Mistress, the servant is offering you a beverage."

Calling Anne out of her thoughts is Lok, the Foliot class demon she had summoned and bonded with, and now walks beside her as a white, fluffy feline. As far as Anne is concerned, he isn't the most useful of servants she could have, but at least he makes for a fine companion.

"Oh yes, I think I'll have one, thank you very much," said Anne as she gratefully receives the glass.

"And try to hold it in this time."

"You better hope I do, Lok, else I'll use you to clean it up the next one."

As Foliots tend to be, Lok is a cheeky one, but Anne never minded it, and if it weren't for him chiming in now and then, she may have starved herself to death at one point or another.

With nothing better to do, Anne spent her time around the buffet table, replenishing what was lost during the landing. The sweets especially delighted her, as they always do, no matter how much she detested their constant temptations. Of course, today as well, she will not be swayed by the whims of her tongue. She'll eat only what is necessary to get her through the day nothing more, nothing less. She refused to become a slave to the flesh. As she replenishes herself, she noted the music being played somewhere, and it had a rather sad, depressing tone. This, along with the dream she had, brings her back, to the cold halls of her home, to the occasional cries she could hear from her mother's room when she thinks she's alone. Even after leaving home, Anne can still occasionally hear it, as if it was right by her ear. Even now... yes, she can still hear it.

"Mistress... Mistress!!!"

"Huh!? W-what is it?"

"A Djinn is announcing something. you won't hear if you cover your ears like that."

Anne didn't realize it, that she had reflexively covered her ears. Lok however, had noticed this habit for the longest time now, how it tended to happen from time to time, more often when Anne is in deep thoughts.

"I... Of course. I was just reminded of something. I've had the most terrible dream last night, or perhaps this morning."

"Say no more, Mistress. I understand."

Anne listened to the Djinn speaker as he welcomed them and introduced the groups of representatives from each schools to one another. Anne paid attention to them well, some of which she remembered seeing by the buffet table, though she'll probably not remember all of them all that well afterwards. She understands that going through the Reckoning and becoming a Master Magician is merely the first step. For her to reach her ambition, she'll need more, much, much more, whether it be power or connection, she'll need as much as she can get.

Once the speech and introductions were done with, Anne allowed herself to be ushered out and towards the carriages, which upon seeing, she promptly feel her stomach wishing nothing to do with what she had just eaten.

"Gwyndils... Don't tell me, we're going to fly again? Can we not just walk?" Anne looks at Castle Highover in the distance, trying to estimate how long it'll take to get there on foot.

"You'll be inexcusably late, you realize."

"So it would seem. Looks like we must endure yet another journey through the air."

"Mistress, I am a Spirit trapped in the realm of order. Enduring is all I do."

"Fair enough, now let's just find us a seat and wish this to be over with as soon as possible."

Picking the carriage closest to her, Anne climbed aboard and sat herself down.

"Oh, looks like we have company, Mistress. Do try to keep it in this time, the carriage is smaller and less open than the deck."

"Yes, I know," Anne said, before turning to the gentleman she found in the carriage she had climbed on. "Pardon us, I hope you don't mind company."

Matt l ttaM Matt l ttaM
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Velvet sat away from the crowd with her legs crossed, her crimson eyes scanning the rest of the candidates. There were a few candidates that caught her attention, such as a man with a large double edged serpent wrapped around his body who was happily chatting with the other students, a fully robed individual that stood completely still and in silence, and a red-eyed woman that gave off a pretty powerful vibe. Out of the eccentric characters that walked by, it was that woman that caught Velvet's eye the most. She seemed to be a Northlander, judging from the hair at least. The poor girl then immediately started vomiting, most likely from the wild ride from earlier. "On second thought, maybe not." She smirked to herself. Not to mention there was Nathaniel, the top student of the Sorcera al 'Miransar that never ceased to exceed her expectations from the moment she took notice of him. However, the rest of the flock wasn't that impressive. Not in the slightest. It seemed that the Selection would be nothing more than a cake-walk to the young woman. Covering her mouth with one hand, Velvet yawned as she tenderly pet the black rabbit that sat in her lap with the other, only half-way listening to the welcoming speech.

"Tired, Lady Velvet?" The rabbit spoke to her.
"Quite. " She responded mid-yawn. "I had the strangest dream last night, so I haven't gotten much sleep."
"Lady Velvet dreaming? Strange indeed."

Velvet took Montague's words and pondered over them. He was right after all, she couldn't remember the last time she dreamt about anything. Her life studying and serving under the Valentia family had been so busy that recollections of her "dreams" were nothing more than brief flashes of complex rune patterns and pentacles. The images of her daily life back at home that had been etched into her memory. However, though she couldn't remember much from it she was sure that this dream was different. When she awoke the night before, she was met with a feeling of dread that she hadn't felt in a long time. She remembered laying awake in bed for the rest of the night, as the feelings of dread made way for unpleasant memories that were buried away in the back of her mind to resurface.

After the formalities were finished, Velvet snapped back to reality and rose from her seat as she was escorted to the carriages. Examining the Gwyndils fastened to the carriages, she whistled to herself. Truly powerful beasts. She wished to acquire a few of them for herself one day. Noticing a familiar face from the corner of her eye, she waved away the escort and stepped toward the carriage he sat in.

"Wonderful to see you again, my dear Nathaniel." Velvet gave a curt smile to the old acquaintance as she let herself into the carriage, sitting next to him.
"Looks like you've already made a friend. Though I suppose there's a first time for everything. Velvet." She introduced herself to the stranger, recognizing her as the Northlander that was vomiting her heart out just moments ago. Velvet instinctively braced herself to react in case the same would happen again. She already wanted the day to be over, and the last thing that she wanted to happen today was for her dress to be ruined.

Matt l ttaM Matt l ttaM revior revior
Having seated himself into the carriage, the slinking black cat on his shoulder, Nathaniel had been lost in thought. More so solemn than normal, anyhow. He was reminiscing over a rather strange phenomenon. A rather particular dream he'd had but the night before.
A world of chaos and spontaneity, a feeling of falling or rising, something that shifted with each new perception, and finally that world of glass and the girl beyond the reflection. The hand outstretched to him. He himself knew he would've willingly reached his hand out to the stranger, such was the state of the dream, yet the memory of the ending was hazy at best.
"...-aster Nathaniel..."
Just who was the girl? Did the dream have any significance? There are old fables of such dreams. Dreams that gave warning or message, yet he could see neither from what he remembered.
"...Master Nathaniel. You are being spoken to, " spoke his companion softly into his ear. Nihil butted his head lightly against Nathaniel's ear to get his attention, "She wishes your pardon to share a cart..."
The young noble blinked back into reality, maintaining his solemn behavior. He looked up to the girl. Aloud he answered simply, "As you like." Yet to himself, he thought of the girl's appearance. Red eyes...Intriguing. Clearly from the north, given her white hair and dress, Nathaniel was interested in this girl's history. Red-eyed children were a legend from his home in the Hinodon Kingdom, yet it wouldn't surprise him if the myth had either spread with those sanguine eyed people or as rumors amongst those without. Curious to meet another, he thought to himself.

Even as he thought of this, yet another bearing the eyes of blood made their appearance. The Lady of the Valentia House. He gave a silent sigh at her words and shifted slightly, his blade knocking against his back softly. 'Dear Nathaniel' she says, yet Nathaniel knew that this one wasn't nearly as pleasant as she made herself out to be. Rumors and witnesses of her cruel side were common enough back from their mutual homeland. Unfortunately, more to their similarities than differences, Nathaniel maintained a peaceable relationship with the girl, Velvet, as to avoid any rather nonsensical drama the girl seemed to pull in her wake. He merely rose a hand in greeting,
"Velvet." before returning to his thoughts.

revior revior NewAgeBlack NewAgeBlack
Nero had made the journey to Highover two days earlier than was required, having no desire to spend more time than necessary with her family and finished tying up any loose ends in her excitement to be away. She had immensely enjoyed her time on the airship, alternating between inspecting any machinery she had access to, interacting with the other guests aboard the ship and pestering any attendants who would lend their ear about the workings of the vessel. It had taken a large amount of her willpower to maintain the visage and demeanour of a noble during her trip. With the new sights and sounds all around her and the knowledge that her repressive family were falling further away with every moment, she was in higher spirits than ever before.

Lontano stayed with her at all times on the airship, mostly because she liked his company but a little because she had noticed him eyeing any and all opportunities for 'pranks'. After she had needed to return false teeth to an elderly man for the second time, she had bade him to stay on her shoulder unless allowed otherwise. She usually enjoyed his antics to a point but for this journey she wanted to make the best impression she could. She could always make it up to him later anyway.

As soon as the announcement for the descent had been made, she walked out to the deck to watch as the captain and his men brought the ship crashing back to the world below. The haphazard execution was as thrilling as it was nerve wracking for the young woman as she held tightly to the railings. A small amount of spray tickled her face and made it very difficult to hold down the laugh that bubbled up in her throat and threatened to burst out. Lontano wiped some of the droplets away with his tail, flicking them at a passing person with a small, toothy grin.

Allowing the attendants to handle her larger luggage, Nero finally set foot on the isles of Highover. There was a carriage waiting for her to take her to the place she would stay for the next two days with a Gwyndils hitched up to the front. Her legs moved before she could hold herself back, carrying her to a respectable distance to the beast. She looked over the creature excitedly until she heard a throat being cleared nearby, Lontano had left her shoulder and was already on the seat of the carriage. "Oh. Of course" she climbed aboard, sitting with a straight back and her hands folded in her lap. "Your excitement is showing Miss Nero" Lontano said with a teasing tone in his voice, prompting her to look out at the scenery as the carriage took off. "I don't know what you're talking about" she said with a very small grin, settling back into her respectable persona.

After arriving in the guest wing, she spent the next few days exploring and speaking to as many people as she could and familiarising herself with her new surroundings.

The morning of her fellow students arriving hit her pretty hard. She woke suddenly and sat straight up in the bed of her room in the guest wing. The dream was still swirling around her mind so she swung out of the bed to make a note of what she had seen. A few minutes later, her small familiar climbed into her lap, still groggy and a little grumpy at being g disturbed. "What's the idea, moving about so quickly at this hour?" Nero was rereading what she had read and only half listening to the grumbling. "I had an... unsettling dream" she said to him slowly, reaching down and petting him gently on the head "I can't be sure but... it feels like an I'll omen".

The small creature batted her hand away, as she had expected and jumped on to the table to sit on the notes she had just made. "It's not like you to dwell on dreams, it was just your mind entertaining itself during the night" he dismissed her worries nonchalantly as he swished his tail over the desk.

As she was calming down, the last dregs of the dream fading away, a knock came at her door and brought the excitement of the day back to her. She opened the door quickly and looked up at the large person revealed with a polite smile. "Thank you very much, I will dress and come out shortly. I will not be needing to eat prior to the ceremony" she gave a small nod of her head to the being before beginning to get herself ready and heading to where the ceremony would be held.
He stares up at the seething purple sky and realized, somewhere in the back of his mind, that this was a dream. Even so, he shivers, for the kaleidoscopic chaos that he beholds filled him with a sense of dread. It calls his name, he can hear the rumbling amidst the deafening silence, telling him a story of his past.

Where did you learn it? Green eyes, shining with sharpness that had degraded into manic paranoia, flashed in his mind, bringing with them a memory of trepidation.

Where did you learn the lightning bolt? Answer me. He hates the accusation in her words. Loathes. Burns at the sound of it.

Still, he explains himself, with some pride, I watched Juniper practice.

Silence. Then, even as he falls in air, alone and untouched, the sound of the slap makes his ears ring. The distorted, disembodied voice sneers. Empyrea, how he burned. How he resented her restrictions, for pushing him down, down, down.

That eerie, grating ring keeps going. Keeps getting louder. He imagines all the things he could have done, all the magic he could have learnt in the years she kept it away from him. He remembers how he obeyed, how terribly he wanted her affection that he gave up on magic, only to find out that one would have never come while the other had always been in his grasp, that he had been a complete and utter fool. And he feels himself burning alive. Heart aching, eyes stinging, lungs emptied. Fading away. Being devoured by the churning void.

Dreamer. He feels time stop. He sees her, through the colors that were swallowing him into their depths, a glittering gaze. A spirit? No, no. A face he knows, a voice he’s heard. Where? Who? He is too busy dying to quite figure it out.

Take my hand. He gazes at her outstretched arm, hesitant but desperate. Milliseconds pass. He's going numb. He reaches out, finally, but he never reaches her. As the ripples of crystal water across his vision laugh mockingly at him, he sees her crimson lips part, and he can almost hear her say…


Suddenly, he's no longer falling in that pit of despair. His amber eyes fluttering open, then narrowing as they meet the stream of sunlight, Faean comes back to himself. His takes a deep breath, feeling irrationally out of air, like some part of him was still stuck in that other plane. Jinx glanced at him apathetically from the corner of his bed, snow white feathers slightly ruffled, clearly indignant that her rest had been ruined by his jolting awake. If birds had eyebrows, he was sure hers would have been curved in a judgemental arch.

"Faean, get up or you'll be late," someone murmured from right outside his room, tapping lightly on the wood as though they were afraid to break it. He shuffled off his bed, dragging a hand through his hair to make it as close to presentable as he could before he opened the door.

When he saw Enn’s face looking up at him, for an instant, Faean felt his mind spasm. Dreamer, a haunting voice whispered from the depth of his quickly fading memory. For a brief moment, he almost grasped what he had seen, was seeing. Then, the woman turned away from his stare and the world broke from its standstill.

“Yes, thank you,” he acknowledged her reminder, blinking away his momentary confusion as he flashed her a smile. As she walked away, he heaved a sigh. It could be, he figured, that he was stressed out due to the oncoming Reckoning. He hadn’t thought he was, not particularly, but maybe he had been worrying more than he knew himself somewhere deep in his conscience.

“Did you dream of something forbidden, dear master?” Jinx laughed, stretching her wings in a way more reminiscent of a cat than a swan.

“Perhaps, your professor’s pretty daughter?” The spirit giggled, flying over to rest on his shoulder, her beady eyes level with his. He scoffed, waving a vague hand in dismissal at the thought.

“I saw your look, dear master, and it was quite the look,” she sung in an amused, lilting tone. Faean did not reply ⁠— for Jinx had an unfortunate habit of ignoring all he said until she literally couldn’t ⁠— choosing instead to busy himself with getting dressed.

When he left his room, the hall was rather empty of students, though there were Djinns running here and there. He hoped he wouldn’t be too late to the Welcoming after he had been woken up early, courtesy of Enn. Jinx, the cheeky thing, had stolen most of his breakfast before he even sat down to eat. He glanced down at the waddling bird behind him, acting all dignified, and struggled not to roll his eyes.

He walked down to the pathway where the various student wings joined and led to the Great Hall. Faean had always felt that the scenery of the Institute’s dormitories was one of the best in the school, with marble paths and flower vines running down pillars, as though they were living in one huge, gorgeous garden. Especially in the early hours of the morning, the sight was a healing one. A much needed healing one, in fact, after that harrowing dream. The longer he walked, the more obvious it became that there was only one other student going to the same event as him. A girl of rather small stature, with a rat...no, a weasel for what he assumed was a familiar by her side. Not from their school, definitely, for the closest person to having white hair like that in Highover was probably, well, himself.

He stared at the back of her head for a while, wondering if it was worth approaching her. Yes was his final conclusion, because he had heard of group tests being part of the Reckoning and, while the Highover students taking part were all friends or people he was friendly with, it couldn’t hurt to know a few extra people. He sped up his steps until he was close to her, then slowed down on purpose, so his long strides would not exceed her pace.

“Hello,” he opened, putting on his most approachable face, “you’re heading to the Welcoming for the Reckoning, yes? I am, too, see.”

He looked down at her with a smile, “I’m Faean, Faean dea’Aria, nice to meet you.”

Kabochamp Kabochamp

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Having explored the grounds for the two days during her stay, Nero was confident in her stride as she made her way to the Great Hall for the main event to begin. Her familiar accounted for at her side and a sparkle in her eye she walked through the elegantly elaborate dormitories, taking in the sights yet again. Grishelgroft had its boastable charms in the stark contrast between the grey brick walling and statues and the sturdy evergreens growing wherever they could find a place. The decor in Hightower was a fresh and exciting change for the foreign girl and she was taking every opportunity she could get to look it over.

As she was walking, she noticed somebody matching her step and turned see a young man with blonde hair and yellow eyes, which threw her for a moment until he began to speak. He was a fellow student taking part in the reckoning! What luck, she told herself as he made his introductions. She smiled politely and nodded "Hello, Faean" she said when he had finished "Yes, I'm also heading to the welcoming" she looked around her as she walked "I was taking my time somewhat though, this area just seems more beautiful with every visit! Are you a student at this school?" She asked, looking back at him and feeling a small, wet nose on her ear "you're forgetting something" came the taunting whisper. "Ah! I'm Nero, by the way" she added quickly, internally kicking herself for her mistake.

OSWonder OSWonder
Anne Basil
"Anne Basil, a pleasure to meet you," she reputed the pleasantry to the woman who introduced herself as Velvet, no doubt an alias, as all Magicians do if they are vigilant.

"Red eyes, how quaint, don't you say, Mistress? I thought they were supposed to be rare, but here I am witnessing three at the same time."

"Do not be rude, Lok. Must you comment on everything?"

That being said, Anne can't say that she isn't curious one the fact that all three gathered here in the carriage bears red eyes. As far as she is concerned, it is merely a rare trait. Whispers had been said about it being an omen, but Anne herself had never believed in it and neither has anyone she knew. Then again, maybe that's just because she didn't pay all that much attention to anything other than whatever she was working on at any given time.

"Do pardon this one, this Foliot here is as cheeky as they come. However, I must say, I too thought red eyes were rare. You two, if I remember correctly, are from the Hinokian Deserts, correct? Are such traits commonplace there?"

Anne didn't think she'd be striking up a conversation with others so soon after arriving, and something not work or research related no less. Well, either way, the red eyes did catch her curiosity and having a conversation could help put her mind off the coming flight, so perhaps things turned out for the best.

Matt l ttaM Matt l ttaM NewAgeBlack NewAgeBlack
"You'd be correct." Velvet confirmed their homeland to as she once again began to stroke Montague's fur, pausing to see if he had anything to add. The black rabbit simply squeaked in comfort, preferring to let his master do the talking. "Though I haven't met anyone else with red eyes besides you and this one here. " Velvet gestured towards the male sitting next to her as she immediately went straight to the point that she was sure the two were mulling over.

"I'm sure that the two of you have heard the legends surrounding children with red eyes, correct? That those born with these eyes are doomed to a cursed fate? Such fables seem to be common in our homeland, so I wonder if the same can be said for yours. Back at the Sorcera al 'Miransar I'd occasionally notice my darling Nathaniel take passing glances at my eyes whenever we were in the same room together." She smiled wryly to Nathaniel as she continued. "So, I'm sure that he's at least heard a few of them."

"But since we're already talking about this, I'd like to make it clear that I was never one to pay any mind to such stories. True or not, knowledge of such things don't make me any richer or any more powerful, so they serve no real use to me aside from entertainment from those who do believe in them. If something's fated to happen, then it's fated to happen after all. Only fools try to fight the inevitable. That being said, could the three of us 'red-eyed children' sitting here together possibly be the work of fate? Tell me, what do you two think?"

Matt l ttaM Matt l ttaM revior revior
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Nathaniel listened to the girls' talk without interruptions. The myths of the red-eyed children from the Hinokian Kingdom was something he was familiar with, as is the sense of tragedy that comes with the burden. His life had been full of mistakes and inconveniences, true, but the disaster of his eyes? He found that the night his parents died and he had done nothing for them. In all of his time as a noble of the Cryvere House and in all of his time in the desert nation, he had only ever seen one other with the sanguine eyes. Lady Velvet Valentia of the Noble House, Valentia. Rumor said she was an orphan like him, picked up from the wastes and the rabble, though he never quite believed in them. She was as cold as her family and, at times, even more ruthless.

Now the noblewoman unknowingly mocks his faith and his response is a mere sigh of irritation. This one knew nothing. With his trusted companion curled up on his shoulder and stout blade at his back, he knew she was wrong. Fate may be the unstoppable flow of time, something none can escape from, one may yet choose how they drift down that river. They may choose to drown from the rapids, merely giving up and surrendering themselves to the flow, or they may even fight it, swimming against the grand current in an effort to change what has been done. Even still, there are those who do neither, those who instead change how they flow. Drifting side to side, edge to edge, in an effort to change where they may fall. Nathaniel believed in being the latter. He could not change the past nor would he give up his future for it. He would face what fate had in store and change his destiny, change how he drifted in the river of time, with all he could.

When the girl spoke of fate's inevitability, he responded simply...

"...Fate may be inevitable, but to those who seek something more than what they are given, they create for themselves a new destiny."

Nathaniel spoke no more on their trip to the Institute of Magic.

NewAgeBlack NewAgeBlack revior revior
Starlight was sound asleep as Enn knocked at the door. Luna who heard it hopped on top of Starlight trying to wake her up. "Star wake up someone's knocking at the door...Star?...STAR!" Stardust shot up and in the process knocked Luna on the floor."Meow!"

"I'm up! I'm up!.... Wait what?"

Starlight heard the knock and her head turned to the door. "Hmm? Luna why didn't you tell me someone was here." Luna sighed not bothering to respond. Starlight yawned then got up and open the door. It was Enn. Starlight eyes widen at the sudden memory of her dream. "You!" She pointed at Enn. "Dream....wait.....?" Suddenly Starlight memory went hazy. "Uh...." She shook her head. "Um, nevermind forget it. So what's up?"

"Would you like to have something to eat? I don't want to wait till the Welcoming is over..."

"Yeah, sure!" Starlight said with a bright smiled. Enn pressed the little button on the side of the door and a servant appeared. "I'll have sunny side up eggs, bacon, and toast with orange juice please!" After she was done ordering she turned to Enn. "I'm going to take a quick shower K?" She then quickly headed into the bathroom.

After her shower Starlight came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her. "Oh good the food is here. She sat down and started eating. Luna looked at her annoyed. "What are you doing?" Starlight raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean what am I doing? I'm eating."

"I get that but why are sitting there in a towel eating especially when you have guest over? Go put some clothes on."

"Oh come on it's not a big deal besides were both girls." Starlight continued to eat. Luna was noticeably started to get angry. "That's not the point now go put some clothes on or I Swear I will scratch your face off!" Starlight got up knowing very well that Luna totally would scratch the hell out of her face. "Fine fine jeez." Starlight grabbed her clothes and jewelry and headed into the bathroom and got completely dressed. When she came out she was wearing her favorite blue skit and top along with a bunch of jewelry. "What do you think? Pretty nice huh?" She twirled around then went to sit down but she came back to the little table all her food was gone. "LUNA! Seriously?!" Luna was sitting on the bed licking her paws. "Oh don't be like that besides your started gain a little weight anyway I did you a favor." Starlight balled up her fist. "Why you-" Suddenly Starlight started throwing things at Luna. "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" Luna kept dodging. "What happened to me being your best friend?"

"Best friend? Ha! More like my worst enemy! And I am not gaining weight!" Starlight sat down at the table with a huff. "Ugh, whatever you stupid demon." Luna glanced at her. 'What did you ju-" Starlight cut her off. "Hey, Enn shouldn't we start making our way to the Great Hall?"
Lekiel Lekiel
a211f3a07bbd019e446bcdac49137819.jpg Robin "Hood" Hawksun
Iron-Eye's Guest Room
Lekiel Lekiel HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest
Hood sat on the bed in the guest bedroom of his good friends house. He was staring at his hand, the one that reached out to the girl in the ocean. Hood smiled as he thought about what it all might have meant. But his smile was pulled away as his friend shouted for him to hurry. Hood chuckled as his little foliot flew around his hand until he found his footing on Hood's hand. Hood threw a pack around his back and picked up another. He raised his voice loud enough to be heard but not to be shouting as loud as he could. "I'm already packed Iron, you should watch what you call people, if you weren't talking to me you might have upset someone." Hood walked downstairs and waited at the door for his friend Iron to finish packing and planning.

Hood felt a breeze hit him, and he could have sworn his hand felt colder then the rest of his body. Looking at it again brought back memories of his crazy dream, he normally never remembered his dreams, but this one stuck in his mind and he could remember it as if it were something real that had happened no less then minutes ago. Who was that girl, and why was I falling, flying? I wonder if this is a message from someone, or if I'm just nervous and holding onto a dream that was more bizarre then most. Who was talking to me, those whispers turned into shouts and words thrown at me, not someone else, directed at me. Hood pulled up his new nice dark forest green cloth over his head. Noting to both himself and everyone else that he was focusing on something. Staring off into nothingness looking for answers that he could only find in his own head.

Perhaps much to a certain Northlander's relief, the carriage took off with a jerk and rumble, instead of the dreaded stomach-dropping violent tug that would have signaled flight. All around the islands, the various carriages converged into a cavalcade leisurely making their way up the winding cobbled paths that led higher into the central highlands. The busy din of the portside town eventually faded away, as much of the structures they passed appeared to be expansive and elaborate residentials built into the cliffside. It made for quite the picturesque sight, with the yellowed rays of the early morning sun reflecting off the Southern Sea. Before too long, the carriages made one final bend and they were all suddenly greeted by the sight of a looming grey stone castle. They'd finally arrived.

Highover Institute of Magic. For those gazing upon it for the first time, it looked to be like some old ruin from a distant past; albeit a well maintained one. It's architecture kept isolated and free from the influences of the modern pen, large vine-covered ramparts barred all entry to the school except for a pair of large steel-clad wooden portals that swung open as the first carriage approached. Several ornamental stone gargoyles perched upon the ramparts, stoic in their vigil. Though as the convoy passed, some might notice the large stone behemoths minutely shifting their stance to watch the convoy.

--Those characters with at least level 3 Perception will feel a tingling buzz in their mind and ears as they pass through the gates. They may come to realize that Highover Institute of Magic is protected not just by high walls and guardian demons, but by an unknown magical barrier. One that smelled like ancient dust, but was so immaculate in its form that it seemed no amount of time could deprive it of its power.

They rumbled on, eventually coming to an expansive garden courtyard. A large tree dominated the central garden, with its pale bark and deep purple-green leaves appearing as no other flora ever seen before. With a minute squeak of axels, the convoy came to a stop. A moment later, the carriage doors would be swung open and they would all be greeted similarly by their Djinn escorts.

"Here we are, the final stop! Bring only necessities, your luggage and belongings will be taken care of."

The representatives from the different schools were then ushered through another set of ceiling-high doors. As they stepped into the relative gloom of the Great Hall they were greeted by a murmuring of whispers. Beneath the grandiose barrel vaults of the Great Hall, hung scores of crystalline chandeliers. And beneath all that, lined up in a semicircle of neat rows was what could only be all the students of Highover Institute, garbed in their customary uniforms of black and silver trimmed cloaks. Many of the younger students were wide-eyed, staring innocently unabashed as the delegates of the other schools made their way into the central hall. As the last of the candidates stepped across the threshold, the great front doors were swung shut with a low boom.

"All honored candidates of the 100th Reckoning, please step forward." a gravelly voice boomed through the air, silencing the susurration of whispers and awed gasps.

--Standing alongside two of her classmates, Enn gently pushed at the backs of Faean and Starlight, urging them forward.

"Good luck guys!" She whispered after them. Turning slightly, she caught sight of the white-haired Northlander who'd arrived earlier and offered an encouraging nod.

For those who'd just arrived, should they catch sight of Enn, they would feel a similar peculiar sense of familiarity. But they would quickly realize that the girl before them was not the sapphire eyed enigma of their dreams.

As the delegates of the various schools formed another semicircle directly opposite their captive audience, their eyes would be drawn to a peculiar dais set in the middle of the Great Hall. Set on a shoulder-high marble column covered with runes, was a watermelon-sized icosahedron crystal. Its crystalline surface was milky white, and a cloud of amorphous substance seemed to be roiling within its confines.

The Ardenstone. The final test before which one could truly become a chosen for The Reckoning. A gateway to esteemed privilege, or a destroyer of hopes.

The crowd of students directly ahead of them suddenly parted, emitting a trail of six dark crimson robed Master Magicians, followed closely by the various teaching staff of Highover and finally, the Principle Magician himself. Oulders Deepwater. Probably the most powerful Magician in all of Feria and the only one still alive to have summoned a Marid during his Reckoning. Slung across his back, the fabled Armawandil. An ancient relic of immense power, 6 Ifriti was said to be bound beneath its rune etched haft. The crimson robed Master Magicians took up their positions at various points around the Ardenstone, with one coming to stand in the center beside the relic. When they had all settled into position, the Principal Magician stepped forward, his arms stretched out wide in a welcoming posture.

"Greetings honored guests to the 100th Reckoning. It is my greatest pleasure to welcome you to Highover on this momentous annual occasion. I hope it wasn't too great of a nuisance to travel all the way here." Oulders' eyes seemed to sparkle beneath the rims of his glasses as he regarded the gathered students. "I apologize if it has made you uncomfortable in some way, but if you'll bear with me a moment longer, I promise you'll find the prepared refreshments most... refreshing." Oulders took a moment to glance at each one of the students, before he continued. Voice no less sonorous, though it had taken a more serious inflection.

"In a few days, a select few of you will be making their way up the tallest mount in Highover, to a place called the Sundered Peak. It is where your Reckoning will take place. On the eve of this centenary event, I'd just like to take a moment to remember why we do this. Why we, the privileged few of the privileged few have bound ourselves to this custom of proving. To find the very best of you, and to bind you with spirits of untold power. While power brings with it new heights of progress, it must come with genuinse responsibility. For we are mere mortals in the face of age-old beings who have been here before our forefathers were even born. A hundred years ago, one we all know as the Betrayer, sought great power for themselves. And in their greed, nearly caused great ruin to our land. It was a tragedy that must never be allowed to repeat itself, and that is why, every year we hold this occasion. Not just to find to cultivate the best out of us, but as a reminder of what would happen if there is great power, without the binding principles of Order..." The Principle clasped his hands together, as he paused for a moment to let the message of his speech sink in.

"No doubt, you're all eager to proceed..." The wizened albeit broad-shouldered Principle cleared his throat and stepped to the side to gesture towards the relic at the center. "Behold, the Ardenstone! The final decider of who is truly worthy to be a part of the Reckoning. While each one of you brings the hopes of your families, mentors, and peers we must not forget that we do this not just for ourselves, but the nations of Feria. An impartial judge will be the true decider.... When your name is called, please step up to the center and grasp the Ardenstone with both of your hands." The principle nodded towards one of the teachers, who stepped forward and unfurled a sheet of paper.

"Raen Sommerstep."

--The time has come for the first of the tests. You watch as one by one, names were called and the students stepped forward. You watched as a plethora of expressions crossed the faces of those who went forward. Many shivered in fear, as they grasped the Ardenstone. Sheer terror playing across their faces as if they saw or heard something that was beyond what others could see. Each time, the stone would light up briefly, a low muted shimmer before its glimmer faded. And the student would leave dejected. But for the rare few, the Ardenstone would suddenly flare with colour. A brightness that seeped out from beneath the fingers of the student as they stood, relief or triumphant grins plastered over their faces. They had become the true chosen.

Eventually, your name is called. You step forward with measured gait and soon found yourself before the relic. With excited hands, you grasp the stone. At first, you feel nothing. Just the cool crystalline surface. The cloudy substance almost lazily swirling beneath its surface. You thought something must have gone wrong. Nothing seemed to be happening. But suddenly the stone rapidly heats up, like a ball of molten rock. The pain that shoots through your arms is intense, and you reflexively try to pull back only to find that your arms would not obey your will. *students with willpower level 3 will be able to lift their hands just barely off the surface, but no more.*

To your horror, large leathery claws burst out from the Ardenstone. The leathery skin of the appendages seemed to be filled with cracks that leaked molten flaming blood, as if it could barely contain a burning flame within. The claws clamped down upon your hands and you are suddenly beset by intense feelings of dread and panic. Your vision swims as the world around you fades out into a plane of swirling fire. As you struggle, a deep and guttural voice suddenly speaks, its booming tone reverberating you to your core.


You sense an immense presence towering over your back reaching out to you, and even though you cannot see you know you would easily be crushed under its vast powers.

The carts finally began to move as his comment to the other Hinokian Noble ended. He sighed as they began to make their way toward the city. His eyes followed the path the cart took as it traveled toward the school slowly. They followed the sun rays as they graced this unfamiliar land. It wasn't long before the carriage turned one last time and the castle housing the school came into sight. As he found the old school, his eyes were alight with wonder. The past had always fascinated the red-eyed noble and this island, this school, was chalked full of history. The vined walls, the old wooden gates, even the old statues along the sides of the building. They captivated him for the moments it took for them to get past the ramparts.

"...luggage and belongings will be taken care of." said the demons that had escorted them thus far. He gripped the blade at his side as his goal slowly came closer to fruition. Every step closer to this school was a step closer to realizing a dream long since buried. He, along with the others, was slowly paraded toward another set of high doors and into a large solemn hall. The murmurs and whispers fell on deaf ears, instead Nathaniel watched the hall he stood in as the doors he just stepped through closed with a resonating burst.

The voice came from the unknown.
"...100th Reckoning, please step forward." He looked around for the source of the deep, aged voice. In his effort, he saw her...It was as though even her name was on the tip of his tongue yet he knew he'd never once heard it. She looked familiar, so vague, yet defined, Nathaniel couldn't place her. She wasn't her, the one from the mirror, yet she seemed familiar too.

As she moved off, Nathaniel's attention was pulled to the center of the room now, despite his want to figure out who she was. In the center of the room was that stone, the Ardenstone. The Reckoning was now upon them. As he found the stone, he soon found his eyes drawn to the most powerful object in the room. Not the stone, no, but instead the staff on the back of one of the men who came forward. He'd read a little about it back home, but seeing it in person...the hand on his blade flexed. It was something he wanted...or something equivalent. He wanted to know where it came from. What it could do. How it was made. The voice of its holder drew him away, refocusing him on the task at hand. The same age old story. This 'Betrayer' who let their greed end them. He listened vaguely before the rules of this event were described...

"Nathaniel Cryvere."

His name echoed as all of those before him. He watched as the person before him walked off, his face one of panic and fear. Slowly, he stepped up to the stone. Nihil, his trusted and loyal companion on his shoulder. He slowly placed his palms on the stone, tensed and ready.



He felt nothing there. His grip relaxed as his stomach plummeted. Had he done something wrong? He could only feel the smooth stone as his single fear crept into his heart like a black plague....all at once, the heat seared underneath him. He pulled back slightly at first, the heat startling him before he shook himself, only finding that his hands would hardly move. He would not be this easy. He would not fail this final test. He pushed back against the stone, his conviction set. With his hands on the stone, he thought of his mother’s flute, the ivory instrument at his waist. He set his ground, fighting through the pain.

As he winced and grimaced from the pain, that’s when the claws had appeared. As they tore through the stone face, Nathaniel found himself face to claw with a demon unlike he had ever seen. Nothing he’d ever even read about. As the demon appeared, it reached out with its flaming body and held him still, the hellscape around him appearing as if it was always there. He didn’t understand and he could feel his knees shaking. This was a fear he hadn’t felt in a long time. Like he was about to die. He felt like he had back then. Scared, useless. And yet, despite this experience, the creature’s words rang in his ears.

“TELL ME, WHY ARE YOU WORTHY?!” It screamed. And as it did, Nathaniel became himself once again. He set his feet and glared his red eyes back at the stone. With his fear conquered, he grinned,This is the test? You do not scare me, demon. My worth is determined by me alone.
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Starlight was with Faen and Enn. She held Luna in her arms as she watched the candidates from the other schools come in. Once everyone came in the doors shut and a gravelly voice boomed through the air.

"All honored candidates of the 100th Reckoning, please step forward."

Starlight arms tightened a bit around Luna and then suddenly she felt a gentle push on her back and she started walking forward.

"Good luck guys!"

Starlight looked back at Enn and gave her a thumbs up then looked at Faen next to her. "Well here goes nothing." She said smiling. Once she reached her spot she put Luna down next to her and glanced around at the other candidates. She wondered how many of them would pass this. When Oulders Deepwater Starlight eyes moved over to him and she listened to his speech.

"Greetings honored guests to the 100th Reckoning. It is my greatest pleasure to welcome you to Highover on this momentous annual occasion. I hope it wasn't too great of a nuisance to travel all the way here. I apologize if it has made you uncomfortable in some way, but if you'll bear with me a moment longer, I promise you'll find the prepared refreshments most... refreshing. In a few days, a select few of you will be making their way up the tallest mount in Highover, to a place called the Sundered Peak. It is where your Reckoning will take place. On the eve of this centenary event, I'd just like to take a moment to remember why we do this. Why we, the privileged few of the privileged few have bound ourselves to this custom of proving. To find the very best of you, and to bind you with spirits of untold power. While power brings with it new heights of progress, it must come with genuinse responsibility. For we are mere mortals in the face of age-old beings who have been here before our forefathers were even born. A hundred years ago, one we all know as the Betrayer, sought great power for themselves. And in their greed, nearly caused great ruin to our land. It was a tragedy that must never be allowed to repeat itself, and that is why, every year we hold this occasion. Not just to find to cultivate the best out of us, but as a reminder of what would happen if there is great power, without the binding principles of Order... No doubt, you're all eager to proceed...Behold, the Ardenstone! The final decider of who is truly worthy to be a part of the Reckoning. While each one of you brings the hopes of your families, mentors, and peers we must not forget that we do this not just for ourselves, but the nations of Feria. An impartial judge will be the true decider.... When your name is called, please step up to the center and grasp the Ardenstone with both of your hands."

Starlight watched and waited as each person was called up one by one. Until finally it was her turn.


"Right, here we go." Starlight whispered to herself. She walked forward and took hold of the stone and......nothing happened. But then suddenly the stone rapidly heated up. A pain shot through her arms but she didn't try to let go though she probably couldn't anyway. Suddenly large leathery claws burst out from the stone. Starlight eyes widen in horror. When the claws clamped down on her hand she froze and just stared at what was in front of her.


She snapped out of it when he asked the question. Was this the test? Right then she could totally answer this. She breathed in and then confidently said, "I am worthy because........" For some reason, her mind went blank. So she tried again, "I am worthy because......because......." She couldn't answer.


"I don't know!" She said yelling back. "I......" She looked at the stone. "Even if I came up with a million reasons why nothing I say could ever really prove my worth... Even a person with evil intent could say whatever they believed makes them worthy and believe that they are truly worthy of something even if they aren't." She looked up. "Only my actions and everything I've done up till now can prove whether I'm worthy or not."
Lekiel Lekiel
Anne Basil
'Fate', this word spoken by the young man before her felt heavy, like a thick set of chains wrapped around one's neck, a set of chain this young man called Nathaniel appeared to be struggling to break free from. To surpass fate, to be more than what was given... Anne wondered, quietly to herself, if that will set this young man free.

"I wouldn't know," Anne replied Velvet, "and frankly whether it is or is not is of no consequence to me."

In the end, fate is just one of the many shackles Anne wished to be severed from. She knew very well that she has no control over it, and even if it does, she would still be caught within its flow. Knowledge and power, those are the two things she needed, without them, she has no idea where to walk and no strength to reach wherever she needed to go. The keys to freedom, those would be knowledge all-encompassing and power absolute.

Matt l ttaM Matt l ttaM NewAgeBlack NewAgeBlack

As the carriage set off, Anne felt a sense of dread, the dread of being lifted off the ground while still bound to the earth. It wasn't pleasant for her, not at all. Fortunately for her, the journey was to be made on land, and she allowed herself to breathe a sigh of relief.

Eventually, the carriage arrived at its destination, the Highover Institute of Magic. Anne hadn't looked out the window to enjoy the view as others might have, but she did note the presence of a barrier upon entry to the grounds, one very ancient, yet seemed to be as strong as it was the day it had been cast over the land. For a moment, she wondered what it does, as she was rather uncomfortable with the knowledge of something of an unknown nature surrounding her. However, before she could ponder further on this issue, the door to the carriage swung open and she remembered her priorities.

With a small crowd of representatives from various schools, Anne walked through the tall gates Highover Institute and found herself to be in awe of the spaciousness of the building. It was something far surpass what she could imagine and not even the greatest of mansions or even castles from the Northlands can compete with this vastness. It was to the point that just by staring up to the ceiling made her rather dizzy.

As her eyes dart about, taking in the size of the structure she had entered, Anne spots a girl with hair so blond it was almost pale and a pair of grey eyes akin to the skies of the Northlands. From her, Anne felt something nostalgic, and for some reason, her mind went to the dream, or rather, the girl with the sapphire eyes in her dream. How strange, thought Anne, those two looked nothing alike. Yet, there must be something about her that Anne recognized. Otherwise, why this nostalgia? However, even that small curiosity faded away as Anne, along with the rest of the delegates, arrived before the Ardenstone, the one thing that will decide whether they move towards greater peaks or be shackled to the ground forever.

Anne wasn't paying all that much attention when the Principal Magician spoke. It was all things she had heard before, a reminder of the mistakes of old, the weighty responsibilities of bearing great power, that they are all mere mortals, and how all must be bound by the principles of Order. That last one irked Anne the most, however, so long as she wished to work under this system, one that proved to be the only viable choice for her should she desire greater heights, it was an order she must accept. For the time being.

Once all pleasantries have been said and speeches were given, it was time for the first of many trials to come, and one by one, each student was called to the Ardenstone and be judged of their worth.

Anne trembled as she waited, both in excitement and in fear, and she could do nothing to control it. She disliked it, the fact that she had t drag this baggage of a vessel around wherever she went, that she had to feed it and bath it, essentially babysitting it for nothing in return. A mandatory of life it was, and as with all things mandatory, she hated it. If she had to put up with it, she wished it to be stronger, but of course, due to her neglectful lifestyle, Anne's body was rather feeble. She wasn't frail, per se, but anything physically demanding was asking too much of her.

Finally, she heard her name being called, and upon inhaling a deep breath, she summoned all of her will power and managed to still her trembling, at least enough to walk up to the stone. It was the moment of truth, and with bated breath, she placed her hand upon it. Then......... Nothing. Nothing was happening. Have I failed? Where have I gone wrong? Before such questions could even enter her mind, all of a sudden, the stone grew hot, and as if scorched by the most wrathful of flames, Anne's hand was assaulted by incredible pain. With all her might, she tried to pull away, the test had all but gone from her mind. However, she could not fight the strength to do so, there was only so much of her willpower to go around.

While desperately trying to pull herself free, a pair of claws emerged from the Ardenstone and clasped onto Anne's hand, making sure that she would absolutely not escape. Witnessing this turn of events, Anne was beginning to become desperate, going as far as to consider cutting her own arm off, but before she was able to do anything, she came to find her surroundings turning into a vortex of fire. The situation was getting worse by each passing moment and Anne, upon realizing that she could do nothing against it, became incredibly frustrated at her own powerlessness. It was as if she's a child again, back in her room, stuck to her bed with a fever. She didn't think she had to feel like that again yet once more, she found herself in a similar circumstance.

Then, came a voice, a voice most terrifying and dreadful, asking for the reasons of her worthiness.

"Like I give a damn," Anne replied in all her frustration with a tone most insolent, "I have only one thing I desire, and I WILL have it, worthy or not!"

That being said, Anne realized the vastness of the existence that had questioned her and feared that she could not stay, no, she has no intention of being trapped within this place, wherever this place was supposed to be. She must break free and keep on aiming higher. And to do so, she must break her hand free, a task that has proven impossible for her. In which case, there was only one solution.

"I don't need anything that shackles me!"

With her remaining free hand, she began to weave the runes of the Icebolt spell, with luck, she'll be able to slice her slender arm off with a single strike. If not, then she'll just have to keep trying till she's finally free.
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Iron-eyes had been checking over Vindication and it's twin Vengeance, when he saw his friend and housemate perk up as they passed through the gates. With a knowing smirk, the young Lord Renoux holstered the unique revolvers and pulled out his back up, back up flask and took a swig, before offering the single malt whiskey contents to his friend. "For your nerves. But don't drink too much. We don't want to be caught too intoxicated at this hour." He said with a grin. If Iron-eyes was offering the good stuff, Tavomere 72 Single Malt XO, then it meant he too was nervous which was a rare sight. If he were not, then the young lord would have just offered him rum. Good rum mind you.

As their carriage came to a stop, their door swung open to reveal their Djinn driver. "Here we are, the final stop! Bring only necessities, your luggage and belongings will be taken care of." Marsh being the practical sort, looked over his gear that adorned him and gave a satisfied nod before handing the bound spirit his single suitcase, tucking away the flask of whiskey into an internal pocket of his duster coat. Adjusting his cravat, the mage turned towards his friend and gave a small smirk, before heading inside.

Foogels Foogels

To say he was impressed would have been the understatement of the century, as Lord Renoux gazed upon the majestic and ancients architecture that was the Highover Institute of Magic. He remembered what his parents told him about the place, but their descriptions couldn't even hold a candle to the majesty of the castle. Looking at his friend he gave an excited smirk, about to speak when the Principal Magician himself spoke.

Covertly, Iron-eyes removed his flask and took another Long pull from it, to give the man some false, but still welcome, courage as the Master mage finished his speech and began calling students by name to approach. While some left disappointed, others were ecstatic for passing. Then both his excitement and dread shot up.

"Iron-eyes Renoux"

Taking a deep cleansing breath, the young lord approached the dais and The Ardenstone. Steeling himself, he placed his hands upon the multifaceted surface of the crystal. At first he felt nothing, a look of consternation beginning to form on his face. Just as realization hit, agony flooded the scion of house Renoux, almost forcing the man to his knees. Soon after the claws once again shot our and dug into his flesh, sobering him in an instant.


The voice boomed, rocking him to his core. Taking in shuttering breaths to clear his mind, the voice boomed once again.


For some reason, Marsh could never understand, a deep anger surfaced, clearing away his fear. Standing resolute and as if he had no control over his own words, he spoke clearly for the demon and the demon alone. "Because I do not fear Chaos... I seek it, and embrace it. I am but a single agent of change, But Change is inevitable if society is too survive. I am worthy not because i say i am, or because you agree or not, but because i will not let this get in my way, and the journey of knowledge i had embarked upon. So tell me Spirit... What gives you the right to judge me? I'll answer for you. Nothing... Only I and I alone can truly be the judge of that..." He hissed in barely contained fury, another rare sight for those that knew him.

Lekiel Lekiel
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The girl seemed taken aback by his eyes, like most people tended to be, but seemed otherwise to be pleasantly surprised to meet a fellow student. Northlander, Faean concluded, was what this girl was. Her hair and clothes, down to her faint accent, told him so. She’d most likely been alone here for a while, too, rather than just having strayed from the rest of the foreign students.Spying on the quickly nearing entrance of the Great Hall, he hummed an affirmation to her question about his affiliation. He could spot the figures of other students heading in from the adjacent pathway and sighed internally in relief that he wasn’t late after all.

I’m Nero, by the way,” White Hair introduced after a missed beat and Faean turned his gaze to her once again. He felt he may have heard that name before. Figures, considering he would expect most students in the Reckoning to be from some great family or another.

“Pleasure to meet you,” he returned politely. As he spoke, they approached the Great Hall, close enough to see the masses of hopeful magicians inside, quickly settling in.

“Seems we have to split ways now, Nero,” he continued, his eyes seemingly wandering but really just keeping track of who had gone where, “but, I hope, we’ll see each other again?” Taking her response in stride, he nodded his good luck and goodbye before walking to where Enn and Starlight stood.

Kabochamp Kabochamp

Many students went before him to the Ardenstone and many failed, though there were a notable handful that made it. He pursed his lips. Faean had more confidence in his magic than he had in anything else but, even so, watching all those people struggle didn’t exactly serve to be very reassuring.

Faean dea’Aria.

When his name was called, he walked forward, calmly, curiously. Shouts of encouragement rang from the stands where the Highover Institute’s students were sat and they echoed in his head. He kept them there, playing on loop, just in case something would happen to make him lose his nerves. With the desire to just get it over with, he reached out to stone without a second thought. What a mistake, because, as quickly as thunder follows lightning, he felt gravity increase tenfold on his hand. He flinched, barely keeping his wits enough to remember that this was a test and he mustn’t remove his hand.

Those wits, too, dissipated into air when claws — red, ugly, burning in hellish flames — crawled from the swirling depths of the stone and onto his hands. Trying to swallow down his rising panic, Faean gritted his teeth and tried to pry his arm away. For a brief moment, it felt like he might succeed. He managed to lift his fingers and then, slowly but surely, his entire palm, until his hand was just hovering above the surface. But he couldn’t escape.

As fire spread around him, he heard a voice, loud and booming yet cold.


Faean felt a shiver go down his spine, his instincts telling him that the wrong answer could doom him. Worthy? He frowned. Worthy of what? Worthy to whom? Was he worthy of magic? Everyone was, to some extent; that was how talent comes about, wasn’t it? Was he worthy of existing? To some, more than so. To others, never.

What a vague question, a small part of him mused despite himself, so many possible interpretations, spirit, what is it you want me to say?


His brain whirled in an effort to come up with a safe answer or a way out but the increasing pressure pressing down against him made it practically impossible to think straight. The more he thought of the word, worthy, the more he thought of people who said he wasn’t. Faean grinded his teeth. Damn it, he had to pass the test. Needed to.

Yes, he finally spat, knowing the entity could likely hear his thoughts loud and clear, is that the answer you want to hear?

, he continued, gathering his scattered courage though the spirit’s aura made him feel weak,
I am whatever I need to be to get what I want, spirit, the Seven witness me.
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[import]9420182[/import][div class="body"]

[div style="font-size: 4vh; margin-left: 3vh;"]saverio vaillancourt[/div]The sun had just risen when Saverio had awakened yet the male made no movements asides from sitting on top of the plush bed. His eyes narrowed, not conscious that his finger had been tapping on his thigh over the warm blanket- a sign of which that he, had been thinking deeply. “It’s unusual to see you awake so early without any help.” The familiar had stirred from his bed, stretching his body acknowledging it’s owner. Saverio ran his fingers through his hair, having an unusually serious face, “Mmm. I had a rather strange dream.” He hummed in reply, his words had come out slow with long pauses. “What had you dreamt of this time?” The small peacock has asked to amuse him though the teasing lint couldn’t be hidden from the way it had addressed him. “Did you dream that the world ended up with no mirrors perhaps? Or this time, did your favorites clothes perhaps suddenly changed into rags or so?” He had teased as he preen his body.

“Exactly…” He murmured, nodding. “I haven’t dreamt of me at all.” He stares at the wall of his room, recalling the events that had occurred the day before.

Saverio had been rather looking forward in joining the reckoning, finding it most interesting, especially when he wasn’t supposed to be initially part of the candidates. Quite unfortunate for his classmate of his, who was initially one of the candidates, had ended up in an accident in the middle of classes days prior. Thus, the teachers had held an emergency meeting on who will be the substitute and after much debate, Saverio had been chosen. There were definitely of those who were in opposition in choosing him as one of the representatives of their school. Saverio was considered as one of the problem child of their institution due to his various antics to seek attention but the main problem was that he was too whimsical and it reflected all too well in his grades. There are occasions wherein he would excel and other times he was average. Yet, his natural talent couldn’t be denied from the times that he excelled especially given from his bloodline. Another important factor was that his family was one of the sponsors in ensuring the Reckoning goes smoothly. In order to help expenses such as food, security, damage control and medical aid since injuries weren’t avoidable. It would be a small price to pay, it wasn’t as though he was the only candidate they would send. There was also a possibility that Saverio may do well, therefore with much reservations, they had chosen him. Saverio can still recall the look on Faean’s face when he shared the great news with him. His smile had looked rather strange but it must certainly be from indescribable joy that the great him was joining together with him.

All the other schools would have been arriving today hence, Saverio went through his skin routine far more meticulously last night and even slept early in order to ensure that everyone, especially the foreign students, would be able to enjoy his perfect beauty in the event. Which was why, he had found it strange. His eyebrows furrowed, wondering if what he experienced was a dream yet it had felt so real.

He can still feel the wind brushing against his skin yet there was no wind at all. The scenery kept changing before his eyes yet he remained unmoved. It just kept changing while he was stuck there like he was shackled, body as heavy as lead. It had a certain dream-like beauty yet alarm bells kept ringing in his head that made him wary from the strange noises. His feeling proved to be correct when the voices grew louder, sounding wrapped, so many voices ringing in his ears but none of them sound to be intelligible. Saverio had felt suffocating when it cleared up. He had seen a face, sadly it wasn’t his, yet he felt some sort of familiarity like he had seen it before. His eyes squinted, oddly affixed, trying to recall where and when he had seen it before yet his memory failed him. He wanted to approach closer in order to soothe the odd feeling yet he still remains fixed in his position.

Dreamer… take my hand..

He flinched, finding it rather odd that he could hear her voice when moments earlier, he couldn’t understand a word from the voices that were practically screaming at him. Still, by reflex- he had stretched out his hand, not quite sure if he could reach her. The moment they had touched, the last thing he could recall was a chill that came from his fingertips that traveled to his body then everything had faded to black or he had woken up.

Saverio had found the whole dream strange yet the strangest thing was that why would he ever dream of another’s face that was his own. He furrowed his eyebrows and got off the bed, stretching his body. “I should get ready. It isn’t as though good looks such as mine is easily achieved.” He had decided to start getting ready, putting it behind him. There was so much he had to do, he needed to bath, fix his face, style his hair and put on his outfit. It was a good thing that he had already planned what he was going to wear. He was far too immersed in his ensuring his appearance would be perfect that he had failed to notice the Gwyndils outside.
- - - - - - - - - -
Saverio had finished just in time before it had officially started. He was just about the last one to enter the Great Hall. He entered with a great flourish of his cloak that barely resembled of any of the other students. He found the simple black and silver trimmed cloaks to be too boring so he had made some alterations to his uniform. He had added a gold lining to the extended collar of his cloak and in hemming. On the right of his collar, he had a white fur trim. Saverio wore a high collar black shirt that had gold lining similarly to his uniform paired with a white silk caravat that was tied together by some unique gold ornament and black dress pants and shoes. To complete the look a pair of glasses with a golden rim.

“There is no need to fret! For, I, the main star has arrived!”

He flipped his hair after his voice had echoed throughout the hall, strutting to his designated spot with great confidence while Adonis follows after him. Completely unaware that his words could be misunderstood and interpreted differently while belonged from Highover who were used to his antics, remained mainly unbothered. However for those who were particularly concerned, such as the teachers were greatly bothered by what he had done. There were several things that they could point to be as a problem. His outfit! His words! They could only foreshadow that there were more problems to come. They were unsure if they should feel rather glad that his entrance was rather mild compared his usual ones. He didn’t bring props this time at the least.

The moment he had been chosen, he had been persuaded by various people in keeping his entrance minimal in order to save as much dignity they can in the beginning before Saverio began to shatter whatever was left. They had reasoned with him that he might be upstaged by such grandiose props. They had also added that since it would be their first meeting, it is important that Saverio merely bring himself so that the foreign students can fully appreciate his beauty. After all, himself was more than enough. In more ways than one. Saverio agreed, finding it reasonable and focused on preparing the greatest gift of all: himself.

As he reaches his designated spot, he caught sight of Enn. He had always gotten an odd feeling from her but before he could think further, he simply ignores it so that he could admire himself sooner. He had just settled when the Principle Magician along with the other Master Magicians parted the students creating a path. "Greetings honored guests to the 100th Reckoning. It is my greatest pleasure to welcome you to Highover on this momentous annual occasio-” It didn’t take long for Saverio to grow disinterested.

He had pulled out his mirror and started admiring his face while occasionally fixing his hair. “Mm. Indeed, I am quite handsome as well today. No doubt everyone was in shock that a person such as I could actually be real.”, “Look at this jaw, look at this eyes, my nose is perfect- even a flaw can become perfection with me.” He sighs. He hardly bothered to even to listen. “Do you really have to be so obvious that you’re not listening?” His familiar had questioned him exasperatedly. Saverio, by default, was very eye-catching. His height alone can easily draw attention to him. Now with his entrance earlier and his very distinguishable outfit, it would take a blind person to tell that the person here wasn’t listening. “-And in their greed, nearly caused great ruin to our land.-”, “But how can you not admire such beauty in front of you?” He changes his angles as he looks at his face in the mirror, clearly not interested in whatever was going on. Saverio was pretty sure whatever Oulders Deepwater was saying, it was probably something boring and words he heard similarly several times. It was enough he gave around ten percent of attention to it. “-is truly worthy to be a part of the Reckoning.-” the words spoken were going from one ear to another while the peacock had all but given up.

Saverio’s admiration had continued on even when the first test had started. He only took a couple of disinterested glances, mainly when he heard familiar names of those who belonged to the same school as him. He hadn’t noticed the strange thing that was occurring to the students each time they had placed their hand on the Alderstone. If he had, he wasn’t interested enough to take notice of it. Finally, it was his turn.

“Saverio Vaillancourt.”

He grinned, excited for all the eyes to be on him. As he had earlier, he had walked there gracefully but his chin raised high and the tips of mouth couldn’t help curling upwards- completely unaware of what was to come. He had eventually come to a stop, face to face with the relic. He placed his hand rather nonchalantly, yet even he couldn’t help but feel a certain rush from what is happening. Nothing. He tilted his head confused, “Is this broke-” He couldn’t finish his question, the stone that originally felt lifeless had stirred. It grew hotter and hotter as though to imprint itself to him. His entire body jolted from the pain that seared through his body. Every nerve in his body was crying out in pain, begging to let go yet he could not. Then, out of nowhere, Saverio had merely blinked and large claws had suddenly burst out, which slowly followed out it’s body. He looks around. It seemed he as though he was transported to a different place where it was only the demon and he, in a swirl of fiery flames. Saverio felt fear and panic, the demon had came out was certainly frightening- frightening to look at! And he had worried with such large claws that it might accidentally harm him? Not to mention the flames were dangerous. His outfit could potentially be ruined! More importantly his face! What if such claws were to scar him? What if he were to catch a burn? Dear, heavens no. Saverio felt faint and wanted to leave. He didn’t think that so early on in the trials one could already be potentially harmed.


The voice has shouted so loudly that Saverio, who was already jittery from worry, flinched. He didn’t even get moment to respond when it had shouted once more, moving closer to him.


Saverio had mainly been bothered by the potential of getting hurt so he answered quickly, “I am worthy because I am me-” The more he thought of the question, the more he felt like laughing. Did he even have to ask such a question to him? “Confidence is the prize given to the mediocre. My self-worth comes from more than this. I am worthy because I am Saverio Vaillancourt and in this world, there’s no one I find more worthy than I.”

tags: Lekiel Lekiel OSWonder OSWonder

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Nero smiled as Faean returned her pleasantries, noting that they were drawing ever nearer to the place that their future would be decided. Her hands clenched nervously in front of her as she walked, staring straight ahead until his next statement drew her back to the present moment. She looked at him and nodded, letting her smile fade into a determined grin. "Hope is a good word" she said, a small fire lighting in her eyes "but allow me leave you with this: should you pass this test, we will be seeing each other again shortly" letting her statement hang there for a moment before leaving to take her place, using the act of putting her determination into words as a way of encouraging herself.

She looked around at the other students faces as they gathered, seeing many different types of people in all different types of dress. Shock hit her like a cold splash of water as she saw Enn, for a moment thinking back to her dream but, no, she couldn't be the girl in the dream. Shaking her head slightly she continued her observation, noting Anne and the other students from their schools entrance to the hall with another smile.

A loud voice interrupted her exercise and she turned to face the direction of the Ardenstone, the nerves and fear in her stomach settling on her face. As she stepped forward with the group, she caught sight of the strange girl from earlier giving her an encouraging nod and returned it with a strained smile before returning her eyes to her immediate goal.

She watched as the principal magician emerged and made his speech, the man who was considered to be the most powerful magician exerting his presence in the room filled her with awe but it seemed to drain the confidence she had when she entered. Her nails dug into her palms in an effort to remain looking calm, even if beneath the surface her emotions were swirling in a mad dance, enough to make her feel sick. The habit trained over a lifetime ensured that she listened intently to every word he spoke as even the scripted words of one so enlightened may hold a nugget or two of wisdom. His mention of the betrayer made her stomach clench uncomfortably and questions of her worth swim in her mind.

Finally it was time for the candidates to be called forth and take their test. The only thing keeping her in place was the small sensation of her familiar on her shoulder, she disguised the trembling of her hand by giving him a small pat on the head. It was a sign of their understanding that he didn't bat her hand away as he usually would. Many students called before her and she studied their faces, movement, body language in the hopes of gaining some insight into what the test might entail.


The single word rang out in the room and blew away the nerves that had been building inside her since she entered the great hall. The name she had chosen for herself with no family name attached, a name that signified her decision to forge her own path and not rely on the help of others to reach her dreams. Feeling her confidence return she walked up to the Ardenstone and placed her hands on the relic and braced herself for... nothing?

She waited for what felt to her like a lifetime as nothing seemed to happen. It couldn't end like this, the clear images of her parents and brothers becoming painfully clear in her memories made that clear. No... no no no no no! She thought, the conviction in her mind growing until the last word, when the stone began to heat up and send searing pain dancing up her arms in an instant. Her eyes widened and her jaw tightened but she managed to keep her footing and watched, breath catching as claws emerged from the stone to ensnare her hands and ensure she had no chance of escape.

The claws seemed to instill a fear and panic in her but she shook her head and took slow breaths to regain her calm as the world around her appeared to end in a maelstrom of flame. She looked around at the new scenery, a small sigh escaping her lips at the beauty and tragedy surrounding her.


The voice rang in her ears and she looked to the direction it came from, her eyes mirroring the fires of the scenery as she managed to recreate the grin she had directed to Faean earlier. How could she not be worthy after everything she had accomplished this far?


"I have proven myself, spirit, in my actions and achievements until this day!" She shouted, her voice full of belief and resolve "I am worthy by my determination and hard work, I shall prove myself as many times as I need to in order to advance toward my goal!"
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Velvet sat, waiting for their replies.

"Fate may be inevitable, but to those who seek something more than what they are given, they create for themselves a new destiny." Nathaniel answer was accompanied with a sigh. While she hoped to get more of a reaction from him, Velvet was fine with this for now.

"I wouldn't know, and frankly whether it is or is not is of no consequence to me." Anne's answer. Not much of one, but she didn't exactly feel like prodding so she left it alone.

So these were their answers. Velvet simply nodded and the carriage took off to its destination. The group sat in silence for the rest of the ride. Velvet looked out of the window with her head resting on her palm, enjoying the scenery. She remembered coming here when she was younger, having been invited by the school to enroll there. She ended up declining at the behest of her family, though it was still nostalgic in a way. She continued to do so until they arrived at the courtyard. The doors of the carriage swung open as the group was greeted by a group of Djinn. "

"We'll see each other soon enough. Maybe by then you'll have a more concrete answer. " She hopped off the carriage with her companion in hand as she replied to Anne specifically, somewhat satisfied with Nathaniel's answer for the time being. "If we don't, then I suppose you won't have to worry about it. After all, Fate is often indifferent to the weak and those deemed unworthy." Velvet waved to the two and bid her farewell, walking ahead of the two.


Moments later, the group arrived to the final test, and the principal then began to read off the list of names. Scanning the room, Velvet would take notice of Enn from the corner of her eye. The woman had an eerie familiarity about her that she couldn't shake, though Velvet was sure that she had never personally met her. Deciding not to pay it any more mind for the time being, Velvet continued on her way. One after one the students approached the Ardenstone, grabbing it as instructed. Some left dejected, while others stood triumphant as they were deemed worthy. However what stood out to Velvet the most was that as soon as the students touched the Ardenstone their faces would be flush with that of pure terror, as if they were facing Death itself.

"Velvet Valentia."

Before she could process what was happening, it was her turn to step up. Taking a deep breath, she approached to the Ardenstone and gently placing Montague on her shoulder. Turning her head to the principal, he simply nodded his head and Velvet placed her hands on the stone without hesitation. Nothing happened. Around thirty seconds passed as Velvet stood there as she silently panicked, though her expression remained cold and stone like. Was something wrong? Nevertheless, defeat was something that Velvet wouldn't accept laying down. Her eyes drifted downwards until they glared at the magical stone that mocked her. She wasn't going to leave this place a loser. Death was a better alternative. More seconds passed, and then without warning, a searing sensation shot from the stone and through her arms. Attempting to pull back, Velvet's arms remained glued to the stone as she was left to endure the pain. Panic struck her face as the claws emerged from the stone and immediately grabbed hold of Velvet's arms. From a burst of sheer impulse Velvet attempted to pull her arms from the stone once more in order to weave a spell, but it was no use. She was left helpless as her vision twisted, blurred, and faded until she regained consciousness in the foreign dimension.


Velvet breathed heavily as she attempted to process everything that was happening, the voice booming from the fiery void. So this was the test. She'd come too far to fail now. Slowly regaining her composure, the young woman promptly answered with confidence.

"Becoming a Master Magician for the sake of my family is my sole reason for existing. Ever since I was a small child, I've studied and honed my magic so I could become one. My entire life has led up to this. From as early as I can remember, I've had to prove myself and it's not something that I'm gonna stop doing any time soon. No, I've already proven myself. Time and time again. Me not being worthy would be a farce. There's no one here today that's more worthy of passing this test than I am."
-- Matt l ttaM Matt l ttaM ,
A dark guttural chuckle erupts from all around you, and though you cannot see the face of the demon, you somehow sense a grudging acquiescence from the ominous presence. As if the demon looked upon something so unsightly, and yet perfect, and so had no choice but to be in agreement with it. Bound as it were by some unknown compulsion.

"Ah... one whose esteem is of their own, not measured among others. Take this and begone... you disgust me mortal."

The demonic hands disintegrate into ash and in its place was a ball of silvery light. Unbidden, it floats towards you and disappears into your chest, leaving behind a tingling warmth that strengthens your resolve.

All at once, the vision fades and you're left standing back in the Great Hall. Beneath the clutch of your hands, the Ardenstone flares with brightly with bright white light, before dimming back to normal. Congratulations, you are now a true Chosen of the Reckoning.

**Receive Ithbeth's Honor and add it to your CS's status effects.

-- animegirl20 animegirl20
For all the hellfire and brimstone that took you to this forsaken visionplace, the eternal flames that scorched the halls surrounding you seem to flicker. There was quiet for a moment, an eerie sort of peace even with all the world lit aflame. Then the demonic hands seem to loosen in their grip, allowing you to pull away should you attempt to. Then the demon speaks, though it's voice no longer held the same menacing tone, tinged instead with something akin to pity.

"The bearer of truth hesitates with the burden of realization, just as the very fabrics of what is bleeds into the other. You speak of greater things than you know mortal..." The fists clench and open, and in its palm, lay a wisp of light blue. The wisp floats upwards and disappears into your forehead and you feel the coolness of clarity enclose around your mind.

"Do not let your hesitation cost you..." The parting words reverberated in your thoughts as the ashen hands disintegrate.

All at once, the vision fades and you're left standing back in the Great Hall. Beneath the clutch of your hands, the Ardenstone flares with brightly with bright white light, before dimming back to normal. Congratulations, you are now a true Chosen of the Reckoning.

**Receive Oranis' Truth and add it to your CS's status effects.

-- revior revior
"FINALLY!" The voice cackles in almost delighted laughter at your puny attempts to defy the constrains. Whatever it is that you attempted is quickly halted by the crushing vice of the tightening demonic hands. Though you cannot see the demon's visage, it seems to almost revel at your attempts to free yourself. You sense a sense of deep satisfaction and even awe as if it couldn't quite believe what it was witnessing.

"You... You would know that true power is the ultimate truth! To have something is to already have it!" The demon laughs almost exultantly, like a deranged teacher whose student finally realizes the epitome of all their teachings. It's grip on your hands grow tighter, as if to taunt your displeasure. But at the same time, you suddenly see the cracks of molten fire in its hands pulse with energy, and you feel a surge of strength in your limbs. Then all of a sudden, you know you are strong enough to break free, and as you wrench your hands away the demonic hands break apart with the crumble of shattered stone. The voice of the demon roars in pain as the hands breakaway.

"Yes... yes... finally..." The final words of the demonic entity echo away as you feel an inexplicable strength in your limbs.

All at once, the vision fades and you're left standing back in the Great Hall. Beneath the clutch of your hands, the Ardenstone flares with brightly with bright white light, before dimming back to normal. Congratulations, you are now a true Chosen of the Reckoning.

**Receive Hastarae's Command and add it to your CS's status effects.

-- HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest
At your impassioned reply, the demonic entity lets out a deep guttural laugh. It's dark amusement quakes the very infernal halls that surround you, and the eternal flames that surround seethe and burn hotter as if fueled by the intensity of the current atmosphere.

"YES..! You feel it don't you?!" The demon seems to revel in your anger, it's grip tighter on your hands. "The rage! You understand the injustice don't you!? When your worth is defined by the unworthy!?" The heated grip suddenly releases and you hear a deep rumble of satisfaction as if the demon roiled in pleasure. The ashen hands clench, and when they open again, a ball of flame suddenly shoots forth engulfing the whole of your being in flame. It is incredibly hot, but the burning sensation passes as quickly as it comes, until you feel the heat coursing through your veins instead of scorching skin.

"I wonder, will you let it consume all that you are... if it meant becoming something more?" The demon's rhetoric echoed as all at once, the vision fades and you're left standing back in the Great Hall. Beneath the clutch of your hands, the Ardenstone flares with brightly with bright white light, before dimming back to normal. Congratulations, you are now a true Chosen of the Reckoning.

**Receive Ryell's Fury and add it to your CS's status effects.

-- Feyrie Feyrie
A low chuckle, barely heard seems to echo around your hellishscape. It grows until it becomes a full-on maniacal laugh and even despite the ominous situation, you could tell that the demonic entity's amusement was genuine.

"You stink of them!" The entity exclaimed though it sounded more like a remark of delighted surprise than an accusation. It's cackle continues, shaking your bones with its dark humor and almost annoyingly long as the grip of the demonic ashen hands loosen around your own. Finally, the laughter stops. The demonic hands seemed to suddenly grow brighter, their craggy surfaces smoothening and reshaping until what is left before you is nothing a large pair of golden statue hands, cupping together. From the center of the outstretched palms, a mirror of liquid gold oozes out to hover in the air.

"Are you truly what you are? Or are you nothing more than a soulless mask?" In the blink of a moment, a multitude of golden hands burst forth from the mirro, grasping you and despite anything you attempted, you are pulled into the liquid golden surface.

All at once, the vision fades and you're left standing back in the Great Hall. Beneath the clutch of your hands, the Ardenstone flares with brightly with bright white light, before dimming back to normal. Congratulations, you are now a true Chosen of the Reckoning.

**Receive Yreth's Disdain and add it to your CS's status effects.

-- Kabochamp Kabochamp , NewAgeBlack NewAgeBlack , OSWonder OSWonder
"Ahh... yes... your soul reeks of it! The stench for which the True Mortals bear." The demonic entity speaks, sibylline in its tone as it's voice takes on a guarded tone. The demonic hands that once grasped you suddenly drawback in a blur of motion as if scorched by your presence.

"You who will not let anything stand in your way..." The hands suddenly disintegrate into a cloud of silver dust, glittering amidst the ashes of the surrounding fires. "Are your dreams worthy of your soul? Is your cause worthy of who you can become? Or will you become nothing more than a surging fire with no cause for which to burn for?" The silver dust drifts and falls about your face, and you feel your resolve grow stronger within you.

All at once, the vision fades and you're left standing back in the Great Hall. Beneath the clutch of your hands, the Ardenstone flares with brightly with bright white light, before dimming back to normal. Congratulations, you are now a true Chosen of the Reckoning.

**Receive Sanar's Will and add it to your CS's status effects.

As the last of the candidates step away from the Ardenstone, Principle Deepwater clears his throat for attention once more.

"And so, we finally have our Chosen. To those who did not make it, I am sorry. Your place does not lie with The Reckoning, though I am sure your talents and gifts will find their home elsewhere." His eyes seemed to glitter as he turned to regard all who had just taken the test. "Know this... you have been deemed worthy not just for any self-fulfilling--" The Principal paused as a panicked shout suddenly cut into his speech.

"Stop her!"


Several of the crimson robed Magicians were darting forwards, attempting to intercept a figure but it was too fast. There was a scuffle, a blur of motion and before anyone could stop it, a student had dashed towards the Ardenstone and placed her hands upon it. A sudden bright flash of light silenced the discord, and finally, in its wake stood Enn. Her pale face was flushed, with locks of disheveled hair about her. The crowds were silent.

"Enn! What have you done!?"

Enn seemed to flinch, like some small creature caught in bright lights. Her face was one of surprise, as she looked to the gleaming Ardenstone beneath her hands as if she'd only realized where she was.


One of the teachers had rushed forward, his shoulder-length black hair waving with his harried movements, but before he could reach the girl, Oulders Deepwater stopped him. "Stay your concern Master Abjurer!"

"Enn, get back here! You're not a candidate-" The teacher had stopped in his advance, though he hissed in sharp tones at the girl who seemed frozen to the spot.

"The Ardenstone has chosen her Master Velahl..."

The hall appeared eerily quiet as Samael Velahl narrowed his eyes at his errant daughter before turning back to the Principal, his jaw tense. "Very well... Principal. Forgive my intrusion, please carry on..." With a swish of his robes, the Master Abjurer returned to his post leaving a wide-eyed Enn looking utterly petrified as she was directed to stand with the rest of the Chosen. Principal Deepwater watched the girl from under the rim of his glasses until she assumed her new position.

"Now then... where was I?"


Much of the rest of the day proceeded without further incident. The students were all ushered into the dining hall where a feast was prepared. After which they were given instructions to find their lodging in the guest rooms provided for the duration of The Reckoning and given the rest of the day off.


◘ C H A P T E R . T W O - Chosen ◘

Tags: Kabochamp Kabochamp OSWonder OSWonder Matt l ttaM Matt l ttaM revior revior HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest NewAgeBlack NewAgeBlack animegirl20 animegirl20
October 6th, Ninety-ninth Year in the Age of Founding.
-Five days to The Reckoning-

The following morning found the Chosen gathered for an early breakfast in the dining hall. Your night has been largely restful, with no enigmatic dream ghost haunting your rest. As you arrive in the dining hall, you are greeted with piles of steaming bread, breakfast rolls and meats stacked the buffet tables. The atmosphere was still somewhat subdued, mostly because it was very early in the morning and not many were awake yet. The exception being the Chosen of the Reckoning, for they were due for their first preparatory lesson.

"Once you are done with breakfast, please proceed to the Western Gardens for your First Preparatory Lesson with the Mistress Conjurer and Mistress Enchantra." A servant bowed to those early risers in attendance.

--Take this time to introduce your characters to the scene and to each other, but do not take too long as we will be moving on to the next section shortly! This is more of a post to get us moving along again ^3^ My apologies for the wait!
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