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Do not relent, Dreamer...
The Taken Seed
  • Lekiel

    Two Thousand Club
    ◘ M E M E N T O ◘
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    Dream #2 and Arrivals

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    ◘ C H A P T E R . O N E - Take My Hand ◘

    Tags: Kabochamp Kabochamp OSWonder OSWonder Matt l ttaM Matt l ttaM revior revior HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest NewAgeBlack NewAgeBlack animegirl20 animegirl20
    October 5th, Ninety-ninth Year in the Age of Founding.
    -Six days to The Reckoning-

    Note: All bolded text beginning with a double -, as in '--', directly pertains to what each of your individual character experiences. Unless otherwise stated. How you react and what you see during these instances is up to you. Certain details have been purposefully written with generic descriptions for you to detail at your own preference.
    --No matter in a warm plush bed, tucked away under a stirring starry night within time-worn institution, nor quaint manor in sleeping town so modest, nor amidst the gentle sway of creaking vessel drifting high in lofty sky, all manner of colour, of thought, blood or fated heart. All were drawn into fretful plight. A feeling of falling, or perhaps rising. A rush of wind, blocking-out all sound, and yet you felt not the caress of air on skin.

    You open your eyes and beheld a scene so colourful and yet so grim. For you saw not the place of rest upon which you laid your heavy head, scant clock seasons on the night just prior. Your sights widen as you twist and turn. Panic fills your heart as you see faultless clouds loom below your head, stretching far and wide in stormy expanse. You cast your gaze above your feet, towards a swirling expanse of Tyrian purples, Perylene reds, and whorls of Aegean blues. All coalescing and undulating like chromatic serpents of terrifying hues. The sight brings nausea bubbling to your head, as is the feeling of falling upwards… or was it downwards? But as you rush in your neverending fall, voices and whispers tease in your ears. Addled and broken at first. Then slowly a shout here, a whispered warning there. You recognize words from your faraway past and you thought you caught a face or a scene in the chaotic ocean of colour above your feet.

    The scene bubbles and churn, in rising tides of hues and shades. The voices grow louder, like the incessant grumble of an imp planted deep within your head and you attempt to shut it out, but it was just too loud, and you think that maybe the sound actually came from within. The voices scream and wail, twisted versions of once happy memories, or perhaps they were terrible ones, ones that you thought were long forgotten. Then like some watery creature rising from the depths, monstrous behemoths breached the surface of the chromatic above. Tendrils of your twisted past stretched forth their ugly appendages of chaos and you scream in terror. You suddenly wished you could fall faster, but the serpents draw every closer, inexorable in their intent. But just when you thought it would’ve been your end, a clear and crystalline watery plop pierces your ears. Clarity fills your mind, as an effulgent spark lights off in your head like a blaze of fireworks as the world begins to slow to a halt. You feel a presence nearing and your gaze is drawn inexplicably below to the clouds, but you only see her face. The sapphires of her eyes gleam with pellucid warmth as cascades of moonlight frame her face. Her visage tilts to one side as her eyes narrow with a smile of sheer pulchritude it takes your breath away.

    Dreamer… take my hand...

    You hesitate at first, blinking at her expectant eyes, hearing her voice though you were sure her ruby lips never once parted. Then slowly, you reach forth. And as your hand drew closer, you suddenly realize that you were both separated by a watery surface. Like a mirrored reflection, her pale hand reached out for your own and just before you touched, you felt an icy chill as the surface rippled from the point of contact. Then your vision dimmed until you were back into a restful oblivion.


    “Ohoi my lads and ladies, we’re almost there!” The Captain bellows from his pilot-box, one hand clutched against the Cloudcrystal as he steers the Skyship towards no direction in particular. At least where his passengers were concerned. They had been travelling through an endless voluminous mist ever since they awoke early that morning. One that seemed to mute all sound and left a humid sheen of moisture that appeared to creep even under the multiple folds of whatever garment you wore.

    “Easy… Easy as she goes!” Several of the Skyship’s passengers glance at the captain sidelong, wondering if he was out of his mind.

    “You people might want to hold on to something-!” The Captain’s warning came a tad too late. The only other thing you heard was the flap and billow of the Skyship’s lightsails and suddenly, your vision was caught in the golden rays of a rising sun. The shift of air pressure as the mist abruptly lifted caused the ship to lurch and wobble. There, rising out from the cerulean Southern Seas like some tree covered monuments cast out from the heavens to land half submerged in the blue expanse were several islands. The Isles of Highover. After nearly a week of traveling from Kal’Borias in this cloud-scraping galleon, you’ve finally arrived.

    Stomachs somersaulted as the Skyship dipped its nose and began its abrupt descent. You chanced a lay of the land, and caught sight of towering snow-capped mountains and a distant castle before the bustle of cranes and structures of a busy port-side town obscured them from view.

    “Might want to hold on to your breakfa- whoop!!” Again the Captain’s last minute warning was cut-off when the Skyship was dropped the last few feet into the docking wharf like a fat duck attempting a landing on its fattest day of the month – whatever that meant. A spray of displaced water was tossed into the air, scintillating with delight as they caught the brilliant morning sun. Almost at once, crewmen bustled about securing the ship and laying the walkway. The captain puffed out his chest and beamed, seemingly pleased at his expert handling of the floating ship.

    —students of the Ivory Tower have just arrived!

    “Off you go! Here’s your stop, git’ with it!”

    An army of porters boarded the ship, coming forward to offer to help carry your luggage, respectful in their mannerisms. You are ushered off the boat and onto the port. A short walk later and you were led towards a grand pavilion, it’s brick-red tent bustling against a strong gust of wind. Just before you stepped in, a low humming sound filled the air and you recognize it to be the Enchantech engines of yet another Skyship. You turn just in time to see another galleon not unlike the one you were just on dart out gracefully from the distant magical mists.

    —students of Grishelgroff Academy of Wizardry have just arrived!

    Stepping into the Grand Pavilion, you’re immediately greeted by a bustle of immaculately dressed servants. One offers you a cocktail of bubbling juices while yet another gestures emphatically for you to partake of delightful sweets and savouries piled high on a lavish buffet table.

    —Ivory Tower students would realize that students of Sorcera al’Miransar have already arrived and are milling about the refreshments tables or resting amidst the various plush cushions and divans. All students who arrived via Skyship would in-large have similar experiences. One may assume there are other candidates from each respective schools who are not currently OCs. Feel free to describe them as you wish.

    “Ladies and Gentlemen, now that we’ve all arrived and settled down, may I have your attention please!” A sonorous voice interrupts whatever you were doing and you turn to the centerstage of the pavilion. A middle-aged gentleman with pristine white gloves and dressed in a dapper butler suit announces his presence, calling for attention. Though he appears largely normal, you notice the flash of gleaming azure sparkling beneath his thick lashes.

    You turn expectantly to the Djinn as he begins his welcoming speech, introducing each gathered flock of delegates from the respective schools to the other. And when he was done, you are then ushered out of the pavilion to a waiting carriage. And fastened to each waiting carriage were large draco-headed horses, with gleaming gold or emerald scales along their coat and folded wings along their back.

    —All characters that have at least level 2 in Perception will recognize the magnificent beasts as Gwyndils. Rare powerful beasts that can fly as well as they can swim, and brew mini-tornadoes or whirlpools with their wings. Gwyndils are usually seen in the uninhabited islands of the Southern reaches.


    The doorbell of the manor belonging to a certain Master Renoux chimes cheerily, followed by an audible call for a certain ‘Mister Iron-eyes’. Upon opening his door, Iron-eyes would be greeted with a sweeping bow by yet another cerulean eyed butler. Behind the Djinn, a similar gilded carriage drawn by yet another Gwyndil was parked by the pavement.

    “Your transport awaits Mister Iron-eyes!” The Djinn announces brightly. “Make preparations as you must, but do not tarry, the Welcoming awaits!”

    The route to Castle Highover from the manor would be lined by trees and scenery. And as the road climbed higher, to one side one would have an expansive view of the harbor below.



    A soft knock rumbles against the thick wood of the young dea’Aria’s modest room in the student wing.

    ”Faean, get up or you’ll be late.” More soft knocking. It was as if the person on the opposite side of the door was reluctant to make any sort of noise. Clearly they could have chosen to be bashing against the hardwood.

    —Should Faean choose to open the door, he will come face to face with Enn Velahl. Her soft grey-blue eyes would stare at him wordless for a moment and he will suddenly be filled with a peculiar sense of displacement. Though he would know her to be his classmate, she looked different to him just that morning. But the moment will pass and she would turn away.

    ”I’m going to wake the others, you better hurry up. The Welcoming is in the Great Hall…” Enn would murmur over her shoulder as she stepped away, clutching Kala to her chest.

    --Several moments later, Enn would arrive at another of her classmate's door: Starlight. If she opened her door, the Hinokian girl would be visited by the same strange sense of displacement as Faean. As if they recognized the pale-haired girl as someone other than who they remembered her to be. But in a blink of a moment, the weird feeling would pass.

    If Starlight did not open her door, Enn would drift away after a moment, with the assumption that the Hinokian girl would make ready. But if she answered the knock, Enn would've tilted her head at the other girl, locks of her pale hair partially obscuring her vision. Her eyes would drift over to a pair of sturdy wooden chairs and a small round tea-table placed beside Starlight's four-poster bed.

    "Would you like to have something to eat? I don't want to wait till the Welcoming is over..."

    --If Starlight agrees, Enn would press a little button by the side of the door. A moment later, a well-dressed servant would appear to take their orders for whatever delectable morsels that would wish for. All would be prepared after a short wait.


    Out in the guest wing of Highover, a polite knock would similarly resound upon the carefully carved wooden portal of a certain overly excited Grishelgrof student.

    "Miss Nero? It's time to awake. The Welcoming begins in two hours at the Great Hall."

    Upon opening the doors, Nero would be greeted by a large seven-foot gargoyle dressed in immaculate dress-coat. The Sitri smiled brightly at the comparatively tiny human.

    "I understand you must be itching for this whole thing to start, so I was told. We've washed and pressed your outfits so you can look your best among your fellow delegates! Breakfast will be served after the ceremony, but if you need something to fill your stomach, we can arrange room service!"
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    Enonymous #1
  • Velvet continued to walk along the path, tossing the cupcake in a nearby trash can after eating all of the icing. It was then when she suddenly heard an inscrutable whispering in her left ear. Turning her head to see who'd dare enter her personal space, there was nothing there besides a small pathway which lead off into a copse of tall pine trees. As she decided to take the side trail, another voice in her right ear interrupted her.

    "Lady Velvet, I don't know if this is the way to the Western Gardens."
    "It's a simple detour, Montague. We're early enough as it is anyway."
    "As you wish."

    Continuing along the alternate path, Velvet found herself within a topiary garden with six shrubs which sat in individual stone vases, cultivated into the shape of various animals. Velvet stepped closer to examine the shrubbery before another thing caught her eye. Turning, she looked to see a large apple tree with several of the fruits spread about the ground around it. Reaching down and grabbing one, she passed it to the rabbit, who was still happily chewing on the amulet, that sat on her shoulder. Montague dropped the saliva covered amulet into velvet's hand and began happily munching on the apple. Returning to what caught her glance in the first place, Velvet walked closer where she noticed an etched message on the bark of the tree.

    "Memories weigh the same as blood."

    "Excuse me Miss, are you lost?" Before Velvet could even process the cryptic message, a polite voice interrupted her. She turned around to a hulking set of armor clutching a halberd, though it stood in a non-threatening position. A Daol spirit. Judging from the silverite blade, it seemed to be guarding this place from other spirits. Or maybe it was simply being tasked with escorting lost students. That being said, it probably wouldn't be for the best if she stuck around any longer. "The meeting place is this way."

    "Yes, thank you." Velvet responded as she continued on her way.

    Being the first to arrive, Velvet greeted the two instructors with a curt wave and sat on the fountain as she waited for everyone else to come. As the rest of the Chosen walked into the garden, the group was escorted across the garden until they were met with a large cage, and an unknown spirit residing within it. It was then where she knew where this test was headed. A combat based test where they had to apprehend the beast that sat in front of them by any means available. While the group had the advantage in numbers, she knew that there would be people that would slow them down. One that stuck out to her was the well dressed gentleman from before that asked if actively participating in the trial was a requirement. Another one was the red eyed female that she met on the first day that actively proclaimed that she wouldn't need a weapon. Though standing that far away from the caged spirit, she seemed to be anxious about the combat oriented test. Velvet simply smirked to herself before walking to the Mistress Enchantra to receive an Imprifle. While having experience in combat, due to her family's line of work mostly, Velvet knew that every advantage in battle counted. Or maybe that knowledge was due to her battle experience. Not only that, her abilities were more geared towards apprehending human targets. After receiving her weapon, Velvet calmly took her position and mentally prepared herself for the battle ahead.
  • -- Matt l ttaM Matt l ttaM ,
    A dark guttural chuckle erupts from all around you, and though you cannot see the face of the demon, you somehow sense a grudging acquiescence from the ominous presence. As if the demon looked upon something so unsightly, and yet perfect, and so had no choice but to be in agreement with it. Bound as it were by some unknown compulsion.

    "Ah... one whose esteem is of their own, not measured among others. Take this and begone... you disgust me mortal."

    The demonic hands disintegrate into ash and in its place was a ball of silvery light. Unbidden, it floats towards you and disappears into your chest, leaving behind a tingling warmth that strengthens your resolve.

    All at once, the vision fades and you're left standing back in the Great Hall. Beneath the clutch of your hands, the Ardenstone flares with brightly with bright white light, before dimming back to normal. Congratulations, you are now a true Chosen of the Reckoning.

    **Receive Ithbeth's Honor and add it to your CS's status effects.

    -- animegirl20 animegirl20
    For all the hellfire and brimstone that took you to this forsaken visionplace, the eternal flames that scorched the halls surrounding you seem to flicker. There was quiet for a moment, an eerie sort of peace even with all the world lit aflame. Then the demonic hands seem to loosen in their grip, allowing you to pull away should you attempt to. Then the demon speaks, though it's voice no longer held the same menacing tone, tinged instead with something akin to pity.

    "The bearer of truth hesitates with the burden of realization, just as the very fabrics of what is bleeds into the other. You speak of greater things than you know mortal..." The fists clench and open, and in its palm, lay a wisp of light blue. The wisp floats upwards and disappears into your forehead and you feel the coolness of clarity enclose around your mind.

    "Do not let your hesitation cost you..." The parting words reverberated in your thoughts as the ashen hands disintegrate.

    All at once, the vision fades and you're left standing back in the Great Hall. Beneath the clutch of your hands, the Ardenstone flares with brightly with bright white light, before dimming back to normal. Congratulations, you are now a true Chosen of the Reckoning.

    **Receive Oranis' Truth and add it to your CS's status effects.

    -- revior revior
    "FINALLY!" The voice cackles in almost delighted laughter at your puny attempts to defy the constrains. Whatever it is that you attempted is quickly halted by the crushing vice of the tightening demonic hands. Though you cannot see the demon's visage, it seems to almost revel at your attempts to free yourself. You sense a sense of deep satisfaction and even awe as if it couldn't quite believe what it was witnessing.

    "You... You would know that true power is the ultimate truth! To have something is to already have it!" The demon laughs almost exultantly, like a deranged teacher whose student finally realizes the epitome of all their teachings. It's grip on your hands grow tighter, as if to taunt your displeasure. But at the same time, you suddenly see the cracks of molten fire in its hands pulse with energy, and you feel a surge of strength in your limbs. Then all of a sudden, you know you are strong enough to break free, and as you wrench your hands away the demonic hands break apart with the crumble of shattered stone. The voice of the demon roars in pain as the hands breakaway.

    "Yes... yes... finally..." The final words of the demonic entity echo away as you feel an inexplicable strength in your limbs.

    All at once, the vision fades and you're left standing back in the Great Hall. Beneath the clutch of your hands, the Ardenstone flares with brightly with bright white light, before dimming back to normal. Congratulations, you are now a true Chosen of the Reckoning.

    **Receive Hastarae's Command and add it to your CS's status effects.

    -- HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest
    At your impassioned reply, the demonic entity lets out a deep guttural laugh. It's dark amusement quakes the very infernal halls that surround you, and the eternal flames that surround seethe and burn hotter as if fueled by the intensity of the current atmosphere.

    "YES..! You feel it don't you?!" The demon seems to revel in your anger, it's grip tighter on your hands. "The rage! You understand the injustice don't you!? When your worth is defined by the unworthy!?" The heated grip suddenly releases and you hear a deep rumble of satisfaction as if the demon roiled in pleasure. The ashen hands clench, and when they open again, a ball of flame suddenly shoots forth engulfing the whole of your being in flame. It is incredibly hot, but the burning sensation passes as quickly as it comes, until you feel the heat coursing through your veins instead of scorching skin.

    "I wonder, will you let it consume all that you are... if it meant becoming something more?" The demon's rhetoric echoed as all at once, the vision fades and you're left standing back in the Great Hall. Beneath the clutch of your hands, the Ardenstone flares with brightly with bright white light, before dimming back to normal. Congratulations, you are now a true Chosen of the Reckoning.

    **Receive Ryell's Fury and add it to your CS's status effects.

    -- Feyrie Feyrie
    A low chuckle, barely heard seems to echo around your hellishscape. It grows until it becomes a full-on maniacal laugh and even despite the ominous situation, you could tell that the demonic entity's amusement was genuine.

    "You stink of them!" The entity exclaimed though it sounded more like a remark of delighted surprise than an accusation. It's cackle continues, shaking your bones with its dark humor and almost annoyingly long as the grip of the demonic ashen hands loosen around your own. Finally, the laughter stops. The demonic hands seemed to suddenly grow brighter, their craggy surfaces smoothening and reshaping until what is left before you is nothing a large pair of golden statue hands, cupping together. From the center of the outstretched palms, a mirror of liquid gold oozes out to hover in the air.

    "Are you truly what you are? Or are you nothing more than a soulless mask?" In the blink of a moment, a multitude of golden hands burst forth from the mirro, grasping you and despite anything you attempted, you are pulled into the liquid golden surface.

    All at once, the vision fades and you're left standing back in the Great Hall. Beneath the clutch of your hands, the Ardenstone flares with brightly with bright white light, before dimming back to normal. Congratulations, you are now a true Chosen of the Reckoning.

    **Receive Yreth's Disdain and add it to your CS's status effects.

    -- Kabochamp Kabochamp , NewAgeBlack NewAgeBlack , OSWonder OSWonder
    "Ahh... yes... your soul reeks of it! The stench for which the True Mortals bear." The demonic entity speaks, sibylline in its tone as it's voice takes on a guarded tone. The demonic hands that once grasped you suddenly drawback in a blur of motion as if scorched by your presence.

    "You who will not let anything stand in your way..." The hands suddenly disintegrate into a cloud of silver dust, glittering amidst the ashes of the surrounding fires. "Are your dreams worthy of your soul? Is your cause worthy of who you can become? Or will you become nothing more than a surging fire with no cause for which to burn for?" The silver dust drifts and falls about your face, and you feel your resolve grow stronger within you.

    All at once, the vision fades and you're left standing back in the Great Hall. Beneath the clutch of your hands, the Ardenstone flares with brightly with bright white light, before dimming back to normal. Congratulations, you are now a true Chosen of the Reckoning.

    **Receive Sanar's Will and add it to your CS's status effects.

    As the last of the candidates step away from the Ardenstone, Principle Deepwater clears his throat for attention once more.

    "And so, we finally have our Chosen. To those who did not make it, I am sorry. Your place does not lie with The Reckoning, though I am sure your talents and gifts will find their home elsewhere." His eyes seemed to glitter as he turned to regard all who had just taken the test. "Know this... you have been deemed worthy not just for any self-fulfilling--" The Principal paused as a panicked shout suddenly cut into his speech.

    "Stop her!"


    Several of the crimson robed Magicians were darting forwards, attempting to intercept a figure but it was too fast. There was a scuffle, a blur of motion and before anyone could stop it, a student had dashed towards the Ardenstone and placed her hands upon it. A sudden bright flash of light silenced the discord, and finally, in its wake stood Enn. Her pale face was flushed, with locks of disheveled hair about her. The crowds were silent.

    "Enn! What have you done!?"

    Enn seemed to flinch, like some small creature caught in bright lights. Her face was one of surprise, as she looked to the gleaming Ardenstone beneath her hands as if she'd only realized where she was.


    One of the teachers had rushed forward, his shoulder-length black hair waving with his harried movements, but before he could reach the girl, Oulders Deepwater stopped him. "Stay your concern Master Abjurer!"

    "Enn, get back here! You're not a candidate-" The teacher had stopped in his advance, though he hissed in sharp tones at the girl who seemed frozen to the spot.

    "The Ardenstone has chosen her Master Velahl..."

    The hall appeared eerily quiet as Samael Velahl narrowed his eyes at his errant daughter before turning back to the Principal, his jaw tense. "Very well... Principal. Forgive my intrusion, please carry on..." With a swish of his robes, the Master Abjurer returned to his post leaving a wide-eyed Enn looking utterly petrified as she was directed to stand with the rest of the Chosen. Principal Deepwater watched the girl from under the rim of his glasses until she assumed her new position.

    "Now then... where was I?"


    Much of the rest of the day proceeded without further incident. The students were all ushered into the dining hall where a feast was prepared. After which they were given instructions to find their lodging in the guest rooms provided for the duration of The Reckoning and given the rest of the day off.


    ◘ C H A P T E R . T W O - Chosen ◘

    Tags: Kabochamp Kabochamp OSWonder OSWonder Matt l ttaM Matt l ttaM revior revior HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest NewAgeBlack NewAgeBlack animegirl20 animegirl20
    October 6th, Ninety-ninth Year in the Age of Founding.
    -Five days to The Reckoning-

    The following morning found the Chosen gathered for an early breakfast in the dining hall. Your night has been largely restful, with no enigmatic dream ghost haunting your rest. As you arrive in the dining hall, you are greeted with piles of steaming bread, breakfast rolls and meats stacked the buffet tables. The atmosphere was still somewhat subdued, mostly because it was very early in the morning and not many were awake yet. The exception being the Chosen of the Reckoning, for they were due for their first preparatory lesson.

    "Once you are done with breakfast, please proceed to the Western Gardens for your First Preparatory Lesson with the Mistress Conjurer and Mistress Enchantra." A servant bowed to those early risers in attendance.

    --Take this time to introduce your characters to the scene and to each other, but do not take too long as we will be moving on to the next section shortly! This is more of a post to get us moving along again ^3^ My apologies for the wait!
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