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Flame blinks in confusion at Stalker. "I don't think your brother is here but cats could die." The tom mews, taking in a deep inhale after and bringing a forepaw to his forehead. "IS there anyway you'd know to get ahold of Deceit, or any ideas in general about a way we could save one of the others in critical condition?"

"I can see why you'd only have one, given what shit job you did raising her." Hal snaps at the tom as he keeps pace with him. His paws are clumsy as he drops the magazine from his gun and fumbles with his torn vest to grab another, non-lethal magazine now that he's exhausted the actual bullets he had.
"Too bad I know a-" Claws swipe at his face and he ducks but razor sharp claws tear into the scarred flesh on the right side of his face. They knick the surface of his artificial eye and the tom lets out a wail, two parts anger and agony.

He darts back, blood flying from his face. "Mother, I need help." The tom would mew, his voice shakey as he looks at the tom before him.

His eyes glint with malice, some sort of arrogance that suggests that the cat in question will save him from this situation he's found himself in.

Lizeth actually smirks a bit as the tom faces away from her. For a few moments she shakes out her coat in the warm dirty water and then finally reaches a point where she can no longer contain herself.

Laughter escapes her maw, in spite of it all and it isn’t pretty at all. Her laughs are terribly croaky and nasally but she doesn’t stop.

“Oh sir, jeez, not like I’m anymore dressed than I was before I got n’here.” She snickers, ear grating snorts escaping her muzzle but she doesn’t seem embarrassed at all.

Finally, she recovers enough to answer his question but not before splashing water at the back of his head.
“They didn’t need to but we like to. It’s fun if’n you don’t have to.” There’s a smile in her voice and it’s clear she’s quite amused and the break from raw grief is appreciated, although you’d never know it from the awful sniggling sounds she’s making.
"That sure is a word for what happened. 'Interesting'." Thistle mews quietly. He's silent until they come upon where his portal was summoned, the cliff edge overlooking the sparkling sand sea. "You see why I miss my home, right? There's a certain beauty that I think only comes from Earth." There's a long pause as Thistle simply admires the view. "Do you ever miss your home, Lexi?"

Thrush is a bundle of conflicting emotions because of Trin's response. The manipulation part she gets. Having Purple try and convince her dad to go to therapy for her was a bit of a low blow. He says he doesn't judge her or need to justify herself for what happened. Okay, that's good. But then he sides with Crimson? That really rankles her. Thrush's ears fall back and she looks away from Trin, shifting her weight back and forth on her paws. "Yeah, I messed up. I also think Crimson messed up too, but... what do I know..."
Stalker flicked her eyes around the room with a blank expression.

“There’s a bunch dead demon soldiers right there. Take their radio or whatever.” Stalker meowed like it was obvious. Gesturing to demon bodies strewn about and then shrugging.


“Milky stopped breathing on his own.” One of the medical staff said loudly, but not in a yell. Without any further speaking or instruction a couple of cats went over to help.

“I’m a certified specialist of his entire genus! Can I help?!” One yellow sheline asked urgently from a distance away. She looked like a plush toy or a not quite correctly fitted mascot suit. Complete with visible stitching and white and brown multiholed button eyes.

“NO! Regulations are regulations, you stay behind that line.” One of the nurses snapped, pointing to the ground in front of the yellow sheline.


The gruff tom glared daggers at Hal as he darted away. His teeth bared and twinkling with spit. The last comment certainly did what Hal wanted it to do. The muscles in the Tom’s rear legs bunched as he prepared to leap at Hal.

“Mommy’s not here to safe yo-hmpf!” The father hissed right before a hazel paw plugged his muzzle. His eyes darted along the length of the leg to the hazel sheline it belong to. A she-cat who seemed to have appeared beside him on his right. And who from Hal’s perspective had just walked out from behind him like a shadow come to life. Eyes like tiger eye gems stared at the father with a harsh, judgmental tint to them. The older tom’s eyes and brows widened in confusion and fear. With a visible, forceful yank he tried to pull his muzzle out of her grip but it didn’t budge a centimeter.

Oddly, none of the tom’s aggression transferred to this new cat that was holding him. His eyes were glued to hers and he was desperate to just escape. No claws were thrown at her in haste or malice, they just scrabbled against the cement. Hoping to find some kind of purchase in the many grooves they were making that would allow the tom to pull himself away from her. To put it simply, he was spooked. Mother stood there silently for a short while, just staring at the gruff old tom. Both to assess him but also to allow Hal to say whatever he might wish to say. Cannibal’s father wore himself out quickly trying to escape and his pulling grew weaker and his attempts slowed from fervent to languid.

With him reasonably tired and subjugated, Mother’s head and gaze snapped to Hal. The harshness and judgement in them did not fade however. Her brows even pointed downward to a point where she wasn’t quite glaring, but she wasn’t far from it.

This is NOT what I am for.” Mother said coldly. She had a tone that communicated her ire well enough that she didn’t need to yell.

“I am only worth calling when you are in mortal peril, hmm? To save you from consequences manifested? You think me your personal mercenary? Your servile knight huh? Speak!” Mother boomed at the end, jostling the father’s mouth as she did so. The sword sheathed on her side shook slightly as well. You could tell she would have stomped her paw if she wasn’t using it for something else.


Hunter’s ears jumped and flattened at the sudden…”unique” noise. He wasn’t even sure what it was at first until Lizeth’s speaking coincided with the noise breaking. Hunter started to roll his eyes both at what she was saying as well as what he was doing but didn’t get to finish, as a splash of water hit him. His spine stiffened, his ear perked back up and his maw opened to let out a shocked “hoh!”
He turned his head and half his body to glower at her but her laugh was too funny. You could physically see the battle in his mind on his face. He’d glower but then her laugh would cause a flinch and threaten to make him smile. He’d force another nasty but weaker look and a millisecond later her laugh would wipe that one too. Over and over again Lizeth’s laugher assaulted his will like a jackhammer, until it had been pulverized. Leaving Hunter with a small grin on his muzzle and an overwhelming need to snicker.

“That’s, that’s good to hear. About your family.” Hunter said, stifling a snicker. His eyes stole a glance over to Holly to see how she “liked” Lizeth’s unique expression of mirth.


A subtle, tiny smile grew on Trin’s muzzle as he took a step closer to Thrush.

“You know a lot. A whole lot. You just don’t know what you don’t know you don’t know. I haven’t done a good job of teaching you all the basics of the multiverse. And it’s fine that you think Crimson messed up…. She shouldn’t have lost it on you. That was rude. And I didn’t mention her past to excuse her, but to make sure you knew her lashing out wasn’t anything you did or deserved. She screams because she’s hurt, not because you did anything to earn it.” Trin meowed, stepping even closer to Thrush and nuzzling her.

“My daughter is fine. She’s safe, and I’m sorry if I or Crimson made you feel like you needed to defend yourself in this. I appreciate your care for Purple’s well being.” Trin whispered, pulling his muzzle away and trying to smile at Thrush from the corner of her vision.


Lexi nodded her head with a hum. She could see why he missed a place like this. There was a natural beauty to be found here. Or unnatural natural beaut?. For a couple seconds her mind pondered if this counted as natural. Was a the impact crater of a meteor hitting a planet natural? But didn’t Undertaker do that so it’s not “natural.” Like an artificial lake or waterfall, it happens in nature but this specific instance was cat-made. So it was natural beauty made unnaturally. His next question made her raise a brow.

“My home is where I had to fight to the death with my classmates. And my parents are dead.” Lexi stated bluntly. Perfectly on cue a clear portal opened up over the cliff edge. Through it you could see a massive stone plate, clearly supposed to be some kind of arena. Three skeletons laid atop it, while vines from the surrounding rainforest showed how nature was slowly reclaiming the structure. An aquamarine fog hung in the air and a cool but musty breeze rushed out of the portal.

She wasn’t offended or anything though, she was just telling it how it was. Her eyes drifted halfway to the ground as she wrestled with her mental predicament. She did miss her home, but not in the way most did. Her home held an absolutely devastating trauma, but was also the source of nearly all of her childhood nostalgia. Any reminiscence on the innocent times of her early life was would always be stained by hindsight and knowing what was to come. But also any attempt at merely despising her home was undermined by the fact it also harbored some of her fondest nostalgic memories. Inimitable memories that could only be crafted by an innocent, naive mind.

“Come on Thistle. Let’s get back to the other. I’m thinking you need someone who’s a little more emotionally attuned than me.” Lexi said, standing and climbing through the portal. On the other side she looked around for any threats.

“Of course they left us.” She muttered to herself, adopting an annoyed pout and flattened ears.
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Flame looked at Stalker like she had sprouted two heads. There was no way in hell that he was going to let the demons know that they were still alive. With a small sigh, he moved towards the center of the room. "Jezebel, are you here?" The tom would ask, his amber eyes scanning the destruction, he didn't see her body amongst the dead. "Jez?"

Streak is torn from his solemn moment when aggressive voices sound through the portal. Wordlessly, he moves closer to it, poking his torbie head inside.
"If she can help-" The tom is cut off by a ginger maw grabbing his scruff and pulling him back and out of the portal. Flame sets his kit down and gives him a harsh stare before looking through the portal himself.

"Milky let me eat his food, we have to help him!" Streak protests loudly, swiping his claws at Flame's legs.

"Rum, if Jezabel shows up, could you ask her if there's a way we could save our injured friends?" He'd ask, once given an affirmative he steps through the portal, shutting his eyes as he does so.

"What regulation could be more important than saving that tom's life?"

When Hunter begins to glare at her, she steps out of the bath, trying to keep a straight face. Her lips still curl-upwards and she starts laughing again.
"Oh, Hunter, was it? Oh the look on your face." She'd practically yowl with laughter, almost falling as she gets out of the pool completely.
Properly standing now, she'd take a moment to adjust her now soaked scarf over her head.
She'd draw away a paw to wipe away tears that had formed under her eyes from laughing so hard.
"You're a funny, tom." She'd mew, drawing in some deep breaths to stop herself from laughing again.

Holly gives Hunter a perplexed but amused look, shrugging her shoulders absently although her nose is wrinkled like she’s attempting to stifle irritation.

That expression shifts though as a mock malicious glint crosses her eyes. “Hunter here, well he’s quite the trader. He actually owns a small uh, ranch where they collect just one specific thing.” The she-cat is giggling herself now.

“What was it that you collect again, Hunter? It’s on the tip of my tongue.” Her eyes are warm and playful and it seems like she's trying to give the tom another chance to hear Lizeth laugh again even though she herself finds it to be one of the most obnoxious things she's ever heard.

The calico in question is peering curiously at the tom, waiting for him to reveal just what it was his family was so interested in collecting.

Hal's expression of triumph fades as the she-cat turns to question. "Not exactly no, but yes, I'll admit, that did play into it." The bi-color tom would admit, his posture loosening as he brings a paw to the scarred part of his face. "He told me if I didn't rat out the orange she-cat, y'know the one, then he was going to kill all of them, and I'm not strong enough to stop him. Yes, I was also afraid for my own life, maybe moreso than the others, since I'm not with them, but this tom is dangerous." He lowers his forepaw, looking at the blood on it, his expression screwed up with pain.

"He's Cannibal's father."
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Mother looked at Hal with a statuesque face. Quietly listening to him. The only thing on her visage moving was her chest.

“…Hmm. Then I suppose you are on a quest to avenge your daughter?” Mother turned her head to look at the father. Who nodded his own and let out a muffled affirmative.

“Harming others will not bring her back, it can only spread your pain to others. Nor is her death a tragedy. I am deeply sorry for your loss. Please tell me why her death hurts so much for you.” Mother meowed softly, letting go of the tom’s muzzle and turning her body towards him.

“She’s my daughter! Why wouldn’t it hurt?!” The tom growled, but still took a cautionary step away from Mother.

“And you wished to afflict others with the same feelings as you? To take away the off-spring of other fathers and mothers? Why?” Mother asked, leaning closer to Cannibal’s dad.

“Because that louse needs to pay!” The tom hissed.

“You believe they deserve it?” Mother asked, tilting her nose up a couple degrees while still keeping eye contact.

“They got my daughter killed!” The father yowled, stomping a paw.

“Do their friends deserve the grief their deaths would cause? Their family? Do you think your need to avenge your daughter is greater than them?” Mother asked.

“They didn’t just kill my daughter they killed an entire prison’s worth of animals.” The tom said coldly, stifling a scoff and instead merely chuffing loudly.

“The demons killed the prisoners. They are the ones who destroyed Panoply. Hal here was merely the impetus for their arrival. Further your daughter killed herself, by acting in such a manner that would place her in Panoply. Your daughter’s environment killed her; without it she would have not taken to crime. Her kithood killed her; her experiences as a youth shaping her proclivities towards violence. You killed her; for if you had never given birth to her she would have never been here. Your mother killed Cannibal. Your grandmother, your ancient ancestors, the forces that make you sapient, the universe, God. You do not get to arbitrarily decide which cause is more important than the other. The same way no single step of a staircase is more or less crucial. Do not delude yourself into acting on behalf of what you think someone else or you may deserve. It is not how the world works. You deserve nothing the same way Cannibal did not deserve her death but suffered it anyway. You do not deserve the grief you are feeling nor do you deserve the vengeance you seek. You deserve nothing. All you have is the freedom to choose how you will respond. And I suggest you do not waste it by inflicting suffering onto others! Go home and grieve.” Mother said, her voice only raising towards the end.


“But what? Do you expect to somehow defeat me? Because you will not get your vengeance without doing so.” Mother stated firmly. Cannibal’s father glared at her while she stared at him stoically. After several seconds do silence, he spat on the ground and turned away. Mother watched him walk away for half a minute before turning to Hal.

“Come along. If you look to the skyline you will see that the apartment where the friends you wish to protect are, has a plume of smoke above it. That is what that boom from earlier was.” The hazel brown sheline said, nodding her head for Hal to follow. Wasting no time she started a brisk walk towards Milky’s apartment building.


“Jezebel’s dead.” Penny muttered under her breath as Flame called out for everyone’s favorite eldritch horror.

Rum looked at Flame with a confused face but nodded.

One of the nurses scoffed, watching Milky carefully as the others got him breathing. “They’re regulations for everyone’s safety. Not suggestions for when everything’s going alright. Her species is recognized as Extinction class parasites.” The nurse medbot said, flashing a quick incredulous look at Flame.

The living stuffed animal in question let out a loud chuff/sigh of both frustration and dejection.

“I just want to help.” She said in a voice that was straining to keep from sounding annoyed.

“Stay behind the line.” The medbot reminded her. The apparent parasite’s position, sitting right on the invisible line all the other medical staff seemed to see, put her just out of arms reach of Vasteye’s bed. And he was put the furthest away from the large portal.


“Malevo, scene’s clear.” One of the lifeliners said as they came down the steps of the apartment.

“Wonderful. Everyone we need you to come through the portal so you can be checked up and we can ensure your safety!” Malevo said loudly, addressing the animals still in Milky’s apartment.

Stalker was busy rummaging through one of the demon soldier’s vest.

“And try not to contaminate the crime scene!” Malevo barked, her voice clearly directed at the cream sheline.

“I was literally in the explosion. I AM the crime scene.” Stalker responding sassily, not halting in her rummaging.


Hunter cocked a brow and an ear at Holly’s words.

“Wha?…OH. Yeah. We collect uh…rubber duckies. All kinds of them. Big ones, small ones, squeakers non-squeakers. Loads of…-“ Hunter let out a disgruntled sigh, “-rubber ducks.” The brown tabby tom finished, flexing his jaw in order to not crack a smirk. He did flash Holly with a wide eyed look for less than a second though.
Thistle looks through the new portal with rapt attention. He could see how unforgiving her life growing up was, as shown by the remains in this arena. But the various vines pull his focus. The forest is bringing life back to a place where so much death happened. How could anyone not think that's beautiful and symbolic. And the blue fog? The breeze that comes through from Lexi's homeworld is lovely. The scent alone brings back memories during the time he and Thrush lived in the caves underneath the Crater.

"Wow..." he whispers. From the corner of his eye, Thistle sees Lexi step through the portal he opened so he scrambles through after her.

Back in Ford's world, they are indeed alone. Looking around he doesn't see any obvious signs their friends have passed through. No pawprints get left behind on the cracked black road. "Don't worry, they're..." In the span of an eyeblink, Thistle's eyes glow. Using his Soulsight is now easy as breathing to him. "Up ahead. I don't think they're moving anymore, so that's good."

Thrush nuzzles Trin back, a small smile gracing her lips. "Okay." Her swaying turns into kneading, claws digging into the dirt. She scowls down at her paws and grumbles something under her breath. "I hope we come across more of those things to fight. Or maybe some bandits."

Lethe, his hearing now restored with two cochlear devices hooked up to his head, sits by Vasteye's bed. "Can't you spare any more doctors or nurses from other parts of the hospital? Or what if the lifeliners portal some more in to lend a paw?" he suggests.
The staff member casually sewing Vasteye’s wound poked their head over the tom to look at Lethe.

“This bay is under quarantine until an all clear is given. It’s why the portal is blocking the door. We all volunteered and bringing anyone else in would break quarantine. The GRV Mercy was designated—oop! You guys do taste like farm cats.” The literally velvet pelted sheline recoiled slightly when a bit of Vasteye’s blood splashed onto her muzzle. The red contrasting against the forest green color of her coat. A blue tongue lapped at the liquid and her eyes squinted in delight for a millisecond.

“That hurt?” She asked, to which Vasteye shook his head and she finished the sewing. After which she looked back to Lethe.

“Apologies. The GRV Mercy is one of the few medical vessels that is not supposed to take on any patients from Starworld. In case the contagion gets out of hand. The only way to get more staff would be guaranteeing none of us would spread it.” The med-cat finished, giving him a sympathetic smile.

“Or break regulation.” The yellow living stuffed animal said from just a tail length away.

“Or that too.” The velvet sheline asked, leaning against Vasteye’s bed casually.

“Wait, there’s a door behind that big portal?” Vasteye asked, rolling over to look at it.

“Yeah. It leads to the rest of the ship. Common procedure when assisting Lifeliners. Each medbay can be sealed off indefinitely. Everything we need is further down that way. There’s a little hallway, can’t really see it from this angle. It’s why she–“ A velvet paw was pointed at the moving plushie,”–can’t cross that line. Past that line she could potentially influence wherever the portal is open to. There’s also a second line, and the portal itself. It’s why we couldn’t just rush over and treat you guys immediately. We can all go further in to the med bay, but all of us cannot get right up to the portal when it is open. You all are free to move as you please obviously.” The velveteen she-cat meowed, evidently having no other task but to monitor Vasteye’s bed. What with her relaxed demeanor.


“I found one of those phone things.” Stalker announced after pulling a communicator out of one of the demon’s pouches.

Aceline and Penny made their way through the portal. With the younglings trailing hesitantly. Rum lollygagging the most.


Trin chuckled into Thrush’s fur.

“With any luck, we will.” He purred. His purring and nuzzling stoped when he suddenly pulled his head back. A surmising hum accompanying the action.

“You just gave me a good idea. I can probably just get something off a bandit for Purple. She’ll think it’s cooler too.” Trin meowed. A small nod signifying him mentally determining to do just that.

“See anything you think we should get?” Trin asked.


Lexi looked into the distance with Thistle. Nudging him playfully as a thank you.

“Good. I could go for a bath and burger. And since we’re alone…” Lexi meowed, trailing off while she took several steps backward into a portal.

“Hot and ready?”

“Yes ma’am. Just came out a minute ago.”

“Two then….Have a good day.”

30 seconds after her disappearance, Lexi strolled out of her portal with a wrapped burger on her head and another grasped in her paw. The wrappers had a blue plastic tool tapped on them. Almost like brass knuckles with a C shaped tray connected to the bottom.

“Trin may be a one portal guy, but I, am not. Catch.” Lexi said with a hint of pride and smugness; playful or self-amused smugness to be exact. She emphasized the burger in her paw before tossing it to Thistle as she padded on three legs.

“The blue thing’s for us non-thumb havers. Lets you eat with one paw.” Lexi explained, gently tossing the burger on her head into her mouth. Then depositing said burger into the blue holder. And finally, biting into it with a loud “mmmm.” Her eyes closing and ears wiggling for a split second. The huntress licked her chops, waited for Thistle to see if Thistle needed help getting the hang of the “thumb tray,” and started padding in the direction of the settlement. Thankfully the others hadn’t left them very far out of town. She walked and ate for about 40 seconds before talking again.

“So–*gulp* I have a question. And you’re probably the best cat to ask. So, how would I go about wooing your sister?” The voracious Vettor asked, trodding along with three legs. She favored her right foreleg to hold her burger.
Hal watches, awestruck as Mother berates this tom, who to him had been an impossible foe, into submission. There is no triumph in his gaze as he watches the other tom, feeling guilty for some reason.

Her voice startles him and he turns to face her, artificial eye half clenched shut. "Protect, yes, but I don't want to be with them anymore." The tom would begin to argue, stopping and watching as she turns to face him. "They treat me like an outsider, and even if they knew this happened, even if they cared, I doubt they'd want to see me again, not after this." His voice is obstinate and he has a look in his good eye that suggests absoluteness.

"It won't make a difference, whether I go with you to them or not. They'll only resent me more for tucking my tail and crawling back." He sits onto his haunches.

"Tell them I'm not coming back. They can get innocent animals killed and then fucking judge me over and over for Panolpy like I had any idea any of that would happen without me there." HIs voice is angry now and he turns to leave.

“Since I’m such a detriment to their similarly useless efforts, I’m sure they’ll be happy to not have their signature ‘tag-along’ with them.”

Flame stifles a gasp at Penny’s words before letting a weary sigh escape his lips.
“That’s really odd to hear, she always had such a larger than life vibe, I thought she was different.” The words escape him at last and he watches as Stalker rummages through the demon corpses.

His attention returns to the odd costumed animal but he seems to accept what the nurses say and he turns his attention to Stalker as she calls out.

“Don’t use that, we don’t want them to know whether or not their assassination attempt worked or not!” The tom startles, stumbling over to her and slapping the radio out of her paws.

“Aslan sake.”

Holly’s mischievous look actually turns to a small smile as she watches Hunter lie about a rubber duck hoarding ranch. Lizeth on the other hand is visibly struggling not to laugh again but the creases around her eyes suggest she is failing.

Not long after, laughter escapes her muzzle again and she looks over the two of them.

“I’ve never met europeans as odd as you two, or that sound so domestic.” She’d giggle, batting them with her tail before her eyes land back on the metal flower.

Even with all of her fur soaked, her reaction is visible as ears droop and her tail falls to the dusty ground beneath them.

“He really was a good tom, he really did like you all y’all. I just thought you should know.”

Two passing animals audibly laugh as Trin and Thrush mention bandits, the sound itself is condescending in nature.
"Can't you just quarantine somewhere until the pandemic is over?" Lethe gestures around with a paw, "Here for example? You have all your equipment. Just send in more staff, keep the portal blocking the door and don't let anyone out." He looks over at the line of beds with the critical patients on them. "I know we agreed to help Saraphina first but... How're the others doing?" His ears fall back, clearly expecting the worst.

Thistle just barely manages to catch the flying burger without dropping it or whacking it out of the air. "Uumm- Oh..." he sits on his haunches and turns the foil-wrapped food in his front paws, confused about the blue doohickey that came with it. With some assistance from the saber cat, Thistle is now able to hold the sandwich and walk (hobble, more like) at the same time. As they amble towards their friends the tomcat's burger grows shorter. He starts with the top bun, then he eats the patty and the various toppings on it, then the bottom bun. He made burgers while on Hell, he didn't eat them.

Thistle's head cocks at the question. "Wooing Thrush?" he curses, uttering under his breath: "That's twice already..." Blue eyes return to the Huntress. "Lexi, I don't think she likes females in the way you're suggesting."

"Don't know how far it is to where we first landed. Stocking up on basic supplies would be my go-to. Bandages, alcohol, we have water. Dry rations if they have them. Ford'll know how much will need to be replaced." Thrush meows, scanning the surrounding stalls for anything they would need for a long trip. Thinking about the necessities of wasteland living makes her wonder where her bag went. She can't remember if she left it on the Red Bastard's ship or if it was confiscated by prison workers then spaced when Panoply was destroyed.

Thrush approaches one of the stalls. Various trinkets and baubles presumably to be worn or displayed are neatly organized for all to see: finely-crafted bracelets or necklaces of braided wire with hex-nuts woven in like beads, pendants of shaped metal claw-etched with intricate designs. What also intrigues her are the horribly scratched and scuffed (but still surprisingly shiny) pieces of chrome hanging from the vendor's sign above her head.
Mother stopped and stared at Hal with a peculiar look.

“You are projecting and assuming. You had one argument with Nastiel and now you purport they all do not want you around. I may not always be seen but I do check up on you. Trin does not dislike you. I believe it was at Azure’s home that he made that clear. Speed does not hate you. Neither Thistle. Do not confuse frustration or criticism for dislike or hatred. No one is going to be cordial to you all the time. If you mess up, expect admonishment. Especially under the circumstances. But that does not equate to distaste. Your group is not a hive-mind, one member’s opinion of you is not shared amongst them…-“The hazel she-cat walked after and then in front of him and leaned close. Her eyes placed directly in front of his.

“But you know what I think? I think your belief about the feelings of others comes from your own self image. A symptom of your own feeling of impotency and insecurity. You think yourself worthless and so you cannot comprehend others thinking differently. To you it is so obvious a fact that you believe it would be impossible for others to not agree. You judge yourself for Panoply so they must also. You judge yourself for Adrianna’s death so they must also. You think you’re a detriment so they must also, hmm? You said so just a moment ago; that you are not strong enough. Queer verbiage for the circumstance if you ask me. You did not say that the tom who clearly had some natural advantage was stronger than you, no. You insinuated that you were weak. As if you somehow didn’t cut it, couldn’t hack it, or fell short in some way. Which is not true.” Mother shook her head.

“The strongest mouse is still no match for a cat by himself, is he not? You all tend to weigh difference in ability as a zero sum game, a binary dichotomy of the dominant and the dominated. But that’s a whole other discussion entirely. More important to this matter is that your mindset regarding yourself is wide of the mark; unfounded. The same way a mouse being dejected for somehow not slaying a cat would be considered the result of a bundle of fallacious mental conditionings. Over-ambition, self-importance, egotism, pride, and maybe even a disconnect with reality. Or in others terms: Quite odd.” Mother meowed, sitting down and touching a paw to her lips.

“There’s just so much to tell you all but so few words to use…You are like a self-fulfilling prophecy Hal. You say in your head that no one likes you, and so you hyper focus on every moment that you think proves no one likes you. Nevermind the amount of times that prove otherwise that went unnoticed. The myriad of times you were not chided or scolded. Not glared at. Not shot at. You disregard all those times. And you think you are owed positive affirmation as proof from others that they don’t hate you. As if the disposition of others is a simple math equation to be calculated. A scolding here is minus two points, so you must receive a pat on the back and a smile to equal it out, or else you are in the negatives and therefore no longer liked…It’s not that simple dear.” The hazel sheline gave Hal a warm smile, with her head titled.

“I could wager you everything you wanted. I’d bring back Adrianna, Earth, your shack, riches, everything you consider success and joy-bringing. With the only way to win the wager being to prove your friends don’t like you. By genuinely asking each one of them to spend some time with you for no other reason than just to do it. To sacrifice their time for you. And if more than four of them said yes, I’d torture you with unknown horrors and sufferings you cannot imagine. You know in your heart that’d be a bad gamble to take, despite that cocksure glint in your eyes. You don’t even need to take my word on it. Just think on it to yourself.” Mother finished with a smile and kind eyes pointed right into Hal’s. She didn’t stay that way for long though. Standing up and nuzzling his ear as she did so. The hazel sheline took a long stretch and shook her body out.

“I’ll get out of your fur sweetie. I will be seeing you around. Mmm and try to avoid suicidal ideating thoughts going forward. You don’t deserve them.” Mother said as she slowly began to walk away in the direction of Milky’s apartment. The black plume of smoke contrasted and illuminated against the inky night sky by the neon lights of Starworld. Light pollution in it’s most literal sense.


“Flame!” Stalker hissed as he slapped the communicator out of her paws. The device smacked into the ground. Spinning on the carpet like a coin before landing and projecting a 3D video in the air. A small stocky equine creature was on the other end in a gray t-shirt and black camo printed shorts. The image was blue in color at first before turning into full color; adding significantly to the illusion that the equine was physically sitting there in the living room.

“Good job. Wouldn’t you think they’d already know they didn’t kill us considering their weak-ass death squad didn’t call them back!” Stalker hissed at Flame, garnering an annoyed squint from the demon.

Tell Belabor I have Stalker and Flame on comms.” They whispered, talking to some unseen recipient.

Nastiel and a Lifeliner both stopped in their tracks as they were about to enter the portal. Instead turning around and rushing over to the pair.


The velvet she-cat looked over and locked eyes with the parasitic plushie. The two nonverbally discussing what her next course of action should be with a combination of brow, eyelid, and shoulder movement. A couple seconds later the velvet cat gave her attention back to Lethe.

“V-S5, or the jump virus. Has a 96% fatality rate and a high transmission rate. We already are quarantined. Like I said, everyone here volunteered to take the risk. The planet you just came off, is a quarantine zone. No one else is coming unless there’s proof we aren’t all dead animals walking. If you’ve got a cure, don’t keep us waiting.” The velvet sheline meowed, managing to maintain her nonchalant aura while relaying the dreary info. Everyone in the med bay without a sealed suit volunteered to treat them at high risk of death. And the only ones with sealed suits were the three lifeliners and the parasite.

“The others–“ The nurse sent to get blood came hurrying back with a cart carrying said blood bags. “–aren’t in good shape. We’ll try our best though. Promise. Sarafina’s still going to be hours until she’s stable enough to be removed from the pod, but she’ll pull through.” The dark green she-cat said, watching as the team at Milky’s bed began giving him blood.

“This guy right here will be just fine too. Might have a scar, but he’ll be fine. Glowing blue eyes are normal for him right?” She added on a lighthearted question, patting Vasteye.


Lexi’s brows jumped and she pouted with a quizzical look for a split second before realization hit her. With a few eye flutters she quickly gulped the last bite of her burger and tossed the wrapper and holder away. She’d rather not have to try and explain to any of the natives how she got any of that.

“Not asking for me. For Trin and her. I want to do something for the two of them, but I don’t know what she likes. What would make Thrush drool? What’s her fantasies? How does she like someone to brush her teeth? What’s her dream guy like? What’s the most romantic place for Thrush? Tell me everything.” Lexi meowed, pointing to Thistle with the pads of her paw before walking on all fours again.


Hunter couldn’t help but laugh when he heard Lizeth’s laughter again. His levity faded as her guffawing did. With the mood changed Hunter adopted a neutral gaze.

“I believe you…….” Hunter said, glancing at the metal flower.

“…I’m sorry about what you’re going through. One of my daughters died about a year ago. I can barely imagine how you’re feeling.” Hunter said tactfully, lowering his head and glancing between the metal flower and Lizeth.


Trin nodded to what Thrush said. Grinning at her.

“Not prissy and a survivalist? I think I’m in love.” He commented, following after her to the stall. His eyes scanned over the wares on offer along with her.

“What do you think the chrome’s for?” Trin asked, following her gaze up to the hanging metal.
Hal's confident look quickly turns to anger when Mother has the audacity to insinuate that his feelings are just because of Nastiel's heckling. She pretends as though they haven't been dogging him every chance they get since Adrianna died. His gaze darkens further as she goes on and his pelt bristles as she nears him but unlike when it had been Jezebel, he does not shirk away.

"My self image? You have no idea how I feel!" Hal snarls as she goes on, lips curled back in a snarl as he lowers his paw from his injured eye. He only gets more angry as she goes on and he flicks blood from his wound as he whips forward.

"You obviously haven't been keeping such a close eye if you don't know the terrible things they say about me! IT's always about inaction, or how I did something bad, or how they think Adrianna didn't love me! Like any of those miserable lot would even know what LOVE is!" He yowls, tossing his gun to the side like a child, his legs shaking with fury.

When she got real close, with that fake smile on her face, he spit on the ground between them taking a step back at last as she left him with a warning that made his body tense.

"You don't get to say what I deserve as though you are my real Mother." As she turns away he grabs his gun off the ground and stomps in the opposite direction, shouldering the butt of the rifle against a glass store front as he does.


Pestilence's ear's perk at the mention of Vasteye. He'd never seen the tom's eyes glow before, though he supposed he hadn't really paid much attention to the other cat. Wearily, he’d turn his amber gaze towards the nurse. “He’s never done that before, no.” The tom would mew as he got closer, finally comfortable enough to leave Lulalissa’s side for a moment.

“Of course you can!” Lizeth mews, suddenly alert at the tom’s words. She’d lost a close friend, certainly, but Streak was not her flesh and blood, let alone her offspring.

“I’m sorry that you had to go through the loss of a child, sir. I’m sure you were a good father.” The last words fall out of her mouth a bit awkwardly, mostly because she hadn’t thought he’d looked old enough to have children.

Flame looks at the communicator in confusion, his expression slightly terrified until he recognizes what Stalker said. “Yeah, I suppose that’s a good point.” The tom would utter as the lifeliner’s approach. “Was definitely a weak ass death squad.”
"If they're not up for sale or trade, I'm assuming they're to attract customers." Thrush mews with a shrug.

"Right on the money there, girl." Says the vendor, an older sheline, leaning over the counter with a casual smirk. "You want 'em? Give me an offer."

"No thank you, just browsing." Gazing at the pawmade jewelry, Thrush purses her lips. "Do you have - I don't know if they have an official name but my mom called them Hagstones. They're stones that have naturally-occurring holes in them from years of erosion. She always said they brought good luck."

The vendor shakes her head. "Sorry, girl. Ain't got none'a those."

Thrush shrugs. "Eh, it's no big deal. Beautiful pieces but nothing I need currently. Have a good day." She dips her head then heads back to the middle of the market's main drag. "Do you see anyone selling bags?"

Thistle's stares at Lexi. "I'll try to answer your questions but you'd get better information from Thrush herself." He takes another bite of his food, taking his time while chewing to think. "What makes her drool? Most literally? Food. Any kind, doesn't really matter. She'll eat pretty much anything but nothing super spicy. She won't tell you that, though."

"She likes collecting things. Me too, I guess, but she's like a magpie. Rocks she finds pretty, bones, anything shiny, flowers she keeps preserved between book pages. Whatever she's taken from other animals' pockets." As he speaks he pauses to grab more mouthfuls of burger. "Uuh, knives. She likes knives. They're her favored weapon, aside from her own claws. But don't give her one. You'll just send the wrong message."

Thistle finishes his meal and follows Lexi's lead, tossing the burger-holder-thingy over his shoulder. "As for her dream guy? Trin is her first romantic partner and she didn't even give males the time of day back on Earth so I can't answer that."

"Hey, is the white sheline alright? The one that was in the pod when you brought it over?" Lethe asks, sounding genuinely concerned about False Lamb.
Vasteye’s ear flicked in response to each pat.

“Alec, she means the blue lines on my eyes when I use my powers. They’re normal. I’m just listening to the others on the ship.” Vasteye answered, both to the tom and the velveteen medic.


The velvet sheline pointed to the gurney False Lamb was being tended to on. The two that had cared for Pest were now working on the mob cat’s back with bloody paws.

“She looks to be fine. Couldn’t confidently tell you any more than that. Hivemind over there is in charge of the gurneys. They don’t seem panicked or rushed if that means anything.” She said with a shrug. One of her ears still pointed towards Vasteye.

“Her species is more susceptible to infection, but I’m guessing the pod removed that risk.” The living plushie chimed in.


Nastiel, Stalker, and the Lifeliner watched the projected demon in different states of annoyance. With Stalker the most annoyed and the lifeliner the least.

“That bomb still blew your b***h ass friends to bits so shut it!” The demon snapped, chomping their teeth hard enough to make an audible noise.

“Move.” A voice was heard before a large pantherine paw waved the equine away. In stepped a big cat hybrid with a striking posture. Her neck held her deer head higher up like a horses, while her body was like that of a leopard’s. Finishing off her backside were reptilian rear feet, and equine haunches and tail. She wore an outfit similar to what Deciet had been wearing at the Symphony, only with less bells and whistles. She was of a lower rank.

“Stalker, Flame. I personally assure you, you will pay for killing my animals. And I don’t plan on being pushed out of a window any time soon either. Close this—“ The demon leader turned her head to walk away but stopped.

“Why are you attacking us!? We didn’t do anything to you!” Nastiel barked, glaring at her.

“The angels have been attacking us for generations.” The hybrid, who’s named could be assumed was Belabor, stated plainly.

“You’re the aggressors!” Nastiel shot without a second’s hesitation.

“We’ve always done what must be done! You want to know why we attacked you “unprovoked” as you’d call it? Why we send Capital ships into the Frenziland sea? Because you exist.” She responded intently, turning back to face them.

“You see the good in everyone. You treat everyone as best as you can. You defend the weak. You’re so nice, and it’s sickening. We’re here to show you that you’re wrong. About all of it. You’ve built an empire off an illusion and we’re here to wake everyone up. And you will be your own downfall. You will see just how little your god-ring actually cares for one another. The best part about animals being free to think as they please? They’ll come up with all kinds of conspiracies and beliefs, whether they’re founded or not. All they need is to think or want it to be. The kind actions of your enforcers will be the very thing used to stoke suspicion. It’s already happening. You do good and your animals don’t adore you, they question why you’re so nice. They ask what you’re trying to hide? Haaaa haaaa haaaa.” Belabor spoke in a steady tone. Only a hint of gloating or disgust evident at the beginning of her sentences. Until she let out a few low, drawn out sinister laughs if you could call them that. The demon stepped toward Nastiel, towering over him and gazing down at him.

“You’ve seen it already.–“ she spoke with confidence, “–And it’s scaring you to the bone. That your precious ideals about others, are wrong. That even if you give animals the best chance imaginable they’ll still not get it. You provide for their defense and they won’t thank you. They’ll accuse you of purposefully disarming them. You free them from war and they say you’re enslaving them by giving them no reason to learn to fight. Educate them and they’ll say you’ve indoctrinated them. Tell them of grandiose technological achievement and they’ll call you a liar. It doesn’t matter if your government is corrupt or not. No matter how many things you do to assure them it isn’t, it will never be enough to overcome their minds. No amount of facts, or proof, or logic, or genuine action will overcome their nature. Face it Nastiel! Most animals don’t want to be nice. They don’t want fairness, or equal happiness, or any of the other dreck you shove down their throats in school. All you’ve done is make all of them just smart enough to be arrogant and question everything you do. Make a vaccine for the virus you let out and they’ll call it poison. Feed the hungry and they’ll come up with a million ulterior motives for why you’re doing it. Tell them to be kind and they’ll spit in your face while coming up with mental justifications for their behavior. The citizens of god-ring will throw off the oppressive shackles of your goody goody regime and all it took was some chaos and a song. Why should the strong do anything for the sake of the weak? Why should the common animal listen to self-proclaimed intellectuals telling them what to do? What’s healthy and what’s not? What’s true and what’s not? Why should they have to not do what they want to do? Because it’s nice? …Not a good answer. You’re living in the last days of your asinine empire, and by the end you’ll see the truth. Animals don’t care. You just made them. Brainwashed them and regimented them into caring. And guess who’s the single animal to blame?!” Belabor spoke directly at Nastiel almost the entire time. Her eyes searing through his own until he looked away. Her last sentence was aimed at the rest of the animals in the room and whoever was listening through the portal in the med bay.

“Trinity! The cats you see strewn all around you. Nastiel. God-ring historian. Can confirm it. Trin’s old. Real old. Or Entrinity if you want to use his full name. That’s where the angels got the traditional “En” title from. He’s the one that brought the Mia’Moray and Angels together. And built this entire ring off his stupid ideals. Love and peace and betterment. Sounds nice. Until you realize he forced it on you all. He forced everyone to play his game the way he wanted to play it. Twisted the majority of the entire MULTIVERSE to his will! To do what HE wanted! All of it is his doing. The foundation for the education system, the military system, diplomacy, foreign relations, government doctrine, all of it! Just as he wanted it. Look around, you can already see how far he’s willing to go to shape events however he wants.” Belabor gestured to the bodies of dead Trinitys laying around.

“Don’t take my word for it. Take your own. Think about it. Does the majority of the multiverse being determined by the opinions and emotions of a single tom sound good to you? Mass indoctrination, emotional manipulation! That sound like a GOOD thing to you? Some old tuft shoving his dogma into the minds of generation after generation of kittens and cubs! Enticing others with god-ring’s wealth and status! Manipulating you on an emotional level, telling you to feel bad for this and that! Saying not to do this and not to do that! All because a single animal wants it to be that way….Why else do you think he pursued Undertaker so doggedly? Getting tons of other animals killed in the process. Because Undertaker is a threat to his unquestioned rule. He would rather kill him than dare lose control over the masses. And god-ring hid it all from you!” Belabor hissed and shouted, suddenly quite impassioned. It was only at the end that she turned her head away from the animals in the apartment and looked directly at a news drone that was hovering by the patio.

“Close this line.” The leopard hybrid said with tone of disgusted relief. Like she was glad she no longer had to speak to them. And a second later her projection vanished.

Nastiel stared at the spot Belabor used to be “standing” at with a blank expression. He glanced over at the news drone and sighed.

“Let’s get you all aboard the Mercy.” The lifeliner next to him said, tapping his shoulder. Stalker on the other paw looked unamused and suspicious, with a cocked brow. Not once during her speech did Stalker look at Belabor with anything more than an unamused deadpan; unimpressed with the demon.


Hunter raised his head and gave Lizeth a grateful, but small, smile. The expression just barely tilting the ends of his mouth upward.

“Thanks. Unfortunately, I didn’t have much time to find out…I had 9 more daughters some months ago but, I lost six of them. And they’ve never felt truly like mine… I’m a terrible dad.” Hunter said, the smile on his muzzle going away as he spoke.

“I need to go tell Keesipip something.” The brown tabby came up with an excuse. Swiftly getting up and turning to walk back to the wagon.


Trin hummed out of acknowledgment to Thrush’s comment. His eyes traveling over the settlement for the umpteenth time.

“Yeah. I think they’re selling bags. Or human purses or something. Grab whatever you want and I’ll go see if Ford’s up and moving yet.” Trin meowed, pointing out a stand with a tarpaulin roof. He put the water bottle down for Thrush and started padding back to the wagon.


Lexi gave Thistle an incredulous look.

“Really? Trin’s her first romance? Well then that explains a little…I can work with the rocks and bones. I know a venue that’s right in the middle of a giant species graveyard. And I guess I’ll make sure the food’s not spicy and nobody gives her a knife to cut a cake or anything. Speaking of food you eat burgers weird. Nope. Wrong. You eat burgers wrong.” Lexi meowed.

“Now I just have to pick Trin’s brain and hope he doesn’t have some irrational fear of rocks or bones. Luckily the guy has an A.I that been with him since birth or something. Just see if you can narrow down some extreme no-nos from your sister for me. I like tight clothing but I don’t want to get her a tight fitting date outfit if she absolutely abhors the style.” Lexi finished as the two came upon the gate to the settlement.

“May we go in?” Lexi asked, looking up at the gate guards.
Thrush takes the water and moseys over to the stand that Trin pointed out.

Thistle laughs and sticks his tongue out at Lexi when she comments on his burger-eating habits. "Thrush has always been fascinated by nature. So if you can include that into whatever your planning, I'm sure she'd love it. As for clothes? Definitely nothing tight. She likes to be able to move freely in case, you know, they get attacked. Because that always seems to happen to us."

Lethe goes over to where False Lamb is resting. She definitely looks better than when he found her. She's breathing normally and someone is currently stitching up her torn skin. The tom sits to the side and waits until they're done to talk to her.
Alec cocks his head at Vasteye. "I've never seen it happen before though." The tom would utter, his gaze curious as his eyes follow the lines on the other male's face. Finally, he leans back and looks around the room.
"Any good news at least?" Concern tinges his tone, almost as though he'd rather not know the answer to his own question. Admittedly, now more than anything he needed reassurances. His mate was going to be okay and that was more than enough but what had transpired the last few hours had shaken him to his core.

Flame stares in shock as this leopard she-line curses God-Ring and he has to admit that he does agree with some things she says, but the demon's are ultimately the aggressors here. He doesn't empathize with their cause and shakes his head as he falls into step behind the lifeliners.

"That lady is loco." Flame would mew, recounting a word he did not understand but that one of his old friends had used frequently.

Luther stares in disgust as this demon whore rants and raves at them but keeps his expression flat and bored. She had nothing to say that he'd not heard before and didn't care to hear again. Flashing his ass at the demon, he'd stalk away before she was done.

"What a raving bitch." He'd call back as she finally broke connection as he passed through the portal.

Lizeth's ears droop as Hunter leaves and she gives a questioning glance at Holly, who only shrugs in response, making her way back to the wagon. Bewildered, the calico breaks off, carrying her metal flower.

Ford rouses as Trin comes around the side of the vehicle to face him. His fur is still scorched and bloody and he's leaning against the wall of the interior of the wagon.
As the alabaster tom faces him, he lets out a small breath. "Can you do me a favor, Trin?" The tom hesitates as he speaks the other male's name, as though he isn't sure that he remembers it properly.
Lexi smiled and nodded at Thistle. Mentally writing down the last two things.

“And I’ll take your avoidance of the tooth brushing question as proof your species doesn’t do that.” Lexi said with a final nod. She glanced up at the gate guards and waved, before looking back to Thistle.

“Soo…what would I have to do to woo you? Just making conversation, don’t take it too seriously.” Lexi asked in neutral voice, her eyes traveling back up to the guards to see what they were doing.


Trin nodded to Ford.

“What’s the favor?” He asked, cocking his head just a little.


Hunter walked up to and then sat against the wagon.

Keesipip was busying herself by exercising. Jogging in place with a high jump thrown in every 15 seconds.


Stalker chuffed.

“Yeah. Crazy. She’s just trying to rile animals up.” The cream sheline said.

“She still made a good point. Trin’s been lying to us. And has a team of his other selves manipulating things for their own benefit.” Penny chipped in, standing on the other side of the portal to the medical ship.


Vasteye hummed, looking at Alec.

“Someone’s excited to have a baby. Lussmill is okay. Some animals are worried about the staff in here with us. Standard thoughts mostly. Some of the fleet is going to Frenziland right now. And Jezebel said she’s fine and to not try waste reviving efforts on her.” Vasteye meowed in a neutral voice. Leaving out any bad thoughts he had run across.

“Oh you’re a mind reader.” The velveteen medic said with intrigue.

“It’s a bit more than that. I got the abilities of a guardian a long time ago. Hearing thoughts is the boring one by comparison.” Vasteye explained aloud.


False Lamb looked at Lethe, with a quizzical deadpan.

“Spit it out. I’m not in the mood to go fishing for your interest. What do you want?” The white mobster snapped at the tom. Her sour mood only enhanced by the teeth gritting stinging the stitches were causing her.


Species(anything but human, preferably non-bipedal): Cat

Age: 25 moons

Physical description(pictures are allowed): Gray tabby with turqouise eyes, smaller than the typical adult cat

Background: Typical Earth cat who was born in a human home and ditched the pet life at 5 moons old. She made do on her own, befriending an occasional cat or docile wild animal. During this time, she lived off the land and explored as she pleased. She sometimes would dip into a group of human homes for a quick treat or scratch, but never to stay. After encountering a strange group of cats and non-cats while stargazing, she has found herself in a completely new environment and has no idea how she got here.

Personality: Curious and strong-willed. She believes she is capable of solving any problem, so long as she knows what's going on. She hates the unknown and prefers to have at least one creature nearby who she is comfortable with, but is slow to trust.

Are you capable of opening portals between universes? Yes [ ] , No [ X] , Unsure [ ]


Species(anything but human, preferably non-bipedal): Cat

Age: 25 moons

Physical description(pictures are allowed): Gray tabby with turqouise eyes, smaller than the typical adult cat

Background: Typical Earth cat who was born in a human home and ditched the pet life at 5 moons old. She made do on her own, befriending an occasional cat or docile wild animal. During this time, she lived off the land and explored as she pleased. She sometimes would dip into a group of human homes for a quick treat or scratch, but never to stay. After encountering a strange group of cats and non-cats while stargazing, she has found herself in a completely new environment and has no idea how she got here.

Personality: Curious and strong-willed. She believes she is capable of solving any problem, so long as she knows what's going on. She hates the unknown and prefers to have at least one creature nearby who she is comfortable with, but is slow to trust.

Are you capable of opening portals between universes? Yes [ ] , No [ X] , Unsure [ ]

Accepted! Are you caught up in the story or would you like a recap? : D
I have no idea what is happening lol Filament just sent me the link to join

Lol. Well, the group is split between two spots right now.

One portion of them is on a parallel earth that’s in a post-apocalyptic state. They’re in a settlement underneath an overpass.

The other portion is on a military medical ship, specifically in the med-bay. Multiple members of that group are heavily or mortally wounded.

Just hours prior, a large terrorist attack was carried out at a MASSIVE inter-dimensional music festival. A contagion was released onto billions of animals. One of the symptoms of the virus is that it can force the infected individual to open a portal to another dimension against their will. Which makes it really easy for you to hop in with either group!

If you’d like to put Silver with the group on earth you can have her either already there at the settlement, or just literally fall out of a portal.

And if you’d like to put Silver with the group on the medical ship, you could have her just fall out of a portal there.

Or you can hop in another way if you’ve got an idea you’d prefer.
Haha thanks! I'll just drop her in to that settlement

One moment she was just gazing at the stars. Tonight there was a meteor shower. She had picked out the perfect spot to observe it: the moss-covered roof of an abandoned building. She had just gotten cozy and watched as the first few meteors started to fall when she heard a strange noise close by. Silver got to her feet and looked around. She sniffed the air and detected three or four unfamiliar cats accompanied by a couple of animals that she did not recognize. Everything felt... odd. Then, there was a flash and she was suddenly falling?? She landed with a thump on solid ground, the group she had encountered nowhere to be seen. But now... Well, she didn't know where she was. This wasn't very reassuring to her. She brushed off her chest with a paw and gingerly stood up, aware that there were other cats here as well.
Lethe lets the anger slide off him like water on a duck's back. He gives the sheline a pass because she is in pain. "Do you know of anything that could help save our mortally wounded compatriots?" he asks quickly, "We have your healing pod, but Saraphina's currently in there."

"Wooing me?" Thistle queries. "Well, I love reading. Though I vastly prefer physical books over the e-readers, tablets or digital libraries. I like learning about new cultures. The time I spent in the "Formerly Lost" city of Atlantis was amazing. Food is also an easy way to win me over, I like trying new foods."

After successfully haggling with the vendor, Thrush parts with two bags in exchange for the bottled water. She puts one on for herself and slings the other, the one for her brother, over her back. She is thanking the vendor when she hears a thump. The sheline goes to investigate. Around the side, tucked in between two of the stalls, is a cat. Not just any cat, a cat that for a better word looks... soft. This confuzzled sheline clearly lacks the natural ruggedness gained from living in a grueling world such as this. Very out of place. "Hello." Thrush greets cautiously.
Lexi looked at Thistle and adopted an “O” face.

“New cultures. I should have guessed by the way you looked at the portal to my home. I am not much of a reader but I’ll have to take you there some time soon. Plenty of unique food and unique stuff. My culture’s a melting pot big enough to melt the proverbial pot.” Lexi meowed, flashing the tom an emphatic smile and then going back to a subtly amused expression. Her eyelids furrowed half a centimeter when she detected a portal open somewhere in the settlement. She decided not to mention it until they’d gone through the gates.


False Lamb hissed at a particularly harsh sting.

“I’ve got vestigial wings somewhere in their bastard!” False Lamb growled, glaring back at the medic working on her. Even though from the angle of her head the two of them couldn’t have made eye contact.

No. My pod is the only magic trick up my fur. My advice? Pull out your own magic or make peace with the inevitable.” False Lamb panted out the first word. Adopting a more saccharine purr after. Struggling to, but still willing to speak in her characteristically honeyed manner.
Silver spun around at the sound of a voice behind her. She found herself facing a rather rough-looking cat. She was carrying items with her--how odd. She looked worn from experience. Silver took a step back, the fur on the back of her neck bristling without her control. She instinctively arched her back just a tad, her body wanting to make itself look bigger. Not that it mattered. This she-cat could probably knock her out in seconds. Where had Silver landed herself? Another quick glance at her surroundings told her that she was sort of trapped between this unfamiliar she-cat and some fabric-looking structures on either side of her. There was likely a wall behind her, too. In case there wasn't, Silver took another slow step back, her claws fighting against her willpower to creep out. At this moment, Silver realized that the she-cat in front of her had spoken and Silver hadn't responded for at least half a minute. "Where am I?" was all she could say.
Looking around the area, Thrush doesn't see any pawprints leading to or coming from this little alcove. That could only mean one thing. "My name's Thrush and it seems you're lost." The sheline offers the grey cat a small smile. "I assure you I mean you no harm, I just want to ask you some questions. Is that alright...?" She trails off as a silent ask for the other sheline's name.

Lethe bows his head to the mobstress. "Ok, thank you, sorry for bothering you." He mews quickly before backing away.

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