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One x One Magical Assassins - OOC

Niice!!! I’m trying to get into D&D actually and I wanted to start some tabletop games with collectibles to paint. But I can never find a group or my friends work conflicting schedules it’s frustrating
That's what I'm dealing with as well. Whenever I start a game with a group, they end up disappearing after 3 times of meeting, and there ends up being little to no action and absolutely no character growth. I think that's one of the many reasons as to why I've taken up roleplaying, that, and it is extremely fun to have no control over half of a story. It does seem like we have a lot in common, which probably explains why this is the best role play I've ever taken part in.
Hey, I started a thread for writing and publishing advice. (I worked in the publishing industry before publishing my own book.) I am trying to think of "chapters" A.K.A, topics to touch on. I have a few in mind, but from your perspective, what do you think people would like to learn or know?
I'd have to think on this. I mean off the top of my head, making a character's backstory cohesive with who they are? Or starting one from scratch in general. I've struggled with that for sure. I'm sorry I'm not a great help on this right now lol
btw I'm back yaay! lol and yeah we do seem to have a lot in common haha that's always a really good thing when it comes to writing with someone!
Yay! And your input was great, if you do think of anything else, be sure to let me know! And, agreed. I wrote a book with 9 people and I don't think it would have been possible if we had such contrasting views that we'd never see eye-to-eye.
wow, that would be insane! But you managed to write with 9 other people? How did you guys work out character deaths? I guess that's another one. Trying to learn how to write vulnerabilities, and accept that not every character is going to be super great. Building character depth.
Not every writer had a character that they created. Some were more so focused on the plot, story progression and characters that were more like the background characters. Once we fleshed out all the main characters, villain intentions and the journey, we went through who should die. We purposely chose characters that readers would grow overly attached to and ones that would never finish their goal, so the death would be even more painful. We even cut out an entire character recently because we realized how unneeded she was.

Each meeting consists of us drawing the map of the world and showing where the characters are. Just so we are all on the same page. We were given chapters to write and we finished an entire book in 3 months, but it is heavily being edited now.
I see, at least it was productive!

Feel free to let loose a blast at me in your writing lol my guy is quick and sneaky, but he can most definitely be caught off guard lol I wrote him escaping this time but if you have a chance def go for a hit lol
Wow, it's nice to rp with someone who is okay with their character getting hurt. Though, I was definitely going he would dodge or block somehow, as that probably would have killed. If it hits him, I'll make sure it is less direct.
I read the OOC comment first and was like, "Oh...oh no," and gingerly clicked on the main roleplay. Wasn't nearly as bad as what popped up in my head. Haha!
I was going to say. With all his teasing and playful attitude, it'd be really strange for him completely flip.
Nah, he doesn't flip so easily. I think when his past gets brought into question. He was after all taken from his animal friends and turned into an assassin just for trying to survive. So cruelty to animals, and the less fortunate will probably trigger something bad.
That's good to know, I doubt that she'd do either of those things. But for all we know, a future npc kind of character could. I'd be interested in seeing what would happen.
Hey andujarprime andujarprime could you write a description of your character. I have a better time drawing from description rather than viewing an image. Especially if there is anything that differs from the used image.
I just realize all the autocorrect in my last post.

"...large amounts of paper." I'm going to edit it real quick before posting.

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