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One x One Magical Assassins - OOC

Wow, that's actually exactly what I was planning to do. (But not before my character attempts to pursue him.)
Hey, I just realized that whenever I edit one of my previous posts, it may notify you again. I'm sorry if that's been happening.
Hey, just letting you know that I am going to be working double Thursday-Saturday. I'll be able to read, but won't be able to write till the evening. Also, let me know if I need to change my last post to work with any ideas you have in mind. I realized that I probably should have talked to you to make sure what I did worked.
Hey, sorry been extremely busy. Sunday and Monday are my double days. I work 3pm-9am and usually am able to reply on my overnight shift. But it’s just been crazy between work, the move, my kids, and now in an emotional wreck cuz a friend passed 🤦🏽‍♂️ I’ll be sure to reply soon tho
Wow, yeah, take you're time. I'm home all day today. So whenever you need an imagination reliever, I'm ready.
I was about to make sure you were doing okay. I view people I roleplay with as friends. I'm happy to see you return!!!
Sometimes letting off some imagination steam can help. I know you're probably dealing with more than I realize, but I do hope you never stop taking that one step. Make sure that you never forget to smile! There I times that I do.
By the way, I'm not sure exactly what you have in mind for the dude that got away. (I'm excited to find out.) But if/when you ever need to, you can jump to his point of view. Though, for all I know, it could be a surprise.

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