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One x One Magical Assassins - OOC

Umm depends on wether he caught her with her eyes open. So I’ll leave you to decide that one lol it’s basically going to temporarily dim her world so everything is dark. Not like the blinding poison from before. And because it got in her nose it will get into her body and her whole world will dim. The smells and sounds will be muted and lessened, her sense of touch will even will be diminished. All for a few minutes tho since her metabolism should be good
Oh yay, this one is gonna take some time. I'm gonna be super busy most of tomorrow. So it may take some time to write it up, apologizing in advance lol
So I'm just assuming that this had her knocked for almost the entirety of the trip, since it seemed like a very taxing ability. If I'm wrong I can change it up. I didn't want it to be just a couple hours of a walk cuz that would make it seem like the world is small. Lemme know if you need me to change anything.
what? Don't even sweat it. going at a good pace. It's a busy night for me so I'm in no rush lol small scenes like this add character, especially help with breaks between big detailed scenes
Alright, so I've been working on the clothes for your character. I feel like a black cloak can mean tons of things. So I've mocked up five different cloaks. (Don't pay attention to the poorly drawn man, he is just a model.) I don't expect that any of these is exactly what you are imagining. I welcome you to take from different ones and combine them, or send your own ideas at me, I can mix anything together. As well, feel free to say if you want the cloak longer, more ragged, torn, decorative, etc. I'd like to properly create your imagination.


andujarprime andujarprime


  • Cloak D.png
    Cloak D.png
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These are great!! Ok I’m imagining D, but with fur around the hood like C, long and flowy. Not decorative or ragged, but a little worn. Something that he can conceal himself in if need be 🤔
Would you still want to keep the potion/elixir in the middle that connects the two sides? And as for worn, would fraying/tearing the ends of the cloak a tad do what you're imagining? If not, elaborate a bit. And how is the length for D?

andujarprime andujarprime
Yes, keep the potion there, the length would be longer. Like touching the floor. And yeah frayed or torn around the ends is good. Silver bits for the metal pieces is good
What color would you want the potion? Sorry, I'm bombarding you with questions about a single cloak, I've been on a drawing kick..
Sorry, passed out 😰 purple is fine. But like dark middle light outside like it’s dark but glowing purple. It’s gonna be his emergency shadow 😬
What do you think? Any other changes? Of course, when I actually draw him, it'll be more detailed. I also think it'd be cool if there was a crest engraving in the metal parts. Either pertaining to his lineage or interest, such as dogs. So if you have any ideas for the engraving, let me know. Also, if there is anything in the rp that isn't sitting well with you, be sure to tell me.

Oh this is great!! And yeah an engraving in the metal parts. For now would be something wolf related. He doesn’t have a family crest cuz he was an orphan, but he loves his wolf buddy. Everything in the RP is great tho! It’s just the summer time so a lot of my attention is going to my kids cuz I have them for most of the sumemr
I was thinking a wolf-like symbol would be cool! I think it's awesome that you get to spend time with your kids during summer! And don't think I ever want you to not spend time with them to roleplay. I'm the type of person who just becomes concerned. I want everyone to have the best time in a role play! So I tend to make sure that everything is where the roleplayers would like it to be.

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