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One x One Magical Assassins - OOC

I'm thinking of doing a minor time skip. One where she begins to wake up, not fully, before the break of dawn. (So sun isnt fully out.) Would that be okay, or do you have something in mind for the middle of the night. I'm fine either way.
This may seem like an odd question. How is Shades hair tied up. If it's a ponytail, how long would it be up. To his shoulders, mid back, tailbone. How neatly would it be done? Messy, slick back, loose?

I guess that's more than one question. As I'm drawing, it seems the way the hair is styled alters his look entirely.

andujarprime andujarprime
hmm, well when he's out, his hair would be tied back into a ponytail. Probably to his shoulders, if it's loose it would go to mid back. there would be two small braids from each temple looping around back, typical elf/ Legolas fashion lol
👀 soon. Maybe here, maybe elsewhere lol shortly tho. Once i get behind a pc and can make my next post cuz it might be a lengthy one haha

Btw you tagged me in a diff rp yesterday?
Sorry, that was probably due to my phone. When ever I put an @ it instantly puts your name since it's the single one use most frequently. And now I know why I should never use my phone to post. That's embarrassing...
On another not so shameful note, I'm drawing the wolf as well. It mentions that the blue was on the tips of its body. What do you mean by that exactly?
Haha not shameful at all lol I just wasn’t sure if you were trying to key me in to join lol umm basically it’s green with blue highlights. Mainly the tail, ears, snout. And maybe one paw, I wanted to say there are runes in blue etched into its fur. They’re for protection and dominance as he’s the pack leader
I want to! I can't go an hour without drawing something. It's like a tick that never stops. What's more, I need to work on males either way. I'm behind. I'll be returning to University soon to help polish my 3D animation, and there will be issues if I can't draw a man. I've been putting it off for awhile and I think that's due to the fact that I'm stuck drawing the same people I always draw. Creating someone else's imagination guarantees proper practice for me, since that's what animators do constantly. And, I always say that I want to make someone smile every single day. If creating a drawing is what strikes someone to be happy, then every moment is worth it for me!

And, as well. Yet? Have you been practicing?
😭 nnnooo, I keep telling myself I need to. But right now that’s on a long list of things I need to do. First on my list is study and sign up for my test, again. Then learn guitar, then draw lol I need to make time for all 3 tings tho.
I often am told that I spread myself too thin. And, they're right. I won't fight that. I don't know what test you need to take, but I'm sure it is stressful. Learning how to play guitar or drawing can be relievers. Clearly, I don't know your life, so any advice from me isn't sound. Nonetheless, I do hope that you have ways to do things you enjoy doing.
I haven’t had time to do either of those lately. I learned 3 chords on guitar then stopped to deal with life 🤦🏽‍♂️ But I want to start again. I need to make myself make time lol it’s a test for my nursing license. Lpn. I failed twice so here’s to hoping third times the charm
Well when you take it let me know. I'll be sure to send all the hopes your way! And that's awesome that you are aiming for a nursing license. I could never do something like that. And, I agree, make yourself make time for such things.
Could you elaborate this line for me?:

"Yoouuuuu" He let out a growl, with a thought the shadow bindings holding Rosen's hands together.

Sorry if I'm missing something. Have the shadows let go, or was he just thinking about them?
They're gone. He controls them, so he released them with his thoughts. I should have written that out a bit more detailed. =/

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