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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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  • Alexis

    Alexis Lykanth-Self Proclaimed 'SpeedHunter'
    ใƒ‡ใ‚คใƒ–ใƒฌใ‚คใ‚ฏ/Day Break

    Lex lays on a couch, looking through her phone for anything interesting to do for the time being. After a bit of aimless scrolling, she sighs to herself and puts it away, thinking of something else to do. As tempting as it is, I can't just sit here and nap the entire time.. To take her mind of sleeping, she looks through her bag for any projects she could do to past the time.
    What to do.... I don't feel like drawing again, and I've already done my login bonuses for my games, so. Lex perks up to scan the room for anything interesting. There were several things happening spread all around the floor, but the thing that caught her eye the most was a conversation between several guys and a few girls.
    Those guys seem to be having an interesting conversation. Maybe I should join them.
    However, her eyes were not on the guys. They were on the mystery brown haired girl. Who's that? Recalling home room, there was only one brunette haired girl, and it didn't look like her. The blonde was obviously Eve and the Black haired girl was the Foodie girl, but she couldn't lay a finger in who this last girl was. Curious, she gets up and starts to approach the table. As she gets closer, the girl becomes more and more identifiable until it finally clicks
    Oh, it's that girl. Tsubaki as Eve called her, or Girl scout as I nicknamed her. I couldn't really tell with the hair change. Why did her hair change anyway? Wasn't it originally white?

    Eh, probably her quirk or something. There's my answer....However, I could take a closer look...

    Taking a look around to see if anyone is watching, she takes the opportunity to activate Accelerate for a few seconds to investigate further. Not too close, obviously. Everything around her slowing down as time became slower and slower, she goes the the table and eyes her down thoroughly. Noticing her rather soft looking brown hair, her sparkling hazel eyes and her red turtleneck that just complements her body and makes her stand and pop out rather well...
    I couldn't see her too well earlier but... she's surprisingly cute.
    She then turns to the group of guys near her, who look just as interested in her as she was. Looks like some of the guys agree with me as well. She chuckles to herself Well, as tempting as it is to continue staring, I think that's enough gawking for now. Walking away from the table and heading back into her original position before activating her quirk and deactivating Accelerate, she continues to head to the table to join in on the conversation.
    Well, might as well take this opportunity to try to make more friends. She looks at the kitchen area, where Bandages seems to be busy dealing with Flirt Flirt seems to be busy with Bandages anyway and Eve seems to be there too, so that makes things easier, or potentially worse... Just a few steps away from the table, she takes the opportunity to take one more deep breath and gather in her simple game plan Just be normal, but not too normal. Shouldn't be too hard. With that done, she grabs a chair, flips it round so that the backrest faces forward and takes a seat in it.
    "Yo." She introduces herself in her most friendly of an Kiwi accent as possible to everyone and smiling softly, attempting to present herself as friendly as possible. "Sorry if I'm interrupting something, but I don't think I know any of y'all, other than Eve, so Uh, hi, I'm Lex. Nice to meet ya."
    She quickly skims over the faces of the people at the table, taking in the relatively large group presented before her, making her feel slightly nervous.
    "Wow...there are a lot of y'all here." She says out loud while running a hand through her hair as a sign of nervousness. "I don't even know who to start with." Her eyes hover over the guys, Eve and Foodie, attempting to look as unsuspecting as possible before settling on Tsubaki, grinning widely and extending her hand out to her.
    "I guess I'll start with you. What's your name?"

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Uchiyama Isamu
"Red's my favorite color. Probably even more now, because you look really good in that sweater."

โ€œTsubaki, you look very nice in that outfit. Right, Uchi?โ€ Uchi had leaned back in his chair, deep in concentrated thought. He'd been sure his sushi record had been 13 kilos, but he'd been convincing himself that he could round it up to 14. 16, counting appetizers. Rei's words jarred him so much he nearly tipped over onto his back. Precariously regaining his balance, Uchi smiled nervously and nodded vigorously. "Oh y-yeah, definitely. " Lots of awesome things were red. Bloodied enemies, beef, strawberries, roses, Christmas...And Tsubaki, in that sweater. Thank goodness for Rei, that was probably a way better way to kick things off. Shooting Rei a quick glance of thanks, Uchi turned his attention back to Tsubaki.

"Most guys don't have the face to rock a buzzcut but it looks good on you... Mind if I touch?" Haha, huh? Wait, what'd she just say? Before he had a chance to react or respond, Tsubaki's hand was already extending towards his head. Time moved in slow motion; a bead of sweat formed on Uchi's temple as his mind raced to figure out what to do. Before he knew it, her hand was resting on his head, and she was gently running her fingers through his extremely short hair. She had a very light touch, her fingers almost tickling his scalp. Uchi relaxed and closed his eyes instinctively, enjoying the head pats. Damn, this must be what dogs feel like when they get head rubs. No wonder they like it so much, jeez. Usually, people didn't make comments about his hair, mostly due to the fact that there wasn't much to comment on. But Tsubaki had! After a moment, she stopped, thanked him, and spent a few moments eating. Uchi decided to do the same, remembering his hunger. His thoughts raced while he fumbled for a napkin. I can't be the only flustered one, right? She even said I was rocking the buzzcut. That has to mean something, right?

Picking up a dumpling with a shaky pair of chopsticks, Uchi chewed thoughtfully before swallowing. Although his focus hadn't been on the food, it was excellent. And it cleared his mind. Who'd cooked this? The giant with spiky black hair? Well, the guy knew what he was doing, that was for sure.

Anyway, back to Tsubaki. Now that he thought about it, Uchi decided to assume that she was probably just being friendly to him. Sure, she'd complimented his looks, and blushed, and patted his head. But maybe she just treated everyone that way. Uchi ate another couple of dumplings, his cheeks beginning to resemble a chipmunks. After all, they had basically just met through a class assignment, and there was no reason to jump to conclusions. Plus, he didn't really know anything about her. Like, at all. But I'd really like to learn. Keep it cool, talk like a normal person, and try to forget the head pats. Don't get ahead of yourself. Coming back to reality just in time to hear Tsubaki's gentle voice inquire about his quirk, Uchi swallowed with some difficulty, then turned to her and smiled cheerfully. His more composed attitude was immediately tested when Tsubaki called him "Uchi-kun." Uchi had to bite his lip to keep from giggling.

"I've got a quirk called Knockout, which I got from my dad. He's, uh, he was a pro hero a few years ago. Golden Touch was his name, if it sounds familiar. Everything I know about being a hero so far, I learned from him." Uchi unconsciously sat a little straighter and smiled a little more while talking about his dad, before slouching back into his resting position. "Anyway, my quirk lets me move faster, hit harder, and take more damage. The more I get hit, the more I can dish out, as long as I don't burn out or cross my threshold." Using his fingers, Uchi counted off a few more things about himself. "I like to eat, sleep, box, play violin, cuddle dogs, and watch old American action movies. Did I mention that i like to eat?" A little bit of blush returned to Uchi's cheeks, and he broke eye contact for a moment. "And yeah, uh, Red's my favorite color. Probably even more now, because you look really good in that sweater."

Before he could ask the same question of Tsubaki, the guy whose food they were eating, Sung Jin-woo, gave a little speech. After it was done, Uchi turned back to Tsubaki with poorly veiled excitement. "So, ah, Tsubaki-chan, what about you? Tell me about yourself."

Zatanna Zatanna

Tsubaki Aino

Tsuback smiled softly, thinking that it was cute that Uchi closed his eyes when she was rubbing his head, kind of like a dog would do. She also smiled because the food was so good. Jin Woo had done a very good job. Looking over to Uchi while she ate, she couldn't help but to let out a loud laugh. He looked like a chipmunk harvesting for winter. He was obviously really enjoying those dumplings.
Look at him... He's funny thats for sure. Obviously doesn't have any table manners. It sweet though...Very endearing? I bet he's got an appetite on him.she thought before focusing her attention to Uchi as he began to answer her questions.

"Golden Touch huh? I don't think I've heard of him but it's so cool that he was a pro hero! I'm sure he taught you lots of great things." Tsubaki could tell by the way Uchi sat up in his seat a little that his dad was important to him. A father should be a sons role model after all. Her dad was important to her. He was the whole reason she was here now.
"And I like the name knockout, it sounds really tough. Reminds me of the Rocky movies my dad liked. Your quirk sounds strong and very useful.. But I would worry about you hurting yourself too badly. I guess you can always count of me to ice your injuries." She said giving him a cheeky wink. She tried not to think of her dad for too long, not wanting to get emotional. Then he broke eye contact and started blushing. She softly frowned wondering what he was thinking about.

"And yeah, uh, Red's my favorite color. Probably even more now, because you look really good in that sweater."
"Oh! T-Thank you..." Tsubaki's cheeks started to burn, getting almost as red as her sweater. Her heart raced and she could feel the butterflies in her stomach. Looking away herself, she got stuck up in her own thoughts. Trying to find her words again. OH. MY. GOD. That was the sweetest thing I have ever heard. I think he likes me... Or maybe he's just being nice.... Either way I really gotta wear this sweater more. Thanks Vogue!

"Me? Okay... Well. My quirk is called Snow Heart! Basically, I can create snow using moisture around me and do stuff with it. But it has some... weird side affects. It's called Snow Heart because when I use my quirk, a deep freezing happens in my body. My hair turns white, my eyes turn blue, my skin turns cold and pale... Even my personality changes..." Realizing that she hadn't explained her quirk to anyone so far. Uchi was the only one who knew how it worked. Finishing her plate, she set the frozen napkin onto it and pushed it away from her a little.

"I like cute boys, American chick flics, pop and rock music, snow, fashion, shopping, training, anime... And if you like to eat your in luck because I like to cook! I was actually thinking about making American styled burgers tomorrow! I really like trying new recipes out... Think that's all the basics!"

Grabbing another plate and starting to fill it full of food, she stopped hearing the sound of another chair being brought to the table. Looking to see who it was she saw a girl with blonde hair and a red streak in her bangs. She introduced herself as Lex. I wonder why she said yo? I don't know many girls that say that... She also said 'y'all'... I wonder if she's American? That would be so cool!

Tsubaki looked at the girls hand for a moment, not expecting to be the first person she would choose to introduce themselves. Looking up and meeting Lex's eyes she returned the smile and offered her hand. She gave her a gentle hand shake, before going back to finishing the plate for Yudai.

"Oops! My name is Tsubaki! Nice to meet you Lex. Are you hungry? You should grab a plate." Giving Lex another smile before pushing her chair out a little and standing up.
"Now if you guys will excuse me, I will be right back..." she announced to everyone before putting her hand on Uchi's shoulder and looking down at him. "I really enjoyed this. I'll find you later 'kay?" She said, slipping one of her bracelets onto Uchi's wrist. Picking up the second plate she made her way up the stairs. Then once she reached the top she spotted three people. Yudai, Kaiyo, and a boy she didn't recognize. He was tall and pretty cute. Looked a little... dark though. She thought she caught his name something like Banjo. Approaching the group she smiled, awkwardly trying to wave with the full plate in hand.

"Hi everybody. Didn't know we we're having a party up here! My name is Tsubaki. I think I overheard your name was Kanjo?" she said giving him a small smile.

"They are having dinner downstairs. It's really good, You guys should go get some before it all gets eaten. Some of our classmates have quite the appetite. Yudai? I brought you a plate, I figured you wouldn't want to eat downstairs with everybody but you need to eat so I made you a plate!" Offering him a warm smile and handing him the plate.

"Sorry... I would've brought you guys some too but I didn't have enough hands." she said nervously flattening out her skirt and straightening out her turtleneck. It wasn't a total lie but it was a bit of strategy on her part. She was hoping on having a little one on one time with Yudai. She wanted to get to know him better after all. Training with him was great but they didn't talk much.
Looking back up at everybody. Realizing that she still had three bracelets left. She slipped two of them off her wrists and put one in each hand. She took a step closer to Yudai.
"May I? Sorry the colors are a little girlie..." she asked, looking into his eyes. She slipped her soft blue, white, and lavender colored beaded bracelet onto his wrist. Touching his warm hand with her cold one in the process. A soft blush came over her cheeks and she lingered for just a moment. Looking deep into his eyes, then moving on to Kaiyo. Doing the same thing with her, she gave her a smile as well. Then she turned her attention to Kanjo. "I'm sorry... I only have one left and I'm saving it for someone I don't have an excuse to talk too. I hope we can still be friends though!"

<3 Short Round Short Round , SpeedHunters73 SpeedHunters73 , San San , Beann Beann , Servant Servant , Slav Slav <3
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Saegusa Yasuchika
as I continue to bloom in that artificial flower garden
Having ignored the vast majority of the conversation and chaos around her, Chika made quick work of the modest plate of food before her. After delicately patting her mouth with a napkin, she set it down on her plate and stood up with her plate in hand.

โ€œThanks for the meal, Ryu-chan, Jin-woo.โ€
Chika said with a rare smile that contained a bit of her authenticity. It had been a while since she had tasted such carefully prepared homecooking; it was only right to give a word or two of gratitude at the very least. That said, a simple look around was enough to tell her that clearing the table and washing the dishes would be quite the task. She lifted her plate slightly to emphasize her next point.
โ€œIโ€™ll help with the cleanup later.โ€

She would have said more, but seeing that her cousin was rather agitated by Okemia somehow having taken his scarf hostage, she merely shrugged. There was an odd feeling at the knowledge that he kept such an old gift so preciously, but she couldnโ€™t tell whether it was satisfaction or guilt stemming from her indifference over that long-forgotten memory. Back then, had she given him the scarf with a smile cutely stretched from ear to ear? Whatever the case, she was sure that she was completely incapable of replicating that shy feeling from so many years ago.

โ€œIโ€™m sure she didnโ€™t mean any harm. Sheโ€™ll give it back, right?โ€
Chika said, directing the latter half of what she said towards Okemia. Her cousin wasnโ€™t the type to fly off the handle, but it wouldnโ€™t bode well for her to continue feeding his agitation. Well, her part was done. With her plate balanced in one hand and the other signaling a playful wave, the petite girl dismissed herself to move towards the opposite end of the table.
โ€œAnyway, Iโ€™ll be over there until itโ€™s time to clean up. You two need to save a spot for my bracelet~โ€

Without waiting for a reply, Chika skipped off. Even if Ryu and Mia decided against accepting her bracelet, she wouldnโ€™t count it as the worst offense. Unless the administration was using them to plan future partnerships, they were simply silly trinkets in the end. In any case, those two seemed like the popular sort. However, there was a one person she just maybe very slightly considered to possibly be a tentative friend. They had somehow been stuck together as classmates and occasional deskmates over the course of several years, after all.

โ€œA~ Ya~ No~โ€
Chika wrapped her arms playfully around the pinkette's shoulders.
โ€œItโ€™s been a while. How was the spar?โ€
Code By Nano
Kishiko Shinohara

1599871180139.pngIt would seem that Kishikoโ€™s initial barrage of questions had proven to be exceptionally effective, garnering an almost immediate shower of responses courtesy of Shunjiro. Throughout all of his explanations Kishi never appeared to be disinterested or losing focus in what was being said, matter of fact she seemed so much more attentive compared to her attitude during the classes from earlier that day. Not once did she attempt to interrupt the boy either, the nodding of her head and the occasional โ€œHuh.โ€ and โ€œOoh.โ€ were the only signs of her not being an indifferent statue. Most shocking of all she had stopped her ravenous devourment of the banquet to dedicate her full attention to Shunโ€™s clarifications. Soon the small lesson on โ€œShunjiro 101โ€ drew to a brief stop once he stated: "N-n-next time my mom sends m-me honey, I'll g-give you some...unless you don't want to, of c-c-course...A-anything else you'd like to know, K-K-Kishiko?" While the promise of such a seemingly delightful treat was cause for celebration the black-haired girl was left deeply pondering about that last part. What else was there for her to ask? During the day it seemed like she had developed a large enough list of questions to make any detective worth their salt to blush with embarrassment, but right now the only thing her brain could muster was the sounds of a dial-up internet connection. Kishi took a couple of seconds to enjoy a the final mouthfuls of what remained of her burger, still completely silent, before finally acknowledging Shunjiro once more. โ€œSo like, I had prepared so many more questions to pester you with, but they mostly revolved around you being a bee, not a wasp. Uuuuuh, I am gonna need a second, maybe a whole day to rethink them all.โ€ The girlโ€™s tone didnโ€™t express disappointment or anger at the previously mentioned reveal, she mostly seemed perplexed on what to ask of Shun next.

The moments that immediately followed were absolutely jam-packed with notable events. For starters we had the reintroduction of the angel of food herself, Evelyn, directing a friendly comment right her way. Kishiko countered it with one of her own: โ€œYou best believe I am, hopefully our dear gunslinger doesnโ€™t mess it up this time as well!โ€ Speaking of ruined food, Kishi was more than ready to body slam anybody who even dared consider the possibility of messing with her meal this time around. From the burger to the fish to even the veggies, everything was simply exquisite and a blessing to the paladar. Between the initial shock of seeing so much food and the following teachings of Shunjiro it had taken Kishi a decent amount of time to notice the welcomed invasion of her taste buds. Unlike before she wasnโ€™t mindlessly chowing down everything within her grasp anymore, instead Kishiko was now taking her sweet time to enjoy every bite. Granted the speed at which she did so would still be considered extreme, but hey by Kishi standards this was pretty tame. The girl made a proper mental note regarding the identity of the chefs: Jin and...RYU!? Well well well, looks like the scarfy boy had given Blueberry more of a reason to cling around him, that poor fool. And now that I am mentioning Ryu we might as well move on to a familiar sight involving the boy: He was dragging someone away and chastising his victim for some reason. Just like last time with Tama however Kishi lacked all of the confrontationโ€™s reasoning, all that she knew was that this time the affected party was a girl. Oh so now heโ€™s fine with being rough with girls!? Kishiko just HAD to find out how this mystery girl had managed to get such a reaction, because a physical assault in the form of a greeting sure as hell didnโ€™t work. And finally like some sort of tiny Beetlejuice Tama had finally materialized into the dining area, though rather than immediately looking to shove one of her bracelets onto his face Kishi simply waved at him from her seat. Soon heโ€™ll be properly targeted, but right now she needed to do something important.

1599871633073.pngKishiko took the final bites off a cooked fish, the poor creature had been reduced to its bare bones. She still had more food to tackle, but suddenly her words began stampeding towards Shunjiro: โ€œIโ€™ll be honest with you Shun, your personality just doesnโ€™t fit your looks. That stuttering, your overall shy demeanor and the fact that you are immediately discarding the possibility of stinging me all are beginning to bother me. Such a badass appearance is absolutely wasted with your puny way of actingโ€ฆโ€ Kishiโ€™s words were cold, as was her expression. The truth was that ever since the cafeteria incident and the introduction of this wasp boy Kishiko had taken notice of the boyโ€™s more meek seeming attitude. Initially she had dismissed her assumptions and simply assured herself that she needed to properly talk with Shun to get a better feel for his identity, but now that they had spoken one-on-one Kishi just couldnโ€™t hold in her disappointment any longer. A short pause followed. โ€œBUT, like hell am I gonna let you stay that way!โ€ The shift of Kishikoโ€™s demeanor was sudden enough to cause whiplash, the girl was now brimming with life and energy yet again, that grim look from before now being replaced by a passionate smirk. โ€œListen, from now on Iโ€™m gonna make it my mission to see you become someone worthy of donning the mantle of heroism. You may cry, you may scream and you may hate me, but when I am done with you the ones doing all three of those things will be any villain that stands in your way, you hear me!?โ€ Kishi exclaimed before slamming one of her bracelets right in front of Shun. โ€œThis flimsy little bracelet will seal this promise, so take it and guard it with all of your might. I think-, no, I KNOW you can do this. And guess what? Weโ€™re starting right now! Your first task is to go get some more food, you heard Jin before, this miserable little excuse of a meal will simply not suffice! So, what are you waiting for? Get to it!โ€ And with those final words of encouragement out of the way Kishiko proceeded the gently shove Shunjiro, urging him to do as she said before food began running out.

Mentions: Britt-21 Britt-21 (Ryu) MajesticCoal MajesticCoal poi poi (Jojo) MystiicWitch MystiicWitch (Mia)
Interactions: Refaulted Refaulted Britt-21 Britt-21 (Eve) poi poi (Tama, just a wave)

S A I T O U :: O K E M I A
Location :: Taiyou Academy - Cafeteria/Computer Area Mood :: Confused/Curious Interacting w/ :: poi poi Britt-21 Britt-21 Mentioned :: Nano Nano (Yukiri)

Okemia was currently entertained by the ginger haired boy sitting next to her. Hitodamaโ€™s mysterious interest in being a villain made the pinkette gravitate towards him a little more. Her original plan of wanting to swindle him over was not an option; so instead she chose to see him as a potential friend or as a sibling. Said boy was currently eating from his rice bowl (and at one point, seemed to be waving at Kishiko). โ€Slow down there my little villain, I wouldnโ€™t want you to die by choking to death ~โ€ She teased as she gently pushed his right hand down. Before she was even able to continue her cheerful banter, Ryu magically appeared next to her. His eyes showed nothing but pure vexation and that made her remember that she was wearing his scarf.

The sudden movement of being pulled out of the chair Okemia was sitting on startled the poor girl. Her available hand was reaching out to Hitodama with a silent plea of โ€˜help me!โ€™ or โ€˜if I die, carry my legacy for meโ€™ in her emerald eyes. His mouth formed an โ€˜oโ€™ for a moment in response. โ€œEhh? Itโ€™s Raiu-uni! Ohโ€•okay, bye bye I guess!โ€. She wasnโ€™t expecting this sort of reaction from Ryu or his lack of acknowledgement towards Hitomada.

In a blink of an eye, she was now pressed against the wall and was given no option to escape at the moment. His hand felt heavy against the wall as it creaked against the weight Ryu was currently applying. Emerald eyes clashed against heterochromia ones while the air around them seemed mildly tense. All of those Otome game scenarios were rushing in and it made her feel somewhat dizzy. She felt like she mightโ€™ve ruined her chances to get that perfect score. So it was at that moment that she decided to kick her gears down and halt her game.

His adorable little rant helped her mind snap back into reality, โ€ Oh, Iโ€™m sorry if that bothered youโ€ฆโ€. Her hands were now unwrapping the scarf around her neck and instead placed it around his shoulders. โ€Tama-kun actually had it and I bumped into him on my way down the stairsโ€ฆ Heโ€™s rather small so I didn't see him at first.โ€ Okemia sheepishly confessed with a soft giggle. The position they were in no longer bothered her by the looks of it.

Her eyes gleamed momentarily when she remembered her original plan. The bracelet was now in Okemiaโ€™s grasp and she simply grabbed onto Ryuโ€™s spare hand to slip the jewelry onto his wrist. โ€Take this as my apology Ryu-san ~ I hope we can start off the right foot the next time we bump into each other..โ€ She paused while she took the moment to step out of the position they were in. โ€Iโ€™ll go ahead and leave first ~โ€ Sending him off with a wave, she now headed off to bother Yukiri who was probably lurking around somewhere.




...jin woo
... MajesticCoal MajesticCoal
... Jenzo Jenzo
... MystiicWitch MystiicWitch

... Britt-21 Britt-21


Presumably beckoned by the appetizing scent wafting throughout the dorm, more and more students who were previously dispersed began to congregate to the dining area, one group at a time. At some point, Ryunosuke only grunted at Jouhouโ€™s earlier comment about the unforeseen nature of him and Jin Woo being able to cook to the extent they did. It seemed that they were about to finish when Jin Woo decided to also address his comment.

โ€I donโ€™t believe we have met. You were one of the late arrivals. I am Sung Jin-Woo. Pleased to meet you and please donโ€™t fire your gun in the house,โ€ he said, and upon hearing the last part, Jouhou sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck before giving a reply of his own.

โ€œLikewise. Nameโ€™s Kajou Jouhou, and I know I already said this before, but you can call me Jojoโ€•formalities arenโ€™t really important to me,โ€ said the boy in a friendly manner. โ€œAnyway, Iโ€™ll try not to do that again, though given how things have been going so far, I canโ€™t make any promises, aha.โ€ It ended up sounding more like a casual joke than anything else, but the words did hold some truth to them. After all, in a building with (seemingly) crazy quirked teens training to become heroes, anything could happen, and a portion of those theoretical realities would result in Jouhou shooting. At least, thatโ€™s the way he saw it.

When the table was fully set and everyone began to eat, Jouhou fixed himself his own plate and a bowl of rice; there honestly wasnโ€™t anything spectacular or worth noting about his diet. His attention was soon diverted to the male with glasses sitting near him. He looks pretty distressed, Jouhou internally noted, First he looked around at everyone, and now heโ€™s looking atโ€ฆ the boy followed Hitoshiโ€™s gaze to his arm where Evelynโ€™s bracelet was on. Hmmhmm, I see.

โ€œLet's start a boy band, you could totally pull off the little brother vibe.โ€ Hitoshiโ€™s voice cut through Jouhouโ€™s thoughts, the brunet talking with a warm smile, and seemingly waiting for some kind of reaction. Jouhou blinked.

โ€œThatโ€™s, hm, pretty random.โ€

โ€œIโ€™m joking of course. I canโ€™t imagine that type of stuff would interest you. My name is Hitoshi, in case you didnโ€™t get a chance to catch it.โ€ Jouhou nodded, finally returning the smile. He figured as much.

โ€œIโ€™m not exactly a music person, so probably not,โ€ Jouhou agreed, reaching his chopsticks for the rice bowl. โ€œNice to meet you though, Hitoshi! Iโ€™m sure you know my name from fifth period introductions, but you can call me Jojo. Letโ€™s get along, yeah?โ€

โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โœฆ timeskip the next morning!

Jouhou found himself waking up earlier than his alarm, which was commonplace for the black haired male. It didnโ€™t take him too long to do his usual morning routine and get ready, so by the time he was dressed back in his school uniform and all finished, he decided to linger around the kitchen, making halo tea for himself. Again, this was also somewhat commonplace for him.

Leaning against the kitchen counter, he took a sip from the ceramic mug and looked at the five of his bracelets that were on his wrist. I can just give one to Eve-kun the next time I see her, and, hmmโ€ฆ His mind tracked back to dinnertime the night prior. I talked with Hitoshi and Jin Woo a bit yesterday, too. I donโ€™t think itโ€™d be bad to exchange bracelets with them either, assuming they want to. A few minutes of silence passed with Jouhou taking his time drinking the tea, which was quite a nice contrast to how things were in the dorms last night. He found amusement in his classmatesโ€™ antics, but some quiet here and there wouldnโ€™t hurt anyone, he figured.

Speaking of classmates, a boy with a head of silver locks suddenly came into view, also about ready for the day. If Jouhou could recall correctly, his name was Akagane. He wasnโ€™t one of the more crazy ones from what Jouhou could tell, mostly him having just casually tagged along with people or chilling, doing his own thing. Taking another sip, the black haired male gave a nod of acknowledgement.

โ€œMorningโ€ฆโ€ he greeted. โ€œAkagane, was it?โ€

โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โœฆ

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Yudai Oshiro
This kid was knocked out today? What the fuck is going on around this school?
Kaiyo had apparently seen him before and from what he heard, somebody had their way with him and he may of had an idea of who that could be. It was probably that bitch Evelyn. He felt his anger flare up briefly before receding again. Yudai refocused his attention on Kanjo as he began to speak, his red eyes resting on him. His eyes narrowed as he listened to his excuses, not believing in any of them, "Yeah, sure." He said a bit skeptical of Kanjo's intentions. He stared at the extended hand for a few moments, considering ignoring it but gave him a weak handshake instead. He was quite suspicious of Kanjo, his eyes widening as Kanjo handed him a bracelet. He slid it onto his wrist but he made no move to hand his over, he wanted to save his for people that weren't insufferable.

Yudai held back a groan when he heard a question about his quirk, already having answered that damn question several times before. His response was short and simple, "I take hits and give them out." He didn't explain his quirk well but he did not care right now. Hearing that question repeatedly was annoying. His attention shifted away from Kanjo to Tsubaki just as she arrived and his eyes immediately moved onto the plate she was holding. It seemed someone had made dinner and the thought of having dinner hadn't even crossed his mind. His stomach growled, glad that the plate that had been brought up was his. "Thanks." He said resisting the urge to eat right here and now. His eyes moved back to Tsubaki just as she was beginning to touch him, "What are you-." His words were cut short as she moved her bracelet onto his wrist, her lingering hand making him have a light blush. The eye contact didn't help and he couldn't hold it, averting his eyes to somewhere else. Why are all these girls so touchy? That whole ordeal had made him flustered, visibly so. He couldn't exactly slid his bracelet off as one of his hands were occupied by a plate. All he wanted to do now was focus on his food.


Yudai's alarm abruptly woke him up and he was quickly trying to shut the damn thing off. He hit the alarm a few times forcefully, making it finally shut off. He slumped back into his bed, closing his eyes for a few moments before forcing himself out of bed. The night had been hotter than he had been expecting, having taken off his shirt to try and help with it. It was possibly one of his worst night's of sleep he's ever had and he's had quite a few rough ones. Getting on his school uniform was harder than he expected, his tiredness made it all sloppy and he looked like a mess. His hair was his only saving grace, tying it into a neat ponytail.

Once he finished his morning routine, he finally made his way into the kitchen, not even acknowledging Jouhou or Akagane as he made his way over to an empty couch. He slumped onto it, laying his whole body across it. His body was extremely tired, making it hard for him to do basic functions. He closed his eyes for a few moments, possibly to catch a few minutes of rest before everybody else woke up and things became loud. He was able to catch a few moments of rest before something sat on his chest making him open his eyes in surprise. "What the fuck!" Yudai yelled out in surprise as someone was now sitting on his chest. "Get the fuck off me!"

Interactions: SpeedHunters73 SpeedHunters73 Beann Beann Zatanna Zatanna Britt-21 Britt-21
Mentions: poi poi MystiicWitch MystiicWitch
Uchiyama Isamu
"Careful there, grandfather! Eggs are expensive!"
Dressed in a tank top and gray sweatpants, Uchi snored loudly, tangled in his sheets. He woke to the sound of his phone alarm beeping insistently. Blinking drowsily, he realized he was face down in a puddle of his own drool, which had slightly saturated his pillow. Groaning in sleepy disgust, Uchi flipped the pillow over and flipped onto his back, staring at the ceiling. With a stomach full of Jin-Woo's delicious food, he'd slept quite soundly. After a few moments, he threw the covers off and swung his legs over the edge of the bed, rising into a sitting position. Rubbing his eyes, Uchi yawned and got to his feet. 5:45 AM, time for some roadwork. Pulling on a black tracksuit jacket and stuffing some money into his pocket, Uchi slipped into some sneakers and descended the stairs to the first floor. The kitchen, dark and lonely, was empty. Stepping outside of the dorm, Uchi stretched, inhaling the slightly humid morning air. The budding sunrise painted the city with bright yellows and oranges diluting the inky blackness of night. The Taiyou dorm was located in a sleepy part of Osaka; the only sign of life was a street cat, dozing lazily on the pavement next to the dorm's entrance. Checking a route that lasted a few miles on his phone, Uchi slipped the device into a running armband armband and started his morning jog.

On his way back to the dorm, Uchi saw an old man setting up an Okonomiyaki stall on the side of the street. Struggling with a propane can, the gray bearded elder accidentally elbowed a veritable tower of raw eggs. Uchi's eyes widened as he realized how many people were about to lose out on breakfast. One of the most important meals of the day! This horrendous disaster would be averted, if he had anything to say about it. Uchi screamed, sprinted forward, and dove to steady the tower of eggs. Huffing and puffing, he breathlessly straightened the stack before striking a heroic pose. "Careful there, grandfather! Eggs are expensive!" Thinking that Uchi had been a street thug preparing to mug him, the old man raised his cane and smashed it down onto Uchi's forehead. Uchi cringed and saw stars. Realizing his mistake, the stall owner bowed and apologized. Lowering his cane and laughing heartily, the old man's crows feet crinkled as he smiled at the hero-in-training. "Sorry about that, youngster. Can't be too careful these days y'know? The name's Kamogawa, by the way. Mind helping me with the rest of this stuff?"

After helping Kamogawa set up his stall, Uchi bought 3 Okonomiyaki to-go and promised to return. Humming cheerfully but rubbing his forehead gingerly, he finished the short walk back to the dorm. Stepping inside and placing the big bag of breakfast on the table in the main dining area, Uchi retrieved a clean student uniform from his room, showered, brushed his teeth, and changed. Throwing his old clothes into the laundry room, he walked back into the common area, noticing that a couple of people were up. Uchi smiled and nodded good morning on his way past them. They were unfamiliar to him, but maybe he could get to know them better later. Another classmate with long brown hair was sprawled on the couch, apparently asleep. Mood. Sitting down, Uchi opened the plastic bag and inhaled the smell of breakfast happily, preparing to eat.
  • "Lex"

    Alexis Lykanth-Self Proclaimed 'SpeedHunter"
    ใƒ‡ใ‚คใƒ–ใƒฌใ‚คใ‚ฏ/Day Break

    Despite Lex already knowing her name, Tsubaki didn't know her, so naturally, she introduced herself to her. "Tsubaki? Well, nice to meet ya." When she brings up that everyone else have served themselves but her, she blushes in embarrassment, running a hand through her hair and smiling sheepishly.
    "Ehehe, good point. I guess I'll serve myself right now." Heading over to grab a plate and serving everything that looked appetizing to her, she eventually fills up her plate and returns, exactly when Tsubaki announces that she'll leave temporarily for a bit, excusing herself ahead of time
    "Na, your alright, go ahead. I can wait." In the heat of the moment, she uses her quirk to quietly slip one of her own bracelets into Tsubaki's wrist, discreetly returning to her original spot before deactivating her quirk. She notices her talking to 2 guys in particular about something that she can't quite pick up before leaving, specifically the 2 guys crushing on her. She seems to be really into them 2... Something tells me trying to convert her is futile. Well, as long as those 2 don't mess with me, I have no problem with it. I just wanted to be friends to begin with.. She then looks down at her plate and eats like she normally does. This plate of food wasn't really what she ate most of the time, but hey, it was tasty.
    Man, this is good. I wonder who made it? She turns to the kitchen, where she recalls seeing Bandages and someone else cooking. Upon closer inspection, it turns out the other cook is the guy that tried to introduce himself at homeroom. Jin, was it? Huh. They don't seem to be the type to cook. Well, appearances can be deceiving, I guess. Turning back to her plate, she slowly chows down the entire thing before placing her dish in the sink, washing it and heading upstairs.
    Well, I'm satisfied for now. I became friends with one person, maybe 2 and that's a okay with me. Opening her dorm and laying on the bed, she notices that it's still pretty early for her to sleep.
    I guess I have time to play Need For Speed Heat for a bit. Booting up her Playstation and turning on her T.V., she goes through her game inventory and selects Heat, starting the game up while Lex went through her secret compartment, pulling out one of her waifu pillows to cuddle with for the night. Sitting in her bed, she plays for an hour, playing through a decent amount of the game's career mode before deciding it's time to sleep. Putting her controller away and shutting down both her PS4 and TV, she lays in bed, gripping her Saki Waifu pillow and shuts off her lamp, immediately going to sleep.

    At around 1:00 in the night, Lex's phone vibrates vigorously on the nightstand, the noise forcibly causing her to wake up. Turning on her lamp, she picks up, Caller ID: Kori.
    "Ugh, what do you want?" She asks, clearly annoyed by someone disturbing her nap time.
    "Hey, Alex. I need a favor." A teenage sounding female says from the other side.
    "Right now? Don't you know I have school in the morning?" She quietly complains, attempting to not wake any of her other classmates.
    "Yeah, but I already placed some bets but my car ain't running too well."
    She quietly groans, annoyed that she had to do a favor this late. "I thought I told you not to get into bets you know you can't win!" She whispers angrily.
    "Hey, I could win if my car was running, and you still owe me for the thing, remember?" She tells her.
    Rubbing her eyes and checking the time, she hesitantly responds with
    "Fine. I'll be there in a bit."
    "Great, I have a loaner FD3S in Garage 2B at my apartment, the code is 2647. I'll send you the address in a bit" Kori tells her.
    "Garage 2B, Mazda RX-7, 2647, gotcha. Bye."
    "Byeee" She responds before hanging up.
    Lex sighs, puts her phone away and gets up, throwing on some clothes and shoes for the night.
    "What an idiot. Making me save her ass in the middle of the night." Using Accelerate, she zooms out of the building and onto a street a considerable distance away from the school before shutting down her quirk.
    "What a pain." Walking away, she follows the GPS directions Kori sent her to Kori's house, which doesn't't take long considering it's location is close to the school.


    Some time later, Lex arrives to Kori's house. Heading to her respective garage unit, she enters the code into the keypad and it unlocks.
    I remember her RX-7. If it still runs like I remember, things are gonna be alright. Looking inside, she finds not the rear end of the iconic FD3S, but of something else entirely.
    A Pantera? Ugh, this dumbass... Rolling her eyes, she pulls out her phone and speed dials Kori, resisting the temptation to tell her off.
    "Hey bruv..." "You said a Mazda, right?"
    "Yep. What about it?" She responds, clearly confused.
    "Then Why the fuck do I see a Pantera parked here?!"
    Kori gasps in a sudden realization. "Ah, shit, I forgot!" She exclaims sheepishly from the other side.
    "What do you mean you forgot?" Lex raises her voice in annoyance.
    Kori starts her explanation.
    "My boyfriend borrowed my RX-7 for the week and left me his car. I fixed it, but it's has a few rough edges hanging about."
    Groaning with frustration, she angrily tells her "I swear, if this thing breaks down during the race, I'll beat the living shit out of you."
    "Hey, it's modified! I put a decent amount of money into it! Is that good enough for you?" She tells her, In an attempt to calm her down from her eminent anger.
    Lex takes a deep breath and sighs, looking at the DeTomaso again before hesitantly responding with
    "Whatever. At least it's better than nothing. I'll be there in a bit." Hanging up, she crouches down and further inspects the car for any faults.
    "P-Zero's. Ceramics." she says to herself, looking at the modified wheels of Kori's loaner. She heads to the back of the car, pops the hood and inspects the engine. "V8 swap and A supercharger. Not bad." She closes the hood, steps back and take a final look at the Italian super car. "I can work with this. At least if it doesn't breakdown, like Panteras typically do." Heading Inside the car she takes the keys hidden in the sun visor, it starts with no obvious problems or hiccups.
    "Let's hope that doesn't happen."


    Pulling into a secluded abandoned parking garage, Lex comes up to security, who asks for her driver alias, typical for the street racing scene to ask in order to not accidently let in cops. With an annoyed tone, she tells him
    "Driver 73, filling in for the idiot Kori Miyano" She holds up her official ID Badge for reassurance, a identification provided to all street racers to prove their Identity, like a two step identification.
    His head perks up at the sound of her alias, a rather large name in the street racing scene in Osaka. "73? Wow, I never thought I'd actually-."
    She rolls her eyes, annoyed.
    "Whatever, I don't have time for this, so just tell me where she is."
    "Oh, right. Top Floor in the Mona Lisa Replica. You are good to go."
    "Alright." Mona Lisa Replica? No wonder she wants be to bail her out of here! I told her that car was a piece of rubbish! Shaking her head at her stupidity, she drives up to the top floor and searches for her, which doesn't take long, considering she's part of a relatively small group of girls here and the elephant in the room, a replica of Han's Nissan Silvia from Tokyo Drift. Popping out of her loaner car, Lex puts up her hoodies hood on and approaches a rather attractive girl with blue hair, green eyes and hoodie on top of her school uniform, drenched from standing in the rain for sometime.
    "There you are, you gorgeous idiot." Lex says with an ambiguous tine of voice.
    Kori's head perks up and immediately, she tries to come up with an excuse
    "Sorry. I know you have hero school now, but my S15 broke down and I can't just back ou-."
    "See, I told you it would break down!" She cuts her off in annoyance. "I told you not to get that POS. Did you listen? Nope!"
    Kori attempts to come up with a good excuse on why she got the Silvia as opposed to restoring the RX-7, to no avail. "The only reason I didn't listen to you was because the car looked really good on paper! It's the Mona Lisa!"
    That stupid and poor excuse of an answer is enough for her to start telling her off. "I couldn't care less if it looks like the Mona Lisa or a fuckin Koenigsegg! That doesn't make it any less of a rust bucket! All of its stats are horrendous, the bodykit looks like it was ripped from Tesco-"
    Kori waves a finger in front of her, signaling her to quiet down "Ahahah, remember, you still owe me." Upon hearing her say that, Lex backs away and going a tiny bit red. "Damnit. You're lucky I still owe you or I wouldn't have come to your rescue." She responds, crossing her arms and looking away angrily.
    "Remember? One day, the poor, tough, helpless Alexis, came to me for advice on-" Kori start mildly teasing her
    Lex lays a finger on her lips, making her stop immediately. Flustered by remembering what happened that day, she shakily tells her.
    "Don't remind me."
    Kori rolls her eyes and smiles mischievously after getting the reaction she wanted from her. "Okay, whatever. Now, reckon you can pull it off?"
    Considering the upgrades, her ability, and the other racer's abilities, she comes to a simple conclusion. "I got the Pantera with what I assume are the basics, contrary to the RX-7 with professional mods and tuning. If I had the Mazda, things could have been much easier, but it's not exactly impossible with the Pantera."
    Recalling her personal experience with the car, Kori asks her "I can't handle that thing. What make you think you can?"
    Lex turns around and smirks at her in response "Watch me." Popping the hood up on the Pantera, the pair head to work optimizing every tiny detail to maximize performance for the race.
    (OOC: Insert work and tuning montage here.)

    Contains Explicit Lyrics, In case you wanted to know.


    Having optimized the performance of the Pantera for this short sprint, Lex and Kori take at look at their competition while heading to their spot on the start grid. An Evo VII, A Skyline and a Supra, all Japanese and worthy opponents for the European Import.

    "Alright, I'll be slow off the line with the Supra 'cause Rear Wheel Drive and rain, but if I play my cards just right and catch up in the corners and the straights...I can take this." Lex confidently states the basic plan to Kori.
    Kori looks over to their opponents and starts to worry a bit.
    "Really? Are you sure?"
    "Trust me on this. I've been doing this longer than you." Lex reassures her with beaming confidence. Still a bit skeptical, Kori nods. "Okay. I'll leave it to you." Before relaxing on the passenger side of the car as the race preparations enter the final stages. Lex closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, and opens them back up, getting into her 'zone'.

    With the lights set up, the racers prepare for the race
    Yellow. 2...
    Green! Go! Putting a foot on the clutch petal, revving up and releasing the clutch at just the right moment, the car launches and as predicted, behind the other cars, due to its excess horsepower making it wheelspin in the wet. However, it doesn't take long for the Supercharger to kick in and reel in the others, easily passing the Toyota and landing Lex right behind the Nissan.
    "Right" Lex says out loud before slowing down and turning alongside the others. While she corners better than the others, it's countered by the car's rear wheel drive-ness risking her to spin out in this condition, giving the other drivers and opening. When she straightens up, she starts catching the others.
    "Hairpin Left" Engaging the car's handbrake and slowing down to a comfortable speed, she engages it, making the Pantera drift round the corner with seemingly no problems and easily overtaking the other racers. Now ahead, she straightens up and steps in it, creating a decent distance between her and the other racers, with the exception of the Mitsubishi.
    "Another right" She announces, slowing down, turning and stepping on the gas again.
    "Tunnel" Lex announces at the area around the car goes dark entering the tunnel, the only thing visible being the road directly ahead of her, and the headlights of the Evo behind. The Evo tries to get past, but Lex prevents them from doing so.
    "Right again" Emerging from the tunnel and back to the wet, Lex calls out the corner before turning right, The Evo following close behind, seemingly just as experienced as Lex is.
    Seeing Lex drive around this track like it's second nature and without problem amazes the other girl.
    "Wow. How many times have you done this track?"
    Lex chuckles at her question "Way too many times," As she continues shifting up to higher speeds, the sound, flashing lights and the lowering of the crossing gate makes Lex suddenly start panicking at what that means.
    "Train? Who activated the train?"
    "Right, I forgot. The higher ups decided to let the train run for higher stakes!"
    "Why don't you tell me this shit ahead of time?!" She shouts at her, panicking.
    "I told you, I forgot!" She shouts.
    "Damnit, woman! Well, I guess it's no better time to let those NOS bottles loose!" Turning around for a few seconds, she activated the 2 Nitrous bottles at the rear of the car.
    "Wait, are you seriously-" Kori starts
    "Yep. Fuck it! It's gonna be close!" She cuts her off, turning back around and looking at the road.
    "No, we're gonna die!" Kori squeals, covering her face in fear and making her as small as possible, not wanting to see what happens next.
    Lex goes as left as possible to give her as much time as possible, the Mitsubishi in second following close behind to attempt the same feat. The Nissan and the Toyota abandon the idea, swerving to a halt, not wanting to risk their lives over one race. With 2 racers still in the race, both Lex and the Mitsubishi driver activate their Nitrous kit in order to get the extra acceleration they need to perform such feat. Now side by side, in a desperate attempt to pull ahead, Lex uses Blind Attack, allowing the car to surpass it's limits for just a short few seconds by shutting down it's pop up headlights, giving the car significantly more aerodynamics. Just ahead, Lex crosses the train cross in 1st, the Mitsubishi crossing the line in second just as the train passes by.

    "Holy fuck!" Lex shouts, adrenaline coursing though her veins as she slows the car down and activating its lights before its engine explodes.
    "Are we dead?" Kori says weakly, refusing to remove her hand from her face in genuine fear.
    "Nope!" Lex shouts, chuckling at the sensation. "That was closer than I thought! Nothing like driving at 200 miles per hour to get the adrenaline high, you know?"
    Kori slowly removes her hand from her face, "Yeah. Yeah."
    Noticing her arms wrapped tightly round her's, Lex tells her "Stop clinging on me. You have a boyfriend to do that to."
    "Well, I wasn't expecting to nearly die today!" She bites back angrily.
    "I know it was close, but it's your fault for not telling me ahead of time!" Lex counters.
    "I told you, I'm sorry!" Kori tells Lex, giving her a genuine 'I'm sorry' face. Seeing her look down makes Lex back down from dissing her, ending the conversation with a simple "Yeah, whatever."


    "Good Race." Lex extends her hand to the Evo driver after pulling over.
    "Yeah. You're pretty good yourself." Kori adds.
    The Evo driver turns around from what he's doing and slowly returns Lex's handshake.
    "Thanks." He quietly says. "Nice to finally race with you, 73. Let's do it again sometime." is the only thing he says before getting inside his car and driving away.
    "Yeah." With that done, Lex turns and bluntly says "I'm assuming that wasn't all there was to today, right?"
    "Nope. I had a full day planned today."
    Lex sighs then gets up. "Figured. Welp, time to get to work, they ain't gonna wait on us!" Lex tells her, spinning the keys around her finger and walks to the Pantera, only for Kori to suddenly grab her wrist. "Hey, I been wanting to ask.. what's that thing on your wrist?" She looks directly at her bracelet, the one Eve gave her yesterday.
    "Oh, this?" She asks.
    "This, uh, belongs to one of me mates at school." She simply explains
    "A girl?"
    "Obviously. Her name is Evelyn." She states.
    "She pretty?" Kori asks, curious of her new friend.
    She goes a tiny bit red at the question
    "Of course. She is... something else entirely, but I like her."
    "What do you mean by like?" Kori asks mischievously
    "You know, like friends." Turning her head, she plays with her hair a bit, an obvious sign that it's a little more than that.
    "You crushing on her, aren't you?" Kori asks her, going straight to the point.
    Quickly getting flustered by the question, Lex quickly responds with
    "Nope." However, that only made her sound even more suspicious. "Okay, maybe a little bit? It's the first day. Give it some time." She truthfully says.
    "Okay, alright." Kori then, mischievously brings up. "You think she's the one?"
    Unsure how to answer her question, she looks down at her bracelet and says "Well...I guess time will tell, eh? Let's head back out there, shall we?"
    "Yep." She gets up "Let's kick some ass, girl!"


    A considerable amount of time later, with all the bets being won, Lex goes back to Taiyou with the Pantera, which Kori loaned to her for the time being until her boyfriend returned. Having fixed her S15, she heads home, finally letting Lex drive homes, free from her grasp. The loud rumble of the V8 makes any attempt of Lex arriving quietly and unsuspecting futile. Parking the Pantera next to Eve's bike, she turns it off, gets out with the keys in her hands and uses her quirk to head back inside her dorm and heads to sleep, unseen by anyone else.

    Waking up after what happened in the night, Lex groans as she forcibly wakes her entire body up from an obvious mild lack of sleep and gets ready for the day Ugh, I feel like shit... Frickin Kori and her bets. She thinks to herself as she does stretches inside the shower to remove the ache in her joints. Slipping on her spare male uniform and re hiding her Saki body pillow, she heads downstairs to the main living area, ignoring everyone else in the room to make her own breakfast for the day. It isn't much, per say, but it's enough for her to not make her morning any more miserable. Rubbing her eyes and laying back on one of the couches away from Yudai and someone else on top of him which she couldn't care less about right now, and checks her phone for any login bonuses. Having dealt with that and finishing her breakfast, she washes her dishes and lays there on the couch, bored and a tiny bit fatigued from the lack of things happening around her. Pulling out a piece of paper, she decides to Sketch something to pass the time as the others start to pile into the room with her.​

Last edited:
Aikawa Kaiyo

โ€œNice to meet you too, Kanjo.โ€ Kaiyo smiled, returning his handshake right after Yudaiโ€™s. She was a little surprised that he had offered the two of them bracelets but she supposed he was trying to finish his assignment as quickly as possible. โ€œOh, thank you! Here.โ€ Accepting his bracelet and sliding it onto her wrist, she quickly took off one of her own, handing it to him. Having just met Kanjo, she didnโ€™t really feel comfortable offering him the bracelet the same way she did with Yudai but she felt obligated to give him one regardless. Before he turned to leave, he stopped to ask her and Yudai about their quirks. It was a common question she expected for the first day of school but she couldnโ€™t help but giggle slightly at Yudaiโ€™s response. It was obvious he had grown a little tired of explaining his. โ€œI can transform into a...demon.โ€ Normally she would have explained her quirk proudly but after her interaction with Jin, she was a little hesitant to do so.

Hearing a familiar voice, she turned her head to see Tsubaki carrying a plate of food. She watched her offer the plate to Yudai before giving him one of her bracelets. Kaiyo raised an eyebrow slightly at the display in front of her. She wasnโ€™t quite sure what she was feeling but it was borderline jealousy and she didnโ€™t like experiencing that. โ€˜Thereโ€™s no reason to be jealousโ€ฆโ€™ She reassured herself, offering Tsubaki a warm smile as she was offered one of her bracelets as well. โ€œOh, these colors are so cute. Thank you, Tsubaki.โ€ So far she had acquired three unique bracelets, her wrist already colorful. Kaiyo handed her third bracelet to Tsubaki, her black and gold beads definitely opposite to that of both Yudai and Tsubakiโ€™s.

She eyed the food on Yudaiโ€™s plate and figured she would go downstairs later; she wanted to finish speaking with Yudai about training before she went off to do her own thing. Kaiyo spent about twenty minutes listening to him about his plans for training. One hundred push-ups, one hundred sit-ups, one hundred squats and a ten kilometer run everyday after school and sparring to top it all off. That...seemed a little too much but she was determined to prove that she was worth training. Yudai was kind enough to share some of the food that Tsubaki brought him with her so after their talk she didnโ€™t need to go back downstairs. Instead, she returned to her own room to tackle some of her homework.

[Timeskip | Collab with Blue]

To say that Hajiro cried himself to sleep, it was a painfully true statement but he probably wouldn't say it in those exact words or in fact mention he did at all. He fell asleep listening to music late last night and he forgot to charge his phone. He plugged it in and set it on the stylish red nightstand that he and his grandmother had brought in, along with other red-themed furniture, a couple of days ago. Nothing like hauling furniture and other stuff to a dorm room a day before your own birthday. Despite his grandmother's robust appearance in comparison with her contemporaries, he did most of the heavy lifting or rather his quirk did. He felt bad about even getting her involved in the moving process, but she insisted that she came along. She pitched in by dropping off some little things he never even thought of bringing. One item was a brown tabletop picture frame. He sat upright on his bed and rubbed his eyes, and looked at the other object that was on the nightstand. The picture showed a younger version of himself...along with his parents. Everytime he saw their smiles, he shuddered. The photo was taken after he finished an appointment with a physician, who said he wouldn't develop a quirk. His family celebrated due to the โ€œfantasticโ€ news although he remembered he was a bit disappointed that day because he himself thought that having a quirk was cool and special. They went out to eat and even had fun at an amusement park, but those seemingly affectionate smiles hid something violent within his parents.

Scratching his head, he decided to start the day, he didn't set an alarm but he went right ahead and made one for the next day. He made the bed and changed into his uniform. Before going outside, he grabbed his ID and other stuff he needed for the school day, he left his phone on purpose because he was planning to come back and get it. He halted when he realized he had forgotten about the bracelets that were a part of the stupid challenge the school had issued to all of them. Unlike the ones he saw others carrying around yesterday, his colors were disappointingly bland. Brown, black then gray. It wasnโ€™t like he cared about the actual purpose of the challenge, but he didnโ€™t wanna lose to something like this. Though as cheesy as the task had sounded, it was probably going to be a bit more difficult for him to accomplish unlike most of his classmates who made it look so easy right after the announcement. Pfft. Bonding? Gee thanks for rubbing salt on the wound. He thought that in reference to what happened with his combat partner. Opening the door, he noticed it was fairly quiet. Guess I got up real early today...or maybe everybody just sleeps late... He walked slowly to the boyโ€™s bathroom and washed his face thoroughly, all to make sure that it didnโ€™t look like heโ€™d been spewing out tears. Ironically, he didnโ€™t bother fixing his hair, it was the least of his problems appearance-wise. Whether it stuck out bedhead style or went down, heโ€™d go with it for the rest of the day. It seemed like it was a perfect time to go and make himself some tea, and if there was somebody in his way, heโ€™d just make them leave either through intimidation or if needed a little bit of force. Just pick them up with a hand and boom. Good riddance. After he finished and checked his eyes through his Taiyou IDโ€™s reflective surface, he made his way into the kitchen with hushed steps although he almost bumped into someone as he turned around the corner.

Kaiyo followed a fairly strict schedule: finish homework and be in bed by at least ten. Sometimes she would break her own rules, staying up to read or watch one more episode. However, she wanted to start off the school year right which meant making sure she got her full eight hours of sleep. Just as the alarm on her phone went off, she quickly silenced it, forcing herself out of bed. She made her bed every morning before getting dressed, continuing the habit even now as she tucked in the sheets and propped up her pillows neatly. Kaiyo took no time getting dressed in a clean uniform, keeping the suspenders secured as she liked how it looked. She took a moment to brush her hair, ridding of any tangles that may have formed during the night. โ€˜Maybe I should keep it down for todayโ€ฆ?โ€™ Her white hair fell down below her waist which is why she preferred keeping it styled up but she figured keeping it down would be a nice change, at least for today. If she needed a hair tie later, she could always use one of the bracelets her friends gave her. She had three unique ones on her left wrist while her own colors were on her right; she still needed to give two more away.

After washing her face and brushing her teeth in the girlโ€™s bathroom, she headed downstairs for breakfast. It was really no surprise that she didnโ€™t see many of her classmates yet, she was always an early riser. She walked into the kitchen, giving Jouhou and Akagane a slight nod in acknowledgement of their presence. Kaiyo stood still for a moment, debating on making an omelette or choosing the easy route of cereal. Out of the corner of her eye, another figure entered the kitchen. She turned her head to see who it was and immediately took a step back to avoid colliding with her classmate. Maybe it was a bad idea to stand idly near the entrance. โ€œOh - good morning, Hajiro.โ€ Kaiyo smiled, recognizing her classmate immediately. How could she forget about him? He was the one that called her delicate after all. โ€œShould be more careful, that wouldnโ€™t have been a good start to either of our mornings.โ€

Crap. Of all the people he had to run into the first part of the day, it had to be her. Little Miss Demon. He stepped back a couple of feet in response to encountering her. He was a bit taken aback when she mentioned his given name. โ€œW-who said you can call me that...y-you girl!" he said with exasperation. Out of typical caution and suspicion, he created two small red hands and let them glide all around him. Funny enough, it looked as if they were playing tag, chasing after one another. He looked at her and immediately retracted when he saw her green eyes. The ones that seemed to pull anyone in when you made contact with them. Avoiding eye contact and pulling down his hair, he said in a teasing manner, "Hmph. Skipping formalities huh. I expected a bit more class from girly, sweetheart-looking types like you." He blushed slightly, "A-and! I didn't mean that as a compliment! Maybe YOU should watch where you're going next time!" He fiddled around with the bracelets that he had put in his pocket. Should he just give one to whoever right off the bat so that he can get rid of them faster? Impulsively, he took one and shoved onto the girl's hands. "H-here...This doesn't mean we're friends or anything. I'm just better off not carrying them around for the following days." He went back and gave the girl and him a comfortable distance before looking straight at her. Adding, with more confidence this time, "And don't call me by name - yet - unless you wanna start something, Demon-chan."

She raised an eyebrow slightly at his initial reaction, it would seem her classmate was always on full alert. It was kind of cute in a way, like a cat with itโ€™s back arched and tail puffed. Her eyes followed the conjured red hands for a moment as it circled around him. She had seen him be able to lift Ayano from her seat yesterday in homeroom class but she wondered what else his quirk was capable of. โ€œSo far our classmates allowed me to call them by their given name so I figured it would be okay with you too, I apologize.โ€ Kaiyo twirled a strand of her hair around her finger, hearing him describe her as โ€˜girlyโ€™ and โ€˜sweetheart-lookingโ€™ was a real confidence booster after what Jin had said to her. Despite her classmate specifically saying it wasnโ€™t a compliment, she blushed lightly and averted her eyes for a split second. She opened her mouth to defend herself, wanting to explain that she wasnโ€™t even moving when the incident almost occurred but he surprised her by giving her one of his bracelets. โ€œThank you, Haj- uh...Naosawa-kun.โ€ Kaiyo smiled, sliding the new bracelet on her left wrist along with the others she had acquired yesterday. Her expression faltered though as he called her โ€˜Demon-chan.โ€™ Honorific or not, she did not like to be called that. Taking a step forward to close the distance between the two, she grabbed his hand. She used the same method that she used with Yudai when exchanging one of her bracelets, interlocking their fingers together before pulling one of her bracelets over their hands and onto his wrist. โ€œPlease call me Kaiyo instead of that.โ€

Here she goes again saying thank you as always. "L-like I said it's not like we're-" As the girl came closer, he naturally fell back until he hit a wall. "W-what are you-" he yelped when the girl's fingers came in contact with his. He underestimated her again, he didn't realize she could be so forward. His eyes traveled from her arm to his own, now having a wrist that displayed the girl's bracelet. He had to admit that he was a bit envious of her colors, much more pleasing to the eye unlike the bracelets that they gave to him, the ones with a dull and muted palette. How could anyone possibly desire something as morbid-looking as them regardless if they were labeled as something childish like "friendship bracelets." His face felt hot from being too close to someone, especially with a girl he barely knows. He gently pushed her away, making sure not to overdo it, consequently inadvertently knocking her down. "D-did you really have to go this far..." he mumbled. He raised his voice, "Well - uh t-thanks and fine if you annoyingly insist I'll just call you Kaiyo-san. or...Kaiyo-chan if that's what you want since you are being polite enough to do the same." This was a bit awkward, and he could tell his face was still red. All he wanted was to make some tea.

His gentle shove came to her as a slight surprise but she respected his indirect wishes, taking a step back from him to give him room to breathe. Hajiroโ€™s bright, red face indicated that he was a bit flustered at their interactions. โ€œKaiyo-chan is perfect.โ€ She grinned, smoothing out her skirt before inspecting the bracelet he had given her more closely. The colors were quite...sad but it didnโ€™t dilute the thoughtfulness behind giving her one. โ€œWell, Iโ€™m guessing you arenโ€™t here to just chat with me - though I wouldnโ€™t mind that. But Iโ€™ll leave you to your morning routine.โ€ Whatever that may be. With a slight bow of her head, she turned around and headed for one of the stainless steel refrigerators. She figured combat class today will be just as difficult as yesterday so it was probably a good idea to have an actual breakfast.

He patted down his uniform since it got a bit wrinkled just from Kaiyo pinning him against the wall. Clearing his throat, he snapped his fingers and let his two playful hands dissolve. I guess there wasn't anything to be too worried about. "Yeah I was on my way to make something but I can't really do it with somebody around...i-it's not your fault, It's just...whatever." He knew tea-making wasn't really something that he could be made fun of, but he wasn't taking any chances in revealing more about him - at least, for the time-being. "Also if you need help with breakfast, I can do a lot with my quirk." He toyed with the new bracelet he had acquired, flipping and turning his wrist here and there. He pointed at it with his other hand and tried his best to sound a bit condescending, "Only because you gave me one of yours, and you helped me get rid of one of mine. Consider it as a way of me doing you a favor." He thought of walking alongside the girl but he walked ahead, he didn't want the others getting the wrong idea about the two of them during their way to the kitchen.

"Oh, that'd be great! I'll make you an omelette in return then."

Taiyou Academy - Dormitory - Kitchen


Summer uniform w/ suspenders.

Slav Slav | Interacted with Yudai
Zatanna Zatanna | Interacted with Tsubaki
SpeedHunters73 SpeedHunters73 | Interacted with Kanjo
San San | Interacted with Hajiro
poi poi | kind of interacted with Jouhou
MystiicWitch MystiicWitch | kind of interacted with Akagane
MajesticCoal MajesticCoal | Mentioned Jin
coded by natasha.

Evelyn had eaten the night before with everyone. Happy that she was able to have conversations with others that she hadn't met before. Though she was still loud, silly, and funny as she always was. After dinner, she helped Kishiko and Jin clean up the table and then clean up dishes. There were plenty, considering how many people were actually there eating and such. After that was done, the blonde headed to her dorm where she unpacked everything that was hers and slid a box into her closet all the while putting clothes to be hung up within said-closet. There was no time wasted as she decorated the room to her liking. Pictures along her simple dresser, desk, and a flag that hung gracefully on her wall. The flag had a burning heart on the front, much like some of her clothes had. A self brand that she absolutely loved and claimed it for herself. "There we go!" she said confidently, her fists on her hips as she looked at the room with a grin. Content with her setup, she went back into her closet where she opened the box and pulled out a bottle of her strongest alcohol. Now she wasn't going to drink it, in fact, she was going to fill her flask as needed just to get her through the day tomorrow. Moving to the desk, she began to put her alcohol into the flask, filling it to the brim before closing both items and catching sight of her wrist with 2 left over bracelets. Right, I still got two left... Jojo got one, Tsubaki got one, Lex, now Kishiko when I hunt her down. Then I'll have one left to give away. though she wasn't entirely sure on who she'd give it to.

With that thought in mind, Evelyn moved from her room and went to look for Kishi's. Once found, the blonde knocked and at the same time opened the door while speaking "Hey Kishiko, I have something to give ya!" shouted the blonde with a big smile upon her face as Kishiko turned toward her. "What a coincidence, I also have something for you!" the girl replied. Oh, she has something for me too? other than the bracelet, there was nothing else that could possibly come to mind. Unless Kishi wanted to give Evelyn a knuckle sandwich in the evening times. "Oh really? Well, I'm going first! Catch!" suddenly she pulled her bracelet from her wrist and yeeted it at Kishiko, who caught it and took a glance before suddenly doing the same with her own bracelet. Evelyn caught it and took a look at the cute beads on it "Awww, I like yours, Kishiko. It matches you." she said as she slipped it on with the others that she had gathered so far "By the way, love the anchor on the wall, better smash some people with it." winking one of her amethyst eyes, she laughed and put Kishiko's bracelet with the others. "Anyways, I came in to give you the bracelet you deserve. I'll be in my room if you need me~" saying that in a sing song voice before suddenly slipping out and rushing back to her bedroom where not long later she knocked out, snuggled under her sheets in her orange tank top and her shorts.

The next morning, Evelyn really didn't want to wake up, but her alarm said otherwise as it went off. Causing the blonde to straight up grab it and throw it somewhere in the room. The sound finally stopping. With a tired yawn, she stretched underneath the sheets and groaned out loud before sitting up. Sleepy Amethyst eyes looking lazily around the room and then out her balcony door. Drawing a deep breath, she continued to sit there. Her hair chaotic and messy, -though looked quite cute- while her shirt was disheveled, a strap hanging off her shoulder. First morning in this school...Already broke the poor alarm...Oh well, I can get another one or something. she thought, still not moving from her spot as time passed by. Eventually she got out and stretched out her limbs with another yawn before heading out of her room. Since everything is downstairs, she went down and washed her face and her teeth before heading to the common area. Wanting to sit upon a couch for a little while because she was totally not ready for the day. Just a little more time in her PJ's would do right?

Opening her eyes a little bit to see where she was going, she then closed them and approached a couch. Unaware of a person laying on one of them before she had simply just sat on him. No care in the world. At first, she was surprised because who the hell would be laying on the couch this early? It was the common area, they should be sitting, not laying. It was far too late in the action to really have regrets to get off him. So Evelyn listened to him suddenly start swearing while she remained upon his chest still. Letting out a loud yawn, she spoke sleepily "Maybe you shouldn't lay on a couch in the common area." she pointed out, glancing down at him as the expression on his face seemed to remain pissed off. "Oh hey, you're the guy I punched yesterday." she said, leaning down a little bit "Yep, I'd recognize those eyes anywhere." she grinned and then sat back up, not budging from her spot "This could teach you a lesson. Though I'm too tired to throw fists if you want to do that." she let her hands rest in her lap as she took a deep breath and let it out again.

Mentioned: MajesticCoal MajesticCoal Servant Servant
Interacted: Slav Slav

Tsubaki Aino

Tsubaki yawned, stretching out her whole body as her alarm clock twittered. 6 am already? UGGGHHHH. Do I really have to get up? Maybe 5 more minutes..... No. I gotta get up and get ready. Letting out a loud sigh she sat up. The sun was peeking into her room, hitting her skin. It helped wake her up. Throwing her legs over the side of the bed, she looked around her room. Her mom went all out making sure she would be comfortable in her new room. It was really cute in there. She had soft blue curtains with small, white embroidered snow flakes on them. She had a simple white bed frame with bedding that matched her curtains. She also had a fluffy pink blanket thrown on the bed. Then tucked underneath the covers was her body pillow of one of her favorite studs. There was a huge, fluffy white rug on the floor with a soft pink wooden table on top. There were some magazines and a candle in the middle of the table. A large white desk that doubled as a vanity with lavender trim was in the corner, covered in books with a small lamp. She had a dresser next to the desk with lavender circular knobs. She liked that everything matched and she had a color scheme. There was some posters of the hottest guy celebs over her bed, a lamp, a laptop, a small trashcan, an electric tea kettle, a tea assortment, and a mug. She had everything she needed and felt safe at her new home. Her favorite part was the medium sized chandelier with glass snowflakes that the light shined through. Or the board that had pictures of her friends on it. Hopefully soon it would have a lot more pictures. Her dad even bought her a new polaroid camera.

Finally dragging herself out of bed she stripped down out of her pajamas and wrapped a fluffy white towel around herself. Grabbing her toiletry bag, she quietly exited her room and rushed down the stairs to the girls washroom. Starting a warm shower for herself. Getting in she did her usual routine. Shampooing, washing her face, shaving, conditioning, washing her body. Singing as she did so. Tsubaki really liked to sing. Wasn't bad either. She used to dream about becoming a pop idol. Using her quirk to send snow into the audience at her concerts. It was unrealistic though. Sometimes she couldn't help but imagine she was a pop idol by day and superhero by night. It was good to have dreams. Finishing up, she turned the water off. Drying off and wrapping herself back in her towel, she gathered her things and snuck back upstairs. Now was her favorite part of her morning routine.

Turning on her favorite morning playlist that had a mix of pop, rock, hip hop, rap. She sat down at her vanity and started doing her make up. Since it was just school she figured she would keep it simple. Something her mother said about natural beauty or something. Looking through her assortment of lip glosses, she chose a shiny one. Brushing it on her lips and giving herself a little kiss in the mirror. Slipping on her school skirt then she pulled the white polo over her head and tucked it into the skirt, doing a little twirl. Pulling two knee highs over her feet, she smiled at herself in the mirror. Hmmm... I need something to spice this look up. Something to set me apart from the rest... I already had mom take in the waist so I wouldn't have to wear those goofy suspenders. Plus I even took off an inch from my skirt so it wouldn't be so long and boring.

Tsubaki slipped on her black Mary-janes. The cute kind with the heel. She flipped her tea kettle on and flipped through her small tea collection. Deciding on an earl gray morning tea. Then she remembered her mom bought her a few disposable cups for the morning. Digging around in her dresser she finally found them. Pouring the water in and dropping the tea bag in, she would let that steep while she picked out a few accessories. She decided on some hoops that had snowflakes dangling from them. If you can't tell. Snowflakes are kind of my thing.
Looking at herself she frowned. Something wasn't quite right yet... Grabbing a hair tie she pulled her hair back into a high pony. Leaving her bangs and two long strands of hair to frame her face. Perfect!
Grabbing her tea, camera, and backpack she decided to go see if there was any sugar or cream in the kitchen. Humming to herself as she went down the stairs. Keeping to herself as she walked into the kitchen. Adding a little creamer and sugar to her tea, she took a sip of tea and smiled. Now she could interact with her classmates.

She saw Evelyn sitting on Yudai and sighed to herself. Obviously Evelyn won't be satisfied until they really duke it out... It's wayyy too early for that. Then she looked over and saw a fuzzy wuzzy bald head. She smiled and looked down at her outfit one last time. Thats when she noticed all the bracelets on her arm. There was a new one she didn't remember putting on. She would have to figure that out later. It was flirtin time. Walking over to Uchi and taking a seat right next to him. Their legs touching they were so close.

"Good morning Uchi kun!" she said warmly looking down at his breakfast. "Whatcha got there?" peeking her head in the bag a little bit. Looking up and locking eyes for a second she gave him another smile. She wouldn't dare asking him to share his breakfast, even if it did smell good. Uchi liked his food. She learned that about him last night. She sipped on her tea, glancing over at Yudai.
The girls all agreed that it's ok that I like two boys at once. I mean maybe like is a strong word... I just met them after all. But it's never too early to start thinking ahead. While Yudai is exactly my type. Tall. Passionate. Totally cute. Although I am almost sure Kaiyo likes him too... Plus he's a little rough around the edges. Uchi on the other hand is super cute too. Not as tall. Definitely not a bad boy. But he's so sweet. Knows how to make me smile. Mom always said that's why she chose da.... Anyways... I don't need to make any decisions yet. I can't help thinking this is like a drama. Two boys fighting over me. Well they aren't fighting. Really I don't even know if either of them think I'm even cute,. Well a girl can dream right! Snapping back to reality she looked back into Uchi's eyes. They were soft brown. Easy to get lost in. You know the type. Discreetly trying to take her camera out of her bag. Looking back to make sure Uchi had a mouthful of food, she brought the camera out and pointed it at him.

"Say cheese!" She said eagerly, waiting for him to give her a little smile before she took the picture. Taking the picture as it printed she shook it softly, putting the camera back in her bag.

"I know that one's a winner! So anyways. I think we left off just listing the basics... Talking about our quirks. Surface level stuff. Now I wanna know something no one else knows about you. Something you wouldn't tell just anybody. In return... I'll tell you a secret too."

<3 Interactions: Short Round Short Round <3

Mentions: Beann Beann , Slav Slav , Britt-21 Britt-21
Jin had gotten quite a bit of help clearing off the table from two unlikely sources, as both looked rather rough around the edges, and were certainly did not fit the bill of people who would do chores over having fun. Either way, he was happy to have gotten a hand with the dishes and with the cooking, which was far more than he had expected. Perhaps this approach is good. Hitoshiโ€™s advice still seems to be providing results, but too much kindness would breed descension eventually, as many take kindnesses for weakness. In many instances, theyโ€™re right though. Once everything was cleaned, he would thank Evelyn and Kishiko, making his way to the stairs and toward his room, pushing open the heavy door and stepping inside. At the moment his room was fairly bare, as he wanted to decorate it himself, rather than have the school do it for him before his arrival. Simply a bed, a dresser, and a nightstand with a reading lamp on it. Heading into the bathroom, he would take a quick shower and then climb into bed afterwards, knowing that the next day was going to be far more important than the first day. The second day was when it was time for them to start buckling down, as the first day is used to weed out the weak-willed. He would need to be prepared for anything.

/////////////////////////NEXT DAY\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Jin was up in the morning before most, as it was the best time to train, since it was not too hot and there werenโ€™t too many eyes that would be on him. Additionally, since school begins at eight thirty, he did not suspect there would be too many up and about before even seven. High Roundhouse followed by a Dragon Tail. Stand and guard, arm grapple counter, step to hip throw. Back kick! Damnit! Why isnโ€™t the gravity pinpointing on the strike zones? Maybe with some punches? Once again he would apply some weight to the leaves in a tree he was next to, forcing them to fall, and he would punch each one and attempt to transfer gravity at the immediate point of contact from his fist to the floating leaf. He had been at it for hours. Having lost track of time during his training however, it was now around seven or so when he completed his workout, allowing the gravity to drain from his body and return his weight back to normal, pulling himself off of the grass in the center area of the dorms. Sweat practically drenched him, but fortunately he had brought a towel with him, removing his shirt, he beginning to dry off his face and arms as he made his way inside, still thinking it was much earlier than it really was. The building had done a magnificent job of blocking the sun.


As always, one would have to walk through the common area to get to the stairs leading up to the dorm, so he would have to as well. There was already a number of people sitting or talking within, almost the entire class was up and about in the common areas, but that was not overly important to him. At home, he was used to walking around without a shirt on, it was normal after-training procedure to remove your shirt so that it could be washed and so you didnโ€™t catch a cold from any wind drafts. Maintaining your health is very important. Well-muscled from years of training, the towel drapped on his neck, wearing a pair of black shorts with a red stripe and black sneakers, he made his way toward the kitchen. He eyed each person as he passed, his golden eyes studying each and every one of them, wondering and weighing their potential in the field like had many times before with candidates for Unsung Heroes. Once he was within the kitchen, he would make his way by Kaiyo and Hajiro to get o the fridge, pulling out two muffins and a small container of orange juice he had put in before he started training. Without a word, he would make his way by them again and head up toward his room, taking a bite of the muffin a drink from the juice. Showering and changing after he finished eating, brushing his teeth and fixing his hair, he would make his way back down in the school uniform some thirty-five minutes later.

Pausing at the door before leaving, he would turn to those that might still be in the common room now at seven-forty, still well before they had to be at school. โ€Please donโ€™t be late. Heroes are punctual." With that he would exit, making his way toward the school, mostly because he liked to be early and also enjoyed taking his time while doing so.

Mentions: Everyone basically
Last edited:
Villager B

โ€œOf course, Jojo.โ€ Hitoshi thoughts trailed off for a moment as he pondered on the others nickname, โ€Should I extend such courtesy and offer him my own?โ€ His heart wavered as he struggled with the answer to his question. It would be a most opportunities moment to extend an olive branch of friends towards him. However, he ultimately decided against doing such actions as he felt there was a lack of comfort between them. He wanted that type of level of comfort with all his fellow classmates, allowing them the opportunity to address him by the nickname his mother so graciously given him.

After consuming a light meal and saying his good nights to those around him. He retreated to his room to resume his nightly activities before heading to bed. Once entering his room, he quickly undressed himself, clothing himself in his nightly attire. After dressing himself for bed, he took a seat in front of the small Tamaya nestled away in the corner of his room. It was the first possession he owns that he quickly unpacked to set up in his new abode. Hitoshi smiled warmly at the picture of his mother resting within the Tamaya, dropping towards the wall beside him to rest upon as he began to tell her stories of his day. He began by telling her all about the people he met, to the practice match he was in, and strange encounters he had witness. Most of which he smiled at and laughed full heartedly about. Feeling satisfied with what he told her, he called it a night, turning the lights off in his room and heading to bed quite early.

-------------Next Morning-----------

Hitoshi was up before the sun even thought about rising as this had become a daily routine in his life. He quietly slipped out of his bed, doing his best not to make any noise to disrupt his neighboring classmates. Silently, he made his way out of his room and back downstairs, creeping along the moonlight shadows towards the kitchen. As he passed by the dining area, he caught sight of another person lying motionless on one of the couches in the living area. Immediately he froze for a second, holding his breath as if the slightest whisper of air would wake the sleeping soul. His eyes trained in on the person sleeping in the area but was unable to identify who it was. Deciding against his curious desire to see who was sleeping in that section of the house, he pressed on towards the kitchen working as quietly as he possible could to brew himself a batch of tea. He made sure to stop the kettle from whistling over once he felt the water was warm enough for his taste and poured the contents of his creation in a thermos, he brought with him. Once his task was completed, he retreated to his room to once more to commence his early morning ritual.

In his room, he went towards the window and parted them open to gaze outside. He quickly glanced around to make sure nobody was up and about to see him in action. Once satisfied with his observation he hoisted himself onto the window ceil and glanced towards the roof. Looking for a suitable spot for his trip, he extended his right hand out towards the ledge of the building and marked it with his quirk. As soon as he made a connection with the lip of the roof, he threw himself out of the window allowing his quirk to activate to pull himself upwards towards the roof. Within arms reach he through his free arm over the edge, hooking himself onto the roof, where he proceeds to wiggle himself on top. Making his way across the roof as silently as he possible could, in attempts to not wake the others below. He found his spot in the front of the dorms where he took a seat to enjoy the Blue hour

He poured himself a cup of tea and watched in silence as the โ€™Blue hourโ€™ was upon him. The sun was rising, but night has not yet fallen. Itโ€™s the suspended hourโ€ฆThe hour when one finally finds oneself in renewed harmony with the world and the lightโ€ฆwhen the day has not yet found its way. The colorful spectacle of indirect sunlight tinted the sky in array of deep blue as the sun light was a paint stroke of yellow, orange, and red. He took the scene in all at once, nursing his drink as nostalgia overtook him. As the Blue hour began to fade away into the Golden hour, his attention was unfortunately stolen away by the sound of a roaring engine approaching the dorms. He peered off into the distance watching the headlights fly into view, slowing down as they took residence in the parking lot nearby. Hitoshi tried to focus his attention on the vehicle and its occupant but was surprise to find out he saw nothing. Once the vehicle was parked and shut off for the night, the occupant emerged, only to disappear in a blink of an eye.

โ€œIt would seem Iโ€™m not the only one who perform such activates in the morning.โ€

Now that the Blue hour was over, he returned to his room, using the same method he used to get onto the roof. Back inside his room, he would continue his day as he would normally do. He would begin with a light workout of push-up, sit-ups and pull-up, which were done by utilizing his quirk to hang from his ceiling. It was imperative for him to keep up his physical condition in order to properly utilize his quirk. He spent the remainder of his time finishing his tea and reading his book, trying to catch up on the love birds endeavor on the island. Once satisfied with his read, he grabbed his hygiene products and headed towards the male common shower room. As he made his way down the stairs, he could have sworn he heard the quick pitter patter of feet quickly traversing down the femaleโ€™s stairwell. โ€Someone must be excited to get their day started.โ€

In Depth Shower Scene
Did you seriously click this shower scene? You should feel ashamed of yourself, trying to peek in on such an innocent young man. FOR SHAME!!!!

Finally, ready to start his day, neatly dressed in his school attire; Despite his dislike for the school pants. He made his way down the steps into the common area where he saw the rest of his classmates beginning their day. It seemed that Eve and Yudai were at it again, while Lexi; lounging across from them, she seemed nose deep within her drawings. Grabbing an apple from the kitchen he saw the rest finishing up their meals. Tsubaki seemed to be keeping Uchi company as he polished off his breakfast. So far, it was a relatively earnest and modest day in the dorms. โ€œMorning everyone.โ€ Hitoshi shouted out, to those within the vicinity of the common areas. Warmly smiling at those who would meet his gaze, while giving them a friendly wave. After claiming an apple for an on to go meal, he headed towards the door, where Jin was already standing, alerting the others not to be tardy. He paused in front of the man for a moment, shinning the apple on his sleeve, โ€œI see you are heading out yourself. Care for some company? Maybe along the way you can explain how you got my prescription?โ€ He calmly stated, right before biting into the apple.

mood: Sane | location: Kitchen | tags: x

Mention: (Basic acknowledgement of everyone in commons)
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Uchiyama Isamu
"There's this girl I like."

With his mouth full of Okonomiyaki, Uchi felt something nudge his leg. As he turned his head to see who was calling his name, his heart did a little tumble as he saw Tsubaki sitting quite close to him. Nearly choking on his food, Uchi mumbled out a greeting through a mouth full of pancake. Realizing that he had just spoken complete gibberish, Uchi quickly swallowed before wiping his face with a napkin and trying again. "Good morning, Tsu-chan." "Whatcha got there?" When she inquired about what he was eating, Uchi looked at the pancake clutched in his hand for a moment. After pausing for no reason, he answered. "Oh, just some Okonomiyaki. I helped a guy with his food stall this morning, and I got a discount." And a smack on the head. Goddamn, Kamogawa-san hit me pretty hard with that cane. At least there's no bruise, thanks to my quirk.

Tsubaki seemed to have a lot in her mind at the moment. She looked over at another guy, who was currently being sat on by Evelyn on the couch. As she seemed to come out of her train of thought, she fixed her beautiful eyes back on his. Unable to hold her gaze for more than a second, Uchi dropped his eyes and took a huge bite of his Okonomiyaki. "Say cheese!" Uchi looked up again to find himself looking into a gleaming camera lens. Great. I bet I look like a big chipmunk. Thanks bro. Uchi did his best to smile for the photo, even though he was unable to manage anything besides slightly upturning the corners of his mouth. He'd have to think of some way to return the favor.

"Now I wanna know something no one else knows about you. Something you wouldn't tell just anybody. In return... I'll tell you a secret too." Sticking the last bit of the first hot pancake in his mouth, Uchi resumed his chewing, racking his brain for something semi-interesting about himself that he could share with Tsubaki. Maybe I can finally use that "14 kilos of sushi" flex. Actually, those are rookie numbers. I'll share if I make it 20. What if I told her I can play violin? No, I don't even practice as much as I used to. Probably not very impressive. Like a spark igniting a flame, he suddenly thought about something he could share. It was bold, brash, and probably belonged in the trash, but Uchi was a boxer, and boxers took risks. Wiping his face with a napkin, Uchi leaned in coyly and whispered. "There's this really cute girl I like. She goes to Taiyou, and she's in the 32nd class. She's been super nice to me, and I find her interesting, even though we've only talked like once. She's about my height, with these really warm eyes." Casting his gaze over Tsubaki's appearance, Uchi smiled and continued. "I saw her today. I can't be sure, but I think she was wearing these classy hoop earrings. They had snowflakes dangling from them."

Although his heart was beating furiously and his cheeks were rosy, Uchi leaned back into his own chair, maintaining a calm appearance. Beneath the table, his knee bounced rhythmically. Gosh, that was so cheesy. What was I thinking? Was it too much? No, right? Wait, yes. Maybe? Well, it's out in the open now, if she picks up on it. Nothing more I can do now. Fishing around in the plastic bag sitting in front of him, he pulled out an Okonomiyaki wrapped in paper and handed it to Tsubaki. "Oh, and, uh, here. Do you want one? Three's a little too much, even for me." It was definitely a lie, but Uchi wanted to share his food. Besides there was still one left; which was also open for sharing, if anyone in the common area needed breakfast. "And, now it's your turn. If you still wanna go, that is."

Zatanna Zatanna

Tsubaki Aino

Glancing over at the sound of the door opening, Tsubaki's eyes nearly popped out of her head when she saw Jin enter shirtless. She tried not to make a big deal of out of respect for Uchi but it was hard not to stare. He went upstairs as quickly as he came in. Not giving anyone a real chance to stare. Then she heard a boys voice. The nerdy guy with glasses she had given the frozen cookie too. He wished everyone a Good morning, Tsubaki gave him a small smile but had more pressing matters at mind. Uchi's voice brought her attention back, listening to him explain his breakfast. She had never heard of Okonomiyaki before. Tsubaki wasn't really a breakfast person. She never felt hungry in the mornings, usually a cup of tea and maybe a piece of toast would do the trick. Looking down at the picture she smiled as it developed. Aww look at this fuzzy wuzzy chipmunk. I think this is the perfect picture for my board. Tsubaki inspected Uchi while he looked lost in thought. He was probably trying to come up with the perfect secret to tell her. She was eager to hear what he came up with. Then his face changed. Seeing the boy lean in, she did the same. Ready to hear whatever it was he had to say.

"There's this really cute girl I like,"
Oh great! So I was wrong. He doesn't like ME, he already likes some girl. Of course he does. I wonder who it is...? Maybe someone from his past?

"She goes to Taiyou, and she's in the 32nd class," WHAT? It's some girl in this class? God. Which one? I bet it's Kaiyo... She's so pretty and nice... And I'm sure Yudai likes her so why wouldn't Uchi? O-or maybe Lex? She's one of those cool girls with the colored streaks and her street slang... What if it's Evelyn? She's got a killer body and she's just like one of the boys. They love that...

"She's been super nice to me, and I find her interesting, even though we've only talked like once. She's about my height, with these really warm eyes." Great. So she's super nice and interesting... About his height? Well he's not super tall. Pretty average for a boy but that would be kind of a taller girl... And warm eyes? I don't know everyone well enough to know who it is... I can't believe he already has a crush on some girl. It's only the second day!

"I saw her today. I can't be sure, but I think she was wearing these classy hoop earrings," Oh and they had some little morning rendezvous? How early does this girl wake up anyways? Maybe she's how he got the discount. Showed some boob. Not very classy. And she can accessorize? She sounds like the full package... How am I supposed to compete with that?

"They had snowflakes dangling from them." SHE STOLE MY LOOK AND MY MAN?!?! WHO IS THIS BITCH? Looking around the room frantically to see if this mystery woman was in sight she saw many girls who could be the possible culprit. Turning back to Uchi she saw him sitting back in his chair with a faint blush. The wheels were turning in her head. So she's a tall girl who is really nice and cute and likes the snow................... Wait a minute.......... Tall, cute, stylish, snow lover.................. I-is it...Is it me? Tsubaki's cheeks instantly flushed as the thought entered her head. Looking down at her feet, she wondered what she should say next. What if I'm wrong and I make a total fool of myself... I've got it. Standing up and smoothening out her skirt she finally got the nerve to look at the boy in front of her.

"That was.... a good one. Uhhh... I'll be right back okay? I just wanna go put this picture in my room really quick and then we'll walk to class and I'll tell you my secret okay?" the girl said softly, showing him the picture in hand. Making her way quickly to the staircase she looked back at Uchi with a smile.

"As for breakfast... Thank you for the offer but I'm too scared to take food out of your mouth... Don't wanna get bit. Be right back." Running up the stairs and into her room, she pinned the picture of Uchi on her friends board. Taking a minute to look over the pictures that were already there. Pictures of her girl friends from home. At the mall buying new clothes to impress the college boys at the coffee cafe where they did homework. At boy band concerts where they screamed the lyrics to their favorite songs all night long. Having sleepovers where they talked about all the boys they had crushes on and stayed up all night laughing. A picture of her mom and dad from when they were young, looking into each others eyes so deeply in love. A picture of her and her dad the first time they went to the ski lodge and had a whipped cream fight. They both were covered in whipped cream and we're laughing so hard their stomachs hurt. Finally the picture of Uchi. Mouth full of food, totally in his element. His picture fit in great with the others. They made her smile, reminded her what was important. Lingering at the board for a minute, she felt tears sting her eyes. Not out of sadness of course. Just because she felt so lucky to have all these great people in her life. Wiping one of the stray tears that slid down her cheek, she moved her attention to the mirror. Putting on another swipe of lip gloss and taking this opportunity to take a deep breath. Closing her eyes and placing her hand on her tea kettle, she focused on freezing the water. It was just enough to calm her down. Smiling at her ice cold roots, cool blue and brown speckled eyes, and the snowflakes dangling from her hoops in the mirror. She was finally ready to take on Uchi and the day in front of her. Backpack on, coat on, and ready to leave she ran down the stairs. Going back to Uchi and grabbing his hand she pulled him to the front door. Taking a step outside, she took a big inhale of the fresh morning air. It was lovely. Not dropping his hand, Tsubaki grinned at the boy, interlocking their fingers.

"So this girl you like... She sounds like a total babe," Taking a minute to look back at Uchi. "Thanks for saying all that stuff Uchi. It was really sweet. The best secret I could've asked for." Finally adverting her eyes to the nature surrounding them as they walked. Taiyou really had a beautiful campus. She couldn't wait to see it during winter. Winter was her favorite season of course, though Spring was a close second. Was still easy to use her quirk since there was lots of moisture around. Plus all the flowers bloomed which Tsubaki loved. The air felt so fresh. It was cool outside but comfortable. She got lost in the moment. Enjoying holding Uchi's hand while they walked to class.

"So I guess it's my turn to tell a secret huh? Well I'd like to think that I'm somewhat of an open book so I'll tell you a few things... We'll start light. Not really a secret but I think it's fun. My favorite season is Winter. I mean obviously I have a quirk that relates to the cold so it's definitely easier to use my quirk. I even get kind of a power up in the snow too but that's not the real reason why... See my family and I used to go on vacation at least once a year and we would go to these Ski lodges. All over the world. Canada, France, Colorado, Switzerland, you name it. We would make hot chocolate and make snow men. Go skiing, sledding, watch the fire place. And I remember this one time I was up late with my dad. We were all bundled up, sitting outside by the fire. He told me that he always thought snow was the most beautiful thing. He said that when it snowed he felt peace. Like the world was frozen and quiet. Where he could be alone with his thoughts. Then he asked me why I loved the snow... I remember I didn't wanna tell him the real reason I loved the snow so I told him some lie... Well my dad he's not.... He's not with us anymore and I... I wish I could tell him why now. I love the snow because it covers everything ugly and makes it beautiful. The dirt and dead grass is covered by shimmering, clean, white snow. Like a fresh start... Just like the memories I have now. I don't think of the times when my dad worked so much he missed my first ballet recital, or when he threatened to kill my first boyfriend, or even when he would come home drunk and yell at my mom. None of those ugly memories are what I remember... I remember the time when we built our first snowman, and when he helped me make a hundred snowballs so I could throw them at the girl who was making fun of me at school. I think about the time the power went off in our lodge so he told silly stories about when him and my mom were young that made me pee my pants. It's the same thing. All these good memories cover all the ugly memories... Gee. I guess that wasn't very light was it?" She said letting out a small laugh. She didn't mean to dump all of that on Uchi. Especially this early in the morning but it just came out like word vomit. Deciding Uchi probably wouldn't know what to say she figured she should probably just change the subject.

"Okay, next secret... Well since we've been holding hands for a minute, I'm sure you have noticed that my hand is cold. Don't worry they aren't always this cold but... Well... Whenever I get overwhelmed or anxious or I'm trying to make a good impression on a new friend or cute boy or something I use my quirk. Remember when I explained that when I use my quirk it freezes me from the inside? And that my personality changes? Well when I go through the full transformation I'm not as bubbly and nice. I've been called cold and quiet. Some people even say I'm mean. But to me I feel so confident when I switch over. And strong and beautiful. The deep freeze also cools down my anxiety allowing me to handle things in a better way. So if I just use my quirk a little bit it's like I'm taking a xanax or something. I don't go through the full transformation but I feel cool, calm and collected. I actually kind of wish I could always be that version of me... Not all of the time but I have thought it every now and again. Anyways. When I went up to my dorm I froze all the water in my tea pot so I could relax a little bit. I wanted you to think I'm cool. Kind of embarrassing now that I say it out loud. " Her cheeks turning a soft pink and she let out an awkward little laugh. She noticed they were nearly to the building they had class in. A devilish idea came into her mind. Since Uchi did something a little risky she figured she would too. Pulling him to the side of the building where they couldn't be seen and pushing him softly against the wall.

"Ready to hear my last secret? It just so happens that there's a boy I like. Well a few but I'm talking about one specific one. He is extremely sweet and knows how to make me laugh. The type of guy my mom would love. He likes food... A LOT. Annnddd... He has a fuzzy, wuzzy buzzed head that looks bad ass on him... Can you guess who I'm talking about...?" the girls cheeks were burning up now. Her heart was pounding in her chest. Leaning in Tsubaki planted a soft kiss on Uchi's cheek. Stepping back a little to put some distance between them. Looking into Uchi's eyes with hers that burned with passion about what could be. Without saying anything else, Tsubaki turned and started to walk away. Stopping cold in her tracks, she turned and looked over her shoulder.

"And Uchi...? Thank you. For everything the past... day. I don't think you know how much it means to me. My mom used to read fairy tales to me and I always dreamed of finding my own Prince Charming... Usually I'm stuck kissing frogs but... you make me feel like one day I might just meet a prince of my own..." she said truthfully, laughing quietly at all she had been through up till this point. Then she realized that her mysterious entrance would be ruined since she didn't even know where her first class was.

"Oh.... I also missed home room yesterday so I don't exactly know where to go... Could you uh... Show me how to get there?"

<3 interactions : Short Round Short Round <3
mentioned : MajesticCoal MajesticCoal , Jenzo Jenzo , Beann Beann , SpeedHunters73 SpeedHunters73 , Britt-21 Britt-21


hajiroprism.jpg [NAOSAWA, HAJIRO โ‹† HELPING HANDS]


Beann Beann |Kaiyo
MajesticCoal MajesticCoal |Jin
Jenzo Jenzo |Hitoshi
MystiicWitch MystiicWitch |Akagane
poi poi |Jouhou
MidnightMoon MidnightMoon |Angeni

poi poi |Hasami

  • Mood|Sad [Yesterday] Smug and a bit flustered [During the whole cooking thing]
  • Outfit|Nightclothes -> Taiyou Summer Uniform w/o suspender
  • Current Location|Kitchen Area - Taiyou Dormitories

Art not mine.

I realize the screaming pain. Hearing loud in my brain. But I'm going straight ahead with the scar.

[yesterday during lunch]

He had a slight smile on his face as his classmate approached him, still holding the onigiri out for them to take, "W-well umm...if you don't want it - I can always give you something else from my lunch..." He glanced at his classmate, he sensed there was something wrong, they were distracted by something since it looked like his words didn't fully get through to them. "Agnew-san, are you ok?" He didn't know where he was going with the sentence or why he suddenly broke out of his "tough-guy" character to express empathy for someone he had just met. Could it be because he was tired of being alone and he finally found someone who didnโ€™t seem to be manipulative in any way? "Uh! Y-you can tell me anything that's on your mind - er - this is kind of embarrassing but-" Okay...here it goes... Taking a deep breath, he pushed the words out as best as possible, "I guess I consider you a friend of mine...so uh-" He chuckled softly in an attempt to try to lighten up the mood, however, the atmosphere of tension and awkwardness lingered. "AhI'm um...glad you feel that way!!!!" His mouth slowly dropped open. Did they just completely ignore the stuff he just said? "...Excuse me?" His tone had shifted from apologetic to borderline irritated and confused. They were glad that he was feeling bad and sorry? He didn't want to take it the wrong way, but anger suddenly welled up inside him although it quickly wavered as his upset-looking classmate shouted something in a panic-struck tone, "I'M SORRY NAOSAWA-SAN, I HAVE SOMEWHERE ELSE TO BE!!!" A bit shocked by their reaction, he yelled out as his classmate started to rush back into the cafeteria, "W-WAIT!"
. . .


The onigiri that he held fell, it bounced once it hit the ground although it still kept its shape. The air around him suddenly felt cold even with the warm sunshine at its peak. "...Damn it," he muttered to himself as he picked his food back up from the dew-covered grass. His anger resurged like a fire, but this time it was towards himself. He picked up his bento box and was about to flail it. He planned to throw all of the food it contained across the field but he knew that releasing his anger that way wouldn't change anything except that he wouldn't have anything to eat this period. Plus, what would his grandmother think about that, she would be very disappointed in him. The fury switched over to an overwhelming feeling of loneliness and sadness. With a mood like that, his appetite had completely vanished. Nevertheless, he needed something to keep him satiated until dinner rolled around. Searching, he found the rock again and sat, eating quietly, surrounded by the shade of the trees. As if on cue, the bell immediately rang to signal the end of lunch after taking his last bite. Well that wasn't the worst scenario right? No, yeah that went way worse than he could possibly imagine. Whatever had just happened between him and Angeni, he hoped nobody saw what took place. Completely sure of how he felt, he trudged the whole way coming back to the cafeteria, he wasn't looking forward to the rest of the school day. Unfortunately, all he could think about during the periods that followed was what happened during lunch. What was I thinking...I-I shouldnโ€™t have opened up at allโ€ฆ He sulked and put his head down at the desk he was sitting at. Introductions. Late students speaking. Ignoring all of it, he went and closed his eyes, letting out a sad sigh.

After the school day had finished, he walked slowly to the dorms, kicking stray pebbles that crossed his path. He was a bit envious of the other students who walked in pairs or in a group. He couldn't help but scowl whenever he came close to them. Entering the dormitory area, he was met with the sight of Hasami-sensei and an unfamiliar face, one that he could care less about. Although that quickly changed when she spoke up, muttering something about a challenge of a sort. He cringed when he heard words like "bonding" and "friendship." There couldn't have been a worse time for this challenge to sneak up on him. When his bubbly teacher had finished handing out everyone's bracelets, his face scrunched up in disappointment. Wow, I'll definitely win friends with these lame-ass things. With absolutely no incentive in sight or motivation at all, he decided it was a better option to just head to his room. Though he lingered for a little bit in the commons area, and there was talk of cooking something tonight. He admitted that he was a bit hungry but he didn't bother staying around for dinner.

With help from his ID, he found the entrance to his new place. It was going to be his main base, at least for quite some time. Taking off his schoolbag and everything else, he planted himself right on the bed he had brought a couple of days ago. He turned around and put his back on the bed and his head on a pillow, gazing at the ceiling. He wanted to do nothing right now, the last thing that's on his mind is worrying about some challenge. He tossed his super lame looking "friendship" bracelets in the air one last time and finally set them down on his nightstand. Feeling a little tense and anxious, he took out his phone from his pocket and a red pair of earbuds from his bag. Maybe a little music can help remove these feelings. Though halfway through the song, he felt something. Something wet. A teardrop? Two? Three? Before he knew it, he was crying. He knew what the cause for it was...but did it really hurt him that much? How was he so upset by something so little compared to the stuff that he'd been through. He didn't cry when his mother made cuts on his body. Yes, he pleaded for help but he never spilt tears when he was betrayed by his friends back in junior high. So why now? Is this moment making up for all of the horrible things that's happened to him? This. This is weakness. I need to stop this. I'm so pathetic. But even as he replayed those words in his mind, he couldn't hold the tears back. They kept falling, one by one, dampening the pillow.
[current time: morning]
"Oh, that'd be great! I'll make you an omelette in return then." "Huh?" he blurted out as he returned from spacing out. The demon quirk girl who's name was Kaiyo had responded to his little smug declaration of assistance. "Hmph, you don't have to do that," he said with a strong sense of self-confidence as he made an average-sized red hand and kept duplicating it until he had several of them floating around. With a purposefully shit-eating grin, he added, "Anyways, I'll do the actual cooking since I'm pretty great and all, just go sit and look pretty or something-" He paused for a moment, hastily trying to backtrack from what he said or else the conversation might go into something else. "I mean do whatever you want. It's not like I care." Before she could get a chance to see his easily-flustered self get red again, he rushed into the kitchen area, with one hand opening the fridge, another taking a carton of eggs out and a third one closing the fridge door. Others grabbed a whisk and three plastic bowls to scramble the eggs in. With some searching, he found a coconut oil cooking spray and coated a large pan. With bowls that consisted of four mixed eggs each, he poured one mix into the heated pan. He did the same thing with the other two, swapping the cooked one onto a plate, bouncing softly as they came in contact with it.


Running his hand across his hair, he smirked. "Ha! Aren't I a great cook or what?" Internally, he was panicking the whole time, he had never done something like this before. It was just pure luck that he managed to pull his bluff off. He saw it in a cooking show but never really had a chance to try it out until now. They looked really fluffy, he almost drooled at the sight of them. After all he never did eat dinner. Although he didn't know why he made so much if it was just for Kaiyo and himself. After he swiftly cleaned everything away, he did his usual snap to make his red hands disappear. Some people came into view, a brown-haired boy and that punk. โ€Please donโ€™t be late. Heroes are punctual." he had heard the gravity guy yell out in the commons. "It'd be an insult if you guys don't at least try some of this!" he said shouting back before the two were out of sight completely. Hmph. Fine, it's their loss if they choose to miss something like this. He surprised himself. Why was he being so considerate and sociable in a way? It's that girl, her personality is infecting me! The theory was too real and possible that it was horrifying. He turned his attention to the food he made and got one of the plates. Steam met his face. Grabbing a fork, he waved it around, holding the omelette on the plate with another hand. He shot a look at Kaiyo and the other two students who were in the area with him. "W-want some - or are you too worried about being late or some crap like that?" He didn't bother telling the rest of the others who were up, he was sure the smell alone would attract some hungry students.

coded by San San
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Although he found himself retreating to his room much earlier than anyone else did, Nahoโ€™s night was far from over, which was the dreaded fact that loomed in the back of his head despite his plan to try and go to sleep early. See, that was one thing he never understood. Throughout the day, heโ€™d come close to falling asleep many times, so why was it that as soon as he actually got to a place he could fall asleep at, doing so became that much harder? Not even doing the rest of his homework helped, and that bored him to no end.

At some point, he could faintly smell something that seemed to be coming from the kitchen, but the boy opted to pay it no mind; he ended up somehow convincing himself that whoever was making food was only making it for themselves and that people would take turns, even though deep down he had a feeling that was not the case. Then again, even if he did settle with the idea that someone was making something for almost thirty people, he probably wouldnโ€™t have gone downstairs anyway since, one way or another, he didnโ€™t want to come across as more of a burden than he already did. Something about lightening the load by one person could help. and even if it didnโ€™t, several people probably have big appetites anyway, compared to my nonexistent one.

Currently, he sat in his room, which was barren of anything save for a dark oak desk, a desktop computer, a fluffy, sunshine yellow blanket draped over a black spin-chair, and a dresser for his clothes and personal hygiene things. He was sitting on the wooden floor, back up against the wall, right next to an outlet where he left his phone to charge (after wasting time on some gacha game, probably).

His hands toyed with one of his five bracelets while the other four were scattered about the surface of his desk on the other side of the room. Absentmindedly, his fingers traced over the kanji engraved into the wooden piece that would read his given name, before moving over to the beads whose colors seemed to be based on his own two-toned hair. In addition to the red and teal, there was also silver; and with that, he briefly took note of the fact that the beads didnโ€™t exactly feel like some cheap plastic. Something about them seemed kind of special, though when that thought crossed his mind, he quickly brushed it off, since it was likely just him being delirious from how drained he was.

Eventually, enough time ticked on by, and when his eyes met his phoneโ€™s lock screen, the numbers read 3:46. What had he been doing for the pastโ€ฆ well, however many hours? Was it six? Seven? He couldnโ€™t remember much of this night, that much like any other night, was pulled out from underneath him. Such a fact could only mean he kept drifting into sleep, but he recalled being conscious throughout, so he mustโ€™ve kept waking up as well. He also knew he was on his computer at some point, but probably decided to get off since the light from his monitor wasnโ€™t really helping him stay asleep.

Instead of doing anything productive, Naho decided to spend the next however-many-minutes staring up at his ceiling, the feeling of impending doom lurking behind him; you know, that feeling you get when you realize itโ€™s too late to try going to sleep because youโ€™re supposed to be up early for classes or something. Where you decide itโ€™s probably better to just stay up the entire way through since if you actually did manage to fall asleep at that point, youโ€™d probably wake up late and suffer the consequences. That sorta feeling.

Finally, at around four-thirty, he stood up and gathered his things to start getting ready for the day. His first stop was to head towards the boysโ€™ bathroom to take a shower and overall freshen up before too many others decided they wanted to start their morning routine there as well. Once he did that, he changed into a fresh pair of clothes; including another set of the maleโ€™s school uniform that was different from the one he wore the day prior. As far as he was aware, because of Taiyouโ€™s small population, everyone was able to receive multiple spares.

Retreating back to his room, he picked up his school bag and double-checked to make sure he had everything in there that he needed for the day, before beginning to head back out. But before he did, his teal gaze landed on the bracelets that were left resting on his desk. Should he even bother with them? No, right?

Despite his pessimistic attitude towards the entire challenge ordeal, he found himself grabbing the set and putting them in one of the front pockets of his bag. Afterwards, he ventured out to the living area, slipped on his shoes, and uttered a quiet, โ€œIโ€™m off,โ€ before exiting the dorm building. He was walking rather slowly as he had more than enough time to get to class punctually, but came to a halt not even several meters from the dorm when his eyes landed on the overhead cables that were going in all directions. What ifโ€ฆ

As he began walking again, he kept his eye on the wires; their turns, interceptions, divergences. From the dorm, he went straight north. If he were travelling via these things, then heโ€™d have to take note of how they were, because when heโ€™d actually go through them, he wouldnโ€™t be able to seeโ€ฆ North, turn right. Keep going straight. At the first split, take the wire on the left-most side. From there, instead of staying overhead, I could cut through these buildings as a shortcut, and thenโ€ฆ

If he managed to memorize the wiring between the dorm and the school building, what wouldโ€™ve normally been a 20-minute walk could be reduced to almost instantaneous travel. (Letโ€™sโ€ฆ not talk about the fact that the whole reason why he decided to do this was to be able to add those 20 minutes to his โ€˜waste time staring at the ceiling before getting readyโ€™ time). Andโ€ฆ! Maybe from there, he could memorize routes to other locations, too. Eventually, he would be able to traverse anywhere in a miniscule amount of timeโ€•โ€ฆ well, perhaps thatโ€™s being too optimistic. That would probably be impossible to doโ€ฆ or at the very least, itโ€™d take way more time than Naho would care to deal with.

Even so, he continued to take mental notes on the way to campus. One could say that he probably was paying minimal attention to the rest of his surroundings because of this, only keeping himself aware of anything threatening, preventing himself from running into objects or people, and making sure he was still on the right path. Thus, if he ended up passing by any of his classmates who were also on their way, he wouldnโ€™t have fully processed their presence.*

โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โœฆ

ooc *unless they for whatever reason called out to him, i guess :blushu:

Miyata Shunjiro

Shunjiro stared up t the ceiling of his room, seemingly lost in thought from just a quick glance. His eyes were squinted, and he had a frown on his face as all of his hands were folded over his stomach. However, what the boy was actually doing was cursing himself from eating so much the night before. He had tried to appease Kishiko and Jin Woo by taking seconds of the meal, which was already a slightly larger portion than his first, but they weren't satisfied until he took a third helping, practically stuffing him to the point he felt his entire stomach was about to burst. Two trips to the nearby men's room had alleviated some of the pain, though he still felt quite bloated, even now.

It would have probably been easier for him if he could have simply slept through it, but he only ever needed about four hours of sleep maximum, another side effect of his already bizarre mutation, so he was left to find other things to distract him until the discomfort had subsided. One of those things was taking into account Kishiko's suggestion about customizing his room more, and so he had spent most of his night looking at supplies online. He had learned a thing or two about how to build and repair things, from having to fix broken toys handled by uncaring siblings to repairing holes in the house from just a bit too much rough-housing on his brothers' part. In comparison to that, building shelves and whatnot seemed easy enough.

Before he knew it, light was beginning to break through the curtains to his room, and he diligently opened them up, basking in the warm rays for a few minutes. He noticed a small bumblebee sitting on the windowsill outside, and without a second thought, he opened his window, allowing the small insect to fly in and start buzzing around his head, something that wasn't a rare occurrence to Shunjiro. At first weirded out by it, he eventually got used to the bees that seemed to enjoy flying around him, and he was thankful that they never stung him or anything. He walked back over to his desk and grabbed a bottle of sugar water and filled the cap with it, placing it on the desk for the little friend as he began to get dressed for the day. He had already used the bathroom to get ready earlier to avoid getting in the way of the others, and it allowed him some more time to relax before going to class. Once he was dressed, he closed the bottle of water, and the bee flew back up and landed on his forehead, sitting there peacefully while Shunjiro finished gathering his things.

Upon arriving in the common room, he saw a number of his classmates either getting ready or on their way out the door to get to class. He was tempted to follow them out and make his way to the school building as well, but he shuddered at the thought of Kishiko mistaking it for him avoiding her in any sense, and so instead he opted to make his way to the kitchen to prepare himself some food. There were plenty of leftovers from the previous night, which would go to waste if no one else wanted it. The last thing he liked was wasted food. And so, rolling up his sleeves, he grabbed a couple bento boxes from a cabinet and set to making some small meals, from himself or whoever else would need a quick one. He did it all with surprising speed, as he didn't have to worry about the small space with a dozen bodies like he was used to. He even surprised himself with how fast he got it done, and set aside one for himself as he stacked the other dozen up to put them into the fridge. He paused for a moment, and then grabbed one more, setting it aside for Kishiko whenever she showed up. Once the rest of them were placed in the fridge, he hastily washed his hands and placed the box into his school bag, wishing he had some honey to put in with the rice.
Enjoy this Half Assed post lol
  • Lex

    Alexis Lykanth-Self Proclaimed 'SpeedHunter"
    ใƒ‡ใ‚คใƒ–ใƒฌใ‚คใ‚ฏ/Day Break

    My mind's blank. She finally thinks to herself as she aimlessly sits on the sofa, looking like she's deeply invested into drawing but in reality, her pencil hadn't moved much since she pulled her paper out. What do I draw? Staring at the rather bright and crisp new sheet of printer paper, she gets to thinking of the possible ways she can fill in the empty white space. There were several ideas she had mustered up, but none she hadn't tried before. Laying back in annoyance, she scans the rest of the room, staying relatively the same, with the exception of Bee boy, a guy with glasses, Hands and the white haired girl joining. There wasn't much inspiration in the room, however... She then turns to the other couch, where it looks like Eve and Yudai are gonna engage in yet another battle. Again? Well, she did tell me she's quite the fighter. And Yudai is quite the worthy opponent.
    Maybe I could...eh, that's risky.
    She shoots down the idea she was forming, not fond with the idea of someone finding that in her possession. Either they'd think she's creepy or has a crush on one of them, neither result she wanted happening. Diverting her attention from them 2, she puts her attention back on her drawing, starting to draw the base of something that had been on her mind since yesterday. That is until the guy that introduced himself as Jin walks into the room shirtless, showcasing his body to anyone that wished to see. Normally, the average girl at her age would die seeing this sight, however, Lex being Lex...
    Pfft. What a showoff. I could bet mines are bigger! She thinks to herself, rolling her eyes at the sight. Looks like he wasn't staying for long, as he immediately heads to the dorms, allowing Lex to shift her attention to someone she deemed more interesting.
    Hey, It's Tsubaki! She exclaims in her mind. She appears to be talking to one of the guys, the buzz cut hairstyle making him easily identifiable from the crowd. And one of the guys from yesterday, which, er, I don't know the name of. I didn't notice they were here. watching from a distance, attempting to blend in with the crowd, she notices them talking for a bit, however she only had one question in her mind.
    I wonder if she's noticed my bracelet yet?
    Suddenly, the 2 start to pull each other out of the room and head straight outside, away from anyone else. Huh? Where are they heading? a tiny fire inside of her tells her to follow, however...
    Half of me is screaming, shouting at me to stop right here, but at the same time... She peeps around the room, seeing of anyone else in the room has their attention on her.
    Nobody's looking, right? Luckily, it appears that's nobody. The advantages of being a mild introvert, barely anyone notices you.

    Time to head out! Activating her quirk, the entire rest of the room slows down to a crawl, allowing her to sneak out without being spotted or eyed on by anyone else. Having quietly followed them out. She deactivates her quirk for the time being, not wanting to waste a lot of her quirk on something mildly indecent like this and saving it for the potential quirk training later on. Having her curiosities, she hides behind the corner they had just walked round and waited, hoping to find the right opportunity to potentially peek in. Considering their location and their tone of voice...
    Sounds like they're having a private conversation right now.
    She gets closer and closer to the end of the corner, catching little snipbits of their conversation, intrigued, before backing away, ashamed. It doesn't feel right, eavesdropping. I could be something extremely personal and I'd be ruining the secrecy. So I guess I'll peek when they're done. And with that, she lays back in the wall and waits.
    Still waiting, she lays back in the wall for about a minute or so waiting for an opportunity to take even just a small peek. Wow, they're talking a surprisingly long time. I wonder how important what they're talking about is. She thinks to herself as she waits. A few seconds later, the voices wind down an eventually stop for a few seconds, giving her the all clear to head in.
    Silence. I guess now or never. Still extremely hesitant on this idea, she activates her quirk and calms herself down. It'll only be a second. actually, technically not even a second, so it'll be fine, right? Accelerate... ใƒ‡ใ‚คใƒ–ใƒฌใ‚คใ‚ฏ. (Day Break) On her words, the world once again slows to almost a halt as Lex's body becomes quite possibly one of the fastest things in the world right now. With her quirk active, she heads around the corner, not ready for what had happened around the corner.
    Wha- peeping into their little secret, the half speedster stands there in her own little world, stunned as she drops to her knees, looking at the sight in front of her. Her thought process slowing down considerably, she could only mutter 2 words.
    Damn it. She grunts as she pounds a fist into the ground hard, causing her knuckle to bleed a little bit from the force before getting back up on her feet and facing the hard truth of reality. They look so happy...I knew that this would happen, so why do I still feel so depressed? She asks herself, still staring at the floor.
    Right. She recalls. Why choose someone as worthless as me when you got a bunch of what they think are hot guys around you? Its not fair... She thinks, recalling several past events to herself as she sulks away from the new couple, attempting to shake off the feeling.
    I'll get over this. We can still be friends, right? She turns around to see them one more time, playing with her lonely Eve bracelet before turning back and walking out.
    I hope. Dragging her feet, she rewinds through her memories
    Why can't I win? For once? I've always tried my best when it comes to this so called 'Game of Love', but in the end, there's always a guy that's better than me. They could be a complete asshole to her, but I'd still lose, because I'm a girl. She wraps her uninjured hand around her bleeding knuckle as she continues reminiscing on that past. Even if it costs my happiness I'm just kinda glad that guy... doesn't seem like that kind of guy. I just hope I'm right. Having stopped in her tracks remembering the times, she nearly forgets that she has to return back to her spot on the sofa.
    Right! Time to head back, before they suspect me of something fishy. I'd better forget about this soon. I don't want to break down in front of the class. Running back to the living area again, she sits back in her normal position, in an attempt to make it look like she hadn't left at all, picking up her pencil and putting the sharpened tip on the paper. Like before, she struggled to figure out something to pass her time, and the drawing she had started earlier was ruined from the dripping blood from her knuckle.
    I don't feel like finishing this... Guess I'll make something else to take my mind off things. Sighing as the blood slowly spreads on the paper, she gets up and throws her ruined drawing into the nearby rubbish bin, for anyone who would peek into the trash to see. Grabbing a napkin to nullify the bleeding, she sits back into her normal spot, and gets back to drawing something else, something else she had in her mind.
    That's better.

Last edited:
2000 Years Later..., Kanjo Post finally done lol
  • Kanjo

    Kanjo Harribel-Assistant of the Shinobi

    "Thanks. You don't have to, really."
    He reacts to Kaiyo suddenly giving him a bracelet, despite just meeting. He slips it in his wrist, looking at it closely.
    Normally, one would value their first bracelet from someone, however she seems like the type of person to befriend just about anyone... Kanjo thinks to himself as he makes assumptions on Kaiyo. He then turns to Yudai and tries to read him too.
    He really seems cold. Is he like that to everyone, or does he have friends too? He mentally makes assumptions as Yudai gives him a dead glare before vaguely explaining what his quirk does.
    "Hmm. Simple, yet dangerous in the hands of someone capable." He thinks out loud.
    After his vague quirk explanation, Kanjo notices the pain in his hand shoot up by quite a bit. It's subtle, but it's there. His darkness levels just went up. Heh. Picking your enemies already?
    Having hear what Yudai does, he hears what Kaiyo does. Hearing what it does is a little surprising to him, but makes sense taking in her darkness levels. "Demon, eh?" Connecting all the dots, it becomes extremely clear why his quirk started to go off earlier.
    It's a hypothesis, but judging from the hesitation in her voice, she hates that side of her...
    Having heard what both their quirks do, it was time for him to share what his does. "Well, in a nutshell, I can summon a pair of oversized scythes binded by a chain. Nunchuck Scythes in a way." He states, purposely leaving out Nightstalker's other abilities for obvious reasons while clearly stating it's it's most obvious feature, so it isn't entirely a lie.
    I really shouldn't tell them the other half of my quirk...
    Turning round to the voice of yet another person joining their conversation, he slowly turns around, attempting not to make a scene with his poor hand.
    Fuck! My hand feels like it could burst at any moment! I have to end this, fast!
    The other girl quickly introduces herself as Tsubaki to Kanjo. "Tsubaki?" He says, keeping a mental note in her head. She recognizes his face, as well as his name. "Yep. That's me, Kanjo."
    She brings up the buffet of food downstairs before handing a plate to Yudai.
    "I know, but I'm not exactly, eh, hungry at the moment." He notices how casually she talks to the two of them, making him feel a bit left out.
    Seems like she already knows these 2, judging from the way she's talking to them so casually.
    Seeing Tsubaki hand out bracelets to the other 2, He stands there awkwardly, remaining completely silent until she brings up that she'd run out of bracelets for give out for him. Well, not exactly considering the fact that apparently she was saving the last one for someone. "It's alright. I wasn't exactly expecting to make friends today. Or anytime in the near future really." Turning away, he looks around at his surroundings, the mood is grim and extremely awkward to him.
    Clearly I'm not wanted here. So much for attempting making friends. Though I guess it's my fault for acting so suspicious... He starts to turn around and leave, however he figured that leaving suddenly and without warning right now was a bit rude, especially to the 2 girls that promised to befriend him. Even though he seriously doubted their statements at maintaining their friendship, if there was even the slightest chance at mending his first impression, he'd take it. Stopping at his tracks, he decides to announce.
    "Anyway, I'll take my leave and head out." For a moment, he considers adding a little extra something, however, she decides to just end it with a simple "Goodbye." However, before he can leave, he recalls Yudai's darkness levels towards him and stops himself just at the first step.
    "Oh, and Yudai?" Turning his head and adopting a more serious look, he says "You should choose your enemies more wisely. Just saying." With that out of the way, Kanjo speedwalks down the stairs and out of the school, not looking back. With his other classmates out of range, the strain on his hand calms down considerably.
    That was shitty. I nearly lost my hand for nothing. He thinks, thinking how badly he botched his impressions. I need to cool off. He shakes his hand a little to try and rid of some of the numbness., but that isn't really effective.
    I've never felt that much pressure on my quirk in my life. I need to release it, now! Holding out two hands, he calls out his quirk in hopes of helping vanquish the pain in his hand.
    "Tear in Frenzy, ใƒŠใ‚คใƒˆใ‚นใƒˆใƒผใ‚ซใƒผ (Nightstalker)."
    The numbness and the heaviness on his hand disappears, now taking the form of his quirk. Thats feels a bit better, but better release everything to be sure. Spinning both ends, he prepares to swing them to the nearby trees and release the extra darkness stored within the weapon. Here goes.
    After a few minutes of quirk training, the pain has completely subsided, but the afternoon has started to become darkness. Huh. Guess I'll call it a day here. Realing in both ends and hiding his quirk again, he heads back inside, to his dorm and decides to sleep for the rest of the day, not finding anything else particularly interesting to do.


    Kanjo's bell rings furiously, forcing him to get up and shut it off.
    Ugh. The start of another day at this...how to I even begin to describe this shit hole? He thinks to himself as he does his normal daily routine and slips on some fresh clothes.
    Walking downstairs, to the living area, he looks over at Kaiyo and then Tsubaki, irritated at himself. I doubt my new 'friends' will want to hang with me. Should I even call them friends? He thinks before walking out of the school again. Whatever. He walks out to the relatively empty school campus in search of somewhere more private.
    I'll use this time I have to train with
    Nightstalker. Somewhere secluded, away from these people.
    He looks around the campus, looking around for a suitable area. He eventually finds Lex, creeping next a corner, acting mighty suspicious.
    Huh. Wonder why Lena's here. Maybe I should...
    She all of a sudden disappears. Seemingly out of thin air before he could think of what to do. Nevermind. Walking around the corner, he finds himself looking at something rather unexpected.
    What the... He asks himself, confused at the scene in front of him.
    Tsubaki, one of the girls from last night, is awfully close to another one of the male students.
    Uncertain on how to react, Kanjo decides it's best to just bail out entirely. "You know what? Not even gonna ask. I'm just gonna walk away and pretend nothing happened." He tells them, walking away, without words and a little bit embarrassed.
    Add another pair of people who hate me now. 'Come join Taiyou, Kanjo! You'll do just fine!' What bullshit! He thinks to himself, angry at himself for even agreeing to this in the first place, despite being God awful at this. Maddie should have done this. She would have been so much better at this.... He shakes his head before speed walking away from the scenario to a place where can finally be alone.
    At least I'm alone now, I think. Now, Tear in Frenzy, Nightstalker! He summons his quirk again and proceeds to train himself some more for whatever is to come.

    Now's about time that I connect with Maddie... Kanjo thinks to himself as he struggles to sleep in his room. Today was a disaster...I hope Maddie has better luck than I do. Trying not to wake up anyone around him in the neighboring dorm rooms, he slowly opens his computer, logs in and inserts the hard drive in. Setting up the hard drive, he activates the transmitter hidden inside and connects to the hidden camera not too far away from him in the apartments nearby.
    "Hey. Can you hear me?" He whispers through the headphone mic. At first, there isn't a response, but eventually....
    "Hear you loud and clear, Jo." Maddie responds from the other side.
    "Don't call me Jo." He tells her, slightly annoyed.
    "Someone's grumpy today."
    "Sorry. I just had a atrocious day..." He tells her, sighing kinda loudly
    "How atrocious?" She asks him, intrigued.
    He's a bit hesitant in recalling what happened, but tells her anyway. "Let's just say I may or may not have self inserted myself in Lena's personal shit list. Listen, I don't think this is the best job for me..." He starts to confess.
    "Yeah, but you were the one that wanted to meet her again, right?" Maddie responds to Kanjo's discouragement in an attempt to re-modivate him. "You can't give up that easily over your shit communication skills."
    "Right, right." He mutters to himself. Our original parents might not have wanted her, but we...I do. He makes a mental note to himself.
    In curiosity, Maddie decides to ask Kanjo more about her twin sister. "Anyway, how is she? Personality wise?"
    He sighs before chuckling to himself a bit. "Well, she may look almost like you, but you and her are pretty much polar opposites. She's like me in a sense, but a lot less confident and less of an asshole." He tells her, insulting himself in the process. "Kinda like fusing the good parts of both of us in one girl."
    "Ah, that's great." She reacts before going silent a bit. "I wish I could meet her..." Her voice sounds regretful, most likely because of her choice to stay behind to recruit others instead of attending Taiyou herself to see Lex in flesh and blood.
    "Well, if the whole Shinobi thing escalates, them maybe you will." Kanjo tells her to lighten to mood.
    "Speaking of which, she have any friends?"
    "Well..." He starts, rubbing his head, which still aches from yesterday's appalling events. "Yeah, but something tells me she wants to be more than just friends with them..."
    Maddie's head perks up again at the topic of crushes. "Aww.... who's the lucky lass?" She sounds very intrigued on what Lex's tastes are.
    "Er...see, that's the problem..." He tells her, unsure how exactly to approach this.
    The gears click in Maddie's mind, immediately realizing what Kanjo is hesitant about. "Wait, it isn't a boy?" She sounds surprised.
    "Yeah, she isn't a boy. She's definitely not a boy." He spits out immediately. With the way she acted around Evelyn and other girls, there's not a doubt in his mind about Lex's sexuality. "I have a strong feeling that Lena's a lesbian."
    "Oh...Okay." Maddie softly says, a little shocked on his theory before smiling a bit. "That's fine. She can love whoever she wants. She's still my twinsie." He wide grinning make Kanjo do the same in the heat of the moment.
    "Yeah. That's what I thought too." "If her friends are anything like this Evelyn girl, then they're fine in my books."
    Maddie perks up at the mention of a name. "Her name is Evelyn?"
    "Yep. Long blonde hair, purple eyes, kinda aggressive yet playful and mildly irresponsible at the same time." He sounds conflicted on whether to be happy or annoyed.
    "Ah, she sounds like a dime."
    Kanjo rolls his eyes. "To you two, at least." He tells her, having not had a very optimal with Evelyn. "Not exactly one I'd put in my list."
    "You never put anyone on your list."
    "Yeah, I know, but you get what I mean." "So, you ready?" He asks her, getting back on topic.
    "Yep, just outside his apartment, boutta meet with the bloke now." Maddie tells him as she walks up the stairs and waits.
    "Okay. Watch the way you word things, we want to recruit him, not scare him away." he warns her.
    "I know, I got this, Kanjo. Trust me." She reassures her nervous brother.
    "Alright, I'll leave you to it." With that, Maddie knocks on his door and waits for him to open up, with Kanjo listening in on her hidden mic and camera. Eventually, he does, looking rather confused and surprised to see her face.
    "Er, hello?"
    "Hello there, mate." Maddie says, attempting to sound as formal as possible.
    "Uh, hi?" He says, rather confused on why a girl that looks almost exactly his adopted daughter is knocking on his door.
    "Mister Itsuki Shinji Lykanth...My name is Madison Emilio Harribel. Around 10 years ago, you adopted a young girl by the name of Magelena Evanna Harribel, now known as Alexis Magelena Lykanth. Is that true?" Maddie quickly explains before asking him the important question.
    "Well, well. I wasn't expecting this in the middle of the night. I assume that Alexis is your..." Itsuki starts.
    "Biological twin, sir." She finishes his sentence.
    "Right. No wonder you look so similar. Anyway, explain to me exactly why you are here." He orders her as he downs a drink.
    "Well... recognize this mark?" she slightly lifts up her shirt to reveal a strange eye symbol around her waist. The symbol makes Itsuki freeze a bit, almost as his soul leaves his body, remembering what that means before coming back to his senses.
    "So you're one of them, eh? Good grief. Just when I thought I left that life behind." He says with slight annoyance in his voice. "What do they want?"
    "The Shinobi request your assistance to take down a rising security threat within. With the small numbers we have, a veteran like you would be extremely helpful." Maddie sounds desperate.
    "So that's what all of this is about..." He says before pacing a bit, clearly in deep thought if he should really join this. After a bit, he's made his decision.
    "I'm sorry, but I vowed to never return to that life, and I plan to keep it." He responds in the most sympathetic way possible.
    "But..." She starts
    "So please, leave us out of it. Close the door on your way out."
    "We-" She starts again.
    "Just drop it. We'll think of something else. Hopefully." Kanjo tells her through the earpiece, making her back off.
    "I understand. Have a great night." with that, she closes the door behind her and leaves the area.
    "Well, that was a bust. What are we gonna do now?" She asks Kanjo, worried about the future of the Shinobi.
    Unsure on how to answer at the current moment, He only says "I don't know, I'll think of something. Trust me." Before hanging up. Not having O.G. Shinobi leader Itsuki really puts the Shinobi in the red zone.
    Fuck. This is bad. If we don't get help soon, we're screwed. He starts to think if several potential allies, but none that would or could possibly help them. Then, he has a bit of a brainwave.
    This is a hero school...while they aren't exactly Shinobi material, it's better than...yeah, this can work.
    Maybe I CAN improvise.

Yes I'm aware that I'm probably wasting my time by writing this, but I have to at least try to bring this back to life a final time. Also, I was really bored.

  • Filler

    Lykan, Itsuki - Former Shinobi

    Having woken up for his work, Itsuki prepares his first breakfast alone without his daughter living with him temporarily. He thinks it the events that happened the day before and thinks about his decision.
    So the past is actually coming back to me...
    I promised I wouldn't return, and I stand by that.
    If they're gonna deal with him, they just have to do it themselves.

    His head perks up at the sound of a knock on his door.
    Someone at the door, this early? He questions before walking over to the door and looking through the peephole. He doesn't see anyone.
    "Hello-?" He speaks through the door, only to step out of the way at the last second at the door blows to pieces. A piece of debris slices a tiny bit of his arm, causing him to bleed.
    Shit! What just... He thinks, as he grips his wounded arm.
    "You're slow, Lykan Itsuki." A green haired man walks through the smoke, grinning as she sheaths his sword.
    "Looks like your skills have started to fade."
    "Ah. I assume you're not here for tea and biscuits, are you?" Itsuki asks rather sarcastically at the sight of an old 'friend'. Noticing his sword is in the other side of the room, he's trying to stall time for him to slowly walk over that general area and fight back.
    I can't engage him right now. Not in this state. He thinks as he attempts to keep his cool in this situation.
    "Ha. But your smug ass attitude hasn't died down at all, hasn't it?"
    Itsuki removes his hat "Why are you here, Zennosuke?" He looks more serious then playful now.
    "Don't worry. I'm not here to kill you. Not yet, at least, but you do have some information I need." He pulls out a picture of Maddie earlier last night.
    "That girl last night...what was her name?" He asks, with a bit of a threatening tone.
    Damn it. I guess the past really is gonna drag me back down. If he figures out her name, Lena's gonna be in danger too. He considers as he pretends to be confused, slipping his hat right back on.
    I can't risk that.
    After a bit of careful consideration, Itsuki looks back at Zennosuke and continues his facade of confusion. "What girl? I'm shocked. You know I'm not that kind of person-"
    "Don't play smart ass with me!" Zennosuke shouts, clearly not having the patience to deal with Itsuki's sarcasm.
    "But I'm not, really, at least I think I'm not."
    "Really?" He starts to laugh, which quickly turns to an evil cackle.
    "You know, motherfuckers like you piss me the fuck off!" He starts to unsheath his sword in anger, triggering Itsuki's fight or flight.
    Noticing that his sword is in range, he makes his choice. Shit, I have no choice! I must fight!
    Noticing Itsuki starting to run off, Zennosuke releases his quirk. "Enrakyลten. I'll teach you to silence that big mouth of yours in no time!"
    "Already using your quirk?" Itsuki says rather mockingly.
    "I suggest you use yours before I amputate your arms!"
    "Jeez, still as hotheaded as ever." He says before unsheathing his own sword.
    "Shall I teach you a lesson then?" His sword transforms, being covered in a glowing crimson red energy."Nake, Benihime!"
    maxresdefault (420).jpg
    "I hope I haven't become super rusty for your tastes." He says, slightly worried about his aging skills.
    "Your Benihime against my Enrakyoten...It's a dream come true! Now, let's make my other dream true too! Your head on a silver platter!" He shouts rather maliciously. Itsuki guards and prepares to counter, knowing that his quirk allows him to counter his own quirk abilities. However, Zennosuke takes the offensive and attack with an ice attack, stunning Itsuki as he dodges out of the way. Huh? His quirk...it's completely different. He thinks as he stares at the ice he just produced. That's impossible!
    "What's wrong? Having trouble figuring out what my new quirk is?" He asks, looking rather smug.
    "What do you mean by 'new quirk?'"
    "You know, I would tell you, but what's the point if you're gonna die within the next few minutes anyway?" He attacks him continuously with his new abilities, his unpredictability with this new quirk getting Itsuki trapped within seconds.
    "It's over, Itsuki!" His sword is right in front of his face.
    He sighs before saying. "Geez, you never learn, don't you?"
    "Wha-?" Suddenly, his legs are covered in Benihime's red energy. Juzutsungai. With a single gesture, the energy explodes, temporarily paralyzing Zennosuke and cracking the ice around Itsuki, allowing him to slip out easily and turn the tables on his enemy.
    "You're still the same naive boy I regret meeting all those years ago. Now..." Using Benihime's energy, he forms a dragon behind him.
    "Piss off." With a wave of a hand, the dragon engulfs Zennosuke and drags him out of his house and explodes somewhere far away, not killing him, but buying Itsuki time to consider his options.
    That should take care of him for now. He thinks, panting heavily after using a rather advanced technique. He starts to walk out of his damaged apartment, accidentally stepping on a framed picture of him and his former wife.
    Pitohui...my love, my wife...I will keep our daughter safe.
    Even if it means facing my past.


    Kanjo Harribel - Assistant of the Shinobi Rebellion

    Hacking away at a tree to freshen up his skills, Kanjo attempts to figure out a way to potentially approach this new dilemma. What am I supposed to do now? I can't just tell everyone to join my gang of bandits and be done with it.
    Thinking about Maddie's failed attempt to recruit Alexis's dad, he starts to struggle on how he could possibly pull himself out of this hole. Without Itsuki, we're pretty much fucked.
    Hearing the sound of leaves crunching nearby, he turns his head to the sound and stands his guard. "Who's there?"
    Stepping out from behind the trees, a wounded Itsuki tips his hat to the student. "What a surprise. I wasn't expecting you to find me so easily."
    "I guess I am rusty."
    Kanjo is stunned to see the man personally seek him out, especially since there was no way for him to know he had any part with Maddie's plan. Itsukii? What the hell is he doing here?
    "Your sister came to visit me last night." He says, further shocking Kanjo.
    "How the hell do you know me? How did you find me?" He asks as he recalls Maddie not mentioning his name or location in their meeting.
    "Don't play dumb. Also, I have my ways."
    He eyes Kanjo and his quirk. "So, about this rebellion group...I've changed my mind."
    "Wait, really?"
    "Who do you have right now? In terms of numbers?" He asks, causing him to grimace after remembering how poorly his group is doing in terms of recruiting.
    Its not great. He considers lying, but he'd rather not give the man false hope.
    "Er, not much, not including me and Maddie, 3."
    Itsuki sighs loudly, somewhat expecting an answer like his. "That's nowhere near enough."
    "You don't say."
    Noticing his discouragement, he decides to ask him the question. "So, what do you say? Think we can pull it off?"
    Seeing Itsuki in deep thought worries Kanjo, pretty much causing him pray that he decides to join regardless of low numbers. Please say yes...
    Some careful consideration later, he tells him "Not in your current state. You'll need the extra power, so for now..." He removes his hat, and in a rather serious tone, he tells him. "I shall teach you the Third Eye Technique."


    Unknown - Error

    "Shouldn't we wait for the all clear from Kanjo?"
    A voice speaks from the outskirts of Osaka. A rather average sized male with black hair and blue eyes steps from the shadows and surveys the area.
    "It's risky if we decide to show ourselves right now. We don't know if the enemy is already here."
    A taller figure with messy light blue hair and blue eyes steps out. He spits on the ground next to him before telling the other figure. "Normally, I would, but I'm losing patience. If we don't do something now, we're fucked."
    "I don't plan on dying any time soon. Do you?"
    The smaller guy looks down at his sword, with a melancholy look on his face. "Not exactly."
    "That's what I thought. And what about you, Kylie?" He turns to the nearby trees, where a short blonde girl with green eyes steps out to join the duo.
    "I couldn't care less. As long as we're doing something at the meantime." She tells them, looking bored at the current situation.
    The 3 look down at the city before them as the sun starts to go up behind them.
    "Then it's settled. We'll regroup with Maddie in the meantime. Aki will check up on Kanjo."
    Nodding his head, Aki stops at the sound of Keisuke appointing him with the job. "Why me?"
    He sighs before vaguely explaining his reasoning "You're the fastest of all of us. That should have been an obvious answer."
    Wanting to argue against his decision, but not finding much to complain about, he simply nods his head and says. "Fine. Be careful then."
    With that, the trio head their separate ways, with Aki seeking out a way into Taiyou and Keisuke and Kylie establishing a base in the city.

    Introducing 4 Shinobi Arc exclusive characters
    Shinobi Rebellion:

    Aki Kimura
    Keisuke Watanabe
    Kylie Fenyr

    New Shinobi
    Zennosuke Takahashi

    If the RP is still even alive lul

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