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Starfrost- Boulderclan Medicine Cat

The apprentice was shaking and frightened, but before she could do much else than comfort him, noise erupted.
She’d noticed the young stranger, a female with an injury she’d smelled had already been treated adeptly, the moment she’d entered the camp. It had been a soft murmur, the subtlest of sound in her inner mind, that had allowed her not to say anything as she’d gone into her den.

Let that conversation come at a better time.

Because that was her son, Lightningstorm held between him and another cat, entering the camp. The brave warrior was gravely wounded, and at her sons call she sprang into motion.

Calling for aid in bringing him to her den, she barely noted that Sapphire had brought forth herbs for helping. Indeed, all she could do was scent that they were what she’d need for the apprentice and perhaps Lightningstorm himself.

“Give half of those to the young one.” She told the queen, before hurrying to her den.

“Bring me moss and down to form a bed for him.”

“Mapleflight, meet me in my den the moment you’re rested.”

“Bring that bundle to the den.”

Order and command, each given softly but firmly. The last was directed to joke other than the stranger herself.​
- Dynasty King/Leader -

Emerald hoped badly that he would just be left to leave. But was called by the leader. Oh, Lord...

Emerald's sharp gaze shifted to him as he spoke. He explained that he would need to go with him back to the camp. Emerald's heartbeat sped up slightly and nodded to him. Emerald was still in shock. He could not speak. Emerald limped nearby and would hiss for any help with his limp.

He had to admit, he was a bit nervous. Though, he knew this wasn't Mapleflight's Clan. They didn't have her familiar scent.

As they entered the so-called Clan; his eyes traveled around, quivering. His left eye was in some pain and he couldn't open it. But-- he caught a smell... a smell... that Cameron would have lingering on his pelt. It was that female Cameron had met! Here?

Emerald sighed lightly and stood a few paces beyond a medic den. The unfamiliar scents stung his nose. Emerald then awaited patiently.​
Sapphire(paw) ~ Loner tb MCA ~ 7 moons
Location: Boulderclan camp and Medicine Den
Interactions: Lightningstorm , Applepaw JustHereToHide JustHereToHide , Starfrost, Nightstar Morrighan Morrighan , Emerald teluhtubby teluhtubby

Sapphire focused on the job she was working on, easing back to give the more experience medicine cat room to work, listening carefully to her instructions before she immediately grasped the herbs and followed the she-cat into the den. Making sure to give her space as she focused solely on injuries. The scent of Nightstar made the young she-cat relax minutely. He was safe. That was good. She dropped the herbs next to Starfrost and went to go get wet moss. The scent of an unknown tom caught her attention and she stiffened slightly before she sniffed again. Cameron's scent was faint, but inexplicitly tied to the unknown cat and her unusual orbs narrowed as she turned her head to the unusually colored blur. Her swirling eyes seemed to shift between tones of sapphire and light blue as she huffed before she went to get some cobwebs, smelling the iron on the tom. The medicine cat needed to focus on Lightningstorm, she could help others while she worked.
|| Applepaw ~ Boulderclan Apprentice ||
Character Interaction :: Talathel Talathel + Morrighan Morrighan - Medicine Den

Applepaw nodded quickly, eyes widening as he quickly turned tail and pushed into the herb storage, beginning to sniff and look between each herbs, quickly finding the straw-scented plant and the webs . He looked around a little more before gathering a couple more bitter and tart smelling herbs, bounding over and resting them by her paws, " I think I got them, I'll go dip some moss in the puddle, " he mewed to the two she-cats, quickly turning around to continue digging through the herbs .

He brought back a couple wet moss clumps, running back and forth as the two called for certain herbs and such . He kinda found himself feeling a little proud being able to help these cats, but he knew the medicine cat life wasn't for him.

|| Cloudnose ~ Boulderclan Deputy ||
Character Interaction :: Morrighan Morrighan - Boulderclan Camp

Cloudnose had already been alerted of the drama, as many cats were worried .

As he heard his leaders name he quickly turned and bounded towards him, " Yes, Nightstar ? "
Starfrost - Boulderclan Medicine Cat

Starfrost fell into a familiar rhythm, the only difference the female working alongside her, her paws deft and knowledge shocking. Just who was this she-cat?

It didn’t matter, at least not while cats remained injured.

Injury after injury, cobwebs and poppy seeds and pained, hissing cats she held down and treated with practiced paws and gentle words.

Applepaw aided them, the young cat running too and fro. It made her smile, remembering the moons long ago when her son had done much the same.

“Applepaw, please go and fetch that stranger outside. His wounds need tending.”​
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Character Interaction:
JustHereToHide JustHereToHide :filler
teluhtubby teluhtubby :Mapleflight

Cloudstar nodded "I vaguely remember seeing Pumpkinpaw speaking with another cat which clan however I can't say"
the white tom's voice grew amused "you know not all cats like she cats mousebrain." he focused on the issue at hand once more.

"we have to find our clanmate, we should call back the searching warriors and gather a more prepared patrol. I want you to pick the best trackers in the clan and go after him." he took a breath thought a second and continued "I don't care if another clan has a problem with it if they stop you tell them you're going on my orders, also take Twotoe he may be able to give you more insight as to what Pumpkinpaw is thinking."

The information being spread and given Cloudstar glanced around the camp trying to find the medicine cat just in case Pumpkinpaw came back injured if he hadn't just gone to see a Forestclan friend when his eyes landed on Mapleflight... something felt odd with the she cat he couldn't put his paw on it but something just wasn't right. breaking contact with Straightstamp and padding over to her he growled

"So while the clan is panicking over a missing apprentice you're sitting here enjoying a mouse?!" he flattened his ears and narrowed his eyes
he had never fully liked Mapleflight, yes she was a warrior in his clan and also yes she had done nothing to be disloyal that the knew of but he just had always despised and not trusted her.

(sorry will fix if this isn't right with Maple <3)
Character Interaction: JustHereToHide JustHereToHide

"do you both think I am mouse brained?" the golden tom hissed unsheathing is claws and lashing his tail

Starclan id love to claw Ashfeather's ears off!

"I don't care what Sunstar or Spiritwing says " covering the distance between him and the she cats he continued "you are more than well enough to do warrior duties Ashfeather! what makes you think that we as a clan are going to carry your worthless pelt though every battle and leaf-bare. Coldfish isn't far behind you I had to carry you both during the badger fight!" he faced Birdtail "And you little warrior" he snarled " following around a worthless warrior will make you one as well"

he forced his fur to lay flat before looking directly at Birdtail "you know" he forced a purr " I am one of the best warriors I know and I could teach you a few things" he let his tail trail down her pelt.

He could see the anger flashing and about to burn a hole into his pelt in the blue eyes of Ashfeather

Yes attack me worthless, give me a reason to flay you.
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|| Applepaw ~ Boulderclan Apprentice ||
Character Interaction :: Talathel Talathel + Morrighan Morrighan + teluhtubby teluhtubby - Medicine Den

Applepaw looked up quickly before nodding promptly, dashing outside to see the stranger treating the other stranger . He padded over, " Excuse me, Starfrost would like to overlook his wounds as well, could you bring him into the den ? W- we need all injured cats in eyesight, " he mewed politely, glancing over at the two before grimacing . . didn't Wolfpaw get an injury too ? .
He turned away, padding back into the den, " I think Wolfpaw got hurt during the attack, but I can't find her, " he huffed .​
|| Straightstamp ~ Moorclan Deputy ||
Character Interaction :: Unspecific - Moorclan Camp

Straightstamp listened intently nodded before pausing, lowering his head in embarrassment . . true . . not every cat likes the opposite .

He shook his head, re-focusing on the situation before looking up at Cloudstar, " Yes, Cloudstar, I'll grab Twotoe and a patrol and we'll call back the other patrol.

He turned away bluntly, doing as said . They didn't have too many warriors to bring along, so he figured Twotoe alongside two other clan members would do well enough . . they need to plan things first of course, probably need to some traveling herbs .

He sighed nervously, bounding over to Hareleap, " Hareleap, I need you to go find the patrol, since you're the fastest . Once everyone is back I'll share more information . "

Sapphire(paw) ~ Loner tb MCA ~ 7 moons
Location: Boulderclan camp and medicine den
Interactions: Applepaw JustHereToHide JustHereToHide Starfrost and Nightstar Morrighan Morrighan Emerald teluhtubby teluhtubby

Sapphire focused on her tasks, following the directions easily when the light blur of Starfrost gave orders. She gently laid the moss next to some cats, gently encouraging them to drink after eating the herbs given to them to wash out the bitter taste while she patched up the wounds with cobwebs. Her paws worked swiftly as she focused. When Applepaw spoke to the oddly colored tom who was definitely not a clan cat, the young she-cat narrowed her eyes. Sapphire and light blue-toned orbs flashed with curiosity and wariness before she finished her tasks and retreated to the back. Her nose scented the herbs before she began to sort through them.

She knew from her mother that old herbs needed to get tossed away, they would do no help when not potent enough to help prevent infections. Her ears flicked back as she listened for conversation which would call her attention or cautiousness forward. Her paws sorting the shriveled herbs delicately aside as she finished and made sure each pile was separated. It would help her figure out where things were as her limited vision wouldn't help her so her nose would have to work more with this. As Applepaw mentioned wolfpaw a soft snort escaped her mouth "Sorry about that, I don't think she likes me very much." The soft-spoken she-cat admitted gently as she turned her head to focus unique orbs on the apprentice.
|| Birdtail ~ Willowclan Warrior [FILLER] ||
Character Interaction :: Yumikinz Yumikinz - Willowclan Territory

Her eyes widened as he approached them, and she quickly looked over at Ashfeather as her fur stood on her back .

She backed away from the golden tom, ears twitching in an aggressive manner as he hissed at Ashfeather, she herself flinching as his hateful stare landed on her .

She paused as he touched her, eyes widening as her claws unsheathed, cringing from the suggestion alone .

" L- Leopardspot, you are the most disgusting cat I have EVER had the misfortune of meeting ! " she growled rather quickly, stepping away as she sneered at him, teeth flashing with malice . She felt all of the light feelings from earlier crawling out of her, those happy feelings being replaced by a sense of anger, disgust, and dread .

" Don't you ever touch me again ! Go away before I tell Sunstar and get you banished for being a CREEP, " she spat, tail twitching as she shook .

She didn't care if she was the 'kit-like warrior' and she didn't care if she was just a 'small she-cat', she would claw his eyes out if he ever laid a claw on her, and if anyone dare stop her from protecting herself, they'll see what happens .

She growled lightly, shaking her head, " Ashfeather isn't useless, and I don't care if I'm useless for enjoying her company, you fox-hearted rat . . if you truly don't care about what our leader says then we can both report you for breaking the code . . you are a TERRIBLE warrior, Leopardspot, " she growled, lashing her tail as she quickly pressed herself against Ashfeather's side, looking for reassurance of some sort .

((all hail women))
|| Applepaw ~ Boulderclan Apprentice ||
Character Interaction :: Talathel Talathel - Medicine Den

Applepaw turned to look at the stranger in confusion before relaxing, letting out a small, 'oh' in response .

He chuckled, " Well- makes sense, she's a little hard to get close to, " he mewed thoughtfully, grinning to himself .

He hummed, " I hope she gets treatment soon though of course, foxes are a nasty force to reckon with, " he mewed thoughtfully . .

" Starfrost might go hunt her down later honestly, " he grinned .
Character Interaction: JustHereToHide JustHereToHide

Ashfeather pressed herself into the other warrior's pelt hoping the message of "I got your back" could sink in without words
she hissed and swiped at the golden tom raking her claws on his hind leg

"Leopardspot if you EVER touch her or come near us again I will claw that arrogant attitude out of you!" she spat at the tom "I have no idea of what dirt heap you crawled out of as a kit but you should've stayed there!"

Character Interaction: filler

Leopardspot felt a twinge of pain at being clawed spitting mad at the rejection he felt stung. at least they're standing up for themselves! but mousebrained thing to do Ashfeather, nobody gets away with hurting me. and Birdtail you're young you get a little of a pass but don't think I'm not watching you as well.

he hissed and lashed his tail a mouse length from tearing into them

" Sunstar really should reevaluate if you're actually hurt because you're well enough to hurt a fellow clanmate!
also as disgusting as you think I am little warrior I promise you this, I can and will get nastier. I will be watching you both."

he took a second to breathe before continuing
"when you least expect it I will be there in the shadows, Willowclan isn't safe for either of you anymore and hope you remember that"

with this he stalked off toward the Moorclan border scaring off prey as he went hopefully making it harder for his clan to be fed tonight.

(sorry it's so early but here is da post before work <3 have a good day guys!)
- Moorclan Warrior -
Location: Moorclan Camp
Interacting with: Cloudstar- Yumikinz Yumikinz

Mapleflight finished up her mouse before feeling a pair of eyes on her. Her amber gaze lifted and she remained otherworldly calm by her leader's harsh words. She stood up and stood taller than he with a rather strong posture. "Is that a problem?" Mapleflight burrowed her amber eyes into his, "how was I supposed to know there was an apprentice here, huh? I feel like you're coming over here just to pester me and just to be plain rude, as usual. Some leader you are. I barely know any of the cats here, anyway. I'm always treated like crow-food! Just because of who my father was! I am nothing like him!" She spilled out her emotions in a mouthful of anger. Her tail swished behind her and her neck fur bristled with irritation.

"That apprentice has nothing to do with me," she growled lightly; flexing her claws. Mapleflight then turned tail and padded off in anger.​
- Dynasty King/Leader -
Location: BoulderClan Camp

Emerald felt rather unwelcome here. This wasn't his home in the slightest way. Emerald found it hard to stand on his three legs when one of his legs wasn't even working. Emerald's single eye lifted when a smaller cat went up to the she-cat whose scent was awfully familiar to him. Emerald padded over with his limp still and stood nearby. His turquoise eye focused on them with no words escaping him. He was thinking though...​
|| Birdtail ~ Willowclan Warrior [FILLER] ||
Character Interaction :: Yumikinz Yumikinz - Willowclan Territory

She relaxed as her friend pressed against her, and she stayed quiet as that noisy tom continued talking, now lightly dripping with blood . .

Her eye twitched as he turned tail to leave, in which she shook, growling, " Y- you know what, I always thought he was a little mean, but I didn't think he was disgusting, " she spat, shivering lightly . .

He's going against the code, they're aloud to fight back in that case, he's trying to hurt them, it's okay, right ?

She shook her head, shaking, " Ashfeather, what do we do ? " she mewed weakly .
GhostRiver - Rogue/Loner
City Alleyway

Ghost dodged a few rocks flying her way, hissing at the two-legs who were throwing them at her. she tackled one, clawing, biting, and scratching its face, until one fell swoop to its throat, and she stepped back, the blood on her paws and muzzle very visible. the two-legs ran off, and she panted, her pelt painted in the red liquid, as she returned to her corner, grooming the blood out of her fur before cleaning her claws off, getting up, she dashed across the street, and into the forest, climbing a few trees before settling on a high one to perch on
|| Magnet ~ BloodClan Hunter [FILLER] ||
Character Interaction :: dance of the corvids dance of the corvids - City-Forest Territory

Magnet had been off hunting for Bloodclan when she spotted a mangy-looking she-cat running into the forest and up a tree .

Magnet being one of the few Bloodclan cats who knew how to catch healthy prey, they sent her out often . She didn't shred the kill up either, she was really a clean hunter, it was on of her proudest skills .

She flicked her large, white, tail before dropping her mouse and curiously creeping over, " Hey, Kitty, who got your pelt all messed up like that, " she meowed with a harsh tone, though she was just playing around . .

She stared at the stranger with focused yellow eyes .
Sapphire(paw) ~ Loner tb MCA ~ 7 moons
Location: Medicine Den
Interactions: Applepaw JustHereToHide JustHereToHide Emerald teluhtubby teluhtubby Starfrost Morrighan Morrighan

Sapphire heard the movement of Emerald approach and despite her blindness, she couldn't help a small mrrrow of amusement to Applepaw's reply before turning her attention to the tom she could smell Cameron's smell on. "Get over here." The she-cat ordered gently, meeting the tom halfway as she sniffed along his pelt, noting the injury on his leg and her teeth bared slightly. "Stay put, I'll be right back." Sapphire retreated, skirting around Starfrost carefully as she focused on grabbing some herbs, a poultice, some leaves, and a few cobwebs.

Sapphire returned to the tom and gently set down the leaves, flicking her tail at them sternly as she spoke "Eat those and don't move." She murmured as she approached his leg and began to apply the poultice she had made before. "It is going to sting." Sapphire warned delicately as she finished her work before she stuck cobwebs onto the wound. "There. Make sure you change the poultice. You obviously don't belong to the clan so have your medicine cat or healer change the poultice tomorrow at sunhigh." Sapphire ordered lightly, her dark multi-faceted orbs focusing on the blur before her. Tilting her head curiously as she sniffed again before turning to pad away "Tell Cameron I said hi." She couldn't resist adding in.

GhostRiver - Rogue/Loner

She blinked her misty blue orbs before turning to the opposing cat below her

¨ Hm, A few two-legs tried throwing rocks at me. it was pretty easy to scare them away, just had to kill one, nothing much.¨ she held her place on the branch she was on before jumping down, landing on her paws with a soft thud

¨ was trying to clean it off earlier but since blood is hard to get out in white fur, I gave up. ¨
Starfrost- Boulderclan Medicine Cat

When the Tom entered, Starfrost permitted the young female aiding her to take mild charge for a moment, but when she heard the female murmur something to him, she decided it was time to see him for herself. She was bigger than he was, but she was used to that strange difference ever separating her from most of her kind.

“I can see to him. Please go and make sure any other cats with injuries are brought to me. Nightstar has a tendency to avoid being treated until everyone else has been seen.”

Her words were firm, but gentle, as she approached the female.

When she’d gone, Starfrost turned her attention to the Tom.

He was quite wounded, which made her pause.

“Hello,” she meowed kindly, but not weakly. She was not afraid of this stranger. “I am Starfrost. Thank you for helping my clanmates today, they might well have not survived without aid. May I ask you something?”​
Nightstar- Boulderclan Leader

He was so relieved to see his deputy that he almost slumped to the ground. Or perhaps that was simply the pain in his back forelegs, which ached slightly from the fight. But Nightstar stood tall, ignoring that discomfort in favor of watching over the camp.

“We have two strangers in our camp, Cloudnose. Both were caught intruding on our territory, and both were asked here by myself, but I am wary of their intentions in being here. It’s not every day a clan finds two rogues in their territory at once. I’m suspicious.”​
|| Magnet ~ BloodClan Hunter [FILLER] ||
Character Interaction :: dance of the corvids dance of the corvids - City-Forest Territory

Magnet blinked lightly, eye twitching .

She stared at the she-cat as she landed in front of her, she herself leaning a bit closer to sniff her, " You could take a dip in a river later, " she mewed, " Unless you don't like water. . then it'll take you a few days of cleaning, " she finished .

She didn't seem very easy to impress .
GhostRiver - Rogue/Loner
Character Interaction; Magnet ~ JustHereToHide JustHereToHide

¨ Im neutral on water, nothing I couldnt handle¨ she sniffed the air lightly ¨ I take it your from BloodClan." judging from the smell.¨

She turned her head, quietly noting that they weren't on clan territory yet
|| Cloudnose ~ Boulderclan Deputy [FILLER] ||
Character Interaction :: Morrighan Morrighan - Boulderclan Camp

Cloudnose took note of how exhausted the leader seemed, and he settled down to listen to him, nodding nervously .

" I agree, it is a little strange . . I might get Breezefur and Pearlsong to take guard of the intruders, maybe some apprentices during the day to get some training in that subject . We should keep them here until they are questioned and treated . . you might wanna go get treated as well, Nightstar, I'm sure those foxes got a bite or two out of you, " He mewed in a joking manner, trying to relax the large cat's unease . "

|| Magnet ~ BloodClan Hunter [FILLER] ||
Character Interaction :: dance of the corvids dance of the corvids - City-Forest Territory

She listened for a minute before sitting and nodding, tail twitching as she stared, " Yes, this is BloodClan hunting grounds, " she meowed slowly, " but I'm really the only one who hunts here, so there's enough to share with you strays and such . . "

((Just a small reminder that the city isn't all that close to the clan's territory, you'd really have to wander deep through the forests and fields and such, but it is a days journey over if ever needed to rush over))

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